International Telecommunication Union n Workshop Objectives Peter Wery Chairman ITU-T Study Group 15 Nortel Networks ITU-T Workshop All Star Network Access Geneva, 2-4 June 2004 un Why, Who, What, How n un ITU-T o Network Access, still considered the bottleneck to affordable broadband transport • Subscriber Network Access • kbits/s to Mbit/s • Core Transport Network • multi Gbit/s o Network Access, a candidate for convergence • Services • Service providers • Technologies dates 2 Why, Who, What, How (cont’d) n un ITU-T o o Organized within framework of ITU-T New Initiatives, and in cooperation with representatives from ITU-R, Committee T1E1.4, ETSI TM6, DSL Forum, FSAN, IEEE, MEF, OIF Broad spectrum of participating organizations (the ‘All Star’) • • Executives from Operators, Industry and Research as Keynote Speakers Tutorials, Session Coordinators, Presenters from • • • dates other ITU Study Groups other Standards Development Organizations Forums, Consortia (cont’d) 3 Why, Who, What, How ITU-T (cont’d) n un o Broad spectrum of topics • Different technologies • copper, fiber, wireless, power lines • Wide range of issues • requirements, evolution of technologies and standards, realizations, regulatory, etc. • Panel discussion on co-operation between SDOs, Forums and Consortia o Exhibiton and poster area • Vendors will showcase their products • Operators and vendors will demonstrate B-PON interoperability dates 4 Why, Who, What, How ITU-T dates (cont’d) n un o Awareness • Increase awareness of network access related studies, projects, standards, products, services in ITU-T • Increase awareness of network access related work in other organizations o Co-operation • Take advantage of each other’s achievements • Improve co-operation and delineation of work programs • Avoid duplication of effort (cont’d) 5 Why, Who, What, How (cont’d) n un ITU-T o Reassessment • Scope of standardization activities • Expected benefits (economical, regulatory) • Push the frontiers of network access • Identify new market needs/trends/technologies, priorities • Identify new areas for standardization o Follow-up • Establish and follow-up on specific action items • Enhance related work programs and timelines (cont’d) dates 6 Why, Who, What, How ITU-T (cont’d) n un Process o Key note addresses (3) o Tutorial Sessions (4) o Technical sessions on specific topics (7) o Each Session Coordinator summarizes results (1-3 slides) • • • • • Reassessment New market needs and priorities New items for standardization Needs for cooperation Proposed action items (cont’d) dates 7 Why, Who, What, How ITU-T (cont’d) n un Process (cont’d) o Closing Session Improving Cooperation • Panel discussion • Review current methods for cooperation • Proposals for improvements o More submissions than timeslots • All submissions on post-workshop Web Site and CD o Session summaries on post WS Web Site and CD Thank you dates 8