ITU-T Products and Services ITU-T Tatiana Kurakova Engineer

ITU-T Products and Services
Tatiana Kurakova
Telecommunication Standardization Sector
7 October 2003, Tashkent
Outline of Presentation
ITU-T Recommendations
ITU-T Software
International Country Codes
ITU Operational Bulletin
ITU-T Handbooks and Guides
ITU-T Databases
Other ITU-T texts
ITU-T Study Groups meetings
ITU-T Workshops
ITU-T Special projects
ITU-T Membership
ITU-T Recommendations
Although ITU-T Recommendations are non-binding,
they are generally complied with due to their high
quality and because they guarantee the
interconnectivity of networks and enable
telecommunication services to be provided on a
worldwide scale.
ITU-T Software
Several ITU-T Recommendations include
deliverables on electronic support. Those deliverables
are software, test data, speech data, digitized
test charts, formal descriptions and SDL diagrams
in reprocessable format, which are key elements for
Recommendation quality issue.
International Country Code (1/3)
• List of ITU-T Recommendation E.164
assigned Country Codes (Complement to
ITU-T Recommendation E.164)
(Position on 1 May 2002)
• List of Mobile Country or Geographical Area
Codes (Complement to ITU-T
Recommendation E.212)
(Position on 1 March 2003)
• List of Data Country or Geographical Area
Codes (Complement to ITU-T
Recommendation X.121)
(Position on 15 July 2000)
International Country Code (2/3)
• List of Telex Destination Codes (TDC) and
Telex Network Identification Codes (TNIC)
(Complement to ITU-T Recommendations
F.69 and F.68)
(Position on 31 May 1999)
• List of Signalling Area/Network Codes
(SANC) (Complement to ITU-T
Recommendation Q.708 (03/99))
(Position on 1 April 2001)
International Country Code (3/3)
• Five-letter Code Groups for the use of the
International Public Telegram Service (According
to ITU-T Recommendation F.1 (03/98))
(Position on 1 April 2001)
• List of Country or Geographical Area Codes for non
standard facilities in telematic services
(Complement to ITU-T Recommendation T.35)
(Position on 15 June 2002)
ITU Operational Bulletin
A fortnight publication containing administrative
and operational information exchanged between
Administrations and Recognized Operating
Agencies (ROAs) and other service providers,
entities and organizations, in respect to
international telecommunication services.
Various lists containing codes, numbers or
indicators allocated to countries or operators
are published as Annexes to the Operational
Handbooks and guides
Various handbooks, guides, directives and
informative texts are published on different subjects
such as operation, network planning, outside plant,
IMT-2000 Deployment, measurement methods and
formal languages as requested by the study groups and
the World Telecommunication Standardization
ITU-T Databases (1/4)
• Recommendation list database
This database traces all Recommendation history
and is the basis of ITU-T Recommendation list
ITU-T Databases (2/4)
• Patent database
This database is used to alert users that they need
to contact the organizations which have sent
Patent Statements to the Director of TSB, in order
to determine if patent licenses must be obtained
for the application of a particular
The Statements may contain information on
specific patents or give a general statement about
an organization's compliance with ITU-T Patent
Policy for a particular Recommendation.
ITU-T Databases (3/4)
• ITU-T Terms and definitions database
This database groups more than 18,718 definitions
and 16,406 abbreviations published in ITU-T
Recommendations. It is permanently updated, new
definitions replacing the old ones as soon as revised
Recommendations are published. This database
is an essential tool for terminology coherence
in the field of global telecommunications
ITU- Databases (4/4)
• ITU-T Work Program database
This database is a follow-up of ITU-T Study
groups activity planning, and is the basis for the
work program publication for every ITU-T
Study Group. For TSB it is the source for the
planning of ITU-T activities. Trough queries
selecting Standardization Areas and domains
included on it one can have a paramount vision
on standardization activities carried out
in ITU-T.
Other ITU-T texts (1/7)
An annex to a Recommendation contains material (e.g.
technical detail or explanation) which is necessary to its
overall completeness and comprehensibility and is
therefore considered an integral part of the
As an integral part of the Recommendation, approval of
an annex follows Resolution 1 procedures.
NOTE: in joint ITU-T | ISO/IEC texts, this element is called an
"integral annex".
Other ITU-T texts (2/7)
An appendix to a Recommendation contains material
which is supplementary to and associated with the
subject matter of the Recommendation but is not
essential to its completeness or comprehensibility and is
therefore not considered to be an integral part of the
Recommendation and thus does not require approval
according to Resolution 1 procedures; agreement by the
Study Group is sufficient. An appendix is translated,
upon advice from a Study Group, in the working
languages for publication after agreement by the Study
Group to append the proposed text.
NOTE – In joint ITU-T | ISO/IEC texts, this element is called a
"non-integral annex".
Other ITU-T texts (3/7)
An addendum to a Recommendation contains
additions to an already published ITU-T
Recommendation. The addendum is published by the
ITU-T as a separate document that contains primarily
additions. If it forms an integral part of the
Recommendation, approval of an addendum follows
Resolution 1 procedures; otherwise it is agreed by the
Study Group.
Other ITU-T texts (4/7)
An amendment to a Recommendation contains changes
to an already published ITU-T Recommendation. The
amendment is published by the ITU-T as a separate
document that contains primarily changes. If it forms an
integral part of the Recommendation, approval of an
amendment follows Resolution 1 procedures; otherwise
it is agreed by the Study Group.
NOTE – In joint ITU-T | ISO/IEC texts, this element is called an
"amendment" to include both modifications and additions.
Other ITU-T texts (5/7)
A corrigendum to a Recommendation contains
corrections to an already published ITU-T
Recommendation. A corrigendum is published by the
ITU-T as a separate document that contains only
corrections. The TSB may correct obvious errors by
issuing a corrigendum with the concurrence of the
Study Group Chairman; otherwise approval of a
corrigendum follows Resolution 1 procedures.
NOTE – In joint ITU-T | ISO/IEC texts, this element is
called a "technical corrigendum".
Other ITU-T texts (6/7)
A supplement contains material which is supplementary to
and associated with the subject matter of one or more
Recommendations, such as the M series of
Recommendations, but is not essential to its completeness or
comprehensibility and is therefore not considered to be an
integral part of any Recommendation(s). As such, a
supplement does not require approval according to
Resolution 1 procedures; agreement by the Study Group is
A supplement is similar to an appendix except that it is
published by the ITU-T as a separate document. A
supplement may be given a specific title, such as "technical
report", "handbook", etc., as directed by the Study Group. A
supplement is translated, upon advice from a Study Group, in
the working languages for publication after agreement by the
Study Group to issue the supplement.
Other ITU-T texts (7/7)
Implementors' guide:
An implementors' guide is a document which records
all identified defects (e.g. typographical errors, editorial
errors, ambiguities, omissions or inconsistencies, and
technical errors) associated with a Recommendation or
a set of Recommendations and their status of correction,
from their identification to final resolution.
An implementors' guide is issued by the ITU-T
following agreement by a Study Group. Typically,
defect corrections are first collected in an implementors'
guide and, at a time deemed appropriate by the Study
Group, they are used to produce a corrigendum or are
included as revisions to a Recommendation.
ITU-T SG meetings
SG 2 - Operational aspects of service provision, networks and
(Florianopolis, Brazil, 25 - 31 October 2003)
SG 15 - Optical and other transport networks
(Geneva, 21 - 31 October 2003)
TSAG - Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group
(Geneva, 10 - 14 November 2003)
SG 3 - Tariff and accounting principles including related
telecommunications economic and policy issues
(Geneva, 17 - 21 November 2003)
SSG - Special Study Group "IMT-2000 and Beyond
(Geneva, 17 - 21 November 2003)
SG 6 - Outside plant
(Hanoi, Vietnam, 25 - 28 November 2003)
ITU-T Workshops
• Accessibility II: Communication by all means:
Accessibility for all in telecommunications enabled
by multimedia standards
(a special session at the Telecom 2003 Forum)
Geneva, 12 - 17 October 2003
• Workshop on Outside Plant for the Access Network
Hanoi, Vietnam, 24 November 2003
• Workshop on Telecom and Automotive Industries
Geneva, 24 - 25 November 2003
Recent ITU-T Workshops
• Accessibility I: ITU Takes Deaf People's
Accessibility Needs Into Account
(a plenary Session within the Telecommunications for the
Deaf (TDI) Conference) - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA,
14 - 16 July 2003
• Workshop on “Next Generation Networks: What,
When and How?”
"Encompassing Services, Transport Convergence, mobility
issues and more…” - Geneva, 9 - 10 July 2003
• Workshop on challenges, perspectives and
standardization issues in E-Government
Geneva, 5 - 6 June 2003
ITU-T Membership
189 Member States (Countries)
162 recognized operating agencies
191 scientific or industrial organization
5 entities dealing with telecommunications
80 Associates
26 regional and other international organizations
10 regional telecommunication organizations
1 intergovernmental organizations operating satellite
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