ITU-T Workshop ICTs: Building the Green City of the Future ITU-T, ICTs and Climate Change Arthur Levin Chief, ITU-TSB United Nations Pavilion EXPO-2010, 14 May 2010 Shanghai, China May 2010 1 Role of Standards: ITU Develop a methodology to measure impact of ICTs as part of national GHG reduction programs Identify priority sectors where ICTs can reduce emissions (e.g. smart buildings) Grow the ICT industry in an environmentally friendly manner Disposal of ICTs May 2010 2 Focus Group on ICT & CC Flexible and Open Works on a well-defined topic, scheduled for completion at a specific time Goal: encourage participation of non-members/members of other forums FG has lots of freedom to establish its own rules Can keep own brand name and at the same time benefit from ITU’s branding Output of FG: “ITU Deliverable” (not ITU-T Recommendation) However, output of FG can be input to a study group to make it an ITU-T Recommendation May 2010 3 Deliverables: FG on ICT & CC Deliverable 1: Definition Defines the terms needed to analyze the major relationships between ICTs and Climate Change Deliverable 2: Gap analysis and standards roadmap Shows ongoing work (done by ITU, other standard bodies, universities, etc.) and future study issues Deliverable 3: Methodologies Covers the assessment of ICT sector’s emission over the entire life cycle of ICT devices Also covers reducing other sector’s emission by the use of ICT Deliverable 4: Direct and Indirect Impact of ITU Standards Provides tools and guidelines to evaluate the reduction of emission of ICT sector and of other sector by the use of ICT May 2010 4 ITU-T and Climate Change: Setting the Standard FG on ICT & CC concluded with 4 Deliverables in March 2009. Inputs from non-ITU members (e.g. academia) were also taken into considerations Mandate of SG 5 was expanded in 2009 New SG 5 title: Environment and climate change SG 5 created a new WP 3/5 All SGs examining impact of recommendations on climate change SGs developing standards for new energy efficient technologies E.g. SG 13 on Next Generation Networks NGN estimated to be 40% more energy efficient May 2010 5 Related Study Groups (SGs) For reduction of emission of ICT SG 5: recycling of ICT equipments and facilities SG 13: NGN, which requires 40% less power SG 15: standardization for low power devices For improvement of energy efficiency by the use of ICT SG 16: multimedia systems for video conferences for replacing travel SG 16: Intelligent Transport System (ITS) JCA on network aspects of ID systems (including RFID) Other related activities SG 2: disaster relief and emergency services May 2010 6 SG 5 established 5 work areas Q.17/5: Coordination and Planning of ICT&CC related standardization Q.18/5: Methodology of environmental impact assessment of ICT Q.19/5: Power feeding systems Q.20/5: Data collection for Energy Efficiency for ICTs over the lifecycle Q.21/5: Environmental protection and recycling of ICT equipments/facilities May 2010 7 Methodology Q.18 initiated the following work items: Methodology for environmental impact assessment of ICT goods and services ICT projects ICT within organizations ICT within countries May 2010 8 Universal charger ITU standardized-approval process for new Recommendation L.1000 Delivers 50% reduction in standby energy consumption, eliminates 51,000 ton of redundant chargers, and cuts GHG emissions by 13.6 million tons CO2 annually Current version covers charger for mobile terminals but will cover other ICT devices in future May 2010 9