ITU-T Workshop “ICTs: Building the green city of the future”

Committed to Connecting the World
ITU-T Workshop
“ICTs: Building the green city of the future”
United Nations Pavilion, EXPO-2010 - 14 May 2010, Shanghai, China
ITU-T Workshop “ICTs: Building the green city of the future” - EXPO-2010, 14 May 2010, Shanghai, China
Committed to Connecting the World
FNC Events in Geneva
• The Fully Networked Car: a Workshop on ICT in Vehicles
2-4 March 2005
• The Fully Networked Car Workshop –
7-9 March 2007
• The Fully Networked Car – “A Workshop including Demonstrations
on Information and Communication Technologies in Motor
5–7 March 2008
• The Fully Networked Car Workshop – “ICTs in Motor Vehicles”
4-5 March 2009
• Fully Networked Car Workshop
3-4 March 2010
ITU-T Workshop “ICTs: Building the green city of the future” - EXPO-2010, 14 May 2010, Shanghai, China
Committed to Connecting the World
Some Facts & Figures
• Road congestion costs amount on average to 1
% of GDP in the EU
• Road transport accounts for 72 % of all
transport -related CO2 emissions, which have
increased by 32 % (1990-2005)
• Road fatalities still amount to 43000 in Europe
and 41000 in US
• 125,000 l of fuel consumed in one week at Le
Mans; efforts now being made to reduce this
ITU-T Workshop “ICTs: Building the green city of the future” - EXPO-2010, 14 May 2010, Shanghai, China
Committed to Connecting the World
• Vehicle-to-vehicle
• Vehicle-to-infrastructure
• Vehicle-to-home
• Vehicle-to-power-grid
• Vehicle-to-man
• In-vehicle
ITU-T Workshop “ICTs: Building the green city of the future” - EXPO-2010, 14 May 2010, Shanghai, China
Committed to Connecting the World
ICTs in cars:
communications capabilities
• foresee and avoid collisions
• navigate the quickest route to destination
• make use of up-to-the-minute traffic
• identify the nearest available parking slot
and park ….
• minimize carbon emissions
• provide multimedia communications
• development and optimization of new
forms of propulsion, such as hybrid, plugin, electric and fuel cell
ITU-T Workshop “ICTs: Building the green city of the future” - EXPO-2010, 14 May 2010, Shanghai, China
Committed to Connecting the World
Cooperative mobility systems
ubiquitous information exchange
 Sensing
 Computing/networking
 Transmitting/communicating
 Positioning
 Mapping
ITU-T Workshop “ICTs: Building the green city of the future” - EXPO-2010, 14 May 2010, Shanghai, China
Committed to Connecting the World
Mass deployment of electric cars
• Electric vehicles make environmental, social and economic sense,
especially mid-size
• Solutions for charge spots, battery switch, driver services, back
• Technology: easy adaptation to electric powering, EV mass
production technology well established, most infrastructure already
• Substantial reduction of CO2 and urban air pollution, and the
monetary cost of environmental damage
• Standardization essential, but difficulties in balance among
stakeholders, and no consumers, government, NGOs or energy
agencies involved
ITU-T Workshop “ICTs: Building the green city of the future” - EXPO-2010, 14 May 2010, Shanghai, China
Committed to Connecting the World
Global Standards
• Considering:
– New technologies for both car and the ICT communities
– Need to understand requirements and agree on the solutions to
be provided by the network platforms
– Cost of implementing solutions, interoperability issues
– Difference between the life time of a car and the rapid evolution
of relevant ICT technologies (e.g. wireless networks)
• Global standards as key factor for broad penetration
of the new facilities
• Need for collaborations between standardization
bodies to ensure a global quality through different
networks and terminals
ITU-T Workshop “ICTs: Building the green city of the future” - EXPO-2010, 14 May 2010, Shanghai, China
Committed to Connecting the World
ITU-FNC issues
• Standardization, Interoperability, Embedded devices &
Nomadic Devices
• Security and communication convergence
• Car to X Communication
• Human-Machine-Interface (Safety)
• Speech technologies
• Batteries, charging and energy saving aspects
• Smart grids (Intelligent optimized distribution & use of electricity)
to reduce energy use and environmental impact,
increase grid efficiency,
increase use of renewables,
support shift from oil to electric transportation,
enhance reliability and security of the electric system
ITU-T Workshop “ICTs: Building the green city of the future” - EXPO-2010, 14 May 2010, Shanghai, China
Committed to Connecting the World
ITU-T Focus Group on Car
Communication (FG CarCOM)
(Nov 2009)
• Open to any organization/expert
• Develop a new set of requirements,
specifications, testing for speech
recognition in cars.
• Encourage the participation of other
standards organisations involved in car
and Telecommunications/ICT industries
ITU-T Workshop “ICTs: Building the green city of the future” - EXPO-2010, 14 May 2010, Shanghai, China
Committed to Connecting the World
Some ITU links
ITU-T Workshop “ICTs: Building the green city of the future” - EXPO-2010, 14 May 2010, Shanghai, China
Committed to Connecting the World
ITU-T Workshop “ICTs: Building the green city of the future” - EXPO-2010, 14 May 2010, Shanghai, China