April 29, 2014 Dr. Michael A. Lanser President Lakeshore Technical College 1413 Terry Andrae Terrace Sheboygan, WI 53081 Dear President Lanser: Attached is the report of the team that conducted Lakeshore Technical College’s Quality Checkup site visit. In addition to communicating the team’s evaluation of your institution's compliance with the Commission’s Criteria for Accreditation and the Commission’s Federal Compliance Program, the report captures the team’s assessment of your institution's use of the feedback from its last Systems Appraisal and its overall commitment to continuous improvement. A copy of the report will be read and analyzed by the AQIP Panel that reviews institutions for Reaffirmation of Accreditation at the time your institution's review is scheduled. Please acknowledge receipt of this report within the next two weeks, and provide any comments you wish to make about it. Your response will become a part of the institution’s permanent record. Sincerely, Mary L. Green AQIP Accreditation Services QUALITY CHECKUP REPORT Lakeshore Technical College Cleveland, Wisconsin April 2-4, 2014 The Higher Learning Commission A Commission of the North Central Association QUALITY CHECKUP TEAM MEMBERS: Laurie Pemberton, Ph.D. Directory of Institutional Research & Planning Allan Hancock College Laura Cates Director, STEM Grant Northwest Arkansas Community College Lakeshore Technical College April 2-4, 2014 Background on Quality Checkups conducted by the Academic Quality Improvement Program The Higher Learning Commission’s Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) conducts Quality Checkup site visits to each institution during the fifth or sixth year in every seven-year cycle of AQIP participation. These visits are conducted by trained AQIP Reviewers to determine whether the institution continues to meet The Higher Learning Commission’s Criteria for Accreditation, and whether it is using quality management principles and building a culture of continuous improvement as participation in the Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) requires. The goals of an AQIP Quality Checkup are to: 1. Affirm the accuracy of the organization’s Systems Portfolio and verify information included in the portfolio that the last Systems Appraisal has identified as needing clarification or verification (System Portfolio Clarification and Verification), including review of distance delivery and distributed education if the institution is so engaged. 2. Review with organizational leaders actions taken to capitalize on the strategic issues and opportunities for improvement identified by the last Systems Appraisal (Systems Appraisal Follow Up); 3. Alert the organization to areas that need its attention prior to Reaffirmation of Accreditation, and reassure it concerning areas that have been covered adequately (Accreditation Issues Follow Up); 4. Verify federal compliance issues such as default rates, complaints, USDE interactions and program reviews, etc. (Federal Compliance Review); and 5. Assure continuing organizational quality improvement commitment through presentations, meetings, or sessions that clarify AQIP and Commission accreditation work (Organizational Quality Commitment). The AQIP peer reviewers trained for this role prepare for the visit by reviewing relevant organizational and AQIP file materials, particularly the organization’s last Systems Appraisal Feedback Report and the Commission’s internal Organizational Profile, which summarizes information reported by the institution in its Annual Institutional Data Update. The Quality Summary Report provided to AQIP by the institution is also shared with the evaluators. Copies of the Quality Checkup Report are provided to the institution’s CEO and AQIP liaison. The Commission retains a copy in the institution’s permanent file, and will be part of the materials reviewed by the AQIP Review Panel during Reaffirmation of Accreditation. Quality Checkup Visit Report. Last revised 4/17/14. 2 L Lakeshore Technical College April 2-4, 2014 Clarification and verification of contents of the institution’s Systems Portfolio In the team’s judgment, the institution presented satisfactory evidence that it met this goal of the Quality Checkup. The institution’s approach to the issue, documentation, and performance were acceptable and comply with the Commission’s standards and AQIP’s expectations. Members of Lakeshore Technical College commented many times that the feedback from the recent Systems Appraisal has helped them to review and improve their processes. They reviewed all of the comments, identified responsibilities and actions, and are tracking progress and improvements. A comprehensive “AQIP Systems Appraisal Feedback” action plan was defined, and the category teams are following up on the various items. Such thorough identification and tracking is to be commended. Comments by those involved with the Systems Portfolio indicated viewing all of the feedback by all the category participants has helped communication and collaboration. It is evident that processes are being evaluated and improved, with a focus on integration and alignment. LTC intends to review its progress at least twice a year. LTC’s category teams are ongoing. It was apparent to the Quality Checkup team that LTC has continued to mature and its Systems Portfolio did not completely capture its good work. Faculty and staff describe themselves as over-achievers, and work on many advancing projects while continuing to provide high support to students. LTC demonstrates a culture of continuous quality improvement. It applies QA principles in its approaches, and is gathering and using data in its processes. LTC gathers a tremendous amount of information, and has made great strides in using data to inform decisions. While potential sources of benchmark data include WTCS, WILM, NCCBP, CCSSE, Noel-Levitz, and others, LTC is concerned that benchmarking consider the similarity of other institutions in making comparisons. LTC is taking steps to better gather and understand its own data, and to use research and analysis in setting appropriate targets to achieve. Review of the organization’s quality assurance oversight of its distance education activities. In the team’s judgment, the institution has presented satisfactory evidence that its distance education activities are acceptable and comply with the Commission’s standards and expectations. The College provides adequate distance education access and support. Faculty receive training in how to teach courses online. Students have access to an online orientation. The technology is appropriate to support the online platform. Advising is available via phone and Skype. 3 Quality Checkup Visit Report. Last revised 4/17/14. Lakeshore Technical College April 2-4, 2014 Review of the organization’s quality assurance and oversight of distributed education (multiple campuses) In the team’s judgment, the institution has presented satisfactory evidence that its distributed education activities are acceptable and comply with the Commission’s standards and expectations. A multi-site visit was conducted since LTC’s last reaffirmation and was not required as part of this Quality Checkup. Discussions about LTC’s distributed education and oversight were combined with discussions on distance education. LTC offers selected courses/programs at its sites, and uses interactive TV as one of its delivery modes. Since industry uses much video conferencing, blended learning is a natural format. Assessment of Distance Learning courses were included LTC’s assessment plan and consistent with in class delivery courses. Distance Learning courses at LTC follow the same rigor and guidelines as directed by the State of Wisconsin for all courses. Review of specific accreditation issues identified by the institution’s last Systems Appraisal In the team’s judgment, the institution presented satisfactory evidence that it met this goal of the Quality Checkup. The institution’s approach to the issue, documentation, and performance were acceptable and comply with Commission and AQIP’s expectations. No accreditation issues were identified. Screening of Criteria for Accreditation and Core Components The following section identifies any areas in the judgment of the Quality Checkup Team where the institution either has not provided sufficient evidence that it currently meets the Commission’s Criteria for Accreditation (and the core components therein) or that it may face difficulty in meeting the Criteria and core components in the future. Identification of any such deficiencies as part of the Quality Checkup affords the institution the opportunity to remedy the problem prior to Reaffirmation of Accreditation. Items judged to be “Adequate but could be improved” or “Unclear or incomplete” during the Checkup Visit screening will not require Commission follow-up in the form of written reports or focused visits. However, Commission follow-up will occur if the issues remain apparent at the point of reaffirmation of accreditation. Quality Checkup Visit Report. Last revised 4/17/14. 4 L Lakeshore Technical College April 2-4, 2014 Core Component Criterion 1: Evidence found in the Systems Portfolio Strong, clear, and well-presented. 1A 1B 1C 1D X X X X Adequate but could be improved. Unclear or incomplete. Core Component Criterion 2: Evidence found in the Systems Portfolio Strong, clear, and well-presented. 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E X X X X X Adequate but could be improved. Unclear or incomplete. Core Component Criterion 3: Evidence found in the Systems Portfolio Strong, clear, and well-presented. 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E X X X X X Adequate but could be improved. Unclear or incomplete. Core Component Criterion 4: Evidence found in the Systems Portfolio Strong, clear, and well-presented. 4A 4B 4C X X X Adequate but could be improved. Unclear or incomplete. Core Component Criterion 5: Evidence found in the Systems Portfolio Strong, clear, and well-presented. 5A 5B 5C 5D X X X X Adequate but could be improved. Unclear or incomplete. In the team’s judgment, the institution presented satisfactory evidence that it met this goal of the Quality Checkup. The institution’s approach to the issue, documentation, and performance were acceptable and comply with Commission and AQIP’s expectations. In the Quality Checkup team’s opinion, LTC meets the criteria for accreditation. Core Components 2C and 5C, which were noted as being unclear by the Systems Appraisal team are determined to now be clear 5 Quality Checkup Visit Report. Last revised 4/17/14. Lakeshore Technical College April 2-4, 2014 by the Quality Checkup team. LTC recognizes that work regarding assessment, institutional decision making, and planning are never ending processes. The College has demonstrated commitment to quality educational opportunities for its students. Current action projects strive to further improve activities, and advancement is happening. The Quality Checkup team members were both part of the recent Systems Appraisal team. During the Systems Appraisal, the process did not ask the team to categorize whether each of the core components was strong, clear, and well-presented; adequate but could be improved; or unclear or incomplete. The Systems Appraisal team developed evidentiary statements supporting each of the core components based on material presented in the Systems Portfolio in mapped process sections. The information related to core components 2C and 5C was noted to be unclear; however, the core components were not cited as being unmet. In response to the Systems Appraisal, Lakeshore Technical College provided clarifying information and evidence supporting these core components. The Quality Checkup team reviewed this additional documentation, and agrees that the core components are met. The concern about core component 2C dealt with whether the governing board of the institution is sufficiently autonomous to make decisions in the best interest of the institution and to assure its integrity. Lakeshore Technical College’s board is appointed and not elected per Wisconsin State Statute defining how each technical college board must be comprised with a mix of business owners, employees, one school district official, and one elected official. All positions are appointed by the County Board Chairs for the State of Wisconsin and approved by the State Board. Board members serve three-year terms, and may be reappointed. Board members are independent of undue influence through annual submission of Statements of Economic Interest. LTC’s board meets monthly. The “Linking and Learning” process focuses on reasonable and relevant interests of the institution’s internal and external constituencies as matters are presented and reviewed by the board. The concern about core component 5C dealt with whether the institution’s mission and values are reviewed regularly. Also, a systematic process was not apparent regarding systematic and integrated planning, especially involving the wide variety of annual plans. LTC did present its planning process in Category 8, but the Systems Appraisal team did not make this connection when reviewing Category 5 where the linkage with core component 5C was expected. Part of this situation may be due to the fact that LTC completed its draft Systems Portfolio before it received instructions requiring evidence supporting the core components be incorporated into the document. When inserting the evidence, LTC found the information changed the context of the Systems Portfolio questions and it was difficult to concisely answer both the categories and the core components. Upon review of the planning process explanation in Quality Checkup Visit Report. Last revised 4/17/14. 6 L Lakeshore Technical College April 2-4, 2014 the perspective of combining the Category 5 and 8 descriptions, it is evident that LTC does have a planning process which models after the AQIP plan, do, check, act cycle. Review of the institution’s approach to capitalizing on recommendations identified by its last Systems Appraisal in the Strategic Issues Analysis. In the team’s judgment, the institution presented satisfactory evidence that it met this goal of the Quality Checkup. The institution’s approach to the issue, documentation, and performance were acceptable and comply with Commission and AQIP’s expectations. Ethics Training The Quality Checkup team acknowledged that the comments in the Systems Appraisal identifying ethics training as a strategic issue may have conflicted with the evidentiary statements supporting the core components mapped to Category 4. However, LTC took the strategic issue to heart and has improved its training processes. It now conducts training on ethics every other year, with training held on the opposite years related to issues such as harassment, privacy, etc. This approach balances the amount of training provided to employees each year. The approach addresses the concern in the Systems Appraisal to have regular ethics training for all employees, not just during orientation when they are hired, and to periodically review the training to ensure it is current and relevant. The Quality Checkup team regards this strategic issue to be resolved. Assessment Through its membership in the HLC Assessment Academy, the College developed a long-term assessment plan to measure student learning through its general education goals. Program and course outcomes are conducted through faculty-driven assessment processes. LTC has done a large amount of work on its assessment of student learning since the recent Systems Portfolio. All courses are mapped to program outcomes and the core abilities. LTC uses the statewide WIDS to document assessment information. Programs are going through a statewide process where outcomes are defined and approved. As of the Quality Checkup visit, 31% of LTC’s programs had completed phase 2 and are into phase 3 of the process. LTC intends for all of its programs to reach this stage within 3 years. LTC has defined rubrics for all nine of its core abilities, and is conducting direct assessment of student learning. It intends to assess two core abilities each semester. In some courses, students assess themselves with evidence supporting their progress/achievements. Many programs have 7 Quality Checkup Visit Report. Last revised 4/17/14. Lakeshore Technical College April 2-4, 2014 national outcomes, and advisory groups provide input and feedback. Results are reported via LTC’s monthly showcases, in-services, and assessment day. Decision Making LTC took the concern about decision making to its latest Strategy Forum. It has now mapped its decision making process to ensure that appropriate people or groups are included where needed in gathering information and making sound decisions. The Systems Appraisal team had been concerned that LTC’s Leadership Team might be the primary decision making body; however, it was apparent in discussions throughout the visit that such was a misconception in reading the Systems Portfolio. LTC has begun working on a true succession plan, whereby it is not just looking at those individuals who may retire in the near future but rather determining key positions. LTC uses their intranet “Bridge” to communicate and share documents and files. Other forms of communication include FLEX day events, beginning of semester meetings, and more. Planning LTC’s strategic plan serves as a map and guidebook. The strategic plan and mission are tied to all processes and actions of the College. Progress towards achievement of institutional goals is monitored. There are multiple avenues for the employees and students to become involved in planning through the committee structure. External stakeholders are provided an opportunity for feedback on the strategic plan. LTC has many action projects, both formal AQIP related (designated using the leaf symbol) and internal activities. All efforts are well planned and relate back to the institutional mission and strategic plan. Review of organizational commitment to continuing systematic quality improvement In the team’s judgment, the institution presented satisfactory evidence that it met this goal of the Quality Checkup. The institution’s approach to the issue, documentation, and performance were acceptable and comply with Commission and AQIP’s expectations. The Quality Checkup team would like to commend Lakeshore Technical College for the following strengths: -­‐ Institutional pride: It was apparent that LTC plays a vital role of preparing its students and graduates for the local workforce, and truly is “The Hire in Higher Education”. The students, faculty and staff all articulated the importance of supporting student success. Participants in the various meetings were collegial and open in sharing. Quality Checkup Visit Report. Last revised 4/17/14. 8 L Lakeshore Technical College April 2-4, 2014 -­‐ Partnerships with K12, local businesses, and the region: There is an emphasis on training new workers, current workers, and retraining displaced workers. Opportunities for service learning, internships, and apprenticeships provide valuable experience and transitions for students and graduates. It is apparent that LTC measures its success in part by the placement of its students and graduates into jobs. The area workforce is in need of more skilled workers, and LTC is central in providing such training. LTC also conducts considerable contract training to support industry and community needs. -­‐ Continuous Improvement projects: Use of students taking QA courses to document LTC’s processes is innovative and provides applied learning in a task benefiting everyone. Conducting this project with such a quality approach is exciting and should assist future understanding of how and why functions are being conducted, promote consistency, and allow for efficiency checks. -­‐ Staff expressed that thank you letters from students are very powerful in appreciation, motivation, and celebration. It was evident that the campus bridge is not just a way to cross the creek between buildings, but taken to heart in the journey of changing lives. The Quality Checkup team noted Lakeshore Technical College is continuing efforts to improve the following: -­‐ Assessment of student learning including direct measures, as well as out-of-class considerations -­‐ Decision Making process model including involvement and communication throughout the institution -­‐ Planning in a more systematic and integrated manner, with improved alignment to utilize AQIP feedback from the Systems Appraisals more intentionally -­‐ Action projects, whether formal AQIP or internal LTC LTC has demonstrated it is maturing into an institution that reflects continuous quality improvement. The College uses its three-year strategic plan as a living document to direct its actions. LTC continues its efforts to improve its benchmarking procedures. LTC has improved its effort to measure effectiveness. The College has a greater understanding of how to use data to inform decisions and evaluate plans and processes. The newly hired Director of Institutional Effectiveness is assisting the College in using data to provide information on its quality improvement direction. The College has an opportunity to narrow its focus to the data that is most important for its successful operations. The Revitalize Quality Improvement Action Project was formed in response to improve, re-energize and re-establish continuous quality improvement college-wide. 9 Quality Checkup Visit Report. Last revised 4/17/14. Lakeshore Technical College April 2-4, 2014 LTC’s Continuous Improvement action project is documenting “key processes” using a quality assurance model (ISO 9000). As processes are being recorded, the information gathered is confirmed whether it represents current methods, forms, etc. This work will form the basis for reviewing the processes, understanding inputs and outputs, and stabilizing procedures for consistency and training. Audits are planned to determine gaps, and teams will identify and implement improvements. This approach may be a showcase for other institutions to consider. Other AQIP Considerations or Concerns During open meetings with faculty, staff, and students, the following concerns were expressed. They are included in this report as information for LTC, but are not accreditation issues. -­‐ Faculty expressed a concern about the potential future impact of changes in the State system regarding professional development and certification courses. They indicated they value training for faculty, especially in teaching methods and related aspects about which industry professionals who are becoming faculty members may not be knowledgeable. -­‐ Students expressed a concern about when their instructors must be absent from class (unexpected). LTC may benefit from exploring options for support so progress in course content and assignments are able to continue without gaps. The Quality Checkup team was impressed with the educational culture LTC has developed. Students told the team they were proud to attend LTC. Students were comfortable going to any faculty or staff member with concerns or to ask for help. The student support system is holistic – everyone gets involved in helping students learn. The sense of community was palpable. External stakeholders expressed their pride and appreciation of LTC’s connection to the local workforce. Quality Checkup Visit Report. Last revised 4/17/14. 10 L Lakeshore Technical College April 2-4, 2014 Federal Compliance Lakeshore Technical College participated in a pilot whereby an external reviewer evaluated the federal compliance requirements. Please see the separate report. The Quality Checkup team did view LTC’s recruitment materials, and found them to be accurate. While The Higher Learning Commission did not receive any Third Party Comments, it is acknowledged that Lakeshore Technical College provided expected notifications to make the public aware of the Quality Checkup visit and the opportunity to submit such comments. During the visit, a community reception was held with attendees from the LTC Board, LTC Foundation Board, local K12 superintendents, local Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development Corporations, and local businesses. The community session was well attended, and everyone spoke highly of LTC. It was unquestionably evident that LTC plays a vital role in the region. Many indicated that when new ideas occur for initiatives, LTC indicates they want to be a partner and asks how the institution can assist. Proposals are moved through in a timely manner, but also follow sound processes to ensure thoughtful decisions and intentional actions. Many examples were cited about how LTC provides the training essential to businesses. One example of the responsive support to LTC by the community is its current fundraiser for technology facilities. While the service region only has a population of ~400,000, the Foundation has already raised ~$2.7Million! 11 Quality Checkup Visit Report. Last revised 4/17/14.