I NTERNATIONAL T ELECOMMUNICATION U NION Telecommunication Standardization Bureau Geneva, 22 November 2002 Ref: TSB Circular 134 COM 2/RH COM 16/SCN Tel: Fax: +41 22 730 6805 +41 22 730 5853 - To Administrations of Member States of the Union, - To ITU-T Sector Members and to ITU-T Associates participating in the work of Study Groups 2 and 16 Copy: - To the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Study Group 2 and 16; - To the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau; - To the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau Subject: Workshop on Telecommunications for Disaster Relief (Geneva, 17-19 February 2003) Dear Sir/Madam, 1 In accordance with the decision of ITU-T Study Group 16 (Multimedia services, systems and terminals) in its meeting held in Geneva, 15-25 October 2002, I would like to inform you that a Workshop on Telecommunications for Disaster Relief will take place at ITU headquarters, Geneva, from 17 to 19 February 2003, inclusive. The workshop will open at 09:30 hours on the first day. Detailed information concerning the meeting rooms will be displayed on screens at the entrances to ITU headquarters. 2 The discussions will be held in English only, in accordance with decisions taken with reference to the provisions in force. 3 The overall objectives of the workshop will be as follows: Examine potential ETS capabilities operations and requirements that may need to be standardized. Improve the understanding of user requirements (e.g. governmental and international aid/humanitarian organisations) Provide an overview of technical work planned and underway. Examine and summarize the legal, regulatory and policy aspects associated with TDR. Prepare an action list for standardization and project management across ITU-T Study Groups. Place des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Telephone Telefax Gr3: Gr4: +41 22 730 51 11 +41 22 733 72 56 +41 22 730 65 00 Telex 421 000 uit ch Telegram ITU GENEVE E-mail: itumail@itu.int www.itu.int -2- 4 Annex 1 gives the draft workplan for the workshop. 5 The present Circular and other documents relating to the Workshop will be available on the ITU-T Website (http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/worksem/ets). 6 For your information, a hotel confirmation form is enclosed as Annex 2 (see TSB Circular 99 of 15 March 2002 for the list of hotels). 7 A CD-ROM containing the available presentations will be distributed on the first day to the participants. Subsequent updates and other materials will be available on the workshop web page. 8 Wireless LAN facilities are available in the ITU main conference room areas for delegates’ use. As before, wired network access is also available in the Cyber-café area in the ITU Tower building, and in the Montbrillant building meeting rooms H, K, L, and M and in 2nd floor delegates room. Detailed information on these facilities is available on the ITU-T website (http://www.itu.int/ ITU-T/edh/faqs-support.html). Delegates are encouraged to use as much as possible these electronic facilities. 9 The workshop is also open to participants who are not members of ITU. In order to enable the TSB to make the necessary arrangements concerning the documentation and organization of the Workshop, I should be grateful if you would send me, by letter or fax (No.: +41 22 730 5853), as soon as possible, but not later than 17 January 2003, the list of people who will be representing your Administration, Sector Member, Associate, regional and/or international organization or other entity. The registration form in Annex 3, duly completed (one per participant), should be attached to the above-mentioned list. 10 We would remind you that citizens of some countries are required to obtain a visa in order to enter and spend any time in Switzerland. The visa must be requested and obtained from the office (embassy or consulate) representing Switzerland in your country or, if there is no such office in your country, from the one that is closest to the country of departure. If problems are encountered, the Union can, at the official request of the administration or company you represent, approach the competent Swiss authorities in order to facilitate delivery of the visa. Any such request must specify the name and functions of the individual(s) for whom the visa(s) is/are requested and be accompanied by a copy of the registration form approved by the ITU conference or meeting in question. Yours faithfully, H. Zhao Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau Annex: 3 ITU-T\COM-T\COM16\BUREAU\CIRC\134E.DOC -3- Annex 1 (to TSB Circular 134) Advance programme for the Workshop on Telecommunications for Disaster Relief (Geneva, 17 – 19 February 2003) Note: updated versions of this programme can be found at http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/worksem/ets Introduction The ITU-T aims to develop Recommendations that describe and define a telecommunication capability that will facilitate the use of public telecommunication services and systems by authorities for communications during emergency, disaster relief and mitigation operations. This capability, referred to as the emergency telecommunications service (ETS), will enable authorized users organizing and coordinating disaster relief operations to have preferential treatment for their communications via the Public Telecommunications networks. Preferential treatment is particularly important because during disaster events public telecommunication networks often experience infrastructure damage, which combined with high traffic demands causes severe congestion and overload situations. This workshop will focus on the capabilities that have been identified as "telecommunications for disaster relief" (TDR). The workshop is being developed in response to a requirement identified at the June 2002 meeting of TSAG to make all ITU members aware of this area of work. The participation of the user community and of other SDOs is sought so that work will proceed on the basis of a broad perspective of overall requirements and activities in progress. However, as with all work in the ITU-T, there is a need for the scope of the work to be established by contributions from both Member States and Sector Members. It is appreciated that not all Member States address the concept of communications for emergency, disaster relief and mitigation operations in the same manner. The workshop is conceived as a means of establishing the potential for creating methods and mechanisms whereby such communications in one country could inter-operate with similar concepts in another country and utilise similar priority and preference schemes. This again emphasises the need for definitive contributions from Member States setting out their requirements and objectives for this topic. Workshop objectives The specific objectives for the workshop are: 1. Examine potential ETS capabilities operations and requirements that may need to be standardized. 2. Improve the understanding of user requirements (e.g. governmental and international aid/humanitarian organisations) 3. Provide an overview of technical work planned and underway. 4. Examine and summarize the legal, regulatory and policy aspects associated with TDR. 5. Prepare an action list for standardization and project management across ITU-T Study Groups. ITU-T\COM-T\COM16\BUREAU\CIRC\134E.DOC -4- Advance Programme Schedule Day 1 09:30-10:30 Day 2 & 3– 09:0010:30 Day 1 – 17 Feb 2003 Opening: Introduction Session Deputy Chair: R. Blane, Chair ITU-T SG2 Overview and Objectives Key note ITU-T ITU-R ITU-D Day 2 – 18 Feb 2003 Session 3: ITU Work on TDR Session Deputy Chair: R. Blane, Chair ITU-T SG2 ITU-T, standardization outline on TDR ITU-R, relevant activities ITU-D, relevant activities Day 3 – 19 Feb 2003 Session 7: TDR Multimedia Communications Session Chair: J. Magill, Vice Chair ITU-T SG16 Multimedia Applications in TDR H.323 Multimedia Session Signalling SIP Priority Resources Session 1: Government Requirements/Perspective Session Chair: Bernie Farrell (NCS) European Union N. America Asia-Pacific Africa Latin-America Session 4: TDR Requirements Definition Session Chair: L. Homan (Rapporteur, ITU-T Q.3/2) EMTEL Requirements Definition TIPHON Requirements analysis TDR Capability Requirements Session 8: TDR Performance and Security Considerations Session Chair: J-Y Monfort, Chair ITU-T SG12 Quality of Service for TDR Traffic Authentication of TDR Users Security Protection of TDR Traffic TDR Service Management Interface Session 2: User Requirements/Perspective Session Chair: P-A Probst & R. Blane Intergovernmental agencies NGOs Session 5: TDR Interworking Requirements Session Chair: J. Visser, Chair ITU-T SSG IMT-2000 TETRA MESA Session 9: Panel Discussion of TDR Aspects and Issues Session Chair: C-S Lee, Vice Chair ITU-T SG 13 Selected Presenters from Workshop Sessions Continuation of Session 2: User Perspective/Requirements Session 6: TDR Network Aspects Session Chair: Y. Hiramatsu, Chair ITU-T SG 11 TDR Signalling Interface for PSTN TDR Traffic Processing in Internet TDR Traffic in IP CableCom Closing: Wrap-up, conclusions, and Closing Chair: Pierre-André Probst with Workshop Session Chairs Break 10:30-11:00 11:00-12:30 Lunch 12:30-14:00 14:00-15:30 Break 15:30-16:00 Day 1 16:00-18:00 Day 2 & 3– 16:00-17:30 Panel discussion Presenters from Sessions 1&2 ITU-T\COM-T\COM16\BUREAU\CIRC\134E.DOC -5- ANNEX 2 (to TSB Circular 134) Ce formulaire de confirmation est à adresser directement à l'hôtel de votre choix (voir la Circulaire TSB 99) This confirmation form should be sent directly to the hotel of your choice (see TSB Circular 99) Dirija directamente este formulario de confirmación al hotel que elija (véase la Circular TSB 99) UNION INTERNATIONALE DES TÉLÉCOMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION UNIÓN INTERNACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICACIONES SECTEUR DE LA NORMALISATION DES TÉLÉCOMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR SECTOR DE NORMALIZACIÓN DE LAS TELECOMUNICACIONES Réunion CE/GT du au Genève SG/WP meeting -------------------------------------- from ---------------- to ------------------ Geneva Reunión CE/GT desde el al Ginebra Confirmation de la réservation faite le Confirmation of the reservation made on ---------------------------Confirmación de la reserva efectuada el A l'hôtel To hotel ------------------------------Al hotel au prix préférentiel offert à l'UIT / at ITU preferential tariff / al precio preferencial ofrecido a la UIT chambre simple/double du -------------single/double room from habitación indiv./doble desde el heure d'arrivée --------------- time of arrival hora de llegada Nom / Name / Apellido ---------------------------------------------- Prénom / First name / Nombre ----------------------------------------------- Adresse / Address / Dirección ------------------------------------------------- au ------------- to -----------al Tel: ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fax: ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-mail: ----------------------------- Carte de crédit en garantie de la réservation Credit card to guarantee this reservation: Tarjeta de crédito que garantiza la reserva AX/VISA/DINERS/EC ----------------------------------------------autre / other / otras No ---------------------------------------------- validité / validity / validez --------------------------------------------------- Date/Date/Fecha -------------------------- Signature / Signature / Firma ------------------------------------------------ ITU-T\COM-T\COM16\BUREAU\CIRC\134E.DOC -7- ANNEX 3 (to TSB Circular 134) Workshop on Telecommunications for Disaster Relief ITU-TSB (Geneva, 17-19 Feburary 2003) REGISTRATION FORM To be returned to TSB (Fax: +41 22 730 5853 ) by 17 January 2003 I participate in the workshop: Mr Mrs Miss _______________________________________________ Country ____________________________________________ Family Name ______________________________________________ Name of Administration of Member State ____________________________________________ First Name ______________________________________________ Name of Sector Member / Associate / Other Complete address of Administration or Organization: ______________________________________________ Tel: _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________ Hotel/Address in Geneva, Switzerland Hotel: __________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Tel: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________________ ITU-T\COM-T\COM16\BUREAU\CIRC\134E.DOC