Personal Details Suzanne Hermana Johanna Adriana Aussems 87 Hearsall Lane Coventry CV5 6HF +44 (0)77 4157 8937 Dutch March 18, 1989 Education 2014 - 2017 PhD, University of Warwick Developmental Psychology 2012 - 2014 MPhil, Tilburg University & Radboud University Nijmegen Language & Communication (with honours) 2011 - 2012 MSc, Tilburg University Human Aspects of Information Technology (integrated in MPhil) 2010 - 2011 MA, Tilburg University Art, Culture & Society (with honours) 2007 - 2010 BA, Tilburg University Culture Studies 2001 - 2007 Athenaeum/Gymnasium Dr. Mollercollege, Waalwijk Publications 2015 Vogt, P., Mastin, J.D., & Aussems, S. (n.d.). Early vocabulary development in urban and rural Mozambique. Submitted for publication. 2015 Aussems, S., Chu, M., Kita, S., & van Zaanen, M. (2015). Applying Pattern-based Classification to Sequences of Gestures. In Noelle, D. C., Dale, R., Warlaumont, A. S., Yoshimi, J., Matlock, T., Jennings, C. D., & Maglio, P. P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 124-129). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. 2015 Aussems, S., & Vogt, P. (2015). Adults Track Multiple Hypotheses Simultaneously during Word Learning. In Noelle, D. C., Dale, R., Warlaumont, A. S., Yoshimi, J., Matlock, T., Jennings, C. D., & Maglio, P. P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 118-123). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. 1 2014 van Zaanen, M., van Huyssteen, G., Aussems, S., Emmery, C., & Eiselen, R. (2014). The development of Dutch and Afrikaans language resources for compound boundary analysis. In N. Calzolari et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (pp. 1056-1062). Reykjavik, Iceland. 2013 Aussems, S., Goris, B., Lichtenberg, V., van Noord, N., Smetsers, R. & van Zaanen, M. (2013). Unsupervised identification of compounds. In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 18-25). Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 2013 Aussems, S., & Vogt, P. (2013). Exploring cross-situational learning and mutual exclusivity [Abstract]. In M. Knauff, M. Pauen, N. Sebanz, & I. Wachsmuth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (p. 3874). Austin: TX: The Cognitive Science Society. 2013 Aussems, S., Bruys, S., Goris, B., Lichtenberg, V., van Noord, N., Smetsers, R. & van Zaanen, M. (2013). Automatically identifying compounds [Abstract]. In Book of abstracts of the 23rd meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (p. 10). Enschede, The Netherlands. Funding 2014 - 2017 Institution Funding 2015 Institution Funding Departmental PhD Fellowship University of Warwick Department of Psychology Grindley Grant for Conference Attendance Lancaster University Experimental Psychology Society 2012 - 2015 Institution Funding Research and Travel Budget Tilburg University Department of Communication and Information Sciences 2012 - 2013 Institution Funding Academy Assistant Bursary Tilburg center for Cognition and Communication Royal Netherlands Academy of Science 2011 Institution Funding T-Challenge Research Grant Tilburg University Tilburg Town Hall 2 Teaching Experience 2014 - 2015 Institution Module(s) Teaching Assistant University of Warwick Research Methods (1st year undergraduate) Persuasion and Influence (3rd year undergraduate) Theoretical Issues in Nonverbal Behaviour (3rd year undergraduate) Advanced Statistics in R (postgraduate) 2013 - 2014 Institution Module(s) Teaching Assistant Tilburg University Academic Writing and Methodology (1st year undergraduate) Academic Experience 2013 Institution Task Research Assistant Tilburg center for Cognition and Communication Compound (boundary) annotation and analysis within the AuCoProproject (Automatic Compound Processing-project). 2013 Institution Task Research Assistant Tilburg center for Cognition and Communication Developing a dataset consisting of 3-dimensional recordings of gestural communication using the Kinect, by conducting an experiment with 50 student participants. 2012 - 2013 Institution Task Research Traineeship Tilburg center for Cognition and Communication Within the CASA MILA research group I conducted two experimental studies during my traineeship: one to measure the accuracy of deictic gestures (object identification task completed by 43 adult participants), and one to measure engagement levels of 1-to 2-year-old children within a joint attentional frame (video recordings of parent-child interaction judged by 86 adult participants). 2012 - 2013 Institution Task Academy Assistant Tilburg center for Cognition and Communication Conducting an experimental study to explore mutual exclusivity and cross-situational learning as mechanisms that underlie word learning. 3 Organised Events 2015 Institution Child Language Symposium (20-21 July) University of Warwick 2015 Institution Gesture in Language Development Workshop (19 July) University of Warwick 2014 Institution Tilburg Gesture Research Workshop (19-21 June) Tilburg University Attended Workshops 2014 Institution Module(s) Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research X Utrecht University Computational methods Multilevel analysis ERP (event-related potentials) 2014 Institution Module(s) Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics VU University of Amsterdam Language and gesture Quantitative and qualitative corpus analysis Neurobiology of language 2013 Institution Module(s) Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research IX Utrecht University Eye tracking Preferential looking/listening Statistics with R 2013 Institution Module(s) Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics University of Leiden Inferences and text comprehension Computational analysis of discourse Information structure and linking syntax and semantics 2013 Institution Module(s) R Workshop Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (Nijmegen) Hands-on sessions with R 4 Conference Presentations 2015 Aussems, S., Chu, M., Kita, S., & van Zaanen, M. (July, 2015). Applying Pattern-based Classification to Sequences of Gestures. Poster presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), Pasadena Convention Center, Pasadena, California. 2015 Aussems, S., & Vogt, P. (July, 2015). Adults Track Multiple Hypotheses Simultaneously during Word Learning. Talk presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), Pasadena Convention Center, Pasadena, California. 2014 van Zaanen, M., van Huyssteen, G., Aussems, S., Emmery, C., & Eiselen, R. (May, 2014). The development of Dutch and Afrikaans language resources for compound boundary analysis. Poster presented at the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC). Harpa building, Reykjavik, Iceland. 2013 Aussems, S. & Vogt, P. (2013, August). Exploring cross-situational learning and mutual exclusivity. Poster presented at the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci). Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. 2013 Aussems, S., Goris, B., Lichtenberg, V., van Noord, N., Smetsers, R. & van Zaanen, M. (2013, June). Unsupervised identification of compounds. Talk presented at the 22nd Annual Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning (BENELEARN). Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 2013 Aussems, S. (2013, February). Exploring mutual exclusivity and crosssituational learning. Talk presented at the KNAW (Royal Netherlands Academy of Science) Academy Assistants Symposium. Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands. 2013 Aussems, S., Bruys, S., Goris, B., Lichtenberg, V., van Noord, N., Smetsers, R. & van Zaanen, M. (2013, January). Automatically identifying compounds. Talk presented at the 23rd Annual Conference of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN). University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. 2012 Aussems, S. (2012, June). Cheating, lying, and stealing. How literature affects the reader. Poster presented at the Conference Onderzoek in Cultuureducatie. Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 5 Technical Skills Languages Python, Visual Basic, AWK, and R for statistical computing. Software Statistical Analysis Software (IBM SPSS Statistics), Experimental Psychology Software (E-Prime, OpenSesame), Video annotation software ELAN (EUDICO Linguistic Annotator), Machine learning software in Java (WEKA), and software tools such as Microsoft Office and LATEX. Webtools Qualtrics, WordPress, and Thesistools. Statistics Correlation, Non-Parametric tests, one-sample t-test, independent t-test, paired-samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, ANCOVA, Factorial ANOVA, repeated-measures designs for ANOVA, Mixed design ANOVA, MANOVA, Mixed Model Analysis, linear regression, multiple regression, logistic regression. Language Proficiency Dutch English German French Italian Mother tongue Advanced Intermediate Intermediate Beginner References Name Affiliation Department Telephone Email Prof. Dr. S. (Sotaro) Kita University of Warwick Psychology +44 24 7652 8184 Name Affiliation Department Telephone Email Dr. P.A. (Paul) Vogt Tilburg University Communication and Information Sciences +31 13 466 2594 Name Affiliation Department Telephone Email Prof. Dr. N.J. (Nick) Enfield Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Language and Cognition Department +31 24 352 1275 6