RALPH J. ALIG OR 97331 Ph: (541) 750-7267; Fax -7329; E-mail:

USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; 3200 SW Jefferson Way; Corvallis,
OR 97331
Ph: (541) 750-7267; Fax -7329; E-mail: ralig@fs.fed.us ; Ralph.Alig@oregonstate.edu; team web page:
Education: B.S., 1976, Purdue University, Forest Production; M.S., 1977, University of
Missouri, Forest Economics; Ph.D., 1984, Oregon State University, Land Use Economics
Committees and Honors: Team Leader: Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics Team, PNW
Research Station; Steering Committee Member, Forest and Agricultural Modeling Forum, USDA
and EPA; National Coordinator of Land Use and Land Cover Projections, Resources Planning
Act Assessment, USDA Forest Service; Superior Performance Award, USDA Forest Service,
1988, 1991; Project Leader, Economic Work Unit, and Strategic Planning Leader, Southeastern
Research Station, USDA Forest Service, 1985-1990; Award by Secretary of Agriculture, 1987,
Outstanding Achievement in Development of Area Projection System; Study Coordinator, Forest
Resources Supply Study, University of Washington, 1990-1993; 11/90-present, Adjunct Faculty,
Oregon State University, Dept. of Forest Resources; 1/91-12/93, Adjunct Faculty, University of
Washington, College of Forest Resources; Adjunct Faculty, Duke University, School of Forestry;
Adjunct Faculty, Colorado State University, Dept. of Forestry and Wood Sciences, 1983-1986;
Chairman, Technology and Futures Analyses Working Group, Society of American Foresters,
Selected Recent Publications (from 200+)
Alig. R. 2006. A United States view on changes in land use and land values affecting
sustainable forest management. Journal of Sustainable Forestry (in press).
Alig, R., O. Krankina, A. Yost, and J. Kuzminykh. 2006. Forest carbon dynamics in the
Pacific Northwest (USA) and the St. Petersburg region of Russia: comparisons and policy
implications. Climate Change (in press).
Alig, R., D. Lewis, and J. Swenson. 2005. Is forest fragmentation driven by the spatial
configuration of land quality? The case of western Oregon. Forest Management and
Ecology 217: 266-274.
Cho, S., J. Wu and R. Alig. 2005. Land development under regulation: comparison
between the east and west sides of the Cascade Range in Oregon, Washington, and
California. Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies. 17(1): 17p.
Kline, J. and R. Alig. 2005. Forestland development and private forestry with examples
from Oregon. Forest Policy and Economics. 7:709-720.
Butler, B., J. Swenson, and R. Alig. 2004. Forest Fragmentation in the Pacific Northwest:
Quantification and Correlations. Forest Ecology and Management 189:363-373.
Kline, J., D. Azuma, and R. Alig. 2003. Population and impacts on timber management.
Forest Science 50(1):33-43.
Alig, R., J. Kline, and M. Lichtenstein. 2003. Determinants of developed area in the
United States, with projections to 2025. Landscape and Urban Planning 69(2-3):219234.
Alig, R., A. Plantinga, S. Ahn, and J. Kline. 2003. Land use changes involving forestry for
the United States: Recent trends and projections. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech.
Report 587, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Portland, OR.
Alig, R., J. Mills, and B. Butler. 2002. Private timberlands: Growing demands, shrinking land
base. J. Forestry 100(2) 32-37.
Alig, R., D. Adams, and B. McCarl. 2002. Projecting impacts of global climate change on the
U.S. forest and agriculture sectors and carbon budgets. Forest Ecology and Management 169: 314.
Irland, L., D. Adams, R. Alig, and others. 2001. Assessing socio-economic impacts of climate
change on U.S. forests, wood product markets, and forest recreation. BioScience: 51(9): 753764.
Kline, J., A. Moses, and R. Alig. 2001. Integrating urbanization into landscape level ecological
assessments. Ecosystems 4: 3-18.
Plantinga, A., R. Alig, and H. Cheng. 2001. The supply of land for conservation uses: Evidence
from the Conservation Reserve Program. Resources Conservation and Recycling 6(31): 199215.
Alig, R., B. Butler, and J. Swenson. 2000. Forest Fragmentation and National Trends in Private
Forest Lands: Preliminary Findings from the 2000 Renewable Resources Planning Act
Assessment. Pp. 34-45, in proc., “Fragmentation 2000 Conference, Sept. 17-20, 2000,
Annapolis, MD. N. Sampson and L. DeCoster, eds.
Ahn, S., A. Plantinga, and R. Alig. 2000. Predicting future forestland area: A comparison of
econometric approaches. Forest Science 46(3): 363-376.
Alig, R., D. Adams, B. McCarl, and P. Ince. 2000. Economic potential of short-rotation woody
crops on agriculture land for pulp fiber production in the U.S. Forest Products J. 50(5): 67-74.
Alig, R., D. Adams, J. Chmelik, and P. Bettinger. 1999. Private forest investment and long-run
sustainable harvest volumes. New Forests 17: 307-327.
Alig, R.,D. Adams, B. McCarl, J. Callaway, and S. Winnett. 1998. Assessing effects of
mitigation strategies for global climate change with an intertemporal model of the U.S. forest and
agriculture sectors. Environmental and Resource Economics 9: 259-274.
Alig, R., D. Adams, and B. McCarl. 1998. Ecological and economic impacts of forest policies:
Interactions across forestry and agriculture. Ecological Economics 27: 63-78.