University of Warwick Friday 19th November 2010 Periodic Spectral Line Asymmetries In Solar Coronal Structures From Slow Magnetoacoustic Waves Erwin Verwichte In collaboration with Mike Marsh, Claire Foullon, Tom Van Doorsselaere, Ineke de Moortel, Alan Hood & Valery Nakariakov. Verwichte et al. ApJL 724 194 (2010) Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics THE UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Propagating intensity perturbations... Since SoHO we see intensity perturbations propagating along large coronal structures [Ofman 1997, De Forest & Gurman 1998, Berghmans & Clette 1999]. TRACE 21/04/2001 TRACE 14/07/1998 SoHO/EIT 21/04/2001 2 ...are slow magnetoacoustic waves These perturbations have been interpreted as slow magnetoacoustic waves propagating along plume/loop structures. [De Moortel et al. 2000, Nakariakov et al. 2000, Robbrecht et al. 2001, ..., ...]. Characteristics: - Projected propagation ≤ sound speed (tube speed) of structure Multi-bandpass observations [Robbrecht et al. 2001; King et al. 2003] STEREO showed that Vph = Cs [Marsh et al. 2009] - Periods of 3,5, 10, ... minutes - Long duration of quasi-periodic behaviour - Damped over a short distance (thermal conduction) - In phase intensity and velocity perturbations [Wang et al. 2009] SoHO/EIT 21/04/2001 3 Example: this week’s SDO 4 But are we all wrong? They are flows! Recently a new ‘school of thought’ has appeared that claim that the intensity perturbations are signatures of high-speed flows(~100 km/s), based on measurements of periodic spectral line asymmetries. [Schrijver et al. 1999, Sakao et al. 2007, hara et al. 2008, De Pontieu et al. 2009, McIntosh et al. 2010]. SoHO/EIT 15/09/2001 5 Their arguments - Many of the observed propagating disturbances (especially in coronal loops emanating from quiet Sun network and active region plage) do not show evidence of significant quasi-periodic signals. - The wave interpretation was compatible with the lack of strong Doppler shifts. - EIS measurements of intensity and velocity oscillations are accompanied by oscillations in the line width and recurring asymmetries in line profiles across a range of temperatures. However, a periodic flow model does not yet exist. The whole alternative is a superposition of a periodic upflow component in the blue wing on top of a static background , λc (x, t) = λ0 1 − asymmetries in # c celeration in these structures as well as for the seismologi0 sight, i.e. I(λ)= %(λ, x)dx. The quantities λc and ∆λ are the der of 1-5% core $ % cal exploitation slow respectively. waves (e.g. Robbrecht al.broaden2001; line centreusing and width, For thermal et line " 1/2 e suggestion that T King eting, al. the 2003; Wang al. form 2009). width is ofetthe ∆λ = λc vth /c0 where c0 is the ∆λ(x, t) = ∆λ0 1 + . turbations could −1 T 0 speed of light and vth is the ion thermal speed. We shall ilkm s ) upflows lustrate our 2. findings using an emission spectral line from Can slow waves explain features? 09; McIntosh & SLOWthroughout WAVE MODEL an iron ion minority species at a temperature of 1 MK (vth = The Doppler velocity shift involves the line-ofA slow magnetoacoustic wave in a coronal structure of low −1 12 km s , cs /vth = 12.5), which is convolved by the spectral not mutually excomponent v" cos α where α is the angle between plasma-β is guided to propagate alongThe theintensity structureis parallel to resolution of the EIS10 instrument. furthermore e and red shifts propagation the line-of-sight. Equation Why throw away years of slow wave work? Canof we possibly and explain the magnetic field.toHence, the wave almost completely proportional a function, whichiscontains information lonabout on loops, and inscribe the effects of waves? intensity variations due to t periodic large line-width with slow gitudinal and line-asymmetries one-dimensional. Forand simplicity, we model ionisation and depends on temperature and (weakly) on the den-variations of the order of sity perturbation, Doppler shifts due to the wave sity. as Wea shall assume, for thesmall sake amplitude of clarity inplane what follows, slow wave one-dimensional, sound l Zanna 2008), and thermal line broadening due to the wave tem that over the range of temperatures that the slow wave covers, wave propagating upwards in a static equilibrium plasma that Downflows are We model the spectral line in the presence of a simple slowBecause wave:the density and temperature turbation. this function constant (see De aMoortel Bradshaw re found in faint, is uniform along theismagnetic field.e.g. Such wave is&described are in phase with the velocity for a propagating 2008, for (Landau a study of&the effect of ionisation on slow wave diby the solution Lifshitz 1987) wave perturbations the emission from the plasma is enhanced during agnostics). ow waves in the E. Verwichte et al. " emitting (blue-shift) propagating phase of the wave and plasma mod1 inTthe n" v" iksen & Maltby " The presence of the slow wave vifies = the a csstrength, cos(x −centre cs t) , and width of =the emission = ,line (1) during the downwards (red-shift) propagating as a et al. 1978; Mc(γ − 1) T n c 0 0 s 3. EMISSION LINE MODIFIED BY asymmetric A SLOW WAVE T) on board Hinode have revealed signatures of quasifunction of space and time as wave. This inherently behaviour is dsen et al. 2003). " " " intensity perturbations acerdic thepropagating new obser1. From Eq. (2) it can be thata the where n (x, t), T (x, t) andatvthe (x, edge t)$ areofthe The emission ofFigure a coronal resonant spectral lineseen from % wave perturbations " egions (temperature around 1.1 MK), travelling speeds f quasi-periodic n will symmetric in number density, temperature and1atvelocity, The coronal volume element isamodelled asGaussian profile at any giv line be emission , respectively. (3)local + n(x, t) = n −1 0 slow 0 kmwave s , interandquantities which arguably were interpreted by Sakao a single plasma element in which a slow wave with subscript ’0’ indicate nthe 0 equivalent constant ! " sequence for our $ % (2007) in terms of continuous flowsAlso, (see γalso Heratio et" al.of specific heats, cs 2 order for the line to be asymmetric either the em equilibrium quantities. is the (λ − λ ) c v cos α 2 on and wind ac∼ over n exp − ). Also, a correlation between sound Doppler . (2) , (4) %(λ) λc (x, t)shifts = λand − aged a period of oscillation or an additiona 0 1and is the equilibrium speed a is line the relative wave am2 2(∆λ) c the seismologidenings as well as significant blue wing plasma source is taken along the line-of-sight. plitude, which isdeviations assumed in to the be small, i.e.0 %1/2 a # 1. The wave $ recht et al. 2001; " ne profiles have foundφ=kx-ωt, in EIS observations T frequency ω=cs k. case is relevant for spectral raster scans where te hasbeen a phase wavenumberbyk Hara and ∆λ(x, t) = ∆λ 1 + . (5) The observed intensity total for emission the line-of0 (2008). Moreover, observationsstratification, of asymmetries traded spatialalong resolution, whilst the EffectsEIS of gravitational dissipation (e.g. thermal # lutionisisthe T 0in sight, i.e. the I(λ)= %(λ, x)dx.forThe quantities λc and ∆λ are the profiles, with faint blue-wing in order of 1-5% relevant spectral slit measurements. conduction) andexcess variations in loop crosscore section will cause local spectral signatures line centre and width, respectively. For thermal line broadensity, were used to support thebealternative suggestion that The a Doppler shift the line-of-sight velocity amplitude to avelocity function of involves height with increasing amplistructure of lowpropagating ing, width ∆λ = λc vth /c0 where c0 is the quasi-periodic intensity component v" cos αperturbations where α is the could angle between thethe direction tude due to stratification and decreasing amplitude due to dis-timeis of the form ucture parallel to Integrate over Integrate over line-of-sight −1 Asymmetry of aWe time-averaged l speed of has light ion thermal speed. shall ilxplained as periodic high-speed (50-100 kmline-of-sight. s ) upflows of and propagation and the Equations (3)-(5) de- and vth is the 3.1. sipation cross section divergence. These phenomena completely lonour findingsTo throughout using from win scribe the intensity variations tolustrate the or wave denad of model slow waves Pontieu et regimes al.of2009; & due been (De studied in effects the ofMcIntosh wavelengths shorter simiunderstand howananemission averageline blue-red y, we the sitytypical perturbation, Dopplerlength-scales shifts due to the wave anvelocity iron et ionfield species atby a temperature of we 1 MK (vth =the li ontieu 2009; McIntosh et al. 2010). lar to the longitudinal (Nakariakov al.minority is produced a slow wave, expand ude plane sound −1 and thermal due to the temperature 12 km s ,percs /vth =relative 12.5), to which is convolvedusing by the aves and flows are inVerwichte general ofetline course notDe mutually ex2000; al.broadening 2001; Moortel &wave Hood 2004). the equilibrium, s =spectral (λ − λ0 )/∆λ rium plasma that turbation. Because the density and temperature perturbations resolution of the EIS instrument. The intensity is furthermore ve phenomena. Doppler blue and red shifts wave is described Persistent are in phase with the velocity for a propagating slow wave to , a function, which contains information about proportional been observed, using EIS, in active region loops, and inthe emission from the plasma is enhanced during the upwards Slow waves have inherent spectral asymmetry Because velocity and density perturbations are in-phase, upwards propagating waves have a stronger blue wing than red wing! ¯ "=! " which ¯2 ! Marel asymmetry is characterised using ,quantities B and "2 ! & f¯m d"2 F(s!1993), fder spectral lines2 (Van Franx canThe! line (γ − 1)(3γ +which 1)theblue +integrated ∗f)2" the wing small amplitudes and wing bias for largema even the wave T "∗ ) + v" cos α T , n"4 (8) " R, which are intensity 1 and 3though line red !¯ (s) ≈ n0 f¯0 −T " 3F(s through the slow for isbetween propagating. This is modm m m 2 theslow contributio 2centre vwave 2 2 (−1) f2 = + d F(s)/ds + + 2m F(s)H ,(s) where th,0red be seen by identifying = 2 m! ds m c cos α a a widths from the line in the and blue wings of the amplitudes where the average line forms a heavier red wing. elled fors small amplitudes using Eq. (6) by replacingintensity the term and Doppler T0 2 T0 vth,0 T 0 n0 resulting emission in the2 f¯m=3 (γ − 1)(3γ + 1) + , Hm (s) is the Hermite polynomial of order m (Abramowitz & line, respectively. Hence, (R − B)/(R + B) gives a measure ! " 2 2 2" = 2 Figure 2 shows that both measures show similarly aorder growing of O(1) in f by 1 + I /I , where I is the background and " "3a 0 bg 03a bg c cos α T v cos α T the contributions of O(a s 4 2 v of the asymmetry in the wings of the line profile with negawhere 2 th,0 Stegun 1965). f3 = 3 , f4 =f¯ 3= simulated spec I1) the structure’s plasma emission. Figure 1 ilblue-wing bias as ainfunction of .(De wave amplitude. , f¯equilibrium =excess (γ − tive (γ − 1) (9) 0 isvalues 3 "2T 0 ,(7) 4an representing the blue wing PonT 0 vth,0 ! 2 emission theofblue wing. Fig 2forAntwo Sincef¯the perturbations are all' proportional 2 lustrates that oscillation phases, φ=0, π, the in effect 2cosφ,αwhen vth,0 2measure a3a cs cos α to acscos a2 & 2 tieu et al. 2009). alternative of line asymmetry 3a 2 to the line as a 2 , , 2 ¯ ¯3 −= only ¯4slow 8 −/2). 3(γThe − 1) =F(s)=exp(−s 1+ , is re- and f0 − andover 3 equilibrium thermal speed simulated spectral line signatu averaged an oscillation period, the equilibrium theskewness, wave on − the combined line is variations in intensity, Time-averaged spectral line f , f = (γ − 1) (γ 1) . (9) is defined as ((s − s )/σ) I(s)ds/ I(s)ds where 0 2 to the16equilibrium line width as 42 vth,0 3.2. Asymmetry ofofathe multi-component lineof 5 minut riod lated vth,0 /c ∆λ0 /λ0 v . th,0 Ex0 =contributions. 2the line Doppler shift, and line asymmetry, theline strength s0 and σ are meanwidth anddefined standard deviation line. It quadratic perturbation terms have non-zero We The argument of the Gaussian profile is as to the as aof function of tim 2 (6) is similar to the Gaussian-Hermite expansion of pansion is consistent with the R-B measure inintensity showing aand bias towards Periodic spectral line asymmetries from slow magnetoacoustic waves c cos α a which depends on I /I . The Doppler velocity s with I =2I First, we consider the profile of an emission line which conbg 0 denote time-averaged quantities by a bar. The average intenbg 0. spectral lines (Van der Marel 1993), which can of 5Therefore, minutes and a=0.15, +The 3) , &m Franx f¯1 = (γ the blue wingare for reduced small amplitudes and red1/(1 wing+riod bias for large , argument of the Gaussian profile is defined as variations by a factor I /I ). 2π/ω m m bg 0 stitutes from plasma components in the line-of- an 4 by identifying vth,0 d F(s)/ds = (−1) F(s)H where m (s) the intensity ¯ be=seen sv − vline s +averf¯1 though amplitudes where theemission average formstwo areceives heavier red wing. sity I(s) (ω/2π) I(s, t)dt may be with the th,0 D When we average over anwritten oscillation period, the blue wing more with I =2I Oscillations bgand 0 . the even the slow wave may have a large amplitude, ! " 0 Hm (s) is2 the Hermite polynomial of order m (Abramowitz & 2 2 sight, (1) a quasi-static ‘background’ (2) the plasma struc-ofto Figure 2=shows that bothameasures show similarly a growing . (10) s = 2 . ∗ heavy ion with c & v , the non-the to O(aage ) accuracy: c cos α a a the tendency s th,0 s ¯1 emission !(s) as the+sum of a Gaussian F(s∗ ) sv and resulting intensity and Doppler velocity be small. Stegun theslow intensity and‘background’ Doppler velo s + profile emission wing. blue-wing of wave amplitude.may th,0 D assupporting ¯2 − vbias f¯ = 1965). (γthan − 1)(3γ the 1)are +red , fcos ture a propagating wave.Again, The 2a function 1 + f 2)2 perturbations all2sproportional to a φ, when v + (∆v . (10) = = the contributions of order O(a ) in Eq. (6) introduce stronger third and2Since fourth derivatives of a Gaussian: 4 theorder v . NTapproximately ∗ th,0 'and th,0refers the tendency totude aapproxi half-pe ing isFigure toshow ∆vofNT ≈ acs here to another plasma inequal theofsame line-of-sight 2 2emission plasma " ¯ averaged over an oscillation period, only&the equilibrium " in the blue wing. 3 shows an example the 2 v cos α 2 !! 2 1 + f 3.2. Asymmetry of a multi-component line −1 " 2 2 v + (∆v ) 4 3a c cos α 3a " of the wave co quadratic have non-zero contributions. We th,0 s + NT m 2 distinct from the ‘background equilibrium’ plasma structure tude of approximately 1 km s + − 1) snf¯terms ¯ fore, mainly through its velocity perturbat ¯3 = 2perturbation ¯ simulated spectral line signatures from a single Gaussian fit v f d F(s ) fdenote , f = (γ (γ − 1) . (9) th,0 ∗inten m average 2 4by First, we consider the profile of an emission line wing which contime-averaged quantities a bar. asymmetries -magnetoacoustic Doppler shift to the blue The line imposed by the slow wave cause, F(s n020 1 f¯+ ,slow (8) 2n vth,0 2 The&deformations through which the slow wave is propagating. This mod, − !(s, x,!¯ (s) t) ∼¯ ≈Periodic ' exp ∗ ) + 0 ,− of theisisstatic of the wave linelin to to the line as a function of time for a slow wave with acontributed pe 2π/ω spectral line from waves 3that m stitutes emission from two plasma components in the line-ofproduces a line broadening propor " m! ds sity I(s) = (ω/2π) 0n2 I(s, t)dt may be written with the aver- T ¯ elled for small amplitudes using Eq. (6) by replacing the term m=3a2Doppler 0 The line deformations slowby wave cause, firstly, shiftby in the vamplitude. =− f1 and vand to the blue riod of minutes and a static plasma component sight, (1)5a line quasi-static ‘background’ the plasma strucDa=0.15, th,0(2) of the static line. Theobservat spectral recent The argument of the Gaussian defined as1 +imposed age emission !(s) as theprofile sum of aisGaussian profile F(s T∗0) and The Doppler velocity and lin ture supporting a propagating slow wave. The ‘background’ ¯ 2 of O(1) in f by 1 + I /I , where I is the background and with I =2I . Oscillations of reduced amplitude are seen in 1/2 0 bg 0 bg bg 0 firstly, a Doppler shift in the line by v =− f v to the blue order derivatives of a Gaussian: Non-thermal broadening ¯ a heavy ion with c & v , the non-thermal line broadeno O(a ) accuracy: D 1 th,0 recent observations by De Pont s th,0 where third and fourth wing,v4Dsecondly non-thermal broadening ∆v = line-of-sight f2theplasma vline for the plasma refers here to Doppler another plasma in theNT same th,0 √ the intensity velocity. Also, width has strongly correlated. For instance, ahalf-per Dopple am s + f¯1! Iline isand the structure’s equilibrium emission. Figure 1 il1/2 0 the " svth,0 −+ + 4 ¯ m distinct from ‘background equilibrium’ plasma structure ! " ¯ ¯ & ' . (10) s∗¯ = 2- = . 2. Thereing is approximately equal to ∆v ≈ ac cos α/ wing, secondly a non-thermal line broadening ∆v = f v for the half-period oscillation f (x, t) d F(s) f d F(s ) f 2 2 NT s −1 NT th,0 ∗ m 2 m " the tendency to show a half-period oscillation with an ampliand, thirdly, an asymmetry through the term involving the addition of a mi 2 2 2 lustrates that for oscillation φ=0, π, the line effectwidt of 2has ! "22 !¯n(s) ≈1 f+na0(x, α2 ∗ )+ ' , through , α (8) ¯ &+ f¯0 t)F(s) −v cosvF(s through which the slow wave is two propagating. This isphases, mods an associated non-thermal a2 dsmcs cos f " f≈ −1 s + (6) 2 2 + (∆v ) 0 ¯ fore, mainly its velocity perturbation, the slow wave NT 2 m! tude of ssmall approximately 1 can km s=20 and isreplacing caused byterm an excursion an derivative asymmetry term involving the addition of modest steady upfl −vth,0 3(γth,0 − 1) − , Using f n− = 01 + and,8thirdly, ac =5km/s ∆v km/s [Hara et ala2008] the m NTEq. elled for (6) by the theamplitudes slow wave on the combined line is variations intensity, −1 third ofthrough F. Eq. (9) itusing be seen that for the in excursions m! ds !(s, x, t) ∼ n20 1 +0 2 exp −16 & ' ,m=3 20 km s , consistent with observations rep 4 v of the wave contributed line towards both blue and red wing th,0 produces a line broadening that is proportional to the wave " of O(1) in f by 1 + I /I , where I is the background and m=1 0 be seen bg 0 that bg T third derivative of F. Using Eq. (9) it can for the excursions into the red wing Doppler shift, line width and line asymmetry, the strength of n where 0 2 1 + T 0by the slow wave cause, The line deformations imposed Iof theThe structure’s plasma emission. 1 ilstatic line.equilibrium The spectral signatures are consistent 2 0-isthe Line asymmetry Doppler velocity and lineFigure broadening are (2008). Furthemore, forand anwith iron emission ! "2 amplitude. c cos α a which depends on I /I . The intensity Doppler velocity l ¯ s bg 0 2 2 & ' firstly, a Doppler shift in the line by v =− f v to the blue ¯ lustrates that for two oscillation phases, φ=0, π, the effect of ¯ D 1 th,0 a c cos α a f recent observations by De Pontieu & McIntosh (2010), except s 2 2 (γ + 3) , f = with coefficients stronglythecorrelated. instance, aisDoppler 5Ibgkm 8− 3(γm− 1)2 − =41 + + secondly1f¯0a−non-thermal f¯3 ≈10a . byTherefore, aof+slow with a variations are reduced a factor 1/(1 /I0wave ). Therefore, slow wave on For the combined linein variations invelocity intensity, ¯1/2,vth,0 4 v f (x, t) d F(s) wing, line broadening ∆v = f for the half-period oscillation the line-width. However, the th,0 2 16 4 v −1 m NT th,0 2 2 s has an associated non-thermal line width of approximately Doppler shift, line width and line asymmetry, the strength of ! " ! " ! " ! " ≈and, n0 fthirdly, +2 2 " through the (6) even though the slow wave may have large amplitude, 0 (x, t)F(s) 2 !, involving of 5% is likely tovelocity produce an averagethe line an" asymmetry addition of a modest steady upflow as Doppler reported could adiminish " 2 "2 the " −1" depends α "m 2aterm an m! c3s cosT which on Iwith The intensity and ds bg /I0 . observations T n n T 1 c cos α a 20 km s , consistent reported by Hara et al. ¯ s (γ + 3)Eq. (9) ,it can be seen that for fF. = Using resulting intensity and Doppler velocity may be small. Again, 1 m=1 third derivative of the excursions into the red wing of the static line and cause the ¯ reduced by a factorof 1/(1a+few Ibg /I0 ).percent. Therefore, Figure 2 shows the order 2 4− 1)(3γ + v+th,01) + 2!+ v " + ,(2008).variations , are f0 = 1 + f2 = +4 (γ 2 using Eq. Furthemore, for an iron emission line, (9), the contributions of order O(a ) in Eq. stronger even though the slow wave may have a large amplitude, the (6) introduce th,0 2 T 0 ¯ an2 0 8 T 0 a2 cs cosnα0 2 n 20 ith coefficients 0 ¯fT broadening and line asymmetry as aoffuncti ≈10a . Therefore, a slow wave with a relative amplitude resulting intensity and Doppler velocity may be small. Again, 3 emission in the blue wing. Figure 3 shows an example the 2 (γ − 1)(3γ + !1) + 2, f2 = " 2 3a c cos α 3a ! " ! " ! " ! " the contributions of order O(a ) in Eq. (6) introduce stronger s 4 2 v " " " 2 th,0 2 2 5% is likely to produce an average line asymmetry the ¯4" T " spectral signatures aofsingle fit fo (2)-(5). Figure 2 shows vD Gaussian and ∆vNT = 2 (γn− of − 1) 1) v . cos (9) α insimulated n" 3f¯3 =T " 2 (γ Tα" , nf1 1 T" emission the blue wing. Figure 3 line shows an example offrom the that 2 n 3a c cos 3a v 2 s order of a few percent. Figure 2 shows the Doppler shift, line +2 + +th,0 1 +¯ , + 2 2 (9) f0 = 1 + f1 = , spectral to the line linesignatures as a function of time slow wave with a pe- am ¯ + simulated from a single Gaussian approximations in for thefitarange of observed 2 T0 n0 8 T 0f3 = 2 (γn0− 1) vth,0T 0 , f4n20= T20 (γ − 1)n.0 broadening v to the and line riod asline a function of time for a slow wave with a peasymmetry as a function of a using Eqs. th,0 of 5 minutes and a=0.15, and a static plasma component " " is defined as The argument! of the!Gaussian asymmetry is characterised riod of 5 minutes and a=0.15, and aline static plasma component " Gaussian " profile " " " ! " ! ! The argument of the profile is defined as (2)-(5). Figure 2 shows that0 .The vDOscillations and ∆vNT follow the analytical with Ibg =2I of are reduced amplitude are seen usin in 1 T " 2 n v "cos α 2 " " " with I =2I . Oscillations of reduced amplitude seen in bg 0 f1 T = 1 +3s +Tf¯+ ¯2 , v cos α T n R, which are the integrated intensity betw approximations in the range of observed amplitudes. the intensity and Doppler velocity. Also, the line width has sv the intensity Doppler velocity. Also, the line width has sv 2= T-0s +1 f1 = n+ vth,0th,0− v−D vD . + 2 f2 = s∗ + , theand =0 . . (10)The(10) = s∗ . th,0 the tendency to show oscillation withquantities an ampliline asymmetry isa half-period characterised using B andin tendency to show a half-period oscillation with ampliwidths from the line centre thean red and ! " "2T 0 ! " 2 1 T "2v! +th,0 " NT )2 2 T n 1"02+ ¯2 f¯2 ! "vv2th,0 0 0 of approximately 1 km s−1 and is caused by an (∆v " " (∆v + f −1 tude excursion + ) T 3 T v cos α T th,0n NT R, which are the intensity between 1wing and 3 line tudeintegrated of approximately 1 km s and is caused by − an B)/(R excursion respectively. (R +B ! " of the wave contributed line, line towards both blue and red Hence, f2 = + + + 2 , 2 " " " of the wave contributed line towards both blue and red wing widths from the line centre in the red and blue wings of the The line deformations imposed by the slow wave cause, signatures are consistentin with T0 2 T0 vth,0 T 0 v cos n α Tline Tof the static line. The spectral ofPontieu the asymmetry the wings of thewith line The line deformations imposed byvD0the wave cause, firstly, a Doppler fshift= in the by =− f¯1 vslow tofthe blue th,0 recent observations by De & McIntosh (2010), except of the static line. The spectral signatures are consistent line, respectively. Hence, (R − B)/(R + B) gives a measure 3 , = 3 ,(7) ! " 3 4 2 1/2 "v =−∆v secondly a non-thermal line broadening = f¯2 to vth,0 for the half-period invalues the However, firstly, awing, Doppler line by f¯1NT vth,0 the tive representing an excess the b T " v" shift cos αin the T Tvth,0 D Tasymmetry recent observations by Pontieu McIntosh (2010),in except of theblue in oscillation the wings of line-width. theDe line profile&the with nega0 term involving the¯1/2 addition of a modest steady upflow as reported could diminish f3 and, = 3thirdly, an asymmetry , f4 through = 03 the ,(7) wing, secondly broadening ∆vthat =forf2 values vth,0 forinto thethe half-period oscillation incause the line-width. the tieu et al. 2009). Anthe alternative measure representing an excess in the blue wing (De Pon- However, NTtive T 0 a non-thermal vth,0 Tit0 can be seen third derivative of F. Using line Eq. (9) the excursions red wing of the static line and , 2 and, thirdly, an /2). asymmetry through the term involving addition of steady upflow reported could diminish 3 tieuspeed et the al. 2009). An alternative measure of line asymmetry and F(s)=exp(−s The equilibrium thermal is re,isa modest , as skewness, defined as ((s − s )/σ) I(s) 2 0 3 wing of the static line and cause the nd F(s)=exp(−s /2). The equilibrium thermal re-be third of F. Using Eq. speed (9)as it iscan that for the excursions into the red is skewness, defined as ((s − s )/σ) I(s)ds/ I(s)ds where lated to thederivative equilibrium line width vth,0 /cseen = ∆λ /λ . Ex0 0 0 0 s and σ are the mean and standard devia Multiple component spectral line We consider the line-of-sight integration of plasma with a slow wave and a static background plasma component. Multiple component spectral line Intensity amplitude and Doppler shift reduce by factor 1/(1 + Ibg/I0). The real wave amplitude may be quite large. Appearance of line width and line asymmetry variations Line width may have half period. Multiple components may be integation along loop where amplitude changes with height. Conclusions Slow wave can naturally produce (periodic) signatures of spectral line asymmetry and line-width. The flow model requires always the presence of a static plasma component in the line-of-sight everywhere whilst a slow wave model does not need it to produce intensity, velocity and line-width perturbations! Slow waves can naturally explain: - Sonic propagation speed - Damping - Persistence of quasi-periodic signals The claim more careful spectral observations are needed to distinguish the two models may be a red herring as these spectral observations are done at (beyond?) the limit of spectrometer capabilities! In order to test models, a physical model of periodic upflows needs to be formulated!