A Cylindrical Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian MHD Code T.Goffrey Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics, Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, United Kingdom t.goffrey@warwick.ac.uk A two dimensional r-z Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian MHD code is under development in order to study problems with such a symmetry. To this end a two dimensional hydrodynamics ALE code has been produced. An ALE code is a combination of Lagrangian and Eulerian techniques for modelling fluid flow • • In combining the two models the ALE method attempts to mitigate to problems associated with each method. • However the strength and accuracy of an ALE code us underpinned by how robust and long running it's Lagrangian phase is. There are a number of methods for improving this factor, which seek to minimise non-physical modes of grid movement, retain physical symmetry independently of grid symmetry and capture shocks accurately and automatically. • These methods are easily applicable to a number of coordinate systems, the results presented here are set in Cartesian space for simplicity. Shock Viscosity Shock viscosity is a numerical method for automatically capturing and treating shocks. It is shown in the equations of MHD as q. For simplicity, q is denoted a scalar here, but in general it can be more complex. Caramana et al. [1] outlined five key qualities the shock viscosity must have. 1. Dissipativity 2. Galilean invariance. 3. Self-similar motion invariance • • Ultimately, however, the final code will be an r-z MHD code, the governing equations of which are: 4. Wavefront invariance 5. Viscous force continuity. To this end they derived a viscous force defined along the edges of each cell of the form. Subzonal Pressure Forces This viscous force has been implemented in place of the scalar q in the code. To test some of the abilities of the chosen viscosity a circularly convergent shock wave was driven by applying an external unit velocity to a unit density disk of perfect gas, that was initially cold. Plotted below is the density (left) and final grid (right) just before the shock wave reaches the origin. Symmetry is preserved. In two dimensions a quadrilateral element has six degrees of freedom. There are also two non-physical modes, which do not illicit a response from the equations of hydrodynamics. ● These are known as hourglass modes, show to the right. ● These can cause grid distortion, leading to inaccurate, or incomplete solutions. ● Further Considerations Subzonal pressures occur naturally from the modelling of the fluid as Lagrangian. The above plots represent a success for the scheme described in preserving cylindrical symmetry in Cartesian coordinates, an equivilent problem to the preservation of spherical symmetry in cylindrical coordinates. However, the resulting forces are often neglected. This success is not however is not repeated for an initial grid that lacks unequal angular zoning, this requires a modification of the gradient operator. These forces do respond to hourglass motion, and act against it. The viscous force presented here also shown to maintain cylindrical symmetry. However Shashkov et al point out problems with this viscous force. Specifically; ● ● ● Presented are the result of running the Saltzman piston problem without(above) and with(below) subzonal pressures. The result should be one dimensional. ● 1. The size of the force can vary significantly over a cell. 2.The viscous force has too strong a dependence on the grid itself. Both of these stem from the fact that the viscous force is not derived from a discrete version of a true continuous tensor. To this end they devised a true tensor based viscosity. Coupling this tensor based viscosity with the additional considerations of an MHD tensor shock viscosity is being investigated. The introduction of subzonal densities essentially introduces a discrete version of a subzonal continuous variation in density within the cell. ALE schemes need to carry out some form of approximation to density variation within the cell, the existing ALE scheme will need to be modified to account for this. [1] T. D. Arber et al. J. Comp. Phys. 171 (2001) 151 [2] G. A. Sod. J. Comp. Phys. 27 (1978,1 [3] M. Brio and C.C.Wu. J. Comp. Phys. 75(1988) 400 [4] P. Woodward and P. Colella. J. Comp. Phys. 54(1984) 115 This work acknowledges the financial support of AWE