Metal-insulator transitions of correlated lattice fermions with disorder Disorder in Condensed Matter and Cold Atoms Lorentz Center, Leiden; September 26, 2007 Dieter Vollhardt Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through SFB 484 • Metal-Insulator transitions: Examples • Lattice models • Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT) of correlated fermions & bosons • Mott-Hubbard transition • Disorder and averaging • Binary alloy disorder: Mott-Hubbard transition at fractional filling • Mott-Hubbard transition vs. Anderson localization In collaboration with: Krzysztof Byczuk Walter Hofstetter Band insulator qualitatively different? Mott insulator Need Needbetter betterunderstanding understandingof ofinsulators insulators Two-band Hubbard model (analytic): Smooth crossover Rosch (2006) Metal-Insulator Transitions: Examples 1. Squeezable nanocrystal film switching between metal and insulator Compressed film: metal (metallic sheen) Uncompressed film: insulator (shininess is gone) Discontinuous transition Collier, Saykally, Shiang, Henrichs, Heath (1997) 2. Mott transition in (TMTSF)2PF6 Dressel et al. (1996) d=1 Giamarchi (1997) 3. Metal-insulator transition in a dilute, low-disordered Si MOSFET d=2 Kravchenko, Mason, Bowker, Furneaux, Pudalov, D’Iorio (1995) Anissimova, Kravchenko, Punnoose, Finkel’stein, Klapwijk (2007) 4. Metal-Insulator transitions in La1-xSrxMnO3 d=3 5. Anderson metal-insulator transition: (disorder induced) d=3 6. Mott metal-insulator transition in V2O3 (interaction/correlation induced) d=3 7. Superfluid–Mott transition of cold bosons in an optical lattice d=3 Superfluid (coherent) V0 Mott insulator (incoherent) Greiner, Mandel, Esslinger, Hänsch, Bloch (2002) Correlated Lattice Fermions: Models e-, 6Li, 40K, 171Yb,… 1. Hubbard model: t (=J) Simplest lattice fermion model U Local (“Hubbard“) physics: H = −t ∑σ i,j , ci†σ cjσ + U ∑ ni↑ni↓ i ni↑ ni↓ ≠ ni↑ ni↓ Correlation phenomena: •Metal-insulator transition •Ferromagnetisms,... 2. Falicov-Kimball model t (=J) x U mobile fermion (“d”) x x immobile fermion (“f”) x 171Yb annealed disorder H FK = −t ∑ ci†↑cj↑ + U ∑ ni↑ni↓ i,j n=1 i = −t ∑ d i†d j + U ∑ nid nif i,j 6Li checker board i d=2,3: unsolvable many-body problems Reliable approximations ? Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT) of Correlated Lattice Fermions Dynamical mean-field theory of correlated electrons d=3; coord. # Z fcc lattice: Z=12 Metzner, DV (1989) i d →∞ Z →∞ ⎯⎯⎯ → Scaling of t = t * hopping Z Σ(ω) i G(ω) "single-impurity Anderson model" + self-consistency Hubbard model Georges and Kotliar (1992) Σ( k , ω ) d →∞ Z →∞ ⎯⎯⎯ → Σ(ω ) Dynamical mean-field theory of correlated electrons Proper time resolved treatment of local electronic interactions: Σ( k , ω ) Σ(ω ) Kotliar, DV (2004) DMFT: “local” theory with full many-body dynamics Reliable approximation in d=3 DMFT self-consistency equations (i) Effective single impurity problem (ii) k-integrated Dyson equation (lattice enters) Solve with an „impurity solver“, e.g., QMC, NRG, ED,... Σ(ω) i G(ω) DMFT helped to advance our understanding of, e.g.: • Correlation phenomena at intermediate couplings • Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition Georges, Kotliar, Krauth, Rozenberg (1996) Kotliar, DV (2004) Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition at integer filling Application of DMFT: Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition Hubbard model, n=1 lower Hubbard band LHS upper Hubbard band UHS Atomic levels t=0 Hubbard bands t/U<<0 Application of DMFT: Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition Hubbard model, n=1 Density of states U U quasiparticles lower Hubbard band LHS upper Hubbard band UHS U EF Quasiparticle renormalization m* →∞ m E Hubbard model (n=1) Strongly correlated electron materials: V2O3 NiSe2-xSx κ-organics, ... Excursion: Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of Correlated Lattice Bosons (B-DMFT) 1. Bose-Hubbard model 2. Bose-Falicov-Kimball model mobile immobile 7Li 87Rb annealed disorder Scaling of hopping to derive B-DMFT Byczuk, DV (arXiv:0706.0839) N0=const Scaling not possible on Hamiltonian level, but in the action (cumulant expansion) Bose-Hubbard model: B-DMFT Byczuk, DV (arXiv:0706.0839) Condensate wave fct. New: Coupling to generalized Gross-Pitaevskii eq. for condensate wave fct. Generalizes static MFT of Fisher, Weichman, Grinstein, Fisher (1989) DMFT for fermions B-DMFT Æ Poster K. Byczuk, DV B-DMFT for Bose-Falicov-Kimball model Hardcore f-bosons: nf=0,1 Byczuk, DV (arXiv:0706.0839) d=3, simple cubic lattice • Correlation induced band splitting Æ TBEC increases • Narrowing of lower subband Æ TBEC decreases Æ Enhancement of TBEC due to interactions Disorder (quenched) Anderson disorder model on the lattice H= ∑σ i,j , tij ci†σ cjσ + ∑ ε i niσ Random hopping iσ Random local potential Anderson disorder model on the lattice H = −t ∑σ i,j , ci†σ cjσ + ∑ ε i niσ iσ εi Random local potential Disorder Æ Scattering of quantum particle Scattering time τ Æ Weak scattering (d=3) Σ(ω = 0) ∝ 1 τ Anderson disorder model on the lattice H = −t ∑σ i,j , ci†σ cjσ + ∑ ε i niσ iσ εi Random local potential Disorder distributions, e.g.,: Δ: disorder strength Box disorder 1/ Δ Oi arith = ∫ d ε i P(ε i )Oi e.g., local DOS ρ (ε i ) Binary alloy disorder (alloys A1-xBx, e.g., .Fe1-xCox) x 1-x arith iφ ( r ) ψ ( r ) = ψ ( r ) e Disorder affects wave fct. Localization σ (0) = 0 due to, e.g., Anderson localization Alloy band splitting Binary alloy disorder, bounded Hamiltonian Δ > Δ c max( t ,U ), for d ≥ 1 Upper alloy Subband (UAB) Lower alloy Subband (LAB): DMFT for disordered systems Anderson disorder model on the lattice H = −t ∑σ i,j , DMFT with ci†σ cjσ + ∑ ε i niσ iσ ρ (ε i ) arith ⇔ CPA Vlaming, DV (1992) Janis, DV (1992) CPA: Coherent potential approximation (“best single-site approx.”) Soven (1967) Taylor (1967) • robust results for ρ (ε i ) arith • cannot describe Anderson localization Example: CPA results for phonon DOS for disordered cubic crystal Elliot, Krumhansl, Leath (RMP, 1974) Interactions + binary disorder: Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition at fractional filling Anderson-Hubbard Hamiltonian H = −t ∑σ i,j , ci†σ cjσ + U ∑ ni↑ni↓ + ∑ ε i niσ iσ i • Binary alloy disorder x 1-x Δ: disorder strength # A,B-atoms: NA,B # lattice sites: NL Æ concentration x=NA/NL, 1-x=NB/NL # electrons: N Æ filling n=N/NL • Arithmetic averaging: • DMFT(NRG) Oi arith = ∫ d ε i P(ε i )Oi Mott-Hubbard transition at fractional filling (binary alloy disorder) 0 No disorder Byczuk, Hofstetter, DV (2004) Mott-Hubbard transition at fractional filling (binary alloy disorder) x=NA/NL, 1-x=NB/NL 0 Δc No interaction Byczuk, Hofstetter, DV (2004) Mott-Hubbard transition at fractional filling (binary alloy disorder) x=NA/NL, 1-x=NB/NL 0 Δc Filling n=x: half filled LAB Mott-Hubbard transition at fractional filling Byczuk, Hofstetter, DV (2004) Mott-Hubbard transition at fractional filling (binary alloy disorder) Filling n=x=0.5 x=NA/NL, 1-x=NB/NL Ground-state phase diagram Hysteresis Effective theory for LHB for Δ U , t ← Uc = 6 x x =0.5 = 3/ 2 Byczuk, Hofstetter, DV (2004) Mott-Hubbard Transition vs. Anderson Localization Anderson-Hubbard Hamiltonian H = −t ∑σ i,j , ci†σ cjσ + U ∑ ni↑ni↓ + ∑ ε i niσ i n=1 iσ 1/ Δ Box disorder Δ: disorder strength Δ=0: Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition for U>Uc U=0: Anderson localization for Δ > Δ c > 0 in d>2 d=2: QMC study Chakraborty, Denteneer, Scalettar (2007) 1. 1.Can Canboth bothtransitions transitionsbe becharacterized characterizedby bythe the(average (averagelocal) local)DOS? DOS? 2. 2.Further Furtherdestabilization destabilizationof ofcorrelated correlatedmetallic metallicphase phaseby bydisorder? disorder? 3. 3.Are Arethe theMott Mottinsulator insulatorand andAnderson Andersoninsulator insulatorseparated separatedby by another another(metallic) (metallic)phase? phase? Anderson (1958) Usually unknown Approximation of PDF: calculate averages + moments Which average? ρi ( E ) arith > 0 does not detect localization Why? PDF of disordered systems: very broad with long tails Æ system not self-averaging Anderson localization: ρ i ( E ) typical = ρ i ( E ) geometric =e Anderson (1958) ln ρi ( E ) DMFT for Anderson-Hubbard model lattice Green function Dobrosavljevic, Pastor, Nikolic (2003) Better “typical” values of the local DOS by the Hölder mean? x ∈ \+ , q ∈ \ qÆ0 geometric mean q=1 arithmetic mean q < 0.5 : ρ q (ω = 0) = 0 at Δ cq (U ) Souza, Maionchi, Herrmann; cond-mat/0702355 Mott-Hubbard Transition vs. Anderson Localization Anderson insulator Δc metal ? U c Mott-Hubbard insulator Anderson-Hubbard Hamiltonian H = −t ∑σ i,j , 1/ Δ ci†σ cjσ + U ∑ ni↑ni↓ + ∑ ε i niσ i iσ Δ: disorder strength Solution by DMFT(NRG) Non-magnetic phase diagram; n=1,T=0 1 Local DOS 1 2 3 2 3 Critical behavior at localization transition Byczuk, Hofstetter, DV (2005) Anderson-Hubbard Hamiltonian H = −t ∑σ i,j , ci†σ cjσ + U ∑ ni↑ni↓ + ∑ ε i niσ i 1/ Δ iσ Δ: disorder strength Non-magnetic phase diagram; n=1,T=0 • Disorder increases U c • Interaction in/decreases Δ cA Hubbard Andersonand Mottsubbands insulator neighboring vanish Æ Interactions may increase metallicity d=2: Denteneer, Scalettar, Trivedi (1999) Byczuk, Hofstetter, DV (2005) Anderson-Hubbard Hamiltonian H = −t ∑σ i,j , ci†σ cjσ + U ∑ ni↑ni↓ + ∑ ε i niσ i 1/ Δ iσ Δ: disorder strength DMRG for disordered bosons in d=1 Non-magnetic phase diagram; n=1,T=0 Hubbard Andersonand Mottsubbands insulator neighboring vanish Rapsch, Schollwöck, Zwerger (1999) Byczuk, Hofstetter, DV (2005) Antiferromagnetism vs. Anderson Localization Anderson-Hubbard Hamiltonian H = −t ∑σ i,j , 1/ Δ ci†σ cjσ + U ∑ ni↑ni↓ + ∑ ε i niσ i iσ Δ: disorder strength NN hopping, bipartite lattice, n=1: Take into account antiferromagnetic order Unrestricted Hartree-Fock, d=3 Tusch, Logan (1993) Anderson-Hubbard Hamiltonian H = −t ∑σ i,j , 1/ Δ ci†σ cjσ + U ∑ ni↑ni↓ + ∑ ε i niσ iσ i Δ: disorder strength NN hopping, bipartite lattice, n=1: Take into account antiferromagnetic order order DMFT: Non-magnetic phase diagram Magnetic phase diagram No boundary between Slater- and Heisenberg AFI Poster Å Byczuk, Hofstetter, DV (2007), unpubl.