Health and Safety Committee Meeting Wednesday 6th January 2010 Chair: Roger Buckle [RB] Minutes: Mary Peterson Committee: Malcolm Cooper [MC], Robert Day [RD], Jon Duffy [JD], Chris Jarvis [CJ], Tim Naylor [TN] In Attendance: Julie Brannon (Science Faculty Safety Officer) [JB], Mary Peterson (secretary) [MP] Apologies: Keith Briggs [KB], Jeanette Chattaway [JC], Diane Holland [DH], Dave McIntosh (DM) Action 1. Minutes of last meeting (26 October 2009) The minutes from the last meeting were approved. 2. Matters Arising 2.1 (3a) Gas Cylinders JB reported that the University currently has no common purchasing policy for gas cylinder regulators. It was agreed that JB should take this further. JB 2.2 (3c) PAT Database RB to provide an update on this for the next Safety Committee meeting. RB 2.3 (6e) Waste Disposal RB reported that he had published an item on the weekly Physics Newsletter on waste disposal. It was agreed that RB would discuss the disposal of current items with KB. RB, KB 3. Chair’s business 3.1. Accidents and Incidents Two minor accidents have been reported since the last Committee meeting, both in the undergraduate laboratories. Both accidents have been reported to the Safety Office. For further information, please see Roger. 3.2 Cylinder Gas Services TN informed the Committee of progress in cylinder gas safety in the Clean Suite. A safety cut-off switch has been fitted in the entrance hall to shut off all laboratory gases manually in the event of a fire. RB noted that other piped gas services to the Department will be similarly equipped. It was also noted that this system is of a type approved by the Safety Office. 3.3 Safety Inspections RB reported the completion of the first round of safety inspections. Follow-ups will take place this Page 1 of 2 RB term. No urgent items were found. RB noted that the forms will be made available on the M (shared) drive. 4. Items 4.1 Online Training RB raised a discussion of online training with the Committee. RB has discussed the project with the Safety Committee and Jim Robinson. JD has also discussed it with Jim Robinson, to look at radiation training in particular. It was agreed that a sub-committee, consisting of RB, JD and JB, will progress this further and report to the next meeting. RB, JD, JB 4.2 Specialist Areas: Reports 4.2.1 COSHH and Chemicals Nothing to report. 4.2.2 Radiation JD reported that there is still some radioactive material to be disposed of. We are collaborating with the Chemistry department with regard to the disposal of uranium. 4.2.3 Lasers RD reported that he was working on laser interlocks for the Surface Physics laboratory. It was agreed that RD would copy any relevant information to the Safety Office. 5. A. O. B. 5.1 Projector CJ noted that there was a suspect projector in PS017a. There was evidence of smoke, which has been reported to Maintenance. 5.2 Hazardous Room Contents JD reported seeing laboratory door notices at another installation, which clearly identified any hazardous room contents. It was thought that it would be useful to implement this: for example, in the case of a fire, firemen would be able to identify rooms containing potential hazards (e.g. flammable gases) instantly. 5.3 Risk Assessments TN questioned whether the current risk assessment system is working. RB confirmed that the risk assessment forms are currently being completed, and seem to be easy to use. Meeting closed at 11.25 a.m. Signed ___________________________________________________________ Roger Buckle, DHSO Page 2 of 2 JD RD