Health and Safety Committee Meeting Wednesday 7 July 2010, 10-11am, Room P520A

Health and Safety Committee Meeting
Wednesday 7th July 2010, 10-11am, Room P520A
Present: Roger Buckle (RB), Jeanette Chattaway (JC), Bob Day (BD), Diane Holland (DH),
Chris Jarvis (CJ), Rob Johnston (RJ) Tim Veal (TV), Tim Naylor (TN), Julie Staunton (JS –
standing in for Malcolm Cooper)
Apologies: Malcolm Cooper (MC), Jon Duffy (JD),
In Attendance: Rachel Harrington, Julie Brannon (JB)
Membership of the Committee
Malcolm Cooper has now resigned from the Committee and Keith Briggs has retired.
The Committee thank both MC and KB for their service and welcome two new
members, Rob Johnston and Tim Veal from the Surface Science group.
Minutes of last meeting (24th March 2010)
The minutes from the last meeting were approved.
TN raised a query with item 9.1 in the minutes, regarding the fitting of gas alarms for
the new laser system in Surface Science. This is not happening. Discussion took
place regarding the need for a gas monitoring system and the procedures required.
Action – RB to email JS information on gas monitoring systems and alarms
Matters arising
PAT testing
RB reported that all equipment being transported off site must be PAT tested. There
was discussion over whether this should be allocated to a specific person. RB will
continue to carry out PAT testing
Safety inspections
RB reported that previous surveys will be used as the basis for current inspections.
RB also reported that the university safety office will soon carry out formal safety
inspections of our buildings, and are beginning a hazard mapping exercise around
campus to provide information about hazards and their management.
Laser systems
There are ongoing issues although these have been partially commissioned to finish
the safety interlock system. Mike Smith, the radiation protection officer, is also the
new Laser Safety Officer.
Action – RB to invite Mike to the next Health and Safety meeting
Chair’s business
First aid
Ayesha Rahman is a new first aider for Physics and Tom Orton is to be trained. It was
raised that there is no first aid cover at night or at weekends. Noted that all security
personnel are trained in first aid.
JC reported that there is a lack of first aid signs in Millburn House (especially in NMR
lab and in Chemistry), specifically showing who the first aiders are and how to access
them. The signs also need to display security contacts, in the event of an emergency.
JC is currently the only first aider in Millburn House and covers Physics and
Chemistry. There is uncertainty as to whether other first aiders from Millburn House
staff can access the Physics areas.
New building
There are currently no health and safety issues. New ventilation is being installed in
the MPhys lab. It was reported that Rachel Edward’s lab is experiencing ventilation
issues, as are Diane Holland’s labs and staff offices on the ground floor.
Action – DH to email RB regarding ventilation issues
Gas cylinders
JB reported that a system is being devised to identify and locate gas cylinders across
campus for the benefit of the emergency services and security. Colour coded tags (of
an international standard) will be placed for cylinders will be located outside labs and
in corridors and in notice boards. These may also be placed on stairwells.
JC suggested having a floor plan outside the two lab entrances in Millburn House
showing the position of cylinders in the lab (all apart from one are fixed)
Online training
RB has created a cryogenic quiz on the physics website as a training exercise.
Action – all feedback on quiz to RB
Waste disposal
Due to the departure of Keith Briggs, who was responsible for waste disposal, there
was discussion as to who will take over. It was suggested individuals take
responsibity for bagging and labelling chemical waste. If waste is unidentifiable,
specialists will be brought in to identify and dispose it. The committee suggested
forming a working group to solve the problem of waste disposal, including someone
from Chemistry. Action - RB, DH, TN, TV, and Julie Brannon to form group and
report back at next meeting
Chilled water shut off valve
It was reported that chilled water shut off valves are prone to sticking.
Action – to be discussed at the next meeting
Specialist areas
None reported
JS reported that students are still congregating outside PS128 despite signs
prohibiting this and suggested following up with central timetabling as classes may be
scheduled one after another.
Action – RB to follow up with central timetabling regarding this issue
Meeting closed at 11:15
Next meeting is timetabled for Wednesday 15th September
Signed ---------------------------------------