CURRICULUM VITAE Dustmann Economics Department, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E6BT.

Dustmann, Christian
Economics Department, University College London,
Gower Street, London WC1E6BT.
Phone: +44 (0)20 7679 5832
Fax: +44 (0)20 7916 2775
Present Appointment: Professor of Economics, University College London
1997 Habilitation in Economics and Econometrics (venia in Volkswirtschaftslehre und
Oekonometrie), University of Bielefeld
1992 Ph.D. in Economics, European University Institute (EUI), Florence (with
1988 Diploma (MSc) in Business Economics, University of Bielefeld (with distinction).
1985 MA in Economics, University of Georgia, Athens, (with distinction).
1983 Vordiplom (BSc) in Business Economics, University of Bielefeld, Germany.
Since 2004
Professor in Economics, University College London.
Founding Director CReAM (Centre for Research and Analysis of `
Reader (Associate Professor) in Economics, University College London.
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economics, University
College London.
Assistant Professor, Department of Econonomics, University of Bielefeld.
Memberships, Honours and Fellowships:
President of the European Society for Labour Economists (EALE, 2014-2017)
Member of the Academia Europaea (since 2013)
Fellow of the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina) (since 2012)
President of the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE), 2008
Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London
Research Associate of the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), London
Research Associate of the Centre for Economic Policy (CEP), London
Other Appointments:
Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Harvard University
Scientific Director, NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding
Agency Cooperation in Europe) Programme on Migration
Since 2004
Director CReAM (Centre of Research and Analysis of Migration)
2012, 2014
Visiting Professor, EUI Florence
Spring 2011 Visiting Professor, EUI, Florence
Fall 2010
Visiting Professor, RSSS, Australian National University
Fall 2001
Spring 1999
Spring 1995
Part-Time Visiting Professor, Faculty for Economics and Econometrics,
University of Amsterdam
(Fall terms) Visiting Professor, RSSS, Australian National University
Visiting Professor/Fellow, Center of Labor Economics, University of
Visiting Professor, Bonn Graduate School and IZA, Bonn
Visiting Professor, European University Institute, Florence
Visiting Fellow, INRA, Paris.
Advisory Roles:
Since 2011
British Home Office, Economics and Resource Analysis Advisory Group
2010-2014 Member of the National Education Panel Survey (NEPS) Scientific Board
Since 2010
Member of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Labour Market Research
Member of the British Home Office Advisory Panel
Referee for Scientific Organisations:
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC), Danish Research Council, Dutch
Research Council, Austrian Research Council, German Research Council (DFG),
European Research Council, Phare-Ace Programme of the European Commission, ERC
Referee for Scientific Journals, last four years:
American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economic
Studies, Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, Economic Journal, Journal of
Development Economics, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of
Public Economics, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Human Resources, Review of
Economics and Statistics, Oxford Economic Papers, American Economic Journals
Editorial duties:
Editor Journal of Population Economics January 2003-2010
Editorial Board Economic Journal 2005-2011
Editor Economic Journal Features on The Class Size Debate, 2003
Editor Economic Journal Features on The Labour Market Effects of Immigration (with Ian
Preston and Tim Hatton), 2005
Editor Oxford Review of Economic Policy on Gender and the Life Cycle, 2005
Editor Empirical Economics on The Economics of Education (with Bernd Fitzenberger and
Steve Machin), 2006
Service to the Scientific Community:
Member of numerous Programme Committees for Scholarly Associations (European
Economic Association, Econometric Society, Royal Economic Society, Verein fuer
Socialpolitik, European Society for Population Economics, Society for Labor Economics,
European Association of Labour Economists, etc.)
 2014-2017: Co-applicant on proposal “Globalisation, Institutions and the Welfare
State”, funded under the Norface Welfare State programme
 2014-2017: Principal Applicant for Proposal “The Dynamic Impact of
Immigration on Wages, Employment, Technology and Innovation”, funded under
the DFG Programme “The German Labour Market in a Globalised World Challenges through Trade, Technology, and Demographics”
 2013-2018: Award of an ERC (European Research Council) Advanced Grant,
“The Dynamics of Migration and Economic Adjustment”.
 2013: Co-applicant for German Science Foundation (DFG) funded Priority
Programme “The German Labour Market in a Globalized World: Challenges
through Trade, Technology and Demographics”. Start Date: 2014.
 2012-2013: Co-applicant for German Research Foundation (DFG) Grant,
“Education as a Life- long Process”.
 2012-2014: Co-applicant for Thyssen Foundation Grant on “The causal effect of
track choice on long-term educational attainment and labour market outcomes”.
 2009-2013 NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency
Cooperation in Europe) Programme of Migration, Research Grant on “Migration:
Integration, Impact and Interaction”.
 2008-2014: NORFACE Programme on Migration, Scientific Directorship.
 2006: Principal Applicant for research commissioned by the Welsh Assembly on
The impact of Immigration: A Review of Economic Evidence. Starting date:
October 2006.
 2006: Principal Applicant for Anglo-German Foundation (AGF) Research
Programme The Economics and Politics of Employment, Migration and Social
Justice. Starting date: October 2006.
 2006: Co-applicant for ESRC Research Proposal, Crime and Mental Health.
Starting date: 2007.
 2005: Co-applicant for RTN Training Network, Transnationality of Migrants:
Enduring ties with the home country and integration in the host country. Starting
date: Autumn 2006.
 2005: Co-applicant for Marie-Currie Training Network TOM, which allocates 44
early researcher months and 12 post-doc months as well as expenses and overhead
to UCL. Starting date: 2006.
 2005: Principal Applicant to Low Pay Commission Proposal on a Study of
Migrant Workers and the National Minimum Wage and Enforcement Issues that
Arise. Starting date: October 2005.
 2004, 2006, 2008: Co-Applicant for German Science Foundation (DFG) Priority
Programme proposal on Unionisation, Wage Setting, educational incentives and
Organisational Change. Three-stage proposal. Starting dates 2005, 2007, and
2003: Principal Applicant for ESRC Research Proposal on Immigration: Impact,
Outcomes and Reception. Starting date: December 2003. Co-applicants: Jerome
Adda, Steve Machin and Ian Preston.
2003: Principal Applicant for Anglo-German Foundation Research Proposal on
Employment, Wage Structures and Economic Cycle. Starting date: January 2004.
2003: Co-applicant (with David Card and Ian Preston), Nuffield Foundation
Research Proposal on a Cross-National Analysis of Opinions on Immigration in
Europe. Starting date: January 2004.
2003: Co-applicant (with Jerome Adda), ESRC Proposal on “Fertility Choices and
Occupation”. Starting date: April 2004.
2001: Principal Applicant for Project on The Impact of EU Enlargement on
Migration Flows funded by the British Home Office. Co-investigators: Ian Preston
and Maria Casanova.
2000: Principal Applicant for Project on The Impact of Migration on Local
Labour Markets in the UK funded by the British Home Office. Co-investigators:
Ian Preston, Francesca Fabbri and Jonathan Wadsworth.
2000: Principal Applicant for project on The Performance of Immigrants in the
UK funded by the British Home Office. Co-investigators: Ian Preston, Francesca
Fabbri and Jonathan Wadsworth.
1997: Co-applicant for project on Wage Growth and Job Mobility in Germany,
Anglo-German Foundation, with S. Bender and C. Meghir.
Invited Public Talks and Lectures (past 10 years):
Keynote lecture on Impact of Migration at ESRC-Centre COMPAS
(Centre on Migration, Policy and Society) Launch Conference
Keynote lecture on Training and Union Wages, Conference on
Inequality and the Labour Market, Bergen
Invited lecture on Impact of Migration, Government and Economic
Service Conference, HM Treasury, London
Opening lecture for CEPR/CReAM book launch “Immigration, Jobs and
Wages: Theory, Evidence and Opinion”, hosted by the Department of
Work and Pensions
Invited talk on Migration, CEPR/DIW Lunchtime Meeting, Berlin
Keynote lecture, Conference on “Heterogene Arbeit”, Mannheim
Keynote lecture on Attitudes towards Migration, Annual Conference of
Italian Labour Economists (AIEL), Rome
Invited Public Lecture on the Impact of Migration, Canberra, Australia
Invited Plenary Talk at World Bank International Policy Conference in
preparation of the World Development Report “The Next Generation”,
Invited Keynote Lecture, Conference on “Attitudes to Immigration,
Labour and Capital Flows in Europe Following Enlargement” in
Warsaw, organised by the IMF and the National Bank of Poland
Invited Talk to the “Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee” on
The Impact of Migration on the UK Economy
Invited talk to Employer and Union Representatives on Impact of
Immigration, Helsinki, Finland
Opening Plenary Lecture, Business Roundtable on ‘Business and Human
Migration - Dilemmas and Opportunities’, The Hague Process on
Refugees and Migration
Keynote lecture on Immigration, LOWER conference, LSE
Invited Lecture on Immigration, Royal Statistical Society Conference,
York, UK.
Key Public Lecture at CLSRB Migration Conference, Vancouver
Keynote Lecture, Inauguration of the Research Network Labour and the
Welfare State, Linz, Austria
Invited Lecture on “Impact of Migration”, Welsh Assembly Conference,
Keynote Address and Lecture, CEPOS conference, Copenhagen
Keynote Lecture, Managing Migration conference, Goodenough
College, London
Keynote Address, Thematic Review Conference, Brussels
Keynote Lecture, Conference “Economics of Education, Firm Behaviour
and Training Policies, Zurich
Keynote Lecture, conference “The Evolution of Inequality in Italy”,
Keynote Lecture, conference “Migration and Development”, Lille,
Presidential Address, European Society for Population Economics
Annual Congress, London, UK
Keynote Address, 14th International Metropolis Conference on
“Migration and Mobility”, Copenhagen, Denmark
Keynote Address, Annual Congress of “Swiss Society of Economics and
Statistics”, Fribourg, Switzerland
Keynote Lecture, Conference “The Economic Contribution of
Immigration in Canada”, Ottawa, Oct. 29/30
Public Lecture on “Immigration; Economics and Politics”, Luigi Einaudi
Foundation, Turin, Italy
Public Lecture, Free movement of workers: Economic Effects and
Individual Perception, Polish Embassy, London.
Public Lecture, Lithuanian EU Presidency Conference 2013 “EU
Agenda for Growth: Why Migration matters” November 5-6, 2013,
Vilnius, Lithuania.
Keynote Lecture, TEMPO Conference on Migration, Nottingham, UK,
Keynote Lecture, 5th Transatlantic Conference on the Economics of
Crime, Frankfurt
Keynote Address, European Society for Population Economics (ESPE)
Annual Congress, Braga, Portugal
Keynote Address, 3rd Banque de France conference on “Labor market:
institutions and reforms”, Aix-en-Provence
Presidential Address (EALE), EALE/SOLE World Congress, Montreal,
Keynote Address, Western Economic Association, Honolulu, July
Keynote Address, Association of Italian Labour Economists (AIEL),
Cagliari, Italy, September
Numerous seminar presentations at Universities in the UK, Europe and the US. Regular
presentation of papers and invited lectures at international conferences. Invited public
lectures and presentations to government bodies. Academic Seminars last two years:
2014: Madrid, Nottingham, Cornell, OSU, Edinburgh, EUI, Yale, Harvard, NBER,
Bielefeld, Berlin, Princeton. 2015: Davis, Berkeley, ECB, Wisconsin, Carnegie Mellon,
Boston University, Bocconi, Zurich, Vancouver, Montreal, Dartmouth, MIT, Warwick,
Numerous references to academic work (work on class size, auctions, impact of
migration, attitudes towards immigrants, pocket money, migration impact, East-West
migration, maternity leave, wage inequality etc.) in national and international
newspapers, including the Times, Observer, Financial Times, Daily Telegraph, Guardian
etc. Interviews with major TV and Radio stations, including BBC 10 a clock news,
Bloomberg, BBC World, Today programme on BBC4, CNN, and various national BBC
radio stations. See for details.
Academic Supervision:
Johannes Wiegand. Title Thesis: Four Essays on Applied Welfare
Measurement and Income Distribution Dynamics in Germany 1985-1995
Current Position: International Monetary Fund
Astrid Kunze. Title Thesis: Male-female Wage Differentials - A
Longitudinal Analysis of Young Skilled Workers in Germany.
Current position: Professor, Department of Economics, Bergen/Norway
Sonja Pereira. Title Thesis: Minimum Wages and Wage Mobility
Current position: Professor, Barnard College, Columbia University
Sandra McNally. Title Thesis: Structural Change in Agriculture:
Economic Analysis Based on Micro-data.
Current Position: Professor of Economics, University of Surrey.
Uta Schoenberg. Title Thesis: Mobility and Wage Growth.
Current Position: Professor, Department of Economics, University
College London.
Francesca Fabbri. Title Thesis: Essays on Migration.
Currently Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Economics,
University of Munich, Germany
Albrecht Glitz. Thesis Title: The Labour Market Impact and Performance
of Immigrants. Current Position: Associate Professor, Pompeu Fabra
University, Barcelona
Katrien Stevens. Thesis Title: Male-Female Wage Differentials and
Fertility. Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Sydney
Francesco Fasani. Essays on Illegal Migration. Current position: Assistant
Professor, Queen Marry College, London.
Joseph Mestres. Thesis Title: Essays on Migration and Remittances.
Current position: Research Officer, OECD, Paris.
Tommaso Frattini. Thesis Title: The Labour Market Effects of Migration.
Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Milan.
Anna Rosso. Current Position: Research Fellow, National Institute of
Economic and Social Research (NIESR)
Anna Raute. Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of
Jan Stuhler. Current Position: Assistant Professor, Universidad Carlos III
de Madrid
Luigi Minale. Current Position: Assistant Professor, Universidad Carlos
III de Madrid
Simon Gorlach. From September 2016: Assistant Professor, Bocconi
Ines Helm. From September 2016: Assistant Professor, Stockholm
Barbara Treude
Mimosa DiStefano
Labour Economics, University of Bielefeld, 1993.
Microeconometrics, University of Bielefeld, 1992, 1993.
Econometric Methods (3rd year undergraduate), University College London, 1994, 1995,
Mathematics for Economists (1st year undergraduate), University College London, 1994,
1995, 1996.
Microeconometrics (M.Sc.), jointly with C. Meghir and R. Blundell, University College
London, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000.
Econometrics for Environmental Economics (M.Sc.), jointly with S. Machin, University
College London, 1996, 1997.
Microeconometrics (Ph.D.), European University Institute, Florence, 1997.
Applied Econometrics II, Bonn Graduate School of Economics, 1998/1999.
Microeconometrics (Ph.D.), European University Institute, Florence, 1998.
Quantitative Economics and Econometrics, UCL, 1998/1999; 1999/2000, 2000/2001,
2001/2002, 2002/2003, 2003/2004.
Empirical Microeconomics, (Ph.D), jointly with H. Ichimura, 1999/2000, 2000/2001.
Labour Economics (MSc/PhD), Spring 2002, 2003.
Topics in Applied Microeconomics (MSc/PhD), Spring 2002, 2003.
The Economic of Migration (MSc), Spring 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012,
2013, 2015
Applied Economics (BsC), Spring 2011, 2012.
PhD Examining:
Rob Euwal, Tilburg University, 1997.
Dan-Olof Roth, University of Lund, 1999.
Pilar Beneito, University of Valencia, 2000.
Damon Clark, Oxford, 2001.
Kaspar Richter, LSE, 2004
Charles Bellemare, Tilburg, 2004
Michelle Pellizari, LSE, 2005
Thomas Siedler, Essex, 2007
Tyra Ekhaugen, Oslo, 2008
Paolo Pinotti, UPF, Barcelona, 2009
Olivier Marie, LSE, 2009
Sylvain Weber, Geneva, 2011
Edwin Goni Pacchioni, EUI Florence, 2011
Priscillia Hunt, Warwick, 2011
Ola L. Vestad, Oslo, 2012
Ana Damas de Matos, LSE, London, 2013
Richard Murphy, UCL, London, 2014
Enabling Activity:
Department of Economics:
1995-2002: UCL co-ordinator ENTER programme.
1998-2002: Academic Computer officer.
2002-2007: MPhil/PhD Programme Director
Academic Papers:
Publications in Refereed Journals:
1. The Career Cost of Children (with Jerome Adda and Katrien Stevens), forthcoming
at Journal of Political Economy
2. The Long-Term Effects of Early Track Choice (joint with Patrick Puhani and Uta
Schoenberg), forthcoming at Economic Journal
3. Legal status and Consumption Behaviour of Immigrant Households (joint with
Francesco Fasani and Biagio Speciale), forthcoming at Journal of the European
Economic Association (JEEA).
4. Referral-based Job Search Networks (with Albrecht Glitz and Uta Schoenberg),
forthcoming at Review of Economic Studies
5. The Economics of Temporary Migrations (joint with Simon Gorlach), Journal of
Economic Literature, vol. 54, no. 1, March 2016, pp. 98-136
6. The Effect of Local Area Crime on the Mental Health of Residents (joint with
Francesco Fasani), forthcoming at Economic Journal
7. How do Industries respond to Changes in Local Labour Supply? (with Albrecht
Glitz, Journal of Labor Economics, 33(3), 711-750, 2015.
8. The Effect of Emigration from Poland on Polish Wages (joint with Tommaso
Frattini and Anna Rosso), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol. 117, pp. 522564, 2015
9. The Fiscal Effects of Immigration in the UK (joint with Tommaso Frattini),
Economic Journal, Vol.124, Issue 580, pages F593–F643, 2014
10. Out-migration, Wealth Constraints, and the Quality of Local Amenities (joint with
Anna Okatenko), Journal of Development Economics, 110 (2014) 52–63, 2014
11. The Effect of Growing up in a High Crime Neighborhood on Criminal Behaviour
(joint with Anna Piil Damm), American Economic Review, 104(6), pp. 1806-1832,
12. Selective Outmigration and the Estimation of Immigrants' Earning' Profiles (with
Joseph-Simon Gorlach), forthcoming Handbook of the Economics of Migration,
Chiswick/Miller (editors), 2014
13. From “Sick Man of Europe” to the “Economic Superstar”: Germany’s Resurging
Economy (joint with Bernd Fitzenberger, Uta Schoenberg, Alexandra Spitz Oener),
Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 28, pp. 167-188, 2014
14. The Effect of Immigration along the Distribution of Wages (joint with Tommaso
Frattini and Ian Preston), Review of Economic Studies, 2013
15. The Effect of Expansions in Maternity Leave Coverage on Children’s Long-Term
Outcomes (joint with Uta Schoenberg), American Economic Journal – Applied
Economics, Vol. 4, pp. 190-224, 2012
16. Apprenticeship Training and Commitment to Training Provision (joint with Uta
Schoenberg), American Economic Journal – Applied Economics, Vol. 4, pp.3661, 2012
17. Educational Achievement of Second Generation Immigrants: An International
Comparison (joint with Tommaso Frattini and Gianandrea Lanzara), Economic
Policy, Vol. 27(69), pp. 143-185, 2012
18. Estimating the Effect of Immigration on Wages (joint with Ian Preston), Journal
of the European Economic Association, Vol. 10 (1), 216-223, 2012
19. Immigration, Wages, and Compositional Amenities (joint with David Card and
Ian Preston, Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 10 (1), 78-119,
20. Migration and Education (joint with Albrecht Glitz), Handbook of the Economics
of Education, Volume 4, chapter 4, Hanushek, Machin Woessmann (ed.), pp 327441, 2011
21. Return Migration, Human Capital Accumulation, and the Brain Drain (joint with
Itzhak Fadlon and Yoram Weiss), Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 95(1),
pages 58-67, 2011
22. Racial Harassment and Minority Concentration (with Francesca Fabbri and Ian
Preston), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 113(3):689-711, 2011
23. Ethnicity and Educational Achievement in Compulsory Schooling (joint with Steve
Machin and Uta Schoenberg), Economic Journal, vol. 120(546), F272-F297, 2011
24. Assessing the Fiscal Costs and Benefits of A8 Migration to the UK (joint with
Tommaso Frattini and Caroline Halls), Fiscal Studies, 31, 2010
25. Savings, Asset Holdings, and Temporary Migration (joint with Josep Mestres),
Annales d’Economie et de Statistique, 2010
26. The Economic Situation of First- and Second-Generation Immigrants in France,
Germany, and the United Kingdom (joint with Yann Algan, Albrecht Glitz and
Alan Manning), Economic Journal, Volume 120, 2010, F4-F30
27. Ethnic Minority Immigrants and their Children in Britain (joint with Nikos
Theodoropoulos), Oxford Economic Papers, vol. 62(2), 209-233, 2010
28. Immigrants’ Identity, Economic Outcomes, and the Transmission of Identity across
Generations (joint with Teresa Casey), Economic Journal Volume 120, 2010, F31F51
29. Employment, Wages, and the Economic Cycle: Differences between Immigrants
and Natives (joint with Albrecht Glitz and Thorsten Vogel), European Economic
Review, Volume 54, 2010, 1-17
30. Remittances and Return Migration (joint with Josep Mestres), Journal of
Development Economics, Volume 92, 1, 2010, Pages 62-70
31. Revisiting the German Wage Structure (joint with Johannes Ludsteck and Uta
Schoenberg, Quarterly Journal of Economics May 2009, Vol. 124, No. 2: 843–881.
32. In-School Work Experience, Parental Allowances, and Wages, (with A. vanSoest
and John Micklewright, Empirical Economics, Volume 37, 1, September, 2009
33. Training and Union Wages (with Uta Schoenberg), Review of Economics and
Statistics 2009, 91 (2), 363-376)
34. Intergenerational transmission of language capital and economic outcomes (with
T Casey), Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 43, pp 299-324, 2008
35. The Labour Market Impact of Immigration (joint with Albrecht Glitz and Tommaso
Frattini), Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2008, 24, 477 - 494
36. Wage Growth and Job Mobility in the UK and in Germany (joint with Sonia
Pereira), Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 374-393, 2008
37. Intergenerational Mobility and Return Migration: Comparing sons of foreign and
native born fathers, Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 43, pp. 660-687, 2008
38. Racial and Economic Factors in Attitudes to Immigration (with Ian Preston), The
B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy: Vol. 7, Issue 1 (Advances), Article
62, 2007
39. Return Migration: Theory and Empirical Evidence for the UK (joint with Yoram
Weiss), British Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 45 Issue 2, pp. 236-256, 2007
40. Selection Correction in Panel Data Models: An Application to Labour Supply and
Wages (with Maria Engracia Rochina-Barrachina), Econometrics Journal, 10, 2,
41. Part-Time Work, School Success and School Leaving (with A. vanSoest),
Empirical Economics Vol. 32, pp.277–299 (2007)
42. Gender and Ethnicity-Married Immigrants in Britain (with Francesca Fabbri),
Oxford Review of Economic Policy 2005 vol 21: 462-484; also: The Assessment:
Gender and the Life Cycle, Oxford Review of Economic Policy 2005 21: 325339
43. Immigrants in the British Labour Market (with Francesca Fabbri), Fiscal Studies
2005, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 423–470
44. Is Immigration Good or Bad for the Economy? Analysis of Attitudinal Responses
(with Ian Preston), Research in Labor Economics, vol. 24, pp. 3-34, 2005
45. The Impact of Immigration on the British Labour Market (with Francesca Fabbri
and Ian Preston), Economic Journal Volume 115, Issue 507, Page F324-F341,
Nov 2005 ; same issue: The Labour Market Effects of Immigration, editorial (with
T Hatton and I Preston).
46. Strange Bids: Bidding Behaviour in the United Kingdom’s Third Generation
Spectrum Auction (with Tilman Borgers), Economic Journal, vol. 115, pp. 551578, 2005. Received award for best paper published in the Economic Journal
47. Wages, Experience and Seniority (with C. Meghir), Review of Economic Studies,
vol. 72, 2005.
48. Parametric and Semiparametric Estimation in Models with Misclassified
Categorical Variables (with A. van Soest), Journal of Business and Economic
Statistics, Vol. 22, No. 3, July 2004 pp.312-321.
49. Parental background, secondary school track choice, and wages, Oxford Economic
Papers 56 (2004), 209-230
50. Children and Return Migration, Journal of Population Economics, 2003, 16: 815830.
51. Language Proficiency and Labour Market Performance of Immigrants in the UK,
(with F. Fabbri), Economic Journal, July 2003, pp. 695-717.
52. Awarding Telecom Licenses: The Recent European Experience (joint with Tilman
Borgers), Economic Policy, Vol. 36, 2003, pp. 217-268.
53. Class Size, Education, and Wages, Economic Journal, (with N. Rajah and A. van
Soest), Vol. 113, 2003, pp. F99-F120.
54. Editorial: The Class Size Debate and Educational Mechanisms, Economic Journal,
Vol. 113, 2003, pp. F1-F2.
55. Return Migration and the Optimal Migration Duration, European Economic Review
2003, Vol. 47, pp. 353-367.
56. Rationalising the UMTS Spectrum Bids: The Case of the UK Auction (with
Tilman Borgers), Ifo-Studies, 48, 77-111, 2002. [Reprinted in: Gerhard Illing and
Ulrich Klüh (editors), Spectrum Auctions and Competition in
Telecommunications, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2003, 119 - 157.]
57. The Optimal Migration Duration and Economic Activities after Re-Migration,
(with O. Kirchkamp), Journal of Development Economics, 67, 351-372, 2002.
58. Language and the Earnings of Immigrants (with A. van Soest), Industrial and
Labor Relations Review, Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 473-492, 2002.
59. Language Fluency and Earnings: Estimation with Misclassified Language
Indicators (with A. vanSoest), Review of Economics and Statistics, 83, 663-674,
60. Attitudes to Ethnic Minorities, Ethnic Context and Location Decisions (with I.
Preston), Economic Journal, 111, 353-373, 2001.
61. Temporary Migration and Economic Assimilation, Swedish Economic Policy
Review, 7, 213-244, 2000.
62. Temporary Migration, Human Capital and Language Fluency of Migrants,
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 101, 297-314, 1999.
63. Public and private sector wages of male workers in Germany (with A. van Soest),
European Economic Review, 42, 1417-1441, 1998.
64. Wage Structures in the Private and Public Sectors in West Germany (with A.
vanSoest), Fiscal Studies, 18, 225-247, 1997.
65. Teenage Truancy, Working Habits and Wages, (with N. Rajah and S. Smith)
Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 10, 425-442, 1997.
66. The Effects of Education, Parental Background and Ethnic Concentration on
Language, Quarterly Review for Economics and Finance, special issue on The
Economics of Immigrant Assimilation, B. R. Chiswick (ed.), Vol. 37, pp. 245-262,
67. Differences in the Labour Market Behaviour between Temporary and Permanent
Migrant Women, Labour Economics, 4, pp. 29-46, 1997. Reprinted in K.
F.Zimmermann and T. K. Bauer (eds.) The Economics of Migration. Vol. III,
chapter 12. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2002.
68. Return Migration, Savings and Uncertainty, Journal of Development Economics,
1997, 52, pp. 295-316. Reprinted in K. F.Zimmermann and T. K. Bauer (eds.) The
Economics of Migration. Vol. I, chapter 17. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing,
69. Return Migration: The European Experience, Economic Policy, 22, pp. 215--250,
70. The Social Assimilation of Migrants, Journal of Population Economics, 9, pp. 79103, 1996.
71. Earnings and Learning: Educational Policy and The Growth of Part-Time Work by
Full-time Pupils, (with J. Micklewright, Najma Rajah and Stephen Smith), Fiscal
Studies, pp. 79-103, 1996.
72. Savings Behaviour of Migrant Workers - A Life Cycle Analysis, Zeitschrift fuer
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, 4, pp. 511--533, 1995.
73. Speaking Fluency, Writing Fluency and Earnings of Migrants, Journal of
Population Economics, 7, pp. 33-156, 1994. Reprinted in K. F.Zimmermann and
T. K. Bauer (eds.) The Economics of Migration. Vol. II, chapter 23. Cheltenham:
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2002.
74. Earnings Adjustment of Temporary Migrants, Journal of Population Economics, 6,
pp. 153-168, 1993. Reprinted in K. F.Zimmermann and T. K. Bauer (eds.) The
Economics of Migration. Vol. II, chapter 11. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Publishing, 2002.
Under Revision, Working Papers and Ongoing Research:
75. Peer Effects in the Workplace (joint with Thomas Cornelissen and Uta
Schoenberg), under revision for American Economic Review
76. Labor Supply Shocks and the Dynamics of Local Wages and Employment (with
Uta Schoenberg and Jan Stuhler), under revision for Quarterly Journal of
77. Early School Exposure, Test Scores, and Non-Cognitive Outcomes (joint with
Thomas Cornelissen and Claudia Trentini), submitted
78. The Dynamics of Return Migration, Human Capital Accumulation, and Wage
Assimilation (with Jerome Adda and Simon Gorlach), submitted
79. Sources of Wage Growth (with Jerome Adda), under revision for Journal of
Political Economy
80. Risk Attitudes and Household Migration Decisions (joint with Francesco Fasani,
Luigi Minale and Xin Meng), submitted
81. Child’s Gender, Young Fathers’ Crime, and Spillover Effects in Criminal Behavior
(joint with Rasmus Landerso), submitted
82. Who benefits from universal childcare? Estimating marginal returns to early
childcare attendance (joint with Thomas Cornelissen, Anna Raute and Uta
Schönberg), under revision for Journal of Political Economy
83. Employment Dynamics among Immigrants and Natives (with A. vanSoest and
Simon Gorlach).
Chapters in Books and Non-refereed Journal Publications:
84. Immigration: the European Experience, (joint with Tommaso Frattini), CReAM DP
No. 22/11, forthcoming in "Immigration, Poverty, and Socioeconomic Inequality",
edited by David Card and Steve Raphael, Russel Sage Foundation, 2013.
85. Ethnicity and Second Generation Immigrants (joint with Tommaso Frattini and
Nikos Theodoropoulos), in Paul Gregg and Jonathan Wadsworth (ed), The Labour
Market in Winter. The State of Working Britain. OUP, 2011
86. “Migration and the Youth: Immigrants and the Children of Immigrants” in
“Development and the Next Generation”, Gudrun Kochendoerfer-Lucius and Boris
Pleskovic (eds), The World Bank, Washington, 2007
87. Why does the German Apprenticeship System work?” in K.U. Mayer and H. Solga
(editors), “Skill Formation: Interdisciplinary and Cross-National Perspectives”,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge , 2008
88. Employment, participation and wages of white and minority immigrants in Britain
(joint with Francesca Fabbri), in Tony Pilch (editor), Perspectives on Migration,
the Smith Institute 2005
89. Arbeitsmarktverhalten, Integration und Rückkehr von Einwanderern,
Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, 71, 2, 272-285, 2002.
90. Probleme der Prognose von Wanderungsbewegungen im Zuge der Osterweiterung
der EU, Diskussion, Applied Economics Quarterly, 52, 77-83, 2001.
91. Aspetti Economici della migratione (with F. Fabbri), Manuale di Economia Del
Lavoro, Bruchi Luchino (ed), Mulino 2001.
92. Estimation of Discrete Response Models with Misclassified Dependent Variables,
(with Arthur van Soest), to appear in Oekonometrische Studien, R. Friedmann, L.
Knueppel, H. Luetkepohl (ed), 2001.
93. Temporary Migration, Consumption, and Labour Supply, Rivista di Politica
Economica, Year XC, 237-256, 2001.
94. Job Mobility, Wage Growth, and Displacement Effects in Germany, (with S.
Bender and C. Meghir), R. von Weizsaecker (ed), Springer, 2001.
95. Return Decisions of Immigrants, chapter 11 in International Migration: Trends,
Policy and Economic Impact, S. Djajic (ed), Routledge, 2001.
96. Worker Displacement in France and Germany, (with S. Bender, D. Margolis and
C. Meghir), to appear in Loosing Work: International Perspectives on Job
Displacement, Peter Kuhn (ed.), Upjohn Institute, 2000.
97. Wages and Hours Worked in the Private and Public Sectors in Germany, (with A.
vanSoest), in Public Sector Pay Determination within the European Union, R.F.
Elliot (ed.),MacMillan Press, London, 1999.
98. Le Retribuzioni nei Settori Pubblico e Privato in Italia e Germania: Un Paragone
basato su Dati Microeconomici, (with G. Brunello), in Rapporto Aran, Carlo Dell'
Aringa (ed.), pp. 267-289, Franco Agnelli, Milano, 1997.
99. Public and Private Sector Wages: A Comparison between Germany and Italy, (with
G. Brunello), in Comparaisons Internationales de Salaire, pp. 85-107, Paris:
Ministere due travail et des Affaires Sociales, INSEE, 1997.
100. Wages in the First Job After Apprenticeship Training (with R. Euwal and A. van
Soest) MittAB, Vol.3, 671 - 674, 1997
101. Le Determinanti dell'Abilit…' Linguistica e l'Effetto della Lingua sui Salari degli
Immigrati - Evidenca per la Germania, in Carlo Dell'Aringa (ed.) La
Determinatione dei salari: teoria ed evidenza empirica, Editioni Scientifiche
Italiane, pp. 159--174, 1994.
102. Benefits, Incentives and Uncertainty, (with John Micklewright), in N. Barr and
David Whynes (eds.), Current Issues in Welfare Economics, Macmillan, pp. 87-104, 1993.
Edited Books:
Migration: Economic Change, Social Challenge, Christian Dustmann (ed), Oxford
University Press 2015
The Economics of Education and Training, Christian Dustmann, Bernd
Fitzenberger, Steve Machin (ed.), Springer 2008
Policy Reports:
Labour Market performance of Immigrants in the UK Labour Market, Home
Office Online Report 05/03, 2003 (with Francesca Fabbri, Ian Preston, and
Jonathan Wadsworth) (
The Local Labour Market Effects of Migration in the UK, Home Office Online
Report 06/03, 2003 (with Francesca Fabbri, Ian Preston, and Jonathan
Wadsworth) (
The Impact of EU Enlargement on Migration Flows, Home Office Online Report,
2003 (with Maria Casanova, Michael Fertig, Ian Preston, and Christoph M
Immigration, Jobs and Wages: Theory, Evidence and Opinion (joint with Albrecht
Glitz), Centre for Economic Policy Research 2005.
A Study of Migrant Workers and the National Minimum Wage and Enforcement
Issues that Arise (with T Frattini and I Preston) Report for the Low Pay
Commission (March 2007)
The Impact of Migration on the Provision of UK Public Services. Report prepared
for the Migration Advisory Committee (2011) (with Tommaso Frattini and Ian
The Socio-Economic Integration of Migrants. Report commissioned by the
Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG), within the research
programme “Socio-Economic Integration of Migrants”, (with Tommaso Frattini),
Review of Data and Predictions about Attitudes to Migration and the
Environment. Report prepared for the Foresight Project on Global Environmental
Migration 2011 (with Anna Okatenko)
Can immigration constitute a sensible solution to sub-national and regional
labour shortages? Report prepared for the Migration Advisory Committee (2011)
(with Tommaso Frattini and Ian Preston).
Can a framework for the economic cost-benefit analysis of various immigration
policies be developed to inform decision making and, if so, what data are
required? Report prepared for the Migration Advisory Committee (2010) (with
Tommaso Frattini)
Immigration, Jobs and Wages: Theory, Evidence and Opinion. (joint with Albrecht
Glitz), Centre for Economic Policy Research 2005.
The Impact of Migration: A Review of the Economic Evidence. (with Tommaso
Frattini and Albrecht Glitz) Report for the Welsh Assembly (Contract No