ITU-T Workshop "The impact of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on the work of the ITU-T" Geneva, 2 November 2009 Conformity Assessment in the Public Procurement of Accessible ICT Loïc Martínez1, Clas Thorén2 1Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 2Clas Thorén Consulting Geneva, 2 November 2009 International Telecommunication Union I Contents A D Introduction E C Approach S CF The dimensions Existing conformity assessment systems and schemes The criteria The scenarios Conclusions and future work ITU-T Workshop on Accessibility Geneva, 2 November 2009 International Telecommunication Union 2 I Introduction A D E C Public procurement as a tool for improving accessibility S CF Europe: Mandate M/376 functional accessibility requirements for ICT Phase 2 Report 1 (ETSI) Functional accessibility requirements, standards and current state of public procurement of accessible ICT Report 2 (CEN / CENELEC) Conformity assessment schemes and supplier’s ability and capacities Phase 1 to verify that the products fulfil the accessibility requirements ITU-T Workshop on Accessibility Geneva, 2 November 2009 International Telecommunication Union 3 I A The CEN/CENELEC Project Team D E C S Enrique Varela (ES) Klaus-Peter Wegge (GE) CF Clas Thorén (SE) Project Leader Eric Velleman (NL) Loïc Martínez (ES) Liaison with ETSI Stephan Corvers ITU-T Workshop on Accessibility Geneva, 2 November 2009 International Telecommunication Union 4 I A Some definitions D E C S CF Conformity Assessment • A demonstration that specified requirements relating to a product, process, system, person or body are fulfilled Conformity Assessment System • A set of rules, procedures and management for carrying out conformity assessment Conformity Assessment Scheme • A conformity assessment system related to specified objects to which the same specified requirements, rules and procedures apply ITU-T Workshop on Accessibility Geneva, 2 November 2009 International Telecommunication Union 5 I A Our approach D E C 1. Search for existing schemes and systems S CF 2. Model to analyze the properties of schemes and systems: Dimensions 4. Define a model to analyze a public procurement context: Criteria 3. Describe schemes and systems using the dimensions 5. Apply criteria to describe hypothetical scenarios and recommend values for dimensions ITU-T Workshop on Accessibility Geneva, 2 November 2009 International Telecommunication Union 6 I A The functional model D E Need to demonstrate fulfilment of specified requirements C S Selection Information on selected items Determination Information on fulfilment of specified requirements CF yes Review and attestation Fulfilment of specified requirements demonstrated Surveillance needed? no End ITU-T Workshop on Accessibility Geneva, 2 November 2009 International Telecommunication Union 7 I The dimensions A D E C S Type of requirements Method of determination Selection Determination Scalability CF External determination Type of party Type of party Existence Review and Detail of attestation Surveillance attestation Publicity Mandatory ITU-T Workshop on Accessibility Geneva, 2 November 2009 Complaint system Other International Telecommunication Union 8 I Types of parties A D E EN ISO/IEC 17000 C S First The person or organization that provides the object CF Second Person or organization that has a user interest in the object (purchasers, users,…) Type of party Accredited Third Person or body that is independent of the person or organization that provides the object and of user interests in that object ITU-T Workshop on Accessibility Geneva, 2 November 2009 EN ISO/IEC 17020 Type A A fully independent body, which is not linked to a party directly involved in design, manufacture, supply, installation, purchase, ownership, use or maintenance of the items inspected or similar competitive items Type B a) A demonstrably separate and identifiable part of an organization that is involved in the design, manufacture, supply, installation, use or maintenance of items that they inspect b) Or a body supplying inspection services only to their parent organization Type C anybody that is involved in the design, manufacture, supply, installation, use or maintenance of items that they inspect) International Telecommunication Union 9 I A Existing Systems and Schemes D E C S CF General • As defined by International and European Standards: first party, SDoC, second party, third party, inspection, certification. • In addition, a generic methodology for the web: UWEM For ICT Accessibility • Most for web sites • Several categories In other domains • CE marking, Cencer, Common criteria and Keymark ITU-T Workshop on Accessibility Geneva, 2 November 2009 International Telecommunication Union 10 I The criteria A D E Type of product C State of technology Product Time to market Public admin. (contracting authority) Market Market awareness S CF Life span Adaptability Total cost of ownership ITU-T Workshop on Accessibility Geneva, 2 November 2009 Market surveillance Public procurement characteristics Rate of changes Interoperability with assistive technologies Competition Users Competitors’ surveillance Barriers to trade Independent Expertise on accessibility Size of suppliers of the product International Telecommunication Union 11 I The criteria A D E C Public task S Geographical focus CF In-house expertise on accessibility Product ITU-T Workshop on Accessibility Geneva, 2 November 2009 Electronic procurement Public procurement characteristics Prior existence of the product Amount of units Risk of harm Confidence Type of procurement Type of procedure Public admin. (contracting authority) Legal requirements Risk of social exclusion Market Users Budget Liability and accountability International Telecommunication Union 12 I A The hypothetical scenarios D E Intention C • To apply the analysis model of the procurement contexts • Detailing the influence of the criteria on the dimensions S CF Four scenarios • • • • Set of units of desktop laser printers Frame contract for mobile communications Development of a web site Road traffic management system For each scenario • Description • Values assigned to the criteria of public procurement • Recommended values for the dimensions of conformity assessment • Recommended conformity assessment system ITU-T Workshop on Accessibility Geneva, 2 November 2009 International Telecommunication Union 13 I A D E C S CF Contract for mobile communications Description •Local authority: 200-250 employees •To substitute fixed phones and e-mail •Some accessibility requirements set by the procurers Relevant criteria •Type of product: service + hardware •Time to market: short •Risk of social exclusion: high Potential values for dimensions •Type of requirements: other •Type of party (attestation): first •Detail of attestation: detailed (human) Recommendations •Supplier’s declaration of conformity (ISO/IEC 17050) ITU-T Workshop on Accessibility Geneva, 2 November 2009 International Telecommunication Union 14 I A Conclusions and future work D E C S CF Conclusions • The procurement of ICT is a highly complex process with many variables • It is unlikely that only one conformity assessment scheme or system can be applied across all situations • The European procurement legislation give the contracting authority limited freedom of choice • The assessment of conformity to specified requirements is a fundamental element of the evaluation of tenders. Future work: phase 2 • Phase 1: finished. CEN, CENELEC and ETSI have approved the reports and have sent them to the European Commission • Phase 2: to start in the near future ITU-T Workshop on Accessibility Geneva, 2 November 2009 International Telecommunication Union 15 I A Recommendations for standards D E 1. C S CF 2. 3. Draft standards according to relevant standards on conformity assessment (ISO/IEC 17007) Include testing methods for requirements in the standards Include criteria for conformity and levels of accessibility ITU-T Workshop on Accessibility Geneva, 2 November 2009 International Telecommunication Union 16 ITU-T Workshop "The impact of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on the work of the ITU-T" Geneva, 2 November 2009 Thank you for listening! Geneva, 2 November 2009 International Telecommunication Union