- 1 - Lakeshore Technical College College Credit for Prior Learning

Lakeshore Technical College
College Credit for Prior Learning
Student Information
Revision Date: February 12, 2015
General Guidelines
Advanced Standing Through Earned College Credits (Transfer Credits)
Wisconsin Technical College System Courses and Credits
Other College Course Transfers
Transfer Information System
Credits Through High School Articulation Agreements
LTC-WTCS Secondary School (Signed) Articulation Agreements
LTC-Secondary School Requests When No Signed Agreement Exists
High School Has No Agreement with LTC
Department of Workforce Development Youth Apprenticeship Program
Credits Through Examination
Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Examinations (IB)
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
DSST Exams
LTC Examination
Advanced Standing Through Work, Trade School, or Life Experience
Documentation of Military Training
Trade School Training
Registered Apprenticeship Program
Advanced Sequential Course Concept
Credit Through Experiential Learning
Reasons Why Credit May Not Be Awarded
Appeal Process
Attachment A: Gen Ed College Course Transfer Guide
Attachment B: Testouts Available in Testing Services
Attachment C: Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)
Lakeshore Technical College (LTC) recognizes its responsibility to provide advanced placement status
to those students with valid and credible learning experiences that have occurred outside of our college
classrooms. Credit for prior learning, sometimes called “advanced standing,” may be granted for the
following situations:
Postsecondary credits earned at WTCS colleges;
Postsecondary credits earned at non-WTCS colleges;
High school credits for which students later seek college credit;
Credits earned by completing a WTCS program of apprentice-related technical instruction;
Subject area competency demonstrated by passing a district or national examination; or
Previous work experience, education or training, or other prior learning demonstrated as comparable
in content and rigor to a specific technical college course(s).
LTC is as committed to the process of granting credit for prior learning as we are to ensuring that the
knowledge, competence, and skills required of the course exist. As we evaluate prior learning
experiences, our goal is to transition each learner to the workplace and/or next educational level with
the base knowledge and skills required to succeed.
-4General Guidelines
Credit for prior learning must be applied toward a specific program at LTC.
o Nonprogram students are not eligible for advanced standing.
o Students need to be aware that credits awarded through prior learning at LTC may not be
accepted in transfer by other postsecondary institutions.
At least 25% of the technical/occupational-specific courses required for the degree, certificate, or
diploma requirements will be completed at LTC. Experiential Learning Exception: LTC may
authorize an exemption of the 25% technical/occupational course requirements if the exception
benefits the student. Experiential learning exceptions include:
o Apprentice-related technical instruction
o Individualized Technical Studies
o Signed transfer agreements with degree and non-degree granting institutions.
Transfer credit may be awarded for up to 75% of the degree, diploma, or certificate
requirements. Credit-by-portfolio may be awarded for up to 25% of the total program credits.
LTC reserves the right to place time limits on prior learning for which credit may be granted.
Individual programs may have time limits for accepting credit for courses or experiential
learning based on technological changes specific to that field.
Students are responsible for providing LTC with appropriate official documentation of prior
learning experiences. In the case of foreign transcripts, the student assumes the responsibility of
having transcripts evaluated by an approved evaluation agency. Students are encouraged to have
their foreign transcripts evaluated course-by-course rather than by degree. A listing of agencies
that are approved to evaluate foreign transcripts is found on page 6.
The student’s LTC transcript will specify which credits have been earned through LTC course
completion and which have been awarded through credit for prior learning.
Grades earned from other institutions will not be included in the LTC grade point average.
For students in shared programs, the students are subject to the same grade and grade point
average requirements for class progression. All program classes taken at the shared program
college carry grades and are computed in the program grade point average
A minimum grade of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent course GPA on a modified scale; i.e., 2.5
on a 5.0 scale) is required for each class that is being considered for credit for prior learning
Official transcripts are required from the institution awarding the credit.
-6Advanced Standing Through Earned College Credits (Transfer Credits)
Students who have a postsecondary or professional degree from a nationally or regionally accredited
institution of higher education will receive credits towards fulfilling WTCS associate degree general
education core requirements. Colleges shall evaluate these credits according to the Gen Ed College
Course Transfer Guide (http://www.gotoltc.edu/cpl/genEdTransfers.php) to determine the extent to
which the credits apply. Students who qualify for general education credits may need to complete some
additional general education core requirements based on documented program-specific general
education requirements; for example, science courses for health programs.
International credits may qualify for credit for prior learning if the international credits are deemed
comparable to WTCS credits offered by LTC.
1. Wisconsin Technical College System Courses and Credits
a. WTCS credits will be accepted according to WTCS guidelines and/or program requirements.
b. The counselor/advisor will review the transcript(s).
c. The student will review the approved advanced standing on his/her transfer credit transcript
found in the MyLTC Student Center.
d. The student will not pay any credit recording fees.
2. Other College Course Transfers
a. Incoming program and/or general education courses not automatically transferred in will be
submitted by the counselor/advisor for instructor and/or dean approval.
b. The counselor/advisor may ask the student for further information on the course such as the
course description, course level, textbook, syllabus, assessments, or other information that will
help the LTC instructor determine that 80% of the course competencies have been achieved
c. The student will review the approved advanced standing on his/her transfer credit transcript
found in the MyLTC Student Center.
d. The student will not pay any credit recording fees.
3. Transfer Information System
The WTCS and the University of Wisconsin System provide all students with a single source to
consult about what courses will transfer to technical colleges and the university system. The
Transfer Information System (TIS) provides students with on-line access to information about the
transfer of credit within and between the two postsecondary systems. LTC will honor courses
listed in the TIS as equivalent in content to an LTC course. For example, TIS information affirms
that Fox Valley Technical College accepts English courses from UW-Platteville as equivalent to
Written Communication; LTC will honor the credit evaluation and accept the transfer course as
equivalent to Written Communication at LTC.
-7Additional Conditions for the Acceptance of Transfer Credits
The student will need to:
Have achieved a GPA of 2.0 or higher ( or equivalent course GPA on a modified scale) for which
transfer credit is requested. Courses with “P” grades will be awarded transfer credit only if the
transcript indicates that credit hours were awarded and that the “P” grade is equivalent to 2.0 or
higher (or equivalent course GPA on a modified scale).
Only credit hours will be transferred to LTC, not grades or grade point average.
Courses for which transfer credit is awarded must demonstrate that 80% of the course competencies
have been met.
Courses completed at a non-accredited institution will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis to
determine equivalency to LTC course competencies and performance standards. In some cases,
students may be required to complete credit-by-examination or other evaluation measures in order to
establish equivalency.
Transcripts from non-U.S. institutions must be evaluated by an approved evaluation agency. The
official transcript evaluation must be sent directly from the agency to LTC. Students are encouraged
to have their foreign transcripts evaluated course by course rather than by degree. The following are
approved agencies for the evaluation of transcripts from non-U.S. institutions:
Center for Applied Research, Evaluation,
and Education, Inc.
PO Box 18358
Anaheim, CA 92817
Telephone: 714-237-9272
Fax: 714-237-9279
Global Credential Evaluators
PO Box 9203
College Station, TX 77842
Telephone: 800-707-0979
Web address: http://gceus.com
International Consultants of Delaware
3600 Market Street, Suite 450
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2651
Telephone: 215-243-5858
Email: icd@icdeval.com
AACRAO International Education Services
Telephone: 202-296-3359
Fax: 202-822-3940
Email: ies@aacrao.org
International Education Research Foundation
Web Address: http://ierf.org
Josef Silny and Associates
7101 SW 102 Avenue
Miami, FL 33173
Telephone: 302-273-1616
Fax: 305-273-1338
Web Address: translation@jsilny.com
World Education Services
Web Address: www.wes.org
-8Credits Through High School Articulation Agreements
1. LTC-WTCS Secondary School (Signed) Articulation Agreements
Articulation agreements between LTC and secondary school systems within the LTC district
provide a seamless academic pathway from high school into LTC certificates, technical
diplomas, and associate degree programs. When a student takes an articulated course, he/she is
taking a high school course that results in the same learning outcomes as a similar or identical
LTC course.
Other WTCS colleges shall accept technical college credit awarded through a high school
articulation agreement by one WTCS college for similar courses or those courses adopted as part
of a systemwide curricula.
On the LTC website, current articulation agreements may be found under Future Students/High
School Students.
a. During the program advising session the counselor/advisor will review the high school
articulation agreement and high school transcript for all courses (regardless of program) the
student has successfully completed or is currently enrolled that qualify as articulated or
advanced standing courses.
b. The counselor/advisor will approve or deny the advanced standing request:
 Student must receive a 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent course GPA on a
modified scale).
 In the event two semester or two quarter grades equal a final grade for an articulated
course, each course must equal 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent course GPA
on a modified scale).
 Credit awarded by articulation is based upon the articulation agreement that was in
effect at the time that the student completed the high school course(s).
 Advanced standing is granted when the student applies for and is admitted to the
technical college within 27 months from high school graduation and NOT at the time the
student takes the course.
c. The student will review the approved advanced standing on his/her transfer credit transcript
found in the MyLTC Student Center.
d. The student will not pay any credit recording fees.
2. LTC- Secondary School Requests When No Signed Agreement Exists
If a student wishes a high school-level course to be considered as credit for prior learning, the
request is reviewed with the program counselor/advisor. Two options with unique processes are
OPTION 1 – High School has no agreement with LTC:
a. The counselor/advisor will refer the request to a high school career coach. Note: Plan on a
30-day activity.
-9b. The high school articulation process will be followed (see LTC website, Future Students/
High School Student/ College Credit for High School Students/ Guidelines for Advanced
c. The high school career coach will work with the division dean and instructor to determine if
80% of the competencies have been achieved. The high school career coach may ask the
student to provide a course description, course level, textbook, syllabus, assessments, or
other information.
 Student must receive a 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent course GPA on a
modified scale).
 In the event two semester or two quarter grades equal a final grade for an articulated
course, each course must equal 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent course GPA
on a modified scale).
 Credit awarded by articulation is based upon the articulation agreement that was in
effect at the time that the student completed the high school course(s).
 Advanced standing is granted when the student applies for and is admitted to the
technical college within 27 months from high school graduation and NOT at the time the
student takes the course.
d. The student will review the approved advanced standing on his/her transfer credit transcript
found in the MyLTC Student Center.
e. The student will not pay any credit recording fees.
OPTION 2 – For students who were part of a recognized Department of Workforce
Development Youth Apprenticeship program
a. The Youth Apprenticeship coordinator will work with the dean and instructor to determine if
work/life experience meets 80% of the course competencies.
b. The instructor will notify the Youth Apprenticeship coordinator of the final decision
regarding the course.
c. The Youth Apprenticeship coordinator will complete the Advanced Standing or Course
Substitution Request form and forward to Records.
d. The Records staff will enter the approved information into the student’s record. The RCC
will be 4J.
e. The Youth Apprenticeship coordinator will notify the student of the final decision by letter.
f. The Youth Apprenticeship coordinator will review any advanced standing and recording fees
due at a Youth Apprenticeship grading conference.
g. The student will (NOT?) pay any credit recording fees.
Credits Through Examination
1. Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations
LTC may grant credit for successful completion of Advanced Placement (AP) examinations in
high school.
- 10 a. The student will provide the program counselor/advisor with the official score report from
the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) if taken at a site other than LTC. Please see
www.collegeboard.com/ap for information about how to request an official score report.
b. Credit will be granted for a score of 3, 4, or 5 on examinations that are applicable to program
c. The student will review the approved advanced standing on his/her transfer credit transcript
found in the MyLTC Student Center.
d. The student will not pay any credit recording fees.
2. International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Examinations (IB)
a. LTC will recognize the IB Diploma and will award advanced standing credit for the higher
level examinations if a score of “4” or higher is achieved.
b. The student will request IB to send an official score report directly to the program
counselor/advisor. Unofficial copies of score reports will not be accepted. Scores can be
requested by contacting:
International Baccalaureate North America
c. The student will review the approved advanced standing on his/her transfer credit transcript
found in the MyLTC Student Center.
d. The student will not pay a credit recording fee.
3. College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
LTC may award credit for successful completion of CLEP general examinations based upon the
American Council of Education (ACE) recommendations for award of credit. Credit will be
granted for a score of “50” or higher on examinations or following CLEP’s Credit Granting
Recommendations available at www.collegeboard.org/clep.
a. The student will provide the counselor/advisor with an official score report from CLEP if
taken at a site other than LTC. The students may access www.collegeboard.com/clep for
information about how to request an official score report.
b. The student may take most CLEP tests in Testing Services.
c. The Testing Services staff will notify the student of the fees.
d. The student must achieve a minimum score of 50 for CLEP exams.
e. The student will review the approved advanced standing on his/her transfer credit transcript
found in the MyLTC Student Center.
f. The student will not pay a credit recording fee.
4. DSST Exams (http://getcollegecredit.com/)
LTC may award credit for acceptable scores on DSST college-level examinations as
recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE).
- 11 a. The student will provide an official score report to the counselor/advisor.
b. The counselor/advisor will verify acceptability with instructor, dean, or Registrar.
c. The student will review the approved advanced standing on his/her transfer credit transcript
found in the MyLTC Student Center.
d. The student will not pay a credit recording fee.
5. LTC Examinations
a. The student and counselor/advisor will determine that an examination may be possible.
b. The counselor/advisor will reference testout options available through LTC Testing Services
during student advising (see Attachment B.) The testout will be either a(n):
 National or industry prepared assessment that is based on course competencies.
 LTC originated assessment designed by the instructors.
c. The Testing Services staff will inform the student of the test administration fee.
d. The Testing Services staff will facilitate the testout and inform the student of the results.
e. The Testing Services staff will give the student a copy of the Advanced Standing by Testout
f. If the student wants the college credit to appear on his/her college transcript (grade of TR),
the student will go to Student Services Registration to pay the credit recording fee.
g. The student will review the approved advanced standing on his/her transfer credit transcript
found in the MyLTC Student Center.
Note: If testout was taken at another college and appears on a transcript, the student will pay a
credit recording fee.
Advanced Standing Through Work, Trade School, or Life Experience
1. Documentation of Military Training
LTC may grant credit for military service training based upon the recommendations provided in
the most current American Council of Education (ACE) Guide to the Evaluation of Educational
Experiences in the Armed Services.
a. To receive credit based upon competencies gained through military training, the student must
submit an official copy of such training. The Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Coast Guard
use a transcript service called JST or Joint Services Transcript. The student will request an
official copy to be sent to LTC for transfer credit consideration by completing the online
Joint Service Transcript system. Service members can also access an unofficial version of
their JST any time by logging into the JST system and completing the required steps.
ACE provides quality assurance and policy guidance to the Army, Navy, Coast Guard, and
Marine Corps for military transcripts. Air Force service members will continue to order their
military transcripts through the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF).
b. The counselor/advisor will evaluate the transcript.
- 12 c. The student will review the approved advanced standing on his/her transfer credit transcript
found in the MyLTC Student Center.
d. The student will not pay any credit recording fees.
2. Trade School Training
a. The student will present the transcripts from the trade school not previously mentioned in this
b. The student may be asked to submit a course description, course level, textbook, syllabus,
assessments, or other information that will help the LTC instructor determine that 80% of the
competencies have been achieved.
c. The counselor/advisor will work with the division dean and instructor to determine if 80% of
the competencies have been achieved. The counselor/advisor may ask the student to provide
a course description, course level, textbook, syllabus, assessments, or other information.
d. The student will review the approved advanced standing on his/her transfer credit transcript
found in the MyLTC Student Center.
e. The student will not pay any credit recording fees.
3. Registered Apprenticeship Program
a. The student will request advanced standing during the program advising session with the
b. The student will provide the Certificate of Apprenticeship issued by the Wisconsin
Department of Workforce Development Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards (minimum of
400 hours of related instruction required).
c. The counselor/advisor will provide the information to the Associate Director of
Apprenticeship and Manufacturing who will complete the Technical Studies—
Journeyworker plan.
d. The student will be awarded a maximum of 39 credits towards the Technical Studies—
Journeyworker associate degree for registered apprenticeship-related instruction.
e. The student will review the approved advanced standing on his/her transfer credit transcript
found in the MyLTC Student Center.
f. The student will not pay any credit recording fees.
4. Advanced Sequential Course Concept
At times credit for prior learning may be granted for courses if they are part of a sequence or
continuum of courses in a specific discipline. An example of such approval is when advanced
placement is awarded for a remedial course when an intermediate course is passed with a grade
of 2.0 or higher (or equivalent course GPA on a modified scale).
a. The student and counselor/advisor will discuss the request for advanced sequential course
b. The counselor/advisor will work with the division dean and instructor to determine if 80% of
the competencies have been achieved. The counselor/advisor may ask the student to provide
a course description, course level, textbook, syllabus, assessments, or other information.
- 13 c. The counselor/advisor will inform the student of the decision.
d. The student will pay a credit recording fee.
- 14 5. Experiential Learning
At times credit for prior learning may be granted for work experience or certifications through
non-accredited organizations such as workshops, seminars, training designed for learners to
develop specific technical skills or knowledge. Approval of credits is highly individualized and
will involve LTC deans and instructor who work directly with the student. The student, under the
guidance of the dean and instructor, will prepare a demonstration of the prior learning with one
or more of the following methods of assessment: (See Attachment C.)
Written Essay
Presentation or Speech
Document Assessment (based on document products the learner has created through work)
Simulation or Demonstration
Interview (answers given to a defined set of questions)
Witness Testimony (learner assessed based on oral/written reports of those who have
knowledge of prior achievements)
Standardized or Challenge Exams
Role Play/Case Study
Evaluations of non-collegiate learning (third party training programs offered by the military
or corporations).
a. The student and program counselor/advisor will determine that an opportunity for
experiential learning may be possible.
b. The counselor/advisor will discuss the opportunity with the program dean and/or instructor.
c. An individualized approach will be designed.
d. A variety of fees may apply and will be reviewed with the student by the dean, instructor,
and/or counselor/advisor.
 A testing fee in alignment with Testing Services
 A credit recording fee of college credit to appear on transcript
e. The counselor/advisor will inform the student of the decision.
f. The student will pay a credit recording fee.
Reasons Why Credit for Prior Learning May Not Be Awarded
1. At least 80% of the course competencies have not been demonstrated or the college believes it is in
the student’s best interest for the future career and/or educational process to take the course.
2. The documentation provided to LTC for evaluation did not provide the detail needed to ensure
student knowledge and/or skill. Please keep in mind that we will need to certify the student’s
college-level education and/or skill.
3. The course that the student completed or work experience that the student has may not reflect the
current industry standard.
- 15 -
Appeal Process
Should students not agree with decisions made regarding their requests for credit for prior learning,
the grievance process includes:
1. The student will request a review of the decision to the program counselor/advisor.
2. A committee will convene and be composed of the instructional designer, division dean, program
counselor/advisor, instructor, Registrar.
3. The request will be reviewed. The decision and rationale will be presented to the student.
4. The student may make a final appeal in writing to the Vice President of Instruction if the student
disagrees with the decision of the appeal committee.
Gen Ed College Course Transfer Guide
LTC General Education Course
Incoming Course
10801195 Written Communication
Written Comm or English
3 or more credits.
Must include
10801196 *Oral/Interpersonal Comm
Oral Communication or
3 or more credits
10801197 Technical Reporting
Technical Reporting or
Business Writing
3 or more credits
10801198 *Speechs
Speech or Public Speaking
3 or more credits.
Course must
include giving
10803186 Intro to Biochemistry
4 or more credits
with a lab
10804107 College Mathematics
Any non-developmental math
3 or more credits
10804112 Principles of Sustainability
Sustainability or
Environmental course
3 or more credits
10804115 College Tech Math 1
One or a combination of
college level math courses
that include algebra and
5 or more credits
10804118 Intermediate Algebra
Intermediate Algebra or
higher level
4 or more credits
10804123 Math /Business Apps
Finance Math or Business
3 or more credits
10804133 Math & Logic
Math & Logic
3 or more credits
10806134 General Chemistry
General Chemistry or a
combination of courses that
include Organic and
4 or more credits
with a lab
- 17 -
Inorganic Chemistry
4 or more credits,
math based
10806154 General Physics 1
10806177 General Anatomy & Physiology
Because these courses vary widely at colleges, a
student will need to complete 8 credits of A&P,
or Advanced A&P. A student needing just Gen
A&P will need to have the course reviewed by
the instructor.
10806179 Advanced Anatomy & Physiology
10806197 Microbiology
4 or more credits
with a lab
10809103 Think Critically & Creatively
Any sociology course
3 or more credits
10809122 Intro to American Government
Any Political Science course
3 or more credits.
10809128 Marriage & Family
Any Sociology course
3 or more credits
10809159 Abnormal Psychology
Abnormal Psychology
3 or more credits,
from the
psychology dept.
10809166 Intro to Ethics
Ethics or Business Ethics
3 or more credits
10809172 Intro to Diversity Studies
Any Diversity course
3 or more credits
10809188 Developmental Psychology
Psychology course that
covers the lifespan
3 or more credits,
must cover birth
through death.
10809195 Economics
Any Economics course
3 or more credits
10809196 Intro to Sociology
Any Sociology course
3 or more credits
10809198 Intro to Psychology
Any Psychology course
3 or more credits
10831103 Intro to College Writing
Level 09X Writing Course
10834109 Pre-Algebra
Level 08X Math Course
10834110 Elementary Algebra with Apps
Level 09X Math Course
10838105 Intro Reading & Study Skills
Level 09X Reading Course
*Unless an OR is indicated for these two courses on the program sheet, the transferred
course must be specific to the LTC course and have a grade of C or higher.
Test-Outs Available in Testing Services - 2013-2014 School Year
Name of Test-Out/
Department Test/Total to Pass
Anatomy & Physiology (General)
Gen. Anatomy & Physiology – need 78%
Anatomy & Physiology (Advanced)
Adv. Anatomy & Physiology – need 78%
American Chemical Exam – Questions 61-180 – need
Body Structure & Function
Body Structure & Function – need 78%
Challenging Issues
CLEP-Introductory Sociology
College Mathematics
To be determined
College Tech Math 1
To be determined
College Tech Math 1B
College Tech Math 1B – need 80%
Need to test-out of Inter. Algebra and pass before
testing out of 1B
Computer Concepts
Computer Concepts – need 85%
CLEP-Principles of Macroeconom.
Elementary Algebra w/ Applications
CLEP College Algebra OR
Elementary Algebra w/ App.
English Composition
CLEP College Composition
Excel – Level 1
OPAC – need 20 correct, 80%
General Chemistry
American Chemical Exam – Questions 1-60 – need
Intermediate Algebra w/ Applications
Inter. Algebra w/ App. - need 80%
Intro to American Government
CLEP – American Government
Intro to Biochemistry
American Chemical Exam – Questions 61-180 – need
Intro to Psychology
CLEP-Introductory Psychology
Intro to Sociology
CLEP-Introductory Sociology
OPAC – need 25 wpm (2 errors or less)
Machine Tool Basic Math
Machine Tool Basic Math – need 77-84%
Machine Intermediate Math
Machine Intermediate Math – need 77-84%
Machine Tool Advanced Math
Machine Tool Advanced Math – need 77-84%
Machine Tool Measuring
Machine Tool Measuring – need 85%
Machine Tool Print Reading
Machine Tool Print Reading - need 77-84%
Math w/ Business Applications
Math w/ Business Applications – need 80%
Math & Logic
Math & Logic – need 80%
To be determined
Power Point – Level 1
OPAC – need 20 correct, 80%
Psychology for Life
CLEP-Introductory Psychology
Technical Reporting
DSST-Technical Writing – need 50
Welding – Math 1
Welding – Math 1 – need 70%
Welding – Math 2
Welding – Math 2 – need 70%
Word – Level 1
OPAC – need 20 correct, 80%
Written Communications
CLEP College Composition
Course Name
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is the evaluation and assessment of an individual’s life learning for
college credit, certificate, or advanced standing toward further education or training.
Learning may be acquired through work, corporate training programs, and military training.
Assessment methods may include (from Council of Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) PLA
workbook, page 15) and/or be any combination of the following:
Written Essay
Simulation or
Witness Testimony
Standardized or
Challenge Exams
Role Play/Case
Evaluations of NonCollegiate
The learner presents what he/she knows in an essay form.
The learner makes a structured explanation of what
he/she knows usually with visual aids such as diagrams
and PowerPoint presentations.
The assessment is based on document products that the
learner has created in his or her work.
The assessor watches the learner as he/she performs a
task illustrating learning.
The assessor interviews the learning orally and provides
answers to a defined set of questions.
The learner is assessed based on oral/written reports by
those who know of the learner’s prior achievements.
The learner completes a standardized exam that tests a
specific level of knowledge in a field or completes an exam
created by the assessor based on the content of a given
The learner presents a record of his/her own learning
tasks and activities.
The learner acts out or describes what he/she did or
would do in response to a given situation or set of
Evaluations by a third party of training programs offered
by the military or other corporations.
CLEP, AP, Accuplacer