Sensible Nutrition and Body Image Choices Peer Educators (S.N.A.C.) APPLICATION FOR PEER EDUCATOR POSITION Email: Name: College phone number: College Address: Permanent phone number: Permanent Address: College Major: Expected Date of Graduation: Current GPA: PERTINENT EMPLOYMENT and SKILLS Name of Employer Position Dates of Employment Identify any Transferable Skills STUDENT STUDENT ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION INVOLVEMENT: INVOLVEMENT: Indicate Indicate any any student student organizations organizations you you are are currently currently or or will will be be involved involved in in during during the the upcoming upcoming semesters. semesters. Organization Organization Office Office Held Held (if (if any) any) Dates Dates in in Group Group STATEMENT OF INTEREST Please respond to the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. 1. Why are you interested in becoming a member of S.N.A.C.? 2. What quality/skills will you bring to the group? What skills would you like to develop while in the group? 3. Have you or someone close to you been affected with any type of eating concern? If so, how will this affect you in your work as a peer educator? 4. List any time constraints that will affect your involvement in S.N.A.C. (school, job, volunteer activities, etc.) 5. Describe your level of interest, experience, and skills in each of these categories: promoting campus events, giving a presentation, designing an awareness event/project. 6. Please include any additional information about yourself that you feel is relevant to joining S.N.A.C. REFERENCES Each candidate must have at least one reference (preferably from an employer, academic advisor, or other adult who can give an objective overview). It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the enclosed reference form is completed and returned to Room 268, Lafene Health Center. Reference Name, Address, and Telephone Number: Reference Name, Address, and Telephone Number: Please Note: This completed reference form should be returned by October 1st. (If you have any questions, call 785.532.6595 or send an email to I hereby certify that all statements and answers set forth on this application are complete and true. I understand that false statements or omissions will cause the termination of my application. Signature of Applicant Date By placing my initials here (__________), I DO NOT consent to have my photo used in marketing, educational andpromotional material, to include web site, display and printed brochures, produced for Lafene Health Center. 10/2008