Department of Science and Technology Studies Undergraduate Recruitment Survey 2012 The purpose questionnaire is to help us understand how students on our BSc programmes find out about the Science & Technology Studies department and our undergraduate programmes. It is anonymous and your answers will not affect your studies in any way. Section A. 1. Which programme are you studying? V550 History & Philosophy of Science V551 History, Philosophy & Social Studies of Science L391 Science & Society Seciton B. Refers to what you did before you submitted your UCAS application when you were deciding which universities and courses to apply for. 2. Where did you first find out about the degree programme you are doing? (please tick) Searching the UCAS website Internet search (e.g. google) From a teacher/careers advisor at school/college Other (please specify) From the UCL printed prospectus Please use this box to give details of where you found out about the programme) From the UCL website for prospective students From a UCL open day (usually held in July) Word of mouth (e.g. from a friend or relative) 3. Did you visit the STS website <> before you submitted your UCAS application? (please circle)? Yes No 4. If you did visit the website was the information on the website helpful (please circle)? Yes No 5. Please describe any information on the website that was particularly helpful in making you decide to apply for your course or in preparing your UCAS application. publicity_survey.doc 31 August 2012 6. Was anything difficult to find on the website? Do you have any suggestions of other information you would like to see there for prospective students? 7. If you visited the website before you submitted your application – how did you find out about the website? Internet search engine (e.g. google,yahoo) Link from UCAS website From a teacher/careers advisor at school/college Other (please specify) From the UCL printed prospectus Please use this box to give details of where you found out about the programme) From the UCL website for prospective students From a UCL open day (usually held in July) Word of mouth (e.g. from a friend or relative) Please use the box below for any other comments about the application process (e.g. interview/open days, website) Thank you very much! 2