Exprrimental procedure

Exprrimental procedure
[14] E. L. Muetterties, H. Roesky, C. M. Wright. J. Am. Chem. Sue. 1966. 88.
1 : A solution of 9 [25] (22 mmol) in Et,O (40 mL) was added slowly over 15 min
[15] G. Schott, K. Golz, 2. Anorg. Atig. Chrm. 1971, 383, 314; ibid. 1973,
at 0 -C to a solution of phenylsilane (2.4 g, 22 mmol) in Et,O (40 mL). The
399, 7.
mixture was stirred at room temperature for 2 h and then hydrolyzed at 0°C
[16] R. 1.P. Corriu, J. C. Young in The Chemrsrry of Orgunre Silicon Comwith 0.4 mL ofH,O. After filtration on celite. distillation gave 5.4 g (83%) of
pounds (Eds.: S . Patai, Z. Rappoport), Wiley, Chichester 1989, S. 1241;
1 as a colorless oil. B.p. 115-117 'C/0.02Torr; ' HNMR (250 MHz, CDCI,,
R.J. P. Corriu, J. Orgunornet. Chem., 1990, 400, 81; C. Chuit. R. J. P.
~ ~ S ~C.NReye,
M R J. C. Young, Chem. Rev. 1993, 93, 1371.
TMS):6 = 2.0(s. 12H.CH3),3.51( S , ~ H , C H ~ ) , ~ . ~ ~ ( S , ~ H , S ~ H , ) ;Corriu,
(200 MHz. CDCI,, TMS): 6 = - 51.5 (t. 'J(SiH), 200 Hz): IR(CC1,):
[17] P. Aryd, J. Boyer, F. Carre, R. Corriu, G . Lanneau, J. Lappasset, M.
i.[cm- '1 = 21 11 (SiH,). Correct elemental analyses (C.H.N,Si).
Perrot. C. Priou, Angeu. Chem. 1989, 101, 1069; Angnt,. Chem. h l . Ed.
Engl. 1989,28, 1016.
2 a : A solution ofiodine (0 43 g. 1.67 mmol) i n ether (10 mL) was added dropwise to a solution of silane 1 (1 g, 3.35 mmol) in Et,O (10 mL) at room temper[18] R. Corriu, G. Lanneau, C. Priou, Angen. Chem. 1991, 103, 1153; Angew.
Chem. Inr. Ed. Engl. 1991, 30, 1130.
ature under argon. The resulting mixture was stirred until evolution of H, had
ceased It became progressively colorlessas a precipitate appeared. The mixture
[19] R. Prohst. C. Leis. S. Gamper, E.Herdtweck, C. Zybill, N. Auner, Angebv.
Chem. 1991, 103, 1155; Angew.. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 1991. 30. 1132.
was then filtered, and the residue washed twice with ether to give 1.4 g (100%
yield) of a white microcrystalline powder. M.p. 135°C (decomp); ' H N MR
[20] G. van Koten. J. T. B. H. Jastrzehski, J. G. Noltes, A. L. Spek, J. C.
Schoone, J. Orgunomel. Chem. 1978, 148, 233.
(250 MHz, CD,CI,, TMS). 6 = 2.2 ( s , 6 H , CH,),2.85 ( s , 6 H , CH,). 4.0 (d,
[211 J. Boyer, C. Breliere, F. Carre, R. J. P. Corriu, A. Kpoton. M. Poirier. G.
SiH): "C NMR (200 MHz, CDCI,. TMS): 6 = 63.1 (CH,N), 47.1, 47.6
Royo, J. C. Young, J. Cliem. Sor. Dulton Truns. 1989, 43.
1221 R. Corriu, G. Lanneau, M. Perrot, Tetrohedron Letr. 1988, 29. 1271.
(N(CH,),). 11-3.2. 124.2, 127.3, 128.8, 131.2, 134.0, 143.0; 29Si NMR
(200 MHz. CDCI,, TMS): 6 = - 29.7 (d, 'J(Si,H) = 280 Hz); IR(KBr):
1231 A suspension of N-chlorosuccinimide (0.56 g, 4.15 mmol) in CCI, (1 5 mL)
i. [cm I] = 2202.
was added slowly at 0 "C to a solution of the silane 3 (b.p. 104- 110 'CjO.06
Torr) (1 g. 4.15 mmol) in CCI, (15 mL). The mixture was then stirred for
2c: A solution of 9 [25] (7.38 mmol) in Et,O (50 mL) was added slowly to a
5 h at room temperature. After the succinimide had been filtered off and
solution of dichlorophenylsilane (1.1 mL. 7.38 mmol) in Et,O (50mL). The
the solvent removed, 4 was obtained in 85 % yield; 'H NMR (80 MHz,
mixture was stirred at room temperature for 2 h. After filtration. the solid
obtained was dissolved in CH,CI, to precipitate LiCl which was removed by
5.5 (s. 1 H, SiH); 29Si NMR (250 MHz, CDCI,. TMS): 6 = - 53.6 (d,
filtration. After concentration. Et,O was added to precipitate crude 2 c as a
'J(Si,H) = 279 Hz).
whlte \olid (1.9 g. 90%) whose characterlstics are the same as those of 2a.
[241 R.J. P. Corriu, A. Kpoton, M. Poirier, G. Royo, A. de Saxce, J. C. Young,
6: A solution of I, (0.4 g. 1.56 mmol) in Et,O (15 mL) was added dropwise at
J. Orgunomel. Chem. 1990.3Y5. 1.
- 5 C to asolution ofsilane 5(b.p. = 45-50'C/0.1 Torr)(0.7 g, 3.15 mmol)in
[251 J. T. 9. H. Jastrzebski, G . van Koten, M. Konijn, C. H. Stam. J. Am. Chem.
Et,O (15 inL). The mixture was stirred at room temperature for 4 h, filtered.
Sor. 1982, f04.5490.
and the solid obtained washed twice with Et,O to give 1.1 g (100%) ofcrude 6.
M.p. 145 C (decomp); ' H NMR (80 MHz, CDCI,. TMS): 6 = 2.9 (s, 12H.
CH,). 4.4 (s. 4 H , CH,), 4.9 (s, 2 H , SiH,); "Si NMR (250 MHz, CDCI,.
TMS): d = - 46.4 (t, 'J(S1.H) = 265 Hz); IR (KBr): i.[crn-'] = 2191 and
8 : CF,SO,SiMe, (0.57 mL, 2.95 mmol) was added dropwise at 0°C to a solution of7 (b.p. = 120'C/0.2 Torr) (0.7 g. 2.8 mmol) in Et,O (15 mL). After stirring (30 min). the solvent was removed, and the solid obtained washed twice
Photochemical 1,2 Shift of the Phosphane
with Et,O to give 1.1 g (100%) of crude8. M.p. =118-121'C; ' H N M R
Ligands in the Silanediyl Complex
(250 MHz. CDCI,. TMS): 6 = 0.4 (5. 6H. Si(CH,),). 2.4 (s. 12H. N(CH,),).
3.8 (s. 4H. CH,): "F NMR (80MHz. CDCI,. C,F,,). 6 = 85 (s); '9Si NMR
[ (2-Ph,PCH,C6H4),Si=Cr(CO),1""
(250 MHr. CDCI,. TMS): 6 = 4.1 (s); positive-ion FAB-MS: m/; 249 ( M + ,
10001" )
By Hermann Handwerker, Martin Paul, Janet Bliimel,
10: A solution of 9 1251 ( I 1 .I mmol) in Et,O (30 mL) were added slowly to a
and Christian Zybill"
solution of HSiCI, (1.2g. 11.1 mmol) in Et,O (30mL). After 1 h at room
Dedicated to Professor Robert West
temperature. the solvent was removed under vacuum. and CH,CI, (50 mL)was
added. After filtration and evaporation of the solvent the oil obtained was
on the occasion of his 65th birthday
solidified by addition of Et,O. After washing twice with Et,O, 2.5 g (78%) of
crude LO was obtained as a light yellow-green solid. M.p. 140°C (decomp);
The successive 1,2 shifts of two intramolecular donor
'H NMR (250 MHz, CDCI,, TMS): 6 = 2.9 (s, 12H. CH,). 4.4 ( s , 4H, CH,),
groups from an atom A to an atom B in a molecule can be
5.2 (s. 1 H, SiH); ,'Si-NMR (250 MHz, CDCI,, TMS): 6 = - 40.3 (d,
considered as a tandem reaction;"] in the case discussed here
'J(S1.H) = 334 Hz). IR(KBr): i.[cin-'] = 2204.
Received: April 11, 1993 [ Z 5977 IE]
German version: Angrii . Chrn7. 1993, 105. 1372
A=Si and B=M=Cr.
Tandem reactions of this kind permit the abstraction of
weakly bonded donor groups from silicon atoms in
silanediyl complexes, by migration to the metal (Scheme 1).
[I] R J. P. Corriu, M. Henner, J. Orgummet. Chem. 1974, 74, I. and refer-
ences therein.
[2] J. B. Lambert, W. J. Schulz, Jr., in The fhemisiry oforgunit. Sificon COn7puunds (Eds.: S. Patai, 2. Rappoport), Wiley, Chichester. 1989, S. 1007,
and references therein.
[3] a) J. B. Lambert. W. J. Schuiz, Jr., J. A. A. McConnell, W. Schilf, J. Am.
Cheni. Suc. 1988, 110. 2201 ; J. B. Lamhert. W. Schilf, ibid. 1988, 110,6364;
b) J. B. Lamhert, L. Kania, W. Schilf, J. A. A. McConnell. OrgunomeruNirs
1991, 10. 2578.
[4] G. K. S. Prakash. S. Keyaniyan, R. Aniszfeld, L. Heiliger, G. A. Olah,
R. C. Stevens, H. K. Choi, R. Bau, J. Am. Chem. SOC.1987. 105. 5123,
G. A. Olah. L. Heiliger, X.-Y Li, G. K. S. Prakash, ihid. 1990. f12,5991.
151 C . Eaborn. J Orgunornet. Chrm. 1991,405, 173.
1992, 1333, and references
[6] P. D. Lickiss, J Chrm. So<. D U / I U T,-uns.
[71 J. 9. Lamhert, S. Zhang. 1 Chem. Sue. Chem. Commun. 1993, 383.
[XI 2. Xie. D.J. Liston, T. Jelinek. V. Mitro, R. Bau, C. A. Reed. J. Chem. Sot..
~ h l V 1 7 .CWlU7lUn. 1993. 384.
[9] P Jutzi, E. A. Bunte, Angeir. Chem. 1992. 104, 1636; Angew. Chem. Inf.
El/ Engl. 1992. 31, 1605.
[lo] J. Y. Corey. R. West, J. Am. Chem. Sor. 1963, 85, 4034.
[I 11 H.J. Campbell-Ferguson, E. A. V. Ehsworth, J. Chem. Sue. A 1967, 705.
[I21 A . R. Bassindale. T. Stout, J. Chem. Soc. Chrm. Commun. 1984. 1387.
[13] M. Kira, T. Hino. H. Sakurai, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1992, 114. 6697.
Angmi. <'hem. I n t . Ed. Engl. 1993. 32, No 9
Scheme 1.
Thus, the 1,2 shift of phosphane or amine donor groups
opens up a thermodynamically favored route to silanediyl
complexes containing a three-coordinate silicon
[*] Dr. C. Zybill, Dr. H. Handwerker, Dip].-Chem. M. Paul. Dr. J. Blumel
Anorganisch-chemisches Institut der Technischen Universitit Miinchen
Lichtenbergstrasse 4, D-85747 Garching (FRG)
Telefax: Int. code + (89)3209-3125
[**I We thank Professor H. Schmidbaur for generous support. as well as J.
Riede for creating a crystallographic data base.
VerlugsgrseNschaft mbH, 0-69451 Wefnheim,1993
$ 10.00+ .25!0
The key silanediyl complex 1 is prepared by the reaction of
the corresponding dichlorosilane with Na,[Cr(CO),J :13]
complex I is remarkable in many ways:
The single-crystal X-ray analysis of 1 (Fig. 1) shows a
The PI -Si disCr-Si double bond length of 2.414(1)
tance (2.380(1) A) is longer than that of the covalent P-Si
bond in H,SiPH, (2.25A), and the P2-Si distance of
The phosphorus
3.725(1) A is considered as n~nbonding.~']
atom P2 of the diphenylphosphino unit is orientated towards
the silicon atom in the crystal; this configuration also corresponds to the sterically most favored arrangement of the
phenyl substituents. The sum of the bond angles of the three
substituents covalently bonded to the silicon atom is
352.1 ".[']
metrical transition state of this rapid exchange process can
be detected by N M R spectroscopy (3'P N M R : 6 = 1.78 (s);
29Si N M R : 6 =73.2 (t. 1J(31P29Si)=17.5 Hz); ' H N M R :
6 = 3.20, 3.47 (ABX system, CH,). In the I3C N M R spectrum two sets of signals are found for the diphenylphosphino
units. The C,H, rings are diastereotopic due to the rigid
tetrahedral geometry at the P atom. Therefore, in contrast to
complexes with N donor groups such as 4, the flip-flop coor[(2-MeZNCH,C,H,)Si=Cr(CO),i
dination in I occurs without simultaneous inversion at the P
atom. A related example with similar molecular dynamics is
the stannanediyl complex [(2-Ph,PCH2C,H,),Sn= W(CO),]
reported by Abicht and I ~ s l e i b . [ ~An
. asymmetric coordination of both phosphane or amine ligands to the silicon
atom in the silanediyl complexes 1 and 4 in the ground state
can be proven by the consistent results of the crystal structure analyses and variable temperature N M R studies. The
two energetically degenerate ground states are interconverted via a C,-symmetric transition state, with the retention of
configuration at the silicon atom. The C,-symmetric transition state is "seen" N M R spectroscopically in solution at
22 'C; the determination of the activation barrier for this
exchange process has been d e ~ c r i b e d . ~ ~ " .
The photolysis of 1 results in the direct formation of 3 in
a tandem reaction (Scheme 2). In the reaction of 4 with (2dimethylaminomethyl)phenyl ligands, the intermediate 5 of
one 1,2 amine shift was isolated and characterized by a single-crystal X-ray analysis.15a1The product 6 of the tandem
Fig. I . Crystal structure of 1. Selected distances [A] and angles ['I: Cr-Si
2.414(1),P1-Si2.380(1), P2-Si3.725(l):Cl-Si-Cr 121.8(1),CZ-Si-Cr 121.0(1).
C2-Si-Cl 109.3(1).
A solid-state 31PCP-MAS N M R spectrum (CP = cross
polarization, MAS = magic angle spinning) of 1 as a powder
shows two distinct signals for the two phosphane ligands at
6 = - 5.3 and 19.6 (Fig. 2).
A dynamic "flip-flop" coordination of each phosphorus
atom to the silicon is observed in solution.L71The C,-sym-
reaction 4 + 5 ---t 6 is thermally labile, but can be detected by
trapping reactions with MeOH or HCLL9"I
Scheme 2.
The rearrangement I + 2 -+ 3 (Scheme 2) proceeds more
quickly by an order of magnitude, however, 2 can be observed by IR spectroscopy (2021, 1901, 1875 cm-I). Finally,
the (phosphino)silanediylchromium complex 3 is obtained as
an extremely air-sensitive, deep red powder, and is spectroscopically fully characterized. (2ySiN M R : 6 = 159.7, see also Experimental Procedure).['*l According to this the two
phosphane ligands in 3 are arranged in a trans and the CO
ligands in a meridional configuration. The silicon atom in 3
is three-coordinate. Photochemical 1,2 shifts of the donor
ligands from silicon to the metal thus allow general access to
complexes with low-coordinate silicon.
- 100
Fig. 2 . Solid-state "P CP-MAS NMR (121.5 MHz) spectrum of 1. spin frequency 4 kHz, ext. standard 6I(NH,)H,PO,I = 0, contact pulse = 1 ms, 90,
pulse = 4 ps. Asterisks denote spinning bands.
VCH Verlugsg.rsi~lls~li(i~
mhH, 0-69451 Weinlic%n, /9Y3
Expcrimental Procedure
1 : A solution of bis(2-diphenylphosphinomethyl)phenyldichlorosilane(3.57 g,
5.5 mol) in T H F (50 mL) was added slowly to a solution of Na,[Cr(CO),] (1.37
057O-OX33!Y31OY09-1314$ /0.00+.25/0
Clwm. In!. Ed. Eng1. 1993. 32. No. 9
g. S.X mmol)in T H F (1 50 mL) at -40
i.The mixture was stirred for a further
room temperature after which the precipitated NaCl was filtered off.
Compound 1 was isolated as a pale yellow powder in 34% yield. The compound
waa recrystallized from THFSpentane.
' H N M R (400 MHr. CD2C12.25 C. TMS): d = 3.20 (dd). 3.47 id, ABX SYStern. ' J ( H H ) =14.0. 'J(H"P) = 8.5 Hz,4H,CH2).6.75(t.'J(HH) =7.3.2H).
6.X6 (d. 'J(HH) =7.3, 2H). 6.97 (1, 'J(HH) =7.9, 2H). 7.20-7.28 (br. 12H).
7.30 7.3X (br, 6H). 7.43 (t, 'J(HH) =7.0, 2H). 7.64 (d. ' 4 H H ) =7.9. 2H.
C,H,P). "C NMR (CD2CI,, 25 'Cj: 6 = 33 9 (tdd. ' J (Hi3C )=126.
'J(H"C) = 9.2. 1 J ( H 1 3 C=
) 3.9. P-CH2), 128.9 (dd. 'J(H"C) =160.
' J ( ~ 3 i P i 3 C=) 8.7). 130.4(dd. ' J ( H " C ) =160. 'J(H"Cj = 8.3.1ii-C(,H5). 130.5
(d. './(H"C)
=155). 130.X (d. ' J ( H L 3 C )=156. p-C6H5j, 133.3 (dd.
'J(H"C) =161. 'J(31P13C)=13.5. 133.6 (dd, ' J ( H i 3 C ) ~ 1 6 1 2J("P'3C)
14.3. o-C6H5).126.5 (d, 'J(H"C) =158). 129.3 (d. 'J(H"C) =
160. ;-C<,H5).130.8 (d, IJ(H1'C) =160). 131.8 (dm, 'J(H"C) =156). 138.3
(dm. 'J(H1'C') = 157, 139.4 (dm. 'J(H''C) =159). 140.9 (m), 141.2 (m). 222.3
(a. CO,,). 226 1 (1. 'J("P"C)
=1.8. CO.,); " P ( ' H ) NMR (CD2CI,): 1.78 (s);
"Si NMR (CD2C12.25 C . TMS): 73.2 (t. 'J(3iP2'Si) =17.5. IR (CH,CI,).
?[cm '1 = 2038is). 1981 (w). 1912(s~.br).Correctelenientalaiialysis(C. H , P ) .
M.p. 156 C.
3: I (0.26 g. 0.3 mmol) was suspended in methylcyclohexane (100 mL) in a
qu;irtL Schlenk tube at -30 C and photolyred at 254 nm (Hg low-pressure
lamp) for 30 11. The color of the suspension changed from pale yellow to dark
red. After removal of the solvent, 3 was obtained (171 mg) as a red powder in
80% )"id.
'H NMR(400MHz.CD,CLL,25 C.TMS):d = 2.3(s.2H,CH2).7.6-7.1 (m.
14H. C,H,), " C / ' H ) N M R (C,D,. 25 C, TMS): 6 = 36.2 (d, 'J("P"C)
8.7. C'H,). 129.3 (d. 'J("Pi3C) = 8.5). 132.5 (s). 134.1 (d, 2J("Pi3C) =12.1).
142.1 (d. lJ("Pi'C) = 5.1, C,H,). 220.1 it. 2J(3'Pi3C)= 5.2. CO). 227.1 (t.
= 9.2.CO): "P NMR(CD2C1249.2(s),"Si NMR(CD,CI,: 159.7
(t. ' J J ( " P ' ~ S ~=) I 2 Hr). IR (methylcyclohexane): ?[cm-'] = 2038 (s), 1988 (s)
( v C 0 ) MS (70 eV): n i / : 714 ( M i for C,,H,,Cr0,P2Si with correct isotope
686 ( M ' - CO, 1.5%). 658 ( M t - 2CO. 0.9%), 630
distribution. S'!'").
( M ' - 3 CO. 0.89'0). M.p. 148 C . Correct elemental analysis ( C , H. P).
Received: April 19, 1993 [Z6021IE]
German version: Angeir. Chon. 1993, f115. 1375
[I] L. F. Tietze, U. Beifuss. diigc,ii. Chmn. 1993. 105. 137: Angew. Chem. b r i .
Ed Engi. 1993. 32. 131.
[ 2 ] a ) C. Zyhill. Tup. C w r . Ciiern. 1992, 160, 1; b) C. Zybill. Nuchr. Chem.
f i ~ i i .Lab. 1989. 37. 248; c) C. Zybill. H. Handwerker. H. B. Friederich.
A l l i t Orguno17?et.Chiwr. 1993, in press; d) C. Zybill. C. Leis, H. Handwerkt'r. Cheiii. Rev. 1993, 93. in press; e) C . Zybill. H. Handwerker. GIT
1993, 7. 594; f) T. D. Tilley in The Silicon Hereroutom
(Eds : S. Patai. Z. Rappoport), Wiley. New York. 1991, p. 309.
[3] The synthesis of lithiated phosphane precursors was first described by
Issleib et al.: H. P. Abicht. K . Issleib, Z. Anorg. Alig. Cheni. 1976, 422.
[4] 1 Crystallographic data: C,,H,,CrO,PZSi (0.4 x 0.45 x 0.4 mm) M , =
770.76. triclinic P i (no. 2). a =11.795(1), h =12.225(1). c =15.051(1) A.
I =IX90.0A.
Z = 2 . pcd,c,=1.35gcm-3. p ( M o K , ) = 4 5 2 c m - ' .
r(000) = XO0 e. Measurement parameters: Enrdf-Nonius CAD4-Turbo,
7- = 23 C. 5928 measured reflections (1 3. k 13, k 17 hkl). of which three
rcllections were discarded and 4623 unique reflections with F,,> 3a(F0)
Mere used for the refinement. Decomposition (56 h, - 1.8%). no decomposition. extinction, or absorption corrections were carried out. Structure
solution: direct methods (SHELX86), 597 parameters. Refinement: full
matrix least squares ( R = [XllFol - /&ll]!ZIFo/, R, = [X(lFol IF,/)*]/
[Xbi F:l'
', IV = /![02(F;,)-kFtl. k = 0.00.I = 2.5090, R = 0.038. R, =
0.017. all heavy atoms were refined with anisotropic and all hydrogen
atoms with isotropic displacement parameters: residual electron densit! + 0.22'-0 20 eA'. Further details of the crystal structure investigation
m a y be obtained froin the Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe, Gesellschiift fur wissenschaftlich-technische Information mbH, D-76344 Eggen~teiii-Leopoldshafen ( F R G ) on quoting the depository number CSD57430. the names of the authors. and the journal citation.
[5] B J H. Handwerker. C. Leis, R. Probst, P. Bissinger. A. Grohmann. P.
Kiprof. E. Herdtweck. J. Blummel. N. Auner, C. Zybill, OrguiiomeruNics,
1993. 12. 2162. b) C. Leis. D. L. Wilkinson. H. Handwerker. C. Zybill, G.
Mulier. ihrd 1992. 11, 514;c) R. Prohst, C. Leis. S. Camper. E. Herdtweck,
i% Auner. C. Zybill. A i i , ~ r i i .Chem.
1991. 103. 1155; A N ~ c IC~ h. w ~Inr.
. Ed.
D i g / . 1991. 30. 1132; d ) C. Leis. C. Zybill, J. Lachmann. G. Muller, Po/j.hc~lro~
i ~ 10, 1163.
[6] Similar pqramidalization effects at the silicon atom are known in the structures o f several disilaethenes: R. West. Angcw. Chern. 1987. 9Y. 1231;
Aiigiw. Chcni. Inr. Ed. Di g/ . 1987. 26. 1201
[7] a ) F. Carre. C.Cerveau. C. Chuit. R. J. P. Corriu. C. Reye. Angm.. Chem.
1989. 1 0 1 . 474: Aiigew. C'hrm. I n / . Ed. Engl 1989. 28. 489; b) R. J. P.
( % e r n . I n / . Ed Efigl. 1993. 32. No. 9
Corriu. Pure Appl. Chem. 1988, 60. 99; c ) E. Colomer, R. J. P. Corriu. M.
Lheureux, Cheni. RPI'. 1990. 265: d ) J. T. B. H. Jastrzebski. P. A. van der
Schaaf. J. Boersma, G . van Koten, D. J. A. de Ridder, D. Heijdenreijk,
Orgunon?eru//ics1992, 11. 1521.
[8] H. P. Abicht. K . Jurkschat, A. Tzschach, K. Peters, E. M. Peters. H. G.
von Schnering, J . Organornet. Chen?. 1987, 326. 357.
[Y] a) H. Handwerker, dissertation, T U Munchen 1993; b) H. Handwerker,
M Paul. C . Zybill, J . Orgonomet. Ckem. 1993, in press.
[lo] A single-crystal X-ray analysis o f 3 has failed to date because of twinning
of the crystals.
Metal-Initiated Coupling of C, Units to Enynes
and Butatrienes: Two Different Routes for the
Dimerization of 1-Alkynes**
By Murtin Schafer, Norbert Mahr, Justin Wolf;
and Helmut Werner*
Dedicated to Professor Reinhard W Hojjmann
on the occasion of his 60th birthday
It has recently been shown that the dimerization of 1alkynes to enynes with electron-rich transition-metal compounds as catalysts can occur either by alkynyl-vinyl or
alkynyl-vinylidene coupling.['] The enyne is liberated,
sometimes stereoselectively, from the enynyl metal complexes formed as intermediates, on treatment with an additional
molecule of the I-alkyne RC=CH. Furthermore, Wakatsuki
et al. observediz1that the dimerization of rBuC-CH with
[RuH,(CO)(PPh,),] as catalyst does not lead to the enyne
tBuC=CCH=CHtBu but, surprisingly, to the isomeric butdtriene (Z)-tBuCH=C=C=CHtBu. The authors postulated
that in this case an enynyl complex is also formed as intermediate which is in equilibrium with the o-butatrienyl metal
species that affords the butatriene. Using alkynyl(viny1idene)rhodium compounds as starting materials, we have now
succeeded in preparing not only enyne but also enynyl metal
complexes which react with acids HX to give, predominantly
either enynes or butatrienes, depending on the strength of HX.
The key to success is the q3-benzylrhodium(~)compound 2.
It is formed in the same way as the derivative 313]on treatment of 1 with the appropriate Grignard reagent; the yield in
both cases is about 80%. In solution, 2 and 3 show fluxional
behavior. At low temperatures, a suprafacial rearrangement
takes p l a ~ e , [ ~which
. ~ ] is shown by the equivalence of the
benzylic protons and of the ring protons in ortho and meta
position ; at higher temperatures a o-to-x conversion[61occurs in addition to the suprafacial rearrangement, which is
confirmed by the equivalence of the phosphane hgdnds. During this process, the coordinatively unsaturated intermediate
[Rh(q?'-CH,C,H,R)(PiPr,),] is generated. Its formation explains why compound 2, in contrast to the related ally1 complex [Rh(q3-C,H,)(PiPr,)2],[7] smoothly reacts with
P h C r C H and tBuC=CH to give 4 and 5, respectively. The
addition of NEt, to the reaction mixture fxilitates the formation of the alkynyl(viny1idene) species. If the reaction of
2 is carried out with phenylacetylene in pentane at -40 "C,
the alkyne(alkynyl)rhodium(i) intermediate 6 can be isolat['I
Prof. Dr. H. Werner, DipLChem. M. Schifer, DipLChem. N. Mahr.
Dr. J. Wolf
Institut fur Anorganische Chemie der Universitit
Am Hubland, D-97074 Wurzburg ( F R G )
Telefax: Int. code (931)888-4605
This work was supported by the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie and by
Degussa AG. We thank D r . 0. Nurnberg for his assistance with the X-ray
crystal structure analysis.
VCH Verlugsgr.sc//sc/r~i/t
mhH, 0.69451 Wpinheim, 1993
S 10.00+ .25'0