Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) 14 DOCUMENT #: GSC14-PLEN-049 FOR: Presentation SOURCE: TTA AGENDA ITEM: 6.1 CONTACT(S): Toward Harmonized UHF Usage for IMT Services Dr. LEE, HyeonWoo Chair of PG701, TTA Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability Highlight of Current Activities WRC-07 identified some of UHF band, so called digital dividends, for the IMT on a regional basis. Region 1: 790-862 MHz Region 2: 698-806 MHz Region 3: 698-806 MHz for 9 countries* and 790-806 MHz for others * Bangladesh, China, Korea (Rep. of), India, Japan, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines and Singapore 450 1710 790 862 470 698 WARC 92 WARC 92 3400 2400 MHz 3600 WRC 2000 2110 2200 WRC 2000 WRC 2000 WARC 92 WARC 92 WRC 2000 WRC 2000 WRC 2000 WARC 92 WARC 92 WRC 2000 790 698 2300 WRC 2000 806 Region 2 Region 3 2025 960 WRC 2000 Region 1 1885 806 Global identification Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Regional identification Fostering worldwide interoperability Country basis identification 2 Highlight of Current Activities Mobile Industry is now seeking for the way to use the band in more efficient manner. CEPT is finalizing the harmonized frequency arrangement in the band 790-862 MHz which is FDD arrangement with 30x2 MHz block with optional approach of TDD on the entire band. US licensed the band 698-806 MHz based on the frequency plan allowing technology neutrality and sharing with other services. ITU-R revised the Rec. ITU-R M.1036-3 in order to define harmonized frequency arrangement for the bands newly identified at WRC-07. It is likely that some options for UHF band are getting in with regard to the Regional identification as well as country-specific use. Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability 3 Proposed Strategic Direction As ITU-R was invited in the Resolution 224, harmonized frequency arrangement should be encouraged to realize the objective of IMT identification. The harmonized frequency arrangement is key measure of efficient use of spectrum. With regard to the current identification of UHF band, Regional approach is likely for the harmonized frequency arrangement. 4 Fostering worldwide interoperability Challenges Different usage of the UHF band in Asia-Pacific Different timing for digital dividends Different use of current system in the bands Different identification among countries Country DTV System (Channel BW) Switch-off Date Korea ATSC (6MHz ) Dec. 2012 698~806MHz (WRC-07) Japan ISDB-T (6MHz) July. 2011 730-770 (paired with 920-950MHz) China Chinese Specific (8MHz) 2015 698~806MHz (WRC-07) India DVB-T - 698~806MHz (WRC-07) New Zealand DVB-T (8MHz) 2012 698~806MHz (WRC-07) Australia DVB-T (7MHz) After 2010 790~806MHz (WRC-07) Taiwan DVB-T (6MHz) After 2010 ASEAN * DVB-T (8MHz) Around 2015 IMT Frequency 790~806MHz (WRC-07) (Philippines, Singapore: 698~806MHz) * Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Fostering worldwide interoperability 5 Next Steps Toward Harmonized Usage of UHF for IMT services Next Steps in Asia Pacific Countries AWF (APT Wireless Forum) is investigating on how to develop the harmonized frequency arrangement suitable for Asia-Pacific Region. Next Steps in Industry In addition to the Administrations’ effort in AWF, harmonized efforts within industry is really necessary to achieve the overall objective of IMT identification such as economy of scale from the unified regulatory standards, e.g., RF specification. Technical analysis for compatibility with existing/between IMT as well as implementation measures are needed. Next steps in PSOs Efforts for harmonized usage of UHF spectrum for IMT service 6 Fostering worldwide interoperability