Farm Operator Newsletter Lakeshore Technical College

Farm Operator Newsletter
Lakeshore Technical College
October 2015
Meet the Instructors
Hi, my name is Craig Lallensack. I am one of two
instructors teaching the Farm Operator courses. I also
teach in the new Agribusiness Science & Technology
program as well as some classes in the Dairy Herd
Management program.
I grew up on a dairy farm in Osman, Wisconsin. I
attended UW-Madison and received my bachelor’s
degree in Dairy Science with an emphasis in Production.
I worked on a few larger farms before returning to my
family farm in 2004. My parents and I strived to
improve our herd over the past 10 years until, due to
the loss of land, we made the decision to liquidate our
great dairy herd.
I started teaching agriculture in the fall of 2014 in the
Dairy Herd program as a part-time instructor. I
accepted the full-time instructor position as of July 1st,
and I have been writing curriculum for the new Farm
Operator courses and Agribusiness program.
I am looking forward to working with you and getting to
meet you in the Farm Operators courses which will be
starting the first week of November.
Greetings, I’m Rachel Kroeplien. I am one of two
instructors in the Farm Operator certificate series of
courses and the new Agribusiness Science &
Technology program.
I grew up on a 500-cow dairy farm which my family
owns and operates, Fly-By Acres LLC, Sheboygan Falls. I
attended UW-River Falls and received a bachelor’s
degree in Agricultural Education with a minor in
Agricultural Business.
While at River Falls, I had many opportunities to work
within the agricultural industry including planning and
organizing the Career Development Events for
Wisconsin FFA and working for Hartung Brothers, Inc.
in Bowling Green, Ohio, at their cucumber facility.
Upon graduation, I accepted a position at Oconto Falls
High School as the Agriculture Educator & FFA Advisor.
In addition to teaching, I am developing curriculum for
both the Farm Operator certificate courses and the
Agribusiness program. I am looking forward to working
with our LTC and MPTC farm and agriculture
community, and I look forward to meeting you in the
upcoming farm operator classes.
What’s New?
Topics that were taught in the Farm Business & Production Management Program
have been renamed and are being offered in the Farm Operator Certificate.
Y have two options for attending classes:
1. Attend evenings (7-9:30pm) at either Manitowoc or Fond du Lac during the winter (November to February).
2. Attend afternoons during the traditional semester with the Agribusiness students.
The Farm Operator Certificate classes are continuing education for people employed in the business of farming.
The evening (7 to 9:30 p.m.) Farm Operator will run on a four-year cycle at Manitowoc and Fond du Lac campuses:
 Farm Operator—Livestock Manage
November 2015 to February 2016
 Farm Operator—Crops & Soils Management
November 2016 to February 2017
 Farm Operator—Business Management
November 2017 to February 2018
 Farm Operator—Financial Management
November 2018 to February 2019
Learn, Stay Current, & Discuss
Timely Farming & Agribusiness Topics.
Join LTC’s new Farm Operator series.
It’s time to register and attend this year’s class . . .
Farm Operator~Livestock Management
Evening Classes are being held in 2 locations:
LTC Manitowoc Center | Class 66144
3733 Dewey St, Manitowoc WI
Room M114
Tuesdays 7-9:30pm (13 Weeks)
Nov. 3 - Feb. 16 (with Holiday Breaks)
MPTC Fond du Lac | Class 66145
235 North National, Fond du Lac WI
Room B127 (Lot B, Entrance B2 or B3)
Thursdays 7-9:30pm (13 Weeks)
Nov. 5 - Feb. 18 (with Holiday Breaks)
What is the cost to participate? $145.96 for 13 sessions
How do I Enroll?
You have three options:
1. Call 1.888.468.6582, Extension 1366, with your registration information and payment method.
2. Mail the attached Class Registration Form & payment to:
Registration, LTC
1290 North Avenue, Cleveland WI 53015
3. Bring the Class Registration & payment to the instructor on the first night of class.
Farm Operator- Livestock Management
This discussion-based class begins with a presentation of a relevant topic and moves to peerbased discussion and learning. This year’s focus examines the fundamentals of animal science
including livestock health, nutrition, feeds, environments, anatomy and physiology, genetics and
reproduction, safety, common diseases and related intervention practices, maintaining healthy
animals, disease process, and the immune response.
This course is part of a four-year series designed to bring updates and peer discussions regarding Farm
Business Management, Livestock Management, Crops & Soils, and Financial Management.
This is not part of a degree. It’s continuing education for people in the business of farming.
Lakeshore Technical College-Farm Operator Newsletter
Craig Lallensack 920.693.1259
Rachel Kroeplien 920.693.1241
Mail: Registration, Lakeshore Technical College
1290 North Avenue, Cleveland, WI 53015
Call: 920.693.8213 or 920.693.1000
Fax 920.693.3561
1.888.GO TO LTC (1.888.468.6582) Ext. 1366
Class Registration
Mail-in registrations require payment in full
Student I.D. No. (8 digits)
First Name
Former Names
Date of Birth
Middle Name
Last Name
Social Security No.
 Male  Female
Home Address (Street, P.O.)
Home Phone Number:
Cell Phone Number
ZIP Code
Other Phone Number
Home Email Address
Other Email Address
Place of Employment and Address
Place of Employment or Place Where You Volunteer Service and Address
The following
information is for
state and federal
reporting and is
Are you Hispanic or Latino?
 Yes
 No
Select any other group or groups that apply to you.
 American Indian or Alaskan Native
 Asian
 Black or African American
 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
 White
Work Status at Enrollment:
 01 Employed, Full Time
 02 Employed, Part Time
 03 Underemployed
 04 Unemployed, Seeking Employment
 05 Not in Labor Market
 06 Dislocated Worker
Highest Credential Received
Displaced Homemaker
 01 No Credential
 1. Yes
 2. No
 02 GED
 03 HSED
Withdrew From High School
 04 High School Diploma
 1. Yes
 2. No
 05 Some College (Postsec.)
 06 Short-Term Diploma
Economically Disadvantaged
 07 One-Year Diploma
 1. Yes
 2. No
 08 Two-Year Diploma
 09 Associate Degree
 10 Associate Degree Plus
 98 Yes
 99 No
Additional Credential
 11 Baccalaureate
 12 More Than Baccalaureate
 99 Unknown
Date You Will or Did Graduate From High School
Highest Grade of School Completed
Single Parent
 1. Yes
 2. No
Last High School Attended and State
I am a legal resident of:
 Town  Village  City
5-Digit Class Number
Catalog Number
School District
Start Date
Class Title
Farm Op- Livestock
Amount to be paid: $145.96 per enrollment
Please Circle where you will attend:
66144 Manitowoc OR 66145 Fond du Lac
Visa or MasterCard Number
Student Signature
Exp. Date V Code
Instructor Signature if Class Is in Session
Lakeshore Technical College-Farm Operator Newsletter
Craig Lallensack 920.693.1259
Rachel Kroeplien 920.693.1241
Stay Current,
& Discuss Timely
Farming and
New & Continuing Education for . . .
 Farm Operators
 Farm Employees
 Others employed within
 Farm Loan Participants
 New Farm Operators
 All are Welcome!
This certificate’s learning journey is an
instructor-led class which brings yearly
updates and discussions on topics such as
Farm Business Management, Livestock
Management, Crops & Soils, and Financial
Lakeshore Technical College has responded
to this increased demand on Farm Business
and Production Management by creating the
Farm Operator Certificate.
Staying current is necessary in any business,
especially in agribusiness.
This unique certificate is specifically geared
towards people employed in or operating
businesses associated with farming and
These discussion-based classes begin with
presentation of a relevant topic and then
move to peer-based discussion and learning.
The four courses in this series are continuing
education and are not intended to be part of
an associate degree.
Successful Course Completion is based on
attendance, participation, & other
instructional-based opportunities as
To Enroll: See inside of brochure.
For More Information:
Contact the Farm Operator
Instructor, Craig Lallensack
Contact LTC’s Enrollment Specialist,
Chou Yang, at or
920.693.1394 for assistance with LTC
Farm Operator-Financial Management
30-006-310…introduces major aspects of agribusiness
financial management through problem solving, financial
analysis, and financial planning which includes
calculating sweet 16 ratios, business cash flows,
inventory controls, budgeting, and borrowing
considerations of various types of agribusinesses.
Financial Management software will be utilized.
Farm Operator-Business Management
30-006-312…provides basic business management
practices including development of a business plan;
mission and goal statements; short and long range
goals; identification and implementation of alternatives
for reaching goals; and development of strategies to
monitor progress. Other topics include human resource
management and safety.
Farm Operator-Crop/Soil Management
30-006-322…provides fundamentals of soil’s physical,
chemical, and biological properties, essential nutrients,
soil, tillage, water conservation plans, cropping and soil
nutrient plans, management of manure and commercial
fertilizer. Other topics include land purchase/lease,
managing waste, harvesting crops, storage, and
production records.
Farm Operator-Livestock Management
30-006-320…examines the fundamentals of animal
science including livestock health, nutrition, feeds,
environments, anatomy and physiology, genetics and
reproduction, safety, common diseases and related
intervention practices, maintaining healthy animals,
disease process, and the immune response.
How do I go about enrolling in the certificate?
To receive a Farm Operator Certificate,
 Successfully Complete these four classes
Farm Operator-Livestock Management
Through attendance and participation
 Submit the LTC Application for Admission
Available from your instructor or admission specialist or on our
website at
 No Transcript or acceptance testing is required.
66144 @ LTC Manitowoc Center Tuesdays
Nov. 3 to Feb. 16
(Holiday Breaks)
(13 Weeks)
66145 @ MPTC Fond du Lac
Nov. 5 to Feb. 18 (Holiday Breaks)
(13 Weeks)
21817 @ LTC Cleveland Campus Wednesdays 12:30-3:30pm
February 3 to May 18 (no school March 23) (15 Weeks)
21818 @ MPTC Fond du Lac Wednesdays 12:30-3:30pm
February 3 to May 18 (no school March 23) (15 Weeks)
How do I get credit for the Farm Business classes
which I took within the last four years?
To convert your Farm Business coursework to the Farm
Operator Certificate,
 Follow the same procedure as above.
 Request that your Farm Business program’s
classes are credited towards the Farm Operator
Farm Operator-Crop & Soil Management
21813 @ LTC Cleveland Campus Tuesdays
February 2 to May 17 (no school Mar 22)
21814 @ MPTC Fond du Lac
February 2 to May 17 (no school Mar 22)
How much does each class cost?
Each class costs $145.96 (plus the cost of any field
trips, resources, etc.)
(15 weeks)
(15 weeks)
Farm Operator-Business Management
You can register by calling
1.888.468.6582, extension 1366.
64128 @ LTC Cleveland Campus Mondays
August 31 to December 14 (no school Nov 23)
64129 @ MPTC Fond du Lac
August 31 to December 14 (no school Nov 23)
You may also print off a registration form found at:
(15 Weeks)
(15 Weeks)
Farm Operator-Financial Management
64124 @ LTC Cleveland Campus Thursdays
Sept 3 to December 17 (no school Nov 23) (15 Weeks)
64125 @ MPTC Fond du Lac
Sept 3 to December 17 (no school Nov 23) (15 Weeks)
Mail the completed form to Lakeshore Technical
College, 1290 North Avenue, Cleveland WI 53015 or
fax the completed form to 920.693.3561.