ITU/V. Martin Global Gl G lo ob bal al rregulators eeg gul ula attor ors an a and nd iin industry nd du ust stryy lleaders eea ade ders rs m meet eeeet iin nB Bei Beirut eiirru ut Global regulators and industry leaders meet in Beirut Hands-on or hands-off? Stimulating growth through effective ICT regulation Early November 2009 saw regulators and industry leaders from around the world gather in Beirut, Lebanon, to forge common approaches on such critical issues as revenue sharing in a converged environment, keeping pace with a fast-changing mix of information and communication technologies (ICT), and maintaining regulatory effectiveness in today’s markets. More than 750 participants took part in ITU’s 9th annual Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR) on 10–12 November 2009, preceded (at the same venue) by the 2nd Global Industry Leaders’ Forum on 9 November. Both events were held under the patronage of President of Lebanon Michel Sleiman. They were organized by ITU and hosted by Lebanon’s Ministry of Telecommunications, and the Lebanese Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) ITU/V. Martin Joint opening of ITU Global Symposium for Regulators and the Global Industry Leaders’ Forum The joint opening ceremony was addressed by Lebanon’s then Minister of Telecommunications Gebran Gebran Bassil, Lebanon’s then Minister Bassil; ITU Secretary-General of Telecommunications addresssing Hamadoun I. Touré; Sami Al the joint opening ceremony Basheer Al Morshid, Director of ITU’s Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT); the Chief Executive Officer of the Zain Group Saad Al Barrak, who was also chaired the Global Industry Leaders’ Forum; and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lebanon’s TRA, Kamal Shehadi, who chaired the GSR. Dr Touré underlined that the event’s theme —“Hands on or hands off? Stimulating growth through effective ICT regulation” — was particularly ITU News 10 | 2009 December 2009 23 Hands-on Ha H an nd dss--o on no orr h ha hands-off? and ndss--o offff?? SStimulating ttiim mu ula latiing lati ng g growth ro owt wth tth through hrro oug ugh effective efffeeccttiv ef ive IC ICT CT regulation reg re Global G Gl lo ob ba all rregulators egu eg ullat ato orrs an a and nd in iindustry ndu dussttry ry lleaders eea ad deerrss m meet eeeet in in B Beirut eeiiru iru ut appropriate in the current global economic climate. “Effective regulation is absolutely crucial. For the ICT industry, it delivers predictability and stability, and it reduces risk. It encourages investment in ICT infrastructure and rewards competition and innovative new business models. At the same time, effective regulation protects consumers by delivering a transparent marketplace and a fair system for resolving disputes,” Dr Touré said. “Regulators must now also consider issues of cybersecurity, along with their ever-broadening mandate in a converged world,” Dr Touré added. He then drew attention to the Regional Regulatory Associations, stressing that their role is essential in harmonizing regulatory frameworks to facilitate the development of ICT. Mr Al Basheer said he was delighted to see so many representatives of regulators and the private sector. “I am proud that ITU’s BDT can offer this platform for the main actors of our industry to imagine, design, build and administrate the markets, networks and services that our citizens, businesses and governments require for their further development,” he said. “Today, every country, no matter what its level of development, relies on ICT for its economic and social development. The environment that enables new technologies to be used and shared by all can only be created through regulatory reform,” Mr Al Basheer added. 24 ITU News 10 | 2009 December 2009 From left to right: Sami Al Basheer Al Morshid, Director of ITU’s Telecommunication Development Bureau; Hamadoun I. Touré, ITU Secretary-General; and Saad Al Barrak, Chairman of the 2009 Global Industry Leaders’ Forum and Chief Executive Officer of the Zain Group Lowering taxes and freeing more spectrum Speaking on behalf of industry, Mr Al Barrak highlighted the need for continuing dialogue among all parties. “Today, we are at a crucial juncture in the evolution of the ICT sector: a place where regulators and policy-makers must join the operators on the same journey because quite simply, our goals cannot be achieved as long as there exists a ‘them and us’,” he said. Addressing administrations, he said “all we ask is that you let us drive the business; you can do your bit by providing a fertile and transparent business environment, one in which operators can grow, and intervene only when our self-regulation falls short”. Mr Al Barrak stressed the need to promote the roll-out of broadband and to find practical ways to share infrastructure, as well as to solve what he described as the “contentious universal service obligations” issue. Industry could do more through publicprivate partnerships, but first, policy-makers need “to reassess the traditional attitude towards taxing ICT,” as evidence shows that lowering taxes on handsets and airtime can increase overall tax revenues. Governments should also free up more radio-frequency spectrum so that mobile operators can satisfy the mass demand for broadband. “Only then can we truly realize our vast potential to give the people of the developing world new lives through freedom of mobility and prosperity. It really is that simple,” Mr Al Barrak said. Hands-on growth Ha H Hand and ndss-on on or or hands-off? ha h and ndss--of offf?? SStimulating off? ttiim mu ula lati ting ng g row ro rowt wtth th th tthrough hrro oug oug ugh effective efffeectiv ef ctiv ct ivee ICT IC CT regulation rreeg gu ula lattiio on n ITU/V. Martin ITU/V. Martin Global G Gl lob obal bal al rreg regulators egu eg ulla atto orrs a an and nd iin industry nd du ussttry try ry lleaders ead ea deerrss m meet eeeet et in in B Beirut eeiiru rut The regulatory environment in Lebanon ITU/TRA planned to assign the spectrum necessary for a third Mr Shehadi emphasized that regulators should lis- operator and has defined a regulatory framework ten to the views of the private sector. “I cannot stress that favours competition, including the significant enough the importance of the private sector as a regulation of market power, a national numbering partner in constantly improving and plan and number portability, and fine-tuning ICT regulations through infrastructure-sharing,” Mr Shehadi an open and transparent process explained. of public consultations,” he said. He added that TRA plans to issue Underscoring TRA’s commitment to two new national broadband and inject new energy into Lebanon’s carrier licences. However, regulaICT markets, Mr Shehadi said it “is tions alone are not enough and the now ready to move ahead and libsuccess of broadband liberalization eralize mobile, international, and will depend on the commitment of remaining bottlenecks to broadthe Lebanese Government to: band telecommunication services in stimulating public demand for 2010”. broadband through e-education, On the mobile front, “TRA is e-health and e-government; committed to the licensing and pri removing limitations on the vatization of mobile in a manner reasonable uses of technology, that unequivocally establishes the such as authorizing mobility for Kamal Shehadi , Chairman of fundamental structure of a combroadband service providers; the 2009 Global Symposium for petitive market and which allows issuing secondary legislation reRegulators and Chairman and the expected new competitor, Liban lated to rights-of-way and access Chief Executive Officer of the Telecom, to compete on a level to public property, as well as fees Lebanon’s Telecommunications Regulatory Authority playing field. To this end, TRA has for the right to use spectrum. ITU News 10 | 2009 December 2009 25