Save A Copy Select Vendor: Clear Form Vendor Not Listed 6/16/06 DATE: ✔ Use Today's Date? Vendor ACCOUNT NO: Contact Name $0.00 TOTAL: Address NAME: Address PURCHASE ORDER #: CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT PURCHASE REQUISITION FORM (Person Placing Order) Vendor Phone APPROVED: Vendor Fax (Director of Project/Course) Vendor URL APPROVED: Catalog #: (Business Office) USAGE OF ITEMS REQUESTED: *ALL ORDERS MUST BE SIGNED AND THE USAGE OF ITEMS BEING REQUESTED LISTED. PART # PAGE # DESCRIPTION OR SPECIFICATIONS QTY IF ORDERING CAPITAL EQUIPMENT, WHERE WILL IT BE LOCATED: BLDG. If purchase exceeds $1,000.00, including freight, please answer 1, 2a, 2b, and 3 below: 1. Why above vendor recommended as source of supply: 2 a. Why emergency exists: 3. b. Why requirements not anticipated: Please list two alternate sources of supply: a. b. Russell Group Purchase Form. Original Form by Guido Verbeck (2003). Form Updated, Improved and Debugged by Jody May, Revision 2006 UNIT UNIT PRICE ROOM # EXTENDED PRICE $0.00 Clear $0.00 Clear $0.00 Clear $0.00 Clear $0.00 Clear $0.00 Clear $0.00 Clear $0.00 Clear $0.00 Clear