MINUTES Faculty Senate Executive Committee Monday, January 4, 2010 3:30 pm Union Room 213 Present: Bontrager, Cauble, Dodd, Eckels, Fairchild, Gehrt, Holcombe, Hughey, King, LeHew, Nichols, Ross, and B. Schultz Absent: Allen, Haub, Hoag, A. Schultz, Turnley, Vontz Proxies: Guzek and Knopp 1. The meeting was called to order by President LeHew at 3:35 p.m. 2. The November 30, 2009 minutes were approved. 3. Report from Standing Committees and Student Senate A. Academic Affairs Committee – Barney King 1. Items for January Faculty Senate consent agenda – page 2 * King moved to merge these items with the previously approved consent agenda from December. Motion passed. B. Faculty Affairs Committee – Judy Hughey/Kaleen Knopp Hughey reported no new items to add to the agenda. B. Faculty Senate Committee on Technology – Tweed Ross Toss reported no new items to be added to the agenda. C. Faculty Senate Committee on University Planning – Tom Vontz No report. E. Student Senate – Amy Schultz No report. 4. Announcements A. President/Faculty Senate Leadership Council Candace Becker reported that the 2010-2011 election process will begin soon. Bontrager noted that Shubert will be moving back to the Associate Vice President position and a search will begin soon to fill the Vice President’s position. B. Caucus Chair reports No report. 5. For the Good of the University Dodd asked about the status of the communications and marketing subcommittee being formed under FSCOUP. LeHew noted that she would follow-up with Vontz. Eckels asked about the status of the advisory committee to Athletics. He also expressed his concern related to coach’s policies and practices regarding coach’s disciplinary activities in light of the recent incidents with other collegiate coaches. LeHew replied she would follow up with the status of the advisory committee that was to be formed. After some discussion LeHew asked if Senators were interested in inviting John Currie to an executive meeting to get a better understanding of the Athletic Department’s perspective on the issue. LeHew noted that Currie had requested the opportunity to attend a Faculty Senate meeting early in the spring semester with Jill Shields to explain Athletic budget information. LeHew announced she will invite 1 Currie and Shields to attend a Faculty Senate meeting and also invite them to an executive committee meeting. Cauble reported that Eric Hickey will be presenting tonight at 6:30pm in Big XII conference room regarding behavior of serial murders. 6. The meeting adjourned at 4:04 p.m. Submitted by Cindy Bontrager, Secretary of Faculty Senate Next meeting: Monday, January 25, 2010; 3:30 p.m., Union room 213 * The December Faculty Senate meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather; therefore, items from the December consent agenda will be included with the January items placed on the January Faculty Senate consent agenda for approval. 2 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Course and Curriculum Changes A. Proposed consent agenda items: 1. King moved to merge the following undergraduate and graduate course and curriculum items with the December consent agenda on the January Faculty Senate consent agenda (refer to approval sheets for further details): COURSE CHANGES AND ADDITIONS: College of Agriculture – October 19, 2009 approval sheets Add: ♦PLPTH 300 Microbes, Plants, and the Human Perspective College of Technology and Aviation –December 7, 2009 approval sheets Department of Aviation Add: AVT 360 Airport Law AVT 361 Airport Environmental Studies AVT 560 Airport Master Planning and Design PPIL 210 Aviation Safety PPIL 387 Crew Resource Management Department of Engineering Technology Add: CMST 355 Network Programming 2. Graduate course and curriculum changes approved by the Graduate Council on December 1, 2009 (parentheses indicate page number the change can be located on in the grad council agenda): COURSE CHANGES Add: IMSE 866 Applied Stochastic Processes and Theoretical Simulation (26) ECON 910 Topics in Macroeconomics (26) ECON 935 Time Series Econometrics (26) ECON 938 Microeconometrics (26) GEOG 701 Seminar in Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research (26) POLSC 628 Civic Engagement (27) POLSC 712 Game Theory for Political Scientists (27) PSYCH 850 Current Issues in Health Psychology (27) Change: ECON 805 Macroeconomic Theory I (28) ECON 905 Macroeconomic Theory II (28) ECON 930 Econometrics II (28) CURRICULUM CHANGES Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Graduate Certificate (29) Motion passed. 3