MINUTES Faculty Senate Executive Committee

Faculty Senate Executive Committee
Monday, January 30, 2006 3:30 pm
503 Hale Library
Present: Adams, Clark, Cox, DeLuccie, Gehrt, Herald, Knapp, Moore, North, Prince, Ransom, Sachs, Schultz, Schumm,
Spikes, Trussell
Absent: Brockway, Shultis, Spears
Visitor: Al Cochran
President Tom Herald called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.
The minutes of the January 9, 2006 meeting were approved.
Reports from Standing Committees
A. Academic Affairs Committee – Alice Trussell
1. Course and Curriculum Changes
a. Undergraduate Education 1. Senator Alice Trussell moved place on the Faculty Senate agenda undergraduate course and
curriculum changes approved by the College of Engineering November 18, 2005:
Architectural Engineering/Construction Science & Management
ARE 590 Integrated Building System Design
CNS 200 Computer Applications in Engineering and Construction
Computing and Information Sciences
CIS 543 Software Engineering Design Project
General Engineering
DEN 160 Engineering Concepts
DEN 301 Creative Problem Solving in Engineering
Architectural Engineering/Construction Science & Management
Curriculum changes to Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering (see pages 4, 7, & 8 of white
sheets for details).
Curriculum changes to the Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management (see pages
4-6 of white sheets for details).
Changes to Academic Standards regarding suspension from the Professional Program for
Unsatisfactory Progress (see pages 9-10 of white sheets for further details).
Department of Chemical Engineering
Curriculum changes to the Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. The changes clarify
requirements necessary to meet ABET criteria regarding engineering topics (see pages 12-16 of white
sheets for further details).
Computing and Information Sciences
Curriculum changes to the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (see pages 18-20 of the white
sheets for further details).
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Curriculum changes to the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (see pages 22, 23a, and 23b
of the white sheets for further details).
Curriculum changes to the Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (see pages 22, 23c, and 23d
of the white sheets for further details).
Biological Engineering
New: Create a Secondary Major in Biological Engineering. (Please review pages 34-37 of white
sheets for information on this proposal) (Senator Cox indicated that a full proposal will be required
for creation of a new secondary major.)
Motion carried.
2. Senator Trussell move to place on Faculty Senate agenda additions to a graduation list:
May 2005
Brian Dean Youngers – AWS PP, and Associate Degree in PPIL – Technology & Aviation
Bryce A. Esfeld – BS – Business Administration
William Scott Titus – AWS PP, and Associates Degree in PPIL – Technology and Aviation
Motion carried.
3. Senator Trussell discussed the creation of a fast track process for approval of pre-requisite and co-requisite
course changes needed because of the LASER project (implementation of a student system replacement.) A
draft form has been created and Academic Affairs will be reviewing and recommending approval for this onetime streamlined process.
B. Faculty Affairs Committee – Frank Spikes
Senator Frank Spikes reported the committee is working on lengthy agenda items; with the most important item
regarding issues surrounding the grievance procedures. A small group has been established to focus on this issue
by meeting with various individuals and developing recommendations for improvement. He reminded senators
that elections are coming up and election results are due in the Faculty Senate office by April 10. Senator Gehrt
clarified that all faculty and unclassified professionals who were actively employed at the time the lists and labels
were generated by Human Resources are eligible to vote. President Herald asked senators to encourage people
within their caucus to run for Faculty Senate office and become actively involved in our organization.
President Herald discussed the Professorial Award program as originally proposed by the Compensation Task
Force. He reported that department heads and assistant and associate deans would be eligible for this new award
program under the same criteria as other professors within the unit. At a recent dean’s council meeting there
were some clarification points agreed to and some recommended language changes to the policy after approval
by Faculty Senate. On February 9, the Provost will discuss the procedures with the department heads. Senator
Ransom said that his caucus did not discuss the possibility of department heads and assistant and associate deans
as eligible for the award and he is not sure the vote in Faculty Senate would have had the same outcome. Senator
Spikes said that the original language intent does not change since we are discussing faculty work of merit which
may be difficult while performing administrative duties. Senator Ransom said the communication from the deans
to department heads and faculty is very important on this issue. President Herald indicated that the Provost’s
position is that the award is geared towards academic faculty and not administrative. President-elect Adams
stated that changes to the policy language must come back to the Faculty Senate for approval. Senator Cox
indicated that in salary comparison data performed by Planning and Analysis, department heads are included with
other faculty but exclude all deans and others from administration. Senator Spikes recommended sharing the
proposed policy language changes with Faculty Senate for information. He requested specific concerns about the
proposed changes be sent to him as quickly as possible to prepare for the Faculty Senate discussion.
C. Faculty Senate Committee on University Planning - Walter Schumm
Senator Walter Schumm announced that his committee has discussed the declining Kansas high school graduate
numbers. There has been a decline of about 4% in the most recent year. The committee is also working on the
lack of housing availability for visiting faculty. In his discussions with Dr. Bosco, he indicated that they will
continue to offer temporary housing on an available basis but because of the Jardine project the availability is
decreasing. There is a meeting to further discuss various options later this week. Senator Sachs stated that the old
policy of “space available” is no longer appropriate but instead dedicated housing for visiting faculty is needed on
a regular basis. Senator DeLuccie suggested that the committee should also discuss the future of the Child
Development Center because of the changes in Jardine.
D. Faculty Senate Committee on Technology – Michael North
Senator Michael North discussed that electronic grade submission will be available for all faculty this semester.
A presentation on this new process will be made at their next committee meeting and on the floor of Faculty
Senate at a future date. The new K-State home page will be implemented in February. Export controls and
impact on technology departments is an issue. He is monitoring personal web pages and the need to keep these
pages current. If faculty members do not want to keep pages current then there is a process available on InfoTech
Tuesday for deleting these pages.
A. Faculty Senate Leadership Council - Attachment 1
President Herald reported that the Provost has established a committee to review the General Education program.
He also reported that not all of the tuition waiver program funds were spent and the program will continue to be
analyzed for possible improvement. He reported that no persons were turned down because of lack of funding;
only if the requirements for the waiver were not met.
B. Kansas Board of Regents Meeting - Attachment 1
See the attachment.
C. Report from Student Senate – no report
D. Other
President-elect Adams reported that the University Library committee would like to change their charge. Dean
Goetsch will provide recommendations to him in the near future.
President Herald shared with the committee a tentative 2011 Academic Calendar given to him from the University
Calendar Committee.
Old Business – none
New Business - none
For the Good of the University
President Herald discussed the changes in national funding for education where the interest rate for student loans
will be set at 6%. Please visit the following website for further information:
http://www.tompaine.com/articles/20060125/bush_back_to_the_bubble.php .
The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.
Faculty Senate Leadership Council and Board of Regents Announcements
Faculty Senate Leadership Council
1. Review of current role of General Education.
2. Guest Housing for International Scholars.
3. Report on Tuition Waiver program.
Board of Regents announcements
The Council of Faculty Senate Presidents met with the Board of Regents for a working breakfast on January 19th. The
BOR members reiterated their commitment to serving as advocates for higher education and faculty of the universities.
The discussion between our two groups was excellent and touched on several issues of significance to all faculty. COFSP
(Council of Faculty Senate Presidents) asked the BOR to help us with recruiting and retention of junior and senior faculty.
All Regents institutions are reporting high numbers of failed searches for faculty positions. We are particularly concerned
about salaries and fringe benefits not being sufficient to attract or retain younger colleagues, who increasingly leave for
other universities (or who never get recruited to Kansas).
COFSP also asked about the status of several anti-TABOR campaigns. The BOR noted that several university faculty
senates and student senates have passed anti-TABOR resolutions similar to their own. They encouraged us to continue to
help educate our students and alumni about the consequences of a TABOR law in Kansas for higher education.
The BOR approved an amendment to the existing policy on clinical appointments. This now permits The K-State
Department of Clinical Sciences in the College of Veterinary Medicine to appoint clinical personnel to full-time or parttime, non-tenure track positions with rank.
Roger C. Adams