DATE: May 6, 2016
BE RECEIVED BY: 3:00 p.m., May 20, 2016
(916) 734-2352, fax (916) 734-7791
RETURN ONE (1) Original and 2 COPIES TO:
University of California, Davis, Health System
Purchasing Department
Attention: Dave Johnson ; RFP 16-623661-DJ
4800 2nd Avenue, Suite 3010
Sacramento, CA 95817
Questions: Mark Co Sy <>
Please quote your lowest price for the material, and/or services, to be delivered, as specified below. Any deviation from
the specifications must be identified and fully described. The right is reserved to accept or reject quotations on each item
separately, or as a whole, and to waive any irregularities in the quotation. If unable to quote, please return this form so
RFP # 16- 623661-DJ
DUE DATE: May 20, 2016
3:00 pm PST
______Bid Submitted
______ No Bid (Decline) Please fax this cover sheet back to Buyer listed above.
Deviations from specifications: Any deviation from the specifications shall be
identified and fully described. The right is reserved to accept or reject quotations on
each item separately, or as a whole, and to waive any irregularities in the Proposal;
irregularities may, however, render the Proposal non-responsive.
Public disclosure: Responses to Become Public Records:
All materials submitted in response to this solicitation become a matter of public record
and shall be regarded as public record.
Designation of Confidential Information:
The Regents will recognize as confidential only those elements in each response, which
are trade secrets as that term is defined in the law of California and which are clearly
designations and blanket statements regarding entire pages or documents are
insufficient and shall not bind The Regents to protect the designated matter from
The California Public Records Act limits The Regents’ ability to withhold
prequalification and bid data to trade secrets or records, the disclosure of which is
exempt or prohibited pursuant to federal or state law. If a submittal contains any trade
secrets that a Contractor does not want disclosed to the public or used by The Regents
for any purpose other than evaluation of the Contractor’s eligibility, each sheet of such
information must be marked with the designation “Confidential.” The Regents will
notify the submitter of data so classified of any request to inspect such data so that the
submitter will have an opportunity to establish that such information is exempt from
inspection in any proceeding to compel inspection.
The Regents Not Liable for Required Disclosure:
The Regents shall not in any way be liable or responsible for the disclosure of any
records if they are not plainly marked ‘TRADE SECRET,’ CONFIDENTIAL,’ or
‘PROPRIETARY,’ or if disclosure is required by law or by an order of the court.
This Request for Proposal (RFP) is made on behalf of the University of California, Davis Health
System, hereafter referred to as UCDHS or University. The University invites your proposal for
record location and destruction services for the UCDHS Health Information Management
Please quote your price to furnish the services referenced in this document, to the University of
California, Davis, Health System (UCDHS) Sacramento, CA 95817. Please read the entire
document and complete all blanks. Response must include this document with answers and any
supporting data as applicable. Returned response by bidder to this RFP accepts all terms and
conditions herein. Thank you for your interest in the University of California Davis Health
UCDMC has a patient records collection location at 7301 14th Ave, Sacramento CA 95820. This
RFP will select a vendor to perform the annual record destruction project. Work will include
finding records and destroying them in a secure location not accessible to the public (on-site
preferred). Vendor will be responsible for tracking that correct records have been destroyed and
disposing of shredded records. Vendor will supply all equipment needed for record destruction.
The chosen vendor must be HIPAA compliant. Vendor will complete review of project
requirements at the pre-bid meeting on May 16th 10:00 am.
There will be a pre-bid tour of the records to be destroyed on May 16th 10:00 am where a
walk-through of the project will be given and questions can be answered. All vendors who
will be bidding must meet for the mandatory tour of the records. Please show up 7301 14th
Ave, Sacramento CA 95820.
This RFP will provide prospective Bidders with sufficient information to enable them to prepare
and submit a Proposal.
In this Request for Proposal (RFP), the term "UCDHS" shall be understood to mean "University
of California, Davis Health System". The term "Bidder", “Vendor”, “Supplier”, and/or
“Contractor”, as used herein, shall be understood to mean the individual, company, and
corporation or firm whose product is selected for purchase after successfully bidding in response
to this RFP. Until a purchase is recommended and approved, the term shall be understood to
mean the individual, company, corporation or firm formally submitting a response to this RFP.
The term "response," as used herein, shall be understood to mean a written offer to provide goods
and/or services in accordance with the general conditions, instructions and specifications stated
herein with exceptions clearly stated.
This RFP contains the instructions governing the proposals to be submitted and the material to be
included therein. Mandatory requirements within must be met to be eligible for consideration.
RFP release date
Pre-bid Meeting
May 6, 2016
May 16, 2016 10:00 am
Close of Question Submission
RFP due date
Anticipated award date
May 18, 2016
May 20, 2016
May 25, 2016
Due date for questions is May 18, 2016. All final responses are due no later than 1500 hours
(3:00 PM) on the specified due date of May 20th 2016.
The award date may be modified at the discretion of UCDHS. No notices will be sent out if a
modification of an award date is made. Oral interviews may be done
All questions regarding this request for quote must be submitted in writing to Dave
Johnson. Questions may be submitted via e-mail ( or faxed
to (916) 734-7791.
UCDHS is hereby contacting prospective Bidders who have an interest or are known to do
business relevant to this RFP. All interested individuals/firms who were not contacted are invited
to submit a Proposal in accordance with the policies, procedures and dates as set forth herein. In
the event of "no bid," please sign bid, indicating "no bid" and return.
Prospective Bidders may make written inquiries by mail, fax or e-mail concerning this RFP to
obtain clarification of contractual requirements. No questions/request for clarification will be
accepted after the May 18, 2016 deadline.
To ensure impartial treatment of all vendors, questions and answers to inquiries will be
forwarded to all prospective Bidders as an Addendum to this RFP and posted on the UC Davis
Material website at
Inquiries must be directed to:
Dave Johnson
Purchasing Department
University of California, Davis Health System
4800 2nd Avenue, Suite 3010
Sacramento, CA 95817-2216
Phone: (916) 734-2352 Fax: (916) 734-7791
The University may modify the RFP prior to the date set for its receipt of Proposal, by issuance
of amendments, sent by facsimile, worldwide-web posting, overnight courier or certified mail
with return receipt requested to all vendors who receive a copy of this RFP from UCDHS.
Amendments will be clearly marked as such and only issued by the UCDHS Purchasing Office,
signed by Dave Johnson. Each amendment will be numbered consecutively and will become part
of this RFP. Any vendor who fails to receive such amendments shall not be relieved of any
obligation under this Proposal as submitted.
No oral or written statements made by UCDHS personnel shall be considered an amendment to
this RFP unless the statements are contained in a written document identified as a written
amendment to this RFP.
May 16, 2016. 10:00 A.M. at 7301 14th Ave, Sacramento CA 95820
The Bidder is required to submit one signed original and 2 copies of the response to this RFP.
The “official copy” containing the required original signatures shall be identified by a sealed
envelope marked and addressed as required. The remaining copies may be boxed for
convenience. Each copy must include a complete request for Proposal form and any other
required information for UCDHS evaluation.
The Proposal package must be received on or before May 20, 2016 3:00 p.m. PST, at the
address given below:
(In person, or by, U.S. Mail or by courier)
RFP 16-23661-DJ
Purchasing Department
University of California, Davis, Health System
4800 2nd Avenue, Suite 3010
Sacramento, CA 95817-2216
Proposals received after the RFP closing date shall stand rejected and returned unless the
delay is due to negligence of UCDHS. It is the Bidder’s sole responsibility to assure that
its Proposal is received on or before the RFP closing date. Oral Proposals shall not be
A Bidder may withdraw its Proposal anytime prior to the fixed deadline for receipt of
Proposals, May 20, 2016 3:00 p.m. PST (closing date), by submitting to the UCDHS
contact, Dave Johnson, a written notification of its withdrawal, signed by the vendor or
its authorized agent. The vendor may thereafter submit a new or modified Proposal prior
to such date and time set for receipt of Proposal.
Proposals in the possession of the UCDHS at the closing time for receipt of Proposals are
considered final and will be held as an irrevocable offer for one hundred eighty days from
that date.
UCDHS reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals and to waive informalities and
minor irregularities in Proposals received and to accept any portion of a Proposal or all
items bid if deemed in the best interest of UCDHS to do so.
Any restrictions on the use of data contained within a Proposal must be clearly stated in
the Proposal itself and the indication of enclosed proprietary information clearly marked
on the outside of the sealed Proposal package. Proprietary information submitted in
response to this Request for Proposal will be handled in accordance with applicable State
of California procurement regulations.
Any information, photographs, plans, drawings or news releases pertaining to this
procurement or any part of the subject shall not be released without prior written approval
of the University of California, Davis Health System, and Purchasing Department.
All material submitted regarding this RFP becomes the property of the UCDHS and will
only be returned to the Bidder at the UCDHS’s option.
All labor, materials, and miscellaneous costs incurred and expended by a participating
Vendor in order to respond and produce and perform the submittal requirements of this
RFP shall be borne entirely by the individual Vendor. In participating in this RFP
process, each participating Vendor assume all risks, liability, and responsibility for all of
the costs it incurs and expends in connection with this RFP. In responding to the RFP,
the participating Vendor agrees that it will indemnify and hold harmless UCDHS against
any charges, costs, or claims that may arise as a result of their participation in this RFP.
The contents of the Proposal of the successful Bidder will become contractual obligations
of the Bidder if UCDHS takes acquisition action in reliance thereon. Failure of the
successful Bidder to accept these obligations in a purchase agreement, purchase order,
delivery order or similar acquisition contract may result in cancellation of the award and
such Bidder may be removed from future solicitations. UCDHS may, at its option, enter
into negotiations with the successful Bidder, but neither party shall have any contractual
obligations to unless or until a written contract is signed by both parties or UCDHS takes
acquisition action in reliance upon the Bidder's response. Under these conditions,
UCDHS reserves the right to enter into negotiations with the next ranking Bidder on the
same terms and conditions as set forth herein. UCDHS reserves the right to reject all
Proposals received in response to this request for any reason or for no reason.
UCDHS intends to make a bid selection for contract negotiation within the period
indicated within this document.
Pre-qualifying Criteria: Any bidders receiving less than 70% of the points available in
the prequalification scoring shall be eliminated from further consideration and their
technical proposal will not be scored.
Proposals that have passed the prequalification phase will be scored for technical points
using the criteria shown below. Points will be awarded for factors other than cost.
Quality points, the number being predetermined by UCDHS, will be awarded by criteria
dependent upon the relative importance of each criterion to UCDHS. To be eligible for
final Proposal evaluation and contract award, bidders must receive at least seventy
percent (70%) of the maximum quality points in their technical proposal.
To determine the lowest cost per quality point, each bidder's proposed cost of the service
will be divided by the total quality points awarded to that particular bidder's proposal. The
cost used in computing the cost per quality points will be the total cost as calculated from
the bidder’s ATTACHMENT # III - COST PROPOSAL, excluding optional
specifications not required to meet requirements.
Bidder oral presentations, if deemed necessary, may be required. The University may
choose the top scoring bidders to present an oral presentation of their services and the
point total available for this would be 500.
Proposals may be evaluated by more than one person. If evaluated by two or more
individuals, an average of the quality points awarded will be used. In this case, total
proposed cost will be divided by the average of quality points.
If the vendor with the lowest cost per quality point and UCDHS are unable to reach a
negotiated agreement, UCDHS reserves the right to cease negotiations with that vendor
and conduct negotiations with the vendor with the next lowest cost per quality point. If
the parties are unable to reach agreement, UCDHS reserves the right to cease negotiations
with the second vendor and conduct negotiations with the vendor with the third lowest
quality point score, or reject all quotations, and so on until either agreement on the
provisions of the Agreement are reached or UCDHS rejects all proposals.
UCDHS reserves the right to award a contract to more than one bidder and/or select a
partial solution from the vendor's offering. UCDHS will most likely select one vendor for
this service.
UCDHS shall make an award to a responsive, responsible bidder whose bid in the sole
opinion of UCDHS is deemed best able to serve the current and future needs of UCDHS.
References may be checked and a bidder can be rejected for poor reference checks.
A contract will be awarded only if cost of a contract is within UCDHS’s funding
Responses that are incomplete in that there has been a failure to respond in all of the
requested areas may be disqualified. UCDHS reserves the right to set the criteria for and
make this determination independently in each case.
UCDHS reserves the right to accept, reject, or waive any irregularities in any bid
proposal. UCDHS reserves the right to award a contract after reviewing, evaluating and
comparing all bid proposals pursuant to the following criteria;
• References will be used to determine Bidder's quality of service and ability to
meet the requirements of the RFP
• Review of bidder's ability to provide staffing services similar in size and
scope of the UCDHS requested service
• Acknowledgement of the following statements contained in this RFP
Conflict of Interest
Health Care Criminal Office Exclusion
Confidentiality of University Medical and Patient Information
Statement of agreement for staffing requirements
Health Screening Criteria, Exhibit I
Criminal Background Checks
• Review qualification and experience of staff assigned to UCDHS
• Bidder's response to RFP technical Questions
• Complete cost proposal in a format that is easy to analyze.
• Bidder's demonstrated understanding of the University's requirement, overall
approach and thoroughness of the proposal in submitting all information
designated and required within this RFP.
The selection of a successful Bidder through this RFP is not intended to be exclusionary.
UCDHS has made every reasonable attempt to ensure that all bidders capable of
supplying that which is listed in this RFP have received a copy of the RFP. However, if
any Bidder feels they have been overlooked, they must contact the Purchasing
Department, University of California Davis Health System, to receive a copy of the RFP.
All Proposals must meet or exceed the specifications provided herein. Evaluation of the
extent to which Proposals meet specifications will be performed SOLELY and
determined SOLELY by the University of California, Davis Health System.
The Proposal shall be prepared in a straightforward and concise manner. Emphasis
should be placed on the conformance to the RFP instructions, responsiveness to the RFP
requirements and completeness and clarity of content. The Proposal should include a
Table of Contents that gives page numbers and should be in sufficient detail to facilitate
easy reference to all requested information. Proposals must be on 8 1/2" x 11" paper,
using a 12pt font.
Proposals may not be submitted via e-mail.
The Proposal shall be signed by an individual who is authorized to bind the vendor
contractually and shall show the name of the company and the RFP identification number
# 16 - 623661 - DJ. An unsigned Proposal shall be rejected.
UCDHS is the agency authorized to distribute Proposals. Distribution of Proposals to
parties other than those specifically designated by UCDHS is not authorized. Failure to
observe this guideline may result in vendor disqualification.
All information and material submitted to UCDHS in response to this RFP may be
reproduced by UCDHS for purpose of providing copies to authorized personnel involved
in the evaluation of the Proposals but shall be exempt from public inspection under the
California Public Records Act until such time as an Agreement is executed. Once an
Agreement is executed, the California Public Records Acts limits UCDHS’s ability to
withhold data or trade secrets, as defined by statute. If a vendor’s Proposals contain any
such trade secrets that the vendor does not want disclosed to the public, subsequent to the
execution of the agreement, each sheet of such information must be marked by the vendor
as a “trade secret.” If, after the agreement is executed, a third party requests a copy of any
vendor’s Proposal and such documents contain material marked “trade secret,” UCDHS
shall withhold that information if it meets the statutory definition of trade secret and the
vendor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the University in any subsequent
legal action based on its withholding.
UCDHS shall have the right to use and disclose information marked as a “trade secret”
under the following conditions:
Such information was already in possession of UCDHS.
Such information has entered the public domain other than by UCDHS’s breach of any
agreement to keep if confidential.
Such information is obtained lawfully from a third party.
Such information has been provided to a third party without confidentiality obligations.
The terms and conditions for this RFP and the resulting agreement are those stated in this
RFP and its enclosures. Proposed changes and/or modifications to the terms and conditions
are not invited and may cause the Supplier’s proposal to be rejected.
The University of California standard purchase order terms and conditions as documented on
the web link, applies to any resulting contract.
To facilitate the timely award of this order, bidder must submit the insurance requirements as
outlined in the attached, Article 17 (Insurance) or be in force and on file in the UCDHS
Purchasing Department as a result of a previous order. All of the required policies shall name
the Regents of the University of California as an additional insured, shall be in a form as
issued by an insurer approved by the University, and shall contain an endorsement requiring
not less than thirty days written notice to the University prior to any cancellation or
modification thereof. Thereafter, a certificate evidencing the renewal of each such policy
shall be furnished. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in cancellation of any
order resulting from this request for Proposal.
UCDHS retains the right to cancel the order at any time, resulting from this RFP, for
convenience without penalty to the University.
Either party shall not assign this agreement without the prior written consent of the other
No form of the UCDHS’s name shall be used in promotional materials, signs, announcements
or other forms of communication or advertising originated by vendor unless the UCDHS’s
express written permission for such use has been obtained in advance.
Successful bidder shall provide all applicable rebates, credits, incentives earned, used, or on
account. Checks shall be made payable to "The Regents of the University of California" and
mailed to the University of California, Davis Health System Cashier's Office, Sacramento,
California, 95817. Vendor shall make reference to department name and purchase order
number on all checks. Periodic Statement Requirement: Successful bidder shall send
periodic statements listing all rebates, credits, or incentives earned, used or on account for the
University of California, Davis Health System. Statements shall include department name
and purchase order number, etc. Statements should be mailed to the University of California,
Davis, Health System, Purchasing Department, Sacramento, California 95817-2216,
Attention: Materiel Management.
The Bidder shall fully indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Regents of the University of
California from and against any and all claim, action, and liability for injury, death, and
property damage, arising out of dispensing or use of any of the vendor’s product provided
under authorized University orders. In addition to the liability imposed by law on the Bidder
for damage or injury (including death) to persons or property by reason of the negligence,
willful or otherwise affected hereby, the Bidder hereby assumes liability for and agrees to
hold the damage or injury (including death) to persons or property suffered or claimed to
have been suffered through any act or omission of the vendor. The University agrees to
provide the vendor with prompt notice of any such claims and to permit the vendor to defend
any claim or suit, and that it will cooperate fully in such defense.
The award of this RFP is contingent upon funding availability.
Any order resulting from this Request for Proposal shall be subject to the examination and
audit of the Auditor General of the State of California for a period of three years after final
payment under this order. The examination and audit shall be confined to those matters
connected with the performance of the contract, including, but not limited to the cost of
administering the contract.
The contractor, and any subcontractors performing work hereunder, shall maintain accounts,
records, documents and other evidence (“Records”) detailing all elements of their Proposal
costs and supporting all charges made by them under any contract resulting from this Request
for Proposal. These records shall be retained by the contractor and subcontractor for a period
of three years from the date of the expirations of any resulting contract. The system of
accounts employed by the contractor and the subcontractors hereunder shall be satisfactory to
the University, shall be in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
consistently applied, and shall be subject to inspection and audit by the University and any of
its duly authorized representatives at all reasonable times and places.
In the event any party is unable to meet its obligation hereunder as a result of an act of God or
of the public enemy, war, insurrection, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strike,
lockouts, other labor disputes or any other causes beyond the control of the party affected, its
obligation hereunder shall be excused and suspended for the duration of the same.
This agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of
Status of vendor provided staff
All staff referred to UCDHS pursuant to this agreement shall for all purposes under this
agreement be considered employees of bidder's only. Bidder shall assume sole and
exclusive responsibility for the payment of wages to referred staff for services
performed by them at UCDHS. Bidder shall, with respect to said referred staff, be
responsible for withholding federal and state income taxes, paying federal social
security taxes, unemployment insurance, maintaining worker’s compensation coverage
in an amount and under such terms as required by the California Labor Code. Failure to
comply with these requirements will result in disqualification of your firm as an
approved vendor for services requested and termination of the contract.
Qualifications of Referred Staff
Each of the bidder's employees who are referred to UCDHS by bidder shall be qualified
for the position to which referred. Bidder shall submit verification of qualifications,
and/or license if applicable, to UCDHS upon request.
Bidder's technicians referred to UCDHS shall not have been dismissed from
employment at UCDHS and other facilities for unfavorable behavior or actions.
Bidder’s technicians shall be in good health and must meet the mandatory UCDHS
Health Clearance Criteria specified in Exhibit I. Bidder's technicians must provide the
documentation specified in Exhibit I prior to the performance of any duties on UCDHS
property. Such documentation shall be submitted to the UCDHS Employee Health
Bidder's referred technicians must be U.S. citizens or legal aliens in accordance with the
“Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986” and all laws of the State of California
consistent with referred technician's license must be followed.
All referred staff must pass a background check. The winning bidder will provide this
information to UCDHS if requested.
Background Check:
• In accordance with UC Davis Health System (UCDHS) policy background check
must be conducted on all personnel involved in this service. UCDHS MUST BE
• Bidder shall conduct all such checks via reputable organizations and provide results
to the UCDHS Human Resources Department if requested. UCDHS requires
background criminal screenings going back 10 years for addresses, currents and
previous, and names. (Federal, State, County Felony and Misdemeanor) Social
Security Number Trace.
Regulations and Laws
Bidder agrees to abide by all laws and regulations of the State of California, Federal
Government, including those of the Department of Health Services, JCAHO and any
other regulatory/accrediting organization to which the UCDHS is monitored and /or
subscribes. This includes but not limited to laws, regulations whether known now or
implemented in the future.
Agreement Conflict
In the event of conflict between UCDHS and Bidder Terms and Conditions, it is agreed
that UCDHS agreement terms shall prevail.
Non Waiver
Waiver or non-enforcement by either party of a term or condition shall not constitute a
waiver or non-enforcement of any other term or condition or of any subsequent breach of
the same or similar term or condition
Right to Dismiss
If, in the sole discretion of UCDHS an employee referred by bidder is incompetent,
negligent, or has engaged in misconduct, UCDHS may require the employee to leave the
premises and shall inform bidder of this action immediately. UCDHS’s obligation to
compensate bidder for such employee’s services shall be limited to the hours actually
worked and UCDHS shall have no further obligation with respect to such bidder's
employee’s assignment.
UCDHS Rules and Regulations
Bidder's employees will be expected to comply with UCDHS policies. It shall be the
responsibility of UCDHS to orient referred technician to the policies and procedures and
acquaint them with the requirements necessary to perform their temporary duties.
Bidder shall inform UCDHS of the names of employees that will be reporting for duty.
Referred employees will work the hours determined by UCDHS based upon the specified
Employee’s who will be parking on UCDHS property are required to purchase a UCDHS
employee parking permit at the then current per month, plus a one-time processing fee.
Bidder's employees will be required to park their vehicles in designated UCDHS
employee parking lots only.
Referred employees will be required to wear UNIVERSITY furnished ID badges.
Bidder shall pay to each referred employee, who is assigned to UCDHS, not less than the
general prevailing wage rate in effect in the locality in which the assignment is done.
Bidder shall bill per their contracted rates for the specified term of the contract. Any
increase in rates must be submitted to the UCDHS Purchasing Department thirty (30)
days prior to the expiration of the initial two year term.
Rates must be fixed during the term of the contract.
UCDHS will agree to final acceptance and invoice payment, only after products and
services provided are found to have been provided within acceptable standards of
performance, in compliance with all published and implied performance specifications,
and are considered by UCDHS to be ready for practical application. Burden of proof
regarding disputes as to accuracy of invoices shall fall upon the Bidder. UCDHS shall not
unreasonably withhold relevant materials and records necessary to resolve such disputes.
No payment will be made in advance of work performed, except as otherwise specified
in this agreement.
Payments for University purchases for services for any future Agreement shall not be
subject to any late or interest charges.
Supplier shall exercise extreme care and due diligence to prevent any action or
conditions which could result in conflict with the best interest of UCDHS.
Throughout the term of any subsequent Agreement, Supplier shall not accept any
employment or engage in any work, which creates a conflict of interest with the
UCDHS or in any way compromises the work to be performed under this RFP or
subsequent Agreement. Supplier and / or its employees shall not offer gifts,
entertainment, payment, loans, or other gratuities or consideration to UCDHS
employees, their families, other Suppliers, subcontractors, or other third (3rd) parties for
the purpose of influencing such persons to act contrary to the UCDHS’s interest or for
personal gain. Supplier shall immediately notify UCDHS of any and all such violations
of this clause upon becoming aware of such violations.
If at any time it is discovered that the person(s), firm, or corporation to which an
Agreement has been awarded has, in presenting a Proposal, colluded with any other party
(ies), the University reserves the right to immediately cancel or terminate the awarded
Agreement, and the Supplier shall be liable to UCDHS for all losses incurred and / or
damage which UCDHS may have suffered.
The Bidder shall not maintain or provide racially segregated facilities for employees at
any establishment under the Bidder’s control. The Bidder agrees to adhere to the
requirements set forth in Executive Orders 11246 and 11375, and with respect to
activities occurring in the State of California, to the California Fair employment and
Housing Act Government Code section 2900 et seq.). Expressly, the Bidder shall not
discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, medical condition, marital status, age, physical and
mental handicap in regard to any position for which the employee or applicant for
employment is qualified, or because he or she is a disabled veteran or veteran of the
Vietnam era. The Bidder shall further specifically undertake an outreach effort in regards
with the hiring, promotion and treatment of minority group persons, women, the
handicapped, and disabled veterans and veterans of the Vietnam era. The Bidder shall
communicate this policy in both English and Spanish to all people as concerned within its
company, with outside recruiting services and the minority community at large. The
Bidder shall provide the University on request a breakdown of it labor force by groups,
specifying the above characteristics within job categories, and shall discuss with the
University its policies and practices relating to its programs.
I certify that I am authorized to sign for this offer on behalf of the organization I represent, and
agree to all terms and conditions described herein.
Authorized Signature
Company Name
City/State/Zip Code
Print Name of Signatory
Telephone Number with Area Code \
Fax Number with Area Code
Federal Employer Identification Number
Email Address
Web page Address
On October 1, 2015, UC implemented the Fair Wage act in Article 25 of our T&Cs and it states. If
the Services will be performed at one or more UC campuses and/or medical centers, and are not
Public Works or federally funded, Supplier warrants that Supplier pays its employees performing the
Services no less than the UC Fair Wage (defined as $14 per hour as of 10/1/16).
Supplier agrees UC may conduct such UC Fair Wage/Fair Work spot compliance audits as
reasonably requested by UC. In the case of a spot audit, supplier will ensure that auditor makes
available to UC its UC Fair Wage/Fair Work papers for audited time period.
For the purposes of this RFP, the minimum required wage is indicated above. By
submitting this RFP, the vendor agrees to comply with the policy.
Company Name
To be eligible for Proposal evaluation, bidder must receive at least seventy percent (70%)
of the maximum pre-qualifying points. The points received will be determined by
evaluating the bidder's response to the following pre-qualifying items listed below:
Provide references from three or more institutions of comparable size and complexity of
UCDHS that your firm has provided the same or similar services as described in this
Provide a narrative of your firm's ability and qualifications to provide the services/staffing
as described in the RFP.
Provide a list of staff your firm would use to execute and administer this contract.
Include: Front line staff, supervisory, technical support and administrative.
Provide profiles/resumes for key management staff.
Provide a description of your quality assurance performance standard and measures.
Conflict of Interest
Identify by name and University position any University officer, faculty member or
other employee who holds a position of director, officer, partner, trustee, manager
or employee in bidder's organization as well as the name of any near relatives who
are employed by the University.
Provide a statement of the total dollar amount performed for the University of
California in the past twenty-four (24) months and a listing of the campus (es)
The contract will not be awarded to any person, company or corporation that has
failed in a satisfactory or faithful manner on any previous contract or purchase
order with the University of California.
Health Care Criminal Offence Exclusion
Bidder certifies that neither Bidder, nor its shareholders, members, directors, officers,
agents, employees or members of its workforce have been excluded or served a notice of
exclusion or have been served with a notice of proposed exclusion, or have committed
any acts which are cause for exclusion, from participation in, or had any sanctions, or
civil or criminal penalties imposed under, any federal or state healthcare program,
including but not limited to Medicare or Medicaid, or have been convicted, under federal
or state law (including without limitation a plea of nolo contendere or participation in a
first offender deterred adjudication or other arrangement whereby a judgment of
conviction has been withheld), of a criminal offense related to (a) the neglect or abuse of
a patient, (b) the delivery of an item or service, including the performance of management
or administrative services related to the delivery of an item or service, under a federal or
state healthcare program, (c) fraud, theft, embezzlement, breach of fiduciary
responsibility, or other financial misconduct in connection with the delivery of a
healthcare item or service or with respect to any act or omission in any program operated
by or financed in whole or in part by an federal , state or local government agency, (d) the
unlawful, manufacture, distribution, prescription or dispensing of a controlled substance
or (e) interference with or obstruction of any investigation into any criminal offense
described in (a) through (d) above. Each Party further agrees to notify the other Party
immediately after the Party becomes aware that any of the foregoing representation and
warranties may be inaccurate or may become incorrect.
Notification Requirements: Bidder shall notify Hospital immediately in the event that
(1) Bidder is convicted of a criminal offense related to health care and/or related to
the provision of services paid for by Medicare, Medicaid, or another federal health
care program; or (2) Bidder is excluded from participation in any federal health care
program, including Medicare and Medicaid.
Termination: Hospital may terminate this Agreement immediately in the event that
(1) Bidder is convicted of a criminal offense related to health care and/or related to
the provision of services paid for by Medicare, Medicaid or another federal health
care program; or (2) Bidder is excluded from participation in any federal health care
program, including Medicare and Medicaid.
7. Confidentiality of University Medical and Patient Information
Bidder, as the employer of the assigned employee, agrees on behalf of itself and the
employee that:
All efforts will be made to protect private and confidential information concerning the
academic health center and health system’s patients and the respective heath care
practices of those entities.
Bidder personnel shall not reveal or disclose proprietary, confidential patient
information, or trade secret information to unauthorized or non-university persons
including, but not limited to, family, friends, relatives, associates, suppliers, vendors,
customers, and competitors. If an employee is uncertain as to whether the individual
or entity is an authorized source or whether the information must be released under
the California Public Records Act, Information Practices Act, or other statutes
requiring the release of information, the employee should review the request with a
supervisor, chief compliance officer, or university legal counsel.
Confidential patient information should be discussed with or disclosed to university
personnel on a limited, “need to know only” basis and to a patient or others only in
response to a legal or authorized request. At no time should confidential patient or
hospital information be discussed with or disclosed to non-university personnel,
including the family or business and social acquaintances of agency/employee,
customers, suppliers or others. Vendor personnel who have any questions regarding
patient confidentiality should refer to university policies for additional information
and consult with the appropriate supervisor or risk management.
Bidder agrees to enter into the HIPAA Business Associate Agreement (Attached)
8. Employee Requirements/Health Clearance Criteria
Any Bidder’s technician assigned to the UCDHS project, on the first day of the
assignment, must:
Show proof of any applicable license or certification
Show proof of health clearance as specified in Exhibit I
Obtain a UCDHS contractor photo identification badge (UCDHS will complete
Describe your firm's qualifications and capacity to provide this service.
Indicate the qualifications of those in your firm responsible for evaluating and hiring
referred employees.
Describe the training provided for each referred employee, both initial and ongoing.
What is your firm's approach to identifying problems, tracking problems and problem
resolution? How will corrective action be taken in situations where performance and/or
quality of work do not meet UCDHS standards?
How will your firm meet HIPAA guidelines for this project?
As stated in this RFP, provide evidence of your firm's ability to meet the insurance
requirements as specified in the University of California, Terms and Conditions
Provide your cost for this entire project. Breakdown costs in detail by the options
noted below.
Cost per record destroyed
Example: 1000-9999 Records Destroyed = $$Cost
Example: 10000-99999 Records Destroyed = $Cost
Cost per records retrieved and pounds destroyed
Everyone must show proof of immunity to measles. The only acceptable criteria are:
Positive serology for Antibody to Measles (copy of lab slip)
Documentation of 2 measles shots in lifetime. (If first measles shot was at one
year of age or younger, it does not count, and one additional shot is required.)
Everyone must show proof of immunity to Rubella. The only acceptable criteria are:
Positive serology for Antibody to Rubella (copy of lab slip)
Documentation of immunization for Rubella (MMR, MR, Rubella immunization).
Known past history of disease or true exposure to Varicella (VZ). Stated positively
certain history is acceptable criteria.
If no known history of disease or true exposure: Serology documenting absence or
presence of antibody to VZ is required (copy of lab slip).
Evidence of PPD skin test results within the last 12 months.
If the trainee is already PPD Positive -- Evidence of a chest x-ray within the last 12 months and
symptom interview are required.
HEPATITIS B Vaccine is recommended if exposure to blood or body fluid is anticipated.
MMR: MMR vaccine is the recommended product to use for deficiency of either Measles or
University of California, Terms and Conditions of Purchase
Copy of UC Davis Medical Center T&C’s can be found from the following link: