Request For Quote Valet Services UC Davis Medical Center

Request For Quote
Valet Services
UC Davis Medical Center
Request for Quote #15-601036-OB
Date Issued: 4/27/2016
Due Date: 5/16/2016 by 12:00pm PDT
Submitted by the University of California
Davis Health System
This RFQ is also available at:
All questions regarding this RFQ should be directed to:
Otis Baker, Buyer III
UCDHS Purchasing Department
Phone: (916) 734-2122
Questions should not be directed to any other University departments or staff. Material or
substantive information provided to any bidder, as a result of questions received, will be provided
to all bidders via an addendum to this RFQ.
University of California at Davis Health System Profile
The UC Davis Health System (UCDHS) provides an organizational framework that enables UC Davis to
fulfill its teaching, research, patient-care and public service missions. UCDHS delivers primary, secondary
and tertiary care throughout inland Northern California; and, from both a medical and a financial
standpoint, UCDHS has a wide-ranging impact on the Sacramento area and the region. UCDHS consists
of the UC Davis School of Medicine, the UC Davis Medical Center and Children’s Hospital and the UC
Davis Medical Group.
UC Davis Medical Center (UCDMC) is located on 140 acres in central Sacramento, just three miles from
the State Capitol, and was established in 1973 by the Regents of the University of California. It is inland
Northern California's only academic medical center and Level I trauma center. It includes a 619-bed, fully
accredited hospital that serves as the main clinical educational site for the UCDSOM and is the main
tertiary care referral center for a 33-county area of more than six million residents. Each year, UCDMC
admits more than 30,000 patients, while its emergency room and 100-plus specialty and primary care
clinics log more than 800,000 outpatient visits.
The UC Davis Medical Group (UCDMG) is the clinical/medical staff component of the UC Davis Health
System. The Medical Group began as a primary care extension of the Medical Center’s hospital-based
clinics in 1994. It now includes all medical staff, consisting of approximately 114 primary care physicians
and more than 500 specialists serving patients in 13 communities throughout northern California. As the
only provider of many specialty and sub-specialty services in inland northern California, UCDMG serves a
diverse patient population. Just over one half of our outpatient population is classified as Caucasian, the
balance being largely Hispanic, African American, southeast Asian and Russian. On-site interpreters
provide interpreting services in approximately 20 languages.
The UC Davis School of Medicine (UCDSOM) is located seventeen miles west of UCDMC and was
founded in 1966. The school now accepts ninety-three entering students each year and also provides
advanced postgraduate training in numerous medical and surgical specialties through its twenty-four
accredited residency and internship programs. Research is a major emphasis of the UCDSOM, with
scientists and physicians conducting more than three hundred research and development projects at any
given time. Faculty physicians provide patient care at UCDMC and several other affiliated hospitals and
clinics in addition to conducting their teaching and research activities.
General Information
Page 2
Vendor Inquiries
Inquiries regarding this RFQ must be received by 12:00 p.m. PDT on 5/10/2016. The UCDHS contact
person is listed below. Questions via email are preferred. Please reference RFQ #15-601036-OB with all
Otis Baker, Buyer III
UCDHS Purchasing Department
4800 2nd Avenue, Suite 3010
Sacramento, CA 95817
Phone: (916) 734-2122
Fax: (916) 734-7791
Quote Submittal Instructions
Each Bidder is required to submit one (1) original hard copy, two (2) copies along with supporting materials
information as requested. Quote responses must be mailed or hand delivered to:
UCDHS Purchasing Department
4800 2nd Avenue, Suite 3010
Sacramento, CA 95817
RFQ #15-601036-OB
All quotes submitted must be received in the UCDHS Purchasing Department no later than 12:00 p.m.
PDT on Monday, May 16, 2016. UCDHS Purchasing Department will not accept quotes received after the
Friday, April 29, 2016 due date and time.
Requirements) IN YOUR RESPONSE.
General Information
Page 3
Schedule of Events
Release of Request for Quotes
Receipt of Bidders’ Quotes
Award of Contract
Start Date
Basis of Award
* Approximate Dates
Quotes will be evaluated on the basis of cost per quality points. A UCDHS evaluation committee will
choose the selected Bidder. Committee participants will review, evaluate, and score each responsive
quote received in accordance with predetermined scoring criteria. The selection process will be broken
down into two phases.
Phase I
To be considered responsive and to continue in the scoring process, the Bidder must:
Attend the MANDATORY Site Walk on May 6, 2016 at 11 am. We will meet in the purchasing
Department located at 4800 2nd Ave, Suite # 3010, and walk to the Cancer Center Visitor Parking
located at 48th and X Streets. (see map, Attachment 1 of this RFQ)
Provide all documentation as requested by the requested due date.
Provide a quote that is complete and complies with the instructions and requirements as stated herein.
Establish satisfactory financial solvency.
Overall Bidder qualifications, including years in business, financial status, and background information
Compliance with UC’s specified terms and conditions
Phase II
In this phase, the Bidder’s response will undergo intensive evaluation. The following criteria (not in priority
order) will be utilized to select the finalist:
1. Qualifications and Requirements Response
2. Cost Proposal
3. Responsiveness
• Bidder’s demonstrated understanding of the University’s requirements, overall approach
and thoroughness of the quote in submitting all information designated and requested
within this RFQ.
General Information
Page 4
Each Bidder will receive a total point score known as quality points.
Quality points will be assigned as follows:
Qualification Statement
Total Maximum Points:
The total cost for each quote will be divided by the quote’s total quality points to determine the cost per
quality point ratio.
UCDHS's decision as to how the resulting Agreement(s) will be awarded will be based on the
following: Calculate total Evaluation Quality Points earned by each Bidder.
General Information
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Quote Conditions
Notwithstanding any other provision of the RFQ, Bidders are hereby advised that this RFQ is a
solicitation of quotes only and is not to be construed as an offer to enter into any contract or
agreement. Thus, UCDHS reserves the unqualified right to reject any or all quotes for any reason.
UCDHS shall have the unconditional and unqualified right to withdraw, cancel, or amend this RFQ
at any time. Bidders shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and furnishing of
responses to this RFQ. UCDHS, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to determine whether any
Bidder meets the minimum qualification standards, to determine whether a quote is responsive,
and to select a quote which best serves its programmatic objectives. UCDHS reserves the right to
negotiate a binding contract with the selected Bidder.
All quotes shall be firm for a period of 180 days following the quote submission due date.
Responses to this RFQ should be made according to the instructions contained herein. Failure to
adhere to RFQ instructions may be cause for rejection of the quote. A quote which contains
conditions or limitations set up by the Bidder may be deemed irregular and subsequently rejected
False, incomplete, or unresponsive statements in the quote response may be cause for its
rejection. The evaluation and determination of the fulfillment of the RFQ requirements will be
UCDHS’s responsibility and its judgment shall be final.
UCDHS reserves the right to interpret or change any provision of this RFQ at any time prior to the
quote submission date. Such interpretation or change shall be in the form of a written addendum
to this RFQ. Such addendum will become part of this RFQ and any resultant contract. Such
addendum shall be made available to each company that has received an RFQ. Should such
addendum require additional information not previously requested, a Bidder's failure to address the
requirements of such addendum in the quote response might result in the quote not being
UCDHS has, at its sole discretion, the unconditional and unqualified right to determine that a time
extension is required for submission of quotes, in which case, a written RFQ addendum issued by
UCDHS shall indicate the new submission date for quotes.
Prior to the final submission date, any Bidder may retrieve its quote to make additions or
alterations. Such retrieval, however, shall not extend the final submission date.
Bidders wishing to submit quotes in response to this request do so entirely at their own expense,
and submission of a quote indicates acceptance of the conditions contained in the RFQ unless
clearly and specifically noted otherwise.
PUBLIC INFORMATION AND TRADE SECRETS--The California Public Records Act limits
UCDHS’s ability to withhold pre-qualification and bid data to trade secrets or records, the
disclosure of which is exempt or prohibited pursuant to federal or state law. If a submittal contains
any trade secrets that Bidder does not want disclosed to the public or used by UCDHS for any
purpose other than evaluation of the Bidder’s eligibility, each sheet of such information must be
marked with the designation “Confidential.” UCDHS will notify the Bidder any request, by another
party, to inspect such confidential information. Bidder will have an opportunity to establish that
such information is exempt from inspection in any proceeding to compel inspection.
General Information
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Contract Terms and Conditions
The University’s Terms and Conditions of Purchase shall apply to any contract for hardware or
hardware-related services awarded from this solicitation for quotes. The selected Bidder will be
required to comply with all the terms and conditions as specified therein. A Bidder's inability to
comply with, or exceptions and modifications to, the terms and conditions incorporated in Appendix
A must be stated in its quote and may disqualify Bidder from further consideration.
To facilitate timely award of this contract, each Bidder must certify its ability to comply with the
insurance requirements outlined in University’s Terms and Conditions of Purchase. The University
will require the selected Bidder to furnish a certificate of insurance naming The Regents of the
University of California as an additional insured. Such certificate of insurance shall be in a form as
issued by an insurer approved by the University and shall contain an endorsement requiring not
less than thirty (30) days’ written notice to the University prior to any cancellation or modification
thereof. Thereafter, a certificate evidencing the renewal of each such policy shall be furnished to
the University at least ten (10) days prior to the expiration of the term of said policy. Failure to
comply with this requirement may result in cancellation of any contract resulting from this Request
for Quote.
The University reserves the right to adjust the minimum insurance limits specified in University’s
Terms and Conditions of Purchase, based on the overall risk assessment of the project. Each
Bidder must provide evidence of its current coverage with its quote.
The final contract(s) with the selected Bidder(s) will be prepared by the UCDHS Purchasing
Department and will incorporate this Request for Quote, including its Appendices and Addenda (if
any), and the submitted quote.
The University reserves the right to cancel any contracts resulting from this RFQ with 30 days’
notice at any time.
Records developed by the Bidder and related to the project costs will be maintained for a period of
five years following the completion of the project.
The Bidder or Bidders awarded a contract as a result of this RFQ may not assign or sublet the
whole or any part of the contract without the prior written consent of the University.
The Bidder must warrant that, for a minimum of one (1) year from final acceptance of each
hardware component and software package included in the proposed system, the hardware and
software shall meet all of the specifications set forth in Bidder’s quote and in the operational
manuals current as of the date of University’s final acceptance of such hardware and software
products and will be free of defects. In the event of the Bidder’s breach of its warranty hereunder,
the University shall have the option to repair or replace the hardware and/or software, and the
Bidder will be liable for excess costs incurred by University therefore.
No form of the University’s name shall be used in promotional materials, signs, announcements, or
other forms of communication or advertising originated by Bidder unless the University’s express
written permission for such use has been obtained in advance.
Under existing campus policy ( P & P Manual #260-15) a gift or donation to the University may not
be coupled with the expectation of tangible compensation or with the imposition of contract or
General Information
Page 7
grant requirements. Each purchasing transaction, business contract, research contract, affiliation
agreement, and grant shall be considered as separate and whole in itself. As such, it is the policy
of the University of California Medical Center and Health System that no gift or donation to the
University, nor any of its business contracts, purchasing transactions, research contracts, affiliation
agreements, or grants shall be used as partial consideration for any other transaction, contract,
agreement, grant or gift/donation.
Until the expiration of four years after the furnishing of the services provided under the contract,
vendor will make available to the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the
U.S. Controller General, and their representatives, the contract and all books, documents and
records necessary to certify the nature and extent of the costs of those services. If vendor carries
out the duties of the contract through a subcontract worth $10,000 of more over a 12-month period
with a related organization, the subcontract will also contain a clause to permit access by the
Secretary, Controller General, and their representatives to the related organization's books and
General Information
Page 8
Phase I:
Qualification Statement
The Qualification Statement must contain a description of the Bidder’s corporate qualifications, area of
expertise, and prior experience with providing systems and services similar to those described in this RFQ,
including but not limited to the following:
Provide the Bidder’s name, address, telephone and facsimile numbers, a contact name, a brief
description of the company’s history, including name and address of the parent company, and the
size of the company.
Provide a corporate profile, service portfolio, and description of the Bidder’s service philosophy
and approach. What separates and distinguishes this Bidder from other applicants?
Provide a report of the Bidder’s financial status, including the most recently audited financial
statements and profit and loss statements or equivalent evidence of financial stability and include
auditor's opinion.
Provide gross revenue figures for 2015 and percentage growth from 2011 – for total company
revenue, revenue associated with healthcare information systems, and revenue for the products
included in your response.
Identify by name and University position any University officer, faculty member or other employee
who holds a position of director, officer, partner, trustee, manager or employee in the Bidder’s
company, as well as the name of any near relatives who are employed by the University.
Provide a statement of the total dollar amount of work performed by Bidder for the University of
California in the past twelve (12) months and specify the campus (es) served.
The contract will not be awarded to any Bidder that has failed to perform in a satisfactory or faithful
manner on any previous contract or purchase order with the University of California.
Has your hardware or company ever been subjected to product litigation? Please explain.
Provide a reference list of three clients located in California, if possible, for whom the Bidder was
directly responsible for providing products or services similar to those requested herein within the
past two years. The references may be from current or prior clients. The references will be used
as a basis for inquiry concerning the Bidder’s quality of products and service.
Furnishing incorrect and/or incomplete reference information may lead to Bidder’s elimination from
consideration for award. The decision to eliminate Bidder from consideration for award for poor
reference checks or for incorrect and/or incomplete reference information shall be at the sole
discretion of UCDHS and shall not be subject to appeal.
How do you measure client satisfaction? Provide examples of tangible changes that have been
implemented as a direct result of client feedback.
Information for Formatting Quote Responses
Page 9
Qualifications Statement
1. Provide valet service to park cars & collect parking fees for patients of Cancer Center (X
Street, see attached drawing) in the Visitor Parking Area off 48th Street Entrance.
2. Hours: 7:30 am – 6:30 pm (including set-up and take-down), 5 days per week: Monday
through Friday, excluding University holidays. These hours may be subject to change with 5
days notice.
3. A minimum of One Supervisor/Lead Person and Two Parking Attendants to be available at all
times. All wages are in compliance with UC requirements as specified in Article 25 of UC
Terms and Conditions of Purchase.
4. There are approximately 230 patients per day at the Cancer Center. Since we are unsure
how many will require Valet Service, structure your quote as follows:
A. 100 to 150 cars per day
B. 150 to 200 cars per day
C. 200 to 250 cars per day
5. Vendor to provide: Parking podium, shade or rain cover for booth, employee uniforms.
6. UCDHS to provide: 4-part tickets, cash register, cash (for change), credit card swipe machine,
road cones and all signage.
7. Start date to be approximately July 1, 2016
8. Full Term: To July 1, 2017
9. Initial Period: 6 months with option to extend month by month thereafter.
10. Weekly Review Meeting with onsite Supervisor will be required to review response time,
staffing levels and any outstanding issues.
11. The University reserves the right to cancel with 30 days notice at any time.
12. Please quote cost to UCDHS for TWO options:
A. Attendants ARE able to accept tips
B. Attendants ARE NOT able to accept tips
13. Specify the training that you provide for your employees: Parking Attendants, Cashier
Attendants & Supervisors. Cashier Attendant must have training and be capable of operating
a POS system.
14. BACKGROUND CHECK: All Attendants and Supervisors to be placed in service at UCDHS
will be required to pass a Background Check. Vendor is required to review all Background
Checks of potential employees to be placed at UCDHS and to eliminate from placement at
UCDHS any/all employees convicted of a felony or a felony subsequently reduced to a
misdemeanor. Vendor is required to maintain Background Check information on file for all
employees working at UCDHS. At any time, UCDHS my audit or request a copy of an
employee’s Background Check.
15. HEALTH CHECK: All Attendants and Supervisors to be placed in service at UCDHS will be
required to pass a Health Clearance. Vendor to maintain documentation confirming health
clearance, including TB, Rubella (German measles), Rubeola (measles) and Chicken Pox, as
well as Flu vaccination for all employees assigned to UCDHS. At any time, UCDHS may audit
vendor’s health clearance files for any employee assigned to UCDHS.
16. FINGERPRINTING REQUIREMENT: Any Parking Attendant handling cash and the Cashier
Attendant will be required to be fingerprinted.
17. PARKING: It is the vendor’s responsibility to pay for their staff’s parking in accordance with
UCDHS Parking regulations.
18. If your company is selected as one of the finalists you may be required to provide an on site
demonstration of your service. Can your company meet this requirement?
19. Vendor must provide a valid and current Certificate of Insurance according to levels as
specified in Article 9 of UC Terms and Conditions of Purchase.
The University of California standard purchase order terms and conditions of Appendix A
apply to this order. If seller requires a copy of Appendix A, please contact the UCDHS
Purchasing Department at 916-734-2475.
Invoice according to Purchase Order, as itemized. If multiple invoices are generated,
please consolidate and send one invoice. Changes and modifications to the order may
only be performed by the UCDHS Purchasing Department. Verbal changes are not
authorized. Failure to invoice according the purchase order may delay payment.
Final Acceptance: UCDHS will agree to final acceptance and payment only after all
product or equipment is received, and/or required work is completed by vendor, and
found in compliance withal expressed and implied performance specifications per
inspection by an authorized representative of UCDHS.
The seller certifies the furnished products under this order are/is covered by the most
favorable commercial manufacturer warranties that are given to any customer for the
same of substantially similar products.
UCDHS reserves the right to cancel this order at any time, for cause, without penalty to
Prices are firm for the contract period indicated. UCDHS will receive the benefit of a
price decline.
A Certificate of Insurance is required to be on file in the UCDHS Purchasing office prior
to any performance of services for this purchase order.
All employees of companies providing any type of contracted service to UCDMC shall be
required to wear a temporary badge provided by the UCDMC department with which they
are associated or appropriate identification as outlined in the company's service contract
with UCDMC.
Responsibility for supervision of contracted employees shall be outlined in the contract
with the contractor providing the services. However, employees shall adhere to the
requirements of UCDMC at all times. Significant or repeat violations should be reported
to the sponsoring department. The sponsoring department should report the violations to
the UCDMC Purchasing Manager if Purchasing processed the service contract for the
sponsoring department. The Vendor (Contractor) has prime contract responsibility:
subcontractors may be used, but the prime contractor must accept full responsibility for
subcontractors’ performance.
All employees of a vendor who performs services on University property, shall, for all
purposes under this agreement, be considered employees of the vendor only. Vendor
shall assume sole and exclusive responsibility for the payment of wages to these
employees. Vendor shall, with respect to vendor employees, be responsible for
withholding federal and state income taxes, paying federal social security taxes and
unemployment insurance, and maintaining worker's compensation coverage in an amount
and under such terms as required by the California Labor Code. Failure to comply with
these requirements will result in disqualification of your firm as an approved vendor for
the services requested, and termination of the contract. The vendor shall pay to each
employee on this work not less than the general prevailing wage in the effect the locality
in which the work is done.
All workers must be U.S. citizens or legal aliens in accordance with the "Immigration
Reform and Control Act of 1986." All laws of the State of California consistent with the
contractor's license must be followed.
In accordance with UC Davis health System (UCDHS) policy, background checks may be
conducted on all personnel involved in this service. The vendor shall conduct all such
checks via reputable organizations and provide results to the UCDHS assigned
Pursuant to California Public contract Code, Section 10518, each vendor who enters into
a contract with the University of California for $10,000 or more shall list their supplier
identification number on the contract document. For the purpose of this requirement,
vendors are advised that their supplier number is their Federal Identification Number
(FEIN) or Social Security Account Number (SSAN), as appropriate. This order shall be
subject to the examination and audit by the California State Auditor for a period of three
years after the final payment under this order. The examination and audit shall be
confined to those matters connected with the performance of the contract, including, but
not limited to, the costs of administering the contract.
Attachment 1: Map, UC Davis Cancer Center