Call for Faculty Summer Research Proposals

Call for Faculty Summer Research Proposals
The Faculty Research Committee invites applications for faculty summer research funds. Please note the
changes to the application. Due to limited funds, only proposals that specify research expenses (rather than
stipends) will be considered by the Faculty Research Committee. Proposals must be submitted to by March 26, 2012. Decisions will be announced as soon as possible.
Please attach a CV and complete the sections below.
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Title & Department: ___________________________________________________________
Date: __________________
Total Amount Requested:
Time Period for Requested Funds to be Expended:
_____ May-June, 2012 (requests for funds to be expended by June 30 will receive preference)
_____ July-August, 2012
Type of Research Support Requested:
_____ Student RA - Dean’s Summer Research Fellow (More information below)
_____ Student RA – Student RA not enrolled in CMC summer school
_____ Fieldwork Expenses
_____ Conference Travel
_____ Data or Equipment
_____ Other
Itemized Budget
Requests for funds must include justification of the importance of each individual item, along with estimates
of the cost of each item. For conference travel, provide justification of the importance of attendance at the
conference and include estimates of the cost of each travel expense (e.g., flight, hotel, ground transportation,
car mileage, airport parking, and per diem expenses must be separate line items) and grand total. Convenient
sites for flight estimates are and For current mileage
rates, see Requests for each individual
expense, travel or otherwise, must be accompanied by cost estimates (with documentation, as
appropriate) or they will not be considered.
Description of Research Project (2 page maximum)
The proposal should be clearly written and detailed. Full information must be provided as to where and how
the project is to be carried out, and the time frame for completion. It is important to make clear the feasibility
of the project. The project description should be free of jargon. The proposal must present a clear intellectual
framework. It must address the existing literature, and indicate important bibliography. It must clarify the
position of the project in relation to its literature, and show its significance in the field.
Relation of Research Activities to Past Scholarly Work and Future Plans (1 page maximum)
The proposal must include the scholar’s previous work, and show how it fits into an overall program of study.
Projects that represent a departure from the applicant’s previous scholarly programs must provide explanations
as to why this is being done. The curricular impact (if any) of the project should be clarified.
Record of Past Summer Research Awards and Resulting Publications
The application must include a record of past awards, indicating the source of the research funds (Gould,
DOF, etc.). Proposals should include a list of papers and presentations (e.g., publications, working papers,
works in progress, conference presentations) resulting from previously awarded summer research grants.
The Dean of Faculty is launching a new program beginning in May 2012 to hire CMC students enrolled in
CMC summer school called the Dean’s Summer Research Fellows Program. As our summer session
program gains in popularity, offering a summer research fellows program allows students to assist faculty in
their research over the first six weeks of the summer and to gain valuable research experience and work
experience, while enrolled in classes.
Students may seek a faculty nomination in order to apply for the program, and the student’s research program
will be in support of the nominating faculty member’s research agenda. This process will ensure that students
are able to perform the research over the summer, and will help bring prestige to the program because of its
selectivity and close interaction with faculty on their current research. Institutes may also choose to participate
in this program and fund student researchers to work for the institute while enrolled in summer school.
Students selected for the program will work eight to ten hours per week at a rate of $10/hour for six weeks.
Students can be funded in the following ways:
1. Any tenured or tenure-track faculty member at CMC may apply to the Dean of Faculty Summer
Research Fund to hire a Dean’s Summer Research Fellow as a research assistant. There will be a
separate category in the call for proposals for faculty seeking to participate in this program. Note that
faculty may apply to hire a student enrolled in summer school in addition to applying for other kinds of
summer research support (e.g. field work expenses, conference expenses, etc.).
2. Faculty may use their IFA funds to hire (in part or in full) a Dean’s Summer Research Fellow before
their funds expire June 30, 2012. The expected cost would be $600, assuming a 10 hour work week.
3. Institute Funds: If students were working for a Research Institute, then the Institute would pay for their
research activity.
Students will be subject to federal and state income taxes, though they will be exempt from FICA withholding.
Further, faculty and institutions will need to preserve the summer research funds in this fiscal year’s budget as
the program falls within the current fiscal calendar. Students will need to complete and submit all hiring
paperwork in advance of their start date.
Summer research fellow workspace could be provided in central locations on campus (such as Honnold/Mudd
Library, the Crocker Reading Room, etc.).