Document 13223660

Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6252-13a, 56, the Texas Register publishes executive orders issued by
of Texas. Appointments and proclamations are also published. Appointments are published in
order. Additional information on documents submitted for publication by the Governor's Office can be
, the 1990 emms will determine the alloation of the 435 congressional districts among the states, and be used in legislative
activities in 1991; and
1990 census will affect fedezal funding for the stare of Texas throughout the next decade, g i v a that thirty-five percent of all
grant programs are allocated using direct census data, and that census data indirectly affects many other federal funding
,the undgcount of Texas residents during the 1980 census has been Rstimated to be as high as 547,000,396,000 of which are
be minorities; and
, a program designed to reach state employees and state agency clients would dramatically increase the public awareness of the
of the 1990 census.
planning c o d to coonlinate joint planning efforts in fhe various functional areas of government for purposes requiring
ACPC will consist of the Executive Directoas of the following agencies, or their design%&representatives
Department of Commerce
Depmmmt of Criminal Justice
of the State C o m b of Public Accounts
Employment czommhi~ommission
Employees Retirement System
as Health and Human Services Coordinating Council
Deparhnent of Health
Higher Education Coordinating Board
Department of Highways and Public Transportation
Department of Human Services
Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation
Parks and Wildlife Department
Department of Public Safety
Rehabilitation Cammission
of the Semetary of State
meet at the call of the Chair.
goals and objectives for this project for approval by the Director of the
of Budget and Planning.
SACPC member agencies and other state agencies are hereby directed to cooperate with and assist the SACPC in the performance of its duties.
SACPC member agencies are hereby directed and authorized to make use of any agency appropriations for the purposes of this project, insofar
as such expenditures would be authorized under the appropriation authority granted by the Texas Legislature in the General Appropriations
amended, or rescinded by me.
Issued in Austin. Texas, on December 12. 1989.
William P. Clements. Jr.
Governor of Texas
WHEREAS, a democracy's most precious gift to it. citizens is the right of participafion-the right to vofe; and
WHEREAS. the electoral process is most representative of the will of the people of our great state when the greatest possible number of
citizens participate in the electoral process; and
WHEREAS, it is the fundamental responsibility of every Texan to participate in the electoral pmcess by exercising his or her constitutional
right; and
WHEREAS, the promotion and establishment of a statewide voter registratideducation effort among all state agencies and institutions of
higher education in Texas is a most worthwhile cause.
NOW,THEREFORE.I. William P. Clements. Jr., Governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me, do hereby urge all state agencies and
institutions of higher education to participate in the voter regisfratideducation process; and
I FURTHER URGE that such agencies and institutions of higher education designate a contact person within said agency or institution of
higher education to coordinate such voter registration/education efforts with the Office of the Secretary of State.
This Executive Order should be effective immediately and shall remain in full force snd effect until amended, modified, or rescinded by me.
Issued in Austin, Texas on December 21. 1989.
William P. Clement8
Governw of Texas