Document 13223653

John W. Topp, 5627 Verde Circle, Har-
pire April 30, 1988:
McAllen. Mr. Scurlock is being reappointed.
To be a member of the Rio Grande Valley
Municipal Water Authority for a term to expire April 30, 1989:
Connie de la Garza, 2814 Lotus, Harlingen. Mr. de la G ~ z awill be replacing
Reynaldo L. Lopez of Brownsville, whose
term expired.
To be a member of the Rio Grande Valley
Municipal Water Authority for a term to expire April 30, 1988:
To be a member of the Rio Grande Valley
Municipal Water Authority for a term to expire April 30, 1989:
expire August 31, 1988:
Joseph B. Coulter, D.V.M., 5519 Salida
de Luna, Brownsville. Dr. Coulter is being
placing Dr. Andy Nutt of B
term expired.
be a member of the Runnels County
Water ~uthorityBoard of Mrectors for a
term to expire February 1, 1991:
Issued in Austin, Texas, on June 4 , l
E. Jerry Holden, 1103 Lakeside Drive,
Ballinger. Mr. Holden will be replacing
James J. Mueller of Ballinger, whose term
Executive Order
WPC 87-14
WHEREAS, the Texas car dealers through the coordinated efforts of the Texas Automobile Dealers Association
has committed to donate 60 used automobiles to the survivors of the tornado; and
WHEREAS, the survivors of the tornado have been left without the financial means to meet the statutorily required title application fees, registrations fees, county road and bridge use fees, State automobile gift taxes, and
automobile transfer fees; and
WHEREAS, there is a vital need to have transportation available to these citizens; and
WHEREAS, the temporary and selective suspension of certain fees and taxes .is the most economical method for
the State to aid in the supply of this vital transportation; and
WHEREAS, under the authority of the Texas Disaster Act of 1975, Sections 5(b) and 5(g) the Governor of Texas
may suspend the provisions any regulatory statute.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Wiam P. Clements, Jr.. governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me, do hereby
suspend and exempt from the following:
(1) The annual registration fee required by Articles 6675a-5 or 6675a-5.1; and/or
(2) the Certificate of Title application fee required by Article 6687-1, Section 57; and/or
(3) the Transfer of Registration fee required by Article 6687-6; and/or
(4) the tax on the gift of a motor vehicle required by the Texas Tax Code, Section 152.025; and/or
(5) the Optional County Road and Bridge Fund fee authorized by'Article 66751-9a.
those automobiles donated to the survivors of the Saragosa tornado (hereinafter called Survivors) for a period
of 90 days from the date of this Order. Such exemption shall be evidenced by a certificate issued by the Department
of Public Safety Emergency Management Division referencing this Executive Order and said certificate shall be
accepted in lieu of the above referenced fees.
All agenciqs of state and local governments are hereby directed to cooperate with and honor such certificates and
the terms of this executive order.
This executive order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended, or rescinded by me.
Given under my hand this 30th day of May, 1987.
Issued in Austin, Texas, on May 30, 1987.
William P. Clements, Jr.
Governor of
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