Geomorphology 79 (2006) 488 – 506 Geomorphic effects of rural-to-urban land use conversion on three streams in the Central Redbed Plains of Oklahoma Ranbir S. Kang a , Richard A. Marston b,⁎ b a Department of Geography, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078-4073, USA Department of Geography, 118 Seaton Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-2904, USA Received 2 February 2006; received in revised form 6 June 2006; accepted 6 June 2006 Available online 28 August 2006 Abstract This research evaluates the impact of rural-to-urban land use conversion on channel morphology and riparian vegetation for three streams in the Central Redbed Plains geomorphic province (central Great Plains ecoregion) of Oklahoma. The Deep Fork Creek watershed is largely urbanized; the Skeleton Creek watershed is largely rural; and the Stillwater Creek watershed is experiencing a rapid transition from rural to urban land cover. Each channel was divided into reaches based on tributary junctions, sinuosity, and slope. Field surveys were conducted at transects in a total of 90 reaches, including measurements of channel units, channel cross-section at bankfull stage, and riparian vegetation. Historical aerial photographs were available for only Stillwater Creek watershed, which were used to document land cover in this watershed, especially changes in the extent of urban areas (impervious cover). The three streams have very low gradients (b0.001), width-to-depth ratios b10, and cohesive channel banks, but have incised into red Permian shales and sandstone. The riparian vegetation is dominated by cottonwoods, ash, and elm trees that provide a dense root mat on stream banks where the riparian vegetation is intact. Channels increased in width and depth in the downstream direction as is normally expected, but the substrate materials and channel units remained unchanged. Statistical analyses demonstrated that urbanization did not explain spatial patterns of changes in any variables. These three channels in the central Redbed Plains are responding as flumes during peak flows, funneling runoff and the wash-load sediment downstream in major runoff events without any effect on channel dimensions. Therefore, local geological conditions (similar bedrock, cohesive substrates and similar riparian vegetation) are mitigating the effects of urbanization. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Channel morphology; Watershed; Riparian vegetation; Channelization; Urban; Urbanization 1. Introduction Urbanization is a human activity that modifies (directly and indirectly) components of the landscape that can alter flow and sediment discharge into streams. In the 1956 ⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 785 532 6727; fax: +1 785 532 7310. E-mail address: (R.A. Marston). 0169-555X/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.06.034 classic volume, Man's Role in Changing the Face of the Earth, Strahler (1956) and Leopold (1956) both recognized the links between watershed scale changes and stream response. Urbanization can affect river systems in unexpected ways (Booth and Jackson, 1997). The primary measure of urbanization in a watershed is the area under impervious cover (May et al., 2002). Impervious cover refers to any surface that prevents the infiltration of water into soil (Arnold and Gibbons, 1996) and can be R.S. Kang, R.A. Marston / Geomorphology 79 (2006) 488–506 divided into two components: roof tops (non-transportation component) and the transport network composed of roads, driveways, and parking lots (the transportation component) (Schueler, 1994). The increase in impervious cover, deforestation, soil compaction, and decreased roughness that it often implies is the most obvious manifestation of urban development (May et al., 2002). Such surfaces decrease infiltration capacity of land and lead to higher runoff by adding more water to streams than pre-urbanization periods. Because water runs faster on impervious surfaces (concrete, asphalt, roof tops, roads, and streets), construction decreases the lag time of surface runoff (from decreased infiltration) and increases flood peaks that affect channel morphology in different ways, such as alterations in channel cross-sections, types of bed materials, types of channel units, and riparian vegetation (Morisawa and Laflure, 1979; Nanson, 1981; Booth, 1990; Booth, 1991; Johnson, 2001; Jeje and Ikeazota, 2002; May et al., 2002; Avolio, 2003; Othitis et al., 2004; Brierley and Fryirs, 2005). Therefore, a strong association commonly exists between the degree of urbanization, as measured by imperviousness in a drainage basin, and the morphology of its receiving stream (Benfield et al., 1999). The degree of association between urbanization and channel morphology depends on various types of impervious surfaces (Schueler, 1994; May et al., 2002; Avolio, 2003). The transportation component (road networks) is a particularly pervasive type of urban development impacting stream morphology. The area covered by roads usually exceeds the area under any other impervious surfaces by a great margin (Schueler, 1994). Roads increase runoff by delivering large amounts of storm water into stream channels during heavy rains (Chin and Gregory, 2001). In addition, new road crossings cause bank erosion and affect the presence or absence of pools, large woody debris (LWD), and type of substrate materials that deteriorate geomorphic conditions of streams (Avolio, 2003). This impact, however, varies locally with the degree of imperviousness (urbanization) and is determined by the watershed and adjacent riparian conditions. This research examines the spatial variations in such impacts on three streams with different degrees of impervious surface cover. Based upon the degree of imperviousness this project considers three stages of urbanization in a watershed (see regional settings): rural (Skeleton Creek), exurban (Stillwater Creek), and urban (Deep Fork Creek). By convention, the rural stage is a pre-urbanization period with less than 3% of its area under impervious cover; the exurban stage is the transition period from rural to urban 489 with 3–10% of its area under impervious cover (Neller, 1988); whereas the urban stage is characterized by N 10% of the watershed area under impervious cover (May et al., 2002). We hypothesized that in the case of the exurban stream, Stillwater Creek, urbanization is the main reason for increasing channel cross-sectional area downstream of Boomer Creek in relation to upstream. Boomer Creek delivers urban sediments and runoff generated by the City of Stillwater. We also hypothesized that the exurban stream (Stillwater Creek) would respond in a significantly different manner from the other two streams because of a substantial generation of sediment from construction activities. 2. Background 2.1. Impact of urbanization on channel morphology Impervious surfaces cause increased storm runoff, flood frequencies, and peak discharges compared to predevelopment conditions (Booth, 1991). Streams adjust to such increased regimes by altering stream morphology through the undercutting of banks and the deposition of sediment downstream. Debris from storm scour blocks stream flow, straightens stream channels, and causes stream channel enlargement. Therefore, the increased runoff and sediment supply (from impervious surfaces) affect channel morphology by altering channel cross-sections (Hammer, 1972). All of these alterations, however, are variable at different locations and lead to complex hydraulic geometry (Morisawa and Laflure, 1979). The first and most important factor in explaining spatiotemporal variability in such alterations in channel cross-sections is length of time an impervious area has been in existence. Because downstream channel enlargement requires time to take place, impervious areas that have been in existence for 4–15 years have the maximum impact on channel enlargements; and such impacts decrease considerably after 30 years because of a tendency for recovery (Hammer, 1972). The second factor is nonequivalent channel enlargements caused by the same urban growth in different streams. Hollis found a same increase in imperviousness leading to dissimilar increase in cross-sections of two streams in southeastern England (Hollis, 1976). The main reason for such variable channel enlargements, caused by the same degree of urbanization, is the difference in local conditions (bedrock geology, soil structure, entrenchment ratio, and riparian vegetation). Drainage basin area is another factor that can affect the impact of urbanization. Even small changes in imperviousness can 490 R.S. Kang, R.A. Marston / Geomorphology 79 (2006) 488–506 have significant downstream consequences in small drainage basins. Urbanization has also been found to lead to a reduction in channel cross-sectional area (Leopold, 1972; Nanson, 1981; Booth and Henshaw, 2001). Nanson (1981) observed downstream reduction in channel cross-section area in an urbanizing river on the Illawara escarpment (New South Wales, Australia) and attributed it to resistant sediments, vegetation, and a sudden decline in channel slope and associated stream power. Similarly, Leopold (1972) observed a slow reduction in channel cross-section area in Washington, DC, during the first decade of urbanization. During a later period of urbanization, channel area increased because of increased sediment deposition caused by annual flooding. After 20 years of observation (1953–1972), however, the channel area showed a 20% decrease (as opposed to an increase advocated by Hammer, 1972). Booth and Henshaw (2001) also observed a decrease in channel cross-sectional area in urban channels in western Washington because of geologic conditions that limited erosion. Also in urban streams, sinuosity is lower (8% lower), pools are less deep (31% shallower) channel gradients are steeper, and the substrate is more easily erodable (Hession et al., 2002). 2.2. Impacts of urbanization on riparian vegetation Riparian vegetation performs various functions for streams, such as reducing sediment loads, reducing nutrient loads, attenuating peak flow, and initiating fluvial adjustments (Leavitt, 1998; Simon et al., 2004). Presence of riparian vegetation enhances the stream bank stability and increases flow resistance by disrupting flow paths. The absence or removal of riparian vegetation, however, leads to higher rates of runoff, erosion, and the extraction of channel morphology (Simon et al., 2004). During urban sprawl, improper construction and maintenance of roads leads to degradation of processes, structures, and functions of riparian Fig. 1. The Skeleton Creek Watershed. R.S. Kang, R.A. Marston / Geomorphology 79 (2006) 488–506 corridors. For example, channel diversions, alterations in channel morphology, alterations in organic debris in streams, hillslope drainage alterations, and base flow changes are likely. Avolio (2003) agrees that increasing road density has an impact on channel morphology and argues that a thick riparian corridor can help mitigate such impacts of road crossings on channel morphology. Riparian vegetation and channel cross-sections affect each other (Hession et al., 2002), and riparian vegetation interacts with stream flow during urban-induced high flow periods affecting channel morphology (Leavitt, 1998). A variety of interpretations have been made concerning the impact of grass cover versus the impact of trees or LWD on stream banks (Trimble, 2004). Long grass with small woody plants provides the best protection to banks, and the growth of trees and forests increases the rate of erosion more in humid regions than in arid regions (Trimble, 2004). Although Trimble argues for the role and importance of riparian vegetation in 491 managing sediment budgets, his argument de-emphasizes the role of tree roots in controlling erosion and stabilizing streams. Streams have a geomorphic tendency to recover from the temporary disturbances caused by urbanization (Booth, 1991). In the case of watersheds experiencing different degrees of urbanization, channel morphological recovery occurs at variable rates. In urban watersheds, the increased magnitudes and frequencies of peak flows may inhibit geomorphic recovery, so urban streams may not have enough time to return to their pre-urban morphology. Most previous studies have concentrated on small watersheds (b 100 km2). The present study focuses on three watersheds that are somewhat larger than earlier studies. Also, these watersheds are experiencing different levels of development but similar local conditions. Because the focus is on relatively large watersheds, the unpredictability of results associated with small watersheds is minimized (Booth and Henshaw, 2001). Fig. 2. The Stillwater Creek Watershed. 492 R.S. Kang, R.A. Marston / Geomorphology 79 (2006) 488–506 3. Regional settings This project studies three different streams: Skeleton Creek, Stillwater Creek, and Deep Fork Creek (Figs. 1–3), each experiencing different degrees of urbanization, rural, exurban/urbanizing, and urban, respectively (Tables 1 and 2). All the three watersheds selected for this study are marked by a sub-humid climate (Cfa) with a slight decline in moisture as one moves westward. The average annual climatic data reveal slight variability of climate (Table 3). Also, the study areas share similar bedrock geology of the central Redbed Plains (Figs. 1–3). Red Permian shales and sandstones are dominant bedrock types in this region, forming gently rolling hills and broad flat plains. These bedrock formations of the Pennsylvanian and Permian Periods contain red iron oxides that are commonly seen in such rocks (Johnson, 1996). All three watersheds lie within the Central Great Plains Ecoregion. They are similar in most respects, except for land cover, which is why they were selected for this study. A brief description of these watersheds follows. The Skeleton Creek watershed (Fig. 1) is a rural watershed with b 3% of its area under impervious cover. It is the largest of all three watersheds with an area of 1.59× 103 km2 (419 mi2) in Garfield, Kingfisher, and Logan Counties in Oklahoma. The city of Enid where Skeleton Creek starts constitutes the major impervious cover in the north of this watershed. Because of the rural nature, Skeleton Creek watershed is dominated by agricultural and pasture land separated by riparian vegetation bordering the stream. No reservoirs exist in this watershed. The Stillwater Creek watershed (Fig. 2) is an exurban watershed with 4.49% of its area under impervious cover. This watershed supports agricultural land (pasture, woodland, and crops) and an expanding urban area of Stillwater, OK. It is marked by dry Mollisols along with bluestem grama prairies. Experiencing rural and urban land uses, this watershed has a drainage area of 733 km2 (283 mi2). As an ungauged tributary of the Cimarron River, Stillwater Creek flows through Payne County, OK, with a small fraction of the watershed in Noble and Logan Counties. Fig. 3. The Deep Fork Creek Watershed. R.S. Kang, R.A. Marston / Geomorphology 79 (2006) 488–506 Table 1 Land use in the three watersheds Type of land use Table 3 Average annual climate conditions in the three watersheds % of total watershed area County Average annual temperature (°F) Average maximum temperature (°F) Average minimum temperature (°F) Average annual precipitation (in.) Payne Noble Logan Garfield Oklahoma Kingfisher 60 60 60 60 61 60 72 72 72 72 72 72 48 48 49 48 49 48 37.34 36.56 35.24 33.60 36.21 32.61 Skeleton Stillwater Deep Fork Creek Creek Creek watershed watershed watershed Pasture 16.1 Cultivated 52.9 Open Water 1.10 Transitional 0.00 Woody wetlands 0.00 Bare rock/sand/clay 0.00 Urban/recreational grasses 0.06 Urban/residential/commercial 2.99 Quarries/strip mines/gravel pits 0.00 Emergent herbaceous wetlands 0.25 Forest (deciduous/evergreen/ 5.40 mixed) Shrubland and grasslands/ 21.2 herbaceous Total 100.00 10.5 11.3 3.39 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.03 4.27 0.01 0.07 21.4 10.7 3.63 0.91 0.05 0.00 0.07 1.34 49.5 0.00 0.02 14.9 48.9 18.9 100.00 100.00 Three reservoirs exist (Lake Carl Blackwell, Lake McMurtry and Boomer Lake) in the Stillwater Creek watershed, two of which are located above the urban area of Stillwater (Fig. 2). Lake Carl Blackwell is the largest reservoir with an area of 14.2 km2 (5.47 mi2) and shoreline 93.3 km (58 mi). Built in 1932, this lake is located 11.3 km (7 mi) west of the City of Stillwater and owned by the Oklahoma State University. The primary purpose of this lake is recreation but it can serve as a secondary source of water for the Oklahoma State University. Lake McMurtry, with an area of 5.26 km2 (2.03 mi2) and shoreline of 43.5 km (27 mi), is located 14.5 km (9 mi) north of the City of Stillwater. It was built for recreation, fishing and flood control in Stillwater. Boomer Lake is the smallest of three reservoirs with an area of 1.05 km2 (0.4 mi2) and shoreline of 9.66 km Table 2 Comparison of imperviousness in the three watersheds Characteristic Rural Exurban/ Urban watershed converting watershed watershed Name Skeleton Creek 1590 30 Stillwater Creek 733 30 Deep Fork Creek 175 19 0.72 0.82 11.1 0.28 0.01 NA 2.01 1.51 0.01 2.15 4.49 0.1 0.32 NA 11.6 Total area (km2) Number of transects surveyed (cross-section and riparian vegetation) % Impervious area (urban roads) % Impervious area (rural roads) % Impervious area (buildings) % Impervious area (other) % Total impervious area 493 (6 mi). It is located within the city limits of Stillwater and was built for recreation, fishing and as a supply of water to cool a natural gas plant that generated electricity. Deep Fork Creek (Fig. 3) near Arcadia, OK, is an urban watershed covering an area of 175 km2 (67.6 mi2) with 11.6% of its area under impervious cover, the majority of which lies in Oklahoma City. As the smallest among the three watersheds, Deep Fork Creek flows through central, northern, and northeastern parts of Oklahoma County. The potential natural vegetation includes cross-timbers, a mosaic of bluestem prairie (blue stem, and Indian grass) and oak/hickory forest. As an urban stream, the riparian vegetation along this stream is bordered by industrial buildings, governmental facilities, homes and other urban structures. This is an urban stream with occasional presence of rip-rap along stream banks in a few reaches (Figs. 4–6, Table 1). 4. Materials and methods This research studies the impact of varying degree of urbanization on the morphology of three streams sharing similar local conditions (bedrock, vegetation and climate). A discussion on the various types of research methods and materials used to understand the effects of urbanization on these three streams follows. 4.1. Effects of urbanization on channel morphology 4.1.1. Field survey of channel morphology, unit types, and other variables To understand the effects of urbanization on channel morphology, field measurements were conducted of channel cross-sections. Survey sites for channel crosssections in the three watersheds were determined by dividing each stream into various reaches using USGS topographic maps (1:24,000). A reach is defined here as the channel segment between any two adjacent tributaries (with changing channel form, valley form, vegetation type, and land use) (Harrelson et al., 1994; Moore et al., 2002). 494 R.S. Kang, R.A. Marston / Geomorphology 79 (2006) 488–506 case of the urban stream, Deep Fork Creek, 11 reaches have rip-rap along the banks. Such controlled reaches fail to respond to changing runoff and sediment supply. Therefore, only 19 uncontrolled reaches (out of 30 surveyed) from Deep Fork Creek were included in the analysis. Measurements of channel cross-sections were completed by standard topographic survey methods (Harrelson et al., 1994) with a laser level, stadia rod, rebar, flags, and measuring tapes. Measurements of channel cross-sections included identification of bankfull height, bankfull width, flood prone height (double of bankfull height), flood prone width (top width at double bankfull stage), depth of the stream along the transect at regular intervals, land use type, Rosgen channel type, and entrenchment ratio (Rosgen, 1996). Measurements were made by stretching a tape from the location of a tripod and measuring horizontal and vertical distances at regular intervals. The identification of the types of channel units was based on the following four categories (Harrelson et al., 1994; Moore et al., 2002) as applied along each transect in the three streams: Fig. 4. The urban stream, Deep Fork Creek. Therefore, changing sinuosity and channel gradient were also used to divide the three streams into reaches. Channel cross-sections were measured along a transect perpendicular to the main axis of the stream at the start of every reach. A total of 90 reaches were surveyed in the three watersheds (30 reaches in every watershed). In the (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) pool (slow and deep), glide (slow and shallow), riffle (fast and shallow), and run (fast and deep). Other stream variables were calculated from secondary sources, such as USGS (1:24,000) topographic maps. These variables included actual stream lengths, straight-line stream lengths, sinuosity, and gradient. Fig. 5. The urban stream, Deep Fork Creek. R.S. Kang, R.A. Marston / Geomorphology 79 (2006) 488–506 495 Fig. 6. The urban stream, Deep Fork Creek with occasional presence of rip-rap and trash. 4.1.2. Use of GIS in delineating the three watersheds Boundaries of all three watersheds and the subwatersheds were delineated by using standard GIS methods. This involved the use of digital elevation models (DEMs) with 30 × 30-m resolution for the different counties that covered the three watersheds. DEMs were downloaded from the USGS web page. The stream networks were downloaded from Census Tiger files on the Environmental Science Research Institute (ESRI) web page. The Geoprocessing Wizard in ArcView 3.3 was used to merge the data from different counties to make one shape file for every stream. The two data sets (DEMs and stream networks) were used in the ArcView Soil and Water Assessment Tool (AVSWAT) to delineate the boundaries of the three watersheds, and boundaries of sub-basins within the three watersheds. AVSWAT is an ArcView extension and a graphical user interface for the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). SWAT is a physically based and computationally efficient watershed-scale model used to predict the impact of management practices on water, sediment, agricultural chemical yields, and more (Luzio et al., 2002). 4.1.3. Fluvial data processing Channel morphologic data were entered into a specially designed MS Excel Reference Reach Tool, an Excel programmed macro that was used to calculate the following hydraulic variables: (i) Entrenchment ratio: an index value that is used to describe the degree of vertical containment of a river channel (width of the flood prone area at an elevation twice the maximum bankfull depth/ bankfull width) (Rosgen, 1996). (ii) Threshold grain size: particle size predicted to be at the threshold of motion at the calculated shear stress, derived from the Shields curve that is a plot of particle size against the shear stress required to initiate movement (this hydraulic variable was calculated by the Reference Reach Tool). (iii) Maximum bankfull depth: the maximum depth of flow at bankfull stage. (iv) Mean bankfull depth: the stream channel crosssection at bankfull stage. (v) Wetted perimeter: perimeter of the channel crosssection formed by bed and banks. (vi) Width of flood prone area: flooded width at a stage twice the maximum depth in a riffle or straight section. (vii) Cross-sectional area: area of the stream channel cross-section at bankfull stage. (viii) Froude number: the dimensionless number expressing the ratio of inertial to gravitational forces. Stillwater Creek was analyzed individually before comparing the three streams. It was divided into upstream and downstream reaches at the confluence of Boomer Creek which brings urban runoff from the City of Stillwater (Fig. 2). Various hydraulic variables were used as dependent variables in a series of 496 R.S. Kang, R.A. Marston / Geomorphology 79 (2006) 488–506 univariate regression analysis with drainage area always used as the independent variable. Dependent variables such as sinuosity, gradient, mean bankfull depth, bankfull width, bankfull area and threshold grain size were used to assess how drainage area explains each of these variables. Residuals calculated from the univariate regression analysis were used to perform Mann-Whitney nonparametric test on the upstream and downstream reaches of Stillwater Creek. This test was conducted to explain any possible impacts of urbanization on the downstream reaches of Stillwater Creek which receive urban runoff from the city of Stillwater. The next step was to compare the three watersheds selected on the basis of geomorphic similarities. The objective was to determine if the changing degree of urbanization can explain any geomorphic differences among the three streams. This analysis involved a similar series of univariate regressions with drainage area as the independent variable. A variety of dependent variables were used to determine how well drainage area predicts other dependent variables for every watershed (Marston and Wick, 1994). The three watersheds were compared with each other to determine if channel morphologies of the three streams respond differently to changing degrees of urbanization. This comparison was made by conducting a covariance test for dependent variables (Johnston, 1972). Results of this test were used to decide if regres- sions are significantly different for three streams. The following formula was used for this test: F¼ ½Q4 − ðQ1 þ Q2 þ Q3Þ=ðm−1Þ ðQ1 þ Q2 þ Q3Þ=mðn−1Þ Where m n Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 number of transects measured average number of transects measured for individual dependent variables residual sum of squares for Skeleton Creek residual sum of squares for Stillwater Creek residual sum of squares for Deep Fork Creek residual sum of squares using all three streams The F value derived from this formula was compared with the critical value obtained from an f table. If the derived F value is greater than the critical value from f table, regressions are significantly different from one another and vice versa. 4.2. Effects of urbanization on riparian vegetation An inventory of riparian vegetation was prepared that consisted of a type of belt transect extending along the riparian zone perpendicular to the stream channel on one side of the stream (Fig. 7). Vegetation transects started near the upstream half of the reach (same as channel cross- Fig. 7. An example of transect extending across the riparian zone perpendicular to the stream channel (Lehmert and Marston, 2005). R.S. Kang, R.A. Marston / Geomorphology 79 (2006) 488–506 497 Fig. 8. Aerial view of slightly entrenched meanders and land use adjacent to Skeleton Creek. sections), extended 5 m perpendicular to the main axis of the stream (on either the left or right side), and extended 30 m in the longitudinal dimension. This 30-m-long transect was divided into three zones of 10 m each to record the percent canopy closure, grass and shrubs, tree groups (based on size and species), and number of trees. The final data from field surveys were used to calculate descriptive statistics. Basal areas were calculated for trees in different diameter categories (3–15, 16–30, 31–50, 51–90 and N91 cm). Fig. 9. Aerial view of a reservoir and land use in the Stillwater Creek watershed. 498 R.S. Kang, R.A. Marston / Geomorphology 79 (2006) 488–506 The use of a small plane was another tool that was used to get a perspective of the three watersheds. This technique provided oblique photographs that could not be used for any quantitative analysis. Nonetheless, the photographs (Figs. 8–10) and videos of the three watersheds were useful tools to understand the general land use in the three watersheds. 4.3. Degree of urbanization and imperviousness Digital data on imperviousness were collected from existing sources and subjected to spatial analyses. Shape files for impervious surfaces in the three watersheds were obtained from the following sources: (i) Stillwater Creek watershed: City of Stillwater office in Stillwater, OK. (ii) Skeleton Creek watershed: City of Enid and Garfield County Assessor office in Enid, OK. (iii) Deep Fork Creek watershed: Oklahoma City office in Oklahoma City, OK. clipped along watershed boundaries to remove areas lying outside of the three watersheds. Shape files for roads in the three watersheds were line features, so buffers were created to find areas by using ArcToolbox 9.0. Roads were divided into two categories for this purpose: (i) urban roads (i.e., roads within the city limits of Enid, Oklahoma City, and Stillwater) were given a 10-m buffer width, and (ii) rural roads (i.e., roads outside the city limits of Enid, Oklahoma City, and Stillwater) were given a 7.5-m buffer width. Areas of the road buffers were calculated using the “Open Tool” option in ArcMap 9.0. Historical photos were available for only Stillwater Creek watershed for the year 1979 and 2003. These photos (1: 20,000) were used to calculate the change in impervious surface area in this watershed during 1979–2003. This method involved tracing aerial photographs on a mylar sheet. Then a grid proportional to 1:20,000 was overlaid on the traced mylar sheet to calculate the area of the impervious surface. 4.4. Land cover analysis The respective city offices prepared these GIS shapefiles for various purposes, such as property management, code enforcement, emergency management and infrastructural maintenance. These shapefiles are prepared from different sources and provide comprehensive digital details of imperviousness. All GIS shape files were re-projected using ArcToolbox 9.0 into the NAD 1983 UTM Zone 14 projection system. The shape files of roads and other impervious surfaces were A detailed study of land cover in all three watersheds was conducted by using 1993 National Land Cover Data (NLCD) from the USGS. At a resolution of 30 m, this grid form of data revealed that N 50% of the area in the Skeleton Creek watershed is under cultivation, whereas, the area under cultivation in Stillwater Creek watershed and Deep Fork Creek watersheds is 11.4% and 3.63%, respectively (Table 1). Fig. 10. Aerial view of urban land use adjacent to Deep Fork Creek. R.S. Kang, R.A. Marston / Geomorphology 79 (2006) 488–506 499 5. Results and discussion 5.1. Effects of urbanization on channel morphology 5.1.1. Field survey of channel morphology Skeleton Creek, the rural stream, shows the expected morphological changes in downstream hydraulic geometry. Bankfull width and depth increase in the downstream direction, as do bankfull area and wetted perimeter. These variables carry very low values in the origin of this stream near Enid and a consistent increase occurs with increasing drainage area downstream. The exurban stream of Stillwater Creek also shows a similar increase in these variables in a downstream direction. Although three reservoirs (Lake Carl Blackwell, Lake McMurtry and Lake Boomer) exist in this watershed, only two are upstream of the urban area of Stillwater. These reservoirs were built for recreation, flood control and urban use (see Section 3). The urban stream of Deep Fork Creek, however, shows a slightly different trend in the variation of channel morphology. Mean bankfull depth, bankfull width, bankfull area, and threshold grain size do not show an increasing trend in the downstream direction in Deep Fork Creek. Supported by statistical analysis, these findings are similar to personal observations made during field Fig. 12. Riparian corridor in Stillwater Creek Watershed. surveys in the three watersheds. These trends are analyzed in Section 5.4 on statistical analysis. 5.1.2. Types of channel units The three streams show similar types of channel units. The rural stream of Skeleton Creek shows the random presence of all four types of channel units: pool, glide, riffle, and run. With the increasing degree of urbanization, however, glides appear slightly more often in the exurban (Stillwater Creek) than the urban stream (Deep Fork Creek). Visual observations revealed that substrate materials remain almost unchanged in all three streams, which is predominantly silt and clay. In the case of Deep Fork Creek, certain areas in this stream have bedrock as the actual bed material. Only 19 sections were used in the final analysis (those without any engineering control). Channel gradients (calculated from topographic maps) were very low (b 0.001), and sinuosity was consistently low (b 2) in the three streams. 5.2. Effects of urbanization on riparian vegetation Fig. 11. Riparian corridor in Skeleton Creek Watershed. The riparian corridor along the rural stream is bordered by agricultural fields that rarely adjoin the stream. Personal discussions with farmers in the rural 500 R.S. Kang, R.A. Marston / Geomorphology 79 (2006) 488–506 watershed of Skeleton Creek revealed that the riparian buffer has been unchanged since the 1950s. Similar, riparian buffers exist along exurban and urban streams that are commonly bordered by pastures and impervious areas (see regional settings), respectively. All three streams have barbed-wire fencing along the riparian corridors. Riparian corridors included three types of vegetation: trees, shrubs and grass. The dominant trees are cottonwoods (Populus sp.), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), and American elm (Ulmus americana) in the three watersheds. Field surveys revealed substantially similar riparian corridors in all three watersheds (Figs. 11–13), which included measurements of 30 m × 10 m riparian plots perpendicular to stream reaches (Fig. 7). Riparian buffers rarely extend beyond 30 m of any stream. Differences in acreage of riparian vegetation as well as percent change in riparian vegetation during different time periods were not dependent on location along the stream or the width, depth, channel area, or degree of urbanization for the streams. Therefore, many geomorphologic variables can be ruled out as the cause of the width of the riparian corridor. Human factors, such as land-use changes from Fig. 13. Riparian corridor in Deep Fork Creek Watershed. agriculture to residential or from grazing to recreation and urban area, may be a key factor in the width and quality of the riparian zones that appear almost intact in all three study regions (Lehmert and Marston, 2005). 5.3. Degree of urbanization and imperviousness GIS analysis of imperviousness (Table 2) revealed that roads (rural and urban) alone constitute the major impervious surface in the three watersheds. Skeleton Creek, the rural watershed contains the least area under impervious cover (b 2.01%) compared to Deep Fork Creek, the urban watershed (N 11%). The percentage of areas covered by roads in Skeleton, Stillwater, and Deep Fork Creeks is 2%, 2.33%, and 11.2%, respectively. 5.4. Statistical analysis of downstream trends Stillwater Creek, the exurban stream, was analyzed individually before comparing the three streams with each other. One of its tributaries, Boomer Creek, was used to divide this stream into upstream and downstream reaches. According to a univariate regression analysis, dependent variables (mean bankfull depth, bankfull width, bankfull area, and threshold grain size) exhibited an increase in the downstream direction. Residuals from univariate regression analyses were calculated to see what additional trends could be attributed to urbanization. These residuals refer to the difference between the estimated and actual values calculated from the regression equation. The Mann-Whitney nonparametric statistical test was performed on these residuals, grouping reaches upstream and downstream from the confluence with Boomer Creek, which delivers urban runoff and sediment from Stillwater. The p values reported from this test are greater than 0.05 for sinuosity, gradient, bankfull depth, bankfull width, bankfull area, and threshold grain size. Therefore, after accounting for the effects of greater drainage basin area as one moves downstream by analyzing regression residuals, the remaining unexplained variation is not significantly related to results of urbanization. As one moves downstream of Boomer Creek (the tributary that delivers runoff and sediment), the river attains a lower sinuosity, lower gradient, greater bankfull depth, width and area, and the threshold grain size gets larger. These trends would be expected normally, however, none of these downstream changes show a statistically significant change that can be attributed to urbanization. The one variable that does exhibit statistically significant changes downstream of Boomer Creek is R.S. Kang, R.A. Marston / Geomorphology 79 (2006) 488–506 the number of trees along the banks (significant at p = 0.02). This increase in tree density downstream helps explain the other results that show no response in channel morphology downstream of Stillwater. The greater density of trees helps to stabilize the banks against increasing flows. The channel bed and bank materials do not change over the entire length of Stillwater Creek. They consist of 95–100% silt–clay. Bedrock does not change. The only variables that change are contributing area, riparian vegetation, and urbanization. Stillwater Creek is classified as an E6b channel (Rosgen, 1996), which is a very stable channel type. Although the impervious surface area increased by 65% in 24 years (1979–2003) in the Stillwater Creek watershed, no statistically significant impact of urban runoff and sediment can be discerned on the lower reaches of Stillwater Creek. Field observations in this watershed also revealed the entrenched nature of this stream along with occasional presence of woody debris jams. Therefore, the riparian vegetation, type of substrate materials (silt and clay), and presence of woody debris jams provide possible answers to why Stillwater Creek is not exhibiting significant changes in morphology (downstream of Boomer Creek) as expected in a watershed converting from rural to urban. The hypothesis is rejected that urbanization is the major reason for increase in the channel cross-sectional area downstream in relation to upstream of Stillwater Creek. Skeleton Creek, the rural stream, shows a similar trend of increasing mean bankfull depth, bankfull width, 501 and bankfull area in the downstream direction. As stated earlier, Skeleton Creek is a rural stream with less than 3% of its area under impervious cover. Field observations revealed a very rural nature of this stream with an absence of substantially industrial or urban related impervious surfaces adjoining the stream corridor. This stream shares the same bedrock geology as the Stillwater Creek watershed. Riparian vegetation, substrate materials (silt–clay) are also similar to Stillwater Creek and these do not change in the downstream direction. Field observations revealed an entrenched character similar to Stillwater Creek. Informal talks with local residents revealed that the majority of the riparian corridor has been unchanged along the stream since the 1950s. In the case of Deep Fork Creek, the urban stream, bankfull mean depth, bankfull width, bankfull area, and threshold grain size show a different trend. These variables do not increase in the downstream direction based on field observations for the uncontrolled reaches (19 of the 30 surveyed). The analysis revealed, however, that Deep Fork Creek exhibits a downstream hydraulic response similar to Skeleton and Stillwater Creeks with regards to sinuosity and gradient. Deep Fork Creek has bed materials (silt–clay) similar to the other two streams, although bedrock was observed in few sections of this stream. The three watersheds exhibit similar geomorphic characteristics. The sizes (drainage area) are slightly different but in the same order of magnitude. The biggest Fig. 14. Regression plot of Log10 sinuosity as a function of Log10 drainage area. 502 R.S. Kang, R.A. Marston / Geomorphology 79 (2006) 488–506 Fig. 15. Regression plot of Log10 gradient as a function of Log10 drainage area. difference is the degree of urbanization (Table 2). The univariate regression analysis (based on log-transformed values) was performed to compare the regression lines of the three streams. Drainage area upstream of each transect was used as the independent variable. The dependent variables were sinuosity, gradient, mean bankfull depth, bankfull width, bankfull area and threshold grain size. Regression lines (Figs. 14–19) for the three streams are plotted on the same graph for each dependent variable to determine if urbanization can explain any changes in the channel morphology with increasing drainage area. The values of r2 are low (Table 4) indicating a large proportion of unexplained variance. The regression lines of the three watersheds fail to explain differences in channel morphology between the three streams. Now the question arises: do the three streams exhibit any significant differences in terms of morphology because of the changing degree of urbanization? This was addressed by performing a covariance test for each dependent variable to test for significant difference between those regression line (Y) intercepts (Johnston, 1972; Marston and Wick, 1994). This analysis provided Fig. 16. Regression plot of Log10 mean bankfull depth as a function of Log10 drainage area. R.S. Kang, R.A. Marston / Geomorphology 79 (2006) 488–506 503 Fig. 17. Regression plot of Log10 bankfull width as a function of Log10 drainage area. F values for every variable that was compared with the critical F value from the F table at the 1% significance level. The results of this test revealed that no significant difference exists between regression lines of the three streams for gradient, sinuosity or total number of trees. At the same time, the three streams share the same ecoregion (geology, climate, soils and potential natural vegetation) with low local relief. The only differences exhibited by statistical analysis are in case of bankfull mean depth, bankfull width, bankfull area and threshold grain size of the three streams. Now the question arises: are the three streams really different? If the three watersheds share same ecoregion, why do statistical differences exist in the mean bankfull depth, bankfull width, bankfull area and threshold grain size? The changing degree of urbanization fails to explain any differences in the three streams. The second hypothesis that the exurban stream, Stillwater Creek would respond significantly different from the other two Fig. 18. Regression plot of Log10 bankfull area as a function of Log10 drainage area. 504 R.S. Kang, R.A. Marston / Geomorphology 79 (2006) 488–506 Fig. 19. Regression plot of Log10 threshold grain size as a function of Log10 drainage area. streams (because of the generation of a substantial amount of sediment from construction activities) is rejected. Therefore, other factors are affecting these streams. Any possible geologic variable is ruled out because the watersheds are situated in the same ecoregion. Although Stillwater Creek has three reservoirs two major reservoirs (Lake Carl Blackwell and Lake McMurtry) are upstream of the urban area. The presence of reservoirs in Stillwater Creek watershed is, therefore, ruled out as a substantial reason for differences in bankfull mean depth, bankfull width, bankfull area and threshold grain size of the three streams. One other possible reason for the unexplained variance can be the presence of Central Oklahoma aquifer under the sandstone bedrock of these entrenched streams. It is possible that this aquifer is contributing to the discharge of water in the three streams (personal communication, Dr. Paxton, School of Geology, Table 4 Results of univariate regressions with drainage area (km2) Dependent variables Stream N r2 Intercept Slope p value Sinuosity Skeleton Creek Stillwater Creek Deep Fork Creek Skeleton Creek Stillwater Creek Deep Fork Creek Skeleton Creek Stillwater Creek Deep Fork Creek Skeleton Creek Stillwater Creek Deep Fork Creek Skeleton Creek Stillwater Creek Deep Fork Creek Skeleton Creek Stillwater Creek Deep Fork Creek Skeleton Creek Stillwater Creek Deep Fork Creek 30 30 19 30 30 19 30 30 19 30 30 19 30 30 19 30 30 19 30 30 19 0.03 0.11 0.20 0.31 0.17 0.15 0.07 0.17 0.50 0.52 0.05 0.49 0.42 0.13 0.33 0.03 0.20 0.00 0.02 0.39 0.80 0.07 0.47 − 0.19 0.32 1.01 1.88 − 0.48 − 2.28 2.69 0.25 0.36 2.97 − 0.24 − 1.93 4.80 − 0.66 94.3 20.9 1.27 − 1.58 7.81 0.02 − 0.14 0.13 − 0.64 − 0.90 − 1.59 0.11 1.16 − 1.16 0.35 0.40 − 0.84 0.47 1.56 − 1.58 5.04 − 30.7 − 4.24 − 0.12 1.09 − 3.27 0.36 0.80 0.06 0.00 0.02 0.10 0.15 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.37 0.01 0.82 0.54 0.01 0.10 Gradient Bankfull depth mean Bankfull width Bankfull area Total trees Threshold grain size R.S. Kang, R.A. Marston / Geomorphology 79 (2006) 488–506 Oklahoma State University). Overlaid on the sandstone bedrock with some shale, the three streams respond like flumes for the runoff. This would explain the entrenched response of the three streams. Stable riparian buffers and cohesive silt-clay as bed materials also support this argument. 505 Environmental Science Doctoral student at Oklahoma State University also helped in data analysis. Marissa Raglin, Susan Basta, and Jack Vitek provided critical editing assistance. The manuscript was improved through by addressing the comments of anonymous reviewers and the guest editors, Allan James and Andrew Marcus. 6. Conclusions Local conditions mitigated the impact of urbanization on channel cross-sections in all three study streams. The process of urbanization has not significantly affected channel morphologies of the three streams that are experiencing different stages of urbanization (rural, exurban, and urban), except where rip-rap or channelization directly altered Deep Fork Creek. The statistical analysis of Stillwater Creek, the exurban stream, revealed that urbanization does not explain any morphological changes in the downstream direction for rapidly urbanizing portions of the watershed. Some unexplained variation remains among the three streams in terms of downstream trends in mean bankfull depth, bankfull width, bankfull area, and threshold grain size. This natural variability is not explained by the changing degree of urbanization. Field observations also revealed the entrenched nature of the three streams. Sandstone along with shale combined with silt and clay and dense riparian vegetation render the bed and banks as cohesive. These streams respond as flumes for runoff and sediment without any significant impact on morphology. Depositional features are largely absent. Ties between the stream channel and underlying Central Oklahoma Aquifer are suspected as one possible reason for such natural variability in these streams, which otherwise share the same low-relief geomorphic province and ecoregion. It is possible that the interaction between the aquifer and streams has diluted the impact of urbanization. Because urbanization does not explain the natural variability among these fluvial systems, further research should be conducted on the interaction of aquifer and streams in the same ecoregion to provide more understanding of such natural variability among these streams. Acknowledgements This project involved extensive fieldwork in three watersheds that was completed with the help of John Stapleton and Kim Stapleton who deserve special words of appreciation. 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