This article was downloaded by: [Marston, Richard A.] On: 14 December 2010 Access details: Access Details: [subscription number 931124572] Publisher Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 3741 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK The Professional Geographer Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Watershed Morphology of Highland and Mountain Ecoregions in Eastern Oklahoma Dale K. Splintera; Daniel C. Dauwalterb; Richard A. Marstonc; William L. Fisherb a University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, b U.S. Geological Survey, Oklahoma Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, c Kansas State University, First published on: 13 December 2010 To cite this Article Splinter, Dale K. , Dauwalter, Daniel C. , Marston, Richard A. and Fisher, William L.(2010) 'Watershed Morphology of Highland and Mountain Ecoregions in Eastern Oklahoma', The Professional Geographer,, First published on: 13 December 2010 (iFirst) To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/00330124.2010.533575 URL: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. Watershed Morphology of Highland and Mountain Ecoregions in Eastern Oklahoma Dale K. Splinter University of Wisconsin–Whitewater Daniel C. Dauwalter U.S. Geological Survey, Oklahoma Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Downloaded By: [Marston, Richard A.] At: 01:11 14 December 2010 Richard A. Marston Kansas State University William L. Fisher U.S. Geological Survey, Oklahoma Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit The fluvial system represents a nested hierarchy that reflects the relationship among different spatial and temporal scales. Within the hierarchy, larger scale variables influence the characteristics of the next lower nested scale. Ecoregions represent one of the largest scales in the fluvial hierarchy and are defined by recurring patterns of geology, climate, land use, soils, and potential natural vegetation. Watersheds, the next largest scale, are often nested into a single ecoregion and therefore have properties that are indicative of a given ecoregion. Differences in watershed morphology (relief, drainage density, circularity ratio, relief ratio, and ruggedness number) were evaluated among three ecoregions in eastern Oklahoma: Ozark Highlands, Boston Mountains, and Ouachita Mountains. These ecoregions were selected because of their high-quality stream resources and diverse aquatic communities and are of special management interest to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. One hundred thirty-four watersheds in first- through fourth-order streams were compared. Using a nonparametric, two-factor analysis of variance (α = 0.05) we concluded that the relief, drainage density, relief ratio, and ruggedness number all changed among ecoregion and stream order, whereas circularity ratio only changed with stream order. Our study shows that ecoregions can be used as a broad-scale framework for watershed management. Key Words: ecoregions, Oklahoma, streams, watershed morphology. C Copyright 2011 by Association of American Geographers. The Professional Geographer, 63(1) 2011, pages 1–13 Initial submission, July2007; revised submissions, January and August 2008, May and September 2009; final acceptance, November 2009. Published by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. 2 Volume 63, Number 1, February 2011 Downloaded By: [Marston, Richard A.] At: 01:11 14 December 2010 El sistema fluvial representa una jerarquı́a anidada que refleja la relación entre diferentes escalas espaciales y temporales. Dentro de la jerarquı́a, las escalas variables más grandes influyen sobre las caracterı́sticas de la siguiente escala anidada de menor valor. Las eco-regiones representan una de las escalas más grandes en la jerarquı́a fluvial y se definen por medio de patrones recurrentes de geologı́a, clima, uso de la tierra, suelos y vegetación natural potencial. Las cuencas, que son la siguiente escala en importancia, a menudo se albergan en una sola eco-región y por tanto exhiben las propiedades indicativas de una eco-región dada. Las diferencias en la morfologı́a de las cuencas (relieve, densidad de drenaje, razón de circularidad, razón de relieve y número de escabrosidad) fueron evaluadas entre tres eco-regiones del oriente de Oklahoma: los Altos de las Ozark, las Montañas de Boston, y las Montañas Ouachita. Se seleccionaron estas eco-regiones debido a su dotación de corrientes fluviales de alta caliudad y diversas comunidades acuáticas, y porque son de especial interés de manejo para el Departamento de Conservación de Vida Silvestre de Oklahoma. Se compararon ciento treinta y cuatro cuencas con corrientes del primero al cuarto orden. Utilizando un análisis de varianza de dos factores (α = 0.05), no-paramétrico, concluimos que el relieve, la densidad del drenaje, la razón de relieve y el número de escabrosidad, en conjunto, cambiaron entre la eco-región y el orden de las corrientes, en tanto que la razón de circularidad solo cambió con el orden de las corrientes. Nuestro estudio muestra que las eco-regiones pueden utilizarse como un marco de escala amplia para el manejo de cuencas. Palabras clave: eco-regiones, Oklahoma, corrientes, morfologı́a de cuencas. T he fluvial system is spatially and temporally hierarchical (Schumm and Lichty 1965; Frissell et al. 1986; Kondolf et al. 2003). Schumm and Lichty (1965) explained that an integrated set of independent and dependent variables shape and control watershed characteristics over time and space. They argued that over a long duration (i.e., an erosional period), time, initial relief, geology, and climate are independent variables that influence vegetation, sediment yield, hillslope morphology, and hydrology. In accordance with the work by Schumm and Lichty, Omernik (1987) stated that the causal factors of climate, soil and geology, vegetation, and physiography define ecosystems in a regional framework. In turn, ecoregion delineations for the United States were created by examining the factors that cause regional variation or those factors that integrate causal factors (Omernik 1987). Kondolf et al. (2003) stated that similarities in climate, geomorphology, lithology, and land-use history will lead to stream channel characteristics that are inherently similar within a given region. In a nested hierarchical order, the unique combination of geology, climate, vegetation, and land-use has and continues to influence watershed morphology spatially and temporally. Our objective was to determine whether watershed morphology differed among three ecoregions (Ozark Highlands, Boston Mountains, and Ouachita Mountains) in eastern Oklahoma. We hypothesize that watershed morphology differs (α = 0.05) among ecoregions because watershed evolution and the current geomorphic processes acting in the watershed result from the interplay of the resisting framework and driving forces applied to geomorphic systems over time (Ritter, Kochel, and Miller 2002). Because the resisting framework (geologic structure and lithology) and driving forces (climate and land use) differ among ecoregions, watershed evolution and the geomorphic processes acting at multiple spatial scales are initiated at the ecoregion level. If our hypothesis is accepted: (1) watershed morphology differs by ecoregion because the mosaic of natural and human forces that affect watershed morphology are more similar within than between ecoregions; and (2) watershed planners and managers will be able to evaluate management options by ecoregion rather than on a watershed-by-watershed basis, which will permit more efficient use of resources and more timely responses to needed management changes. We studied 134 watersheds to examine whether watershed morphology, measured as relief, drainage density, circularity ratio, relief ratio, and ruggedness, differed among three physically contrasting ecoregions in eastern Oklahoma. The morphological metrics previously listed were used because they are often used to describe watershed morphology (Patton and Baker 1976; Harlin 1984; Lièbault et al. 2002). Ecoregions and Watershed Management Ecoregions were originally developed to provide a geographic framework for ecosystem management (Omernik 1987). Omernik (1987) stated that ecoregions will allow managers, planners, and scientists to (1) compare similarities and differences of land–water relationships; Downloaded By: [Marston, Richard A.] At: 01:11 14 December 2010 Watershed Morphology of Ecoregions in Eastern Oklahoma 3 (2) establish water quality standards that are acceptable for a given region; (3) locate places to serve as monitoring, demonstration, and reference sites; (4) extrapolate from empirical data collected at other locations; and (5) predict the effect of land-use change. Omernik and Bailey (1997) reiterated the importance of ecoregions in providing a spatial framework for ecosystem assessment, research, inventory, monitoring, and management. Extrapolation of sitespecific data across an ecoregion allows for the prediction of system function at unsampled locations (Omernik and Bailey 1997). Hundreds of millions of dollars are invested annually to manage and restore watersheds in North America (Roni 2005). Comprehension of how landscape controls (i.e., geology, climate, land use, soils, and vegetation) influence watershed processes is important for the successful management and restoration of watersheds. Watershed processes influence stream habitat, which is critical for ecosystem function at smaller scales (Roni 2005). Ecoregions encompass the broad-scale landscape controls that watershed managers need to understand before management plans can be developed and initiated. Failure to understand linkages between scales in the fluvial hierarchy can result in unsuccessful watershed management plans (Frissell and Ralph 1998). Loveland and Merchant (2004, S1) wrote that “ecoregions fuse the concept of ecosystems with the geographic concept of regions.” In doing so, they underscored the importance among ecology, geography, and geomorphology. Studies involving fish, macroinvertebrates, and geomorphology have utilized ecoregions as a spatial framework for study (Larsen et al. 1986; Rohm, Giese, and Bennett 1987; Lyons 1989; Newell and Magnuson 1999; McCormick, Peck, and Larsen 2000; Pan et al. 2000; Rabeni and Doisy 2000; Dauwalter et al. 2007; Dauwalter et al. 2008). The dynamic relationship bridging ecology and geomorphology was portrayed at the 36th International Geomorphology Binghamton Symposium in 2005 and the 2004 Association of American Geographers annual meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Renschler, Doyle, and Thoms et al. 2007; Urban and Daniels 2006). Aquatic scientists recognize that habitat dictates the richness and abundance of species, which is partly influenced by the characteristics of the ecoregion (Dauwalter et al. 2008). Watershed Morphology Geomorphologists use morphometric analysis to investigate watershed morphology quantitatively (Chorley, Schumm, and Sugden 1984). Horton (1932) introduced watershed analysis to explain watershed function (Gregory and Walling 1973). This quantitative morphometric analysis of watersheds was continued by a series of methodological and theoretical papers spanning more than a quarter century (Horton 1945; Langbein 1947; Strahler 1952, 1958, 1964; Schumm 1956). These papers helped establish how morphometric analyses could be used to differentiate geomorphological processes in contrasting regions. Morisawa (1962) investigated whether the watersheds of the Allegheny Plateau, Allegheny Mountains, and Cumberland Plateau regions of the Appalachian Plateau were morphologically different. She found that watershed morphology differed among these regions. Morisawa stated that these findings support separating each of the three regions into distinct geomorphic sections. Lewis (1969) used similar watershed characteristics to classify Indiana into contrasting morphometric regions. Morphometric analyses have recently been used in process-based studies and for environmental management. Jamieson et al. (2004) showed that tectonic zones in the Indus Valley of Ladakh, in north India, can be differentiated using morphometric analyses of longitudinal valleys. Watersheds draining one of the tectonic zones were shorter, narrower, and had lower hypsometric integrals than the other two. These watersheds have been influenced by thrust propagation that has led to erosion and increased sediment delivery to the main stem of the river and elevated local base levels. Morphometric analyses have also been conducted on paleodrainages in the deserts of Kuwait to understand the genesis and hydrological implications of runoff (Al-Sulaimi, Khalaf, and Mukhopadhyay 1997). Watershed morphology influences the response of a flood hydrograph for a given basin. The shape of the flood hydrograph is dictated by the routing of water through the watershed (Ritter, Kochel, and Miller 2002). Patton and Baker (1976) reported that drainage density and stream frequency are good measures to predict peak discharge for watersheds in regions with unlike characteristics. Drainage Downloaded By: [Marston, Richard A.] At: 01:11 14 December 2010 4 Volume 63, Number 1, February 2011 density is an areal morphometric variable that is often a function of climate, lithology, and relief (Chorley, Schumm, and Sugden 1984). Semiarid watersheds generally have higher drainage densities than humid watersheds because less precipitation decreases vegetation, which accelerates overland flow and erosion in arid regions (Ritter, Kochel, and Miller 2002). In regions with similar climate and precipitation regimes, lithology and relief (resisting framework) are the dominant controls on drainage density (Chorley, Schumm, and Sugden 1984). Watershed circularity also plays a prominent role in the characteristics of the flood hydrograph. Assuming that watersheds have similar patterns of stream networks, circular watersheds will supply flow to the outlet more quickly than elongated watersheds (Singh 1992). This is particularly true in watersheds with high relief ratios and ruggedness numbers. Watershed morphology also affects aquatic organisms. Potter et al. (2004) found that aquatic biodiversity in North Carolina is most at risk in agricultural lands draining watersheds with high circularity because circular watersheds have short delivery times of maximum flow. This decreases the amount of time available for pollutants to settle out of the water, which increases water quality degradation and decreases biodiversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates. Relationships among morphometric variables, stream habitat, and fish abundance have been documented in small Rocky Mountain streams (Lanka, Hubert, and Wesche 1987). Lanka, Hubert, and Wesche (1987) found that low basin relief, low relief ratio, and relatively low drainage density produced the better trout habitat and concluded that measures of drainage basin morphology could be useful for predicting trout habitat in streams via simple morphometric calculations. Study Area We investigated to what extent the resisting framework and driving forces acting within ecoregions (Ozark Highlands, Boston Mountains, and Ouachita Mountains) had an effect on watersheds in eastern Oklahoma (Figure 1). These ecoregions have high-quality stream resources that support diverse aquatic communities (Dauwalter et al. 2008). Black bass (Micropterus spp.) are popular sport fishes in these streams, and recreational fishing provides im- portant economic revenue in this portion of Oklahoma (Fisher et al. 2002). As a result, the Stream Management Program of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation is active in managing stream resources in eastern Oklahoma (Hyler et al. 2004). Black bass populations have been shown to differ among ecoregions in eastern Oklahoma (Balkenbush and Fisher 2001; Dauwalter and Fisher 2008), and fisheries management has been regionalized to reflect these differences (Fisher, Tejan, and Balkenbush 2004). Although populations are known to differ, stream habitat management is based on the physical characteristics of stream channels nested within the hierarchy of the fluvial system. Addressing how variables making up ecoregions influence watershed morphology is a critical step in determining whether resource management focused on the physical aspects of the fluvial system can also be regionalized. Woods et al. (2005) described the Ozark Highlands as being composed of watersheds that are high to moderately dissected. Lithology is mostly limestone and dolostone with interbedded chert. Karst features, such as sinkholes and caves, are common. Cool, spring-fed perennial streams are also common; however, during the summer many first- and secondorder streams are dry and third- and fourthorder streams become intermittent (Splinter 2006). Precipitation is approximately 100 cm to 125 cm annually. Prior to the nineteenth century, the plateau region consisted of oakhickory forests and grasslands; today, agricultural land and increased residential areas have replaced native vegetation (Woods et al. 2005). Rapid suburbanization of the region, along with intensive grazing and poultry farms, has greatly decreased water quality in some streams (Peterson et al. 1998; Woods et al. 2005). Soil orders on uplands consist of Ultisols, Alfisols, and Mollisols. The Boston Mountains are immediately south and west of the Ozark Highlands. Like the Ozark Highlands, this region is highly dissected (Woods et al. 2005). A difference in lithology between the Boston Mountains and Ozark Highlands is the main characteristic that distinguishes these two regions. Lithology of the Boston Mountains is primarily sandstone and shale, with minor amounts of limestone. Streams in this region tend to be cool water but less influenced by springs than streams Downloaded By: [Marston, Richard A.] At: 01:11 14 December 2010 Watershed Morphology of Ecoregions in Eastern Oklahoma 5 Figure 1 Randomly selected pour points on streams (stream orders 1–4) in the Ozark Highlands, Boston Mountains, and Ouachita Mountains ecoregions in eastern Oklahoma. Contributing watersheds above each pour point were delineated and used in morphometric analyses. in the Ozark Highlands (Woods et al. 2005). Channel substrate tends to be larger than the cherty gravel existing in streams of the Ozark Highlands (Splinter 2006). Precipitation is approximately 110 cm to 130 cm annually. Land use consists of forest and woodland, with flatter areas used for ranching and farming. The potential natural vegetation includes Downloaded By: [Marston, Richard A.] At: 01:11 14 December 2010 6 Volume 63, Number 1, February 2011 mostly oak-hickory forest (Woods et al. 2005). Soil orders on uplands consist of Ultisols, Inceptisols, and Entisols. The Ouachita Mountains are south of the Boston Mountains. The Ouachita Mountains ecoregion is a mosaic of low mountains and high hills (150–750 m of local relief) of folded Paleozoic rocks (Woods et al. 2005). Lithology, highly variable across the ecoregion, consists mostly of sandstone, shale, and novaculite. Streams in this region are often confined by geologic structure and large substrates, lack springs, and have a reduced summer flow (Splinter 2006). Maximum mean annual precipitation occurs on south-facing ridges, increases to the east, and is 110 cm to 145 cm annually. Much of the Ouachita Mountains are forested, with larger valleys used for pastureland (Woods et al. 2005). Specific land use includes forestry, logging, ranching, woodland grazing, and recreation. Commercial pine plantations are scattered across the ecoregion (Woods et al. 2005). The potential natural vegetation includes oak-hickory-pine forest (Woods et al. 2005). Soil orders consist of Ultisols, Alfisols, and Inceptisols. Method Watershed Selection We randomly selected watersheds in the Ozark Highlands, Boston Mountains, and Ouachita Mountains ecoregions (Figure 1). To select watersheds, we randomly selected 149 pour points on a stream network and delineated the watersheds for each pour point. The stream network c using a 30-m was delineated in ArcView 3.3 Table 1 Digital Elevation Model from the USGS National Elevation Dataset. We used a flow accumulation threshold of 1.35 km2 that matched the extent of the stream network from 1:24,000 topographic maps and accurately depicted firstorder stream initiation. The number of watersheds selected per ecoregion was approximately proportional to the area of each ecoregion: twenty-five in the Ozark Highlands, thirtyone in the Boston Mountains, and seventyeight in the Ouachita Mountains. Watersheds within each ecoregion were equally distributed among stream orders one through four. This allowed for comparable sampling coverage across all three ecoregions and ensured that watersheds of both small and large streams were sampled. Watersheds that were not at least 90 percent within one ecoregion were excluded. Only a limited number of different fourthorder streams could be selected in the Ozark Highlands and Boston Mountains because of ecoregion size. Of the 149 watersheds originally selected, only 15 (10.1 percent) failed to meet the 90 percent confinement criteria and the remaining 134 were used for the analysis. Morphometric Variables Five morphometric variables were measured c and ArcGIS 9.1 c (ESRI, using ArcView 3.3 Redlands, CA; Table 1). Drainage density was calculated by dividing the sum of stream lengths in the watershed by the watershed area (Horton 1945). Circularity ratio is the area of the watershed divided by the area of a circle with the same perimeter as the basin (Miller 1953). This variable expresses the overall shape of the watersheds. A value of one represents a Watershed variables used to discriminate morphology difference among ecoregions Variable Source Calculation Drainage density (km/km2 ) Circularity ratio Horton (1945) stream length/Watershed area Miller (1953) Area of watershed/Area of circle Relief (m) Strahler (1952), Schumm (1956) Schumm (1956) High elevation – Low elevation Relief ratio Ruggedness number Patton and Baker (1976) Note: Table modified after Strahler (1958). Watershed relief/Watershed length Drainage density × Basin relief Purpose Expresses the overall dissection of the watershed Represents how quickly water enters and exits the stream Influences the erosion potential of the watershed Represents the overall steepness of the watershed Used to measure the flash flood potential of streams Watershed Morphology of Ecoregions in Eastern Oklahoma 7 Downloaded By: [Marston, Richard A.] At: 01:11 14 December 2010 perfect circle. Relief is the highest elevation in the watershed minus the lowest elevation in the watershed. Relief ratio was calculated by dividing the total basin relief (outlet to summit of watershed) by the basin length (Schumm 1956). The basin length used to calculate the relief ratio was a straight line from the watershed outlet to the summit, unless the straight line would have crossed the watershed boundary. Where this occurred, the line was bent along the channel and continued until the watershed and the valley were parallel. Ruggedness number is basin relief multiplied by drainage density. Statistical Analysis Although our primary interest was in how watershed morphology varied among ecoregions and stream orders, we used Spearman rank correlations to show the interrelationships among watershed morphology variables. Differences in watershed morphology among ecoregions and stream orders were determined using a nonparametric, two-factor analysis of variance with watershed morphology as the response variable, and the ecoregion and stream order as the main effects. Analyses were done on ranked data because variances were different among stream orders for some variables. Linear contrasts were used to determine pairwise differences in watershed morphology among ecoregions when an ecoregion main effect was evident (Kuehl 2000). Polynomial contrasts were used to test for trends in watershed morphology with stream order (Kuehl 2000). Type I error rate was set at α = 0.05. Analyses were done using SAS version 9.1 statistical software (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC). Rejection of the statistical null hypothesis (H0 ) would support our scientific hypothesis (H1 ): H0 : Watershed morphology is not different (α ≥ 0.05) among ecoregions. H1 : Watershed morphology is different (α ≤ 0.05) among ecoregions. If H1 is accepted, the resisting framework (lithology and structure) and driving forces (land use and climate) that influence watershed morphology can be differentiated by ecoregion. For example, changes to driving forces (i.e., land use) impact ecological and geomorphic processes occurring at the watershed scale. Results and Discussion Watershed morphology differed among ecoregions in eastern Oklahoma (Table 2), and morphologic variables within ecoregions were highly correlated (Table 3). Although the high correlations were not surprising given that some watershed morphology variables were used to calculate others, the differences in watershed morphology among ecoregions while simultaneously accounting for stream orders supports our hypothesis that ecoregions represent broad-scale composite variables that control the development of the fluvial hierarchy. As a result, ecoregions can provide a framework to regionalize watershed management and the management of stream resources. Table 2 Summary data for watershed morphology: Means and standard deviation (in parentheses) for each of the variables by stream orders are reported Region and order Boston Mountains (1) Ozark Highlands (1) Ouachita Mountains (1) Boston Mountains (2) Ozark Highlands (2) Ouachita Mountains (2) Boston Mountains (3) Ozark Highlands (3) Ouachita Mountains (3) Boston Mountains (4) Ozark Highlands (4) Ouachita Mountains (4) Number Drainage density (km/km2 ) Circularity ratio 6 7 19 9 6 22 9 7 19 7 5 18 0.33 (0.27) 0.42 (0.25) 0.50 (0.26) 0.49 (0.06) 0.70 (0.16) 0.64 (0.13) 0.63 (0.04) 0.68 (0.08) 0.71 (0.11) 0.65 (0.02) 0.71 (0.04) 0.72 (0.06) 0.64 (0.05) 0.60 (0.11) 0.55 (0.14) 0.53 (0.06) 0.45 (0.10) 0.48 (0.11) 0.41 (0.09) 0.42 (0.11) 0.40 (0.10) 0.32 (0.05) 0.40 (0.05) 0.41 (0.06) Relief (m) 118.81 (71.48) 58.77 (23.36) 157.06 (78.14) 175.94 (49.80) 79.64 (20.26) 223.50 (136.29) 256.10 (41.52) 134.29 (41.24) 320.20 (124.83) 379.88 (76.37) 152.80 (10.77) 379.41 (181.26) Relief ratio Ruggedness number 0.06 (0.03) 0.02 (0.01) 0.06 (0.04) 0.04 (0.02) 0.02 (0.01) 0.03 (0.01) 0.02 (0.01) 0.01 (0.01) 0.02 (0.01) 0.01 (0.00) 0.01 (0.00) 0.01 (0.01) 0.05 (0.05) 0.03 (0.02) 0.07 (0.05) 0.09 (0.03) 0.06 (0.02) 0.15 (0.11) 0.16 (0.03) 0.09 (0.02) 0.22 (0.09) 0.25 (0.05) 0.11 (0.01) 0.27 (0.11) 8 Volume 63, Number 1, February 2011 Table 3 Spearman rank correlations (rs) between watershed morphology variables and stream order by ecoregion Downloaded By: [Marston, Richard A.] At: 01:11 14 December 2010 Boston Mountains (n = 31) Circularity ratio Relief (m) Relief ratio Ruggedness Ozark Highlands (n = 26) Circularity ratio Relief (m) Relief ratio Ruggedness Ouachita Mountains (n = 78) Circularity ratio Relief (m) Relief ratio Ruggedness Drainage density (km/km2 ) Circularity ratio Relief (m) Relief ratio −0.590 0.694 −0.601 0.784 −0.791 0.853 −0.806 −0.703 0.974 −0.762 −0.707 0.411 −0.456 0.601 −0.690 0.558 −0.579 −0.456 0.942 −0.581 −0.561 0.247 −0.563 0.529 −0.372 0.600 −0.549 −0.013∗ 0.663 −0.243 ∗ All correlations are significant ( p < 0.05) except those with an asterisk ( ). Relief Relief differed among ecoregions, F (2, 128) = 34.12, p < 0.001, and stream order, F (3, 128) = 30.75, p < 0.001. Relief was lower in the Ozark Highlands than in the Ouachita Mountains, F (128) = 66.36, p = 0.001, and Boston Mountains, F (128) = 39.96, p = 0.001. No difference in relief existed between the Ouachita Mountains and Boston Mountains, F (128) = 0.65, p = 0.420. Polynomial contrasts showed that relief increased with stream order in all ecoregions, F (128) = 88.20, p < 0.001. Watershed relief in the Ozark Highlands was lower in all stream orders than the relief in the Ouachita Mountains and the Boston Mountains (Figure 2). The Ozark Highlands are more closely associated with plateau-like characteristics (i.e., Springfield Plateau) than the more rugged Ouachita Mountains and Boston Mountains. The watersheds of the Ozark Highlands, however, tend to be moderately to highly dissected, with well-established stream networks. Maximum elevations in the Ozark Highlands are approximately 450 m, and minimum elevations are less than 120 m in the valley bottoms (Woods et al. 2005). The Boston Mountains consist of low mountains and rolling hills with higher maximum and minimum elevations than the Ozark Highlands. Maximum elevations are approximately 520 m, with minimum elevations of approximately 140 m. The Ouachita Mountains have both the highest and lowest elevations among the three ecoregions. This region of folded mountains and open hills has maximum elevations that exceed 800 m, and valley elevations are less than 20 m (Woods et al. 2005). The northern boundary of the Ouachita Mountains consists of east to west trending watersheds that have the highest relief in the region. Drainage Density Drainage density differed among ecoregions, F (2, 128) = 11.88, p < 0.001, and stream order, F (3, 128) = 17.27, p < 0.001. Drainage density was lower in the Boston Mountains than in the Ouachita Mountains, F (128) = 22.70, p = 0.001, and Ozark Highlands, F (128) = 12.54, p = 0.001. No difference in drainage density existed between the Ouachita Mountains and Ozark Highlands, F (128) = 0.07, p = 0.799. Polynomial contrasts showed that drainage density increased with stream order in all ecoregions, F (128) = 48.64, p < 0.001. Drainage density is often a function of relief (Schumm 1956; Mosley 1974; Montgomery and Dietrich 1989). Watersheds with high relief have erosion potentials greater than watersheds with lower relief, which allows high relief streams to downcut and migrate upslope in a headward direction (Chorley, Schumm, and Sugden 1984). In the analysis of drainage density, this relationship was not verified in all ecoregions. The highest drainage densities occurred in the Ozark Highlands and the Ouachita Mountains (Figure 2). The relationship Downloaded By: [Marston, Richard A.] At: 01:11 14 December 2010 Watershed Morphology of Ecoregions in Eastern Oklahoma 9 Figure 2 Watershed characteristics by ecoregion and stream order. Mean values are shown, and error bars are ± 1 SE. Ecoregions with different letters were significantly different (α = 0.05) as determined by linear contrasts. between watershed relief and drainage density holds true when examining the Ouachita Mountains. The Ozark Highlands, however, have a higher drainage density with a much lower relief than either the Ouachita Mountains or the Boston Mountains (Figure 2). Watersheds in the Boston Mountains have the lowest drainage density but the second highest relief. These results suggest that another variable or combination of variables is responsible for controlling drainage density in the Ozark Highlands. Previous studies have found that lithology, a resisting framework variable, plays a significant role in the drainage density of streams (Ray and Fisher 1960; Hadely and Schumm 1961; Lièbault et al. 2002). The lithology of the Ozark Highlands is comprised primarily of chert and limestone (e.g., cherty limestone) that weathers and erodes more easily than the Downloaded By: [Marston, Richard A.] At: 01:11 14 December 2010 10 Volume 63, Number 1, February 2011 sandstones in the Boston Mountains and sandstones and novaculites of the Ouachita Mountains. The Ozark Highlands consist of well to excessively drained soils that form in colluvium and the underling clay residuum from cherty limestone. During high-intensity rainfall, infiltration is low and sheet erosion is common. Where surface limestone has been dissolved, the headward migration of a stream channel has been intensified. The jointed and fractured limestone (i.e., lithology and structure) serves as a catalyst for rill development and the headward migration that initiates stream channels. It is possible that the highly dissolvable cherty limestone of the Ozark Highlands has promoted the initiation of stream channels and influenced drainage densities in these watersheds. In addition to lithology and underlying geologic structure, land use (i.e., driving framework) might have played a role in the high drainage density of the Ozark Highlands. Studies of the Ozark Highlands in Missouri report that changes in land use between the mid-1800s and mid-1900s influenced the headward migration of streams and indirectly increased the drainage density of these watersheds (Jacobson and Primm 1997). Missouri Ozark streams are like those in the Oklahoma Ozarks; streams in both regions contain large amounts of gravel that is being redistributed throughout the system during mid- to high-magnitude floods (Jacobson 1995; Remshardt and Fisher 2009). Jacobson and Primm (1997) proposed that the increase in gravel resulted from the extension of the stream network. If gravel is coming from the headward migration of channels, then the erosion from land use change probably plays a role in the higher drainage density of the Oklahoma Ozark Highlands, which were extensively logged in the late 1800s and the mid-1900s (Rice and Penfound 1959) and later became open-range grazing land. Changes in land use have also occurred in the Boston Mountains and the Ouachita Mountains. The drainage densities in these regions apparently have been impacted less by changes in land use than in the Ozark Highlands. These differences might be attributed to the more resistant lithology and structure of the Boston Mountains and the Ouachita Mountains. Ridgetops of the Boston Mountains are primarily resistant sandstone with sideslopes of interbedded sandstone and shale (Woods et al. 2005). The Ouachita Mountains consist of sandstone, shale, chert, and novaculite. Hillslopes are more resistant to erosion in the Boston Mountains and Ouachita Mountains and are impacted less by changes in land use than those in the Ozark Highlands. Circularity Ratio Circularity ratio changed with stream order, F (2, 128) = 24.79, p < 0.001, but did not differ among ecoregions, F (2, 128) = 0.33, p = 0.718). Circularity decreased with stream order in all ecoregions, F (128) = 70.07, p ≤ 0.001 (Figure 2). These results show that basin shape does not differ among the three ecoregions. Relief Ratio Relief ratio differed among ecoregions, F (2, 128) = 18.17, p < 0.001, and stream order, F (3, 128) = 41.89, p < 0.001. Relief ratio was lower in the Ozark Highlands than in the Ouachita Mountains, F (128) = 32.48, p ≤ 0.001, and Boston Mountains, F (128) = 26.94, p ≤ 0.001. No difference in relief ratio existed between the Ouachita Mountains and Boston Mountains, F (128) = 0.17, p = 0.685. Polynomial contrasts suggested that relief ratio decreases with stream order in all ecoregions, F (128) = 119.26, p < 0.001. The relief ratio of the Ozark Highlands was lower than in the other ecoregions, which is a result of the overall low relief of the region (Figure 2). Less change exists in relief ratio by watershed size in the Ozark Highlands than the Boston Mountains or the Ouachita Mountains. Relief ratio in all three ecoregions decreased as watershed size increased but decreased slower in the Ozark Highlands than in the Boston Mountains or Ouachita Mountains. Ruggedness Number Ruggedness number differed among ecoregions, F (2, 128) = 26.67, p < 0.001, and stream order, F (3, 128) = 50.84, p < 0.001. Ruggedness number was lower in the Ozark Highlands than in the Ouachita Mountains, F (128) = 53.03, p ≤ 0.001, and Boston Mountains, F (128) = 18.48, p ≤ 0.001. Ruggedness number for the Boston Mountains was less than the Ouachita Mountains, F (128) = 5.93, p = 0.016. Polynomial contrasts suggested that Downloaded By: [Marston, Richard A.] At: 01:11 14 December 2010 Watershed Morphology of Ecoregions in Eastern Oklahoma 11 ruggedness number increases with stream order in all ecoregions, F (128) = 146.42, p < 0.001. Ruggedness number increased as watershed size increased (Figure 2). This occurs because drainage density and relief increase as watershed size increases, both of which are multiplied together to calculate ruggedness number. on Ozark Highland streams needs to be better understood. In addition, Level IV ecoregions have been established for much of the United States. Level IV ecoregions are more detailed, which might allow for more detailed assessment of watershed morphology and the associated cascading fluvial hierarchy. Conclusion Literature Cited We demonstrated that four of five common morphometric variables used to describe watershed morphology differed among ecoregions and all five variables differed by stream order. This supports the premise that variables making up ecoregions influenced watershed morphology, which should cascade to lower levels of the fluvial system and result in channel morphology differences among ecoregions. Further studies are needed to quantify how the resisting framework and driving forces of the watershed impact stream channel processes and also to determine which of the watershed morphology variables we studied truly influence stream morphology because of the high degree of interrelatedness among them. 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E-mail: His research interests include geomorphology, hydrology, and mountain geography. WILLIAM L. FISHER is Leader of the United States Geological Survey, New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and an Associate Professor in the Department of Natural Resources at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. E-mail: His research interests include fisheries science, stream ecology, and geographic information system applications in natural resource management.