cAWJweJw*te\ ; , ' / 1 ' // ^ii4Ugrt*jisi/j«7^-> \J ii r && JAJL /.; j0^c4+4&-4 OrganocatalytU Depolymerization of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) KAZUKI FUKUSHIMA,1 OUVIER COULEMBIER,2 JULIEN M. LECUYER,1 3 HAMID A. ALMEGREN,* ABDULLAH M. ALABDULRAHMAN,4 FARES D. ALSEWAILEM,* MELANIE A MCNEIL.* PHILIPPE DUBOIS,2 ROBERT M. WAYMOUTH.6 HANS W. HORN.' JULIA E. RICE,1 JAMES L. HEDRICK1 'IBM Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Road, San Jose, California 95120 laboratory of Polymeric and Composite Materials (LPCM), Center of Innovation and Research in Materials and Polymer (CIRMAP), University of Mons, Place du Pare 23, B-7000 Mons, Belgium Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, San Jose State University, San Jose, California 95192 "Petrochemicals Research Institute, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, P.O. Box 6086, Riyadh 11442, Saudi Arabia 5Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Received 4 November 2010; accepted 16 December 2010 DOI: 10.1002/po!a.24551 Published online 11 January 2011 in Wiley Online Library ( ABSTRACT: We describe the organocatalytic depolymerization of polylethylene terephthalate) (PET), using a commercially available guanidine ca yst, 1,5,7-triazabicyclo[4.4.0]dec-5-ene (TBD). Postconsumer ET beverage bottles were used and processed with 1.0 n I % (0.7 wt %) of TBD and excess amount of ethylene gly ol (EG) at 190 °C for 3.5 hours under atmospheric pressure t give bis(2-hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET) in 78% isolated yield. The catalyst efficiency was comparable to other metal acetate/a I koxide catalysts that are commonly used for depolymerization of PET. The BHET content in the glycolysis product was subject to the reagent loading. This INTRODUCTION Advances in technology continue to present many environmental issues making waste management a significant challenge. Landfill space is at a premium, even if the total amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) going to landfills in US has dropped since 1990. The plastic refuse generated in US constitutes 12% of the MSW in 2008; while relatively modest as a percentage, plastic waste is the 4th major component of the MSW after paper, food, and yard trimmings. 1 Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), a widely used commodity-grade thermoplastic contributes several billion pounds of waste to landfills every year, and the amount of PET needed is unlikely to diminish any time soon.2 Recycling of petroleum-based plastics has recently attracted enormous attention to promote effective use of limited fossil resources to mitigate impacts on solid waste. According to the American Plastics Council, now only 27% of the PET bottles and jars are recycled and the PET market for packaging continues to grow due to the popularity of PET-packaged products, such as bottled water.3 The challenge for PET recycling is to achieve a closed-loop, bottle-to-bottle process, similar to the aluminum cans (48% catalyst influenced the rate of the depolymerization as well as the effective process temperature. We also demonstrated the recycling of the catalyst and the excess EG for more than 5 cycles. Computational and experimental studies showed that both TBD and EG activate PET through hydrogen bond formation/activation to facilitate this reaction. £> 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Potym Sci Part A: Polym Chem 49: 12731281, 2011 KEYWORDS: catalysis; degradation; depolymerization; glycolysis; organocatatyst; polylethylene terephthalate); recycling recycled).1 Two major conventional methods of recycling postconsumer PET exist: mechanical recycling and chemical recycling.4"7 The former is most commonly practiced and involves sorting, washing and drying postconsumer PET before melt-process ing to produce a new material. The organometallic catalysts used to synthesize PET such as antimony, titanium or germanium 8 remain permanently in the fabricated item, leading to significant property deterioration during the secondary melt fabrication process.9 As a consequence, mechanically-recycled PET generally ends up in secondary products such as fiber for clothing or carpeting, and engineering resins for reinforced automobile components. 2 10 Ultimately these all find their way to the landfill. The problem was, however, solved by solid state polymerization technique where the catalysts in the waste PET are applied to increase/maintain the molecular weight high enough for the fabrication. 11 Mechanical methods for bottle-to-bottle recycling are being established, but there stilt are some practical concerns especially when colored bottles are used as raw materials; 12 variation in the amounts and types of residual catalysts in the waste PETs create additional challenges. zinat Supporting iformation may be found in the online version of this article. Correspondence to: K. Fuki >rj. E- Rice (E-m il: or J. L. Hedrick (E-mail: i! of Polymer Sci nee Pan A: Polymer Chemistry, Vol. 49, 1273-1281 (2011) C 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Chemical recycling entails degradation of the polymer to its starting monomer, purification, and then subsequent repolymerization to yield high quality plastic.7 Depolymerization processes for chemical recycling mainly include hydrolysis, methanolysis, and glycolysis13"15 which are generally conducted at high temperature in the presence of catalysts such as metal (zinc, lead, cobalt, manganese) acetate, zeolite, titanium(IV) n-butoxide, and sodium/potassium sulfate, and under the pressure in some cases.15'20 Hydrolysis and methanolysis are more common because the high crystalline monomers terephthalic acid (TA) and dimethylterephthalate (DMT) are easier to isolate than the glycolysis product bis(2hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET). In addition, PET is generally prepared by a two step process: the condensation of TA or DMT with excess ethylene glycol (EG) to generate BHET followed by the self-condensation of BHET at high temperatures (270-290 °C) using mixed organometallic catalysts optimized for their reactivity and selectivity for each step of the process.521 Current processes for the chemical recycling of PET are energy intensive, and consequently suffer from unfavorable economics relative to mechanical recycling, and are therefore not widely practiced.6'7 Low monomer costs also contribute to the economic challenges for alternative technologies utilizing postconsumer PET as a monomer feedstock.22'23 Moreover, the chemical approach to recycling of PET-based copolyesters 2425 has advantages in terms of mechanical properties associated with the final product. It also can be readily extended to other polyesters.26'27 Initiatives in the chemical recycling of PET are thus ideally focused on developing an environmentally safe, economically feasible, and industrially applicable process for wide-scale application. Chemical recycling methodologies that are energy efficient and do not involve heavy metals are highly desirable even though the catalysts are usually not contained in the purified monomers. Organic catalysts are attractive alternatives to traditional organometallic reaction promoters. Organic phase transfer catalysts based on quaternary ammonium salts have been used for hydrolysis of PET where sodium hydroxide was used as a cocatalysL14'28 Organocatalysis has been shown to be a powerful strategy for polymer synthesis. As these catalysts typically operate by different mechanisms than metal alkoxides, they offer a diversity of mechanistic pathways that can provide new opportunities for selective polymerization and depolymerization processes.29 We have developed several organic catalyst platforms for polymerization and transesterification reactions.30 l,5,7-Triazabicyclo[4.4.0|dec5-ene (TBD), a potent neutral base (pKa = 26 in acetoni- trile) 31 well-known as a catalyst for a variety of reactions 32 is among the most active ring-opening polymerization (ROP) catalysts known. The ROP of lactide with 0.1% TBD in THF exhibits a turnover frequency of 80 s"1 at room temperature, a rate comparable to that of the most active metal catalysts reported for ROP of lactide.33 Computational studies suggest that TBD is such an effective catalyst because it activates both alcohol and monomer through hydrogen-bonds.3*'35 The high activity of TBD for transesterification reactions stimulated us to extend our investigation to depolymerization, rather than polymerization. Herein, we show that the guanidine TBD is an efficient catalyst for the glycolysis of PET to its monomer bis(2-hydroxyethyl)terephthalate (BHET)1637 and also demonstrate its recyclability (Scheme 1). EXPERIMENTAL Materials PET beverage bottles were washed with water, dried, and shredded to around 3 mm squares prior to use. 1,5,7-triazabicyclo|4.4.0]dec-5-ene (TBD), ethylene glycol (EG; anhydrous, 99.8%), and solvents were used as received (SigmaAJdrich). Instruments ] H NMR spectra were obtained on a Bruker Avance 400 Instrument at 400 MHz. Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) was performed in THF at 30 °C using a Waters chromatograph equipped with four 5 ;im Waters columns (300 mm x 7.7 mm) connected in series with increasing pore size (10, 100, 1000, 105, 106 A), a Waters 410 differential refractometer for refractive index (RI) detection, and calibrated with polystyrene standards (750 - (2 x 106) g/mol). Typical Procedure of Glycolysis To a 25 mL Schlenk tube containing colorless PET flakes (0.96 g, 5.0 mmol), 38 previously dried at 80 °C for 1 h, was charged a mixture of EG (5.00 g, 80.6 mmol) and TBD (70 mg, 0.50 mmol) in a glove box. The tube was immersed in an oil bath heating at 190 °C to conduct the reaction with stirring. After 8 minutes the slurry turned into a clear and homogeneous liquid. The crude solid was purified by either of the following two methods. A Extraction: The reaction mixture was cooled to room temperature and dissolved in methylene chloride (100 ml) with slight heating to dissolve the solid. The solution was washed with 0.5 N HCI aqueous solution (100 mL) and extracted with methylene chloride (50 mL). The organic fractions were combined, stirred over MgS04, evaporated, and dried in ORGANOCATALYTIC OEPOLYMERIZATION Of PEt, FUKUSHIMA ET AL Wl LE VON LI NELIBRAR Y.COM/JOURNAL/JPOLA