Date Email Problem Start Time End Time Length of Outage Affected users Resolution Notes 1/19/12 Webmail will not load, or runs very slowly for a few minutes at a time. Service-Now ticket INC0075825 13:12 14:59 1 hour 47 minutes Cache issue on the browser, need to campus community clear cache. 2/8/12 Webmail times out at login or does not go any farther than login. ServiceNow ticket INC0079446 13:05 14:18 1 hour 13 minutes ITS staff worked with service campus community provider, Merit, to resolve. 2/20/12 Webmail running slow or unresponsive. Service-Now ticket INC0081412 11:35 13:39 1 hour 4 minutes campus community Problem was with Merit. 2/26/12 Webmail is intermittently giving a 503 error at login. Service-Now ticket INC0082233 16:16 17:34 1hour 18 minutes campus community OME staff resolved the issue. 4/3/12 Email is showing "502 Bad Gateway". Service-Now tickets INC0086944 & PRB40455 10:47 12:45 1 hour 58 minutes campus community ITS staff worked with Merit to resolve. 1 hour 52 minutes sporadic, only affecting a small population of users not entire campus community ITS staff worked with Merit to resolve. 10 hours 23 minutes sporadic, only affecting a small population of users not entire campus community ITS staff worked with Merit to resolve. 4/6/12 Webmail is nonresponsive. Service-Now ticket number INC0087627 4/12/12 Users are receiving a "502 Bad Gateway" error message while others have no error message. Service-Now tickets INC0088428 & PRB40484 16:51 06:22 18:43 16:45 7/9/2012 Email running slow. Service-Now tickets INC0099948 & PRB40596 Email moving slowly, freezing, fails to send/receive email. Service-Now tickets INC0100149 & 7/10/2012 PRB40601 Email was very slow to respond. Service-Now tickets INC0100713 & 7/16/2012 PRB40605 and ticket with Merit TT47980 9/25/12 Webmail is running very slowly. Service-Now ticket PRB40703 08:09 10:59 10:19 16:18 9/25/2012 09:06 09:47 7/11/2012 14:34 57 minutes campus community Merit experienced a hardware failure. 10 hours 52 minutes sporadic, only affecting a small population of users not entire campus Merit had a couple of the proxies community hang and had to restart them. 4 hours 53 minutes sporadic, only affecting a small population of users Merit found the cause of the extra not entire campus load on one mailstore and fixed that community issue to resolve the problem. sporadic, only affecting a small population of users Merit reported that two mailstores 05:11 2 days not entire campus were 'acting up' and they had to be 9/28/2012 12 hours 53 minutes community restored. 10/1/12 Users having trouble sending email. Service-Now ticket PRB40716 09:20 16:48 7 hours 28 minutes 10/31/12 Webmail is real slow or unresponsive. Service-Now ticket PRB40789 15:09 15:31 22 minutes sporadic, only affecting a small population of users ITS-EST reported a large number of not entire campus bounced messages, once cleared community problem resolved. campus community The problem cleared on its own. 11/1/12 Users unable to log into Zimbra webmail. Service-Now ticket PRB40790. Merit ticket 51493 08:35 09:36 1 hour 1 minute sporadic, only affecting a small population of users Merit was contacted and restarted not entire campus Zimbra services on the mailstore to community resolve the problem. sporadic, only affecting a small population of users not entire campus Merit reports the problem is fixed, no community explanation. 11/2/12 Some users can not access Zimbra webmail while others can. Service-Now ticket PRB40792 11/3/12 sporadic, only affecting a small Users unable to access Webmail. Merit is population of users working on the problem. Service12:00 07:55 13 days not entire campus Now ticket PRB40794 11/3/2012 11/18/2012 19 hours 55 minutes community 12/3/12 Users being auto signed off email and getting 502 error. Service-Now ticket PRB40838. 13:38 13:43 12/6/2012 3 days 5 minutes Merit was contacted and a ticket was campus community opened. 12/4/12 Users are unable to sign in to Zimbra. Service-Now ticket PRB40840. 10:46 14:34 3 hours 48 minutes Merit was contacted and a ticket was campus community opened. 12/12/12 Email running slowly and returning 500 errors. Service-Now ticket PRB40847 9:16 13:36 4 hours 20 minutes Merit was contacted and a ticket was campus community opened. 2 hours 58 minutes sporadic, only affecting a small population of users Merit was contacted and a ticket was not entire campus opened. The problem was found to community be a very busy mailstore. 12/14/12 Users unable to receive emails. Service-Now ticket PRB40850 10:32 11:18 15:15 14:05 4 hours 43 minutes Merit reported the problem was due to a faulty database and will be corrected with maintenance on 11/18/2012. Merit reports the problem is fixed. 12/17/12 12/18/12 Email slow and users being kicked off. Service-Now ticket PRB40851 Intermittent access issues. Service-Now ticket PRB40852 8:38 9:18 10:41 14:06 2 hours 3 minutes sporadic, only affecting a small population of users Merit was contacted and a ticket was not entire campus opened. The problem was found to community be two overloaded mailstores. 4 hours 48 minutes Merit was contacted. The problem was due to a high load caused by compromised accounts sending out campus community spam. 12/20/12 Email slow and users being kicked off. Service-Now ticket PRB40855 12/21/12 Users can not load Zimbra and are unable to send emails. Service-Now ticket PRB40856 1/2/13 1/4/13 Email slowness issues. Service-Now PRB40858 Email slow -­‐ error message "cannot connect to server". Service-­‐Now ticket PRB40861 08:47 14:45 12/27/201 12/20/2012 2 9:12 9:08 14:06 13:07 10:10 14:43 6 days 2 minutes Merit upgrading the hardware that our email is stored on. Slowness will continue until migration of information campus community is completed. 3 hours 55 minutes Merit was contacted and reported a "bug" in Zimbra that will be corrected campus community during scheduled maintenance. 58 minutes sporadic, only affecting a small population of users not entire campus Merit was contacted and reported community problem was corrected. 37 minutes sporadic, only affecting a small population of users not entire campus Merit was contacted and was already community aware of the problem.