Enclosure 3A - Project Summary Form

Enclosure 3A - Project Summary Form
Application for Wildland Urban Interface Fuels / Education and
Prevention / Community Planning for Fire Protection Projects
Lomakatsi Restoration Project
(541) 488-0208
(541) 488-4909
Address (Street or P. O. Box, City, State, Zip):
PO Box 3084, Ashland, OR 97520
Project Coordinator
Project Coordinator (Name and Title):
Oshana Catranides, Executive Director
501 © 3
(541) 488-0208
Project Information
Project Title:
West Williams Community Fire Hazard Reduction Project
Proposed Project Start Date:
December 2003
Proposed Project End Date:
November 2004
Federal Funding Request:
$ 230,172
Total Project Funding:
$ 244,972
Are you submitting multiple projects? If so, please explain and prioritize: Yes. (1) Colestin Rd Fuels Reduction; (2) West Williams
Community Fire Hazard Reduction Project (3) Siskiyou Mountain Park Fuels Reduction Project; (4) Anderson Creek Road Fuels
Reduction Project (5) Cave Junction Roadside / seniors / Defensible Space Project
Brief Project Description:
Lomakatsi will reduce dense fuel loads on private lands adjoining roadways and cul-de-sac
driveways along Caves Camp Road and Mungers Creek Road in the West Fork area of the
Williams Creek watershed. Private lands that were logged in the past have re-grown into extremely
dense dog-hair Doug fir thickets, creating tremendous fuel loads in high risk areas adjacent to
upslope BLM lands which include a mix of LSR’s and tree plantations. Lomakatsi’s previous
Williams projects created the opportunity to organize this proposal in a niche community where
environmental issues have challenged other agencies from making headway into developing
wildfire prevention projects. Lomakatsi is an important intermediary for involving diverse
constituents in coordinating this effort with Jim Wolf of Oregon Dept. of Forestry, Williams Creek
Watershed Council, Williams Rural Fire Dept., Applegate River Watershed Council, Rural-Metro
Fire District, etc.
Project Location (latitude/longitude if applicable):
Congressional District:
Williams, OR
Project Type: Check appropriate project type. More than one type may be checked. If only Box (4) is checked, use Enclosure 4.
X Wildland Urban Interface Fuels Project
Wildland Urban Interface Education and Prevention Project
Community Planning for Fire Protection Project
Fuels Utilization and Marketing Project
If the applicant is an unincorporated area, define the geographic area being represented:
Enclosure 3B (Page 1 of 3) - Project Narrative Description
Applications for funding must include a narrative response that describes the proposal. Please do not submit responses longer than one page,
single space, 12-pitch font.
Describe project including, but not limited to:
 project location
Address these
 project implementation
items as
 anticipated outcomes
 measures and reporting
 interagency partners
Response: Location:
project relationship to community or natural landscape fire plans
project time frames and income
specify types of activities and equipment used
amount or extent of actions (acres, number of homes, etc)
environmental, cultural and historical resource requirements
Lomakatsi will reduce fuels on private lands adjoining roadways and cul-de-sac
driveways along Caves Camp Road and Mungers Creek Road in the West Fork area of the Williams Creek
watershed. The roads serve as access to residential areas and adjacent federal resource lands (BLM), in the
wildland rural intermix areas of Williams, Oregon.
Project will be implemented by Lomakatsi Restoration Project, and will reduce fuel loads on approximately
100 acres of private lands along roadsides, driveways, and adjacent house sites where hazardous fuel loads
pose a risk to travelers, fire fighters and fire fighting equipment, community residences, watershed resources
and forest health. Lomakatsi will employ a local workforce and will draw employees from the pool of trained
interns who participated in Lomakatsi’s “Fuels Reduction Workforce Training Programs’, funded by the
National Fire Plan in Williams during 2002 and 2003.
Anticipated Outcomes include increased residential mobility and safety in the event of a wildfire, improved
fire fighting access, increased fire safety, decreased fire intensity, and the enhancement of roadsides as fuelbreaks or fire fighting vantage points. Project will increase fire safe access along roads which serve both
private residences and adjacent federal lands. The project will be based on Lomakatsi’s Ecological Principles
for Fuel Load Reduction and Restoration (attached), a trusted and documented approach which has increased
the willingness of the Williams community to participate in the planning and implementation of this and
future fire hazard mitigation projects in the area.
Measures and Reporting: Areas treated will be mapped and submitted to ODF, local fire districts, watershed
councils, and BLM. All other reporting will be fulfilled as required by funding agency.
Interagency Partners include Williams Creek Watershed Council (WCWC), Williams Rural Fire Department,
Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF), Applegate River Watershed Council, Applegate Partnership, RuralMetro Fire District, Sugarloaf Community School, and community landowners.
Relationship to Community Fire Plans: Lomakatsi will use its ecological approach and its networking
abilities to inspire the Williams community to participate in the implementation of fuels reduction strategies
that advance the criteria of the Applegate Fire Plan (August 2002), page 67, Strategic Planning Area
Recommendations of for (#12) West Williams, Communities At Risk: a.) Remove ladder fuels in strategic
places near Communities-at-Risk (CARs), possibly as demonstration project. (Make sure to address species
habitat); c.) CARs are high hazard. Recommendation: Do fuels reduction work around homes and on private
property to protect LSR’s (possibly as an incentive program). Over 15 rural landowners with large acreages
along public roadways in the proposal area are already willing to participate in this anticipated project.
Project time frame will be approximately one year from start of project.
Specific Activity will involve the manual cutting, removal, piling, chipping, and some strategic hand-pile
burning of fuels and woody debris, as well as chipping and/or hauling of biomass.
Types of Equipment will involve chainsaws, pole chainsaws, loppers, drip torches, fire tools, occasional
chipper / hauler.
Amount/Extent of Actions: Project will reduce fuels on 100 acres of private lands, distributing work along
roadsides, driveways, and homes in proximity of the roadside treatment areas, especially if homes are
surrounded by contiguous fuel loads which could increase the spread of wildfire beyond the roadway
treatment area.
Project will comply with environmental, cultural and historical resource requirements, including NEPA,
SHIPO, and any other permitting requirements necessary.
Enclosure 3B (Page 2 of 3) - Project Evaluation Criteria
Applications for funding must include narrative responses that address the following four criteria. Within each criterion, subcriteria are listed in descending order of importance. Limit your responses to the areas provided.
1. Reducing Fire Risk. (40 points))
A. Describe how the proposal promotes reduction of risk in high hazard areas or communities, or natural landscapes.
B. Describe how the proposed project benefits resources on federal land or adjacent non-federal land, or how it protects the safety
of communities.
C. To what extent does the project implement or create a cooperative (1) fuels treatment plan or (2) community fire strategy
(include evidence of the plan if it already exists)?
D. Explain to what extent the affected community or proponent has been involved or plans to involve the affected community in a
qualified fuels education program (e.g., FIREWISE).
E. Explain how the proposal (1) leads to, enhances or restores a local fire-adapted ecosystem, and/or (2) mitigates or leads to the
mitigation of hazardous fuel conditions.
F. How will the proposed treatments or programs be maintained in future years?
Response: A)
Lomakatsi will work with community partners to involve landowners in this project to reduce
hazardous fuel loads along high risk areas including roadsides, driveways, and house sites, in order to reduce
the risk and spread of wildfire on private lands adjacent to BLM. B) Fuels reduction on private lands and
roadways adjoining BLM creates advantages of increased fire safety and decreased wildfire risk for both
areas, benefiting private and federal landowners and the surrounding community. Improved access/egress and
home site defensibility decreases the potential spread of fire, and increases firefighting capabilities, protecting
both federal and community properties. C) Lomakatsi is organizing community members who have formerly
been resistant to fire hazard reduction programs, in order to fulfill the hazard reduction strategies organized in
the Applegate Fire Plan. Lomakatsi is networking with Jim Wolf/ODF to combine regional efforts to create as
much connectivity for strategic fuels reduction treatments as possible through existing regional planning
efforts and programs. D) Lomakatsi has conducted three fire ecology and landowner education workshops in
the Williams community during the past two years. These are similar to Firewise programs. E) Ecologically
based fuels reduction is designed to enhance and restore local fire-adapted ecosystems and to decrease fuel
loads to reduce hazardous fuel conditions and enhance forest health and fire resiliency. F) After initial fuels
treatments, follow-up treatments become more affordable to landowners, contractors, and for project
proposals, since the bulk of the heaviest work was done during the initial fuels reduction treatment. Followup and maintenance treatments can be organized by community members, obtained through Watershed
Council grants, ODF and other programs in the future.
2. Increasing local capacity. (30 points)
A. How would the proposal improve or lead to the improvement of the local economy in terms of jobs and sustainable economic
activity? How many jobs are expected to be created or retained and for how long (please distinguish between essentially yearround and seasonal jobs)? How will this proposal link to toher projects (or proposed projects) to create year-round jobs?
B. To what extent will this project be offered to serve as a model for other communities or natural landscapes?
C. Will biomass or forest fuels be utilized; if so, in what manner and how much?
The project will improve the area economy through the creation of approximately 12-15 local
seasonal jobs during a one-year period. Lomakatsi’s previous National Fire Plan Fuels Reduction Workforce
Training Programs in Williams (2002, 2003) trained a local workforce that is available to implement this
work. LRP also develops programs and seeks restoration contracts to provide sustainable employment
opportunities, creating year-round work through programs such as OWEB, USFWS Jobs-in-the-Woods, etc.
LRP also develops private foundation grants to groups such as the Alliance of Forest Workers and Harvesters,
Norman Foundation, Tides Foundation, etc. This project will increase the skills needed to link the workforce
to other fuels mitigation and restoration projects. Project also safeguards area farming community which
contributes significantly to S. Oregon’s organic agricultural market economy. B) This project is based upon
Lomakatsi’s Ecological Principles for Fuel Load Reduction and Restoration, a document which serves as the
‘passport’ to our work in the Williams community. The principles address the community as an intrinsic part
of the natural landscape, and are freely available to all interested parties to use as a model for fuels reduction
program criteria (attached). C) Biomass utilization will be guided by landowners who have expressed interest
in donating thinning by-products to support community demonstrations of alternative utilization methods that
can be guided by local businesses such as those established in the Williams/Murphy, Wolf Creek and Cave
Junction areas.
Enclosure 3B (Page 3 of 3) - Project Evaluation Criteria
3. Increasing interagency and intergovernmental coordination. (15 Points)
A. Describe how this project implements a local intergovernmental strategy or plan, or creates such a plan. Describe the plan if it
already exists.
B. Explain the level of cooperation, coordination or strategic planning through a “Local Coordination Group” for wildland fire
activities, or among federal, state, tribal, local government and community organizations. List the cooperators (a detailed list
of cooperators will be required for projects that are funded).
Response: A) Lomakatsi
will use its networking abilities to increase community participation and involvement
in the implementation of fuels reduction strategies which are recommended in the Applegate Fire Plan
Strategic Planning Area Recommendations (August 2002), page 67, for West Williams Communities At Risk
(CARs): a.) Remove ladder fuels in strategic places near CARs, possibly as demonstration project. (Make
sure to address species habitat); c.) CARs are high hazard. Recommendation: Do fuels reduction work around
homes and on private property to protect LSR’s (possibly as an incentive program).
Lomakatsi bases its work on its ecological principles, which have become the local guideline for inspiring
community trust in significant yet environmentally-sound fuels reduction treatments in a community that was
once strongly adverse to almost any forest fuels reduction work. The ‘Lomakatsi approach’ succeeds in
involving many formerly non-participatory landowners in this new emergence of fuels reduction projects.
B) This project is aimed at implementing the goals of the Applegate Fire Plan mentioned above, and will
involve some of the same partners who worked on the creation of the plan. In the absence of an official
“Local Coordination Group” in this area, Lomakatsi is acting as an intermediary between the local
community and local, state, and federal organizations which support fuels reduction education and
implementation programs. Williams Creek Watershed Council (WCWC) and Williams Rural Fire District
will assist with community outreach and educational event planning and participation. ODF, Rural Metro Fire
District, and Grants Pass District of Medford BLM will be consulted for project coordination with other
programs aimed at reducing fuels in the area.
4. Expanding Community Participation. (15 Points)
A. To what extent have interested individuals, groups, and communities been provided an opportunity to become informed and
involved in this proposal?
B. Describe the extent of local support or opposition for the project, including any cost-sharing arrangements.
C. What are the environmental, social and educational benefits or concerns of the project?
Response: Members
of the community of Williams approached Lomakatsi to inspire the creation of this
proposal after the implementation of Fuels Reduction Workforce Training Programs funded by the NFP in
Williams during 2002 and 2003. Lomakatsi has hosted fire ecology workshops in Williams which have been
attended by over 125 people during the last year (see attached flyers). LRP works with the WCWC to provide
consistent outreach about its projects to the Williams community in newsletters and announcements, and LRP
will also announce the program in the Williams News to increase local participation. B) Local support is very
strong, and was what inspired the project. It supports the goals of the Applegate Fire Plan. The ecological
approach used by Lomakatsi significantly reduces hazardous fuel loads while inspiring trust from landowners
that things like wildlife habitat and large old trees will be safeguarded and retained where ever possible. This
project will also provide an avenue for accomplishing fuel reduction in areas where landowners have strongly
resisted federal fuels reduction projects in the WUI in the past (BLM / Scattered Apples). C) The
environmental benefits of this project are significant in that the “Lomakatsi approach” to fuels reduction is
widely accepted by landowners who would not accept any other fuels treatment in the past. LRP’s previous
projects have created a venue for observation of practices which have been accepted and increasingly
requested by the community. This alone is of significant social and environmental benefit due to the intended
outcomes of reduced fire hazard. LRP’s workshops and trainings in the community have created an
outstanding advantage in accomplishing support for the fuels reduction goals that will protect the homes,
forestlands, watersheds, and natural environment of the area.
Enclosure 3C - Project Work Form
Time Frame
Responsible Party
Begin Coordination and Outreach
Collaboration with Agencies
Contact Partner Organizations and
Identify High Risk Properties
Media Contact / Announcements
Within 60 days of Project Start-Up
LOMAKATSI collaborating with:
Williams Creek and Applegate River
Watershed Councils, Williams Rural
Fire District, BLM, ODF, Applegate
Initial Contact / Landowner Interviews for
Property Selection
Initial Site Visits / Meetings w/ Landowners
Within 90 days of Project Start-Up
With in-kind assistance from:
Williams Creek and Applegate River
Watershed Councils
ODF, Rural-Metro Fire Dept, BLM,
Applegate Partnership
Community Meetings and
Educational Presentations on Fire Ecology /
Ecological Fuels Reduction to increase
community support and involvement
Within 120 days of Project Start-Up
With in-kind assistance from:
Williams Creek and Applegate River
Watershed Councils, ODF, RuralMetro, Applegate Partnership,
community members
Identify Boundaries of Treatment Areas
Inventory of Vegetation and Fuel Density
Agency Collaboration on Treatment Design
And Fuel Treatment Plans
Landowner Review and Approval of Plans
Within 120 - 150 days of Project Start-Up LOMAKATSI
--Permitting Processes / Prescription Review
-- Organize Community Volunteer Work Days
Within 150 days of Project Start-Up
--Coordinate Work Crews, Contractors,
Consultants, Instructors, Inspectors
-- Utilization Demo: Site Selection, Materials
Prepared, Sorted, Transported
--Community Demonstration Workshop
Within 150 - 220 days of Project Start-Up LOMAKATSI
-Coordinate with Local ‘Secondary Wood
Products’ Utilization Projects and Programs -- Tours of Treatment Areas and Discussion of
Utilization Demonstrations for Landowners,
Agencies, Partners.
240 – 270 days from Project Start-Up
In collaboration with local secondary
wood-products businesses
Media Outreach
Presentation of Final Report To Community
and Agencies
300 – 360 days of Project Start-Up
Enclosure 3D Project Budget
West Fork Williams Creek Community Fuel Hazard Reduction Project
Cost Category
Project coordination
Assistant - coordination
Forest technician
Partner 1
Partner 2
Lomakatsi Watershed Councils
Fire District
Fringe Benefits
Forest technician
Site visits
Crew transportation
Chainsaws and accessories
Miscellaneous equipment
Gas, oil, chains, repair
Maintenance of tools and vehicles
Misc. Supplies
Implement fuels reduction
Instructors, education, events
Total Costs
Project (Program) Income1
(using deductive alternative)
Program income is the gross revenue generated by a grant or cooperative agreement supported activity during the life of
the grant. Program income can be made by recipients from fees charged for conference or workshop attendance, from rental
fees earned from renting out real property or equipment acquired with grant or cooperative agreement funds, or from the sale
of commodities or items developed under the grant or cooperative agreement. The use of Program Income during the
project period may require prior approval by the granting agency.
1) Map showing Mungers Creek Road and Caves Camp Road in West
Williams, including adjoining roads and BLM and USFS lands
Working with Nature: Lomakatsi’s Forest Restoration Philosophy
Ecological Principles for Fuel Load Reduction and Restoration
Nature does the real restoration work. We are working to assist in the recovery of impacted
ecosystems without causing additional problems…Here are some of the things we have learned:
~Act conservatively. Don't change things too much at once.
Respect what is already on site.
-- Retain old and large trees - the most fire resistant component of the forest.
-- Consider broader landscape level conditions when planning site-specific restoration activities.
-- Design and implement treatments for site-specific conditions. Adjust ecological thinning
prescriptions and treatments to accommodate various eco-types and forest stands.
--Implement heaviest thinning treatments near high risk areas, including house sites, roads and
-- Plan restoration thinning treatments over time; follow up the initial treatment using multiple
entries in intervals over a several year period, allowing the forest to adjust to the alteration of the
-- Maintain shaded areas and over-story canopy cover in mixed conifer forests. (Adjust for
differences in regional biodiversity, as in pine-oak savanna)
-- Retain a diversity of tree and plant species.
-- Maintain uneven-aged stands and representatives of all age classes, to retain a diverse, multilayered forest structure.
--As a goal when revegetating a site, plant only native species.
Include indigenous land use practices and traditional ecological knowledge as an historic guide and
reference point in ecosystem restoration.
-- Use prescribed burning to restore fire whenever possible. Plan burning treatments carefully, and
do all necessary planning for ecological considerations and the safety of human communities.
-- Following prescribed fire, reseed selected areas with native grasses to enhance site conditions.
~ Remember the wildlife.
-- Leave some areas untreated, for the birds and wildlife using the area.
-- Thin in a mosaic pattern- leaving thickets, maintaining natural openings and meadows, and
enhancing older forest stands by maintaining canopy cover.
-- Leave some small piles of cut material un-burned, as habitat for wildlife.
-- Leave buffers of undisturbed vegetation in streamside riparian areas.
-- Retain snags for wildlife habitat. Chart their locations for monitoring, and fire safety precautions.
~ Remember the soil.
Leave some of the cut materials on the ground, perpendicular to the slope, to catch upslope erosion
and contribute to future soil.
~ Remember the people.
-- Listen to residents and neighbors. They know the ways in which each site is unique.
-- Match site diversity with worker diversity. Different cultures each have their own ways of
understanding the complex diversity of nature.
-- Train workers about ecological principles, and how to see the special characteristics of each place.
-- Involve the workforce in the design, planning, and monitoring of restoration projects.
-- Educate the restoration workforce about forest and fire ecology, watershed and riparian function,
botany etc.
-- Pay workers according to their training, experience, and quality of work.
-- Pay workers well, and listen to them. Happy, respected people do the best work.
-- Look for useable material to carry from the site for poles, furniture, spoons, fuels, etc
~ Learn
-- Keep complete records of prior conditions, work accomplished, and the time, money, and people
that it took. Watch & document what happens over time.
-- Review information about similar sites before deciding how to treat new ones.
Lomakatsi is the Hopi word for ‘Life in Balance’