Enclosure 3A - Project Summary Form NATIONAL FIRE PLAN COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE AND WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE PROJECTS Application for Wildland Urban Interface Fuels / Education and Prevention / Community Planning for Fire Protection Projects Applicant Applicant/Organization: Oregon Department of Forestry Phone: FAX: Email: 503.945.7433 503.945.7454 Sboro@odf.state.or.us Address (Street or P. O. Box, City, State, Zip): 2600 State Street Salem, Oregon 97310 Project Coordinator Project Coordinator (Name and Title): Lena Tucker, Assistant to the Eastern Oregon Area Director Organization/Jurisdiction: Oregon Department of Forestry, Central Oregon District, Prineville/Sisters Unit Phone: FAX: Email: 541.447.5658 541.447.1469 Ltucker@odf.state.or.us Project Information Project Title: Service and Supply for Sisters Hazardous Fuels Reduction Cooperative Project Proposed Project Start Date: Proposed Project End Date: Fall 2003 Winter 2004/2005 Federal Funding Request: Total Project Funding: $85,500 $195,000 Are you submitting multiple projects? If so, please explain and prioritize: Yes – Priority # 21 in Fuels Treatment Category Brief Project Description: This grant is designed to provide needed service and supply support, including personal protective equipment, tools, vehicle and office support for a cooperative thinning project between: U.S. Forest Service and Oregon Dept. of Forestry. This project was created to reduce hazardous fuels along the Highway 20 corridor near Sisters, Oregon. Fuel treatments and demonstrations are conducted on U.S. Forest Service land directly adjacent to private homes. This project involves a number of agencies including: Oregon Dept. of Forestry, U.S.Forest Service, Deschutes County Corrections, and Oregon State Dept.of Corrections. The fuels are treated in a number of ways including: thinning, prescribed burning (under burns, pile burning), and mowing of units. This cooperative fuels reduction project has been proven successful over the past four years. This project has received national attention and awards. Project Location (latitude/longitude if applicable): County: Congressional District: Sister, OR Deschutes District 2 Project Type: Check appropriate project type. More than one type may be checked. If only Box (4) is checked, use Enclosure 4. (1) (2) Wildland Urban Interface Fuels Project Wildland Urban Interface Education and Prevention Project (3) (4) Community Planning for Fire Protection Project Fuels Utilization and Marketing Project If the applicant is an unincorporated area, define the geographic area being represented: Enclosure 3B (Page 1 of 3) - Project Narrative Description Applications for funding must include a narrative response that describes the proposal. Please do not submit responses longer than one page, single space, 12-pitch font. Describe project including, but not limited to: project location Address these project implementation items as anticipated outcomes applicable: measures and reporting interagency partners project relationship to community or natural landscape fire plans project time frames and income specify types of activities and equipment used amount or extent of actions (acres, number of homes, etc) environmental, cultural and historical resource requirements Response: Location: This is an interagency cooperative thinning project located in and around the communities of Sisters, Black Butte Ranch and Camp Sherman, and also along scenic Highway 20 in those areas. This proven project has been in existence for 4 years. Implementation: This grant will be used to purchase personal protective equipment, thinning tools and gear, vehicle support, and clerical support. Due to shortfalls in the ODF budget, this grant funding will be used to supplement ODF's portion of this cooperative project. Outcome: The outcome of this project will be to support, through service and supply, the reduction of fire hazards near high risk communities. The project will also improve the overall forest health in the area. This thinning project also serves as a model for landowners and encourages them to take action to protect their personal investments. Measures and reporting: Thinning acres that are completed are monitored/reported by the USFS. In each unit there are two monitoring plots which have before and after treatment photos and fuel surveys. Partners: USFS, Friends of the Metolius, ODF, rural fire departments, Dechutes County Corrections and the Oregon Dept. of Corrections. Project relationship to fire plans: The Sisters Ranger District has a strategy to reduce ladder fuels in and around the urban interface in their district. Time frames and income: This is an annual project that takes place in late fall/winter and into the spring. Activities and equipment to be used: Hand thinning with chainsaws. Piling and burning of debris by hand. Conduct underburning activities. Amount of acres treated: For the Highway 20 project there has been approximately 7,000 acres treated out of the 10,000 acre project. The Metolius Heritage project, a companion program which ODF is also involved in, has nearly 17,000 acres of fuels treatment. Environmmental, cultural, and historic resources: The land in the project area has been reviewed through the appropriate federal guidelines by the USFS. Enclosure 3B (Page 2 of 3) - Project Evaluation Criteria Applications for funding must include narrative responses that address the following four criteria. Within each criterion, subcriteria are listed in descending order of importance. Limit your responses to the areas provided. 1. Reducing Fire Risk. (40 points)) A. Describe how the proposal promotes reduction of risk in high hazard areas or communities, or natural landscapes. B. Describe how the proposed project benefits resources on federal land or adjacent non-federal land, or how it protects the safety of communities. C. To what extent does the project implement or create a cooperative (1) fuels treatment plan or (2) community fire strategy (include evidence of the plan if it already exists)? D. Explain to what extent the affected community or proponent has been involved or plans to involve the affected community in a qualified fuels education program (e.g., FIREWISE). E. Explain how the proposal (1) leads to, enhances or restores a local fire-adapted ecosystem, and/or (2) mitigates or leads to the mitigation of hazardous fuel conditions. F. How will the proposed treatments or programs be maintained in future years? Response: A) This grant proposal directly supports on the ground treatment of hazardous fuels adjacent to at-risk communities in the wildland interface. B) This grant proposal extends the ability to purchase needed service and supply items to support personnel involved in on the ground thinning activities. The project includes treatment of hazardous fuels on federal land directly adjacent to at-risk communities. It links to similar fuels reduction projects taking place on adjacent private land. Benefits of this project include the reduced likelihood of a catastrophic wildfire moving from the forest landscape and into a subdivision. C) The strategy of the Sisters Ranger District is to reduce ladder fuels in and around all of its urban interface area. D) There have been many educational programs in this area including: FireFree, Project Impact activities, FireWise Communities workshop held in Redmond, and various ODF fire prevention activities. The local community has a great awareness of living with fire in the interface. E) Through thinning, underburning and brush removal in the pine/mixed conifer ecosystem, this project restores overstocked stands to a more natural state, thus mitigating many years of fuel buildup. F) Maintenance will be through continued thinning and underburning on federal and private land. 2. Increasing local capacity. (30 points) A. How would the proposal improve or lead to the improvement of the local economy in terms of jobs and sustainable economic activity? How many jobs are expected to be created or retained and for how long (please distinguish between essentially yearround and seasonal jobs)? How will this proposal link to toher projects (or proposed projects) to create year-round jobs? B. To what extent will this project be offered to serve as a model for other communities or natural landscapes? C. Will biomass or forest fuels be utilized; if so, in what manner and how much? Response: A) This project provides off season employment for approximately 20 wildland firefighters. As more landowners seek to manage their fuel loading on private land, they may potentially seek out local contractors to conduct the fuels treatment and dispose of the debris thus providing more jobs and stimulating the local economy. B) This project, which includes the Metolius Basin Project will encourage landowners to explore alternatives for treating their land. Through informed decision making, landowners will be able to make a positive change in reducing fire hazards around their homes. C) About 50% of the fuel put on the ground is used in some manner. Fuels will be utilized for firewood, fence posts, and hog fuel. Enclosure 3B (Page 3 of 3) - Project Evaluation Criteria 3. Increasing interagency and intergovernmental coordination. (15 Points) A. Describe how this project implements a local intergovernmental strategy or plan, or creates such a plan. Describe the plan if it already exists. B. Explain the level of cooperation, coordination or strategic planning through a “Local Coordination Group” for wildland fire activities, or among federal, state, tribal, local government and community organizations. List the cooperators (a detailed list of cooperators will be required for projects that are funded). Response: The level of cooperation is high among all agencies and departments responsible for fire prevention and suppression. Cooperators include: Sisters - Camp Sherman and Black Butte Ranch, Deschutes Project Impact, Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council, Oregon Department of Forestry, USFS - Sisters Ranger District, Friends of the Metolius, Deschutes County Corrections, and Oregon Department of Corrections. Project Impact, is a local interagency partnership that has enhanced pre-existing interagency working relationships in addressing concerns of wildfire prevention and mitigation and has supported local citizens in building disaster resistant communities. 4. Expanding Community Participation. (15 Points) A. To what extent have interested individuals, groups, and communities been provided an opportunity to become informed and involved in this proposal? B. Describe the extent of local support or opposition for the project, including any cost-sharing arrangements. C. What are the environmental, social and educational benefits or concerns of the project? Response: A) Private landowners have had opportunities to become involved in the thinning project through the Metolius Basin project, Homeowner's associations, Friends of the Metolius, and local fire departments. Support for this project has been positive. B) Cost-share programs for fuels treatment on adjacent private land in high risk communities, are available to landowners through ODF National Fire Plan grant programs. C) Environmental benefits include: reduction of stand densities and fuel levels to improve overall forest health. Social benefits include: Increased local coordination of groups working together towards creating fire safe communities. Educational benefits include: Teaching landowners and the public through viewing completed demonstration plots and treated areas along a scenic highway, how to make fuels treatment decisions that leave the forest healthier and protect their investments from fire. Enclosure 3C - Project Work Form Tasks Thinning or ladder fuels reduction, Hand piling, burning ( piles,underburning) road clearing, Time Frame Fall of 2003 to Winter of 2004/05 Hwy. 20 project will be a ongoing project. Metolius Basin Project will start summer of 2003. Responsible Party Travis Moyer, ODF Top of Form Enclosure 4D - Project Budget Cost Category Description Personnel wages administrative/ managment Subtotal Fringe Benefits OPE OPE Subtotal Federal Agency Applicant 21,748 21,748 Partner 1 Partner 2 Total 60,000 14,000 14,000 9,752 60,000 95,748 25,000 9,752 6,000 6,000 Travel milage for vehicles 20,000 1,000 Subtotal 20,000 1,000 Equipment lease 2 pick-ups 2 years 10 chain saws Subtotal 20,000 6,500 26,500 Supplies safety supplies 5,000 1,000 Subtotal 5,000 1,000 25,000 40,752 21,000 26,500 6,000 Contractual Subtotal Other fuel/oil saw maintence(parts) Subtotal Total Costs 1,000 1,500 2,500 $85,500 $22,000 1,000 1,500 2,500 5,000 $87,500 $195,000 Project (Program) Income1 1 Program income is the gross revenue generated by a grant or cooperative agreement supported activity during the life of the grant. Program income can be made by recipients from fees charged for conference or workshop attendance, from rental fees earned from renting out real property or equipment acquired with grant or cooperative agreement funds, or from the sale of commodities or items developed under the grant or cooperative agreement. The use of Program Income during the project period may require prior approval by the granting agency.