Enclosure 3A - Project Summary Form 18 NATIONAL FIRE PLAN COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE AND WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE PROJECTS Application for Fuels Treatment Projects Applicant Applicant/Organization: Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation Phone: Type of Applicant: (enter appropriate letter in box) L (509) 996-2787 FAX: A. State B. County C. Municipal D. Township E. Interstate F. Intermunicipal G. Special District (509) 996-2794 Email: msrf@hoonahnet.com H. Independent School District I. State-Controlled Institution of Higher Learning J. Private University K. Indian Tribe L. Nonprofit Organization M. Other (Specify) _______________________ Address (Street or P. O. Box, City, State, Zip): PO Box 756 Winthrop, WA. 98862 Project Coordinator Project Coordinator (Name and Title): Terry M. O’Reilly - President Organization/Jurisdiction: Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation (MSRF) Phone: FAX: Email: (509) 996-2787 (509) 996-2794 msrf@hoonahnet.com Project Information Project Title: Foster Guest Ranch Proposed Project Start Date: June 2005 Proposed Project End Date: November 2005 Federal Funding Request: $249,000.00 Total Project Cost: $284,000.00 Are you submitting multiple projects? If so, please prioritize, and explain if the projects are stand alone, sequential or other: Combined Brief Project Summary: Who, What, Where, Desired Outcomes in relation to NFP Goals and Community Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plans (This should summarize page 2) The Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation, proposes to provide project management services to purchase and install a pond liner at Foster pond approximately 5 acres and to provide forest thinning to approximately 100 acres of forested home site lands. The pond provides fire suppression water for fighting wildfires in the upper Methow valley. Approximately 250 – 300 homes are situated in the transitional lands between national Forest and private lands. The proposal meets the goals of the community fire plan for fire suppression and fuel reduction. The proposal significantly reduces the risk in the Wildland Urban interface. Project Location: County: Federal Congressional District: Mazama Washington Okanogan 5th Name of Federal, State or Tribal contact with whom you coordinated this proposal: Telephone number of Contact: Leahe Swayze- Winthrop Ranger District – U.S Forest Service (509) 996-4063 Enclosure 3A (Page 1 of 3) – Project Narrative Description Applications for funding must include a narrative response that describes the proposal. Please do not submit responses longer than one page, single space, 12-pitch font. Describe project including, but not limited to: project location (e.g., Watershed, Address neighboring community) these items as applicable: anticipated outcomes project relationship to the community risk assessment and mitigation plan amount or extent of actions (acres, number of homes, etc.) community partners and their project timeline and matching or contributed funds role(s) proponent’s ability to complete project For this project, explain the level of cooperation, coordination or strategic planning, through a “Local Coordination Group.” If you haven’t worked with a local coordination group, why not? The Foster Guest Ranch Project is located in the Upper Methow River watershed in Mazama Washington. ). Foster Guest Ranch includes a 5 acre pond that has been critical for use as water supply for wildfire suppression in the Mazama area for the past decade. The Needles fire last year, required local residents in Mazama to evacuate the area and the Foster fire camp and water supply from the pond were critical in helping to protect the homes in the upper Methow Valley. The open acreage has been utilized for a fire camp base and for staging helicopter base operations during wildfire events. The pond is in need of a liner to mitigate lowering late season levels when wildfire events occur, to assure an adequate water supply for wildfire events. The site includes approximately 100 acres of heavily forested lands with homes throughout; this portion of the site is in need of thinning for fuel reduction and to provide for fire defense. If funded the proposal provides for adequate water supply for fire camp operations, helicopter fire suppression water supply, local volunteer fire department use for filling water trucks, and fuel reduction on the rest of the site to insure defensible space around fire camp and existing homes. The site has been a benefit to the community as the only reliable source of fire suppression water for the last decade. The Mazama community sits at the transition of private/public lands and has been called on to evacuate due to wildfires a number of times during the last decade. The proposal meets the community fire plan goals for fire suppression in the wildlands urban interface as well as the reduction of fuels. Partners for the proposals include: the owners who will provide access to the property for fire suppression operations. The US Forest Service in partnership with The Department of Natural Resources will provide fire fighting personnel and funding for fire fighting operations as needed. MSRF will provide project management services for all phases of the project. Methow Community Fire Plan Coordinating Group will provide oversight and community outreach. The project meets the goals of the community fire protection plan to provide capability to fight fires in the wildlands urban interface, as well as to reduce fuel loading for a critical area in the community. In addition to fire fuel reduction on the Foster site, the lining of the pond to provide reliable water supply for fire suppression provides for the protection of approximately 250-300 homes in the interface of private to federal lands. The site has been invaluable in protecting this interface during fire events over the last decade. If the proposal is taken in whole, cost per residence for interface protection amounts to between $800 and $1000 per residence. Assuming funding is secured in October of 2004, forest thinning can be completed in spring of 2005. Pond liner can be ordered and procured in summer of 2005 with installation complete by fall of 2005. Matching funds of 12% or $35,000 will be provided by the property owner in the form of equipment and material cost to complete the backfill of the pond liner. The project proponent (Terry M. O’Reilly) has been a construction project manager for the last 20 years. In addition to civil and building construction Mr. O’Reilly developed a lined 5 acre pond for the Freestone Inn as well as managed forest thinning operations on approximately 350 acres on the Arrowleaf site both in the vicinity of this proposal. Enclosure 3A (Page 2 of 3) - Project Evaluation Criteria Applications for funding must include narrative responses that address the following three criteria. Be sure you address every one briefly, yet thoroughly. Limit your responses to the area provided. 1. Reducing Hazardous Fuels (50 points) A. Describe the community infrastructure that will be protected. B. Explain how the proposal reduces fire behavior in high hazard areas by describing the fuels to be disposed or removed, and the techniques and timing of the treatments. C. How will the proposed treatments be maintained in future years? D. How will you use multi-party monitoring to improve this and future projects? Response: A. The ability to continue to protect the wildlands urban interface is the primary goal of this proposal. The proposal meets the community protection plans and goals and in the past has been an invaluable resource for the community. B. The proposal will reduce fuel loads in a residential area adjacent to the pond and provide for wildfire suppression/protection of up to 300 homes in the immediate area. C. The property owners association will ensure continued maintenance of forested areas. D. Methow Community Fire Plan Coordinating Group will provide community outreach and support for ongoing monitoring. Enclosure 3A (Page 3 of 3) - Project Evaluation Criteria 2. Increasing Local Capacity (25 points) A. How would the proposal improve or lead to the improvement of the local economy in terms of jobs and sustainable economic activity? B. How many jobs are expected to be created or retained and for how long? (Please distinguish between essentially year-round and seasonal jobs). C. What tools and skills will be gained or utilized as a result of this project? D. Will biomass be utilized; if so, in what manner and how much? Response: A. The forest thinning operation will serve as a model for the community for fire defensibility and will create local jobs within the displaced timber work force. This proposal will create up to five positions for the initial thinning operation and will work with the Partnership for a Sustainable Methow to address possible use of the thinned materials for small diameter timber products. B. The project would create up to 10 jobs for one season initially but long term use of the site for fire camps over the years could produce a substantial amount of local subcontractor/supplier jobs which benefits the local economy accordingly. C. The completion of the pond liner and its subsequent use would ideally present other potential sites for similar utilization. The development of a forest thinning prescription on this project will be utilized in the Community Fire Protection Plan to address the areas of concern in the larger community. D. N/A 3. Demonstrating Community and Intergovernmental Collaboration (25 Points) A. How will this project implement a community risk assessment and mitigation plan? Include name of plan, date it was prepared, and local contact to get a copy of the plan if requested. B. How has this treatment been coordinated with adjacent landowners and local/State/Tribal/Federal agencies? C. Identify the cooperators/partners involved in implementation of this project. D. Describe the extent of current local support for the project, including any cost-sharing agreements. Response: A. This project will serve as a model for developing the larger Community Fire Protection Plan presently underway. B. This proposal will serve as a model to complete the larger community plan underway. It is supported by US Forest Service and The Department of Natural Resources as an “anchor” community project in the upper valley. C. US Forest Service, Department of Natural Resources, the land owner, MSRF, Methow Community Fire Plan Coordination Group, and the local Mazama Community at large. D. Local community support is high as last year the Needles fire required evacuation of many in the local community. And access to this water supply for fire suppression was critical in defending the wildland urban interface. Cost sharing is primarily provided by the current landowner Enclosure 3A - Project Work Form Tasks Time Frame Responsible Party Engage forest thinning operations 2 months MSRF/ Order/procure pond liner June 2005- order August 2005- procure MSRF/Layfield Plastics Install pond liner and backfill August 2005 through September 2005 Layfield Plastics/MSRF Fill pond for fire suppression use September 2005 MSRF/Foster Enclosure 3D Project Budget Cost Category Description Federal Agency Applicant Partner 1 Partner 2 Total Personnel Project Manager Subtotal 20400 20400 20400 20400 3600 3600 3600 3600 1250 1250 1250 1250 Fringe Benefits Project Manager Subtotal Travel Project Manager Subtotal Equipment Backfill Liner Subtotal 33750 35000 68750 33750 35000 68750 Supplies 120000 120000 Subtotal 120000 120000 Subtotal 40000 30000 70000 40000 30000 70000 Subtotal 249000 Supply liner Contractual Forest Thinning Liner Install Other 35000 Total Costs Project (Program) Income1 (using deductive alternative) 1 Program income is the gross revenue generated by a grant or cooperative agreement supported activity during the life of the grant. Program income can be made by recipients from fees charged for conference or workshop attendance, from rental fees earned from renting out real property or equipment acquired with grant or cooperative agreement funds, or from the sale of commodities or items developed under the grant or cooperative agreement. The use of Program Income during the project period may require prior approval by the granting agency. 284000