Enclosure 3B - Project Summary Form 3 NATIONAL FIRE PLAN COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE AND WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE PROJECTS Application for Community Risk Assessment and Mitigation Planning Applicant Applicant/Organization: Lake County Resources Initiative Phone: Type of Applicant: (enter appropriate letter in box) 541-947-5461 L FAX: 541-947-3268 L. Nonprofit Organization Email: Jwalls@gooselake.com Address (Street or P. O. Box, City, State, Zip): 25 North E Street Suite 3, Lakeview OR 97630 A. State H. Independent School District Project Coordinator Project Coordinator (Name and Title): Jim WallsB.Executive County Director I. State-Controlled Institution of Higher Learning Organization/Jurisdiction: Lake County Resources Initiative Phone: 541-947-5461 C. Municipal FAX: 541-947-3268 Email: Jwalls@gooselake.com J. Private University Project Information Project Title: South Central Lake Co. Fire D. Township Risk Assessment K. Indian Tribe Proposed Project Start Date: October 2004 Proposed Project End Date: December 2005 E. Interstate Federal Funding Request: $100,000 Total Project Cost: $157,000 F. Intermunicipal Are you submitting multiple projects? If so, please and explain if the projects are stand alone, sequential, or other: M. prioritize, Other (Specify) _______________________ NO No G. Special District Brief Project Summary: Who, What, Where, Desired Outcomes in relation to NFP Goals and Community Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plans (This should summarize page 2). The purpose of this project is to develop a fire risk assessment for private and public forest and rangelands surrounding the communities of Paisley, Valley Falls, Lakeview, New Pine Creek, and Westside. Resultant outcomes include: A. B. An assessment or inventory of current data for existing conditions, update data from collaborating partners, to create database including: (Hazardous fuels, Current vegetation, Fire History, Weather, Precipitation patterns, Lightning patterns, structures, water sources ,etc.) Assessment data will facilitate the following activities and products: 1. Generate Fire Prevention Plans for the Area 2. Identify Treatments opportunities for hazardous fuel reduction. 3. Identify and monitor current status of Vegetation and Hazardous fuels. 4. Produce maps showing: ( Transportation systems, Fire Suppression Infrastructure, water sources, natural and maintained fuel breaks) A Plan will result that will : 1. Assist wildland and structural fire agencies in setting priorities for multiple fires, and determining hazardous fuel treatment needs. 2. Lead to development of a Fire Prevention Program for the area. C. A Local Fire Council will be formed among the affected public agencies, and private landowners within the WUI adjacent to the communities of Paisley, Valley Falls, and Lakeview, New Pine Creek, and Westside. Project Location: South Central Lake County (See Map) County: LAKE Congressional Dist: 02 Name of Federal, tribal, and/or State Official with whom you coordinated this proposal: Greg Pittman, Oregon Dept. of Forestry, Klamath-Lake District –Lakeview Mike Evans, Fremont-Winema N.F., and Lakeview BLM District, Lakeview Brad Winters, Lake County Commissioner, Lakeview Ken Chartier, Lake County Fire Chief, Lakeview Telephone number of Contact: 541-947-3311 541-947-2151 541-947-6004 541-947-2504 Enclosure 3B (Page 1 of 3) - Project Narrative Description Applications for funding must include a narrative response that describes the proposal. Please do not submit responses longer than one page, single space, 12-pitch font. Describe project including, but not limited to: change fire behavior WHO are your collaborators - are they current or potential Address these through fuels reduction collaborators? items as increase community describe the relationship of this plan’s desired outcome to NFP Goals applicable: education and awareness and to any existing community fire protection plan. enhance fire protection project time frames and matching or contributed funds capability tools and/or skills needed to complete project desired outcome specific project location, geographic extent, and fire risk assessment methodology This project will encompass public and private lands (WUI) surrounding the South Central Lake County, Oregon. (Includes communities of Paisley, Valley Falls, Lakeview , New Pine Creek and Westside). The purpose of this project is to assess current conditions relating to fire risk, and work towards development of collaborative information and tools to analyze, plan for and mitigate fire risks associated with these lands. A. An assessment or inventory of current data for existing conditions, update data from collaborating partners, to create a comprehensive database including: (Hazardous fuels, Current vegetation, Fire History, structures, water sources, Weather, Precipitation patterns, Lightning patterns, etc.) Assessment data will facilitate the following activities and products: 1. Identify areas needing surveys to fill gaps in data. 2. Generate Fire Prevention Plans for the Area. 3. Identify areas for Treatment for hazardous fuel reduction. 4. Identify and monitor current status of Vegetation and Hazardous fuels. 5. Facilitate risk rating for various areas. 6. Produce maps showing: (Transportation systems, Fire Suppression Infrastructure, water sources, natural and maintained fuel breaks, structures and other improvements.) B. A Coordinated Plan will result to : 1. Assist wildland and structural fire agencies in setting priorities for multiple fires, and determining hazardous fuel treatment needs or opportunities. 2. Lead to development of a Fire Prevention Program for the area. C. A local Fire Council is being formed among the affected public agencies, and private landowners within the area surrounding the South Central Lake County, Oregon. (Includes communities of Paisley, Valley Falls, Lakeview , New Pine Creek and Westside), to provide for: 1. Increased understanding of Laws, rules, regulations and policies each agency operates within. 2. Coordinate and cooperate in wildland fire training. 3. Facilitate coordination and planning among all the partners. 4. Sharing of critical information. 5. More efficient and effective response to emergency situations. Partners in the Fire Council include: South Central Oregon Fire Management Partnership;(Fremont-Winema national Forest, The Lakeview District BLM,U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Sheldon-Hart Refuges, Klamath-lake District Oregon department of Forestry), Lakeview Fire Department, Lakeview RFD, Thomas Creek-Westside RFD, New Pine Creek RFD, Oregon State Parks and Oregon Department of Transportation. Private landowners located in the area identified will be encouraged to participate, and some have expressed an interest to date. Enclosure 3B (Page 2 of 3) - Project Evaluation Criteria Applications for funding, must include narrative responses that address the following four criteria. Be sure you address every one briefly, yet thoroughly. Limit your responses to the area provided. 1. Planning for Action (40 points) A. Describe your desired plan outcome and how the outcome will be measured. B. How will the plan address : Fire behavior changes through fuels reduction Community education and awareness Enhanced suppression capability C. How will the completed plan be implemented, and by whom? OR How does this plan enhance or complete previous fire planning by the community? D. How will the plan address landowner responsibility for implementation of this plan? E. Describe your ability to complete project in one year of receipt of funds Response: A .This Plan will result in the South Central Lake Co. wildlands and associated Wildland Urban Interface being accurately inventoried and defined through efficient and effective coordination of all the affected public agencies and landowners who are partners in the local Fire Council, as well as all landowners in the area . This effort will promote opportunities for increased effective and efficient coordination, hazardous fuels treatments and information sharing . B. Fire behavior changes have been demonstrated in areas already treated on wildlands in the area, these successes will be used to illustrate potential changes for the area. These successes will be shown through field trips, and efforts of the Fire Council to educate and raise awareness of affected area landowners. Reduced risk through treatments, etc., requires less effort to control fires. Landowners also will be able to do fire suppression on small low intensity fires as a result with tools and equipment they have. C. Lake County resources Initiative (LCRI) is working now to form the local Fire Council . All partners in that group will be involved in collaborating with available information and data, charting direction, and working together to develop the Assessment Plan for the area. Field work will be accomplished by partners, as able , to support plan development, and seek other assistance to meet goals of the Fire Council, and plan development. D. Landowner responsibility for implementation comes through the efforts of the Fire Council, the landowner involvement and assistance in planning, sharing information, opportunities for action items, and reduced fire risk. This will result in commitment to moving ahead to complete desired action items or projects. Projects tied to Grants will require completion to receive funds. E. Given the scope of this request, coordination and collaboration of members of the Fire Council, this project can be completed within the year. The Fire Council is a planning effort that is in progress now, and not contingent on receiving assistance. 2. Enhancing Community Collaboration and Local Capacity. (30 points ) A. Describe your strategy for collaboration to develop this plan across multiple ownerships. B. Identify the interested partners and members of the community who are involved in this project, and the level of their involvement. C. How will this project enhance local community collaboration and local capacity for cooperative action? D. Describe skills or experience the community will gain through development of this plan. Response: A. Through involvement in the local Fire Council, participation of all partners in this effort will create ownership and enthusiasm for developing the plan and identification of action elements. B. A local intergovernmental fire council is being formed. Reviews of catastrophic fires in the area in 2002, pointed out areas where improvements could be made in setting priorities for use of suppression resources as well as more efficient means of sharing information. This project will provide a vehicle to coordinate hazardous fuels treatment projects across ownership boundaries. LCRI will take the lead for this project. By using the expertise and knowledge of all of the partners a coordinated plan will be produced. This project is supported by the Fremont-Winema National Forest, Lakeview District Bureau of Land Management, Oregon State Department of Forestry, Klamath-Lake District, Lakeview and Paisley VFD’s, Lakeview , Thomas Creek Westside , and New Pine Creek RFD’s, town and county government bodies and many individuals and companies who own or manage land adjacent to federal lands. All of the agencies have agreed to participate in this project if it is funded. A major part of this proposal will be to bring together all of the existing information in one location, and then to gather information where gaps exist. C. Through involvement in the Fire Council , this project will bring together in a collaborative way all the partners who have values or concerns associated with fire and hazardous fuels in this area. Sharing of information and cooperative planning and execution of projects will produce cohesive efforts and efficient and effective outcomes. D. The community will gain knowledge and skills associated with Prescribed burning, mechanical Fuels treatments, as well as information, skills in evaluating risk, planning projects to accomplish desired outcomes to mitigate risk of fire, and damage to land, and values they hold . In addition the community will gain skills and experience in working together with all partners in Identifying areas of risk or concern, setting priorities for action, raising level of awareness of all in the community, planning and execution of cooperative efforts or projects. Enclosure 3B (Page 3 of 3) - Project Evaluation Criteria 3. A. B. C. D. E. Expanding Community Participation. (30 Points) Explain the level of cooperation, coordination and/or involvement of the Local Coordination Group. List the cooperators/members (in a broad way) of the local area coordination group. Describe your strategy for leveraging funding. Who are the partners and what is their commitment to the plan’s completion, including any existing or proposed cost-share agreements and their status. Describe the extent of local support or opposition for the project. Describe your strategy for post-plan marketing and collaboration for the successful implementation of the next steps described in the plan. To what extent will this project be offered to serve as a model for other communities in your sub-geographic area, state-wide area? Response: A. All local fire agencies have been invited to participate in this project. Discussions have been held with most of the large industrial timberland owners and some of the owners of small parcels. Should this proposal be funded, a concentrated effort will be made to recruit all landowners to become involved in this project. This proposal will involve the communities of Lakeview, New Pine Creek, Paisley, Valley Falls and Westside. This plan has the support of the Fremont/Winema National Forest, Lakeview District Bureau of Land Management, Lakeview District Oregon State Department of Forestry, Lake County Fire Chief as well as Collins Companies. B., C. Much of the need for this effort is inherently part of the concerns and responsibilities of the partners involved. The Federal and State wildland agencies in the area are already cooperative partners in the South Central Oregon Fire Management partnership (SCOFMP), and have cooperative agreements in place for fire suppression activities. There is great support for this project from the local fire protection community as well as landowners in the wildland urban interface. The Town of Lakeview as a timberland owner supports this project as does Lake County. The Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management will provide GIS mapping for this project as well as providing existing vegetation maps for the project. The Oregon State Department of Forestry will provide information on land ownership and fuels status for private lands, as well as assisting with data gathering. The local structural departments will share existing information on locations of structures. The Forest Service will provide historical fire and weather data as well as fuels data for federal lands. There is no known opposition to this project. D. Beginning with the end in mind of a complete and coordinated plan for managing risk from fire in Lake County, a local Fire Council is in the formative stages, with many agencies and landowners interested and supportive. As the planning and coordination effort of this group produces results, the projects identified will further support the need to do this work. The community will show accomplishments from ongoing and completed projects in the area. These will be promoted in the form of field tours, exhibits at civic events, fairs, in illustrating the potential, and value of the activity. Other means to market the ideas and values will be through special projects at schools or communities. At all stages, the media will be helpful in getting the word out about the efforts of this group, and elements of the Plan, and enlist further support and participation. Agencies as members of the Council will provide information about the work being done by the group through the Plan to their constituency, whether it be other landowners or cooperating agencies. Given support in the community, and among partners in the council, effort will be made to pursue cooperative type projects through Title II or Title III funds or grants. E. This project will focus on the South Central lake County area, the wildland associated with the communities of Paisley, Valley Falls, Lakeview , New Pine Creek and Westside. It is anticipated this project will serve as a model that will be used in other areas of Lake County where applicable. LCRI along with its partner Sustainable Northwest is part of a network of communities in the northwest that routinely share information and lessons learned. Any information gained from this project would be available to the public. LCRI will actively seek to share this. Enclosure 3C - Project Work Form Tasks Time Frame Continue local Fire Council Formation March –December, 2004 Gather existing information from participating partners and begin identifying information gaps. Continue Fire Council organizing. January – March 2005 Inventory lands for missing data and verification of existing data. Continue Fire Council organization April – July 2005 Develop risk assessment, begin prevention plan, training plans, and continue Fire Council development. July – September 2005 Complete all plans and share information Prepare to implement plan prior to fire season. 2006 October – December 2005 Responsible Party Lake County Resources Initiative Lake County Resources Initiative Oregon State Department of Forestry Fremont national Forest Lakeview BLM Rural and Volunteer Fire Departments Oregon State Department of Forestry Fremont National Forest Lakeview BLM Rural and Volunteer Fire Departments Lake County Resources Initiative Lake County Resources Initiative Oregon State Department of Forestry Fremont National Forest Lakeview BLM Rural and Volunteer fire Departments Local Fire Council Lake County Resources Initiative Fremont National Forest Lakeview BLM Rural and Volunteer Fire Departments Local Fire Council Enclosure 3D Project Budget Cost Category Description Personnel Subtotal Federal Agency NFP $40,500 Applicant LCRI $40,500 Partner 1 Partner 2 ODF $10,000 FS/BLM $20,000/$20,000 Local RFD/VFD $5,000 $10,000 $20,000/$20,000 $5,000 Total $95,500 Fringe Benefits $6,700 Subtotal $6,700 $6,700 Travel $4,800 Subtotal $4,800 $4,800 $1.200 $800 $2,000 $2,000 Equipment GPS Equip. Computer Software Subtotal Supplies $2000 Subtotal $2000 $2,000 $20,000 $12,000 $32,000 $32,000 Contractual Consultants ODF Subtotal Other Admin Cost Rent/Utilities Subtotal Total Costs $12,000 $12,000 $2,000 $2,000 $100,000 $2,000 $14,000 $10,000 $20,000/$20,000 $5,000 $157,000 Project (Program) Income1 (using deductive alternative) 1 Program income is the gross revenue generated by a grant or cooperative agreement supported activity during the life of the grant. Program income can be made by recipients from fees charged for conference or workshop attendance, from rental fees earned from renting out real property or equipment acquired with grant or cooperative agreement funds, or from the sale of commodities or items developed under the grant or cooperative agreement. The use of Program Income during the project period may require prior approval by the granting agency.