Project Summary Form Id Number 2006-160 NATIONAL FIRE PLAN COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE AND WILDLAND URBAN-INTERFACE PROJECTS Application for Prevention & Education Projects Applicant Applicant/Organization: WADNR Phone: (111 111-1111 x 1111) Type of Applicant: (enter appropriate letter in box) A 360 902-1114 FAX: (111 111-1111 x 1111) A. State B. County C. Municipal D. Township E. Interstate 360 902-1757 Please Call Ahead For FAX H. Independent School District I. State-Controlled Institution of Higher Learning J. Private University K. Indian Tribe L. Nonprofit Organization Address (Street or P. O. Box, City, State, Zip): PO Box 47037 Olympia, WA 98504-7037 Project Coordinator Project Coordinator (Name and Title): Ms. Sandra Williams Wildfire Prevention Ed. Prgm Mgr Organization/Jurisdiction: WADNR Phone: (111 111-1111 x 1111) 360-902-1114 FAX: (111 111-1111 x 1111) 360-902-1757 Call Ahead For FAX Email: Project Information Project Title: On-Line Fire Resistant Landscape Training for Landscape and Nursery Professionals Proposed Project Start Date: Proposed Project End Date: 04/01/2006 04/30/2008 Federal Funding Request: $ 55,000 Total Project Funding: $ 78,010 Are you submitting multiple projects? If so, please explain and prioritize: No this is not a multiple project. Brief Project Summary: Who, What, Where, Desired Outcomes in relation to NFP Goals and Community Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plans (This should summarize page 2). The Washington State Department of Natural Resources [WADNR] in coordination and cooperation with the Washington State University [WSU], and WA State Landscape and Nursery Association [WSNLA] is looking to create and deliver an on-line training program for nursery and landscape professionals. The purpose of this on-line training is to introduce and encourage these industry professionals to adopt and incorporate fire safe landscaping into their businesses. With a little investment in training, these wholesale and retail businesses can become our missionaries in getting homeowners onboard with defensible space landscaping. Success would be measured by the number of people who successfully complete this continuing learning education course and through follow-up on-line surveys asking specifically what fire safe aspects if any they have incorporated into their business. Classes would provide continuing education credits and would therefore be handled through the WA Ed. Consortium. Project Location: Latitude: 0.0 Longitude: 0.0 County: Statewide Name of Federal, State or Tribal contact with whom you coordinated this proposal: Federal Congressional District: 1 Telephone number of Contact: Jim Freed, WSU 360 902-1314 Jeanne McNeil, Ex. Dir. WA State Nursery & Landscape Assoc 800 672-7711 Bill Mills, WADNR, IT Support 360 902-1078 Describe project, including, but not limited to: x type of project to be delivered x project location x method of delivery x project relationship to community or natural landscape fire plans x target audience x timeliness x tools and/or skills needed to complete project x projected timelines and cost estimation x monitoring and evaluation procedures For this project, explain the level of cooperation, coordination or strategic planning, through a “Local Coordination Group.” If you haven’t worked with a local coordination group, why not? Response: 1. Prevention of Wildland Urban Interface Fire (40 points) Describe how the proposal will lead to: A. Reduction of wildland urban interface fire B. Reduction of structural losses C. Homeowner action and personal responsibility to reduce fire loss of private land. Response: In Washington State, debris burning and recreational fires are the top two human-causes for wildfire starts. These type fires are typically in a person's yard placing their own home, other structures as well as the entire subdivision and more at risk. This is why here in Washington State we have placed such a heavy emphasis on community/homeowners implementing defensible space projects. While we have had some success, there is insufficient numbers of staff to accommodate the need. This is why we want to do everything we can to encourage the wholesale and nursery industries to pick up the defensible space aspects. All of WADNR's new and future prevention education materials will continue to encourage homeowners to seek the advice from landscape professionals. Homeowners come to landscape professionals for advice and services as they typically only call upon fire resources when there is an emergency. Besides, landscape professionals are already trained to help the homeowner select the right vegetation for the soil type, light situation, and proper vegetation grouping for whatever end result the homeowner is trying to achieve. 2. Community Participation (30 points) Detail the community participation and collaboration for this project. Define clearly why you believe your group will be successful in delivering the proposal to the target audience. How will the project be sustained or carried forward beyond project timelines? How will the project be monitored and evaluated? Response: As WADNR continues to develop products and build partnerships with businesses like State Farm, we are pulling in requests from communities statewide, as well as beyond our borders, who are interested in receiving the information. Again, WADNR does not have sufficient numbers of staff available to follow-up on information sent out. This on-line course is one way we will draw interest and call upon wholesale and retail landscape and nursery businesses to pick up the defensible space landscaping aspects as it can mean add dollars to a businesses bottom line. To the business there is an economic value and to the communities they serve it becomes an added value service. To sustain this course into the future a small fee may be collected by the Washington Online Consortium to cover maintaining the course on-line. Any course charges will be minimal and only for the purpose of keeping it upto-date and online for at least a two year cycle. This grant will be monitored through the on-line course reporting system and followup direct mailers to course takers to see if and how much of the fire safety they have incorporated or will incorporate. 3. Partnerships (30 points) Detail the level of involvement of any local multi-agency, emergency services, non-profit coordination group, and provide a list of partners for this project with their current and expected level of involvement, including any kind of contributions or matching funds. What is the project relationship to a community risk assessment or mitigation plan? Include the name of the plan, date it was prepared, and local contact to get a copy of the plan if requested. Response: Washington State University will be in charge of developing the actual course with input and coordination from both the Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association and WADNR fire prevention staff and computer support staff. We will work through the college's community education program to get this course on-line most likely with the Washington Online Consortium. Washington State University also has an extensive network of extension offices throughout Washington and in Idaho as well working with Master Gardeners as well as for-profit nursery and landscape businesses. In each of the six WADNR regions we have identified areas of high-risk. Outreach will initially be easier in these locations as most of them are already far too familiar with annual wildfires so the businesses should be more receptive to the idea of incorporating fire safe landscaping. Project Work Form Tasks Time Frame Establish an Agreement with WSU and WA Education Corsortium Responsible Party Sandy Williams, WADNR Apr. '1 - 30th Detail course outline and content needed June 1 - July 1 Review and approve course Jim Freed, WSU; Sandy Williams, WADNR; Jeanne McNeil, WSNLA; WADNR IT Staff to put in right format for online & include graphics WADNR, WSNLA, WSU and WSU Extension Reps; and WADNR IT July - Aug 15 WA Education Consortium Course put on-line Aug ;06 Course Announcements/Advertising Apr '06 - Apr '08 Course Monitoring/Measuring Aug '06 - Apr '08 Prepare Final Written Project Evaluation WADNR will run press releases; WSNLA will place advertisement in trade journal; WSU will advertise through their extension offices WADNR will secure on-line reports of who has taken the courses and follow-up with what they have or intend to do in building in fire safety WADNR Apr '08 Project Budget Cost Category Description Federal Agency Applicant Partner 1 Partner 2 Total Partner 3 Personnel IT Staff $0 Project Manager Subtotal $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $0 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $0 $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $15,000 $0 $1,500 $0 $0 $0 $1,500 $0 $3,000 $4,500 $0 $0 $0 $3,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25,000 $30,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,000 $55,000 $0 $0 $0 $55,000 $0 $3,510 $0 $0 $0 $3,510 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,510 $0 $0 $0 $3,510 $55,000 $23,010 $0 $0 $0 $78,010 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Fringe Benefits IT Staff Subtotal Travel $0 Subtotal Equipment Subtotal Supplies Subtotal Contractual WSU WA Ed. Consotrium Subtotal Other Indirect @18% Subtotal Total Costs Project (Program) Income1 ___________________________________ 1 Program income is the gross revenue generated by a grant or cooperative agreement supported activity during the life of the grant. Program income can be made by recipients from fees charged for conference or workshop attendance, from rental fees earned from renting out real property or equipment acquired with grant or cooperative agreement funds, or from the sale of commodities or items developed under the grant or cooperative agreement. The use of Program Income during the project period may require prior approval by the granting agency.