Project Summary Form Id Number 2006-095 NATIONAL FIRE PLAN COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE AND WILDLAND URBAN-INTERFACE PROJECTS Application for Fuels Treatment Projects Applicant Applicant/Organization: Oregon Department of Forestry,NEO,Baker Sub-Unit Phone: (111 111-1111 x 1111) Type of Applicant: (enter appropriate letter in box) A 503-945-7341 FAX: (111 111-1111 x 1111) A. State B. County C. Municipal D. Township E. Interstate 503-945-7416 Please Call Ahead For FAX H. Independent School District I. State-Controlled Institution of Higher Learning J. Private University K. Indian Tribe L. Nonprofit Organization Address (Street or P. O. Box, City, State, Zip): 2600 State Street Salem, OR 97310 Project Coordinator Project Coordinator (Name and Title): Ms. Mary Helen Smith Grant Coordinator/Mark Jacques, Unit Forester Organization/Jurisdiction: Oregon Department of Forestry, Northeast Oregon District Phone: (111 111-1111 x 1111) 503-945-7341 FAX: (111 111-1111 x 1111) 503-945-7416 Call Ahead For FAX Email: Project Information Project Title: Continuing Critical Area Fuel Hazard Reduction Baker County Proposed Project Start Date: 10/01/2006 Federal Funding Request: $ 205,532 Proposed Project End Date: 12/31/2008 Total Project Funding: $ 477,032 Are you submitting multiple projects? If so, please explain and prioritize: Brief Project Summary: Who, What, Where, Desired Outcomes in relation to NFP Goals and Community Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plans (This should summarize page 2). Private landowners/homeowners in the highest priority areas identified in the Baker County Community Wildfire Protection Plan will be provided technical and financial assistance through the Oregon Department of Forestry to continue fuel hazard reduction and treatment of homesites in these areas. Approximately 3,200 acres and 82 homesites have previously been treated with prior NFP grants in Baker County, however, funding from such grants has nearly expired. Additional work is necessary to complete planned community fuelbreaks in priority areas. This proposal will treat 400 acres and 30 homesites. Landowner interest is high. The existing infrastructure already in place and built with previous NFP grants will be used, including: trained labor, local coordination group, federal, state, county, and private partnerships, technical guidelines, and tracking and reporting systems. An emphasis will be placed on project work adjacent to planned or existing federal projects [USFS and BLM]. Project Location: Latitude: 44.78 Longitude: 117.828 County: Baker Name of Federal, State or Tribal contact with whom you coordinated this proposal: Federal Congressional District: 2 Telephone number of Contact: Noel Livingston, Whitman Unit, Wallowa-Whitman N.F. 541-523-4476 Ext. Dale Eckman, Vale District, Bureau of Land Management 541-523-1256 Ext. Ext. Project Narrative Description Applications for funding must include a narrative response that describes the proposal. Please do not submit responses longer than one page, single space, 12-pitch font. Describe project including, but not limited to: x project relationship to the community risk assessment and x project location (e.g., Watershed, Address mitigation plan neighboring community) these items as applicable: x anticipated outcomes x amount or extent of actions (acres, number of homes, etc.) x project timeline and matching or contributed funds x community partners and their role(s) x proponent’s ability to complete project For this project, explain the level of cooperation, coordination or strategic planning, through a “Local Coordination Group.” If you have not worked with a local coordination group, why not? The Baker County Local Coordination Group has identified this as their high priority fuels work Is this project adjacent to a current prescribed burn project on federal lands or to one that is planned within the next three years? (Yes/No) Yes Please indicate planned treatments and associated acres: * Treatment Thinning Acres 400 Treatment Mastication/Mowing Acres 250 Treatment Hand Piling Acres 100 Treatment Acres 0 If you have a treatment type other than standard types above: Chipping Other 1 Biomass removal Acres 400 Other 2 Acres 100 Project work will be located within Wildland Urban Interface areas in Baker County in order of priority as identified in the Baker County Community Wildfire Protection Plan [CWPP]: 1] Eastern face of the Elkhorns; Projects will continue to build upon previously started work, some of which is adjacent to the Baker City Municipal Watershed. This watershed provides water to the 10,200 residents of Baker City. 2] Sumpter and McCully Forks; Projects will continue to build upon previously started work, some of which is adjacent to the Sumpter City Municipal Watershed. 3] Woodtick Village and Rattlesnake; These are low density rural residential areas in south Baker County. 4] Stices Gulch; Project work will continue to build upon previously started work in this low density residential area. 5] City of Greenhorn; This is a small town completely surrounded by USFS ownership. 6]Bulgar Flat/Rock Creek; Project work will continue to build upon previously started work. Projects are planned to complement current and future work on USFS and BLM ownership within each area. Fuel hazard reduction work will be done on 400 acres and 30 homesites on private land. The infrastructure built with previous NFP grants and currently in place will be used to conduct this work. Such infrastructure includes skilled workers, specialized contractors, spacing and fuel treatment technical guidelines, and local media. Local Federal [USFS, BLM], Oregon Department of Forestry [ODF], Baker County, Rural Fire Protection Districts [RFPD's], and private interests also have established roles and partnerships. The Baker County Local Coordinating Group, comprising county officials, USFS, BLM, ODF, environmental interests, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, RFPD's, Emergency Services, and public representatives has identified this proposal's work as a high priority in the risk assessment and mitigation needs portion of their Baker County CWPP. These priorities and treatments are coordinated through this group with other National Fire Plan work planned on USFS and BLM land within and adjacent to the WUI areas listed above. In 4 of these WUI areas this proposal will continue work already begun with previous NFP grants. Work will begin in two new WUI areas under this proposal. The Current ODF cost-share incentive program structure will be used to implement this project work. This incentive program reimburses private landowners 75% of the actual costs for fuels reduction done to pre-determined specifications developed for each ownership. Landowners select their own contractor and/or complete their own work, keeping track of actual costs. The maiximum cost per acre is pre-determined depending on the difficulty of the work, and ranges from $280 to $700 per acre, with an average of $500/acre. This includes a variety of site specific treatment methods and equipment, including hand and machine thinning and piling, slashbusting, chipping, and biomass removal. Biomass in the form of fiber and/or chips is taken to pulp and cogeneration facilities as an alternative to burning. Due to long haul distances and depending on market conditions, this biomass is usually cost-deficit. Biomass will be utilized as much as is feasible. Depending on current costs/prices, about 7,000 tons of fiber may go to regional energy co-gen plants with current infrastructure. About 600 cords of firewood will be generated, with about 100 cords going to low income people needing it through an existing non-profit, if feasible. Efforts by Baker County are currently underway to explore the feasibility of small wood processing facilities, which will increase the biomass utlized from this proposal if completed during this timeframe. ODF foresters will implement and administer this grant on private land using current programs for allocation, technical specifications, approval, payment, and accomplishment tracking and reporting. Technical specifications are developed using OSU Extension guidelines and local USFS recommendations to move fuel hazard condition class from level 3 to level 1, while meeting individual landowner objectives. Private consultants and contractors, some who have become specialized in fuel reduction work, are used by landowners to complete this work. When feasible for the work, at-risk youth and inmates are also used. Project work will begin upon award of funds [10/1/2006] and be complete by 12/31/2008. Landowners will contribute 25% of the actual costs of doing the work, which ensures they have a vested interest in the success of the project. Maintainance for at least ten years is required as stated in the cost-share agreement they sign. This level of cost-share generates a high interest and participation among landowners in eligible areas. Homesite [defensible space] work will be maintained by homeowners as ODF begins implementation of the Oregon Forestland-Urban Interface Fire Protection Act [SB 360]. Contractors and forest consultants will continue in their roles of coordination of work, contacting landowners, and participating in local coordination groups. Baker County will continue implementing the Baker County CWPP. Current progress on previous NFP grants by the Oregon Department of Forestry in Baker County [3,200 acres and 80 homesites to date] shows proven success in our ability to complete this type of project. Project Evaluation Criteria Applications for funding must include narrative responses that address the following three criteria. Be sure you address every one briefly, yet thoroughly. Limit your responses to the area provided. 1. Reducing Hazardous Fuels (50 points) A. Describe the community infrastructure that will be protected. B. Explain how the proposal reduces fire behavior in high hazard areas by describing the fuels to be disposed or removed, and the techniques and timing of the treatments. C. How will the proposed treatments be maintained in future years? D. How will you use multi-party monitoring to improve this and future projects? Response: A. Project work will build upon previous work accomplished in the wildland urban interface areas associated with the communities of Baker City [pop. 10,200], Sumpter [pop. 170], Rock Creek and Stices Gulch [unincorporated areas] in Northeast Oregon. The infrastructure typical of these sized communities as well as the low density rural residential areas around these towns will be protected [roads, powerlines, structures], including the main source of drinking water for the communties of Baker City and Sumpter. Other significant resources protected include historical/archeological resources, stores, schools, churches, and grange halls. Prevention of catastrophic fires in these areas will minimize the socio-economic impacts associated with tourism, recreation and the ag-based industry in Baker County. We would like to initiate work in the WUI areas of Woodtick Village/Rattlesnake [pop approx 125] and Greenhorn, which would protect infrastructure associated with these low density rural residential areas. B. Fuels in these priority areas range from low elevation warm/dry,low site Ponderosa Pine types to upper elevation cool/wet, high site mixed-species forest types with Western Larch, Grand fir, Sub-Alpine fir, Douglas Fir, and Engelmann Spruce. Targeted areas are associated with dense stand conditions, with a high percentage of small diameter trees and presence of "ladder" fuels. Such areas can be characterized by a fuel model 8 or 10. These stands will be thinned, generally from below, to reduce stocking levels, reduce crown density, and lower the risk of bark beetle mortality, which will minimize the potential for extreme fire behavior. Slash generated from the thinning will be disposed of within 18 months by burning or used as biomass. Fuels will be manipulated to create discontinuity in the fuel load both vertically and horizontally. The exact treatment will be sitespecific as determined by ODF foresters, designed to move these fuels from condition class 3 to condition class 1 while meeting indivdual landowner objectives. Treatments may include hand or machine thinning and piling, slashbusting, chipping, and removal of biomass as determined by feasibility. Treatments will take place year-round, except when sites are too wet to avoid excessive soil damage and when snow loads are too deep. Treatments in pine types from January to August must immediately remove or masticate slash over 3" in diameter to avoid Ips beetle buildup. Small ownerships will be grouped together as feasible to increase efficiency. This type of treatment has worked very well for prior projects done in these areas. Homesites will also receive site-specfic prescriptions and treatments to create defensible space. There are specialized fuel hazard reduction contractors available in this local area. C. Individual forest stand and fuel prescriptions are designed to create sustainable forest conditions with stand closure not to occur for at least ten years. These stands will be sustained by future periodic economically viable thinning/fuel treatments by indivdual landowners. Landowners sign a 10 year maintenance obligation as part of their cost-share agreement. Homesite treatments will be maintained by homeowners as implementation by ODF of the Oregon Forestland-Urban Interface Fire Protection Act [SB 360] begins. D. The Baker County Local Coordinating Group will coordinate monitoring of this project work so feedback can be used to improve this and future projects. Since this group includes local USFS, BLM, RFPDs, ODF, Baker County, and other participants this monitoring will be multi-party. We currently use GPS/GIS to map and track progress and provide periodic progress reports to the USFS/BLM NFPORS as well as conduct frequent tours [including Washington Office] and demonstrations as organizations request. ODF programs have periodic field spot checks on a sampling [about 10%] of individual projects, with associated reports. Project Evaluation Criteria 2. Increasing Local Capacity (25 points) A. How would the proposal improve or lead to the improvement of the local economy in terms of jobs and sustainable economic activity? B. How many jobs are expected to be created or retained and for how long? (Please distinguish between essentially year-round and seasonal jobs). C. What tools and skills will be gained or utilized as a result of this project? D. Will biomass be utilized; if so, in what manner and how much? Response: A. This project will create ecological, economical, and socially sustainable forest conditions on 400 acres providing biomass [pulp, fiber, sawlogs] in the short- and long-term to the local economy. Thinning/fuel reduction work is designed to restore forest conditions to fuel condition class 1, sustained by future periodic, economically-viable thinning and fuel treatments by individual landowners. B. We expect 15 skilled year-round jobs to be retained, with 10 seasonal jobs created for 2 years, while 10-20 year-round jobs will be retained for at least 25 years. C. Tools and skills to be utilized/gained include skilled thinning/fuel reduction work for maximum sustainibility using efficient equipment [e.g. slashbuster, singlegrip harvester, etc.] and current technology. Specialized contractors have become available in the area. OSU Extension guidelines for spacing will be used. Guidelines for moving from fuel condition class 3 to condition class 1 will be used. D. Biomass will be utilized as much as is feasible. Depending on current cost/prices, about 7,000 tons of fiber may go to regional energy co-gen plants with current infrastructure. About 600 cords of firewood will be used, with about 100 cords going to low-income people needing it through an existing non-profit. Local efforts are currently underway by Baker County to explore feasibility of local small processing facilities, which would increase biomass utilization if completed during the same timeframe. 3. Demonstrating Community and Intergovernmental Collaboration (25 Points) A. How will this project implement a community risk assessment and mitigation plan? Include name of plan, date it was prepared, and local contact to get a copy of the plan if requested. B. How has this treatment been coordinated with adjacent landowners and local/State/Tribal/Federal agencies? C. Identify the cooperators/partners involved in implementation of this project. D. Describe the extent of current local support for the project, including any cost-sharing agreements. Response: A. This proposal will continue implementation of the mitigation portion of the Baker County CWPP, draft prepared in 2004, local contact Angie Johnson with ODF 541-963-3168, online at This CWPP identifies the type of work and areas for work in this proposal as a high priority in the mitigation needs portion. This proposal will implement hazard mitigation in a coordinated manner on private lands in the highest priority areas. B. This treatment has been and will continue to be coordinated with adjacent private, State, Federal and county landowners using the Baker County Local Coordinating Group which includes these entities as well as Rural Fire Districts, public, and environmental interests. The CWPP was written in a collaborative manner by this group. Local community meetings will continue to be held to coordinate work on private land in each local area. C. Cooperators and partners include private land/home owners in high priority WUI areas, Baker County officials and Emergency Services, OSU Extension, Oregon Department of Forestry, Rural Fire Districts, the Whitman Unit of the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Vale District Bureau of Land Management, forest consultants, contractors, local non-profits and local private industry. D. Current local support and interest in this project work is very high. There is more demand from private land and home owners in the target areas than existing funds can meet. Each individual land and homeowner has a cost-share agreement with ODF for the project work on their property. Local contractors and forest consultants are asking for more cost-share funding to continue this type of work. Project Work Form Tasks Assist private landowners with application, determine eligibility, evaluate site, approve application, provide ongoing technical assistance/guidance. Time Frame 10/01/2006-10/01/2008 Conduct fuels treatment work. Responsible Party Oregon Department of Forestry Foresters: Hessel, Shollenburger, Cockram. Contractors, forestry consultants, landowners, homeowners. 10/15/2006 - 11/30/2008 Inspect and approve completed work, submit for reimbursement of expenses. 10/30/2005 - 11/30/2008 Oregon Department of Forestry foresters: Hessel, Shollenburger, Cockram. 10/30/2006 - 12/31/2008 Oregon Department of Forestry, Salem office, Vandekoppel, Finance Section. 11/30/2006 - 12/31/2008 Oregon Department of Forestry Northeast Oregon District, Baker City Sub-Unit. 11/31/2006 - 12/31/2008 Oregon Department of Forestry Northeast Oregon District, Baker City Sub-Unit. Provide payment. Provide accomplishment reports. Coordinate with Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Vale District BLM. Provide information to public and news media on project Coordinate and oversee implementation of Baker County Community Wildfire Portection Plan. Baker County Local Coordinating Group. Ongoing Project Budget Landowners Cost Category Description Federal Agency Applicant Contractors Partner 1 County Partner 2 Total Partner 3 Personnel ODF Forester $15,000 ODF Match Subtotal $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $30,000 $0 $170,000 $0 $0 $0 $170,000 $15,000 $185,000 $0 $0 $0 $200,000 $6,000 $6,000 $0 $0 $0 $12,000 $0 $0 $6,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,000 $0 $0 $0 $12,000 $3,000 $3,000 $0 $0 $0 $6,000 $0 $0 $0 $3,000 $0 $3,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,800 $2,000 $0 $0 $0 $3,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,800 $2,000 $0 $0 $0 $3,800 $150,000 $0 $70,000 $0 $0 $220,000 $17,400 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $17,400 $167,400 $70,000 $0 $0 $237,400 $0 $0 $0 $2,500 $3,000 $5,500 $12,332 $0 $0 $0 $12,332 $12,332 $0 $0 $0 $2,500 $3,000 $17,832 $205,532 $196,000 $70,000 $2,500 $3,000 $477,032 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Fringe Benefits Other personnel expenses Subtotal Travel 0.75 x 8,000 mi $0 Subtotal Equipment Subtotal Supplies Misc forms, postage etc Subtotal Contractual Thin/treat fuel 400 ac Treat homesites 30 Subtotal Other Assistance Salem 6%(Prot+Financ) Subtotal Total Costs Project (Program) Income1 ___________________________________ 1 Program income is the gross revenue generated by a grant or cooperative agreement supported activity during the life of the grant. Program income can be made by recipients from fees charged for conference or workshop attendance, from rental fees earned from renting out real property or equipment acquired with grant or cooperative agreement funds, or from the sale of commodities or items developed under the grant or cooperative agreement. The use of Program Income during the project period may require prior approval by the granting agency.