Collective Letters Web [ COL 5 ] IFA [ COL 5] Local [ COL 5] Received 2016-05-17 Source TSAG Title Fifth meeting of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG), Geneva, 1822 July 2016 Reports of the previous meeting Web [R7] IFA [R7 ] Local [R7 ] Received 2016-03-21 Source TSAG Title Report of the fourth TSAG meeting held in Geneva, 1-5 February 2016 Temporary Documents (GEN) Web [ TD 505 ] [ TD 504 ] [ TD 503 ] [ TD 502 ] [ TD 501 ] [ TD 500 ] [ TD 499 ] [ TD 498 ] [ TD 497 ] [ TD 496 ] [ TD 495 ] [ TD 494 ] [ TD 493 ] IFA [ TD 505 ] [ TD 504 ] [ TD 503 ] [ TD 502 ] [ TD 501 ] [ TD 500 ] [ TD 499 ] [ TD 498 ] [ TD 497 ] [ TD 496 ] [ TD 495 ] [ TD 494 ] [ TD 493 Local [ TD 505 ] Received 2016-05-23 Source TDAG Title LS/i to RAG and TSAG on inter-sector coordination team on issues of mutual interest [from TDAG] [ TD 504 ] 2016-05-19 ITU-R WP 5B [ TD 503 ] 2016-05-19 ITU-T SG5 [ TD 502 ] 2016-05-04 ITU-T SG17 LS/i to Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group and ITU-R Working Party 4C [from ITU-R WP 5B] LS/i on additional transfer of Smart Sustainable Cities works and collaboration with ITU-T Study Group 20 [from ITU-T SG5] LS/i on Study Group 17 report on SG17 as the lead study group on security [from ITU-T SG17] [ TD 501 ] 2016-05-04 ITU-T SG17 [ TD 500 ] 2016-05-04 ITU-T SG17 [ TD 499 ] 2016-05-02 ITU-T SG17 [ TD 498 ] 2016-04-21 LS/i to TSAG [from ITU-R Working Party 4C] [ TD 497 ] 2016-04-21 ITU-R Working Party 4C Editor, Rec. ITU-T A.1 [ TD 496 ] 2016-04-11 ITU-R SG7 LS/i/r on inter-sector coordination [from ITU-R SG7] [ TD 495 ] 2016-03-31 ITU-T SG17 LS/i on Creation of a TSAG Rapporteur Group on Standardization Strategy (RG-SS) [from ITU-T SG17] [ TD 494 ] 2016-03-31 ITU-T SG17 [ TD 493 ] 2016-03-31 ITU-T SG17 LS/i/r on SG17 comments on TSB Director's slides on WTSA-16 preparation (reply to TSAG - LS 16) [from ITU-T SG17] LS/i/r on Consideration of FG-AC Deliverables by SG17 (reply to TSAG - LS 19) [from ITU-T SG17] LS/i on Study Group 17 report on SG17 as the lead study group on languages and description techniques [from ITU-T SG17] LS/i on Study Group 17 report on SG17 as the lead study group on identity management (IdM) [from ITUT SG17] LS/i on proposed Questions and mandate of SG17 for the next study period (2017-2020) [from ITU-T SG17] Proposed update of Rec. ITU-T A.1 for WTSA-16 [ TD 492 ] ] [ TD 492 ] [ TD 491 ] [ TD 490 ] [ TD 489 ] [ TD 492 ] 2016-03-31 ITU-T SG17 LS/i/r on ITU inter-Sector coordination (reply to TSAG - LS 17) [from ITU-T SG17] [ TD 491 ] 2016-03-30 TSB [ TD 490 ] 2016-03-21 ITU-T SG3 Resolution ITU-R 50-3: Role of the Radiocommunication Sector in the ongoing development of IMT LS/i/r on ITU inter-Sector coordination (reply to TSAGLS17) [from ITU-T SG3] [ TD 489 ] 2016-03-21 ITU-T SG3 [ TD 488 ] [ TD 487 ] [ TD 486 ] [ TD 488 ] 2016-03-21 ITU-T SG3 [ TD 487 ] 2016-03-21 ITU-T SG3 LS/i/r on ITU inter-sector coordination (reply to TSAGLS13) [from ITU-T SG3] [ TD 486 ] 2016-03-21 ITU-T SG3 [ TD 485 ] [ TD 484 ] [ TD 483 ] [ TD 482 ] [ TD 481 ] [ TD 480 ] [ TD 485 ] 2016-03-21 ITU-T SG3 [ TD 484 ] 2016-03-21 ITU-T SG3 [ TD 483 ] 2016-03-11 RevCom LS/i/r on draft Recommendation ITU-T A.5 (revised), draft new Recommendation ITU-T A.25 (A.incorp), and draft Supplement A.collab (reply to TSAG-LS12) [from ITU-T SG3] LS/i/r on candidate topics on working methods for ITU inter-sector coordination (reply to TSAG-LS011) [from ITU-T SG3] LS/i/r on material on ITU inter-Sector coordination of mutual interest (reply to TSAG-LS10) [from ITU-T SG3] LS/i on increasing efficiency of work in ITU-T (to all ITU-T groups) [from RevCom] [ TD 482 ] 2016-03-11 ITU-T SG15 [ TD 481 ] 2016-03-11 ITU-T SG15 [ TD 480 ] 2016-03-11 ITU-T SG15 [ TD 479 ] [ TD 479 ] [ TD 479 ] 2016-03-11 ITU-T SG15 [ TD 478 ] [ TD 478 ] [ TD 477 ] [ TD 478 ] 2016-03-11 ITU-T SG15 [ TD 477 ] 2016-03-11 ITU-T SG15 [ TD 491 ] [ TD 490 ] [ TD 489 ] [ TD 488 ] [ TD 487 ] [ TD 486 ] [ TD 485 ] [ TD 484 ] [ TD 483 ] [ TD 482 ] [ TD 481 ] [ TD 480 ] [ TD 477 ] LS/i/r on revised Recommendation ITU-T A.5, new Recommendation ITU-T A.25, and new ITU-T A-series Supplement A.sup5 (reply to TSAG-LS015) [from ITUT SG3] LS/i/r on WTSA-16 preparations (reply to TSAGLS016) [from ITU-T SG3] LS/i on the latest versions of the Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Overview and Work Plan [from ITU-T SG15] LS/i on the latest versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standards Overview and Work Plan [from ITU-T SG15] LS/i/r on WTSA-16 preparations - ITU-T SG15 Response to TSB Director's proposal on study group meeting schedules (reply to TSAG-LS016) [from ITU-T SG15] LS/i/r on WTSA-16 preparations - ITU-T SG15 Response to TSB Director's "Food for thought" structure proposal (reply to TSAG-LS016) [from ITU-T SG15] LS/i/r on updated draft of SG15-related Resolution 2 updates and Study Questions (reply to TSAG-LS016) [from ITU-T SG15] LS/i on Electronic Working Methods [from ITU-T SG15] [ TD 476 ] [ TD 476 ] [ TD 476 ] 2016-03-11 ITU-T SG15 [ TD 475 ] [ TD 475 ] [ TD 474 ] [ TD 475 ] 2016-03-11 ITU-T SG15 [ TD 474 ] 2016-03-11 ITU-T SG15 [ TD 474 ] LS/i/r on "Report on standard gap analysis", from ITUT Focus Group on IMT-2020 and on extension of lifetime of Focus Group IMT-2020 (reply to SG13LS138) [from ITU-T SG15] LS/i on ITU-T SG15 OTNT standardization work plan [from ITU-T SG15] LS/i on new technical classification and numbering of ITU-T L-Series Recommendations [from ITU-T SG15]