Collective Letters Web [ COL 4 ] IFA [ COL 4] Local [ COL 4] Received 2015-11-19 Source TSAG Title Fourth meeting of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG), Geneva, 1-5 February 2016 Reports of the previous meeting Web [R6] IFA [R6 ] Local [R6 ] Received 2015-07-09 Source TSAG [R5] [R5 ] [R5 ] 2015-07-09 TSAG [R4] [R4 ] [R4 ] 2015-07-24 TSAG Title Draft new Recommendation ITU-T A.25 (A.incorp), Generic procedures for incorporating text between ITUT and other organizations Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T A.5 (A.5rev), Generic procedures for including references to documents of other organizations in ITU-T Recommendations Report of the third TSAG meeting held in Geneva, 2-5 June 2015 For contact details in footer, please read : Reports of this meeting Web [R7] IFA [R7 ] Local [R7 ] Received 2016-03-21 Source TSAG Title Report of the fourth TSAG meeting held in Geneva, 1-5 February 2016 Contributions Web [ C 84 ] [ C 83 ] [ C 82 ] [ C 81 ] IFA [C 84 ] [C 83 ] [C 82 ] [C 81 ] Local [C 84 ] [C 83 ] [C 82 ] [C 81 ] Received 2016-01-20 Source Egypt 2016-01-20 Egypt 2016-01-19 China 2016-01-19 [ C 80 ] [C 80 ] [C 80 ] 2016-01-19 [ C 79 ] [ C 78 ] [ C 77 ] [ C 76 ] [ C 75 ] (Rev.1) [C 79 ] [C 78 ] [C 77 ] [C 76 ] [C 75 ] [C 79 ] [C 78 ] [C 77 ] [C 76 ] [C 75 ] 2016-01-19 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) Kyrgyzstan 2016-01-18 United States 2016-01-18 United States, Canada United States [ C 74 ] [C 74 ] [C 74 ] 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 2016-01-18 Egypt - National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (NTRA) National Institute of Information and Title Proposed revision to the principles for Study Group Restructure Egypt's Revisions and Comments on A.collab for TSAG consideration Proposal on establishing open source projects in ITUT on a trial basis Proposal for Notification to Members of Participant Registration/Contributions to ITU-T Meetings Comments on the Report of activities in ITU-T (from 1 May 2015 to mid-December 2015) Candidate topic on working methods for ITU interSector coordination Discussion on proposed Standardization Strategy Function (SSF) Principles of study group structuring TSAG Mandated Report on Security and Privacy Evolving from JCA-IPTV into JCA e-services Proposal to amend A.1 Justification template Communications Technology United Kingdom [ C 73 ] [ C 72 ] [C 73 ] [C 72 ] [C 73 ] [C 72 ] 2016-01-15 2016-01-15 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation [ C 71 ] [C 71 ] [C 71 ] 2016-01-15 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation [ C 70 ] (Rev.1) [ C 69 ] [ C 68 ] [ C 67 ] [C 70 ] [C 70 ] 2016-01-14 France [C 69 ] [C 68 ] [C 67 ] [C 69 ] [C 68 ] [C 67 ] 2016-01-14 France 2015-12-18 Canada 2015-12-18 Canada Interpretation of Recommendation ITU-T A.1, Clause 3.1.2 Proposal of new Global Coordination and Collaboration mechanism including multilateral collaboration with other bodies Proposed modification on the usage of terminologies and description in draft new A.Collab (Supplement 5 to ITU-T A-series Recommendations) "Guidelines for cooperation and exchange of information with other organizations" Need for high-quality demand-driven Recommendations Comments regarding the proposal for a standardization strategy (or planning) function Incorporation of the Principles for study group restructuring in a new Annex D to Resolution 2 Strengthening ITU-T's role in Developing International Standards Temporary Documents (GEN) Web [ TD 473 ] [ TD 472 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 471 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 470 ] [ TD 469 ] [ TD 468 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 467 ] [ TD 466 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 465 ] IFA [ TD 473 ] [ TD 472 ] [ TD 471 ] [ TD 470 ] Local [ TD 473 ] Received 2016-02-05 Source Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group Title [draft] Report of the fourth TSAG meeting held in Geneva, 1-5 February 2016 The final report has been published as R-7 [ TD 472 ] 2016-02-04 TSAG Management Team Draft agenda, document allocation and work plan (Geneva, 1-5 February 2016) [ TD 471 ] 2016-02-05 Draft report TSAG RG-WM meeting, 3 and 4 February 2016 [ TD 470 ] 2016-02-04 [ TD 469 ] [ TD 468 ] [ TD 467 ] [ TD 466 ] [ TD 465 [ TD 469 ] 2016-02-04 Rapporteur, TSAG Rapporteur Group "Working Methods" Chairman, TSAG Rapporteur Group on Strategic Plan and Operational Plan TSB [ TD 468 ] 2016-02-04 Convener, AHG on Open Source AHG on Open Source Convener's Report [ TD 467 ] 2016-02-04 TSAG [Draft] LS/r on new ITU-T SG20 (COM20-LS9) [to SG20] [ TD 466 ] 2016-02-03 Rapporteur, RGWPR LS on WTSA-16 preparations [to all ITU-T SGs] [ TD 465 ] 2016-02-03 TSAG LS on Deliverables of ITU-T Focus Group AC Draft report TSAG Rapporteur Group on Strategic Plan and Operational Plan meeting, 3 February 2016 Example of a report of anticipated stale work items ("Yellow Alarm") [ TD 464 ] ] [ TD 464 ] [ TD 464 ] 2016-02-03 ITU-T SG2 [ TD 463 ] [ TD 462 ] [ TD 463 ] 2016-02-03 TSB [ TD 462 ] 2016-02-02 Living List on issues regarding Strengthening Collaboration [ TD 461 ] [ TD 461 ] [ TD 461 ] 2016-02-02 [ TD 460 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 460 ] [ TD 460 ] 2016-02-02 [ TD 459 ] [ TD 459 ] [ TD 458 ] [ TD 457 ] [ TD 456 ] [ TD 455 ] [ TD 459 ] 2016-02-02 Associate Rapporteur, TSAG Rapporteur Group "Strengthening Collaboration" Associate Rapporteur, Rapporteur group on working methods Associate Rapporteur, Rapporteur group on working methods Convener, AHG Open Source [ TD 458 ] 2016-02-02 Draft agenda and documentation for TSAG RG on Strategic Plan and Operational Plan [ TD 457 ] 2016-02-03 TSAG Rapporteur Group on Strategic Plan and Operational Plan Rapporteur, RGWPR [ TD 456 ] 2016-02-02 Director, TSB Evolution: From Paper to PoCs; From Open Specs to Open source, by Dan Pitt, Executive Director, Open Networking Foundation [ TD 455 ] 2016-02-02 LS/o on ITU inter-Sector coordination [to ISCT, TDAG, ITU-D SGs, RAG, ITU-R SGs, ITU-T SGs] [ TD 454 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 454 ] [ TD 454 ] 2016-02-02 [ TD 453 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 453 ] [ [ TD 453 ] 2016-02-02 [ TD 2016-02-02 Chairman, TSAG Rapporteur Group "Strengthening Collaboration" Sub-group on IntraITU collaboration and coordination Chairman, TSAG Rapporteur Group "Strengthening Collaboration" Sub-group on IntraITU collaboration and coordination Chairman, TSAG Rapporteur Group "Strengthening Collaboration" Chairman, ITU-T [ TD 463 ] [ TD 462 ] [ TD 458 ] [ TD 457 ] (Rev.12) [ TD 456 ] [ TD 455 ] (Rev.1) [ TD LS/i on SG2, Lead Study Group for Service Definition, Numbering, and Routing; Lead Study Group on Telecommunication for Disaster Relief/Early Warning, Network Resilience and Recovery; and Lead Study Group for Telecommunication Management [from ITU-T SG2] New Rapporteur Group Meeting (RGM) Document Management System Alternative to SG20's proposal to renumber existing Recommendations Options to acknowledge contributors to the development of study group deliverables Open Source AHG Presentation Draft report of TSAG RG on work programme and study group restructure (RG-WPR) (Draft) Report of TSAG Rapporteur Group on "Strengthening Collaboration" - meeting of the subgroup on Intra-ITU Collaboration and Coordination, 3 February 2016 Draft report TSAG Rapporteur Group "Strengthening Collaboration" meeting, 2 and 3 February 2016 Chairman's presentation at TSAG, summarizing the 452 ] TD 452 ] 452 ] [ TD 451 ] [ TD 451 ] [ TD 450 ] [ TD 449 ] [ TD 448 ] [ TD 447 ] [ TD 446 ] [ TD 445 ] [ TD 444 ] [ TD 443 ] [ TD 442 ] [ TD 441 ] [ TD 440 ] [ TD 439 ] [ TD 438 [ TD 451 ] 2016-02-02 [ TD 450 ] [ TD 450 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 449 ] +Add.1 [ TD 448 ] [ TD 447 ] [ TD 446 ] [ TD 445 ] [ TD 444 ] [ TD 443 ] [ TD 442 ] [ TD 441 ] [ TD 440 ] [ TD 439 ] [ TD 438 ] Focus Group on Aviation Applications of Cloud Computing for Flight Data Monitoring Director, TSB results of FG AC 2016-01-29 TSAG Management Team Draft agenda, document allocation and work plan (Geneva, 1-5 February 2016) [ TD 449 ] 2016-02-02 Director, TSB Intersection of Standards and Open Source Software, by Karen Faulds Copenhaver of Choate Hall and Stewart LLP [ TD 448 ] 2016-02-02 Rapporteur, RGWPR Draft agenda and documentation for TSAG RG on Work programme and study group restructure (RGWPR) [ TD 447 ] 2016-02-01 Chairman, TSAG ToR for Ad hoc Group on Open Source [ TD 446 ] 2016-02-01 Director, TSB Opening address at TSAG Meeting, 1 February 2016 [ TD 445 ] 2016-02-01 Deputy SecretaryGeneral, ITU Opening address at TSAG Meeting, 1 February 2016 [ TD 444 ] 2016-01-31 ITU-T SG2 LS/i/r on transferring of ITU-T Recommendations (reply to SG17-LS239) [from ITU-T SG2] [ TD 443 ] 2016-01-31 ITU-T SG2 LS/i about progress work on Telecom Finance (Finance 2.0) [from ITU-T SG2] [ TD 442 ] 2016-01-31 ITU-T SG2 LS/i on SG2 Mandates and Text of Questions for the next study period [from ITU-T SG2] [ TD 441 ] 2016-01-31 ITU-T SG2 [ TD 440 ] 2016-01-31 ITU-T SG2 LS/i/r on draft Recommendation ITU-T A.5 (revised), draft new Recommendation ITU-T A.25 (A.incorp), and draft Supplement A.collab (reply to TSAG-LS12) [from ITU-T SG2] LS/i/r on candidate topics on working methods for ITU inter-Sector coordination (reply to TSAG-LS11) [from ITU-T SG2] [ TD 439 ] 2016-01-31 ITU-T SG2 LS/i/r on material on ITU inter-Sector coordination of mutual interest (reply to TSAG-LS10) [from ITUT SG2] [ TD 438 ] 2016-01-31 ITU-T SG2 LS/i/r on ITU inter-sector coordination (reply to TSAG-LS13) [from ITU-T SG2] Preparation for WTSA 2016 [ TD 437 ] [ TD 436 ] [ TD 435 ] [ TD 434 ] [ TD 433 ] [ TD 432 ] [ TD 431 ] [ TD 430 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 429 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 428 ] (Rev.13) [ TD 427 ] [ TD 426 ] [ TD 425 ] [ TD 424 ] [ TD 423 ] ] [ TD 437 ] [ TD 436 ] [ TD 437 ] 2016-01-31 Director, TSB Communiqué from the CTO Meeting (Budapest, 11 October 2015) [ TD 436 ] 2016-01-30 Director, TSB [ TD 435 ] [ TD 434 ] [ TD 433 ] [ TD 432 ] [ TD 435 ] 2016-01-29 Chairman, JCAAHF Draft TSB circular on Candidates for Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of ITU-T study groups, the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) and the Standardization Committee for Vocabulary (SCV) for 2017-2020 JCA-AHF Progress Report for TSAG (February 2016) [ TD 434 ] 2016-01-29 Chairman, ITU-T Review Committee Executive summary of RevCom meeting (Geneva, 28-29 January 2016) [ TD 433 ] 2016-01-29 Director, TSB Electronic working methods services and database applications report [ TD 432 ] 2016-01-29 Report on Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards and ITS-related activities [ TD 431 ] [ TD 430 ] [ TD 429 ] [ TD 428 ] [ TD 427 ] [ TD 426 ] [ TD 425 ] [ TD 424 ] [ TD [ TD 431 ] 2016-01-29 Chairman, Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards Director, TSB [ TD 430 ] 2016-02-01 TSB Final list of participants [ TD 429 ] 2016-01-29 TSB Announced list of participants [ TD 428 ] 2016-01-29 TSB [ TD 427 ] 2016-01-28 ITU-T SG9 Draft time plan for Chairmen, RevCom and TSAG meetings Please note evening sessions accidentally omitted in previous version LS/i on SG9 guidelines - Implementation details of WTSA-12 Resolution 80 pilot in SG9 (to TSAG) [from ITU-T SG9] [ TD 426 ] 2016-01-28 Chairman, Focus Group Digital Financial Services Progress report on ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services (FG DFS) [ TD 425 ] 2016-01-28 ITU-T SG20 LS/i on proposed text for the revision of Recommendation A.12 [from ITU-T SG20] [ TD 424 ] 2016-01-28 ITU-T SG20 LS/i on Y.4000 series structure [from ITU-T SG20] [ TD 423 ] 2016-01-28 Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 15 ITU-T Study Group 15 Progress Report to RevCom and TSAG ITU Women in Standardization Expert Group (WISE) [ TD 422 ] [ TD 421 ] [ TD 420 ] (Rev.13) [ TD 419 ] [ TD 418 ] [ TD 417 ] [ TD 416 ] [ TD 415 ] [ TD 414 ] [ TD 413 ] [ TD 412 ] [ TD 411 ] [ TD 410 ] (Rev.12) [ TD 409 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 408 ] 423 ] [ TD 422 ] [ TD 421 ] [ TD 420 ] [ TD 419 ] [ TD 418 ] [ TD 417 ] [ TD 416 ] [ TD 415 ] [ TD 414 ] [ TD 413 ] [ TD 412 ] [ TD 411 ] [ TD 410 ] [ TD 409 ] [ TD 408 [ TD 422 ] 2016-01-28 ITU-T SG9 LS/i to TSAG and RevCom on SG9 restructuring in view of WTSA-16 (to TSAG and RevCom) [from ITU-T SG9] [ TD 421 ] 2016-01-28 Director, TSB Preparations for WTSA-16 [ TD 420 ] 2016-01-28 Director, TSB Schedule of ITU-T meetings January 2016 December 2016 [ TD 419 ] 2016-01-28 Director, TSB Mapping the Sustainable Development Goals to ITUT [ TD 418 ] 2016-01-28 Director, TSB Building on Kaleidoscope - the ITU Technical Journal [ TD 417 ] 2016-01-28 ITU General Secretariat Draft four-year Rolling Operational Plan for the General Secretariat for 2017 to 2020 [ TD 416 ] 2016-01-28 Director, TSB Draft four-year Rolling Operational Plan for the Telecommunication Standardization Sector for 2017 to 2020 [ TD 415 ] 2016-01-28 Director, TSB Updated WTSA-12 Action Plan (version 4) for TSAG (Feb 2016) [ TD 414 ] 2016-01-27 ITU-T SG12 LS/i/r to ITU-T SG11 on "QoS-related work in ITUT SG11" (SG11-LS 105) [from ITU-T SG12] [ TD 413 ] 2016-01-27 Director, TSB Evaluation of Kaleidoscope 2015 papers with respect to relevance in ITU activities [ TD 412 ] 2016-01-26 Director, TSB German Academia and ITU-T [ TD 411 ] 2016-01-26 Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 12 LS/i on Draft text of ITU-T Study Group 12 Questions, Study Period 2017-2020 [from ITU-T SG12] [ TD 410 ] 2016-01-25 Editor, ITU-T A.5rev [ TD 409 ] 2016-01-25 Editor, ITU-T A.25 Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T A.5 (A.5rev), Generic procedures for including references to documents of other organizations in ITU-T Recommendations (for approval) Draft new Recommendation ITU-T A.25 (A.incorp), Generic procedures for incorporating text between ITU-T and other organizations (for approval) [ TD 408 ] 2016-01-25 Editor, ITU-T A.25 Proposed disposition of comments on Rec. ITU-T A.25 [ TD 407 ] [ TD 406 ] [ TD 405 ] [ TD 404 ] [ TD 403 ] [ TD 402 ] [ TD 401 ] [ TD 400 ] (Rev.12) [ TD 399 ] [ TD 398 ] [ TD 397 ] [ TD 396 ] [ TD 395 ] (Rev.1) ] [ TD 407 ] [ TD 406 ] [ TD 405 ] [ TD 404 ] [ TD 403 ] [ TD 407 ] 2016-01-25 Editor, ITU-T A.5rev Proposed disposition of comments on Rec. ITU-T A.5 (revised) [ TD 406 ] 2016-01-25 Standardization Committee for Vocabulary Status report of SCV activities [ TD 405 ] 2016-01-25 Director, TSB Keywords field made mandatory in the Author's Guide for drafting ITU-T Recommendations [ TD 404 ] 2016-01-22 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 1 LS/i on Liaison Statement to ITU-T FG AC [from ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 1] [ TD 403 ] 2016-01-22 Chairman's report to TSAG and revised Deliverables 4 and 5 See also TD 452 [ TD 402 ] [ TD 401 ] [ TD 400 ] [ TD 402 ] 2016-01-18 [ TD 401 ] 2016-01-12 Chairman, ITU-T Focus Group on Aviation Applications of Cloud Computing for Flight Data Monitoring Chairman, TSAG Rapporteur Group "Strengthening Collaboration" TSB [ TD 400 ] 2016-01-12 (Updated) ITU inter-sector coordination [ TD 399 ] [ TD 398 ] [ TD 397 ] [ TD 396 ] [ TD 399 ] 2016-01-12 Chairman, TSAG Rapporteur Group "Strengthening Collaboration" subgroup on Intra-ITU Collaboration and Coordination ITU-T Liaison Officer to JTC 1 [ TD 398 ] 2016-01-11 TSB France's answer to the TAP consultation on draft new Recommendation ITU-T A.25 (A.incorp) - TSB Circular 164 [ TD 397 ] 2016-01-11 TSB France's answer to the TAP consultation on draft revised Recommendation ITU-T A.5 (A.5rev) - TSB Circular 164 [ TD 396 ] 2016-01-08 Guidelines for Joint Rapporteurs Groups [ TD 395 ] [ TD 395 ] 2016-01-08 Associate Rapporteur, TSAG Rapporteur Group on Working Methods Associate Rapporteur, TSAG Rapporteur Group on Working Methods LS/o (draft) on revised Recommendation ITU-T A.5, new Recommendation ITU-T A.25, and new ITU-T A-series Supplement A.sup5 TSAG meeting facilities and information Report of the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Plenary, 26-31 October 2015 Discussion on TSAG meeting schedule in the next study period [ TD 394 ] [ TD 394 ] [ TD 394 ] 2016-01-08 [ TD 393 ] (Rev.13) [ TD 392 ] (Rev.13) [ TD 391 ] [ TD 393 ] [ TD 392 ] [ TD 391 ] [ TD 390 ] [ TD 393 ] 2016-01-08 [ TD 392 ] 2016-01-08 [ TD 391 ] 2016-01-08 [ TD 390 ] 2016-01-08 [ TD 389 ] [ TD 388 ] [ TD 387 ] [ TD 386 ] [ TD 385 ] [ TD 389 ] 2016-01-08 [ TD 388 ] [ TD 384 ] [ TD 383 ] [ TD 382 ] [ TD [ TD 390 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 389 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 388 ] [ TD 387 ] [ TD 386 ] [ TD 385 ] [ TD 384 ] (Rev.1) +Add.1 [ TD 383 ] [ TD 382 ] [ TD 381 ] Associate Rapporteur, TSAG Rapporteur Group on Working Methods Editor, Rec. ITU-T A.1 Updating the Rapporteurs and editors manual Rapporteur, TSAG Rapporteur Group on Working Methods TSB Draft agenda, TSAG Rapporteur Group on Working Methods, 3 and 4 Feb 2016 Draft Agenda Rapporteur Group sub-group on IntraITU Collaboration and Coordination, Wednesday 3 February 2016, 14:30 - 16:00 2016-01-07 Chairman, TSAG Rapporteur Group "Strengthening Collaboration" subgroup on Intra-ITU Collaboration and Coordination Chairman, TSAG Rapporteur Group "Strengthening Collaboration" TSB [ TD 387 ] 2016-01-07 TSB TSAG Remote Participation - Adobe Connect Guide [ TD 386 ] 2016-01-07 Progress report of TSAG Rapporteur Group "Strengthening Collaboration" [ TD 385 ] 2016-01-04 [ TD 384 ] 2015-12-23 Chairmen, TSAG Rapporteur Group "Strengthening Collaboration" Chairman, ITU-T Focus Group on Aviation Applications of Cloud Computing for Flight Data Monitoring Director, TSB [ TD 383 ] 2015-12-18 ITU-T SG13 [ TD 382 ] 2015-12-18 ITU-T SG13 LS/i on "Report on standard gap analysis", from ITUT Focus Group on IMT-2020 and on extension of lifetime of Focus Group IMT-2020 [from ITU-T SG13] LS/i/r on draft new and revised TSAG documents and ITU inter-sector coordination (reply to TSAGLS012, TSAG-LS013) [from ITU-T SG13] [ TD 381 ] 2015-12-18 ITU-T SG13 Proposed update of Rec. ITU-T A.1 for WTSA-16 Reply results to TSB Circular 164 Draft Agenda TSAG Rapporteur Group "Strengthening Collaboration" meeting, 2-3 February 2016 Newcomer welcome pack and orientation session on 1 February 2016 Deliverables - ITU-T Focus Group on Aviation Applications of Cloud Computing for Flight Data Monitoring See also TD 452 Report of activities in ITU-T (from 1 May 2015 to mid-December 2015) LS/i on invitation to next ITU-T SG13 meeting for discussion on cloud computing, big data, and its use [ TD 380 ] [ TD 379 ] [ TD 378 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 377 ] [ TD 376 ] [ TD 375 ] [ TD 374 ] [ TD 373 ] [ TD 372 ] [ TD 371 ] [ TD 370 ] [ TD 369 ] [ TD 368 ] [ TD 367 ] [ TD 366 ] 381 ] [ TD 380 ] [ TD 379 ] [ TD 378 ] [ TD 377 ] [ TD 376 ] [ TD 375 ] [ TD 374 ] [ TD 373 ] [ TD 372 ] [ TD 371 ] [ TD 370 ] [ TD 369 ] [ TD 368 ] [ TD 367 ] [ TD 366 for flight data [from ITU-T SG13] [ TD 380 ] 2015-12-18 ITU-T SG13 LS/i on additional transfer of IoT-related works [from ITU-SG13] [ TD 379 ] 2015-12-17 Rapporteur, TSAG WPR RG Report of the e-meeting of the TSAG WPR RG (23 November 2015) [ TD 378 ] 2015-12-16 Chairmen of ITU-T SG17 and SG20 Report on Security and Privacy as requested by TSAG [ TD 377 ] 2015-12-16 ITU-T SG11 LS/i/r on QoS-related work in ITU-T SG11 (reply to SG12 - LS 90) [from ITU-T SG11] [ TD 376 ] 2015-12-16 ITU-T SG11 LS/i/r on QoS-related work in ITU-T SG11 (reply to TSAG - LS 14 -E) [from ITU-T SG11] [ TD 375 ] 2015-12-15 ITU-T SG11 LS/i on the consent of Q.3052 (ex. Q.M2M-prooverview) [from ITU-T SG11] [ TD 374 ] 2015-12-15 ITU-T SG11 LS/i on ITU-T SG11 structure and the new ITU-T SG20 [from ITU-T SG11] [ TD 373 ] 2015-11-24 ITU-T SG5 LS/i on Announcement of closure of Joint Coordination Activity on ICT and climate change (JCA-ICT&CC) [from ITU-T SG5] [ TD 372 ] 2015-11-24 ITU-T SG5 LS/i on deletion of Q20/5 and collaboration with ITU-T SG20 [from ITU-T SG5] [ TD 371 ] 2015-11-24 ITU-T SG5 LS/i/r on material on ITU inter-Sector coordination of mutual interest (reply to TSAG-LS10) [from ITUT SG5] [ TD 370 ] 2015-11-24 ITU-T SG5 LS/i/r on ITU inter-sector coordination (reply to TSAG-LS13) [from ITU-T SG5] [ TD 369 ] 2015-11-24 ITU-T SG5 [ TD 368 ] 2015-11-20 ITU-T SG20 LS/i/r on draft Recommendation ITU-T A.5 (revised), draft new Recommendation ITU-T A.25 (A.incorp), and draft Supplement A.collab (reply to TSAG-LS12) [from ITU-T SG5] LS/i on new ITU-T SG20 [from ITU-T SG20] [ TD 367 ] 2015-11-20 ITU-T SG12 LS/i - Reply to ITU-T SG11 relevant activities on "Internet Speed Measurements" (reply to SG11LS91) [from ITU-T SG12] [ TD 366 ] 2015-11-20 BR Study Groups Department Resolutions approved at the Radiocommunication Assembly (RA-15) [ TD 365 ] (Rev.13) [ TD 364 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 363 ] [ TD 362 ] [ TD 361 ] [ TD 360 ] [ TD 359 ] [ TD 358 ] [ TD 357 ] [ TD 356 ] [ TD 355 ] [ TD 354 ] [ TD 353 ] [ TD 352 ] [ TD 351 ] ] [ TD 365 ] [ TD 364 ] [ TD 363 ] [ TD 362 ] [ TD 361 ] [ TD 360 ] [ TD 359 ] [ TD 358 ] [ TD 357 ] [ TD 356 ] [ TD 355 ] [ TD 354 ] [ TD 353 ] [ TD 352 ] [ TD 351 ] [ TD 365 ] 2015-11-19 Editor, ITU-T A.collab Revised text for Draft Supplement 5 to ITU-T Aseries Recommendations "Guidelines for cooperation and exchange of information with other organizations" (for agreement) LS/i/r on draft Recommendation ITU-T A.5 (revised), draft new Recommendation ITU-T A.25 (A.incorp), and draft Supplement A.collab (reply to TSAG - LS 12) [from ITU-T SG20] LS/i/r on ITU inter-sector coordination (reply to TSAG - LS 13) [from ITU-T SG20] [ TD 364 ] 2015-11-10 ITU-T SG20 [ TD 363 ] 2015-11-10 ITU-T SG20 [ TD 362 ] 2015-11-03 ITU-T SG16 LS/i/r on candidate topics on working methods for ITU inter-Sector coordination (TSAG-LS013) (to TSAG) [from ITU-T SG16] [ TD 361 ] 2015-11-03 ITU-T SG16 LS/i/r on ITU inter-sector coordination (TSAG-LS10), (TSAG-LS-11) (to TSAG) [from ITU-T SG16] [ TD 360 ] 2015-11-03 ITU-T SG17 LS/i on Study Group 17 report on SG17 as the lead study group on security [from ITU-T SG17] [ TD 359 ] 2015-11-03 ITU-T SG17 LS/i on Study Group 17 report on SG17 as the lead study group on languages and description techniques [from ITU-T SG17] [ TD 358 ] 2015-11-03 ITU-T SG17 LS/i on Study Group 17 report on SG17 as the lead study group on identity management (IdM) [from ITU-T SG17] [ TD 357 ] 2015-11-03 ITU-T SG16 LS/i/r on SG16 rapporteur meeting guidelines (COM17-LS201) (to ITU-T SG17) [from ITU-T SG16] [ TD 356 ] 2015-11-03 ITU-T SG16 LS/i/r on request for representatives in CASC (COM11-LS83R1) (to ITU-T SG11) [from ITU-T SG16] [ TD 355 ] 2015-11-03 ITU-T SG16 LS/i on SG16 preparations for WTSA-16 (to TSAG and RevCom) [from ITU-T SG16] [ TD 354 ] 2015-10-06 ITU-T SG17 LS/i on proposed Questions and mandate of SG17 for the next period (2017-2020) [from ITU-T SG17] [ TD 353 ] 2015-09-28 ITU-T SG17 LS/i on IoT security activities in SG17 [from ITU-T SG17] [ TD 352 ] 2015-09-22 ITU-T SG17 LS/i on draft revised Recommendation ITU-T A.5, draft new Recommendation ITU-T A.25 (A.incorp), and draft Supplement A.collab [from ITU-T SG17] [ TD 351 ] 2015-09-22 ITU-T SG17 LS/i/r on ITU inter-sector coordination (response to TSAG-LS013) [from ITU-T SG17] [ TD 350 ] [ TD 349 ] [ TD 348 ] [ TD 347 ] [ TD 346 ] [ TD 345 ] [ TD 344 ] [ TD 343 ] [ TD 342 ] [ TD 341 ] [ TD 340 ] [ TD 350 ] [ TD 349 ] [ TD 348 ] [ TD 347 ] [ TD 346 ] [ TD 345 ] [ TD 344 ] [ TD 343 ] [ TD 342 ] [ TD 341 ] [ TD 340 ] [ TD 350 ] 2015-07-29 ITU-T SG13 LS/i to SG20 on the transfer of IoT related work from SG13 [from ITU-T SG13] [ TD 349 ] 2015-07-22 ITU-T SG15 LS/i on the latest version of the Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Overview and Work Plan [from ITU-T SG15] [ TD 348 ] 2015-07-22 ITU-T SG15 LS/i on the latest versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standards Overview and Work Plan [from ITU-T SG15] [ TD 347 ] 2015-07-22 ITU-T SG9 LS/i/r on material on ITU inter-Sector coordination of mutual interest (reply to TSAG - LS 10 -E) [from ITU-T SG9] [ TD 346 ] 2015-07-22 ITU-T SG15 LS/i on initial draft of SG15-related Resolution 2 updates and Study Questions [from ITU-T SG15] [ TD 345 ] 2015-07-22 ITU-T SG15 LS/i on Electronic Working Methods [from ITU-T SG15] [ TD 344 ] 2015-07-22 ITU-T SG9 [ TD 343 ] 2015-07-22 ITU-T SG9 LS/i/r on draft Recommendation ITU-T A.5 (revised), draft new Recommendation ITU-T A.25 (A.incorp), and draft Supplement A.collab (reply to TSAG - LS 12) [from ITU-T SG9] LS/i/r on Candidate topics on working methods for ITU inter-Sector coordination (reply to TSAG - LS 11 -E) [from ITU-T SG9] [ TD 342 ] 2015-07-22 ITU-T SG9 LS/i on advantages and disadvantages of merging SG9 and SG16 [from ITU-T SG9] [ TD 341 ] 2015-07-22 ITU-T SG15 LS/i on ITU-T SG15 OTNT standardization work plan [from ITU-T SG15] [ TD 340 ] 2015-07-22 ITU-T Q26/16 LS/i/r on material on ITU inter-sector coordination of mutual interest (reply to TSAG-LS10) [from ITU-T Q26/16]