Sandford Primary School Strathaven South Lanarkshire Council 20 June 2006 Contents Page 1. Background 1 2. Key strengths 1 3. What are the views of parents, pupils and staff? 1 4. How good are learning, teaching and achievement? 2 5. How well are pupils supported? 3 6. How good is the environment for learning? 4 7. Improving the school 5 Appendix 1 Indicators of quality 7 Appendix 2 Summary of questionnaire responses 8 How can you contact us? 9 1. Background Sandford Primary School was inspected in March 2006 as part of a national sample of primary education. The inspection covered key aspects of the work of the school at all stages. It evaluated pupils’ achievements, the effectiveness of the school, the environment for learning, the school’s processes for self-evaluation and capacity for improvement. There was a particular focus on attainment in English language and mathematics. HM Inspectors examined pupils’ work and interviewed groups of pupils, including the pupil council, and staff. Members of the inspection team also met the chairperson of the School Board, and a group of parents 1. The school serves the village of Sandford and the surrounding area. At the time of the inspection the roll was 54. The proportion of pupils who were entitled to free school meals was well below the national average. Pupils’ attendance was above the national average. 2. Key strengths HM Inspectors identified the following key strengths. • Very good progress in developing pupils’ early literacy skills. • Polite courteous and well-behaved pupils. • Staff’s high levels of pastoral care for all pupils. • Strong partnerships with parents, the School Board and the local community. 3. What are the views of parents, pupils and staff? HM Inspectors analysed responses to questionnaires issued to all parents, P4 to P7 pupils, and to all staff. Information about the responses to the questionnaires appears in Appendix 2. Parents were positive about most aspects of the school. Almost all thought the school had a good local reputation, was well led, and that teachers set high standards for pupils’ attainment. A few were not clear about the school’s priorities for the education of their children. A number thought the school did not deal effectively with inappropriate behaviour. Pupils were positive about their school and felt teachers expected them to work hard. Almost all enjoy being at school. A few pupils thought 1 Throughout this report, the term ‘parents’ should be taken to include foster carers, residential care staff and carers who are relatives or friends 1 the behaviour of other pupils could be better. Teachers were very pleased with almost all aspects of the school. They enjoyed working in the school and felt they had good opportunities to be involved in the decision making process. Support staff were positive about almost all aspects of the school. All felt the school was well led, indiscipline was dealt with effectively and there was effective communication amongst staff. They felt they could be more involved in the decision-making processes within the school. 4. How good are learning, teaching and achievement? Pupils’ learning experiences and achievements The school provided a broad and balanced curriculum. Staff made use of flexibility in the curriculum to provide additional time to improve pupils’ achievements in English language, mathematics, environmental studies and thinking skills. They had yet to fully evaluate the impact of this. The headteacher was in the process of reviewing and improving programmes of study to ensure that pupils made good progress in their learning. Teachers planned their lessons well and most used a range of teaching approaches, explained tasks clearly and shared the aims of the lessons with pupils. Staff made good use of information and communications technology (ICT) to support some pupils having difficulties in mathematics and English language. The use of ICT was not yet embedded in all areas of the curriculum. Effective approaches in P6/7 provided pupils with feedback on their work and to help them identify areas for improvement. Overall, teachers provided a good range of homework tasks to consolidate what pupils learned in class. The quality of pupils learning was good. Almost all pupils were well motivated, hardworking and well behaved. In most lessons, they listened attentively and worked conscientiously on tasks they were set. Across the school the pace of some lessons was too slow. In P1/2/3, pupils participated enthusiastically in a science investigation using plants. In P4/5, pupils developed good organisational skills as they cooperated very well in groups during a categorising task. In P6/7, pupils were able to use simple French phrases about aspects of everyday life with appropriate accents. In most lessons pupils did not have enough opportunities to develop responsibility for their own learning or work together on tasks. Almost all pupils were making good progress towards developing self-confidence and self-esteem. Most pupils were developing their understanding of how to operate a simple business by taking part in successful class enterprise activities. These included designing and producing Christmas cards, a school newspaper and a puppet show. Pupils’ achievements in promoting global citizenship were recognised through their work as Scotland’s first Fair Trade school. With the support of the local community, the school council ran a popular weekly Fair Trade tuck shop and donated proceeds towards the education of a teenager in Ethiopia. The school council organised a whole school pupil talent show and pupils were developing their awareness of environmental issues through recycling of computer ink cartridges. The well-attended biennial P6/7 residential visits enabled pupils to experience a wide range of sports and activities. Senior pupils were developing good citizenship skills by undertaking additional responsibilities, including helping P1 pupils with their reading. Pupils participated successfully in many community 2 competitions including, netball and football tournaments and the Strathaven Guy and Gala Court. Senior pupils’ sporting achievements were enhanced through out-of-school activities promoting athletics and fitness with other schools locally. English language The overall quality of pupils’ attainment in English language was good. From P3 to P7, almost all pupils were achieving appropriate national levels in reading and most were achieving these levels in listening, talking and writing. Pupils who had not attained appropriate national levels were making suitable progress with their classwork. In all classes, pupils listened well to instructions and directions. They contributed well to discussions led by their teachers and most could listen and respond appropriately to the views of others. At the early stages, pupils were making very good progress in developing early literacy skills. Across the school, pupils read with fluency and expression. Most read regularly for pleasure and could discuss their favourite authors and books with enthusiasm. From P4 to P7, a significant minority of pupils had difficulty in finding information from an unfamiliar reference text and discussing confidently what they had read. Throughout the school, pupils were developing effective writing skills. They wrote for a variety of purposes across the curriculum, using a range of styles. Some pupils presented their work untidily. They did not always use accurate punctuation, sentence structures or write for sufficient length. Mathematics The overall quality of pupils’ attainment in mathematics was good. Across the school, most pupils were attaining appropriate national levels. A majority of pupils were now achieving these levels earlier than might normally be expected. Almost all pupils who had not attained appropriate national levels were making suitable progress in their classwork. However, a few required more focused support to increase their pace of learning. Pupils had a good knowledge of a range of graphs to display information but older pupils had not yet used computers regularly to create graphs or use databases and spreadsheets. Pupils were accurate in written calculations and most performed mental calculations quickly and accurately. At all stages, pupils were developing good skills in measurement. Almost all pupils had a good knowledge of two- and threedimensional shapes and could identify their properties. Most pupils had developed skills in using a range of problem-solving strategies. 5. How well are pupils supported? Staff provided a very good level of care for pupils. They knew their pupils well and responded sensitively to their social, emotional and behavioural needs. All staff had a clear understanding of school policies in relation to child protection, anti-bullying and situations where pupils’ health might be at risk. All pupils praised the support they received from staff and were confident about raising concerns. Pupils studied a range of appropriate topics including personal relationships, safety and substance abuse. Staff gave appropriate attention to the development of healthy lifestyles for example, through lunchtime games and the outwith school hours athletics club. There were very good arrangements for pupils to transfer from primary school to secondary. 3 The school’s approaches to meeting pupils’ learning needs were good. The headteacher had established effective early identification procedures for pupils who needed additional support with their learning. A learning support teacher from the local network support team gave very good additional help to pupils who were experiencing difficulties in class. She worked closely with teachers to prepare individualised educational programmes (IEPs) which had assisted pupils in making good progress in their learning. The school ensured that all pupils with IEPs had useful formal annual reviews of their progress. Programmes to help develop coordination, speech and language difficulties and improve social interaction were delivered well by a range of staff including a speech therapist, classroom and learning assistants. Staff had not yet developed appropriately challenging activities to meet the needs of higher attaining pupils. The school had identified the need to improve transfer arrangements for pupils from nursery to P1. 6. How good is the environment for learning? 4 Aspect Comment Quality of accommodation and facilities The overall quality of accommodation was adequate. Staff made effective use of the spacious classrooms and created a bright environment by displaying pupils’ work attractively. The school was well equipped with ICT resources and internet access. There was a potential hazard as vehicles accessed the playground at the same time as the children were playing. Storage for resources and toilet facilities for staff were limited. Access for users with disabilities was restricted due to the location of the fire exit at the bottom of a steep flight of stairs. The location of the school office made it difficult to monitor the effectiveness of the secure entry system. Aspect Comment Climate and relationships, expectations and promoting achievement and equality The school had a very friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Pupils strongly identified with their school. They were courteous and all were well behaved. There was mutual respect between staff and pupils and relationships were very good. Staff, pupils and parents were very proud of the school’s success and achievements. Staff made effective use of praise, rewards and certificates to motivate pupils. They had high expectations of pupils’ achievement, behaviour and attendance. All pupils were treated fairly. Staff used assemblies effectively to reinforce expectations of care, tolerance and respect for others. Assemblies also provided regular opportunities for celebrating success. Regular opportunities for religious observance took place each term and through daily class prayers. Racial equality and anti-discrimination activities featured strongly through the work of the school. Partnership with parents and the community Partnerships with the local community were very good. The School Board also undertook the role of PTA by organising fundraising events. The members were very supportive of the headteacher and staff. Parents received helpful information through two meetings each year and two written reports about their children’s progress. The headteacher made good use of parents’ and children’s views about recent changes to homework activities. Pupils now felt they had the right amount. Parents were given information about potentially sensitive aspects of the school’s health education programme. The school had close productive links with the local church. School events were well supported by the local community. The school worked closely with community police officers, who provided effective links with the curriculum. 7. Improving the school Appendix 1 provides HM Inspectors’ overall evaluation of the work of the school. Sandford Primary School provided a welcoming, calm and supportive learning environment. All staff were hard working and committed to the school. The quality of pupils’ attainment in English language and mathematics was good. Teachers worked hard to provide pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum. Pupils responded well to the good learning environment and were respectful to staff and each other. Community support for the school was strong and staff had been successful in widening pupils’ 5 experiences through a range of links with the local community, visitors and successful participation in competitions. The headteacher provided good leadership and was well regarded by parents, pupils, staff and the local community. He had created and maintained a climate where staff supported each other well. Through the headteacher’s leadership the school successfully supported pupils with additional support needs. He had worked with staff and effectively raised boys’ attainment in English Language and mathematics. The headteacher visited classrooms, sampled pupils’ work and tracked attainment on pupils’ learning. However, these approaches to monitoring the work of the school were at an early stage of development and were not systematic or rigorous. The headteacher had shown that working with the support of the education authority he was capable of taking forward the improvements required. Main points for action The school and education authority should take action to ensure further improvement in the work of the school and to raise achievement for its pupils. In doing so they should take account of the need to: • improve the quality of pupils’ learning in all areas of the curriculum; and • improve approaches to evaluating the work of the school. What happens next? The school and the education authority have been asked to prepare an action plan indicating how they will address the main findings of the report, and to share that plan with parents. Within two years of the publication of this report parents will be informed about the progress made by the school. Elizabeth Cole HM Inspector 20 June 2006 6 Appendix 1 Indicators of quality The sections in the table below follow the order in this report. You can find the main comments made about each of the quality indicators in those sections. However, aspects of some quality indicators are relevant to other sections of the report and may also be mentioned in those other sections. How good are learning, teaching and achievement? Structure of the curriculum The teaching process Pupils’ learning experiences Pupils’ attainment in English language Pupils’ attainment in mathematics How well are pupils supported? Pastoral care Meeting pupils’ needs How good is the environment for learning? Accommodation and facilities Climate and relationships Expectations and promoting achievement Equality and fairness Partnership with parents, the School Board, and the community Improving the school Leadership Self-evaluation good good good good good very good good adequate very good good very good very good good adequate This report uses the following word scale to make clear judgements made by inspectors: excellent very good good adequate weak unsatisfactory excellent major strengths important strengths with some areas for improvement strengths just outweigh weaknesses important weaknesses major weaknesses 7 Appendix 2 Summary of questionnaire responses Important features of responses from the various groups which received questionnaires are listed below. What parents thought the school did well What parents think the school could do better • • • • • Explain its priorities for improvement. What pupils thought the school did well What pupils think the school could do better • • • Teachers explained things clearly and expected them to work hard. Teachers checked their homework and made them feel safe and well looked after. Some pupils’ behaviour could be better. What staff thought the school did well What staff think the school could do better • • • • 8 Staff showed concern for pupils’ care and welfare. Staff made parents feel welcome in school. Their children enjoyed school. The school had a good reputation in the local community. There were good relationships with the local community. There was mutual respect between staff and pupils. Staff set high standards for pupils’ attainment. Improve aspects of the accommodation. How can you contact us? If you would like an additional copy of this report Copies of this report have been sent to the headteacher and school staff, the Executive Director (Education Resources), local councillors and appropriate Members of the Scottish Parliament. Subject to availability, further copies may be obtained free of charge from HM Inspectorate of Education, Europa Building, 450 Argyle Street, Glasgow G2 8LG or by telephoning 0141 242 0100. Copies are also available on our website Should you wish to comment on any aspect of primary inspections, you should write in the first instance to Chris McIlroy, Acting HMCI, at HM Inspectorate of Education, Denholm House, Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston EH54 6GA. Our complaints procedure If you have a concern about this report, you should write in the first instance to Hazel Dewart, Business Management Unit, HM Inspectorate of Education, Second Floor, Denholm House, Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston EH54 6GA. A copy of our complaints procedure is available from this office or by telephoning 01506 600258 or from our website at If you are not satisfied with the action we have taken at the end of our complaints procedure, you can raise your complaint with the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman. The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman is fully independent and has powers to investigate complaints about Government departments and agencies. You should write to The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, 4-6 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7NS. You can also telephone 0870 011 5378 or e-mail More information about the Ombudsman’s office can be obtained from the website: Crown Copyright 2006 HM Inspectorate of Education This report may be reproduced in whole or in part, except for commercial purposes or in connection with a prospectus or advertisement, provided that the source and date thereof are stated. 9