Contributions Web [ C 437 ] IFA [C 437 ] [C 436 ] Local [C 437 ] Received 2013-10-17 [C 436 ] 2013-10-17 [C 435 ] [C 434 ] [C 433 ] [C 435 ] 2013-10-17 [C 434 ] 2013-10-17 [C 433 ] 2013-10-17 [ C 432 ] [C 432 ] [C 432 ] 2013-10-17 China Telecommunications Corporation [ C 431 ] [C 431 ] [C 430 ] [C 431 ] 2013-10-17 [C 430 ] 2013-10-17 China Telecommunications Corporation China Telecommunications Corporation [ C 429 ] [C 429 ] [C 429 ] 2013-10-16 [ C 428 ] [C 428 ] [C 428 ] 2013-10-16 [ C 427 ] [C 427 ] [C 426 ] [C 425 ] [C 424 ] [C [C 427 ] 2013-10-15 [C 426 ] 2013-10-15 [C 425 ] [ C 436 ] [ C 435 ] [ C 434 ] [ C 433 ] [ C 430 ] [ C 426 ] (Rev.1) [ C 425 ] (Rev.1) [ C 424 ] (Rev.1) [ C 423 Source China Telecommunications Corporation China Telecommunications Corporation Title F.LIMSreqs: Proposal of an appendix on the delay tolerance level of applications F.PDRDReqs: Proposal of a new work item on scenarios and requirements for personal devices registration and discovery F.LIMSreqs: Proposed modifications Questions Q21/16 F.LIMSreqs: Proposal to add requirements Q21/16 F.NBLICreqs: Proposal to add a new scenario for translation from digital string representations to geographic representations F.NBLICreqs: Proposal to add a new scenario on translation from address representations to geographic representations or vice-versa F.USN-ALI: Proposed update Q21/16 H.IoT-MobSN : Proposal of a new work item on "Requirements of mobile phone as sink node for IoT application and services" Draft revised version of ISO/IEC Guide 71 "Guidelines for incorporating accessibility in standards" - invitation for comment Q25/16 H.DS-WDS: Proposal for a new work item on web-based digital signage Q14/16 H.MEDX: Proposed updated work item Q28/16 Telefon AB - LM Ericsson G.SPNE: Considerations Q18/16 2013-10-15 Brazil H.761: New NCL version and profile Q13/16 [C 424 ] 2013-10-15 Telefon AB - LM Ericsson G.168 Annex E: Considerations Q16/16 [C 2013-10-15 European Proposal for the creation of an Q26/16 China Telecommunications Corporation China Telecommunications Corporation China Telecommunications Corporation G3ict - Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Platform Health Ltd. Q21/16 Q21/16 Q21/16 Q25/16 Q26/16 ] 423 ] [C 422 ] 423 ] [C 422 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 421 ] (Rev.1) [C 421 ] [C 421 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 420 ] [C 420 ] [C 419 ] [C 418 ] [C 417 ] [C 420 ] 2013-10-15 [C 419 ] 2013-10-15 [C 418 ] [ C 416 ] [ C 422 ] Broadcasting Union Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Polycom, Inc. Intersector Rapporteur Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility Proposed Modification of Control Functional Requirement of F.TPSReqs Q5/16 F/H.TPS-Arch: Proposed Modification of Chair Control Functions Q5/16 Considerations on Signaling in Telepresence Systems Q5/16 Telefon AB - LM Ericsson G.DNH: Considerations Q16/16 2013-10-15 Continua Health Alliance H.IDGPHS: proposed updated draft Q28/16 [C 417 ] 2013-10-15 H.DS-ARCH: Proposed texts for information flows for play report Q14/16 [C 416 ] [C 416 ] 2013-10-15 H.DS-ARCH: Proposed additional texts for functional architecture and modification of abbreviations Q14/16 [ C 415 ] [C 415 ] [C 415 ] 2013-10-15 H.DS- DASDS: Proposal to create a new work item on "Disaster Alerting Service for Digital Signage" Q14/16 [ C 414 ] [C 414 ] [C 414 ] 2013-10-15 HSTP.DS-UCIS: Proposed text for disaster information service Q14/16 [ C 413 ] [C 413 ] [C 413 ] 2013-10-15 H.DS-ARCH: Proposed text for functions and information flows for disaster information service Q14/16 [ C 412 ] [C 412 ] [C 412 ] 2013-10-15 H.DS-AM: Overall update Q14/16 [ C 411 ] [C 411 ] [C 411 ] 2013-10-15 H.DS-DISR: Proposed to add new requirements Q14/16 [ C 410 ] [C 410 ] [C 410 ] 2013-10-15 H.IPTV-MAFR.13: Proposal to update the table in Annex A Q13/16 [ C 409 ] [C 409 ] [C 409 ] 2013-10-15 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute H.IPTV-MAFR.13: Proposal to append the descriptions of HTML Elements in clause 6 Q13/16 [ C 419 ] (Rev.1) [ C 418 ] [ C 417 ] [ C 408 ] [C 408 ] [C 408 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 407 ] (Rev.1) [C 407 ] [C 407 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 406 ] (Rev.1) +Add.12 [C 406 ] [C 406 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 405 ] (Rev.12) [ C 404 ] [C 405 ] [C 405 ] 2013-10-15 [C 404 ] [C 404 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 403 ] [C 403 ] [C 403 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 402 ] [C 402 ] [C 402 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 401 ] [C 401 ] [C 401 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 400 ] [C 400 ] [C 399 ] [C 398 ] [C 400 ] 2013-10-15 [C 399 ] 2013-10-15 [C 398 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 397 ] (Rev.1) [C 397 ] [C 397 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 396 ] [C 396 ] [C 396 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 395 [C [C 2013-10-15 [ C 399 ] [ C 398 ] (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) OKI Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI), Mitsubishi Electric Corporation , NEC Corporation Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Korea (Rep. of) OKI Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) OKI Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) OKI Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) OKI Electric H.IPTV-UVS: Defining the function coverage of video sensors and various other modifications Q13/16 Cognitive Home Services Provision in Web of Things (WoT) Home Environments Q21/16 Report of the IPTV testing and showcasing during APT/ITU conformance and interoperability event and proposal Q13/16 H.VHN: Revised text Q21/16 HSTP.DS-UCIS: Proposal for modification of interactive service in clause 8.8 Q14/16 HSTP.DS-UCIS: Proposal for a digital signage use-case of interactive service about game coupled advertisement service HSTP.DS-UCIS: Proposal for a digital signage use-case of interactive service about digital signage zone based personalized advertisement H.DS-META: Proposed additional elements for contents layout in clause 7.2 Q14/16 H.IPTV-EUIF: Proposal of a screenmirroring remote control functionality for TV UI service HSTP.IPTV-AM.101: Proposal for the modification and approvaland approval HSTP.CONF-H762 (V3) "Conformance testing specification for H.762" (Rev): Proposed modification on technical paper H.WoT-SA: proposal new structure and updated texts for H.WoT-SA Q13/16 HSTP.CONF-H721 (V2) "Conformance testing specification for H.721" (Rev): Proposed modification on technical paper H.721: Proposed modification on draft Q13/16 Q14/16 Q14/16 Q13/16 Q13/16 Q25/16 Q13/16 ] 395 ] [C 394 ] 395 ] [C 394 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 393 ] [C 393 ] [C 393 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 392 ] [C 392 ] [C 391 ] [C 390 ] [C 389 ] [C 392 ] 2013-10-15 Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) ZTE Corporation [C 391 ] 2013-10-15 ZTE Corporation [C 390 ] 2013-10-15 ZTE Corporation [C 389 ] 2013-10-15 [C 388 ] [C 387 ] [C 386 ] [C 385 ] [C 384 ] [C 383 ] [C 382 ] [C 381 ] [C 380 ] [C 388 ] [C 379 ] [ C 394 ] [ C 391 ] [ C 390 ] [ C 389 ] (Rev.1) [ C 388 ] (Rev.1) [ C 387 ] (Rev.1) [ C 386 ] (Rev.1) [ C 385 ] [ C 384 ] [ C 383 ] [ C 382 ] [ C 381 ] [ C 380 ] [ C 379 ] revised recommendation H.621: Proposal for a draft new amendment for multiple air interfaces Q21/16 F.771: Proposal for a draft new amendment for multiple air interfaces Q21/16 H.IPTV-TDES.5: proposed MDS Reference point between terminal devices H.IPTV-MDS: proposed Functional requirements and architecture for Multi-device service enabler H.IPTV-MDS: proposed elements for multi-device service discovery record Q13/16 H.IoT-ID: Proposal for new requirements of networking technology independency Q25/16 2013-10-15 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) BlackBerry Limited G.V2A: Draft text Q27/16 [C 387 ] 2013-10-15 BlackBerry Limited G.SAM: Draft text Q27/16 [C 386 ] 2013-10-15 BlackBerry Limited Proposed definitions related to a Vehicle Gateway Platform (VGP) Q27/16 [C 385 ] 2013-10-15 2013-10-15 [C 383 ] 2013-10-15 [C 382 ] 2013-10-15 [C 381 ] 2013-10-15 [C 380 ] 2013-10-15 [C 379 ] 2013-10-15 H.IVS-Reqs: video surveillance and telepresence interworking requirements G.722-SWBS-Float: Alternative floating-point implementation G.722 Annex D G.711.1-SWBS-Float: Alternative floating-point implementation of G.711.1 Annex F Objective performance of G.722 Annex D and G.711.1 Annex F floating point implementations Proposal for a new work item H.TPSSIG "Signalling for telepresence enabled conferencing" Proposal for a service scenario and its requirements for audience-selective broadcasting service as an Internet of Things(IoT) application H.TPS-AV: Updates Q21/16 [C 384 ] Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q13/16 Q13/16 Q10/16 Q10/16 Q10/16 Q5/16 Q25/16 Q5/16 [ C 378 ] [ C 377 ] [ C 376 ] [ C 375 ] (Rev.1) [ C 374 ] [ C 373 ] [ C 372 ] [ C 371 ] [ C 370 ] [ C 369 ] [ C 368 ] [ C 367 ] [ C 366 ] [ C 365 ] [ C 364 ] [ C 363 ] [ C 362 ] [ C 361 [C 378 ] [C 377 ] [C 376 ] [C 375 ] [C 378 ] 2013-10-15 [C 377 ] 2013-10-15 [C 376 ] 2013-10-15 [C 375 ] 2013-10-15 [C 374 ] [C 373 ] [C 372 ] [C 371 ] [C 370 ] [C 369 ] [C 368 ] [C 367 ] [C 366 ] [C 365 ] [C 364 ] [C 363 ] [C 362 ] [C [C 374 ] 2013-10-15 [C 373 ] 2013-10-15 [C 372 ] 2013-10-15 [C 371 ] 2013-10-15 [C 370 ] 2013-10-15 [C 369 ] 2013-10-15 [C 368 ] 2013-10-15 [C 367 ] 2013-10-15 [C 366 ] 2013-10-15 [C 365 ] 2013-10-15 [C 364 ] 2013-10-15 [C 363 ] 2013-10-15 [C 362 ] 2013-10-15 [C 2013-10-15 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei F/H.TPS-Arch: Updates Q5/16 F/H.TPS-Arch: Inclusion of statistics requirement Q5/16 F/H.TPS-Arch: Inclusion of an interworking requirement Q5/16 H.IPTV.ACC: Update of functionality definition of Accessibility Framework for TV-related services Q13/16 F/H.TPS-Arch: Inclusion of a captioning requirement Q5/16 F/H.TPS-Arch: Updates with respect to furniture in Telepresence rooms Q5/16 F.TPS-Req: Living list editor's note Q5/16 F.TPS-Req: Editor's note in clause 10 Q5/16 F.TPS-Req: Editor's note in clause 8.5 Q5/16 F.TPS-Req: Editor's note in clause 8.3 Q5/16 F.TPS-Req: Editor's note in clause 8.2 Q5/16 F.TPS-Req: Editor's note in clause 7 Q5/16 F.TPS-Req: Media requirements mapping Q5/16 H.Supp.Prio: Updates Q3/16 H.Supp.2: Updates Q3/16 H.248.TLSPROF: Updates Q3/16 H.248.TLS: Updates Q3/16 H.248.TCP: Updates Q3/16 ] [ C 360 ] [ C 359 ] [ C 358 ] [ C 357 ] [ C 356 ] [ C 355 ] (Rev.1) [ C 354 ] (Rev.1) [ C 353 ] (Rev.1) [ C 352 ] [ C 351 ] [ C 350 ] [ C 349 ] [ C 348 ] [ C 347 ] [ C 346 ] (Rev.1) [ C 345 ] 361 ] [C 360 ] [C 359 ] [C 358 ] [C 357 ] [C 356 ] [C 355 ] [C 354 ] [C 353 ] [C 352 ] 361 ] Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Telefon AB - LM Ericsson [C 360 ] 2013-10-15 [C 359 ] 2013-10-15 [C 358 ] 2013-10-15 [C 357 ] 2013-10-15 [C 356 ] 2013-10-15 [C 355 ] 2013-10-15 [C 354 ] 2013-10-15 Korea (Rep. of) [C 353 ] 2013-10-15 Korea (Rep. of) [C 352 ] 2013-10-15 Korea (Rep. of) [C 351 ] [C 350 ] [C 351 ] 2013-10-15 [C 350 ] 2013-10-15 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation [C 349 ] [C 348 ] [C 347 ] [C 346 ] [C 345 ] [C 349 ] 2013-10-15 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation [C 348 ] 2013-10-15 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation [C 347 ] 2013-10-15 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation [C 346 ] 2013-10-15 [C 345 ] 2013-10-15 China Telecommunications Corporation Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) H.248.RTPTOPO: Updates Q3/16 H.248.RTPMUX: Updates Q3/16 H.248.RTCPPROF: Updates Q3/16 H.248.DPI: Updates Q3/16 H.248.80 (ex H.248.SDPMapper): Updates Q3/16 H.264 NAL unit type for carriage of H.265 data Q6/16 Architecture and Requirements for CCN-based Mobile Multimedia Services CCN-based multimedia services Q21/16 Proposal for Consent of ITU-T F.OpenUSN, "Requirements and functional architecture for open USN service platform" H.248.66: Updates Q25/16 G.V2A: Overview of use cases families for definition of communication interfaces between external applications and a vehicle gateway platform Proposal for introduction "High level architecture and services of a VGP" Q27/16 H.VGP-FAM: Proposal to add a clause on the layer structure for new version F.VGP-REQ: Proposal to add a clause on secure connection of VG for new version TDES.3 for consent Q27/16 HSTP.IPTV-ISCD: Proposal for the service framework of integrated semantic content discovery Q13/16 Q21/16 Q3/16 Q27/16 Q27/16 Q13/16 [ C 344 ] [C 344 ] [C 344 ] 2013-10-15 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Telefon AB - LM Ericsson [ C 343 ] (Rev.1) [ C 342 ] [C 343 ] [C 342 ] [C 343 ] 2013-10-15 [C 342 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 341 ] [C 341 ] [C 341 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 340 ] (Rev.1) [C 340 ] [C 340 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 339 ] (Rev.1) [C 339 ] [C 339 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 338 ] (Rev.1) [C 338 ] [C 338 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 337 ] (Rev.1) [C 337 ] [C 337 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 336 ] (Rev.1) [C 336 ] [C 336 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 335 ] (Rev.1) [C 335 ] [C 335 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 334 ] [C 334 ] [C 334 ] 2013-10-15 [ C 333 ] (Rev.1) [ C 332 ] (Rev.1) [C 333 ] [C 332 ] [C 333 ] 2013-10-14 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, NEC Corporation, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), OKI Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) Polycom, Inc. [C 332 ] 2013-10-14 Polycom, Inc. HSTP.IPTV-Gloss: Proposal for new features of clause 7.3 Q13/16 H.248.RTPMUX Scope of signals, events, statistics and topology for grouped streams Proposal for a new work item on an application store service Q3/16 H.DS-META: Overall revision and proposed metadata for interactive service (Oct 2013) Q14/16 H.DS-ARCH: Proposed Functional Entities to support interactive service for Oct 2013 Q14/16 H.741.2 Amendment1: Proposed modification on XML schema and review proposal for consent Q13/16 Updated text of H.IoT-ID, "Requirements and Common Characteristics of IoT Identifier for IoT Service" Proposed new work item for Intelligent Question Answering Service Framework Q25/16 HTSP.DS-UCIS: Proposal to modify Question Answering use case Q14/16 Modified functional description of speech interface for H.IPTV-EUIF Q13/16 HSTP.DS-UCIS: Proposal to add table of use-cases of the interactive services Q14/16 Proposal to add H.265 signaling support for H.32x systems Q2/16, Q1/16 Updates to H.FEMC (Far End Motorised Control) Q1/16 Q13/16 Q21/16 [ C 331 ] (Rev.1) [ C 330 ] (Rev.1) [ C 329 ] (Rev.1) [C 331 ] [C 330 ] [C 329 ] [C 331 ] 2013-10-14 Polycom, Inc. [C 330 ] 2013-10-14 Telefon AB - LM Ericsson [C 329 ] 2013-10-14 [ C 328 ] [C 328 ] [C 327 ] [C 328 ] 2013-10-14 [C 327 ] 2013-10-14 [C 326 ] [C 325 ] [C 324 ] [C 323 ] [C 322 ] [C 321 ] [C 320 ] [C 319 ] [C 318 ] [C 317 ] [C 316 ] [C 315 ] [C 326 ] 2013-10-14 [C 325 ] 2013-10-14 [C 324 ] 2013-10-14 [C 323 ] 2013-10-14 [C 322 ] 2013-10-14 [C 321 ] 2013-10-14 British Telecommunications Public Ltd. Co. (BT Plc) China Telecommunications Corporation British Telecommunications Public Ltd. Co. (BT Plc) China Telecommunications Corporation China Telecommunications Corporation China Telecommunications Corporation China Telecommunications Corporation China Telecommunications Corporation China Unicom [C 320 ] 2013-10-14 China Unicom [C 319 ] 2013-10-14 [C 318 ] [ C 327 ] (Rev.1) [ C 326 ] [ C 325 ] [ C 324 ] [ C 323 ] [ C 322 ] [ C 321 ] [ C 320 ] [ C 319 ] [ C 318 ] [ C 317 ] [ C 316 ] [ C 315 ] Updates to F.FEMC (F.7xx Description and Functional Model of Motorized Conferencing System.) H.248.RTPMUX: Examples of "Bundle" media grouping Q1/16 G.DNH: Proposed way forward Q16/16 H.VSMprot: Proposal to add clause 5.2 Q21/16 G.168 Annex E: Proposed way forward Q16/16 H.VSMprot: Proposal to change in clause 5 and add clause 5.1 Q21/16 H.P2PVSArch: Proposal to change in clause 7 Q21/16 H.P2PVSArch: Proposal to change in clause 6 Q21/16 H.IVSReqs: Proposal to add new scenarios in clauses 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8 Q21/16 H.IVSReqs: Proposal to add new scenarios in clause 5.4 and 5.5 Q21/16 H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to add clause 10.2 "data structure of the usage log report" H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to update clause 8.7 "Usage log metadata" Q13/16 China Unicom H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to update the structure of tables in clause 8 Q13/16 2013-10-14 China Unicom H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to add AV content metadata structure in clause 8 Q13/16 [C 317 ] 2013-10-14 China Unicom H.IPTV-TDES.5: Proposed to simplify some contents Q13/16 [C 316 ] 2013-10-14 China Unicom H.IPTV-TDES.5: Proposed to add IPTV network interface Q13/16 [C 315 ] 2013-10-14 China Unicom H.VGP-FAM: Proposal to modify clause 5 Q27/16 Q3/16 Q13/16 [ C 314 ] [C 314 ] [C 314 ] 2013-10-14 Deutsche Welle [ C 313 ] [C 313 ] [C 312 ] [C 311 ] [C 310 ] [C 309 ] [C 308 ] [C 307 ] [C 306 ] [C 305 ] [C 304 ] [C 303 ] [C 302 ] [C 301 ] [C 300 ] [C 299 ] [C 298 ] [C [C 313 ] 2013-10-14 China Unicom [C 312 ] 2013-10-14 [C 311 ] [ C 312 ] [ C 311 ] [ C 310 ] [ C 309 ] [ C 308 ] [ C 307 ] [ C 306 ] [ C 305 ] (Rev.1) [ C 304 ] (Rev.1) [ C 303 ] (Rev.1) [ C 302 ] (Rev.1) [ C 301 ] [ C 300 ] [ C 299 ] [ C 298 ] [ C 297 Proposal for the creation of an Intersector Rapporteur Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility (IRG-AVA) H.VGP-FAM: Proposal to modify clause 6 Q26/16 China Unicom H.VGP-FAM: Proposal to change in clause 7 and 8 Q27/16 2013-10-14 China Unicom H.VGP-FAM: Proposal to add terms and abbreviations Q27/16 [C 310 ] 2013-10-14 China Unicom H.VGP-FAM: Proposal to add summary text Q27/16 [C 309 ] 2013-10-14 China Unicom H.VGP-FAM: Proposal to add scope text Q27/16 [C 308 ] 2013-10-14 China Unicom H.VGP-FAM: Proposal to add new contents Q27/16 [C 307 ] 2013-10-14 China Unicom H.VGP-FAM: Proposal to update the Bibliography clause Q27/16 [C 306 ] 2013-10-14 China Unicom G.V2A: Proposal of base text Q27/16 [C 305 ] 2013-10-14 Telefon AB - LM Ericsson H.248.RTPMUX: Asymmetric media grouping Q3/16 [C 304 ] 2013-10-14 Korea (Rep. of) F.OpenUSN: Proposed changes Q25/16 [C 303 ] 2013-10-12 Proposal for the Definition of VG and VGP Q27/16 [C 302 ] 2013-10-12 F.VG-REQ: Proposed draft Q27/16 [C 301 ] 2013-10-12 China Telecommunications Corporation China Telecommunications Corporation ZTE Corporation Proposed initial input draft: "Signaling for Telepresence Systems" Q5/16 [C 300 ] 2013-10-12 ZTE Corporation H.TPS-AV: Propose to add new tags for audio/video parameters Q5/16 [C 299 ] 2013-10-12 ZTE Corporation H.TPS-AV: Proposes to update the description parameter Q5/16 [C 298 ] 2013-10-12 ZTE Corporation H.TPS-AV: Propose to add a new parameter for capture media Q5/16 [C 2013-10-12 ZTE Corporation F.TPS-Reqs: Updates to conference Q5/16 Q27/16 ] 297 ] [C 296 ] 297 ] [C 296 ] 2013-10-11 [ C 295 ] [C 295 ] [C 295 ] 2013-10-11 [ C 294 ] [C 294 ] 2013-10-11 [ C 293 ] (Rev.1) [C 294 ] [C 293 ] [C 293 ] 2013-10-11 [ C 292 ] (Rev.1) [C 292 ] [C 292 ] 2013-10-11 [ C 291 ] (Rev.1) [C 291 ] [C 291 ] 2013-10-11 [ C 290 ] (Rev.1) [C 290 ] [C 290 ] 2013-10-11 [ C 289 ] (Rev.1) [ C 288 ] (Rev.1) [C 289 ] [C 288 ] [C 289 ] 2013-10-10 [C 288 ] 2013-10-07 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 287 [C [C 2013-10-04 Alcatel-Lucent [ C 296 ] control functions Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) China Telecommunications Corporation Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Yokosuka Telecom Research Park, Inc. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, NEC Corporation, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), OKI Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, NEC Corporation, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), OKI Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, NEC Corporation, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), OKI Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Proposal for integrated retrieval standardization of smart TV app store based on open APIs Q13/16 H.IPTV-EUIF: Proposal on general UI requirements for TV services Q13/16 TDES.3: updates to the current draft for consent Q13/16 H.IoT-reqs "Common requirements for Internet of Things (IoT) applications": Update proposal Q25/16 H.DS-META: Proposed modifications on play-schedule-information Q14/16 H.DS-DISR: Proposed editorial modifications on clause 6 Q14/16 H.DS-DISR: Proposed additions of requiremnts Q14/16 H.Supp.Prio: addition of definitions for priority information mapping variants G.CJB "Procedures for the control of de-jitter buffers used in PSTN-IP gateways carrying voice-band data" (New): Proposed draft H.248.RTPMUX: update proposal Q3/16 Q15/16 Q3/16 ] (Rev.1) 287 ] 287 ] [ C 286 ] (Rev.1) [C 286 ] [C 286 ] 2013-09-25 [ C 285 ] (Rev.1) [C 285 ] [C 285 ] 2013-09-20 [ C 284 ] (Rev.1) [C 284 ] [C 284 ] 2013-09-20 [ C 283 ] (Rev.1) [C 283 ] [C 283 ] 2013-09-20 [ C 282 ] (Rev.1) [C 282 ] [C 282 ] 2013-09-20 [ C 281 ] [C 281 ] [C 280 ] [C 281 ] 2013-09-16 [C 280 ] 2013-09-13 [ C 279 ] [C 279 ] [C 279 ] 2013-09-11 [ C 278 ] [C 278 ] [C 278 ] 2013-09-06 [ C 277 ] [C 277 ] [C 277 ] 2013-09-06 [ C 276 ] [C 276 ] [C 276 ] 2013-09-06 [ C 275 ] [C 275 ] [C 275 ] 2013-09-05 [ C 280 ] Deutschland AG, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell State Committee for Communication, Informatization and Telecommu, Uzbekistan Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell African ICT Consumers Network (AICN) Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell clause 10 H.IPTV-MAP: Proposal for extension based converged services to clause 6.5 Q13/16 G.CJB: clause 3 - update proposal Q15/16 G.CJB: clause I.5 - update proposal Q15/16 G.CJB: clause 9 - update proposal Q15/16 G.CJB: clause 8 - update proposal Q15/16 Facilitating access of illiterate consumers to ICT and multimedia systems and services H.248.88 (ex H.248.RTPTOPO): Definition proposal for term "RTP topology" Q26/16, Q21/16, Q13/16 Q3/16 H.248.RTPMUX: term "RTP session" Q3/16 H.248.TLSPROF: Update proposal clause 10 (profile guidelines) Q3/16 H.248.TLSPROF: clauses 7.1 & 8.8 update proposal Q3/16 T.38: Proposal of a new Amendment on security considerations Q15/16 H.248.TLS: clause 3 - update proposals Q3/16 [ C 274 ] [C 274 ] [C 274 ] 2013-09-04 H.248.TLS: new clause 5.2 Clarification of "TLS endpoint" notation Q3/16 New work in WP1/16 and the opportunities for accessibility Q26/16 F.Relay: Define baseline text video relay type of service Q26/16 2013-08-31 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Australian Communications and Media Authority Australian Communications and Media Authority Cisco Systems [ C 273 ] [C 273 ] [C 272 ] [C 271 ] [C 270 ] [C 269 ] [C 268 ] [C 267 ] [C 266 ] [C 273 ] 2013-08-31 [C 272 ] 2013-08-31 [C 271 ] URN Identifiers in H.325 Q2/16 [C 270 ] 2013-08-31 Indonesia IPTV Evaluation and Implementation in Indonesia [C 269 ] 2013-08-26 Proposed new H.235.x work item to address H.235 vulnerabilities [C 268 ] 2013-08-26 [C 267 ] 2013-08-25 [C 266 ] 2013-08-13 [C 265 ] [C 265 ] 2013-08-12 [ C 264 ] [C 264 ] [C 264 ] 2013-08-05 [ C 263 ] (Rev.1) [C 263 ] [C 263 ] 2013-07-25 [ C 262 ] [C 262 ] [C 261 ] [C 260 ] [C 259 ] [C [C 262 ] 2013-07-18 Australian Communications and Media Authority Australian Communications and Media Authority Australian Communications and Media Authority Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Dem. Rep. of the Congo Q28/16, Q14/16, Q13/16 Q2/16 [ C 265 ] (Rev.1) [C 261 ] 2013-07-12 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG [C 260 ] 2013-07-12 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG [C 259 ] 2013-07-12 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG [C 2013-07-12 Alcatel-Lucent [ C 272 ] [ C 271 ] +Add.1 [ C 270 ] [ C 269 ] [ C 268 ] [ C 267 ] [ C 266 ] [ C 261 ] [ C 260 ] [ C 259 ] [ C 258 H.323 Annex on ASSET: proposed work item updates Q2/16 H.ASSET: work item updates Q2/16 H.248.TCP: new clause 5.4 Clarification of "TCP endpoint" notation Q3/16 H.248.79: proposal of new clause 10 "Flow component specific traffic handling" Q3/16 H.248.SEPLINK: "Gateway control protocol: Stream endpoint interlinkage package" (New): initial proposal and skeleton H.248.RTPMUX|H.248.57: RTP transport multiplexing - Usage of RFC 5761 Q3/16 Telepresence systems (Volume 2) Q5/16 H.248.DTLS: Basic DTLS security session establishment - Example H.248 signalling flow H.248.SCTP: "H.248 packages for control of SCTP bearer connections" Initial skeleton H.248.SCTP: "H.248 packages for control of SCTP bearer connections" Motivation and WI request H.248.x: MG autonomous mode - Q3/16 Q3/16 Q3/16 Q3/16 Q3/16 ] 258 ] 258 ] [ C 257 ] [C 257 ] [C 257 ] 2013-07-12 [ C 256 ] [C 256 ] [C 256 ] 2013-07-12 [ C 255 ] [C 255 ] [C 254 ] [C 253 ] [C 252 ] [C 251 ] [C 250 ] [C 249 ] [C 248 ] [C 247 ] [C 246 ] [C 255 ] 2013-07-12 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG [C 254 ] 2013-07-12 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG [C 253 ] 2013-07-12 [C 252 ] [C 245 ] [C 244 ] [C 243 ] [C [ C 254 ] [ C 253 ] [ C 252 ] [ C 251 ] [ C 250 ] [ C 249 ] [ C 248 ] [ C 247 ] [ C 246 ] [ C 245 ] [ C 244 ] [ C 243 ] (Rev.1) [ C 242 Deutschland AG Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG Discussion and status of "interlinkage" Properties with respect to "Stream endpoint pair" (horizontal) and "Protocol layers" (vertical) interlinkage H.DS-META: Proposed elements for region information in clause 17 Q14/16 H.248.WEBRTC: WebRTC media component "data" - Discussion of interworking scenarios and H.248 connection models H.248.RTPTOPO: Handling of living list items - proposal Q3/16 Q3/16 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.RTPTOPO: clause 11 (Package-independent control) update proposal H.248.RTPTOPO: clause 10 (RTP topology package) - update proposal 2013-07-12 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.RTPTOPO: clauses 5 to 8 update proposal Q3/16 [C 251 ] 2013-07-12 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.RTPTOPO: clauses 2 to 4 update proposal Q3/16 [C 250 ] 2013-07-12 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.RTPTOPO: Summary and clause 1 - update proposal Q3/16 [C 249 ] 2013-07-12 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG Q3/16 [C 248 ] 2013-07-12 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG [C 247 ] 2013-07-12 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.50 (Rev): clause 10 - Packageindependent NAT-T procedures example H.248.78 (Rev): clause 8 (MG located Bearer Level ALG package) - Update proposals H.248.78 (Rev): clause 3 (terminology) - Update proposals [C 246 ] 2013-07-12 H.DS-META: Proposed elements for screen information in clause 14 Q14/16 [C 245 ] 2013-07-12 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.39 (Rev): clause 6.15.9 Update proposals (con't) Q3/16 [C 244 ] 2013-07-12 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TLSPROF: clause 9 (profile guidelines) - update proposal Q3/16 [C 243 ] 2013-07-12 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TLSPROF: clause 8.7 - update proposal Q3/16 [C 2013-07-12 Alcatel-Lucent H.248.1 IG: incorporation of some Q3/16 Q3/16 Q3/16 Q3/16 Q3/16 ] [ C 241 ] (Rev.1) [ C 240 ] [ C 239 ] [ C 238 ] (Rev.1) [ C 237 ] [ C 236 ] [ C 235 ] [ C 234 ] (Rev.1) [ C 233 ] [ C 232 ] [ C 231 ] [ C 230 ] [ C 229 ] [ C 228 ] [ C 227 ] (Rev.1) [ C 226 ] [ C 225 ] (Rev.1) 242 ] [C 241 ] [C 240 ] [C 239 ] [C 238 ] [C 237 ] [C 236 ] [C 235 ] [C 234 ] [C 233 ] [C 232 ] [C 231 ] [C 230 ] [C 229 ] [C 228 ] [C 227 ] [C 226 ] [C 225 ] 242 ] Deutschland AG [C 241 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG generic terms from H.248.TCP (clause 3.2) H.248.TLS: Appendix III - update proposals [C 240 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TLS: Appendix II - update proposals Q3/16 [C 239 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TLS: Appendix I - update proposals Q3/16 [C 238 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TLS: Annex A - update proposals Q3/16 [C 237 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TLS: clause 15 - Security considerations - input proposal Q3/16 [C 236 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TLS: clause 14 - TLS profile concept - update proposals Q3/16 [C 235 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TLS: clause 13 - Package-less TLS control - update proposals Q3/16 [C 234 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TLS: clause 12 - tlstv package update proposals Q3/16 [C 233 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TLS: clause 11 - tlsm package update proposals Q3/16 [C 232 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TLS: clause 10 - tlscn package - update proposals Q3/16 [C 231 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TLS: clause 9 - tlsesc package update proposals Q3/16 [C 230 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TLS: clause 8 - tlsbsc package update proposals Q3/16 [C 229 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TLS: clause 7.1 - update proposals Q3/16 [C 228 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TLS: clause 6.4 - update proposals Q3/16 [C 227 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TLS: Editorial update proposal Q3/16 [C 226 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TCP: clause 12 - Security considerations - input proposal Q3/16 [C 225 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TCP: clause 11 - Package-less TCP control - update proposals Q3/16 Q3/16 [ C 224 ] [ C 223 ] [ C 222 ] (Rev.1) [ C 221 ] [ C 220 ] (Rev.1) [ C 219 ] [ C 218 ] [ C 217 ] [ C 216 ] (Rev.1) [ C 215 ] (Rev.1) [C 224 ] [C 223 ] [C 222 ] [C 221 ] [C 220 ] [C 219 ] [C 218 ] [C 217 ] [C 216 ] [C 215 ] [C 224 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TCP: clause 10 - tcprm package - update proposals Q3/16 [C 223 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TCP: clause 9 - tcpecc package - update proposals Q3/16 [C 222 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TCP: clause 8 - tcpbcc package - update proposals Q3/16 [C 221 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TCP: clause 7.2 - clean up Q3/16 [C 220 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.TCP: Editorial update proposals Q3/16 [C 219 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG Q3/16 [C 218 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.87 (ex H.248.RTCPPROF): final review and correspondent update proposals H.248.86 (ex H.248.DPI): clause 6.4 update proposal [C 217 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.248.86 (ex H.248.DPI): Editorial update proposals Q3/16 [C 216 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG Q3/16 [C 215 ] 2013-07-11 Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG H.Sup.OpenFlow: proposal for new Technical Report "Protocol evaluation - OpenFlow vs H.248" H.Supp.Prio: Appendix I - Update proposal Q3/16 Q3/16 Collective Letters Web [ COL 1 ] IFA [ COL 1] Local [ COL 1] Received 2013-07-12 Source SG 16 Title Meeting of Study Group 16 - Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013 Reports Web [R8] +Corr.1 IFA [R 8] Local [R8 ] Received 2014-05-30 Source WP 3/16 Title Report of the second meeting of Study Group 16 (28 October-8 November 2013) - Working Party 3/16 (Media coding and signal processing) [R7] [R 7] [R7 ] 2014-06-03 WP 2/16 Report of the second meeting of Study Group 16 (28 October-8 November 2013) - Working Party 2/16 (Multimedia services and accessibility) [R6] [R [R6 2014-05-30 WP 1/16 Report of the second meeting of Study Group Questions Q7/16, Q6/16, Q18/16, Q16/16, Q15/16, Q10/16 Q28/16, Q27/16, Q26/16, Q25/16, Q14/16, Q13/16 Q5/16, [R5] 6] ] [R 5] [R5 ] 16 (28 October-8 November 2013) - Working Party 1/16 (Multimedia systems) 2014-05-29 SG 16 Report of the second meeting of Study Group 16 (28 October - 8 November 2013) - Plenary sessions Q3/16, Q21/16, Q2/16, Q1/16 QALL/16 Temporary Documents (GEN) Web [ TD 172-GEN ] [ TD 171-GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 170-GEN ] +Add.1-2 [ TD 169-GEN ] +Add.1-3 [ TD 168-GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 167-GEN ] [ TD 166-GEN ] [ TD 165-GEN ] [ TD 164-GEN ] [ TD 163-GEN ] IFA [ TD 172GEN ] [ TD 171GEN ] [ TD 170GEN ] [ TD 169GEN ] [ TD 168GEN ] Local [ TD 172GEN ] [ TD 171GEN ] [ TD 170GEN ] [ TD 169GEN ] [ TD 168GEN ] Received 2013-11-05 Source ITU-D SG 1 Title LS/i on agreed working definition of the term "ICT" [from ITU-D SG 1] Questions Q20/16 2013-11-05 3GPP TSG SA4 LS/i on inclusion of tools into STL [from 3GPP TSG SA4] Q10/16 2013-11-04 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 LS/i/ on HEVC profiles for 4:4:4 chroma format video [from ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11] Q6/16 2013-11-04 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 LS/i/r on IPTV basic terminal model (COM16-LS-34) [from ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11] Q13/16 2013-10-31 ITU-T SG9 Q13/16 [ TD 167GEN ] [ TD 166GEN ] [ TD 165GEN ] [ TD 164GEN ] [ TD 163GEN [ TD 167GEN ] [ TD 166GEN ] [ TD 165GEN ] [ TD 164GEN ] [ TD 163GEN 2013-10-31 ITU-T FG AVA 2013-10-29 ITU-T SG9 LS/i on consideration on the text of Recommendation J.206 and the latest development of the new Recommendation on requirements for integration of cable STB and mobile second screen devices [from ITU-T SG9] LS/i on draft Reply to ATSC on signing service guideline (AVA - LS 026R1) [from ITU-T FG AVA] LS/i on WTSA Resolution 80 [from ITU-T SG9] 2013-10-28 Co-convenors of JCA on PP-10 Resolution 178 LS/i on JCA-Res178 requests your input [from JCA-Res. 178] QALL/16 2013-10-24 DVB TM-AVC LS/i on HEVC [from DVB TMAVC] Q6/16 2013-10-23 TSB Outgoing LSs produced by the SG 16 management and at Rapporteurs' meetings during the QALL/16 Q26/16 QALL/16 ] ] [ TD 162GEN ] [ TD 161GEN ] [ TD 160GEN ] [ TD 159GEN ] [ TD 158GEN ] [ TD 162GEN ] [ TD 161GEN ] [ TD 160GEN ] [ TD 159GEN ] [ TD 158GEN ] 2013-10-22 Chairman, FG Innovation 2013-10-21 ITU-T SG2 LS/i on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan [from ITU-T SG2] QALL/16 2013-10-21 ITU-T SG2 LS/i on Joint meeting between Q4/2 and Q21/16 including Q26/16 [from ITU-T SG2] Q26/16, Q21/16 2013-10-08 JCA-AHF LS/i regarding accessibility issues and "Captcha" [from JCA-AHF] Q26/16 2013-10-08 JCA-AHF Q26/16 [ TD 157GEN ] [ TD 156GEN ] [ TD 157GEN ] [ TD 156GEN ] 2013-10-07 ITU-T SG13 LS/r on draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1076 (reply to ITU-R Doc.5A/TEMP/111) [from JCAAHF to ITU-R WP5A] LS/i on Mobile IPTV requirements [from ITU-T SG 13] 2013-10-07 ITU-T FG AVA Q26/16 [ TD 155-GEN ] [ TD 155GEN ] [ TD 155GEN ] 2013-10-07 JCA-AHF [ TD 154-GEN ] [ TD 154GEN ] [ TD 153GEN ] [ TD 152GEN ] [ TD 154GEN ] [ TD 153GEN ] [ TD 152GEN ] 2013-10-02 3GPP TSG SA4 LS/i on draft FG AVA deliverable "Requirements and good practice for supporting remote participation in meetings for all" [from FG-AVA to ISO/IEC JTAG] LS/i/r on draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1076 "Wireless communication systems for persons with impaired hearing" (ITU-R Doc 5B/110) [from JCA-AHF to ITU-R WP5B] LS/i on inclusion of tools into STL [from 3GPP TSG SA4] 2013-09-19 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 LS/i on future HEVC Extensions [from ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11] Q6/16, Q28/16 2013-09-19 ITU-T SG17 LS/i on an informal guideline for correspondence group transparency and balance, including template for correspondence group reports [from ITU-T SG17] QALL/16 [ TD 162-GEN ] [ TD 161-GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 160-GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 159-GEN ] [ TD 158-GEN ] [ TD 157-GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 156-GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 153-GEN ] +Add.1-2 [ TD 152-GEN ] +Add.1 interim period (January October 2013) LS/i on inputs on ICT Innovation Panel [from FG Innovation] QALL/16 Q13/16 Q26/16 Q10/16 [ TD 151-GEN ] [ TD 150-GEN ] [ TD 149-GEN ] [ TD 148-GEN ] [ TD 147-GEN ] [ TD 146-GEN ] [ TD 145-GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 144-GEN ] (Rev.1) +Add.1 [ TD 143-GEN ] (Rev.1) +Add.1 [ TD 142-GEN ] +Add.1-2 [ TD 141-GEN ] [ TD 140-GEN [ TD 151GEN ] [ TD 150GEN ] [ TD 151GEN ] [ TD 150GEN ] 2013-09-19 ITU-T SG 17 LS/i/r on V2V security approach used by US DOT Safety Pilot Program (COM16 LS-47) [from ITU-T SG17] LS/i on HEVC Extensions Development [to ITU-T SG9, ITU-T SG16, 3GPP SA 4, 3GPP2, ARIB, ATSC, BDA, DLNA, DVB, DVD Forum, EBU, IEC TC100, ITU-R SG 6, SCTE, SMPTE, and WorldDMB from ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11] LS/i on Frame Packing Arrangements [to VCEG from ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11] Q27/16 2013-09-02 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 [ TD 149GEN ] [ TD 148GEN ] [ TD 149GEN ] [ TD 148GEN ] 2013-09-02 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 2013-09-02 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 LS/i on support for HDR in XYZ Color Space [to ITU-R SG 6/WP 6, ITU-T SG16, SMPTE, DVB, ATSC, ARIB, SCTE, CEA, BDA, DECE, SCSA, EBU from ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11] LS/i on providing necessary input on activity levels in Questions [from TSAG] Q6/16 [ TD 147GEN ] [ TD 146GEN ] [ TD 147GEN ] [ TD 146GEN ] 2013-08-30 TSAG 2013-08-30 ITU-T SG15 LS/i on new versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standardization Overview and Work Plan [from ITU-T SG15] LS/i on DVB-EBU UHDTV fact finding workshop [from DVB and EBU] QALL/16 [ TD 145GEN ] [ TD 144GEN ] [ TD 143GEN ] [ TD 142GEN ] [ TD 141GEN ] [ TD [ TD 145GEN ] [ TD 144GEN ] [ TD 143GEN ] [ TD 142GEN ] [ TD 141GEN ] [ TD 2013-07-25 2013-07-19 DVB CM/UHDTV, EBU SP BeyondHD 3GPP SA4 LS/i on acoustic levels for fixed/mobile wideband calls [from 3GPP SA4] Q10/16 2013-07-19 3GPP SA4 LS/i on HEVC level definitions [from 3GPP SA4] Q6/16 2013-07-08 OESF (by way of the ITU-T SG 16 Chairman) LS/i/r on developing next generation IPTV standards (COM16-LS-15) [from OESF] Q13/16 2013-07-08 JCA-IoT Q13/16 2013-07-08 JCA-IoT LS/i on collaboration and coordination between ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG 5 and ITU-T JCAIoT [from JCA-IoT] LS/i on updates to the list of Q6/16 Q6/16 Q27/16, Q20/16 Q6/16, Q14/16, Q13/16 Q25/16 ] [ TD 139-GEN ] [ TD 138-GEN ] [ TD 137-GEN ] +Add.1-2 [ TD 136-GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 135-GEN ] [ TD 134-GEN ] [ TD 133-GEN ] [ TD 132-GEN ] [ TD 131-GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 130-GEN ] [ TD 129-GEN ] 140GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] [ TD 138GEN ] [ TD 137GEN ] [ TD 136GEN ] [ TD 135GEN ] [ TD 134GEN ] 140GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] [ TD 138GEN ] [ TD 137GEN ] [ TD 136GEN ] [ TD 135GEN ] [ TD 134GEN ] [ TD 133GEN ] [ TD 132GEN ] [ TD 131GEN ] [ TD 130GEN ] [ TD 129GEN ] IoT-related Questions for comments [from JCA-IoT] 2013-07-08 JCA-Cloud LS/i on invitation to contribute to the cloud computing roadmap population [from JCA-Cloud] QALL/16 2013-07-08 TSAG LS/i on status of translation in ITU-T [from TSAG] QALL/16 2013-07-08 TSAG LS/i on WTSA-12 Action Plan [from TSAG] QALL/16 2013-06-06 ITU-R WP5A LS/i on draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1076 [from ITU R WP5A] Q26/16, Q13/16 2013-06-06 ITU-T SG2 LS/i on continuation of JCAAHF with revised ToR [from ITU-T SG2 to TSAG] Q26/16 2013-06-04 JCA-CIT QALL/16 [ TD 133GEN ] [ TD 132GEN ] [ TD 131GEN ] 2013-06-04 JCA-CIT LS/i/r to the request to fill a) living list of technologies suitable for testing and b) list of possible pilot projects for conformity assessment against ITU-T Recommendations (reply to COM 11-LS 10, LS12 R1 and LS 13) [from JCA-CIT] LS/i on list of official liaison officers of ITU-T SGs in JCACIT [from JCA-CIT] 2013-05-29 ITU-R WP5B LS/i on draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1076 [from ITU-R WP5B] Q26/16, Q13/16 2013-05-29 ITU-T SG 12 Q10/16 [ TD 130GEN ] [ TD 129GEN ] 2013-05-29 ITU-T SCV 2013-05-27 JCA-AHF LS/i on a request to include a filtered modified MNRU into the new edition of the STL G.191 Recommendation to ITU-T Q10/16 [from ITU-T SG12] LS/i on ITU-T study group responsibilities in WTSA Resolution 67 (Rev. Dubai, 2012) [from SCV] LS/i/r on Draft EN 301 549 "Accessibility requirements for public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe" under Public Enquiry (ETSI TC HF - HF(13)60_019) [from JCA- QALL/16 QALL/16 Q26/16 [ TD 128-GEN ] [ TD 128GEN ] [ TD 128GEN ] 2013-05-27 JCA-AHF [ TD 127-GEN ] +Add.1-3 [ TD 127GEN ] [ TD 126GEN ] [ TD 125GEN ] [ TD 127GEN ] [ TD 126GEN ] [ TD 125GEN ] 2013-05-22 ITU-R WP6B 2013-05-22 ITU-R WP6B 2013-05-17 GSMA TSG [ TD 124-GEN ] [ TD 124GEN ] [ TD 124GEN ] 2013-05-17 ITU-R WP6B [ TD 123-GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 123GEN ] [ TD 123GEN ] 2013-05-17 ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29/WG1 [ TD 122-GEN ] [ TD 122GEN ] [ TD 122GEN ] 2013-05-08 ITU-R WP6C [ TD 121-GEN ] [ TD 121GEN ] [ TD 121GEN ] 2013-05-08 ITU-R WP6C [ TD 120-GEN ] [ TD 120GEN ] [ TD 119GEN ] [ TD 118GEN ] [ TD [ TD 120GEN ] [ TD 119GEN ] [ TD 118GEN ] [ TD 2013-05-08 JCA-AHF 2013-05-08 [ TD 126-GEN ] [ TD 125-GEN ] +Add.1-3 [ TD 119-GEN ] [ TD 118-GEN ] [ TD 117-GEN AHF to ETSI TC HF] LS/i/r on technical characteristics of wireless aids for hearing impaired people operating in the VHF and UHF frequency range (COM 16-LS 14) [from JCA-AHF] LS/i on recent progress of recommendations and report on Integrated Broadcast-Broadband systems [from ITU-R WP6B] LS/i/r on HEVC standardization (COM16-LS-27) [from ITU-R WP6B] Q26/16 Q13/16 Q6/16 LS/i on publication of GSMA requirements for networks and terminals for the usage of the 'HD voice' logo with GSM/UMTS/LTE, DMA2000 or DECT [from GSMA TSG] LS/i on basic desirable functionalities of consumer receivers for Worldwide Broadcasting Roaming [from ITU-R WP6B to IEC TC 100] LS/i on quality evaluation method for lightly compressed image and video coding systems [from ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29/WG1] LS/i/r on High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) and Ultra High Definition Television (UHDTV) (COM16-LS-22) [from ITU-R WP6C] LS/i/r on Recommendations ITU-R BS.1387 (PEAQ) and ITU-R BS.1534 (MUSHRA) (COM16-LS-30) [from ITU-R WP6C] LS/i/r on contact person for JCA-AHF (FG-DR&NRR - LS 11-E) [from JCA-AHF] Q7/16, Q18/16, Q16/16, Q10/16 JCA-AHF LS/i/r on new work items on ehealth (COM 16 - LS 19 -E) [from JCA-AHF] Q28/16, Q26/16 2013-05-08 JCA-AHF LS/i on nomination of JCA-AHF representatives [from JCA-AHF] Q26/16 2013-05-08 JCA-AHF LS/i/r requesting that outgoing Q26/16 Q7/16, Q6/16, Q13/16, Q10/16 Q6/16 Q6/16 Q7/16, Q10/16 Q28/16, Q26/16 ] 117GEN ] [ TD 116GEN ] [ TD 115GEN ] 117GEN ] [ TD 116GEN ] [ TD 115GEN ] [ TD 114GEN ] [ TD 113GEN ] [ TD 112GEN ] [ TD 111GEN ] [ TD 110GEN ] [ TD 109GEN ] [ TD 108GEN ] [ TD 107GEN ] [ TD 106-GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 105-GEN ] +Add.1-3 [ TD 116-GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 115-GEN ] +Add.1-2 [ TD 114-GEN ] [ TD 113-GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 112-GEN ] [ TD 111-GEN ] [ TD 110-GEN ] [ TD 109-GEN ] [ TD 108-GEN ] [ TD 107-GEN ] +Add.1 LSs on accessibility be copied to Q26/16 (COM 16 LS 16) [from JCA-AHF] LS/i/r on collaboration on ehealth, considering WTSA-12 Resolution78 (COM16 LS19) [from ITU-T SG17] LS/i on establishment of correspondence group on verification process for cryptographic protocols [from ITU-T SG17] LS/i on developing next generation IPTV standards [from OESF] 2013-05-06 ITU-T SG17 Q28/16 2013-05-06 ITU-T SG17 [ TD 114GEN ] [ TD 113GEN ] [ TD 112GEN ] [ TD 111GEN ] [ TD 110GEN ] [ TD 109GEN ] [ TD 108GEN ] [ TD 107GEN ] 2013-05-06 OESF 2013-05-03 3GPP SA4 LSI from 3GPP SA4 on H.265/HEVC Main Still Picture profile Q6/16 2013-05-03 ITU-T SG17 Q27/16 2013-05-03 ITU-T SG17 LSIR from ITU-T SG17 on V2V security approach used by US DOT Safety Pilot Program (COM16-LS17) LSI from ITU-T SG17 on request to provide security contacts 2013-05-03 ITU-T SG17 LSI from ITU-T SG17 to TSAG on Continuation of JCA-COP with revised ToR QALL/16 2013-05-03 ITU-T SG17 LSI from ITU-T SG17 to TSAG on continuation of JCA-IdM with revised ToR QALL/16 2013-05-03 ITU-T SG12 Q27/16 2013-05-03 ITU-T SG12 [ TD 106GEN ] [ TD 106GEN ] 2013-05-03 ITU-T SG12 [ TD 105GEN [ TD 105GEN 2013-05-03 ITU-T SG12 LSIR from ITU-T SG12 on input on ITS performance measurement methods, QoS, and QoE (COM 16 - LS 18) LSIR from ITU-T SG12 on new Recommendation P.MOS to ITU-R WP6C, ITU-T SG9, SG16 and VQEG (ITU-R WP6C LS 30, COM 9 - LS 26) LSI from ITU-T SG12 on proposed draft new Recommendation on procedures for the identification and selection of common modes of de-jitter buffers LSIR from ITU-T SG12 on oneway delay limits and QoE for telepresence to ITU-T Q5/16 QALL/16 Q13/16 QALL/16 Q7/17, Q6/16, Q10/16 Q15/16 Q5/16 ] ] [ TD 104-GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 104GEN ] [ TD 104GEN ] 2013-05-03 ITU-T SG12 [ TD 103-GEN ] +Add.1-5 [ TD 103GEN ] [ TD 102GEN ] [ TD 103GEN ] [ TD 102GEN ] 2013-05-03 ITU-T SG12 2013-04-18 FG-DR&NRR [ TD 101-GEN ] [ TD 101GEN ] [ TD 101GEN ] 2013-04-16 DVB TM-AVC [ TD 100-GEN ] [ TD 100GEN ] [ TD 99GEN ] [ TD 98GEN ] [ TD 100GEN ] [ TD 99GEN ] [ TD 98GEN ] 2013-04-15 FG AVA 2013-04-12 IETF IAB 2013-03-25 ITU-T SG2 [ TD 97-GEN ] [ TD 97GEN ] [ TD 97GEN ] 2013-03-20 ETSI TC HF [ TD 96-GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 96GEN ] [ TD 95GEN ] [ TD 94GEN ] [ TD 96GEN ] [ TD 95GEN ] [ TD 94GEN ] 2013-03-20 ITU-T SG13 2013-03-20 ITU-T SG13 2013-03-18 ITU-T SG11 [ TD 102-GEN ] +Add.1-3 [ TD 99-GEN ] [ TD 98-GEN ] [ TD 95-GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 94-GEN ] (COM 16 - LS 322 & COM 16 LS 6) LSIR from ITU-T SG12 on new testing methodology for subjective assessment of text-tospeech to Q21/16 (COM 16-LS317) LSI from ITU-T SG12 on FG Distraction final report and deliverables relevant to Q27/16 Q21/16 Q27/16 LSIR from FG-DR&NRR on status report of the Focus Group on Disaster Relief Systems, Network Resilience and Recovery (FG-DR&NRR) LSIR from DVB TM-AVC to ITU-T SG16 and MPEG on consent of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) (COM16-LS-27) LSOR from FG AVA to ITU-D on draft third edition of "Handbook on Emergency Telecommunications" LSI from IETF IAB on appointment of a new IETF Liaison Manager to the ITU-T QALL/16 LSIR from ITU-T SG2 to JCACOP on its formation and invitation to nominate representatives from ITU-T study groups, to participate in the work of JCA-COP in the future (JCA-COP - LS 001 - E) LS from ETSI TC HF on Draft EN 301 549 "Accessibility requirements for public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe" under Public Enquiry LS from ITU-T SG13 on plans for implementation of Resolution 77 on SDN and recommendations to TSAG LS from ITU-T SG13 on Y.nscreen-sc work in Q1/13 of WP1/13 QALL/16 LS from ITU-T SG11 to Request to fill a) living list table of technologies suitable for testing and b) list of possible pilot QALL/16 Q6/16, Q14/16, Q13/16 Q26/16 QALL/16 Q26/16 QALL/16 Q14/16, Q13/16 [ TD 93-GEN ] [ TD 93GEN ] [ TD 93GEN ] 2013-03-18 ITU-T SG11 [ TD 92-GEN ] [ TD 92GEN ] [ TD 91GEN ] [ TD 92GEN ] [ TD 91GEN ] 2013-03-12 JCA-Cloud 2013-03-06 ITU-T SG 11 [ TD 90GEN ] [ TD 89GEN ] [ TD 88GEN ] [ TD 90GEN ] [ TD 89GEN ] [ TD 88GEN ] 2013-03-06 i3 Forum 2013-02-25 FG DR&NRR 2013-02-25 FG DR&NRR [ TD 87-GEN ] [ TD 87GEN ] [ TD 87GEN ] 2013-02-20 JCA-AHF [ TD 86-GEN ] [ TD 86GEN ] [ TD 85GEN ] [ TD 84GEN ] [ TD 83- [ TD 86GEN ] [ TD 85GEN ] [ TD 84GEN ] [ TD 83- 2013-02-20 ITU-T SG2 2013-02-20 [ TD 91-GEN ] +Add.1-2 [ TD 90-GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 89-GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 88-GEN ] [ TD 85-GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 84-GEN ] [ TD 83-GEN ] projects for conformity assessment against ITU-T Recommendations LS from ITU-T SG11 on request to all Study Groups to update the reference table of ITU-T Recommendations to be tested for conformity/interoperability, parameters and available test suites LS from JCA-Cloud on invitation to contribute to the cloud computing roadmap population Reply LS from ITU-T SG 11 to Request to fill a) living list table of technologies suitable for testing and b) list of possible pilot projects for conformity assessment against ITU-T Recommendations Reply LS from i3 Forum to ETSI E2NA on "Location of Media Transcoders" QALL/16 QALL/16 QALL/16 Q13/16 LS from FG DR&NRR on Study "Emergency Communication System for Persons with Hearing and Speaking Disabilities" Reply LS from FG DR&NRR on draft new Recommendation H.DS-DISR "Digital signage: Requirements of disaster information services" (COM16LS-320) Reply LS from JCA-AHF to ITU-T SG9 on Inter sector Rapporteur's Group (IRG) on the topic of audiovisual quality assessment (IRG-AVQA) Reply LS from ITU-T SG 2 on disaster versus emergency (COM 16-LS-320) Q26/16 ETSI E2NA LS from ETSI E2NA on ETSI multi-screen work Q13/16 2013-02-20 ITU-T SG 5 QALL/16 2013-02-20 JCA-AHF LS from ITU-T SG 5 on creation of a new Focus Group on "Smart and Sustainable Cities" (FGSSC) Reply LS from JCA-AHF to the Correspondence Group on Q14/16, Q13/16 Q26/16 Q13/16 Q13/16 +Add.1-2 GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 82-GEN ] +Add.1(Rev.1) [ TD 82GEN ] [ TD 81GEN ] [ TD 80GEN ] [ TD 82GEN ] [ TD 81GEN ] [ TD 80GEN ] 2013-02-20 ITU-T FG AVA 2013-02-20 ITU-T FG AVA 2013-02-20 ITU-T FG AVA [ TD 79GEN ] [ TD 78GEN ] [ TD 77GEN ] [ TD 76GEN ] [ TD 75GEN ] [ TD 74GEN ] [ TD 73GEN ] [ TD 72GEN ] [ TD 71GEN ] [ TD 79GEN ] [ TD 78GEN ] [ TD 77GEN ] [ TD 76GEN ] [ TD 75GEN ] [ TD 74GEN ] [ TD 73GEN ] [ TD 72GEN ] [ TD 71GEN ] 2013-02-20 ITU-T FG AVA 2013-02-20 [ TD 81-GEN ] [ TD 80-GEN ] [ TD 79-GEN ] [ TD 78-GEN ] [ TD 77-GEN ] [ TD 76-GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 75-GEN ] [ TD 74-GEN ] [ TD 73-GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 72-GEN ] [ TD 71-GEN ] +Add.1 "Handbook on Emergency Telecommunications" on request for comments to the third draft edition (8 January 2013) LS from ITU-T FG AVA to ARIB, ATSC, DVB and SBTVD on signing service guideline Q26/16 LS from ITU-T FG AVA to ARIB, SVBTVD, ATSC, DVB, SARFT and SBTVD on subtitle/captioning system Reply LS to ITU-T SG 9 on Proposed Inter-sector rapporteur Group on Audiovisual quality assessment among ITU-T SG 9, SG 12 and ITU-R SG 6 Reply LS to FG SmartCable on its activities and meetings (SmartCable-OLS1) Q26/16 ITU-T FG AVA Reply LS to ITU-R SG6 Working Party 6B on integrated broadcast-broadband systems Q26/16 2013-02-20 ITU-T FG AVA Reply LS to JCA-SG&HN on activities related to smart grid (JCA- SG&HN-OLS2) Q26/16 2013-02-20 ITU-T FG AVA Q26/16 2013-02-20 ITU-T FG AVA 2013-02-20 ITU-T FG AVA LS from ITU-T FG AVA to IEC TC 100 on use cases for the forthcoming report on ambient assisted living (AAL) LS from FG AVA to ITU-D on third draft edition of "Handbook on Emergency Telecommunications" LS from FG AVA to ICAO on accessibility issues on pre-flight safety demonstration videos 2013-02-20 JCA-AHF Reply LS on Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1076 Q26/16 2013-02-20 JCA-AHF Reply LS to ITU-T FGDR&NRR on designation of a representative to JCA-AHF Q28/16, Q26/16 2013-02-20 ITU-T SG 2 LS from SG 2 on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan "List of OLSs is in TD163/Gen" QALL/16 Q26/16 Q26/16 Q26/16 Q26/16 Temporary Documents (PLEN) Web [ TD 150PLEN ] [ TD 149PLEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 148PLEN ] [ TD 147PLEN ] [ TD 146PLEN ] [ TD 145PLEN ] [ TD 144PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 143PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 142PLEN ] [ TD 141PLEN ] [ TD 140PLEN ] [ TD 139PLEN ] IFA [ TD 150PLEN ] [ TD 149PLEN ] [ TD 148PLEN ] [ TD 147PLEN ] [ TD 146PLEN ] Local [ TD 150PLEN ] [ TD 149PLEN ] [ TD 148PLEN ] [ TD 147PLEN ] [ TD 146PLEN ] Received 2013-11-07 Source ITU-T SG16 Chairman Title LS on nomination of liaison officer to APT on IPTV, Digital Signage, ehealth and e learning Questions Q20/16 2013-11-07 Rapporteur Q6/16 Consent: H.264 (V9) "Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services" (Rev.) Q6/16 2013-11-07 Editor F.UDExch A.5 justification information for draft new F.746.2 (ex F.UDExch) Q21/16 2013-11-07 Editor F.LIMSreqs A.5 justification information for draft new F.746.1 (ex F.LIMSreqs) Q21/16 2013-11-06 Editor F.USNALI Q25/16 [ TD 145PLEN ] [ TD 144PLEN ] [ TD 145PLEN ] [ TD 144PLEN ] 2013-11-06 Editor F.OpenUSN 2013-11-06 Editor F.UDExch Consent: F.747.5 (ex F.USN-ALI) "Requirements and reference architecture of automatic location identification capability for USN applications and services" (New) Consent: F.747.4 (ex F.OpenUSN) "Requirements and functional architecture for the open USN service platform" (New) Consent: F.746.2 (ex F.UDExch) "User data exchange between functional components in network entities or terminals" (New) [ TD 143PLEN ] [ TD 143PLEN ] 2013-11-06 Editor F.LIMSreqs Consent: F.746.1 (ex F.LIMSreqs) "Low-latency interactive multimedia stream requirements" (Rev) Q21/16 [ TD 142PLEN ] [ TD 141PLEN ] [ TD 140PLEN ] [ TD 139PLEN [ TD 142PLEN ] [ TD 141PLEN ] [ TD 140PLEN ] [ TD 139PLEN 2013-11-06 Rapporteur Q16/16 Consent: G.161.1 (ex G.DNH) "DoNo-Harm testing" (New) Q16/16 2013-11-06 Editor H.235.0 Q2/16 2013-11-06 Editor H.235.6 Consent: H.235.0 "H.323 security: Framework for security in H-series (H.323 and other H.245-based) multimedia systems" (Rev.) Consent: H.235.6 "H.323 security: Encryption profile with native H.235/H.245 key management" (Rev.) 2013-11-06 Editor H.341 Consent: H.341 (1999) Cor.1 "Multimedia Management Information Base: Updates to MIB definitions" Q2/16 Q25/16 Q21/16 Q2/16 [ TD 133PLEN ] +Add.1 ] [ TD 138PLEN ] [ TD 137PLEN ] [ TD 136PLEN ] [ TD 135PLEN ] [ TD 134PLEN ] [ TD 133PLEN ] ] [ TD 138PLEN ] [ TD 137PLEN ] [ TD 136PLEN ] [ TD 135PLEN ] [ TD 134PLEN ] [ TD 133PLEN ] [ TD 132PLEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 132PLEN ] [ TD 131PLEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 138PLEN ] [ TD 137PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 136PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 135PLEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 134PLEN ] 2013-11-05 Editor G.DNH 2013-11-05 Editor H.323 IG 2013-11-05 Editor H.IDGPHS 2013-11-06 (New) A.5 justification information for draft new G.161.1 (ex G.DNH) Q16/16 Approval: H.323 IG: Implementers' Guide for Recommendations of the H.323 System (Packet-based multimedia communications systems) A.5 justification information for draft new H.810 (ex H.IDGPHS) Q2/16 Editor H.IDGPHS Consent: H.810 (ex H.IDGPHS) "Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems" (New) Q28/16 2013-11-05 Editor H.Supp.Prio Approval: H.Sup12 (ex H.Supp.Prio) "Priority traffic treatment by H.248 gateways" (New) Q3/16 2013-11-04 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 Q1/16 [ TD 132PLEN ] 2013-11-04 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 [ TD 131PLEN ] [ TD 131PLEN ] 2013-11-04 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 [ TD 130PLEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 130PLEN ] [ TD 130PLEN ] 2013-11-04 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 [ TD 129PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 129PLEN ] [ TD 129PLEN ] 2013-11-04 Chairman SG16 Consent: H.222.0 (2012) | ISO/IEC 13818-1:2013 Amd.4 "Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems: Support for event signalling in Transport Stream in MPEG-2 systems" (New) Consent: H.222.0 (2012) | ISO/IEC 13818-1:2013 Amd.3 "Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems: Transport of HEVC video over MPEG-2 systems" (New) Consent: H.222.0 (2012) | ISO/IEC 13818-1:2013 Amd.2 "Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems: Signalling of Transport profiles, signalling MVC view association to eye and MIME type registration" (New) Consent: H.222.0 (2012) | ISO/IEC 13818-1:2013 Amd.1 "Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems: Extensions for simplified carriage of MPEG-4 over MPEG-2" (New) LS/r on JCA-Res178 requests your input (JCA-Res178-LS1) [to JCA-Res. 178] Q28/16 Q1/16 Q1/16 Q1/16 QALL/16 [ TD 128PLEN ] [ TD 128PLEN ] [ TD 127PLEN ] [ TD 126PLEN ] [ TD 125PLEN ] [ TD 124PLEN ] [ TD 128PLEN ] [ TD 127PLEN ] [ TD 126PLEN ] [ TD 125PLEN ] [ TD 124PLEN ] 2013-11-04 Editor H.248.80 A.5 justification information for draft new H.248.80 (ex H.248.SDPMAPPER) Q3/16 2013-11-04 Editor H.248.SDPMAPPER Q3/16 2013-11-01 Editors HSTP.IPTVAM.101 2013-11-01 Editor HSTP.CONFH.762 Consent: H.248.80 (ex H.248.SDPMapper) "Usage of the revised SDP offer / answer model with H.248" (New) Approval: ITU-T HSTP.IPTV-AM.101 "Introduction to H.741-series - A new video engagement audience measurement standard" (New) Approval: ITU-T HSTP.CONF-H762 "Conformance testing specification for H.762" (Rev.) 2013-11-01 Editor H.741.2 Amd.1 Q13/16 [ TD 123PLEN ] [ TD 122PLEN ] [ TD 121PLEN ] [ TD 123PLEN ] [ TD 122PLEN ] [ TD 121PLEN ] 2013-11-01 Editors H.722 Approval: H.741.2 Amd.1 "IPTV application event handling: Data structures of audience measurement for IPTV services: New Appendix I with XML schema on the data structures of audience measurement for IPTV services" (New) Consent: H.722 (ex H.IPTV-TDES.3) "IPTV Terminal Device: Full-fledged model" (new) 2013-10-31 Editor H.248.DPI Q3/16 2013-10-31 Chairman WP3/16 Consent: H.248.86 (ex H.248.DPI) "Gateway control protocol: H.248 Support for deep packet inspection" (New) Updated work programme for WP3/16 (Media coding and signal processing) [ TD 120PLEN ] [ TD 120PLEN ] [ TD 120PLEN ] 2013-10-31 Chairman WP 2/16 Updated Work Programme for WP 2/16 (Multimedia services and accessibility) [ TD 119PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 119PLEN ] [ TD 119PLEN ] 2013-10-31 Chairman WP1/16 Work Programme for Working Party 1/16 (Multimedia systems) [ TD 118PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 118PLEN ] [ TD 118PLEN ] 2013-10-31 Chairman WP3/16 Draft Liaison Statements of WP 3/16 (Media coding and signal processing) [ TD 127PLEN ] [ TD 126PLEN ] [ TD 125PLEN ] [ TD 124PLEN ] [ TD 123PLEN ] [ TD 122PLEN ] [ TD 121PLEN ] Q13/16 Q13/16 Q13/16 Q7/16, Q6/16, Q18/16, Q16/16, Q15/16, Q10/16 Q28/16, Q27/16, Q26/16, Q25/16, Q14/16, Q13/16 Q5/16, Q3/16, Q21/16, Q2/16, Q1/16 Q7/16, Q6/16, Q18/16, Q16/16, Q15/16, Q10/16 [ TD 117PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 117PLEN ] [ TD 117PLEN ] 2013-10-31 Chairmen WP2/16 Draft Liaison Statements of WP 2/16 (Multimedia services and accessibility) [ TD 116PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 116PLEN ] [ TD 116PLEN ] 2013-10-31 Chairman WP1/16 Draft Liaison Statements of WP 1/16 (Multimedia systems) [ TD 115PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 114PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 115PLEN ] [ TD 115PLEN ] 2013-10-31 Rapporteur Q20/16 Draft Liaison Statements of Q20/16 (Multimedia coordination) [ TD 114PLEN ] [ TD 114PLEN ] 2013-10-31 Chairman WP3/16 Report of Working Party 3/16 (Media coding and signal processing) [ TD 113PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 113PLEN ] [ TD 113PLEN ] 2013-10-31 Chairmen WP2/16 Report of Working Party 2/16 (Multimedia services and accessibility) [ TD 112PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 112PLEN ] [ TD 112PLEN ] 2013-10-31 Chairman WP1/16 Report of Working Party 1/16 (Multimedia systems) [ TD 111PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 110PLEN ] [ TD 111PLEN ] [ TD 111PLEN ] 2013-10-31 Rapporteur Q20/16 Report of Question 20/16 "Multimedia coordination" [ TD 110PLEN ] [ TD 109PLEN ] [ TD 110PLEN ] [ TD 109PLEN ] 2013-10-31 Editor H.248.DPI A.5 justification information for draft new H.248.86 (ex H.248.DPI) Q3/16 2013-10-31 Editor H.248.RTCPROF Q3/16 [ TD 108PLEN ] [ TD 107PLEN [ TD 108PLEN ] [ TD 107PLEN 2013-10-31 Editor H.248.RTCPROF Consent: H.248.87 (ex H.248.RTCPPROF) "Guidelines on the use of H.248 capabilities for performance monitoring in RTP networks in H.248 Profiles" (New) A.5 justification information for draft H.248.87 (ex H.248.RTCPROF) 2013-10-31 Editor H.248.RTPTOPO Consent: H.248.88 (ex H.248.RTPTOPO) "RTP topology dependent RTCP handling by H.248 Q3/16 [ TD 109PLEN ] [ TD 108PLEN ] [ TD 107PLEN ] Q28/16, Q27/16, Q26/16, Q25/16, Q14/16, Q13/16 Q5/16, Q3/16, Q21/16, Q2/16, Q1/16 Q20/16 Q7/16, Q6/16, Q18/16, Q16/16, Q15/16, Q10/16 Q28/16, Q27/16, Q26/16, Q25/16, Q14/16, Q13/16 Q5/16, Q3/16, Q21/16, Q2/16, Q1/16 Q20/16 Q3/16 [ TD 106PLEN ] [ TD 105PLEN ] (Rev.12) +Add.16 [ TD 104PLEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 103PLEN ] [ TD 102PLEN ] [ TD 101PLEN ] (Rev.1) +Add.16 [ TD 100PLEN ] +Add.12 [ TD 99PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 98PLEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 97PLEN ] [ TD 96PLEN ] [ TD 95- ] ] Media Gateways with IP Terminations" (New) A.5 justification information for draft new H.248.88 (ex H.248.RTPTOPO, ex H.248.RTCPHAND) [ TD 106PLEN ] [ TD 105PLEN ] [ TD 106PLEN ] [ TD 105PLEN ] 2013-10-31 Editor ex H.248.RTPTOPO 2013-10-18 TSB H.IDGPHS: New A.5 Qualification for various outside organizations Q28/16 [ TD 104PLEN ] [ TD 103PLEN ] [ TD 102PLEN ] [ TD 101PLEN ] [ TD 104PLEN ] [ TD 103PLEN ] [ TD 102PLEN ] [ TD 101PLEN ] 2013-09-25 Outcome of e-mail discussions on SG16 Guidelines for organization of Rapporteur Group meetings QALL/16 2013-08-28 Chairman AHG on rapporteur meeting organization TSB ITU-T Recommendations referencing withdrawn ISO/IEC standards QALL/16 2013-08-28 TSB ITU Kaleidoscope 2013 - Papers relevant to SG16 QALL/16 2013-08-28 TSB Report of TSB Director's Ad Hoc Group on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) QALL/16 [ TD 100PLEN ] [ TD 100PLEN ] 2013-08-28 ITU-T Liaison Officer to JTC 1 Report of the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Plenary (Jeju Island, Korea, 5-10 November 2012) on matters of interest to SG16 Q6/16, Q25/16 [ TD 99PLEN ] [ TD 98PLEN ] [ TD 97PLEN ] [ TD 96PLEN ] [ TD 95- [ TD 99PLEN ] [ TD 98PLEN ] [ TD 97PLEN ] [ TD 96PLEN ] [ TD 95- 2013-08-28 Rapporteur Q201/6 Agenda and documentation for Q20/16 Q20/16 2013-08-28 Chairman SG16 Newcomers: presentation during orientation session on ITU-T and Study Group 16 QALL/16 2013-08-28 TSB Initial documentation for the Study Group16 Meeting (Geneva, 28 November - 8 December 2013) QALL/16 2013-08-28 TSB List of Implementors' Guides for Study Group 16 (updated October 2013) QALL/16 2013-08-28 TSB Work programme for Study Group 16 QALL/16 Q3/16 PLEN ] [ TD 94PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 93PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 92PLEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 91PLEN ] [ TD 90PLEN ] [ TD 89PLEN ] (Rev.12) PLEN ] [ TD 94PLEN ] [ TD 93PLEN ] [ TD 92PLEN ] PLEN ] [ TD 94PLEN ] [ TD 93PLEN ] [ TD 92PLEN ] [ TD 91PLEN ] [ TD 90PLEN ] [ TD 89PLEN ] [ TD 91PLEN ] [ TD 90PLEN ] [ TD 89PLEN ] 2013-08-28 TSB List of participants (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) QALL/16 2013-08-28 TSB Report of promotion activities for SG 16 (January-October 2013) QALL/16 2013-08-28 TSB List of IPR information received for ITU-T SG 16 Recommendations (January to October 2013) QALL/16 2013-08-28 TSB Status of texts consented at the previous SG16 meeting (Geneva, 14 25 January 2013) QALL/16 2013-08-28 Chairman SG16 Initial schedule for the ITU-T SG 16 meeting (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) QALL/16 2013-08-28 TSB Information to Study Group 16 (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) QALL/16 Temporary Documents (WP1) Web [ TD 139WP1 ] [ TD 138WP1 ] [ TD 137WP1 ] [ TD 136WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 135WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 134- IFA [ TD 139WP1 ] [ TD 138WP1 ] [ TD 137WP1 ] [ TD 136WP1 ] [ TD 135WP1 ] [ TD 134- Local [ TD 139WP1 ] [ TD 138WP1 ] [ TD 137WP1 ] [ TD 136WP1 ] [ TD 135WP1 ] [ TD 134- Received 2013-11-06 Source Editors H.P2PVSArch 2013-11-06 Editors H.IVSReqs 2013-11-06 Editors H.VSMprot 2013-11-06 Rapporteur Q21/16 2013-11-06 Rapporteur Q21/16 2013-11-06 Editors H.IQAS Title H.P2PVSArch "Architecture for pointto-point visual surveillance" (New) : Initial draft (Geneva, 28 Octorber-8 November 2013) H.IVSReqs "Requirements for intelligent visual surveillance" (New) : Output draft Questions Q21/16 H.VSMprot "Signalling and protocols for mobile visual surveillance" (New): Output draft (Geneva, 28 October-8 November 2013) LS/r on joint meeting between Q4/2 and Q21/16 including Q26/16 (COM2LS27) [to ITU-T SG2] Q21/16 Report of joint meeting between Q4/2 and Q21/16 on proposed new work item in SG2 on convenient speech translation service framework H.IQAS "Intelligent Question Answering Service Framework": Initial Q21/16 Q21/16 Q21/16 Q21/16 WP1 ] WP1 ] [ TD 133WP1 ] [ TD 132WP1 ] [ TD 131WP1 ] [ TD 130WP1 ] WP1 ] [ TD 133WP1 ] [ TD 132WP1 ] [ TD 131WP1 ] [ TD 130WP1 ] [ TD 129WP1 ] [ TD 129WP1 ] [ TD 128WP1 ] [ TD 127WP1 ] [ TD 133WP1 ] [ TD 132WP1 ] [ TD 131WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 130WP1 ] [ TD 126WP1 ] [ TD 125WP1 ] [ TD 124WP1 ] [ TD 123WP1 ] draft 2013-11-06 Editor H.asset 2013-11-06 Editor F.PDRDreqs 2013-11-06 Editor F.UDExch 2013-11-06 Editor ITU-T F.CCNMMS [ TD 129WP1 ] 2013-11-06 Editor H.621 [ TD 128WP1 ] [ TD 128WP1 ] 2013-11-06 Editor F.771 [ TD 127WP1 ] [ TD 126WP1 ] [ TD 125WP1 ] [ TD 127WP1 ] [ TD 126WP1 ] [ TD 125WP1 ] 2013-11-06 Editor H.VHN 2013-11-06 Rapporteur Q21/16 2013-11-06 Editor F.NBLICreq [ TD 124WP1 ] [ TD 123WP1 [ TD 124WP1 ] [ TD 123WP1 2013-11-06 Editor F.LIMSreqs 2013-11-04 Rapporteur Q3/16 H.Asset "H.323 Associative Set (ASSET) Feature" (New): Updated draft Ed. 0.2 (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) ITU-T F.PDRDreqs " Personal devices registration and discovery requirements" (New): Initial text (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) F.UDExch "User data exchange between functional components in network entities or terminals" (New): Outputs draft (for Consent) ITU-T F.CCNMMS "Requirements and Architecture for CCN-based Mobile Multimedia Services" (New): Baseline Text (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) H.621 Amd.1 "Architecture of a system for multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification: Supporting multiple air interfaces" (New): Initial draft from SG 16 meeting (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November, 2013) F.771 Amd.1 "Service description and requirements for multimedia information access triggered by tagbased identification: Supporting multiple air interfaces" (New): Initial draft from SG 16 meeting (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November, 2013) H.VHN "Service capabilities and framework for virtual home network" (New): Output text (Geneva, 28 October 2013 - 8 November 2013) LS on information on Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) [to Q4/2 and JCA-AHF] Q2/16 F.NBLICreq "Location-based applications and services: Requirements for network-based location information conversion" (New): Output document (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) F.LIMSreqs "Low-latency interactive multimedia stream requirements" (Rev.): Input draft (planned for consent) Q21/16 H.248.88: Consensus/living list Q3/16 Q21/16 Q21/16 Q21/16 Q21/16 Q21/16 Q21/16 Q21/16 Q21/16 ] [ TD 122WP1 ] [ TD 121WP1 ] [ TD 120WP1 ] [ TD 119WP1 ] [ TD 118WP1 ] ] [ TD 122WP1 ] [ TD 121WP1 ] [ TD 120WP1 ] [ TD 119WP1 ] [ TD 118WP1 ] [ TD 117WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 116WP1 ] [ TD 117WP1 ] [ TD 116WP1 ] [ TD 115WP1 ] [ TD 122WP1 ] [ TD 121WP1 ] [ TD 120WP1 ] [ TD 119WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 118WP1 ] (Rev.12) [ TD 114WP1 ] [ TD 113WP1 ] [ TD 112WP1 ] [ TD 111WP1 ] (Rev.1- 2013-11-04 Editor H.248.SEPLINK H.248.SEPLINK " Gateway control protocol: Stream endpoint interlinkage package" (New): Output draft Ed. 0.2 Q3/16 2013-11-04 Editor H.248.50 Rev H.248.50 "Gateway control protocol: NAT traversal toolkit packages" (Rev.): Output draft Ed. 0.4 Q3/16 2013-11-04 Rapporteur 5/16 H.TPS-SIG "Signalling for telepresence-enabled conferencing" (New): Initial draft Q5/16 2013-11-04 Editor F.FEMC Q1/16 2013-11-04 Rapporteur Q2/16 [ TD 117WP1 ] [ TD 116WP1 ] 2013-11-04 Editor H.323 IG F.FEMC "Functional model of motorised conferencing systems" (New): Updated draft v0.2 (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) LS/r on request to all Study Groups to update the reference table of ITU-T Recommendations to be tested for conformity/interoperability, parameters and available test suites (COM11-LS10) [to ITU-T SG11] H.323 IG: Draft updates 2013-11-04 Editor H.341 Q2/16 [ TD 115WP1 ] [ TD 114WP1 ] [ TD 113WP1 ] [ TD 115WP1 ] [ TD 114WP1 ] [ TD 113WP1 ] 2013-11-01 Editor H.Sup.OpenFlow 2013-11-01 Editor F.UDExch 2013-11-01 Editor H.248.SCTP [ TD 112WP1 ] [ TD 111WP1 ] [ TD 112WP1 ] [ TD 111WP1 ] 2013-10-27 Chairman SG16 H.341 (1999) Cor.1 "Multimedia Management Information Base: Updates to MIB definitions" (New): Text transferred from the H.323 Implementors' Guide (planned for Consent) Draft Technical report TR H.Sup.OpenFlow: "Protocol evaluation - OpenFlow versus H.248" (New): Output draft Ed. 0.2 F.UDExch "User data exchange between functional components in network entities or terminals" (New): Input draft (Planned for Consent) H.248.SCTP "Gateway control protocol: H.248 support for control of SCTP bearer connections" (New): Output draft Ed. 0.2 (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) On remote language translation study 2013-10-24 Chair, Motorized Conferencing Adhoc Group Report of the Motorized Conferencing Ad-hoc Group Q1/16 Q2/16 Q2/16 Q3/16 Q21/16 Q3/16 Q21/16 2) [ TD 110WP1 ] +Add.1 [ TD 110WP1 ] [ TD 110WP1 ] 2013-10-24 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 [ TD 109WP1 ] +Add.1 [ TD 109WP1 ] [ TD 109WP1 ] 2013-10-24 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 [ TD 108WP1 ] +Add.1 (Rev.12) [ TD 108WP1 ] [ TD 108WP1 ] 2013-10-24 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 [ TD 107WP1 ] +Add.1 [ TD 107WP1 ] [ TD 107WP1 ] 2013-10-24 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 [ TD 106WP1 ] [ TD 106WP1 ] [ TD 105WP1 ] [ TD 104WP1 ] [ TD 103WP1 ] [ TD 102WP1 ] [ TD 101WP1 [ TD 106WP1 ] [ TD 105WP1 ] [ TD 104WP1 ] [ TD 103WP1 ] [ TD 102WP1 ] [ TD 101WP1 2013-10-22 Rapporteur Q5/16 2013-07-17 [ TD 105WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 104WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 103WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 102WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 101WP1 ] H.222.0 (2012) | ISO/IEC 13818-1:2013 Amd.4 "Information technology Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems: Support for event signalling in Transport Stream in MPEG-2 systems" (New): Input draft (planned for Consent) H.222.0 (2012) | ISO/IEC 13818-1:2013 Amd.3 "Information technology Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems: Transport of HEVC video over MPEG2 systems" (New): Input draft (planned for Consent) H.222.0 (2012) | ISO/IEC 13818-1:2013 Amd.2 "Information technology Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems: Signalling of Transport profiles, signalling MVC view association to eye and MIME type registration" (New): Input draft (planned for Consent) H.222.0 (2012) | ISO/IEC 13818-1:2013 Amd.1 "Information technology Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems: Extensions for simplified carriage of MPEG-4 over MPEG-2" (New): Input draft (planned for Consent) Q5/16 Living List: Input Draft Q1/16 Rapporteur Q21/16 Draft Report of Question 21/16 "Multimedia framework, applications and services" Q21/16 2013-07-17 Rapporteur Q5/16 Report of Question 5/16 "Telepresence Systems" Q5/16 2013-07-17 Rapporteur Q3/16 Report of Question 3/16 "Multimedia Gateway Control Architectures and Protocols" Q3/16 2013-07-17 Rapporteur Q2/16 Report of Question 2/16 "Packet-based conversational multimedia systems and functions" Q2/16 2013-07-17 Rapporteur Q1/16 Report of Question 1/16 "Multimedia Systems, Terminals and Data Conferencing" Q1/16 Q1/16 Q1/16 Q1/16 Q5/16 [ TD 100WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 99WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 98WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 97WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 96WP1 ] [ TD 95WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 94WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 93WP1 ] [ TD 92WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 91WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 90WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 89WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 88WP1 ] (Rev.12) ] [ TD 100WP1 ] [ TD 99WP1 ] [ TD 98WP1 ] [ TD 97WP1 ] [ TD 96WP1 ] [ TD 95WP1 ] [ TD 94WP1 ] [ TD 93WP1 ] [ TD 92WP1 ] [ TD 91WP1 ] [ TD 90WP1 ] [ TD 89WP1 ] [ TD 88WP1 ] ] [ TD 100WP1 ] [ TD 99WP1 ] [ TD 98WP1 ] [ TD 97WP1 ] [ TD 96WP1 ] [ TD 95WP1 ] [ TD 94WP1 ] [ TD 93WP1 ] [ TD 92WP1 ] [ TD 91WP1 ] [ TD 90WP1 ] [ TD 89WP1 ] [ TD 88WP1 ] 2013-10-22 Editor H.235.6 H.235.6 "H.323 security: Voice encryption profile with native H.235/H.245 key management" (Rev.): Input draft (planned for consent) H.235.0 "H.323 security: Framework for security in H-series (H.323 and other H.245-based) multimedia systems" (Rev.): Input draft (planned for consent) H-Series Supplement 2: "H.248.x subseries packages guide - Release 16" (Rev.): input draft Q2/16 2013-10-22 Editor H.235.0 2013-10-11 Editor H.Sup2 2013-10-11 Editor H.248.RTPMUX H.248.RTPMUX "Gateway Control Protocol: H.248 support for RTP multiplexing" (New): input draft Q3/16 2013-10-11 Rapporteur Q3/16 H.248.1v4: Living List Q3/16 2013-10-11 Editor H.248 IG H.248 Sub-series Implementors' Guide (Rev.): input draft Q3/16 2013-10-11 Editor H.248.80 Q3/16 2013-10-11 Editor H.248.74 H.248.80 (ex H.248.SDPMapper) "Usage of the revised SDP offer / answer model with H.248" (New): input draft H.248.74 (ex H.248.MRCP) "Media Resource Control enhancement Packages" (New): input draft 2013-10-11 Editor H.248.66 H.248.66 (ex H.248.RTSP) "Packages for RTSP and H.248 interworking" (New): input draft Q3/16 2013-10-11 Editor H.248.39 H.248.39 "H.248 SDP parameter identification and wildcarding" (Rev.): input draft Q3/16 2013-10-11 Editor F/H.TPSArch F/H.TPS-Arch "Telepresence System Architecture" (New): input draft Q5/16 2013-10-22 Editor H.TPS-HV H.TPS-AV "Audio/video parameters for telepresence systems" (New): Input Draft Q5/16 2013-07-17 Editor H.Supp.Prio H.Supp.12 (ex H.Supp.Prio) "Priority traffic treatment by H.248 gateways" (New): input draft Q3/16 Q2/16 Q3/16 Q3/16 [ TD 87WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 86WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 87WP1 ] [ TD 86WP1 ] [ TD 87WP1 ] [ TD 86WP1 ] 2013-07-17 Editor F.TPS-Reqs F.TPS-Reqs "Definitions, requirements, and use cases for Telepresence Systems" (New): Input Draft (2013-10) Q5/16 2013-06-21 Editor H.248.WEBRTC Q3/16 [ TD 85WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 84WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 83WP1 ] (Rev.12) [ TD 82WP1 ] [ TD 85WP1 ] [ TD 84WP1 ] [ TD 83WP1 ] [ TD 85WP1 ] [ TD 84WP1 ] [ TD 83WP1 ] 2013-06-21 Editor H.248.TLSPROF 2013-06-21 Editor H.248.TLS 2013-06-21 Editor H.248.TCP H.248.WEBRTC "Guidelines on the use of H.248 capabilities for Web-based Real-Time Communication Services in H.248 Profiles" (New): Input draft Ed. 0.7 H.248.TLSPROF: "Guidelines on the use of H.248 capabilities for transport security in TLS networks in H.248 Profiles" (New): Input draft Ed. 0.10 H.248.TLS: "Gateway control protocol: H.248 packages for control of transport security using TLS" (New): Input draft Ed. 0.10 H.248.TCP: "Gateway control protocol: TCP support packages" (New): Input draft Ed. 0.7 [ TD 82WP1 ] [ TD 82WP1 ] 2013-06-21 Editor H.248.RTPTOPO Q3/16 [ TD 81WP1 ] [ TD 81WP1 ] [ TD 81WP1 ] 2013-06-21 Editor H.248.RTCPPROF [ TD 80WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 79WP1 ] [ TD 80WP1 ] [ TD 79WP1 ] [ TD 78WP1 ] [ TD 77WP1 ] [ TD 76WP1 ] [ TD 75- [ TD 80WP1 ] [ TD 79WP1 ] [ TD 78WP1 ] [ TD 77WP1 ] [ TD 76WP1 ] [ TD 75- 2013-06-21 Editor H.248.DTLS 2013-06-21 Editor H.248.DPI 2013-06-21 Editor H.248.78 H.248.88 (ex H.248.RTPTOPO) "RTP topology dependent RTCP handling by H.248 Media Gateways with IP Terminations" (New): Input draft Ed. 0.17 H.248.87 (ex H.248.RTCPPROF) "Guidelines on the use of H.248 capabilities for performance monitoring in RTP networks in H.248 Profiles" (New): Input draft Ed. 0.10 H.248.DTLS: "Gateway control protocol: H.248 support for control of transport security using DTLS" (New): Input draft Ed. 0.3 H.248.86 (ex H.248.DPI "Gateway control protocol: H.248 Support for deep packet inspection" (New): Input draft Ed. 0.19 H.248.78 "Gateway control protocol: Bearer-level application level gateway" (Rev.): Input draft Ed. 0.2 2013-06-19 Chairman WP1/16 Report of Q1, 2, 3, and 5/16 Rapporteur Group Meeting (Oslo, Norway, 17-21 June 2013) 2013-06-19 Rapporteur Q21/16 Agenda and documentation for Q21/16 Q5/16, Q3/16, Q2/16, Q1/16 Q21/16 2013-06-19 Rapporteur Q5/16 Agenda and documentation for Q5/16 Q5/16 [ TD 78WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 77WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 76WP1 ] [ TD 75- Q3/16 Q3/16 Q3/16 Q3/16 Q3/16 Q3/16 Q3/16 WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 74WP1 ] [ TD 73WP1 ] (Rev.12) [ TD 72WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 71WP1 ] (Rev.13) WP1 ] [ TD 74WP1 ] [ TD 73WP1 ] WP1 ] [ TD 74WP1 ] [ TD 73WP1 ] [ TD 72WP1 ] [ TD 71WP1 ] [ TD 72WP1 ] [ TD 71WP1 ] 2013-06-19 Rapporteur Q3/16 Agenda and documentation for Q3/16 Q3/16 2013-06-19 Rapporteur Q2/16 Agenda and documentation for Q2/16 Q2/16 2013-06-19 Rapporteur Q1/16 Agenda and documentation for Q1/16 Q1/16 2013-06-19 Chairman WP1/16 Draft agenda and work plan for WP 1/16 (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) Q5/16, Q3/16, Q21/16, Q2/16, Q1/16 Temporary Documents (WP2) Web [ TD 171WP2 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 170WP2 ] [ TD 169WP2 ] [ TD 168WP2 ] [ TD 167WP2 ] [ TD 166WP2 ] [ TD 165WP2 ] [ TD 164- IFA [ TD 171WP2 ] [ TD 170WP2 ] [ TD 169WP2 ] [ TD 168WP2 ] [ TD 167WP2 ] [ TD 166WP2 ] [ TD 165WP2 ] [ TD 164- Local [ TD 171WP2 ] [ TD 170WP2 ] [ TD 169WP2 ] [ TD 168WP2 ] [ TD 167WP2 ] [ TD 166WP2 ] [ TD 165WP2 ] [ TD 164- Received 2013-11-06 Source Rapporteur Q26/16 a.i. Title LS/r on collaboration on DAISY/EPub3 [to DAISY Consortium] Questions Q26/16 2013-11-06 Rapporteur Q13/16 LS/r on Mobile IPTV requirements (COM13-LS33) [to ITU-T SG13] Q13/16 2013-11-06 Rapporteur Q13/16 LS on publication of ITU-T H.751 (2013) [to IEC TC100] Q13/16 2013-11-06 Rapporteur Q26/16 a.i. LS on creation of an Intersector Rapporteur Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility (IRG-AVA) to [ITU-T SG9, ITU-R SG6] Q26/16 2013-11-06 Rapporteur Q26/16 a.i. IRG-AVA: ToR agreed at Q26/16 sessions Q26/16 2013-11-06 Editors HSTP.DSUCIS Q14/16 2013-11-06 Editor F.Relay HSTP.DS-UCIS "Digital signage: Usecases of interactive services" (New): Output draft (Geneva, 28 October - 1 November 2013) F.Relay "Telecommunication Relay Services" (New): Output version Ed. 0.2 (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) 2013-11-06 Rapporteur Q27/16 LS/r on providing necessary input on activity levels in Questions (TSAG-LS3) Q27/16 Q26/16 WP2 ] [ TD 163WP2 ] [ TD 162WP2 ] [ TD 161WP2 ] [ TD 160WP2 ] [ TD 159WP2 ] [ TD 158WP2 ] +Add.1 [ TD 157WP2 ] [ TD 156WP2 ] [ TD 155WP2 ] +Add.1 [ TD 154WP2 ] [ TD 153WP2 ] [ TD 152WP2 ] WP2 ] [ TD 163WP2 ] [ TD 162WP2 ] WP2 ] [ TD 163WP2 ] [ TD 162WP2 ] [ TD 161WP2 ] [ TD 160WP2 ] [to TSAG] 2013-11-06 Editor G.SAM ITU-T G.SAM "Mechanisms for managing the situational awareness of drivers" (New): Output draft from SG16 meeting(Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) ITU-T G.V2A "Communications interface between external applications and a Vehicle Gateway Platform" (New): Output draft from SG16 meeting(Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) LS/r on ITS use cases and architectures (Ref.: COM17-LS54) to [ITU-T Q6/17] Q27/16 2013-11-06 Editor G.V2A [ TD 161WP2 ] [ TD 160WP2 ] 2013-11-06 Rapporteur Q27/16 2013-11-05 Editor F.IoTASM ITU-T F.IoT-ASM "Requirements and reference architecture for audienceselectable media service framework in the IoT environment" (New): Initial draft from SG16 meeting(Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) Q27/16 Living List: Output Draft Q25/16 [ TD 159WP2 ] [ TD 158WP2 ] [ TD 157WP2 ] [ TD 159WP2 ] [ TD 158WP2 ] [ TD 157WP2 ] 2013-11-06 Rapporteur Q27/16 2013-11-05 Editor H.IDGPHS Q28/16 Rapporteur Q26/16 a.i. H.IDGPHS "Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems" (New): updated draft (Geneva, 28 October 8 November 2013) F.IoT-SPSN "Requirements of Smartphone as sink node for IoT applications and services" initial output draft from SG 16 meeting (Geneva, 28 October - 08 November 2013) H.IoT-reqs "Common requirements for Internet of Things (IoT) applications" (New): Output draft (Geneva, 28 October 8 November 2013) Presentation on the use of SIP in Relay Services 2013-11-05 Editor F.IoTSPSN [ TD 156WP2 ] [ TD 155WP2 ] [ TD 154WP2 ] [ TD 153WP2 ] [ TD 152WP2 ] [ TD 156WP2 ] [ TD 155WP2 ] [ TD 154WP2 ] [ TD 153WP2 ] [ TD 152WP2 ] 2013-11-05 Editor H.IoTreqs 2013-11-05 2013-11-05 Editors HSTP.DSUCIS HSTP.DS-UCIS " Digital signage: Usecases of interactive services": Output draft (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) Q14/16 2013-11-04 Editor H.DSMETA H.DS-META "Digital signage: Metadata" (New): Output draft (Geneva, 28 October 8 November 2013) Q14/16 2013-11-04 Editor H.DSCASF H.DS-CASF "Digital signage: Common alerting service framework" (New): Initial draft (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) Q14/16 Q27/16 Q27/16 Q27/16 Q25/16 Q25/16 Q26/16 [ TD 151WP2 ] [ TD 150WP2 ] [ TD 149WP2 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 148WP2 ] [ TD 147WP2 ] [ TD 146WP2 ] [ TD 145WP2 ] [ TD 144WP2 ] [ TD 143WP2 ] [ TD 142WP2 ] [ TD 141WP2 ] [ TD 140WP2 ] [ TD [ TD 151WP2 ] [ TD 150WP2 ] [ TD 149WP2 ] [ TD 151WP2 ] [ TD 150WP2 ] [ TD 149WP2 ] 2013-11-04 Editor H.DSARCH H.DS-ARCH "Digital signage: Functional architecture" (New): Output draft (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) Q14/16 2013-11-04 Editors H.DSAM H.DS-AM "Digital signage: Audience measurement services" (New): Output draft (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) Q14/16 2013-11-04 Editor F.USNALI Q25/16 [ TD 148WP2 ] [ TD 147WP2 ] [ TD 146WP2 ] [ TD 145WP2 ] [ TD 144WP2 ] [ TD 148WP2 ] [ TD 147WP2 ] [ TD 146WP2 ] [ TD 145WP2 ] [ TD 144WP2 ] 2013-11-04 Rapporteur Q27/16 ITU-T F.747.5 (ex F.USN-ALI) "Requirements and reference architecture of automatic location identification capability for USN applications and services" (New): Input draft (for Consent) Input on vehicle definitions discussion 2013-11-04 Editor H.WoT-SA H.WoT-SA "Web of Things Service Architecture" (New): Output draft (Geneva, 28 October - 08 November 2013) Q25/16 2013-11-04 Editor H.IoTID Q25/16 2013-11-04 Editor F.OpenUSN 2013-11-04 Editor H.741.2 Amd.1 [ TD 143WP2 ] [ TD 142WP2 ] [ TD 141WP2 ] [ TD 140WP2 ] [ TD 143WP2 ] [ TD 142WP2 ] [ TD 141WP2 ] [ TD 140WP2 ] 2013-11-04 Rapporteur Q26/16 a.i. H.IoT-ID "Requirements and Common Characteristics of IoT Identifier for IoT Service" (New): Output draft (Geneva, 28 October - 08 November 2013) ITU-T F.747.4 (ex F.OpenUSN) "Requirements and functional architecture for the open USN service platform" (New): Input draft (for Consent) H.741.2 Amd.1 "IPTV application event handling: Data structures of audience measurement for IPTV services: New Appendix I with XML schema on the data structures of audience measurement for IPTV services" (New): Final text for approval F.Relay "Telecommunication Relay Services" (New): Original draft (SG16 meeting in October-November 2009) 2013-11-04 Rapporteur Q27/16 Prior work in Y.2281 (Framework of networked vehicle services and applications using NGN) Q27/16 2013-11-01 Editor FSTPRSDP FSTP-RSDP "Relay services for people with disabilities" (New): Input draft Q26/16 2013-11-01 Editor HSTP.IPTVISCD Q13/16 [ TD [ TD 2013-11-01 Editors HSTP.IPTV-ISCD "Technical Paper: Integrated semantic content discovery for IPTV services in a multiple-source environment"(New): output draft (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) HSTP.IPTV-Gloss "Technical Paper: Q27/16 Q25/16 Q13/16 Q26/16 Q13/16 139WP2 ] [ TD 138WP2 ] [ TD 137WP2 ] [ TD 136WP2 ] [ TD 135WP2 ] [ TD 134WP2 ] [ TD 133WP2 ] [ TD 132WP2 ] [ TD 131WP2 ] [ TD 130WP2 ] [ TD 129WP2 ] [ TD 128WP2 ] [ TD 127WP2 ] [ TD 126WP2 ] 139WP2 ] [ TD 138WP2 ] [ TD 137WP2 ] [ TD 136WP2 ] [ TD 135WP2 ] [ TD 134WP2 ] [ TD 133WP2 ] [ TD 132WP2 ] [ TD 131WP2 ] [ TD 130WP2 ] [ TD 129WP2 ] [ TD 128WP2 ] [ TD 127WP2 ] [ TD 126WP2 139WP2 ] [ TD 138WP2 ] [ TD 137WP2 ] [ TD 136WP2 ] [ TD 135WP2 ] [ TD 134WP2 ] [ TD 133WP2 ] [ TD 132WP2 ] [ TD 131WP2 ] [ TD 130WP2 ] [ TD 129WP2 ] [ TD 128WP2 ] [ TD 127WP2 ] [ TD 126WP2 HSTP.IPTVGloss Glossary and terminology of IP-based TVrelated multimedia services"(New): updated draft (Geneva, 28 Oct. - 8 Nov. 2013) HSTP.CONF-H721 (V2): Initial text (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) 2013-11-01 Editor HSTP.CONFH721 Q13/16 2013-11-01 Editor H.IPTV-UVS H.IPTV-UVS "Use of video sensor devices for IPTV services" (New): Updated draft (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) Q13/16 2013-11-01 Editors H.IPTVTDES.5 Q13/16 2013-11-01 Editors H.IPTV-MDS H.IPTV-TDES.5 "IPTV Terminal Device: Interworking-enabled model of multiple devices" Revised text (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) H.IPTV-MDS "IPTV Multiple Devices Service" (New): Output text (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) 2013-11-01 Editors H.IPTVMAFR.13 H.IPTV-MAFR.13 "HTML for IPTV services": Updated text (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) Q13/16 2013-11-01 Editors H.IPTV-EUIF H.IPTV-EUIF "Enhanced UI framework for TV service": Output draft (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) Q13/16 2013-11-01 Editors H.IPTV-CPI Q13/16 2013-11-01 Editor H.IPTV-ACC H.IPTV-CPI "Multimedia content provisioning interface for IPTV services": Output draft (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) H.IPTV-ACC "Accessibility framework for TV-related services": output draft (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) 2013-11-01 Editors H.761 Q13/16 2013-11-01 Editor H.721 H.761 "Nested context language (NCL) and Ginga NCL" (Rev.): Initial draft of revised text (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) H.721 "IPTV terminal devices: Basic model" (Rev.): Output text (SG16, Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) 2013-11-01 Rapporteur Q13/16 Q13/16 2013-11-01 Rapporteur Q14/16 LS/r on recent progress of recommendations and report on Integrated Broadcast-Broadband systems (Doc6B/TEMP/42) [to ITU-R WP6B] Draft LSs from Q14/16 2013-11-01 Editor H.DSGloss HTSP.DS-Gloss "Digital signage: Glossary and definitions" (New): Initial draft (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) Q14/16 Q13/16 Q13/16 Q13/16 Q14/16 ] [ TD 125WP2 ] [ TD 124WP2 ] [ TD 123WP2 ] [ TD 122WP2 ] [ TD 121WP2 ] [ TD 120WP2 ] [ TD 119WP2 ] [ TD 118WP2 ] [ TD 117WP2 ] [ TD 116WP2 ] [ TD 115WP2 ] ] [ TD 125WP2 ] [ TD 124WP2 ] [ TD 123WP2 ] [ TD 122WP2 ] [ TD 121WP2 ] [ TD 120WP2 ] [ TD 119WP2 ] [ TD 118WP2 ] [ TD 117WP2 ] [ TD 116WP2 ] [ TD 115WP2 ] [ TD 114WP2 ] [ TD 114WP2 ] [ TD 113WP2 ] [ TD 113WP2 [ TD 125WP2 ] [ TD 124WP2 ] [ TD 123WP2 ] [ TD 122WP2 ] [ TD 121WP2 ] [ TD 120WP2 ] [ TD 119WP2 ] [ TD 118WP2 ] [ TD 117WP2 ] [ TD 116WP2 ] [ TD 115WP2 ] 2013-11-01 Editor H.DSDISR H.DS-DISR "Digital signage: Requirements of disaster information services" (New): Updated draft (IPTV-GSI, Geneva, 28 October -8 November 2013) Summary of latest actions on the implementation of PP10 Resolution 175 (October 2013) Q14/16 2013-11-01 TSB 2013-11-01 Editor H.MEDX H.MEDX "Multimedia e-health data exchange services: data schema and supporting services" (New): Updated draft Q28/16 2013-10-31 ITU-T FG AVA FG AVA Deliverable: Draft recommended features for mobile media devices Q26/16 2013-10-31 ITU-T FG AVA FG AVA Deliverable: Requirements and good practice for supporting remote participation in meetings for all Q26/16 2013-10-31 ITU-T FG AVA FG AVA Deliverable: Vocabulary for ITUT Focus Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility Q26/16 2013-10-31 ITU-T FG AVA FG AVA Deliverable: Using Audiovisual Media - a Taxonomy of Participation Q26/16 2013-10-31 ITU-T FG AVA FG AVA Deliverable: Methods for improving the intelligibility of audio Q26/16 2013-10-31 ITU-T FG AVA FG AVA Deliverable: Draft recommended production guidelines for sign language service Q26/16 2013-10-31 ITU-T FG AVA FG AVA Deliverable: Draft recommended requirements of TV receiver for closed signing Q26/16 2013-10-31 ITU-T FG AVA Q26/16 [ TD 114WP2 ] 2013-10-31 ITU-T FG AVA [ TD 113WP2 2013-10-31 ITU-T FG AVA FG AVA Deliverable: Draft recommended characteristics for audio descriptions and/or spoken subtitles for assisting content accessibility of audiovisual programme material FG AVA Deliverable: Draft recommended requirements for the application of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) for media services FG AVA Deliverable: Interworking and Digital Audiovisual Media Accessibility Q26/16 Q26/16 Q26/16 [ TD 112WP2 ] +Add.1 [ TD 111WP2 ] [ TD 110WP2 ] [ TD 109WP2 ] [ TD 108WP2 ] [ TD 107WP2 ] [ TD 106WP2 ] [ TD 105WP2 ] (Rev.12) [ TD 104WP2 ] (Rev.12) [ TD 103WP2 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 102WP2 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 101WP2 ] [ TD 100WP2 ] ] [ TD 112WP2 ] [ TD 111WP2 ] [ TD 110WP2 ] [ TD 109WP2 ] [ TD 108WP2 ] [ TD 107WP2 ] [ TD 106WP2 ] [ TD 105WP2 ] ] [ TD 112WP2 ] [ TD 111WP2 ] [ TD 110WP2 ] [ TD 109WP2 ] [ TD 108WP2 ] [ TD 107WP2 ] [ TD 106WP2 ] [ TD 105WP2 ] [ TD 104WP2 ] [ TD 103WP2 ] [ TD 102WP2 ] [ TD 101WP2 ] [ TD 100WP2 2013-10-31 ITU-T FG AVA FG AVA Deliverable: ITU-T online manual on audiovisual accessibility for decisionmakers (manuscript format) Q26/16 2013-10-31 ITU-T FG AVA FG AVA Deliverable: Overview of audiovisual media accessibility: an introduction Q26/16 2013-11-01 ITU-T FG AVA FG AVA Final Report of activities: Working Group G "Digital Broadcast Television" Q26/16 2013-11-01 ITU-T FG AVA FG AVA Final Report of activities: Working Group F "Participation and Digital Media" Q26/16 2013-11-01 ITU-T FG AVA Q26/16 2013-11-01 ITU-T FG AVA FG AVA Final Report of activities: Working Group C "Visual signing and sign language" and D "Emerging access services" on common topics FG AVA Final Report of activities: Working Group C "Visual signing and sign language" 2013-07-17 Rapporteur Q28/16 Report of Question 28/16 "Multimedia framework for e-health applications" Q28/16 2013-07-17 Rapporteur Q27/16 Report of Question 27/16 "Vehicle gateway platform for telecommunication/ITS services/applications" Q27/16 [ TD 104WP2 ] 2013-07-17 Rapporteur Q26/16 a.i. Report of Question 26/16 "Accessibility to multimedia systems and services" Q26/16 [ TD 103WP2 ] [ TD 102WP2 ] [ TD 101WP2 ] [ TD 100WP2 2013-07-17 Rapporteur Q25/16 Report of Question 25/16 "IoT applications and services" Q25/16 2013-07-17 Rapporteur Q14/16 Report of Question 14/16 "Digital signage systems and services" Q14/16 2013-07-17 Rapporteur Q13 Report of Question 13/16 "Multimedia application platforms and end systems for IPTV" Q13/16 2013-11-01 ITU-T FG AVA FG AVA Final Report of activities: Working Group B "Audio/Video description and spoken captions" Q26/16 Q26/16 [ TD 99-WP2 ] [ TD 98-WP2 ] [ TD 97-WP2 ] [ TD 96-WP2 ] [ TD 95-WP2 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 94-WP2 ] [ TD 93-WP2 ] [ TD 92-WP2 ] (Rev.1) +Add.12 [ TD 91-WP2 ] +Add.1 [ TD 90-WP2 ] +Add.1 [ TD 89-WP2 ] [ TD 88-WP2 ] [ TD 87-WP2 ] ] [ TD 99WP2 ] [ TD 98WP2 ] [ TD 97WP2 ] [ TD 96WP2 ] [ TD 95WP2 ] [ TD 94WP2 ] [ TD 93WP2 ] [ TD 92WP2 ] ] [ TD 99WP2 ] [ TD 98WP2 ] [ TD 97WP2 ] [ TD 96WP2 ] [ TD 95WP2 ] [ TD 94WP2 ] [ TD 93WP2 ] [ TD 92WP2 ] [ TD 91WP2 ] [ TD 90WP2 ] [ TD 89WP2 ] [ TD 88WP2 ] [ TD 87WP2 [ TD 91WP2 ] [ TD 90WP2 ] [ TD 89WP2 ] [ TD 88WP2 ] [ TD 87WP2 2013-11-01 ITU-T FG AVA FG AVA Final Report of Activities: Working Group A "Captioning" Q26/16 2013-11-01 ITU-T FG AVA FG AVA Final Report of activities: General Q26/16 2013-11-01 ITU-T FG AVA Q26/16 2013-10-29 Rapporteur Q26/16 a.i. Third progress report of the ITU-T Focus Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility (FG AVA) - FG AVA meetings in Geneva 2 - 3 July 2013 and 24 October 2013 Information accessibility work in ISO/IEC (Guide 71 and JTC1 SWG-A) 2013-10-28 TSB Draft agenda for joint IEEE, ITU and WHO session on e-health (29 Oct 2013, 14001530 hours) Q28/16 2013-10-28 TSB Current version of ISO/IEC Guide 71 Q26/16 2013-10-28 Rapporteur Q27/16 Q27/16 Living List: Input Draft Q27/16 2013-10-27 Rapporteur Q13/16 Report of participation in the ITU Workshop "Engagement of Rwandan Academia in ITU Activities" (Kigali, Rwanda, 25 October 2013) Q13/16 2013-10-24 Liaison Representative JTC-1 SWGA Vice-chairman SG16 Meeting report, JTC 1 SWG on Accessibility teleconference (16 September 2013) Q26/16 Presentation on the status of deployment of IPTV in Uzbekistan Q13/16 2013-05-24 Rapporteur Q28/16 Meeting Report of Q28/16 (IPTV-GSI, Geneva, 8-12 July 2013) Q28/16 2013-05-24 Rapporteur Q28/16 Meeting Report of Q28/16 Rapp. Group meeting (IPTV-GSI, Johannesburg, South Africa, 6-10 May 2013) Q28/16 2013-05-24 Rapporteur Q27/16 Meeting Report of Q27/16 Rapp. Group meeting "Vehicle gateway platform for telecommunication/ITS Q27/16 2013-10-22 Q26/16 [ TD 86-WP2 ] [ TD 85-WP2 ] [ TD 84-WP2 ] [ TD 83-WP2 ] [ TD 82-WP2 ] [ TD 81-WP2 ] [ TD 80-WP2 ] [ TD 79-WP2 ] [ TD 78-WP2 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 77-WP2 ] [ TD 76-WP2 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 75-WP2 ] [ TD 74-WP2 ] ] ] [ TD 86WP2 ] [ TD 85WP2 ] [ TD 84WP2 ] [ TD 83WP2 ] [ TD 82WP2 ] [ TD 81WP2 ] [ TD 80WP2 ] [ TD 79WP2 ] [ TD 78WP2 ] [ TD 77WP2 ] [ TD 76WP2 ] [ TD 75WP2 ] [ TD 74WP2 ] [ TD 86WP2 ] [ TD 85WP2 ] [ TD 84WP2 ] [ TD 83WP2 ] [ TD 82WP2 ] [ TD 81WP2 ] [ TD 80WP2 ] [ TD 79WP2 ] [ TD 78WP2 ] [ TD 77WP2 ] [ TD 76WP2 ] [ TD 75WP2 ] [ TD 74WP2 ] 2013-05-24 Rapporteur Q26/16 services/applications" (Geneva, 24-25 June 2013) Report of Q26/16 Rapporteur's meeting (Washington D.C., USA, 3-4 June 2013) 2013-05-24 Rapporteur Q25/15 Report of Q25/16 Rapp. Group meeting (IoT-GSI, Geneva, 19-25 June 2013) Q25/16 2013-05-24 Rapporteur Q14/16 Meeting Report of Q14/16 Rapp. Group meeting (IPTV-GSI, Geneva, 8-12 July 2013) Q14/16 2013-05-24 Rapporteur Q14/16 Meeting Report of Q14/16 Rapp. Group meeting (IPTV-GSI, Johannesburg, South Africa, 6-10 May 2013) Q14/16 2013-05-24 Rapporteur Q28/16 Notes of Q28/16 e-meetings on H.MEDX (29 Aug. 2013 and 26 Sep. 2013) Q28/16 2013-05-24 Rapporteur Q13/16 Report of Q13/16 meeting (IPTV-GSI, Geneva, 08-12 July 2013) Q13/16 2013-05-24 Rapporteur Q13/16 Meeting Report of Q13/16 Rapp. Group meeting (IPTV-GSI, Johannesburg, South Africa, 6-10 May 2013) Q13/16 2013-05-24 Rapporteur Q28/16 Agenda and documentation for Q28/16 Q28/16 2013-05-24 Rapporteur Q27/16 Agenda and documentation for Q27/16 Q27/16 2013-05-24 Rapporteur Q26/16 Agenda and documentation for Q26/16 Q26/16 2013-05-24 Rapporteur Q25/16 Agenda and documentation for Q25/16 Q25/16 2013-05-24 Rapporteur Q14/16 Agenda and documentation for Q14/16 Q14/16 2013-05-24 Rapporteur Q13/16 Agenda and documentation for Q13/16 Q13/16 Q26/16 [ TD 73-WP2 ] +Add.13 [ TD 73WP2 ] [ TD 73WP2 ] 2013-05-24 WP 2/16 Chairman Draft agenda and work plan for WP2/16 meeting (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) Q28/16, Q27/16, Q26/16, Q25/16, Q14/16, Q13/16 Temporary Documents (WP3) Web [ TD 106WP3 ] [ TD 105WP3 ] [ TD 104WP3 ] [ TD 103WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 102WP3 ] [ TD 101WP3 ] [ TD 100WP3 ] [ TD 99WP3 ] +Add.1 [ TD 98WP3 ] [ TD 97WP3 ] [ TD 96WP3 ] IFA [ TD 106WP3 ] [ TD 105WP3 ] [ TD 104WP3 ] [ TD 103WP3 ] [ TD 102WP3 ] [ TD 101WP3 ] [ TD 100WP3 ] [ TD 99WP3 ] [ TD 98WP3 ] [ TD 97WP3 ] [ TD 96WP3 ] Local [ TD 106WP3 ] [ TD 105WP3 ] [ TD 104WP3 ] [ TD 103WP3 ] [ TD 102WP3 ] [ TD 101WP3 ] [ TD 100WP3 ] [ TD 99WP3 ] [ TD 98WP3 ] [ TD 97WP3 ] [ TD 96WP3 ] Received 2013-07-17 Source Rapporteur Q18/16 Title Report of Question 18/16 "Implementation and interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment/terminals" Questions Q18/16 2013-07-17 Rapporteur Q16/16 Report of Question 16/16 "Speech enhancement functions in signal processing network equipment" Q16/16 2013-07-17 Rapporteur Q15/16 Report of Question 15/16 "Voiceband signal discrimination and modem/facsimile terminal protocols" Q15/16 2013-07-17 Rapporteur Q10/16 a.i. Report of Question 10/16 "Speech and audio coding and related software tools" Q10/16 2013-07-17 Rapporteur Q7/16 Report Rapporteur Q7 (Geneva) TD withdrawn. Question did not hold any session. Q7/16 2013-07-17 Rapporteur Q6/16 Report of Question 6/16 "Visual coding" Q6/16 2013-11-05 Rapporteur Q6/16 Draft LSs from Q6/16 Q6/16 2013-11-05 Rapporteur Q6/16 H.264 (V9) "Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services" (Rev.): Input draft (for consent) Q6/16 2013-11-05 Rapporteur Q16/16 and Q18/16 Editor G.SPNE Merger of Q16/16 and Q18/16 - Proposed text of merged Questions Q18/16, Q16/16 G.SPNE "Signal processing network equipment" (New): Output draft (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) Q18/16 Rapporteur Q18/16 G.799.3 "Signal processing functionality and performance of an IP-to-IP voice gateway optimised for the transport of voice and voiceband data" (Rev.): Output draft (Geneva, Q18/16 2013-11-04 2013-11-04 [ TD 95WP3 ] [ TD 94WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 92WP3 ] [ TD 91WP3 ] [ TD 90WP3 ] [ TD 89WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 88WP3 ] (Rev.12) [ TD 87WP3 ] [ TD 86WP3 ] [ TD 85WP3 ] [ TD 84WP3 ] [ TD 83WP3 ] [ TD 82WP3 ] [ TD 95WP3 ] [ TD 94WP3 ] [ TD 92WP3 ] [ TD 91WP3 ] [ TD 90WP3 ] [ TD 89WP3 ] [ TD 95WP3 ] [ TD 94WP3 ] [ TD 92WP3 ] [ TD 91WP3 ] [ TD 90WP3 ] [ TD 89WP3 ] 2013-11-04 Rapporteur Q10/16 a.i. 2013-11-04 Rapporteur Q10/16 a.i. 28 October - 8 November 2013) LS/r on a request to include a filtered modified MNRU into the new edition of the STL G.191 Recommendation to ITU-T Q10/16 (COM12LS17) [to ITU-T SG12] LS/r on inclusion of tools into STL (3GPP TSG SA4-131106) [to 3GPP TSG SA4] 2013-11-04 Rapporteur Q10/16 a.i. G.7xx: Living list on issues concerning speech and audio codecs Q10/16 2013-11-01 Rapporteur Q10/16 a.i. Q10/16 2013-11-01 Rapporteur Q10/16 a.i. 2013-10-31 Editor T.38 Amd.1 [ TD 88WP3 ] [ TD 88WP3 ] 2013-10-31 Rapporteur Q16/16 G.722-SWBS-Float "New Annex E with a floating-point implementation of ITU-T G.722 Annex D" (New): Baseline draft (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) G.711.1-SWBS-Float "New Annex G with a floating-point implementation of ITU-T G.711.1 Annex F" (New): Baseline text (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) T.38 Amd.1 "Procedures for real-time Group 3 facsimile communication over IP networks: New Appendix VI, clarifications and corrections" (New): Output draft Ed. 0.1 (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) G.DNH "Do-No-Harm testing" (New): Output draft for Consent [ TD 87WP3 ] [ TD 86WP3 ] [ TD 85WP3 ] [ TD 84WP3 ] [ TD 83WP3 ] [ TD 82WP3 [ TD 87WP3 ] [ TD 86WP3 ] [ TD 85WP3 ] [ TD 84WP3 ] [ TD 83WP3 ] [ TD 82WP3 2013-10-30 Editor G.CJB Q15/16 2013-10-25 Rapporteur Q16/16 G.CJB "Procedures for the control of de-jitter buffers used in PSTN-IP gateways carrying voice-band data" (New): Output draft (Geneva, 28 October - 8 November 2013) ITU-T G.160 "Voice enhancement devices" (Rev.): Living list 2013-10-21 Rapporteur Q10/16 a.i. Q10/16 Interim activity report (January October 2013) Q10/16 2013-10-21 Rapporteur Q10/16 a.i. G.728 (2012): Reported problems in Annexes B and G Q10/16 2013-10-18 Rapporteur Q18/16 G.SPNE "Signal processing network equipment" (New): Input draft (V2.10) Q18/16 2013-10-18 Rapporteur Q18/16 G.799.3: Living List Q18/16 Q10/16 Q10/16 Q10/16 Q15/16 Q16/16 Q16/16 [ TD 81WP3 ] [ TD 80WP3 ] [ TD 79WP3 ] [ TD 78WP3 ] [ TD 77WP3 ] [ TD 76WP3 ] [ TD 75WP3 ] [ TD 74WP3 ] [ TD 73WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 72WP3 ] [ TD 71WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 69WP3 ] [ TD 68WP3 ] [ TD ] [ TD 81WP3 ] [ TD 80WP3 ] [ TD 79WP3 ] [ TD 78WP3 ] [ TD 77WP3 ] [ TD 76WP3 ] [ TD 75WP3 ] [ TD 74WP3 ] [ TD 73WP3 ] [ TD 72WP3 ] [ TD 71WP3 ] [ TD 69WP3 ] [ TD 68WP3 ] [ TD ] [ TD 81WP3 ] [ TD 80WP3 ] [ TD 79WP3 ] [ TD 78WP3 ] [ TD 77WP3 ] [ TD 76WP3 ] [ TD 75WP3 ] [ TD 74WP3 ] [ TD 73WP3 ] [ TD 72WP3 ] [ TD 71WP3 ] [ TD 69WP3 ] [ TD 68WP3 ] [ TD 2013-10-18 Rapporteur Q18/16 G.799.3 "Signal processing functionality and performance of an IP-to-IP voice gateway optimised for the transport of voice and voiceband data" (Rev.): Input draft G.799.2 (ex G.MDCSPNE): Living list Q18/16 2013-10-18 Rapporteur Q18/16 2013-10-18 Rapporteur Q18/16 G.799.2 (V2.1) "Mechanism for dynamic coordination of signal processing functions" (Rev.): Input draft Q18/16 2013-10-18 Rapporteur Q18/16 Q18/16 2013-10-18 Rapporteur Q18/16 G.799.1/Y.1451.1 "Functionality and interface specifications for GSTN transport network equipment for interconnecting GSTN and IP networks" (Rev.): Input draft G.161: Living list 2013-10-18 Editor G.161 ITU-T G.161 "Interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment" (Rev.): Input draft Q18/16 2013-10-14 Rapporteur Q16/16 G.DNH "Do-No-Harm testing" (New): Input draft Q16/16 2013-10-14 Rapporteur Q16/16 G.169-ALE "Automatic level control devices: New Annex B on automatic listener enhancement" (New): input draft Q16/16 2013-10-14 Rapporteur Q16/16 G.168-EEC "Digital network echo cancellers: Annex E on embedded echo cancellers" (New): input draft Q16/16 2013-10-14 Rapporteur Q16/16 G.168 "Digital network echo cancellers" (Rev.8): Updated draft Q16/16 2013-10-14 Rapporteur Q16/16 ITU-T G.168 "Digital network echo cancellers" (Rev.): Living list (5 June 2013) Q16/16 2013-06-19 Rapporteur Q18/16 Report of Q18/16 Rapporteurs Group Meeting (Darmstadt, Germany, 5-7 June 2013) Q18/16 2013-06-19 Rapporteur Q16/16 Report of Q16/16 Rapporteurs Group Meeting (Darmstadt, Germany, 5-7 June 2013) Q16/16 2013-06-19 Rapporteur Report of Q15/16 Rapporteurs Group Meeting Q15/16 Q18/16 Q18/16 67WP3 ] [ TD 65WP3 ] [ TD 64WP3 ] [ TD 63WP3 ] [ TD 62WP3 ] [ TD 61WP3 ] [ TD 60WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 59WP3 ] [ TD 58WP3 ] [ TD 57WP3 ] [ TD 56WP3 ] (Rev.1) 67WP3 ] [ TD 65WP3 ] [ TD 64WP3 ] [ TD 63WP3 ] [ TD 62WP3 ] [ TD 61WP3 ] [ TD 60WP3 ] [ TD 59WP3 ] [ TD 58WP3 ] [ TD 57WP3 ] [ TD 56WP3 ] 67WP3 ] [ TD 65WP3 ] [ TD 64WP3 ] [ TD 63WP3 ] [ TD 62WP3 ] [ TD 61WP3 ] [ TD 60WP3 ] [ TD 59WP3 ] [ TD 58WP3 ] [ TD 57WP3 ] [ TD 56WP3 ] Q15/16 (Darmstadt, Germany, 5-7 June 2013) 2013-06-19 Rapporteur Q6/16 Q6/16 2013-06-19 Rapporteur Q6/16 2013-06-19 Rapporteur Q6/16 2013-06-19 Rapporteur Q18/16 Report of the Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC), and the Joint Collaborative Team on 3D Video (JCT-3V), Vienna, AT, 25 July - 2 August 2013 Report of the Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC), and the Joint Collaborative Team on 3D Video (JCT-3V), Incheon, KR, 18-26 April 2013 Report of the Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC) and the Joint Collaborative Team on 3D Video (JCT-3V), Geneva, 14-23 January 2013 Agenda and documentation for Q18/16 2013-06-19 Rapporteur Q16/16 Agenda and documentation for Q16/16 Q16/16 2013-06-19 Rapporteur Q15/16 Agenda and documentation for Q15/16 Q15/16 2013-06-19 Rapporteur Q10/16 Agenda and documentation for Q10/16 Q10/16 2013-06-19 Rapporteur Q7/16 Agenda and documentation for Q7/16 TD withdrawn. Question did not hold any session. Q7/16 2013-06-19 Rapporteur Q6/16 Agenda and documentation for Q6/16 Q6/16 2013-06-19 Chairman WP 3/16 Draft agenda and work plan for WP 3/16 Q7/16, Q6/16, Q18/16, Q16/16, Q15/16, Q10/16 Q6/16 Q6/16 Q18/16