Document 13221294

WHBRBAS, the Legislature of the State of Texas has heretofore enacted Senate Bill 939, Chapter 260, Acts of the 70th Legislature, Regular
session, 1987, to provide for registration of all-terrain vehicles and a class C Misdemeanor penalty for noncompliance; certification of allItrrain vehicle operators: administration and funding of an all-terrain vehicle operator education and certification program: employment of an
all.terrain vehicle safety coordinator; and other regulations regarding all-terrain vehicles; and,
WHEREAS, the Governor is required by Senate Bill 939 to designate a division of the Governor's staff or State agency to establish and
administer an all-terrain vehicle operator education and certifi~ation program, the purpose of this program being to make available to the
operators of all-terrain vehicles in this State courses in basic training and safety skills relating to the operation of all-terrain vehicles and to
issue safety certificates to operators who successfully complete the education program or pass a test established under the program:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, William P. Clements, Jr., Governor of Texas,under the autority vested in me by Senate Bill 939, do hereby designate
me Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to administer the all-terrain vehicle operator and certification program in accordance with the
provisions of Senate Bill 939, Chapter 260. Acts of the 70th Legislature. Regular Session, 1987, effective January I, 1988.
')'his executive order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended, or rescinded by me.
Issued in Austin, Texas on January 12, 1988.
William P. Clements, Jr.
Governor of Texas
Executive Order
WPC 88-2
WHEREAS, the inmate population of the Texas Department of Corrections has "hardened" at an unforeseen rate; and
WHBREAS, this "hardening" is the result of the following events:
The implementation of the Prison Management Act on six occassions during 1987, two of which occurred after the adjournment of the 70th
Legislature; and
The accelerated review of Senate Bill 215 parole eligible inmates by the Board of Pardons and Paroles, to off set the growing numbers of
criminal defendants convicted and sentenced to the Department of Corrections, which occurred in major part after the adjournment of the 70th
Legislature; and
The overcrowding in the county jails occurring as a consequence of the enforcement of the Jail Standards Act, as well as the capacity cap
imposed on the Department of Corrections as a result of agreed order in the Ruiz case, has resulted in the counties addressing their mixing
needs by transferring the more serious or violent offender to the Department of Corrections. This circumstance occurred after the adjournment
of the 70th Legislature; and
WHEREAS, The curTent facilities of the Department have reached a saturation level for handling the administratively segregated and close
confmement inmate. This occurred principally as a result of the "hardening" of the population, but also as a result of the beds lost to
depopulation pursuant to the agreed order in Ruiz, both of which occurred after the adjournment of the 70th Legislature;
WHEREAS, the effects of the "hardening" of the population of the Department of Corrections constitutes an emergency and will continue to
pose emergency overcrowding problems to the Department of Corrections separate and apart from the increasing numbers of inmates, due to
the mixing requirements of Ruiz; and
WHEREAS, the effects of the "hardening" of the population can be ameliorated by the immediate construction of a second Michael type unit,
NOW THEREFORE, I, WILLIAM P. CLEMENTS, JR., Governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and by rider
5 of the Texas Department of Corrections appropriations as set forth in Senate Bill I of the 70th Legislature, Second Called Session, and based
upon the testimony given before an emergency meeting of the Texas Board of Corrections on January 26, 1988, do hereby make a finding of
fact that an unforeseen emergency exists, and I hereby authorize the specific expenditure of $61,300,000.00 for the construction of a second
Michael type unit to be included as a project under item 10. ADDmONAL CAPACITY of the Texas Department of Corrections
This Executive Order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended, or rescinded by me.
Issued in Austin, Texas on January 26, 1988.
William P. Clements, Jr.
Governor of Texas
Executive Order
WPc 88-3
WHEREAS, the children and youth of Texas are one of our greatest resources upon which the future of this great state is dependent; and
The Governor
February 5, 1988
13 TexReg 575
WHEREAS, it is incumbent upon Ihe State of Texas and its citizenry to provide for our children and youlh Ihe best conceivable edue .
opportunities; and
WHEREAS, the quality of basic education in our primary and secondary public education system is a serious concern today of all Texana.
WHEREAS, Ihe State of Texas should continue to evaluate its system of public education to provide improvements to Ihe current sy'
Now, Iherefore, I, William P. Clements, Jr., Governor of Texas, do hereby create and establish the Select Committee on Education, here'
referred to as the Select Committee.
The Sclect Committee will ~onsist of not more than 15 members including two members of Ihe House of Representatives and two rnernben
the Senate appointed by Ihe Governor who shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The' Governor shall designate Ihe Chairman and V. a(
Chairman from the membership who shall serve in Ihose positions at Ihe pleasure of the Governor. The Select Committee shall be corn ~
of a broad representation of citizens from across the State.
The Select Committee is charged wilh the following responsibilities:
a. examine Ihe organization and management of all levels of Ihe educational system;
b. examine the fmancing of public education;'
c. examine levels of student performance to ensure all students are meeting or exceeding educational standards;
d. make recommendations to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of the House of Representatives regarding necessary legisl.~
or actions by the Governor's Office and Legislature which will aid the State in the development of an improved educational systern; lIll
e. perform other duties as may be requested by the Governor.
On or before January I, 1989, the Select Committee shall make a written report of its activities and recommendations to the GoveJ1Ilr
Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of the f/ouse of Representatives.
The Select Committee shall meet at the call of the chairman. The chairman shall, with the consultation of the Governor, esrablish the 19endt
The members of the Select Committee shall serve wilhoUl compensation and shall be responsible for their expenses.
All agencies of State and local governments are hereby directed to cooperate with and assist the Select Committee in the performance 01 ib
This Executive Order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended, or rescinded by IIIl.
Issued in Austin, Texas on January 27, 1988.
William P. Clements, Jr.
Governor of Texas
Proclamation 41-2205
WHEREAS, a vacancy now exists in the Texas House of Representatives in the membership of District 92, which consists of part of TIlll1ll
County; and
WHEREAS, the results of Ihe first special election were officially declared on January 19, 1988;. and
WHEREAS, no candidate in the fust special election received a majority of Ihe votes cast; and,
WHEREAS, Texas Election Code section 2.025 requires a runoff election to be held not earlier than Ihe 201h day or later Ihan Ihe 30th day
after Ihe date Ihe results of Ihe first election have been officially declared;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, WILUAM P. CLEMENTS, JR., GOVERNOR OF TEXAS, under Ihe aulhority vested in me by the Constitution llII
Statutes of the State of Texas, do hereby order a second special election to be held in the Texas House of Representatives District 92 1m
Saturday, Ihe 131h day of February, 1988, for Ihe purpose of electing a State Representative for District 92 to serve out the unexpired Iermrl
the Honorable Charles Evans.
The candidates shall be limited to Carolyn Park and Monte
Ihe special election held on January 16, 1988.
which candidates received Ihe largest and next largest number of votes.
A copy of this order will be mailed to Ihe County Judge of Tarrant County, and all appropriate writs will be issued and all proper proceedinll
will be followed to Ihe end Ihat said election may be held to fill the vacancy in District 92 and its result proclaimed in accordance with
Issued in Austin, Texas on January 21, 1988.
William P. Clements. Jr.
Governor of Texas
Proclamation Order 41-2206
WHEREAS, a vacancy now exists in the Texas House of Representatives in Ihe membership of District 11, which consists of AndersDll
Cherokee, and Freestone Counties; and
WHEREAS, Ihe Texas Election Code, in sections 203.002 and 203.004, requires that a special election be ordered upon such vacancy,
absent a fmding of an emergency, provides that said special election shall be held on Ihe first uniform election date occurring on or after ill
361h day after Ihe date Ihe election is ordered; and
WHEREAS, May 7, 1988 is Ihe next uniform date; and
13 TexReg 576
February 5, 1988
Texas Register