Contributions Web [ C 81 ] IFA [C 81 ] Local [C 81 ] Received 2013-03-11 [ C 80 ] [C 80 ] [C 80 ] 2013-03-07 [ C 79 ] [C 79 ] [C 79 ] 2013-03-07 [ C 78 ] [C 78 ] [C 78 ] 2013-03-06 Qualcomm, Inc. [ C 77 ] [C 77 ] [C 77 ] 2013-03-06 [ C 76 ] [C 76 ] [C 76 ] 2013-03-06 France Télécom Orange France Télécom Orange [ C 75 ] [C 75 ] [C 75 ] 2013-03-06 [ C 74 ] [C 74 ] [C 74 ] 2013-03-06 [ C 73 ] [C 73 ] [C 72 ] [C 73 ] [C 72 ] 2013-03-06 [ C 71 ] (Rev.1) [C 71 ] [C 71 ] 2013-03-06 [ C 70 ] [C 70 ] [C 70 ] 2013-03-06 Deutsche Telekom AG [ C 69 ] [C 69 ] [C 68 ] [C 69 ] [C 68 ] 2013-03-06 [C 67 ] [C 66 ] [C 67 ] [C 66 ] 2013-03-06 Deutsche Telekom AG Deutsche Telekom AG, Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Deutsche Telekom AG Deutsche Telekom [ C 72 ] [ C 68 ] [ C 67 ] [ C 66 ] 2013-03-06 2013-03-06 2013-03-06 Source Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG HEAD Acoustics GmbH Deutsche Telekom AG Title Derivation of speech degradation scores (S MOS) from subjective noise intrusiveness and overall quality scores (N- and G MOS) A common comparison criterion for different spatial audio reproduction systems Dependence of speech quality on delay and interactivity, and implications for the E-model (ITU-T Rec. G.107) Proposal of 3.5 mm backwards compatible connector with additional pins Packet oriented QoS management model for a wireless Access Point Questions Q9/12 Performance of Voice over LTE (VoLTE) Q8/12, Q3/12, Q17/12, Q14/12, Q13/12 Q17/12 France Télécom Orange Ascom (Switzerland) Ltd. Performance of mobile networks Qualcomm, Inc. Ascom (Switzerland) Ltd. Dolby Sweden AB Proposed requirement specification for P.ONRA Draft v.02 Aspects Releated to Adaptive Video Streaming Clients for Parametric Video Evaluation Models How to evaluate spatial audio advantage in multi-party teleconferencing? Performance comparison of P.1201.2 with standardized quality metrics on video databases Impact of decoder implementation on subjective quality Typo correction in ITU-T P.1201.2 Aspects related to VoLTE - voice and video QoE testing Q5/12 Q8/12, Q15/12 Q3/12 Q17/12 Q9/12, Q17/12, Q16/12, Q15/12, Q14/12 Q9/12 Q17/12, Q14/12 Q10/12 Q14/12 Q14/12 Q14/12 ITU-T P.1201.2 for TS over UDP Q14/12 Performance figures for the ITU-T P.1201.2 model Q14/12 AG, Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Deutsche Telekom AG [ C 65 ] [C 65 ] [C 65 ] 2013-03-06 [ C 64 ] [C 64 ] [C 64 ] 2013-03-06 Sony Corporation [ C 63 ] [C 63 ] [C 63 ] 2013-03-06 Telefon AB LM Ericsson [ C 62 ] [C 62 ] [C 62 ] 2013-03-06 [ C 61 ] [C 61 ] [C 60 ] [C 59 ] [C 58 ] [C 57 ] [C 61 ] [C 60 ] [C 59 ] [C 58 ] [C 57 ] 2013-03-06 Dynastat, Inc., Qualcomm, Inc. Qualcomm, Inc. Telefon AB LM Ericsson Qualcomm, Inc. Netscout 2013-03-06 Telefon AB LM Ericsson [C 56 ] [C 55 ] [C 56 ] [C 55 ] 2013-03-06 [ C 54 ] [C 54 ] [C 54 ] 2013-03-06 [ C 53 ] [C 53 ] [C 53 ] 2013-03-06 [ C 52 ] [C 52 ] [C 52 ] 2013-03-06 Telefon AB LM Ericsson Audience, Inc., Qualcomm, Inc. Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany HEAD Acoustics GmbH [ C 51 ] (Rev.1) [ C 50 ] [C 51 ] [C 50 ] [C 51 ] [C 50 ] 2013-03-06 [ C 49 ] [C [C 2013-03-06 [ C 60 ] [ C 59 ] [ C 58 ] [ C 57 ] [ C 56 ] [ C 55 ] (Rev.1-2) 2013-03-06 2013-03-06 2013-03-06 2013-03-06 2013-03-06 A1 Telekom Austria AG Deutsche Telekom AG, Telefon AB - LM Ericsson A1 Telekom ITU-T P.1201.2 used as planning model (G.OMVAS) Suggestions for P.58 and P.57 - using HATS for super-wideband and fullband ranges Suggested content for the recommendation "Effect of delays on the telemeeting quality" (P.DTM) Results from P.MULTI testing. Q17/12, Q14/12, Q13/12 Q5/12 Q10/12 Q9/12, Q7/12 Proposed Amendments to Draft Requirement Proposal for P.AMD Quality evaluation of whole sessions, diagnostics tool or not? On the performance of P.863 as a predictor of P.835 OVRL scores Session-based video quality assessment and diagnostics Practical considerations for subjective assessment of video quality for telemeetings using mobile devices Study of the influence of capture parameters for 3D video conferencing On requirements for P.ONRA Q9/12 Demo on Network-based QoE measurement for Video streaming services Q14/12 Improvement of network-based QoE estimation for TCP based streaming services Q14/12 Possible ways to extend the HATS Receive Characteristics in ITU-T Recommendation P.58 for Superwideband and Fullband Testing Update for P.STMWeb Q5/12, Q3/12 Proposal for evaluation criterions for P.SAM ( Spatial audio meetings quality evaluation) Q10/12 Web page categorization for Q7/12 Q14/12 Q9/12 Q14/12 Q10/12 Q10/12 Q9/12 Q7/12 (Rev.1) [ C 48 ] 49 ] [C 48 ] 49 ] [C 48 ] [ C 47 ] [C 47 ] [C 47 ] 2013-03-06 [ C 46 ] (Rev.1-2) [ C 45 ] (Rev.1) [ C 44 ] [C 46 ] [C 45 ] [C 44 ] [C 46 ] [C 45 ] [C 44 ] 2013-03-06 [ C 43 ] (Rev.1) [C 43 ] [C 43 ] 2013-03-06 [ C 42 ] (Rev.1) [C 42 ] [C 42 ] 2013-03-06 [ C 41 ] [C 41 ] [C 41 ] 2013-03-06 Deutsche Telekom AG [ C 40 ] [C 40 ] [C 40 ] 2013-03-06 Deutsche Telekom AG [ C 39 ] [C 39 ] [C 38 ] [C 39 ] [C 38 ] 2013-03-06 Deutsche Telekom AG Deutsche Telekom AG [ C 37 ] [C 37 ] [C 37 ] 2013-03-06 Deutsche Telekom AG [ C 36 ] [C 36 ] [C 36 ] 2013-03-06 Deutsche Telekom AG [ C 35 ] [C 35 ] [C 35 ] 2013-03-06 Deutsche Telekom AG [ C 34 ] (Rev.1)+Corr.1 [ C 33 ] (Rev.1) [C 34 ] [C 33 ] [C 34 ] [C 33 ] 2013-03-06 A1 Telekom Austria AG A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 32 ] [C 32 ] [C 32 ] 2013-03-06 [ C 38 ] 2013-03-06 2013-03-06 2013-03-06 2013-03-06 2013-03-06 Austria AG France Télécom Orange France Télécom Orange A1 Telekom Austria AG A1 Telekom Austria AG France Télécom Orange Deutsche Telekom AG, Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Deutsche Telekom AG HEAD Acoustics GmbH P.STMWeb Proposal for correction factor when measuring Super Wideband and Fullband terminals Results of Laboratory Test of reference headphones on HATS for defining correction factor Draft Test Plan for P.STMWeb Q5/12, Q3/12 Q5/12, Q3/12 Q7/12 G.QoE-Web scope from the interim meeting in Berlin 11/2012 Performance metrics based on buffer models Q13/12 Initial Insights for P.SAM (Spatial Audio Meetings quality evaluation) Q10/12 Human speaker identification over transmission channels of different bandwidths and impairments Comparability of quality indices on the MOS and the R scale Q9/12, Q8/12, Q7/12 Q9/12, Q8/12, Q7/12 Q9/12, Q7/12, Q16/12 Q7/12 Validation of the P.TCA Annotation Methodology and Comparison to Perceptual Dimensions from P.AMD Investigating the subjective judgment process using physiological data Proposal for a subjective method for simulated conversation tests addressing speech and audio-visual call quality (P.ACQ) Proposal for an Appendix to Rec. P.85 of the Evaluation of Speech Output for Audiobook Reading Tasks Proposal for a new recommendation on "subjective quality evaluation of telecommunication services based on multimodal interactive systems" (P.SUSE) Update on Number of interlocutors and QoE in multiparty telephone conferences Relevant Factors and Use Cases for Web QoE Perceptual Events in a page view cycle outcome from the interim meeting in Berlin 11/2012 Some Considerations on Extending the Artificial Mouth Characteristics in ITU-T Recommendation P.58 to Q17/12, Q14/12 Q7/12, Q10/12 Q7/12 Q7/12, Q16/12 Q10/12 Q13/12 Q13/12 Q6/12, Q5/12, Q4/12, [ C 31 ] [C 31 ] [C 31 ] 2013-03-06 [ C 30 ] [C 30 ] [C 30 ] 2013-03-06 [ C 29 ] [C 29 ] [C 29 ] 2013-03-05 [ C 28 ] [C 28 ] [C 27 ] [C 26 ] [C 25 ] [C 28 ] [C 27 ] [C 26 ] [C 25 ] 2013-03-05 [ C 24 ] [C 24 ] [C 24 ] 2013-03-05 [ C 23 ] [C 23 ] [C 22 ] [C 23 ] [C 22 ] 2013-03-05 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG AT&T, Inc. 2013-03-05 AT&T, Inc. [ C 21 ] [C 21 ] [C 21 ] 2013-03-05 [ C 20 ] [C 20 ] [C 20 ] 2013-03-04 [ C 19 ] [C 19 ] [C 19 ] 2013-03-04 [ C 18 ] [C 18 ] [C 18 ] 2013-03-04 [ C 17 ] [C 17 ] [C 17 ] 2013-03-04 [ C 16 ] [C 16 ] [C 16 ] 2013-03-04 [ C 15 ] [C 15 ] [C 15 ] 2013-03-04 [ C 14 ] [C 14 ] [C 14 ] 2013-03-04 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. France Télécom Orange France Télécom Orange France Télécom Orange France Télécom [ C 27 ] [ C 26 ] [ C 25 ] [ C 22 ] 2013-03-05 2013-03-05 2013-03-05 HEAD Acoustics GmbH Universidad Del País Vasco Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Avvasi Inc. Research in Motion Research in Motion A1 Telekom Austria AG Superwideband and Fullband Terminal Testing using ITU-T Recommendation P.863: A Comparison with TOSQA2001 Proposal on enhancement of G.1000 framework Q3/12 Q9/12, Q4/12, Q3/12 Q2/12 Considerations for a new buffer model concerning OTT video applications Q17/12, Q14/12 A Modular Framework for the Work Item on QoE Models for OTT Video Proposed addition to the P.381 specification Proposed modifications of the P.381 specification Proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T: "Procedures for the identification and selection of common modes of de-jitter buffers" ITU-T Rec. P.863 as Predictor for P.835 G-MOS in Super-Wideband and Narrowband Experiments Q14/12 Framework for P.1201.2 NN-mode module of FEC/ARQ estimation Re-starting work on NN-mode module for FEC/ARQ estimation (Berlin) Q17/12, Q14/12 Q17/12, Q14/12, Q13/12 Q9/12, Q7/12 P.835 Experiments in Super-Wideband Q3/12 Q3/12 Q11/12 Q9/12 Instantaneous amplitude distributions of human speech Q7/12, Q6/12 Considerations for progressing P.SPELQ Q9/12 Editorial Proposals on Requirement Specification for P. SPELQ Q9/12 Proposals for modifications of P.TBN sixth draft Q5/12 Comments on loudspeaker equalization for P.TBN Q5/12 Loudness depending on bandwidth and codec Q5/12 Considerations about alternative handset position for measuring Q5/12 Orange [ C 13 ] [C 13 ] [C 13 ] 2013-03-04 France Télécom Orange Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) HEAD Acoustics GmbH [ C 12 ] [C 12 ] [C 12 ] 2013-03-01 [ C 11 ] [C 11 ] [C 11 ] 2013-03-01 [ C 10 ] [C 10 ] [C 10 ] 2013-02-28 [C9] (Rev.1) [C 9] [C9 ] 2013-02-28 [C8] (Rev.1) [C 8] [C8 ] 2013-02-28 [C7] [C 7] [C7 ] 2013-02-22 [C6] [C 6] [C6 ] 2013-02-19 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) Niger [C5] [C 5] [C5 ] 2013-02-19 AT&T, Inc. [C4] [C 4] [C4 ] 2013-02-19 AT&T, Inc. loudness ratings and frequency responses using the P.57 type 3.3 artificial ear on HATS On filtered MNRUs Q7/12 Parameter definitions for the evaluation of characteristics of web sites Q13/12 Editorial modification for P.381 Q3/12 Draft 21 of FG CarCom SubSystem Requirements for Automotive Speech Services Withdrawn by the submitter (see TD54-GEN) Performance figures for P.1201.1 model Q4/12 Proposal on standardization framework for quality estimation of progressive-download-based video services Q17/12, Q14/12 Benchmark procedure proposal for the assessment of objective speech intelligibility assessment methods Q9/12 The requirements and problems expressed by developing countries on QoS and QoE, and how SG 12 can offer them support as part of its mandate Examination of factors influencing hand-over among multiple access networks Proposed Recommendation on Handover performance among multiple access networks Q1/12 Q14/12 Q17/12 Q17/12 [C3] [C 3] [C3 ] 2013-02-12 [C2] [C 2] [C2 ] 2013-02-11 [C1] [C 1] [C1 ] 2012-12-20 Ministère des Postes et des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Informat Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) WTSA-12 Consumers of developing Country Not yet uploaded Q4/12 Quality of Service for VoIP over Wireless MAN Q1/12 Questions assigned to ITU-T Study Group 12 by WTSA-12 QALL/12 Collective Letters Web [ COL 1] IFA [ COL 1] Local [ COL 1] Received 2013-01-18 Source SG 12 Title Meeting of Study Group 12 - Geneva, 19-28 March 2013 Destination SG IFA [R 5] [R 4] Local [R5 ] [R4 ] Received 2014-03-18 Source SG12 Questions QALL/12 2013-06-12 SG 12 Title Report of the meeting of Study Group 12 General; (Geneva, 3-12 December 2013) Report of the meeting of Working Party 3/12 (Geneva, 20-27 March 2013) [R3] [R 3] [R3 ] 2013-06-12 SG 12 Report of the meeting of Working Party 2/12 (Geneva, 20-27 March 2013) [R2] [R 2] [R2 ] 2013-06-12 SG 12 Report of the meeting of Working Party 1/12 (Geneva, 20 - 27 March 2013) [R1] [R 1] [R1 ] 2013-06-11 SG 12 Report of the meeting of Study Group 12 General - (Geneva, 19-28 March 2013) Reports Web [R5] [R4] Q17/12, Q13/12, Q12/12, Q11/12 Q9/12, Q8/12, Q16/12, Q15/12, Q14/12 Q7/12, Q6/12, Q5/12, Q4/12, Q3/12, Q10/12 QALL/12 Temporary Documents (GEN) Web [ TD 184GEN ] [ TD 183GEN ] [ TD IFA [ TD 184GEN ] [ TD 183GEN ] [ TD Local [ TD 184GEN ] [ TD 183GEN ] [ TD Received 2013-04-18 Source Chairman SG12 Title Presentations for SG12 Orientation session for newcomers Questions QALL/12 2013-04-12 Editors A.5 justification information for draft new Y.RMQoSInt Q12/12 2013-03-28 TSB Information on logistics towards the next QALL/12 182GEN ] [ TD 179GEN ] (Rev.1) 182GEN ] [ TD 181GEN ] [ TD 180GEN ] [ TD 179GEN ] 182GEN ] [ TD 181GEN ] [ TD 180GEN ] [ TD 179GEN ] [ TD 178GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 178GEN ] [ TD 177GEN ] [ TD 177GEN ] [ TD 176GEN ] [ TD 175GEN ] [ TD 174GEN ] [ TD 173GEN ] [ TD 172GEN ] [ TD 171GEN ] [ TD 170GEN ] [ TD 181GEN ] [ TD 180GEN ] [ TD 176GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 175GEN ] [ TD 174GEN ] [ TD 173GEN ] [ TD 172GEN ] [ TD 171GEN ] [ TD 170GEN ] meeting 2013-03-28 Rapporteurs Q14/12 A.5 justification information for draft new P.1202.2 (ex P.NBAMS-HR) Q14/12 2013-03-28 Chairman WP3/12 Executive Summary of the Working Party 3/12 Meeting 2013-03-28 Chairman WP2/12 Executive Summary of the Working Party 2/12 Meeting [ TD 178GEN ] 2013-03-28 Chairman WP1/12, Vice-Chair WP1/12 Executive Summary of the Working Party 1/12 Meeting [ TD 177GEN ] [ TD 176GEN ] [ TD 175GEN ] [ TD 174GEN ] [ TD 173GEN ] [ TD 172GEN ] [ TD 171GEN ] [ TD 170GEN ] 2013-03-28 Chairman SG12 Study Group 12 Closing Plenary presentation Q17/12, Q13/12, Q12/12, Q11/12 Q9/12, Q8/12, Q16/12, Q15/12, Q14/12 Q7/12, Q6/12, Q5/12, Q4/12, Q3/12, Q10/12 QALL/12 2013-03-27 ITU-T SG12 OLS: Reply to LS: Terms of Reference for a proposed Intersectoral Rapporteur Group QALL/12 2013-03-27 ITU-T SG12 OLS: Reply to LS: Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan Q1/12 2013-03-27 ITU-T SG12 OLS: Reply to LS: Invitation to contribute to the cloud computing roadmap population Q1/12 2013-03-27 ITU-T SG12 OLS: FG Distraction final report and deliverables relevant to Q27/16 Q4/12 2013-03-27 Rapporteurs BSG Status Report of BSG Q1/12 2013-03-27 Chairman SG12 RG AFR Report of the SG12 RG-AFR meeting Q1/12 2013-03-27 Rapporteurs Q14/12 Updated work programme for Q14/12 Q14/12 [ TD 169GEN ] [ TD 169GEN ] [ TD 168GEN ] [ TD 167GEN ] [ TD 169GEN ] [ TD 168GEN ] [ TD 167GEN ] 2013-03-27 Rapporteurs Q14/12 Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation ITU-T P.1202.1 Q14/12 2013-03-27 ITU-T SG12 OLS: Exchange of information on multimedia QoE assessment activities Q17/12, Q14/12, Q13/12 2013-03-27 Rapporteur Q5/12 Draft Amendment 1 to P.58 (for consent) Q5/12 [ TD 166GEN ] [ TD 165GEN ] [ TD 164GEN ] [ TD 166GEN ] [ TD 165GEN ] [ TD 164GEN ] 2013-03-27 Rapporteur Q3/12 Proposed draft revised Recommendation ITU-T P.381 (for consent) Q3/12 2013-03-27 ITU-T SG12 OLS: Reply to LS on Handbook on Network performance testing and monitoring for guarantee required QoS for NGN services Q1/12 2013-03-27 ITU-T SG12 Q1/12 [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] 2013-03-27 ITU-T SG12 [ TD 162GEN ] [ TD 162GEN ] [ TD 161GEN ] [ TD 162GEN ] [ TD 161GEN ] 2013-03-26 Rapporteurs Q14/12 OLS: Reply to LS: Request to all Study Groups to update the reference table of ITUT Recommendations to be tested for conformity/interoperability, parameters and available test suites OLS: Reply to LS: Request to fill a) living list of technologies suitable for testing and b) list of possible pilot projects for conformity assessment against ITU-T Recommendations Proposed Amendment 1 to Recommendation ITU-T P.1202 (for agreement) 2013-03-26 Rapporteurs Q14/12 Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation ITU-T P.1201.2 (for consent) Q14/12 [ TD 160GEN ] [ TD 160GEN ] 2013-03-26 Rapporteurs Q14/12 Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation ITU-T P.1201 (for agreement) Q14/12 [ TD 159GEN ] [ TD 158GEN ] [ TD [ TD 159GEN ] [ TD 158GEN ] [ TD 2013-03-26 ITU-T SG12 Q11/12 2013-03-26 Rapporteurs Q10/12 OLS: Proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T: Procedures for the identification and selection of common modes of de-jitter buffers Updated Work programme of Question 10/12 2013-03-26 Rapporteur Proposal to start a new work item P.MMIC Q3/12 [ TD 168GEN ] [ TD 167GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 166GEN ] [ TD 165GEN ] [ TD 164GEN ] [ TD 161GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 160GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 159GEN ] [ TD 158GEN ] [ TD Q1/12 Q14/12 Q10/12 157GEN ] [ TD 156GEN ] [ TD 155GEN ] [ TD 154GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 153GEN ] [ TD 152GEN ] [ TD 151GEN ] [ TD 150GEN ] [ TD 149GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 148GEN ] [ TD 147GEN ] [ TD 146GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 145GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 144GEN ] 157GEN ] [ TD 156GEN ] [ TD 155GEN ] [ TD 154GEN ] [ TD 153GEN ] [ TD 152GEN ] [ TD 151GEN ] [ TD 150GEN ] [ TD 149GEN ] [ TD 148GEN ] [ TD 147GEN ] [ TD 146GEN ] [ TD 145GEN ] [ TD 144GEN 157GEN ] [ TD 156GEN ] [ TD 155GEN ] [ TD 154GEN ] [ TD 153GEN ] [ TD 152GEN ] [ TD 151GEN ] [ TD 150GEN ] [ TD 149GEN ] [ TD 148GEN ] [ TD 147GEN ] [ TD 146GEN ] [ TD 145GEN ] [ TD 144GEN Q3/12 in Q3/12 2013-03-26 Rapporteur Q4/12 Additional Measurements of the HEAD acoustics HMS II.3 artificial mouth simulator Q5/12 2013-03-26 Rapporteur Q5/12 Proposed update for Annex E of P.64 (for agreement) Q5/12 2013-03-26 Rapporteur Q5/12 OLS: Reply to liaison from 3GPP SA WG4 and ETSI TC STQ Q5/12 2013-03-26 ITU-T SG12 Q1/12 2013-03-26 ITU-T SG12 OLS: The requirements and problems expressed by developing countries on QoS and QoE, and how SG 12 can offer them support as part of its mandate OLS: Reply to LS: Activities related to Internet of Things 2013-03-26 ITU-T SG12 OLS: Reply to LS: SG12 contact to JCACOP Q1/12 2013-03-26 ITU-T SG12 Q1/12 2013-03-26 ITU-T SG12 OLS: Reply to LS: Invitation to participate in and provide input to the work of the Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term "ICT" OLS: FG Distraction final report and deliverables 2013-03-25 Rapporteurs Q11/12 OLS: Reply on Technical Paper - How to increase QoS/QoE of IP-based platform(s) to regionally agreed standards Q11/12 2013-03-25 Q2/12 OLS: Revision of G.1000 Q2/12 2013-03-25 Rapporteurs Q7/12 OLS: LS to Q10/16 requesting to include a modified MNRU into the new edition of the STL G.191 Recommendation Q7/12 2013-03-25 Rapporteurs Q7/12 Proposed Text for revision of P.Imp830 (for agreement) Q7/12 2013-03-25 Rapporteurs Q7/12 OLS: Reply LS to Q21/16 on new testing methodology for subjective assessment of Text-To-Speech (COM16-LS-317) Q7/12 Q1/12 Q4/12 (Rev.1) [ TD 143GEN ] ] [ TD 143GEN ] ] [ TD 143GEN ] [ TD 142GEN ] [ TD 142GEN ] [ TD 141GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] [ TD 138GEN ] [ TD 137GEN ] [ TD 136GEN ] [ TD 135GEN ] [ TD 134GEN ] [ TD 133GEN ] [ TD 132GEN ] [ TD 131GEN ] [ TD 142GEN ] [ TD 141GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] [ TD 138GEN ] [ TD 137GEN ] [ TD 136GEN ] [ TD 135GEN ] [ TD 134GEN ] [ TD 133GEN ] [ TD 132GEN ] [ TD 131GEN ] [ TD 141GEN ] [ TD 140GEN ] [ TD 139GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 138GEN ] [ TD 137GEN ] [ TD 136GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 135GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 134GEN ] [ TD 133GEN ] [ TD 132GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 131GEN ] 2013-03-25 ITU-T SG2 Incoming LS: Reply LS to JCA-COP on its formation and invitation to nominate representatives from ITU-T study groups, to participate in the work of JCA-COP in the future (JCA-COP - LS 001 - E) OLS: LS on new Recommendation P.MOS Q1/12 2013-03-25 Rapporteur Q13/12 2013-03-25 ITU-T SG12 OLS: Reply to LS on SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan Q17/12 2013-03-25 ITU-T SG12 OLS: Reply to LS on New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standardization Plan and Work Plan Q17/12 2013-03-25 ITU-T SG12 OLS: Reply to LS on input on ITS performance measurement methods, QoS, and QoE Q17/12 2013-03-25 Editor Y.15HO A.1 Annex A: Proposed Recommendation on Hand-over performance among multiple access networks Q17/12 2013-03-25 ITU-T SG12 OLS: Reply to LS: Activities related to smart grid Q1/12 2013-03-22 Rapporteur Q13/12 Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T G.1011 (for consent) Q13/12 2013-03-22 Rapporteurs Qs 10 & 11/12 OLS: Reply LS to ITU-T SG 16/Q5 on oneway delay limits and QoE for telepresence Q11/12, Q10/12 2013-03-22 Rapporteur Q5/12 Seventh draft of new Recommendation P.TBN Q5/12 2013-03-22 Rapporteur Q2/12 Slide deck related to the presentation of C30 Q2/12 2013-03-21 Editor Proposed Text for Appendix I to Rec. P.85 (for agreement) Q7/12 2013-03-21 Rapporteurs Q1/12 Draft agenda for Question 1/12 Q1/12 Q13/12 [ TD 130GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 129GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 128GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 127GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 126GEN ] [ TD 125GEN ] [ TD 124GEN ] [ TD 123GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 122GEN ] [ TD 121GEN ] (Rev.15) [ TD 120GEN ] [ TD 119GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 118GEN ] [ TD 130GEN ] [ TD 130GEN ] 2013-03-21 Editors Final draft of new Rec. ITU-T P.863.1 for Consent Q9/12 [ TD 129GEN ] [ TD 128GEN ] [ TD 127GEN ] [ TD 126GEN ] [ TD 125GEN ] [ TD 124GEN ] [ TD 123GEN ] [ TD 122GEN ] [ TD 121GEN ] [ TD 129GEN ] [ TD 128GEN ] [ TD 127GEN ] [ TD 126GEN ] [ TD 125GEN ] [ TD 124GEN ] [ TD 123GEN ] [ TD 122GEN ] [ TD 121GEN ] 2013-03-21 Rapporteur Q10/12, Rapporteur Q13/12 Chairman FG Distraction OLS: LS on QoE of telepresence Q13/12, Q10/12 Final report of the ITU-T Focus Group on Driver Distraction (FG Distraction) Q4/12 Editor G.QoE-WEB, Rapporteur Q13/12 Chairman Initial draft text of new Recommendation G.QoE-WEB Q13/12 SG12 Chairman's presentation at WTSA-12 QALL/12 2013-03-20 Chairman QSDG Temporary QSDG Workprogramme for year 2013 Q1/12 2013-03-20 Chairman QSDG Incoming LS: Liaison requesting amendment of G.1000 Q2/12 2013-03-20 Rapporteur Q12/12 Draft agenda for the meeting of Q12/12 "Operational aspects of telecommunication network service quality" Q12/12 2013-03-20 Rapporteur Q16/12 Expert listening for P.TCA Q16/12 2013-03-20 Rapporteur Q17/12 Report of Q17: Performance of Packet-based networks, Ad Hoc Meetings and Status Q17/12 [ TD 120GEN ] [ TD 119GEN ] [ TD 120GEN ] [ TD 119GEN ] 2013-03-19 Chairman SG12 RGAFR Draft agenda for the meeting of SG12RGAFR "Regional Group on QoS for the Africa Region" Q1/12 2013-03-19 Rapporteurs Q14/12 Status Report Question 14/12 Q14/12 [ TD 118GEN [ TD 118GEN 2013-03-19 Editors Table of Contents for draft new Rec. E.MQoS (TD 53(GEN/12)) Q12/12, Q1/12 2013-03-21 2013-03-20 2013-03-20 (Rev.1) [ TD 117GEN ] [ TD 116GEN ] [ TD 115GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 114GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 113GEN ] [ TD 112GEN ] [ TD 111GEN ] [ TD 110GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 109GEN ] [ TD 108GEN ] [ TD 107GEN ] [ TD 106GEN ] [ TD 105GEN ] ] [ TD 117GEN ] [ TD 116GEN ] [ TD 115GEN ] [ TD 114GEN ] ] [ TD 117GEN ] [ TD 116GEN ] [ TD 115GEN ] [ TD 114GEN ] [ TD 113GEN ] [ TD 112GEN ] [ TD 111GEN ] [ TD 110GEN ] [ TD 109GEN ] [ TD 108GEN ] [ TD 107GEN ] [ TD 106GEN ] [ TD 105GEN ] [ TD 113GEN ] [ TD 112GEN ] [ TD 111GEN ] [ TD 110GEN ] [ TD 109GEN ] [ TD 108GEN ] [ TD 107GEN ] [ TD 106GEN ] [ TD 105GEN ] 2013-03-19 ITU-T SG13 Incoming LS: Plans for implementation of Resolution 77 and recommendations to TSAG Q1/12 2013-03-19 Rapporteurs Q14/12 P.NAMS-PD ToR Q14/12 2013-03-19 TSB List of participants QALL/12 2013-03-19 Rapporteurs Q7/12 Draft Status report of Question 7/12 Q7/12 2013-03-19 Chairman SG12 Study Group 12 Opening Plenary presentation QALL/12 2013-03-19 TSB TSAG matters of interest to SG12 QALL/12 2013-03-18 Editor Proposed Appendices for Y.1566, QoS mapping and interworking between Ethernet, IP and MPLS Q17/12 2013-03-18 TSB Meeting facilities and logistics QALL/12 2013-03-18 TSB SG12 interim activities and their reports QALL/12 2013-03-18 TSB Status of texts consented at the previous SG12 meeting and WP2/12 meeting QALL/12 2013-03-18 Chairman SG12 Proposed SG 12 roles and Liaison Rapporteurs QALL/12 2013-03-18 Chairman SG12 Proposed SG 12 structure, leadership and Rapporteurs QALL/12 2013-03-18 TSB List of incoming Liaison Statements QALL/12 [ TD 104GEN ] [ TD 103GEN ] [ TD 102GEN ] [ TD 101GEN ] [ TD 100GEN ] [ TD 99GEN ] [ TD 98GEN ] [ TD 97GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 96GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 95GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 94GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 93GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 92GEN ] (Rev.1- [ TD 104GEN ] [ TD 103GEN ] [ TD 102GEN ] [ TD 101GEN ] [ TD 100GEN ] [ TD 99GEN ] [ TD 98GEN ] [ TD 97GEN ] [ TD 104GEN ] [ TD 103GEN ] [ TD 102GEN ] [ TD 101GEN ] [ TD 100GEN ] [ TD 99GEN ] [ TD 98GEN ] [ TD 97GEN ] 2013-03-18 TSB Work programme of ITU-T SG12 QALL/12 2013-03-18 TSB Highlights of WTSA-12 results relevant to SG 12 QALL/12 2013-03-18 Chairman FG Distraction FG Distraction report on Use Cases Q4/12 2013-03-18 Chairman FG Distraction FG Distraction report on User Interface requirements for Automotive applications (P.UIA) Q4/12 2013-03-18 Chairman FG Distraction FG Distraction report on Vehicle-toApplications communications interface (G.V2A) Q4/12 2013-03-18 Chairman FG Distraction FG Distraction report on Situational Awareness Management (G.SAM) Q4/12 2013-03-18 Acting Rapporteurs Q14/12 Performance figures for P.1202.2 model Q14/12 2013-03-18 Acting Rapporteurs Q1/12 Status Report of Question 1/12 Q1/12 [ TD 96GEN ] [ TD 95GEN ] [ TD 96GEN ] [ TD 95GEN ] 2013-03-18 Editors Q12/12 2013-03-18 Rapporteur Q13/12 Draft E.CCH QoE - Definitions and associated measurement methods of usercentric parameters for call handling in cellular mobile voice service Status Report on Question 13/12 [ TD 94GEN ] [ TD 93GEN ] [ TD 92GEN ] [ TD 94GEN ] [ TD 93GEN ] [ TD 92GEN ] 2013-03-18 Rapporteur Q5/12 Status Report for Question 5/12 Q5/12 2013-03-18 Rapporteur Q6/12 Status Report of Question 6/12 Q6/12 2013-03-18 Rapporteur Q4/12 Status Report of Question 4/12 Q4/12 Q13/12 2) [ TD 91GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 90GEN ] [ TD 89GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 88GEN ] [ TD 87GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 86GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 85GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 84GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 83GEN ] [ TD 82GEN ] [ TD 81GEN ] [ TD [ TD 91GEN ] [ TD 91GEN ] 2013-03-18 Rapporteur Q3/12 Status Report of Question 3/12 Q3/12 [ TD 90GEN ] [ TD 89GEN ] [ TD 90GEN ] [ TD 89GEN ] 2013-03-18 Chairman SG12 Titles and mandates of SG12 Working Parties QALL/12 2013-03-18 Rapporteur Q12/12 Status report of Q12/12 "Operational aspects of telecommunication network service quality" Q12/12 [ TD 88GEN ] [ TD 87GEN ] [ TD 88GEN ] [ TD 87GEN ] 2013-03-18 Acting Rapporteur Q5/12 Comments to comparison criterion for different spatial audio reproduction systems Q5/12 2013-03-18 Rapporteurs Q14/12 Draft Recommendation P.1202.2 (ex P.NBAMS-HR) (for consent) Q14/12 [ TD 86GEN ] [ TD 86GEN ] 2013-03-15 Rapporteurs Q10/12 Status report of Question 10/12 Q10/12 [ TD 85GEN ] [ TD 85GEN ] 2013-03-15 TSB Draft work plan and room allocation QALL/12 [ TD 84GEN ] [ TD 84GEN ] 2013-03-15 Editor, P.MOS Draft Recommendation P.MOS "Mean Opinion Score (MOS) Interpretation and Reporting" (for consent) Q2/12, Q13/12 [ TD 83GEN ] [ TD 83GEN ] 2013-03-15 ITU-T SG11 Q1/12 [ TD 82GEN ] [ TD 81GEN ] [ TD 82GEN ] [ TD 81GEN ] 2013-03-15 ITU-T SG11 Incoming LS: Request to fill a) living list of technologies suitable for testing and b) list of possible pilot projects for conformity assessment against ITU-T Recommendations Incoming LS: Guidelines for implementations of signalling requirements and protocols 2013-03-15 ITU-T SG 11 Q1/12 [ TD [ TD 2013-03-15 Acting Incoming LS: Request to all Study Groups to update the reference table of ITU-T Recommendations to be tested for conformity/interoperability, parameters and available test suites Measurements of B&K HATS mouth Type Q1/12 Q5/12 80GEN ] [ TD 79GEN ] [ TD 78GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 77GEN ] [ TD 76GEN ] [ TD 75GEN ] [ TD 74GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 73GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 72GEN ] [ TD 71GEN ] [ TD 70GEN ] [ TD 69GEN ] [ TD 68GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 67- 80GEN ] [ TD 79GEN ] [ TD 78GEN ] 80GEN ] [ TD 79GEN ] [ TD 78GEN ] [ TD 77GEN ] [ TD 76GEN ] [ TD 75GEN ] [ TD 74GEN ] [ TD 73GEN ] [ TD 72GEN ] [ TD 71GEN ] [ TD 70GEN ] [ TD 69GEN ] [ TD 68GEN ] [ TD 67- [ TD 77GEN ] [ TD 76GEN ] [ TD 75GEN ] [ TD 74GEN ] [ TD 73GEN ] [ TD 72GEN ] [ TD 71GEN ] [ TD 70GEN ] [ TD 69GEN ] [ TD 68GEN ] [ TD 67- Rapporteur Q5/12 4128 2013-03-15 Acting Rapporteur Q5/12 Measurements of diffuse-field response of HATS Q5/12 2013-03-15 Rapporteur Q9/12 Report Question 9/12 Q9/12 2013-03-15 Acting Rapporteur Q5/12 HRTF measurements on HATS - Excel Data Q5/12 2013-03-14 Chairman SG12RGAFR Report of the fourth meeting of the ITU-T SG12RG-AFR (Cotonou, Benin, 18 July 2012) Q1/12 2013-03-14 Chairman FG CarCOM Final Report on FG CarCOM activities during the 2009 - 2012 study period Q4/12, Q1/12 2013-03-14 Rapporteurs Q15/12 Status Report of Question 15/12 Q15/12 2013-03-14 Rapporteurs Q11/12 Status report of Q11/12 "Performance interworking and traffic management for Next Generation Networks" Q11/12 2013-03-12 JCA-Cloud Incoming LS: Invitation to contribute to the cloud computing roadmap population Q17/12, Q13/12, Q1/12 2013-03-12 Acting Rapporteurs Q14/12 Question 14/12 Interim Meeting Report (Berlin 14-16 November 2012) Q14/12 2013-03-12 Editors Draft New Supplement: " Guidelines on Regulatory Aspects of QoS " RG-AFR, Q12/12, Q1/12 2013-03-12 Acting Rapporteur Q16/12 Requirement specifications for P.TCA (Technical Cause Analysis) Q16/12 2013-03-12 Acting Rapporteur Q16/12 Draft of new proposed recommendation G.VSDF Q16/12 2013-03-12 Rapporteur Q16/12 Status report for Question 16/12 Q16/12 GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 66GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 65GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 64GEN ] [ TD 63GEN ] [ TD 62GEN ] [ TD 61GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 60GEN ] [ TD 59GEN ] [ TD 58GEN ] [ TD 57GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 56GEN ] [ TD 55GEN ] [ TD GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 66GEN ] [ TD 66GEN ] 2013-03-12 Acting Rapporteur Q2/12 Status Report of Question 2/12 Q2/12 [ TD 65GEN ] [ TD 64GEN ] [ TD 63GEN ] [ TD 62GEN ] [ TD 61GEN ] [ TD 60GEN ] [ TD 59GEN ] [ TD 58GEN ] [ TD 57GEN ] [ TD 65GEN ] [ TD 64GEN ] [ TD 63GEN ] [ TD 62GEN ] [ TD 61GEN ] [ TD 60GEN ] [ TD 59GEN ] [ TD 58GEN ] [ TD 57GEN ] 2013-03-11 Acting Rapporteur Q8/5 Status Report for Question 8/12 Q8/12 2013-03-11 Acting Rapporteur Q5/12 Meeting Report Interim Meeting Q5/12, Lannion, 15-16 January 2013 Q5/12 2013-03-08 IETF Transport Area Working Group ITU-T SG13 Incoming LS: Liaison statement in response to "Development of Informative Codepoint mapping in ITU-T Study Group 12" Q17/12 Incoming LS: Reply Liaison Statement to ASTAP NGN EG on cooperation between ITU-T SGs on Bali Plan of Action 2013-03-08 TIA TR30.3 Subcommittee Incoming LS: Liaison presentation from TIA TR30.3 concerning proposed revision of G.1050 Q17/12, Q13/12, Q11/12, Q1/12 Q17/12, Q14/12, Q13/12 2013-03-08 QUALINET Cost Action IC1003 Incoming LS: Liaison statement to ITU-T SG12 from QUALINET on definitions of QoE Q2/12 2013-03-08 i3 Forum WS "Technical Aspects" Incoming LS: Reply to ETSI E2NA LS 1 on "Location of Media Transcoders" Q7/12, Q11/12 2013-03-07 Chairman FG CarCOM Report of FG CarCOM meeting held in Geneva, 18-19 February 2013 Q4/12, Q1/12 2013-02-28 Editor Y.RMQoSInt (Roadmap of Quality of Service of Interconnected Networks using Internet Protocol) (for consent) Q12/12 [ TD 56GEN ] [ TD 55GEN ] [ TD [ TD 56GEN ] [ TD 55GEN ] [ TD 2013-02-22 ETSI TC STQ Incoming LS: Liaison statement to ITU-T SG12 about use of HATS Q5/12 2013-02-22 ETSI TC STQ Incoming LS: New "Management Conversational Quality Predictor" (MCQP) Q8/12, Q15/12 2013-02-22 Chairman FG Draft 21 of FG.VSSR Q4/12, 2013-03-08 54GEN ] [ TD 53GEN ] [ TD 52GEN ] [ TD 51GEN ] [ TD 50GEN ] [ TD 49GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 48GEN ] [ TD 47GEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 46GEN ] [ TD 45GEN ] [ TD 44GEN ] [ TD 43GEN ] [ TD 42GEN ] [ TD 41- 54GEN ] [ TD 53GEN ] [ TD 52GEN ] [ TD 51GEN ] [ TD 50GEN ] [ TD 49GEN ] 54GEN ] [ TD 53GEN ] [ TD 52GEN ] [ TD 51GEN ] [ TD 50GEN ] [ TD 49GEN ] [ TD 48GEN ] [ TD 47GEN ] [ TD 46GEN ] [ TD 45GEN ] [ TD 44GEN ] [ TD 43GEN ] [ TD 42GEN ] [ TD 41- [ TD 48GEN ] [ TD 47GEN ] [ TD 46GEN ] [ TD 45GEN ] [ TD 44GEN ] [ TD 43GEN ] [ TD 42GEN ] [ TD 41- CarCOM Q12/12, Q1/12 2013-02-22 Editors Draft New Recommendation on Mobile QoS Q12/12, Q1/12 2013-02-19 Acting Rapporteur Q9/12 Report of the JRG-MMQA meeting of 10-13 December, 2012, Singapore Q9/12, Q14/12, Q13/12 2013-02-19 Acting Rapporteur Q9/12 Report of the JRG-MMQA meeting of 11-14 June, 2012, Rennes Q9/12, Q14/12, Q13/12 2013-02-19 Acting Rapporteurs Q14/12 Q14/12 2013-02-19 FG AVA 2013-02-19 ITU-T SG2 Call for participation on opinion model for estimating impact of rebuffering/stalling on audiovisual quality of progressive download type video Incoming LS: Reply LS to ITU-T Study Group 9 LS on Proposed Intersector rapporteur Group on Audiovisual Quality Assessment among ITU-T SG 9, SG 12 and ITU-R SG 6 Incoming LS: Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan 2013-02-19 MEF Incoming LS: Approved Draft #3 for Service Activation Testing Technical Specification Q17/12 2013-02-19 MEF Incoming LS: Liaison from MEF announcing SAT PDU Approved Draft Q17/12 2013-02-19 3GPP TSGSA WG4 Incoming LS: Reply LS on superwideband and fullband terminals 2013-02-19 ITU-T SG9 Incoming LS: Reply LS to ITU-T SG12 on Interpretation of MOS Q7/12, Q6/12, Q5/12, Q4/12 Q2/12, Q13/12 2013-02-19 ITU-T SG9 Incoming LS: LS on Terms of Reference for a proposed Intersectoral Rapporteur Group Q9/12, Q14/12, Q13/12 2013-02-19 ITU-T SG16 Incoming LS: LS to ITU-T SG12 on new ITU-T SG16 Recommendations related to speech and audio coding Q7/12, Q11/12 2013-02-19 ITU-T SG16 Incoming LS: LS to ITU-T SG 12 on provisional audio and video one-way delay Q8/12, Q11/12, Q9/12, Q13/12 Q1/12 GEN ] [ TD 40GEN ] [ TD 39GEN ] [ TD 38GEN ] [ TD 37GEN ] [ TD 36GEN ] [ TD 35GEN ] [ TD 34GEN ] [ TD 33GEN ] [ TD 32GEN ] [ TD 31GEN ] [ TD 30GEN ] [ TD 29GEN ] [ TD 28GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 40GEN ] [ TD 39GEN ] [ TD 38GEN ] [ TD 37GEN ] [ TD 36GEN ] [ TD 35GEN ] [ TD 34GEN ] [ TD 33GEN ] [ TD 32GEN ] [ TD 31GEN ] [ TD 30GEN ] [ TD 29GEN ] [ TD 28GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 40GEN ] [ TD 39GEN ] [ TD 38GEN ] [ TD 37GEN ] [ TD 36GEN ] [ TD 35GEN ] [ TD 34GEN ] [ TD 33GEN ] [ TD 32GEN ] [ TD 31GEN ] [ TD 30GEN ] [ TD 29GEN ] [ TD 28GEN ] limits for telepresence Q10/12 2013-02-19 ITU-T SG16 Incoming LS: Reply LS to ITU-R WP 6C on Recommendations ITU-R BS.1387 (PEAQ) and ITU-R BS.1534 (MUSHRA) Q9/12, Q7/12, Q10/12 2013-02-19 ITU-T SG16 Incoming LS: LS to ITU-T SG 12 on input on ITS performance measurement methods, QoS, and QoE Q17/12, Q13/12 2013-02-19 ITU-T SG16 Incoming LS: Reply LS to ITU-T SG 12 on F.LIMSreqs Q13/12 2013-01-30 Chairman QSDG Report of the 29th QSDG meeting (Nairobi, Kenya, 8-12 October 2012) Q12/12 2013-01-29 ITU-T SG16 Incoming LS: Reply LS to ETSI E2NA on location of media transcoders Q7/12, Q11/12 2013-01-25 ITU-T SG9 Incoming LS: LS on 3D video quality assessment activities in ITU-T SG 9 2013-01-25 VQEG Incoming LS: Liaison on Progress of 3DTV Quality Assessment Work in VQEG 2013-01-25 ETSI E2NA Incoming LS: Location of Media Transcoders Q9/12, Q14/12, Q13/12, Q10/12 Q9/12, Q14/12, Q13/12, Q10/12 Q7/12, Q11/12 2013-01-21 Acting Rapporteur Q13/12 Report of interim meeting of Q.13 in Berlin in November 2012 Q13/12 2012-12-20 Acting Rapporteur Q17/12 Report of Q17: Performance of Packet-based networks, Ad Hoc Meetings and Status Q17/12 2012-12-20 3GPP TSG SA4 Q7/12, Q3/12, Q11/12 2012-12-20 ITU-R WP6C Incoming LS: LS on 3GPP Sa WG4 WID on "Acoustic Requirement and Test Methods for IMS-based Conversational Speech Services over LTE (ART_LTE)" (Feature) Incoming LS: Liaison statement to ITU-T Study Group 12 on Interpretation of MOS 2012-12-20 JCA-Cloud Incoming LS: Invitation to contribute to the cloud computing roadmap population Q1/12 Q7/12, Q2/12, Q13/12 [ TD 27GEN ] [ TD 26GEN ] [ TD 25GEN ] [ TD 24GEN ] [ TD 23GEN ] [ TD 22GEN ] [ TD 21GEN ] [ TD 20GEN ] [ TD 19GEN ] [ TD 18GEN ] [ TD 17GEN ] [ TD 16GEN ] [ TD 15GEN ] [ TD 14- [ TD 27GEN ] [ TD 26GEN ] [ TD 25GEN ] [ TD 24GEN ] [ TD 23GEN ] [ TD 22GEN ] [ TD 21GEN ] [ TD 20GEN ] [ TD 19GEN ] [ TD 18GEN ] [ TD 17GEN ] [ TD 16GEN ] [ TD 15GEN ] [ TD 14- [ TD 27GEN ] [ TD 26GEN ] [ TD 25GEN ] [ TD 24GEN ] [ TD 23GEN ] [ TD 22GEN ] [ TD 21GEN ] [ TD 20GEN ] [ TD 19GEN ] [ TD 18GEN ] [ TD 17GEN ] [ TD 16GEN ] [ TD 15GEN ] [ TD 14- 2012-12-20 FG Smart Cable Incoming LS: LS on FG SmartCable activities and meetings Q1/12 2012-12-20 ITU-T SG16 Incoming LS: Reply LS to SG12 on QoE of telepresence (COM12-LS-172) Q13/12, Q11/12, Q10/12 2012-12-20 ITU-T SG16 Q7/12 2012-12-20 JCA-SG HN Incoming LS: Reply LS to Q7/12 on new testing methodology for subjective assessment of Text-To-Speech (COM12-LS164) Incoming LS: Activities related to smart grid 2012-12-20 ITU-D SG1 Q1/12 2012-12-20 APT Incoming LS: Invitation to participate in and provide input to the work of the Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term "ICT" Incoming LS: Liaison Statement to ITU-T on Cooperation between ITU-T STUGs and ASTAP EG NGN on Bali Plan of Action 2012-12-20 ITU-T SG15 Incoming LS: Reply to: Clarification of Frame Loss Ratio computation for the 15min and 24-hr PM statistics 2012-12-20 ITU-T SG15 Incoming LS: Reply to: New Project Broadband Access Service Attributes and Performance Measures Q17/12 2012-12-20 ITU-T SG15 Incoming LS: SG15 OTNT Standardization Work Plan Q17/12 2012-12-20 ITU-T SG15 Incoming LS: New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standardization Plan and Work Plan Q17/12 2012-12-20 JCA-COP Incoming LS: Liaison to ITU-T Study Groups, ITU Sectors, TSAG, CWG-COP Q1/12 2012-12-20 JCA-IoT Incoming LS: Internet of Things Work Plan Q1/12 2012-12-20 GSMA IREG Packet Incoming LS: Reply LS on Development of Informative Codepoint mapping in ITU-T Study Group 12 Q17/12 2012-12-20 Broadband Forum Incoming LS: Liaison reply to SG12: New Project - Broadband Access Service Q17/12 Q1/12 Q17/12, Q13/12, Q11/12, Q1/12 Q17/12 GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 13GEN ] [ TD 12GEN ] [ TD 11GEN ] [ TD 10GEN ] [ TD 9GEN ] [ TD 8GEN ] [ TD 7GEN ] [ TD 6GEN ] [ TD 5GEN ] [ TD 4GEN ] [ TD 3GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 13GEN ] [ TD 12GEN ] [ TD 11GEN ] [ TD 10GEN ] [ TD 9GEN ] [ TD 8GEN ] [ TD 7GEN ] [ TD 6GEN ] [ TD 5GEN ] [ TD 4GEN ] [ TD 3GEN ] [ TD 2GEN ] [ TD 2GEN ] [ TD 1- [ TD [ TD 13GEN ] [ TD 12GEN ] [ TD 11GEN ] [ TD 10GEN ] [ TD 9GEN ] [ TD 8GEN ] [ TD 7GEN ] [ TD 6GEN ] [ TD 5GEN ] [ TD 4GEN ] [ TD 3GEN ] (Rev.12) Attributes and Performance Measures 2012-12-20 3GPP TSG SA4 Incoming LS: Reply LS to GSMA on the extension of Acoustic Test Specifications in TS 26.131 and TS 26.132 Q7/12, Q6/12, Q5/12 2012-12-20 JCA-Cloud Incoming LS: Invitation to contribute to the cloud computing roadmap population Q1/12 2012-12-20 Broadband Forum Incoming LS: Project update and Request for input Q17/12 2012-12-20 MEF Incoming LS: Approved Draft #2 for Service Activation Testing Technical Specification Q17/12 2012-12-20 ETSI TC STQ Incoming LS: Reply to LS on improvements of ETSI EG 202 396-3 for application with modern mobile terminals 2012-12-20 3GPP TSGSA WG4 Incoming LS: 3GPP TSG-SA WG4 ad-hoc meeting on Acoustic Aspects 2012-12-20 FGDR&NRR Incoming LS: Establishment of Focus Group on Disaster Relief Systems, Network Resilience and Recovery Q9/12, Q7/12, Q6/12, Q3/12 Q9/12, Q7/12, Q6/12, Q3/12 Q1/12 2012-12-20 ITU-T SG11 Q17/12, Q11/12 2012-12-20 ITU-T SG13 Incoming LS: Reply to LS on Handbook on Network performance testing and monitoring for guarantee required QoS for NGN services Incoming LS: Liaison response on Quality of Experience aspects of multi-connection 2013-03-15 Chairman WP3/12 Draft agenda for Working Party 3/12 meeting 2013-03-12 Chairman WP2/12 Draft agenda for Working Party 2/12 meeting [ TD 2GEN ] 2013-03-18 Chairman WP1/12 Draft agenda for Working Party 1/12 meeting [ TD 2012-12-20 Chairman Draft agenda for the meeting of Study Group Q17/12, Q13/12, Q12/12, Q11/12 Q9/12, Q8/12, Q16/12, Q15/12, Q14/12 Q7/12, Q6/12, Q5/12, Q4/12, Q3/12, Q10/12 QALL/12 Q11/12 GEN ] (Rev.1) 1GEN ] 1GEN ] SG12 12