Collective Letters Web [ COL 12 ] +Add.1 IFA [ COL 12 ] Local [ COL 12 ] Received 2016-05-09 Source SG 11 Title Meeting of Study Group 11; Geneva, 27 June-6 July 2016 Temporary Documents (GEN) Web [ TD 1105GEN ] IFA [ TD 1105GEN ] Local [ TD 1105GEN ] Received 2016-03-21 Source ITU-T SG3 [ TD 1150GEN ] [ TD 1150GEN ] [ TD 1150GEN ] 2016-05-13 ITU-T SG5 [ TD 1102GEN ] [ TD 1102GEN ] [ TD 1101GEN ] [ TD 1102GEN ] [ TD 1101GEN ] 2016-03-08 RevCom 2016-03-07 ITU-T SG15 [ TD 1094GEN ] [ TD 1094GEN ] [ TD 1094GEN ] 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG9 [ TD 1084GEN ] [ TD 1084GEN ] [ TD 1135GEN ] [ TD 1134GEN ] [ TD 1084GEN ] [ TD 1135GEN ] [ TD 1134GEN ] 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG20 2016-04-29 Rapporteur Q1/11 2016-04-29 Editor [ TD 1092GEN ] [ TD [ TD 1092GEN ] [ TD 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG20 2016-02-25 ITU-T [ TD 1101GEN ] [ TD 1135GEN ] [ TD 1134GEN ] [ TD 1092GEN ] [ TD Title LS/i/r on approval of SG11 Guidelines on "Testing Laboratories recognition procedure" (ex Q.TL-rec-pro) and first meeting of ITU-T CASC (reply to SG11-LS083R1) [from ITU-T SG3] LS/i/r on first meeting of ITU-T CASC and request to update the living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects (reply to SG11LS102) [from ITU-T SG5] LS/i on increasing efficiency of work in ITU-T [from RevCom] Questions CASC LS/i/r on CASC and request to update the living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects (replies to SG11-LS088, SG11-LS102) [from ITU-T SG15] LS/i/r on first meeting of ITU-T CASC and request to update the living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects (reply to COM 11 LS 102, TD 807(GEN/9)) [from ITU-T SG9] LS/i/r on joint collaboration between ITU-T Study Group 20 and ITU-T Study Group 11 (reply to SG11 - LS 93) [from ITU-T SG20] CASC, Q11/11 Report of Question 1/11 meeting "Signalling and protocol architectures in emerging telecommunication environments" (Geneva, 25-28 April 2016) Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.Arc-IPSMS "Signalling architecture and requirements for IP based short message service over ITU-T defined NGN" (Geneva, 25-28 April 2016) LS/i/r on the consent of Q.3052 (ex. Q.M2Mpro-overview) (reply to SG11 - LS 94) [from ITU-T SG20] Q1/11 LS/i on Telecommunication Management and Q1/11 CASC, Q11/11 CASC, QALL/11 CASC, Q11/11 CASC, Q12/11 Q1/11 Q1/11 1082GEN ] 1082GEN ] [ TD 1113GEN ] 1082GEN ] [ TD 1113GEN ] SG2 OAM Project Plan [from ITU-T SG2] 2016-03-24 Associate Rapporteur Q2/11 Q2/11 [ TD 1112GEN ] 2016-03-24 Associate Rapporteur Q2/11 [ TD 1111GEN ] [ TD 1110GEN ] [ TD 1109GEN ] [ TD 1111GEN ] [ TD 1110GEN ] [ TD 1109GEN ] 2016-03-24 Editor LS/o on Revision of existing Recommendation ITU-T Q.30xx_VoLTE_Interconnection_FW "Framework of interconnection of VoLTE/ViLTE-based networks" [to ITU-T SG2, ETSI NTECH, ETSI TC INT] LS/o on revision of existing Recommendation ITU-T Q.1912.5 "Interworking between Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Bearer Independent Call Control protocol or ISDN User Part" [to 3GPP, ETSI NTECH] A.5 justification information for draft new Q.3629 v.1_SI_Interw_Req [ TD 1112GEN ] [ TD 1112GEN ] [ TD 1111GEN ] 2016-03-24 Editor Q2/11 2016-03-24 Editor [ TD 1108GEN ] [ TD 1108GEN ] [ TD 1108GEN ] 2016-03-24 Editor [ TD 1107GEN ] [ TD 1107GEN ] [ TD 1107GEN ] 2016-03-24 Editor [ TD 1098GEN ] [ TD 1098GEN ] [ TD 1161GEN ] [ TD 1142GEN ] [ TD 1140GEN [ TD 1098GEN ] [ TD 1161GEN ] [ TD 1142GEN ] [ TD 1140GEN 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG12 Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3630 v.1_SI_NNI Req "Inter-IMS Network to Network Interface (NNI)" (SophiaAntipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Output - Draft revised Recommendation ITUT Q.1912.5 "Interworking between Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Bearer Independent Call Control protocol or ISDN User Part" (Sophia-Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3629 v.1_SI_Interw_Req "Interworking between the IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem and Circuit Switched (CS) networks. Protocol specification" (Sophia-Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.30xx_VoLTE_Interconnection_FW "Framework of interconnection of VoLTE/ViLTE-based networks" (SophiaAntipolis, 21-24 March 2016) LS/i on consent of new Recommendation ITUT G.1028 [from ITU-T SG12] 2016-05-20 Rapporteur Q11/11 Revised conformance testing standardization work plan for SIP IMS (Sophia Antipolis, 2124 March 2016) Q2/11, Q11/11 2016-05-02 Editor Q4/11 2016-05-02 Rapporteur Q4/11 Output - Draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.SVDC "Signalling requirements of the Sew interface for Virtual Data Center" (Geneva, 25-28 April 2016) LS/o on a new work item Q.SVDC "Signalling requirements of the Sew interface for Virtual Data Center " [to ITU-T SG13 and JCA-SDN] [ TD 1113GEN ] [ TD 1110GEN ] [ TD 1109GEN ] [ TD 1161GEN ] [ TD 1142GEN ] [ TD 1140GEN ] Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q4/11 [ TD 1139GEN ] [ TD 1138GEN ] [ TD 1137GEN ] [ TD 1136GEN ] [ TD 1132GEN ] [ TD 1148GEN ] [ TD 1147GEN ] [ TD 1146GEN ] [ TD 1145GEN ] [ TD 1090GEN ] [ TD 1151GEN ] [ TD 1149GEN ] [ TD 1131GEN ] ] [ TD 1139GEN ] [ TD 1138GEN ] [ TD 1137GEN ] [ TD 1136GEN ] ] [ TD 1139GEN ] [ TD 1138GEN ] [ TD 1137GEN ] [ TD 1136GEN ] [ TD 1132GEN ] [ TD 1148GEN ] [ TD 1147GEN ] [ TD 1146GEN ] [ TD 1145GEN ] [ TD 1090GEN ] [ TD 1151GEN ] [ TD 1149GEN ] [ TD 1131GEN [ TD 1132GEN ] [ TD 1148GEN ] [ TD 1147GEN ] [ TD 1146GEN ] [ TD 1145GEN ] [ TD 1090GEN ] [ TD 1151GEN ] [ TD 1149GEN ] [ TD 1131GEN 2016-05-02 Editors Output - Draft Recommendation Q.PVMapping, "Signalling Requirements for Mapping between Physical and Virtual Networks" (Geneva, 25-28 April 2016) Output - Draft Recommendation Q.SCO, "Scenarios and signalling requirements for SDN based Central Office" (Geneva, 25-28 April 2016) Output - draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.SBAN "Scenarios and signalling requirements for software-defined BAN (SBAN)" (Geneva, 25-29 April. 2016). Report of Question 4/11 meeting "Signalling requirements and protocols for Bearer and Resource control in emerging telecommunication environments" (Geneva, 25-28 April 2016) (Geneva, 25-28 April 2016) LS/i on collaboration [from ITU-D SG1] Q4/11 2016-05-02 Editors 2016-05-02 Editors 2016-04-29 Rapporteur Q4/11 2016-04-29 ITU-D SG1 2016-05-12 Rapporteur Q7/11 Report of Question 7/11 e-meeting (11-12 May 2016) Q7/11 2016-05-12 Editors Q7/11 2016-05-12 Editors 2016-05-12 Editors 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG20 Output - draft Recommendation Q.nacp.M1 "Protocol at the M1 interface between TLMPE and MLM-PE(P)" (e-meeting, 11 - 12 May 2016) Output - draft Recommendation Q.nacp.M2 "Protocol at the M2 interface between TLMPE and HDC-PE" (e-meeting, 11 - 12 May 2016) Output - draft Recommendation Q.nacp.Ne "Signalling Requirements and Protocol at the Ne interface between TLM-PE and NAC-PE" (e-meeting, 11 - 12 May 2016) LS/i on cooperation with SG11, SG16, SG17 [from ITU-T SG20] 2016-05-13 ITU-T SG5 LS/i/r on the progress on standardization work to combat Counterfeit ICT devices (reply to SG11-LS97) [from ITU-T SG5] 2016-05-13 Editors Baseline text of ITU-T Q.FW_CCF "Framework for solution to combat counterfeit ICT Devices" Q8/11 2016-04-29 SG11 Vicechairman Proposal to organize a workshop on "combating counterfeiting using conformance and interoperability solutions" Q8/11 Q4/11 Q4/11 Q4/11 Q6/11 Q7/11 Q7/11 Q7/11, Q8/11, Q9/11, Q12/11 Q8/11 [ TD 1130GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1129GEN ] [ TD 1123GEN ] [ TD 1116GEN ] [ TD 1087GEN ] [ TD 1090GEN ] [ TD 1141GEN ] [ TD 1133GEN ] [ TD 1128GEN ] [ TD 1127GEN ] [ TD 1126GEN ] [ TD 1125GEN ] [ TD 1124GEN ] ] [ TD 1130GEN ] [ TD 1129GEN ] ] [ TD 1130GEN ] [ TD 1129GEN ] [ TD 1123GEN ] [ TD 1116GEN ] [ TD 1087GEN ] [ TD 1090GEN ] [ TD 1141GEN ] [ TD 1133GEN ] [ TD 1128GEN ] [ TD 1127GEN ] [ TD 1126GEN ] [ TD 1125GEN ] [ TD 1124GEN ] [ TD 1123GEN ] [ TD 1116GEN ] [ TD 1087GEN ] [ TD 1090GEN ] [ TD 1141GEN ] [ TD 1133GEN ] [ TD 1128GEN ] [ TD 1127GEN ] [ TD 1126GEN ] [ TD 1125GEN ] [ TD 1124GEN ] 2016-04-29 ITU-T SG11 LS/o/r on cooperation with ITU-T SG20 (reply to SG20-LS32) [to ITU-T SG20] Q8/11 2016-04-28 Rapporteur Q8/11 Q8/11 2016-04-26 Editors Report of Question 8/11 meeting "Guidelines for implementations of signalling requirements and protocols and for addressing counterfeit ICT devices (Q8 Rapporteur meeting, Geneva, 25-29 April 2016) Output - ITU-T Q.FW_CCF "Framework for solution to combat counterfeit ICT Devices" (Geneva, 25-28 April 2016) 2016-04-25 ITU-D SG1 Q6 LS/i/r on the progress on standardization work to combat counterfeit ICT devices (reply to SG11 LS98) [from ITU-D SG1 Q6] Q8/11 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG2 LS/i/r on Standardization work to combat Counterfeit ICT devices (reply to SG11 - LS 97 -E) [from ITU-T SG2] Q8/11 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG20 LS/i on cooperation with SG11, SG16, SG17 [from ITU-T SG20] 2016-04-29 Chairman WP3/11 Draft report for WP 3/11 meeting "Attachment and service networking" (Geneva, 29 April 2016) Q8/11, Q7/11, Q9/11, Q12/11 Q9/11 2016-04-29 Rapporteur Q9/11 Q9/11 2016-04-28 Editors 2016-04-28 Editors 2016-04-28 Editor 2016-04-28 Editors Report of Question 9/11 meeting "Protocols supporting distributed, smart service networking and end-to-end multicast" (Geneva, 25-29 April 2016) Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.mp2p-orcp "Managed P2P communications: Overlay Resource Control Protocol (ORCP)" (Geneva, 25-29 April 2016) Output - draft new Recommendation X.mp2pmspp "Managed P2P communications: Multimedia streaming peer protocol" (Geneva, 25-29 April 2016) Consent - draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.609.1 (X.mp2p-pamp) "Managed P2P communications: Peer Activity Management Protocol (PAMP)" (Geneva, 25-29 April 2016) Output - draft new Recommendation X.mp2pmssr "Managed P2P communications: Multimedia streaming signalling requirements 2016-04-28 Editors A.5 justification information for draft new X.609.1 (X.mp2p-pamp) (Geneva, 25-29 April 2016) Q9/11 Q8/11 Q9/11 Q9/11 Q9/11 Q9/11 [ TD 1117GEN ] [ TD 1117GEN ] [ TD 1115GEN ] [ TD 1117GEN ] [ TD 1115GEN ] 2016-04-26 Rapporteur Q9/11 Report of Question 9/11 e-meeting (14-18 March 2016) Q9/11 2016-04-07 Editors Q9/11 [ TD 1114GEN ] [ TD 1090GEN ] [ TD 1156GEN ] [ TD 1155GEN ] [ TD 1114GEN ] [ TD 1090GEN ] [ TD 1156GEN ] [ TD 1155GEN ] 2016-04-07 Editors 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG20 Output - draft Recommendation ITU-T X.mp2p-pamp "Managed P2P communications: Peer Activity Management Protocol (PAMP)" (e-meeting, 14 - 18 March 2016) Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.mp2p-orcp "Managed P2P communications: Overlay Resource Control Protocol (ORCP)" (e-meeting, 14 - 18 March 2016) LS/i on cooperation with SG11, SG16, SG17 [from ITU-T SG20] 2016-05-20 Editor A.5 justification information for draft new Q.3932.4 (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) 2016-05-20 Editor Q10/11 [ TD 1154GEN ] [ TD 1153GEN ] [ TD 1179GEN ] [ TD 1154GEN ] [ TD 1153GEN ] [ TD 1179GEN ] 2016-05-20 Rapporteur Q10/11 Consent - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3932.4 "IMS/NGN performance benchmark - Part 4: Testing of the performance design objectives" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Updated benchmarking standardization work plan (Q10/11 Rapporteur group meeting, Sophia-Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) 2016-05-20 Rapporteur Q10/11 Report of the joint interim Rapporteur's group meeting of ITU-T Q10/11 and ETSI TC INT (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Q10/11 2016-05-20 Editor Q11/11 [ TD 1178GEN ] [ TD 1178GEN ] [ TD 1178GEN ] 2016-05-20 Editor [ TD 1177GEN ] [ TD 1177GEN ] [ TD 1177GEN ] 2016-05-20 Editor Consent - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4015.1 v.1_SI_Interw_PICS "Interworking between the IP Multimedia core network subsystem and circuit switched networks; Conformance Testing; Part 1: PICS" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Consent - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4015.2 v.1_SI_Interw_TSS&TP "Interworking between the IP Multimedia core network subsystem and circuit switched networks; Conformance testing; Part 2: TSS&TP" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4008.1 v.1_SI_MCID_Net_User_TS_Part1 "Malicious Communication Identification (MCID) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Part 1: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)" Sophia [ TD 1115GEN ] [ TD 1114GEN ] [ TD 1090GEN ] [ TD 1156GEN ] [ TD 1155GEN ] [ TD 1154GEN ] [ TD 1153GEN ] [ TD 1179GEN ] Q9/11 Q9/11, Q7/11, Q8/11, Q12/11 Q10/11 Q10/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 [ TD 1176GEN ] [ TD 1176GEN ] [ TD 1176GEN ] 2016-05-20 Editor [ TD 1175GEN ] [ TD 1175GEN ] [ TD 1175GEN ] 2016-05-20 Editor [ TD 1174GEN ] [ TD 1174GEN ] [ TD 1174GEN ] 2016-05-20 Editor [ TD 1173GEN ] [ TD 1173GEN ] [ TD 1173GEN ] 2016-05-20 Editor [ TD 1172GEN ] [ TD 1172GEN ] [ TD 1172GEN ] 2016-05-20 Editor [ TD 1171GEN ] [ TD 1171GEN ] [ TD 1171GEN ] 2016-05-20 Editor [ TD 1170GEN ] [ TD 1170GEN ] [ TD 1170GEN ] 2016-05-20 Editor Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4008.2 v.1_SI_MCID_Net_TS_Part2 "Malicious Communication Identification (MCID) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Part 2: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP), network side" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4008.3 v.1_SI_MCID_User TS_Part3 "Malicious Communication Identification (MCID) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Part 3: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP), user side" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4010.1 v.1_SI_MWI_Net_TS_Part1 "Message Waiting Indication (MWI) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Part 1: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4010.2 v.1_SI_MWI_Net_TS_Part2 "Message Waiting Indication (MWI) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Part 2: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP), network side" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4010.3 v.1_SI_MWI_Net_TS_Part3 "Message Waiting Indication (MWI) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Part 3: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP), user side" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4009.1 v.1_SI_CCNR_Net_TS_Part1 "Completion of Communications to Busy Subscriber (CCBS) and Completion of Communications by No Reply (CCNR) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Part 1: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4009.2 v.1_SI_CCNR_Net_TS_Part2 "Completion of Communications to Busy Subscriber (CCBS) and Completion of Communications by No Reply (CCNR) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 [ TD 1169GEN ] [ TD 1169GEN ] [ TD 1169GEN ] 2016-05-20 Editor [ TD 1168GEN ] [ TD 1168GEN ] [ TD 1168GEN ] 2016-05-20 Editor [ TD 1167GEN ] [ TD 1167GEN ] [ TD 1167GEN ] 2016-05-20 Editor [ TD 1166GEN ] [ TD 1166GEN ] [ TD 1166GEN ] 2016-05-20 Editor [ TD 1165GEN ] [ TD 1165GEN ] [ TD 1165GEN ] 2016-05-20 Editor [ TD 1164GEN ] [ TD 1164GEN ] [ TD 1164GEN ] 2016-05-20 Editor [ TD [ TD [ TD 2016-05-20 Editor Part 2: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP)" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4011.1 v.1_SI_CUG_Net_TS_Part1 "Closed User Group (CUG) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Part 1: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4011.2 v.1_SI_CUG_Net_TS_Part2 "Closed User Group (CUG) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Part 2: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP), network side" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4011.3 v.1_SI_CUG_User_TS_Part3 "Closed User Group (CUG) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Part 3: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP), user side" (Sophia Antipolis, 2124 March 2016) Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4012.1 v.1_SI_ACR_Net_TS_Part1 "Anonymous Communication Rejection (ACR) and Communication Barring (CB) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem 3GPP Release 10; Conformance Testing Specification Part 1: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4012.2 v.1_SI_ACR_Net_TS_Part2 "Anonymous Communication Rejection (ACR) and Communication Barring (CB) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Part 2: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP), network side" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.4012.3 v.1_SI_ACR_User_TS_Part3 "Anonymous Communication Rejection (ACR) and Communication Barring (CB) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Conformance Test Specification; Part 2: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP), user side" (Sophia Antipolis, 2124 March 2016) Output - Draft Recommendation ITU-T Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 1163GEN ] 1163GEN ] 1163GEN ] [ TD 1162GEN ] [ TD 1162GEN ] [ TD 1162GEN ] 2016-05-20 Editor [ TD 1160GEN ] [ TD 1160GEN ] [ TD 1159GEN ] [ TD 1158GEN ] [ TD 1160GEN ] [ TD 1159GEN ] [ TD 1158GEN ] 2016-05-20 Editor 2016-05-20 Editor A.5 justification information for draft new Q.4015.2 v.1_SI_Interw_TSS&TP (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Q11/11 2016-05-20 Rapporteur Q11/11 Q11/11 [ TD 1157GEN ] [ TD 1106GEN ] [ TD 1157GEN ] [ TD 1106GEN ] 2016-05-20 Rapporteur Q11/11 LS/o on Draft new Recommendation on "SIP signalling between the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) and SIP enabled devices for real-time fax over IP" (Q.4016v.1_FAX_req and tests) [to ITU-T SG16] (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Report of the joint interim Rapporteur's group meeting of ITU-T Q11/11 and ETSI TC INT (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) 2016-03-21 ITU-T SG3 Q11/11 [ TD 1103GEN ] [ TD 1103GEN ] [ TD 1103GEN ] 2016-03-18 ITU-T Q13/16 [ TD 1099GEN ] [ TD 1099GEN ] [ TD 1093GEN ] [ TD 1099GEN ] [ TD 1093GEN ] 2016-03-04 ITU-T SG15 LS/i/r on first meeting of ITU-T CASC and request to update the living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects (reply to SG11LS102) [from ITU-T SG3] LS/i/r on updated living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects (COM11 - LS 87) [from ITU-T Q13/16] LS/i on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) activities for ITU-T WP1/15 Recommendations [from ITU-T SG15] 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG20 Q11/11 [ TD 1089GEN ] [ TD 1089GEN ] 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG2 LS/i/r on first meeting of ITU-T CASC and request to update the living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects (reply to SG11 - LS 102) [from ITU-T SG20] LS/i/r on first meeting of ITU-T CASC and request to update the living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I [ TD 1159GEN ] [ TD 1158GEN ] [ TD 1157GEN ] [ TD 1106GEN ] [ TD 1093GEN ] [ TD 1089GEN ] Q.4016 v.1_FAX_req and tests "SIP signalling between the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) and SIP enabled devices for real-time fax over IP" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Output - Draft revised Recommendation ITUT Q.1912.5D "Interworking between session initiation protocol (SIP) and bearer independent call control protocol (BICC) or ISDN user part (ISUP): Test suite structure and test purposes (TSS&TP) for profile C" (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) A.5 justification information for draft new Q.4015.1 v.1_SI_Interw_PICS (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 [ TD 1088GEN ] and relevant pilot projects (reply to SG11 - LS 102 -E) [from ITU-T SG2] LS/i on the revision of Supplement 2 of Recommendation E.164 (Number Portability) [from ITU-T SG2] [ TD 1088GEN ] [ TD 1085GEN ] [ TD 1161GEN ] [ TD 1150GEN ] [ TD 1088GEN ] [ TD 1085GEN ] [ TD 1161GEN ] [ TD 1150GEN ] 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG2 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG2 LS/i on consent of Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.784 (ex, X.snmp-ics) [from ITU-T SG2] Q11/11 2016-05-20 Rapporteur Q11/11 Revised conformance testing standardization work plan for SIP IMS (Sophia Antipolis, 2124 March 2016) Q11/11, Q2/11 2016-05-13 ITU-T SG5 Q11/11, CASC [ TD 1101GEN ] [ TD 1101GEN ] [ TD 1101GEN ] 2016-03-07 ITU-T SG15 [ TD 1094GEN ] [ TD 1094GEN ] [ TD 1094GEN ] 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG9 [ TD 1090GEN ] [ TD 1090GEN ] [ TD 1084GEN ] [ TD 1144GEN ] [ TD 1122GEN ] [ TD 1121GEN ] [ TD 1120- [ TD 1090GEN ] [ TD 1084GEN ] [ TD 1144GEN ] [ TD 1122GEN ] [ TD 1121GEN ] [ TD 1120- 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG20 LS/i/r on first meeting of ITU-T CASC and request to update the living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects (reply to SG11LS102) [from ITU-T SG5] LS/i/r on CASC and request to update the living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects (replies to SG11-LS088, SG11-LS102) [from ITU-T SG15] LS/i/r on first meeting of ITU-T CASC and request to update the living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects (reply to COM 11 LS 102, TD 807(GEN/9)) [from ITU-T SG9] LS/i on cooperation with SG11, SG16, SG17 [from ITU-T SG20] 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG20 LS/i/r on joint collaboration between ITU-T Study Group 20 and ITU-T Study Group 11 (reply to SG11 - LS 93) [from ITU-T SG20] 2016-05-10 ITU-T SG13 LS/i/r to SG11 on Cloud Computing Interoperability and Portability (reply to SG11 - LS 104) [from ITU-T SG13] Q14/11 2016-04-28 Associate Rapporteur Q14/11 LS/o on NWI Cloud Interoperability testing about Web Application [to ITU-T SG13] Q14/11 2016-04-28 Editors Q14/11 2016-04-28 Editors Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.wa-iop "Cloud Interoperability testing about Web Application" (Q14 meeting, 25- 29 April 2016) Output - Draft new Recommendation Q.infraiop "Interoperability testing of infrastructure [ TD 1085GEN ] [ TD 1161GEN ] [ TD 1150GEN ] [ TD 1084GEN ] [ TD 1144GEN ] [ TD 1122GEN ] [ TD 1121GEN ] [ TD 1120- Q11/11 Q11/11, CASC Q11/11, CASC Q12/11, Q7/11, Q8/11, Q9/11 Q12/11, CASC Q14/11 GEN ] [ TD 1119GEN ] [ TD 1118GEN ] [ TD 1076GEN ] [ TD 1152GEN ] [ TD 1104GEN ] [ TD 1097GEN ] [ TD 1081GEN ] [ TD 1143GEN ] [ TD 1102GEN ] [ TD 1100GEN ] [ TD 1096GEN ] [ TD 1095GEN ] [ TD 1091GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 1119GEN ] [ TD 1118GEN ] [ TD 1076GEN ] [ TD 1152GEN ] [ TD 1104GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 1119GEN ] [ TD 1118GEN ] [ TD 1076GEN ] [ TD 1152GEN ] [ TD 1104GEN ] [ TD 1097GEN ] [ TD 1081GEN ] [ TD 1143GEN ] [ TD 1102GEN ] [ TD 1100GEN ] [ TD 1096GEN ] [ TD 1095GEN ] [ TD 1091GEN [ TD 1097GEN ] [ TD 1081GEN ] [ TD 1143GEN ] [ TD 1102GEN ] [ TD 1100GEN ] [ TD 1096GEN ] [ TD 1095GEN ] [ TD 1091GEN capabilities type" (25-29 April 2016, Q14 Rapporteur meeting) Initial living list for new work item of Question 14/11 (Geneva, 25-29 April 2016) 2016-04-28 Associate Rapporteur Q14/11 Q14/11 2016-04-28 Associate Rapporteur Q14/11 Report of Question 14/11 meeting (Geneva, 25-29 April 2016) Q14/11 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG13 Q14/11 2016-05-20 Acting Rapporteur Q15/11 LS/i on invitation to update the information in the cloud computing standards roadmap and remark on the matrix for standardization gap analysis [from ITU-T SG13] Report of the joint interim Rapporteur's group meeting of ITU-T Q15/11 and ETSI TC INT (Sophia Antipolis, 21-24 March 2016) 2016-03-21 ITU-T SG3 Q15/11 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG12 LS/i on new work item "A regulation framework of delivering of ICT services with the guaranteed QoS and requested bit rate on the fixed and mobile data networks" [from ITU-T SG3] LS/i/r to ITU-T SG11 on "QoS-related work in ITU-T SG11" (reply to SG11-LS 105) [from ITU-T SG12] 2016-02-25 IETF IPPM WG Q15/11 2016-05-09 TSB 2016-03-08 RevCom LS/i on IETF IPPM WG reply to Liaison 1444 / ITU-T SG12 reply to SG11 on relevant activities on Internet Speed Measurements [from IETF IPPM WG] Acknowledging active involvement of the Membership in the development of ITU-T deliverables - Implementation details of WTSA-12 Resolution 80 LS/i on increasing efficiency of work in ITU-T [from RevCom] 2016-03-07 ITU-T SG15 LS/i on new technical classification and numbering of ITU-T L-Series Recommendations [from ITU-T SG15] QALL/15 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG20 LS/i on Y.4000 series structure [from ITU-T SG20] QALL/11 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG20 LS/i on proposed text for the revision of Recommendation A.12 [from ITU-T SG20] QALL/11 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG20 LS/i/r on SG11 structure and the new SG20 (reply to SG11 - LS 92 -E) [from ITU-T SG20] QALL/11 Q15/11 Q15/11 QALL/11 QALL/11, CASC [ TD 1086GEN ] [ TD 1083GEN ] [ TD 1080GEN ] [ TD 1079GEN ] [ TD 1078GEN ] [ TD 1077GEN ] [ TD 1062GEN ] [ TD 1061GEN ] ] [ TD 1086GEN ] [ TD 1083GEN ] [ TD 1080GEN ] [ TD 1079GEN ] [ TD 1078GEN ] [ TD 1077GEN ] [ TD 1062GEN ] [ TD 1061GEN ] ] [ TD 1086GEN ] [ TD 1083GEN ] [ TD 1080GEN ] [ TD 1079GEN ] [ TD 1078GEN ] [ TD 1077GEN ] [ TD 1062GEN ] [ TD 1061GEN ] 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG2 LS/i on ITU-T study group responsibilities in WTSA Resolution 67 (Rev. Dubai, 2012) Terms and Definitions harmonization [from ITU-T SG2] LS/i on Reply to LS on "Agreement on collaboration between ETSI TC INT and ITUT SG11 [from ETSI TC INT] QALL/11 2016-02-25 ETSI TC INT 2016-02-25 TSAG LS/i on ITU inter-Sector coordination [from TSAG] QALL/11 2016-02-25 TSAG LS/i on WTSA-16 preparations [from TSAG] QALL/11 2016-02-25 TSAG QALL/11 2016-02-25 ITU-T SG13 2016-02-25 TSB LS/i on revised Recommendation ITU-T A.5, new Recommendation ITU-T A.25, and new ITU-T A-series Supplement A.sup5 [from TSAG] LS/i on "Report on standard gap analysis", from ITU-T Focus Group on IMT-2020 and on extension of lifetime of Focus Group IMT2020 [from ITU-T SG13] Draft SG11 meeting plan (time schedule), Geneva, 27 June-6 July 2016 2016-02-25 TSB Draft Agenda: SG11 Plenary meetings, Geneva, 27 June-6 July 2016 QALL/11 QALL/11 QALL/11 QALL/11