Contributions Web [ C 276 ] IFA [C 276 ] Local [C 276 ] Received 2015-04-09 Source Ministry of Communications and Informatization, Belarus [ C 275 ] (Rev.1) [ C 274 ] [C 275 ] [C 274 ] [C 275 ] 2015-04-09 NCA, Ghana, NCC, Nigeria [C 274 ] 2015-04-09 United Kingdom [ C 273 ] (Rev.1) [C 273 ] [C 273 ] 2015-04-09 Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações ANATEL, Brazil [ C 272 ] (Rev.1) [C 272 ] [C 272 ] 2015-04-09 Universidad Del País Vasco [ C 271 ] [C 271 ] [C 271 ] 2015-04-09 Universidad Del País Vasco [ C 270 ] [C 270 ] [C 270 ] 2015-04-09 Universidad Del País Vasco [ C 269 ] (Rev.1) [C 269 ] [C 269 ] 2015-04-09 [ C 268 ] [C 268 ] [C 267 ] [C 268 ] 2015-04-09 [C 267 ] 2015-04-09 [C 266 ] [C 265 ] [C 266 ] 2015-04-09 [C 265 ] 2015-04-09 State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. India, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology China Telecommunications Corporation China Telecommunications Corporation [ C 267 ] (Rev.1) [ C 266 ] (Rev.1) [ C 265 ] Title Proposal to advance the Draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.Int_speed_test "Unified methodology of Internet speed quality measurement usable by end-users on the fixed and mobile networks" Development of Recommendations on Counterfeit ICT Devices Questions Q15/11 Comments on proposals for ICT systems, modules and methods to combat counterfeit goods This document has also been posted as C460 for IoT-GSI Proposal to initiate new work items in Question 8/11 to further the ITU standardization work to combat Counterfeit ICT Equipment. Proposal to advance the draft recommendation Q.Int_speed_test "Unified methodology of Internet speed quality measurement usable by end-users on the fixed and mobile networks" Proposed modification to TR-ETS-IL for covering the whole range of ETS functional requirements and capabilities Proposed modification to TR-ETS-IL for focusing the document on technology-agnostic Emergency Telecommunications Services Proposal on new work-items on Q8/11 Q8/11, Q12/11 Editorial comments on Q.CSO Q4/11 Proposal to extend/enhance/introduce protocol capabilities in case of heterogeneous network environment to support priority calling. Proposed modifications to draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.Arc-IPSMS for IP based SMS service architecture Proposed modifications for IP based SMS architecture requirements in Q.Arc-IPSMS Q3/11 Q8/11 Q8/11 Q15/11 Q3/11 Q3/11 Q8/11 Q1/11 Q1/11 [ C 264 ] [C 264 ] 2015-04-09 [C 263 ] 2015-04-09 [ C 262 ] (Rev.1) [C 264 ] [C 263 ] [C 262 ] China Telecommunications Corporation NEC Corporation Propose to consent draft Recommendation Q.DSNSA at April 2015 SG 11 Meeting Proposal for update Q.FW-Cloud-iop Q1/11 [C 262 ] 2015-04-09 NEC Corporation, Oki Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) Q10/11 [C 261 ] 2015-04-09 NEC Corporation [C 260 ] [C 260 ] 2015-04-09 NEC Corporation [C 259 ] [C 258 ] [C 259 ] 2015-04-09 European Union Proposal to consent draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.IP-FAXtesting "Real-time Internet Protocol based on the T.38 supporting facsimile service testing framework at the userto-network interface of next generation networks" Proposal to consent draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.CDIV "Communications Diversion (CDIV) protocol specification as NGN Supplementary Service" Proposals to update draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.M2M_pro_overview "Overview of APIs and protocols for M2M service layer" adding requirements in clause 7 This document has also been posted as C455 for IoT-GSI Proposal to revise the Technical Report on Counterfeit ICT Equipment [ C 261 ] (Rev.1) [C 261 ] [ C 260 ] (Rev.1) [ C 259 ] [C 258 ] 2015-04-09 A1 Telekom Austria AG Q11/11 [ C 257 ] [C 257 ] [C 257 ] 2015-04-09 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 256 ] [C 256 ] [C 255 ] [C 256 ] 2015-04-09 Korea (Rep. of) [C 255 ] 2015-04-09 SK Telecom [C 254 ] [C [C 254 ] 2015-04-09 [C 2015-04-09 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Ministry of Industry Proposal to start a new work item (Q.3941.1-rev [3GPP Release 10]) aiming to revise ITU-T Q.3941.1 "Network integration testing between SIP and ISDN/PSTN network signalling protocols - Part 1: Test suite structure and test purposes for SIPISDN)" Proposal for a baseline text for draft revised ITU-T Q.3941.1-rev [3GPP Release 10] "Network integration testing between SIP and ISDN/PSTN network signalling protocols - Part 1: Test suite structure and test purposes for SIP-ISDN)" X.mp2p-arch: Proposal for consent "Managed P2P communications: Functional architecture Proposed signalling requirements and scenarios for orchestration of whitebox management in draft supplement Q.Supplement-SDN Proposal for description of basic IPv6 architecture for broadband services in Q.IPv6ProBB Proposal for signalling requirements [ C 263 ] [ C 258 ] [ C 255 ] [ C 254 ] (Rev.1) [ C 253 Q14/11 Q2/11 Q1/11 Q8/11 Q11/11 Q9/11 Q4/11 Q6/11 Q6/11 ] (Rev.1) [ C 252 ] 253 ] [C 252 ] 253 ] [C 252 ] 2015-04-08 [ C 251 ] (Rev.1) [ C 250 ] (Rev.1) [ C 249 ] (Rev.1) [ C 248 ] (Rev.1) [ C 247 ] (Rev.1) [ C 246 ] [C 251 ] [C 250 ] [C 249 ] [C 248 ] [C 247 ] [C 246 ] [C 245 ] [C 251 ] 2015-04-08 and Information Technology (MIIT) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) China Unicom [C 250 ] 2015-04-08 China Unicom [C 249 ] 2015-04-08 China Unicom [C 248 ] 2015-04-08 China Unicom [C 247 ] 2015-04-08 China Unicom [C 246 ] 2015-04-08 [C 245 ] 2015-04-08 [ C 244 ] [C 244 ] [C 244 ] 2015-04-08 [ C 243 ] [C 243 ] [C 243 ] 2015-04-08 [ C 242 ] [C 242 ] [C 242 ] 2015-04-08 [ C 241 ] (Rev.1) [C 241 ] [C 241 ] 2015-04-08 [ C 240 ] [C 240 ] [C 240 ] 2015-04-07 [ C 239 ] (Rev.1) [C 239 ] [C 239 ] 2015-04-07 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. China Unicom, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) China Unicom, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Feder China Unicom [ C 245 ] (Rev.1) using tunnel in Q.IPv6ProMM Proposed modification for clause 3 of X.mp2p-pamp Q9/11 Proposal to update signalling requirements of BNG Pool in draft recommendation ITU-T Q.BNG-Pool Proposal to update networking method of BNG Pool in draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.BNG-Pool Proposal to update the scenario in Annex A of BNG Pool in draft recommendation ITU-T Q.BNG-Pool Proposal to update the architecture of BNG Pool in draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.BNG-Pool Proposal to modify structure of Chapter 7 in draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.BNG-Pool Comments on figures in Q.CSO Q5/11 Proposal for comments and editorial modifications in draft Q.SupplementSDN Q4/11 Proposed modification of X.mp2p-arch Q9/11 Proposed modification of X.mp2p-orcp Q9/11 Proposed modification of X.mp2ppamp Q9/11 Propose to start a new draft Recommendation for signalling requirements of Soft-defined Metro Orchestration Draft Recommendation ITU-T Q Series «Conformance test plan for Number Portability requirements defined by ITU-T Q.Suppl.4» Proposal on initiating a new item to study signalling requirements for dynamic bandwidth adjustment on broadband network gateway implementation making usage of software defined networking Q4/11 Q5/11 Q5/11 Q5/11 Q5/11 Q4/11 Q11/11 Q5/11 [ C 238 ] (Rev.1) [C 238 ] [C 238 ] 2015-04-07 China Telecommunications Corporation [ C 237 ] (Rev.1) [C 237 ] [C 237 ] 2015-04-07 China Telecommunications Corporation [ C 236 ] (Rev.1) [C 236 ] [C 236 ] 2015-04-07 China Telecommunications Corporation [ C 235 ] [C 235 ] [C 235 ] 2015-04-07 [ C 234 ] (Rev.1) [C 234 ] [C 234 ] 2015-04-06 [ C 233 ] (Rev.1) [C 233 ] [C 233 ] 2015-04-06 China Telecommunications Corporation, NEC Corporation Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) [ C 232 ] [C 232 ] [C 232 ] 2015-04-05 Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Feder [ C 231 ] [C 231 ] [C 231 ] 2015-04-05 [ C 230 ] [C 230 ] [C 230 ] 2015-04-05 Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Feder Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Feder [ C 229 ] [C 229 ] [C 229 ] 2015-04-05 Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Feder technologies Proposal to update draft Recommendation ITU-T in relation to cloud computing interoperability testing between CSP and management interface Proposal to update draft Recommendation ITU-T in relation to Cloud computing interoperability testing between CSP and CSP Proposal to update draft Recommendation ITU-T in relation to Cloud computing interoperability testing between CSC and CSP Proposal for new work item on cloud computing interoperability testing of infrastructure capabilities Proposal to update ITU-T Q.nacp.M2 "Protocol at the M2 interface between TLM-PE and HDC-PE" adding text in Section 9 Proposal to update ITU-T Q.nacp.Ne "Signalling Requirements and Protocol at the Ne interface between the transport location management physical entity and the network access configuration physical entity Proposal for a baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_IoT_MN_test "The architecture and facilities of Model network for IoT testing" This document has also been posted as C459 for IoT-GSI Proposal for a baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.FW_CCF "Framework of ICT system to combat counterfeit goods" Proposal for a baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_Id_IoT_TS "The methods of identification and test specifications of IoT modules which are used for combating counterfeit goods" This document has also been posted as C458 for IoT-GSI Proposal to start the new work item ITU-T Q.39_IoT_MN_test "The architecture and facilities of Model network for IoT testing" Q14/11 Q14/11 Q14/11 Q14/11 Q7/11 Q7/11 Q12/11 Q8/11 Q12/11 Q12/11 [ C 228 ] [C 228 ] [C 228 ] 2015-04-05 Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Feder [ C 227 ] (Rev.1) [C 227 ] [C 227 ] 2015-04-03 [ C 226 ] (Rev.1) [C 226 ] [C 226 ] 2015-04-03 [ C 225 ] (Rev.1) [C 225 ] [C 225 ] 2015-04-03 [ C 224 ] [C 224 ] [C 224 ] 2015-04-02 China Telecommunications Corporation, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. China Telecommunications Corporation, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. China Telecommunications Corporation, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) [ C 223 ] [C 223 ] [C 222 ] [C 223 ] 2015-04-02 [C 222 ] 2015-03-31 [ C 221 ] [C 221 ] [C 221 ] 2015-03-31 [ C 220 ] [C 220 ] [C 219 ] [C 218 ] [C [C 220 ] 2015-03-23 [C 219 ] 2015-03-23 [C 218 ] [C [ C 222 ] [ C 219 ] [ C 218 ] [ C 217 This document has also been posted as C457 for IoT-GSI Proposal to start a new work item ITUT Q.39_Id_IoT_TS "The methods of identification and test specifications of IoT modules which are used for combating counterfeit goods" This document has also been posted as C456 for IoT-GSI Proposal to update ITU-T Q.SBAN "Scenarios and signalling requirements for software-defined BAN" to add signalling requirements for Southbound Interface Q12/11 Q4/11 Proposal to update ITU-T Q.SBAN "Scenarios and signalling requirements for software-defined BAN" to add the overview of signalling requirements Q4/11 Proposal to update ITU-T Q.SBAN "Scenarios and signalling requirements for software-defined BAN" to add relevant content in chapter 6.2 Q4/11 Proposed modification to the draft Recommendation Q.Int_speed_test "Unified methodology of Internet speed quality measurement usable by end-users on the fixed and mobile networks" Proposed modification to the draft Recommendation Q.QMS Q15/11 Proposed text of "scenarios and corresponding requirements of seamless handover for SDMN" in Appendix V of Q.Supplement-SDN Proposed text of "Software-defined Mobile Networks for Q. SupplementSDN" Q4/11 Proposal for benchmarking standardization work plan Q10/11 A1 Telekom Austria AG Presentation of SIP-IMS conformance testing standardization work plan Q2/11, Q11/11 2015-03-23 A1 Telekom Austria AG Proposal for a SIP-IMS conformance testing standardization work plan Q2/11, Q11/11 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria Proposal to start a new work item: Q2/11 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) A1 Telekom Austria AG Q10/11 Q4/11 ] 217 ] 217 ] AG [ C 216 ] [C 216 ] [C 216 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 215 ] [C 215 ] [C 215 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 214 ] [C 214 ] [C 214 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 213 ] [C 213 ] [C 213 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 212 ] [C 212 ] [C 212 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 211 ] [C 211 ] [C 211 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 210 ] [C 210 ] [C 210 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 209 ] [C 209 ] [C 209 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 208 ] [C 208 ] [C 208 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG Q.39_SI_SS_Req_ACR v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "ACR and CB using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal for a baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_SI_SS_Req_ACR v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "ACR and CB using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal to start a new work item: Q.39_SI_SS_Req_CUG v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "CUG using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal for a baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_SI_SS_Req_CUG v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "CUG using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal to start a new work item: Q.39_SI_SS_Req_MWI v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "MWI using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal for a baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_SI_SS_Req_MWI v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "MWI using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal to start a new work item: Q.39_SI_SS_Req_CC v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "CCBS and CCNR using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal for a baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_SI_SS_Req_CC v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "CCBS and CCNR using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal to start a new work item: Q.39_SI_SS_Req_MCID v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "MCID using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal for a baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_SI_SS_Req_MCID v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "MCID using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 [ C 207 ] [C 207 ] [C 207 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 206 ] [C 206 ] [C 206 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 205 ] [C 205 ] [C 205 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 204 ] [C 204 ] [C 204 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 203 ] [C 203 ] [C 203 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 202 ] [C 202 ] [C 202 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 201 ] [C 201 ] [C 201 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 200 ] [C 200 ] [C 200 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 199 ] [C 199 ] [C 199 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 198 ] [C 198 ] [C 198 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG Proposal to start a new work item: Q.39_SI_SS_Req_ECT v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "ECT using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal for a baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_SI_SS_Req_ECT v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "ECT using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal to start a new work item: Q.39_SI_SS_Req_CW v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "CW using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal for a baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_SI_SS_Req_CW v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "CW using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal to start a new work item: Q.39_SI_SS_Req_CONF v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "CONF using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal for a baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_SI_SS_Req_CONF v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "CONF using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal to start a new work item: Q.39_SI_SS_Req_CDIV v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "Communication Diversion (CDIV) using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal for a baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_SI_SS_Req_CDIV v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "Communication Diversion (CDIV) using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal to start a new work item: Q.39_SI_SS_Req_HOLD v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "Communication HOLD using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal for a baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_SI_SS_Req_HOLD v.1 [3GPP Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 [ C 197 ] [C 197 ] [C 197 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 196 ] [C 196 ] [C 196 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 195 ] [C 195 ] [C 195 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 194 ] [C 194 ] [C 194 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 193 ] [C 193 ] [C 193 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 192 ] [C 192 ] [C 192 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 191 ] [C 191 ] [C 191 ] 2015-03-20 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 190 ] (Rev.1) [C 190 ] [C 190 ] 2015-03-18 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 189 ] [C 189 ] [C 189 ] 2015-03-16 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 188 [C [C 2015-03-16 A1 Telekom Austria Release 10] "Communication HOLD using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal to start a new work item: Q.39_SI_SS_Req_TIP_TIR v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "TIP and TIR using IP Multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification Proposal for Consent draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_SI_SS_Req_TIP_TIR v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "TIP and TIR using IP Multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal to start a new work item: Q.39_SI_SS_Req_OIP_OIR v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "OIP and OIR using IP Multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal for a baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_SI_SS_Req_OIP_OIR v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "OIP and OIR using IP Multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Proposal to start a new work item: Q.39_SI_BC_Net_TS_Part3 V.1 [3GPP Release 10] "IMS specific use of SIP and SDP. Conformance testing. Part 3: ATS and PIXIT" Proposal for a baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_SI_BC_Net_TS_Part3 v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "IMS specific use of SIP and SDP. Conformance testing. Part 3: ATS and PIXIT" Proposal to change ITU-T Q.IMSNetwork-side-Confor.-Basic-CallTSS&TP-Rel.10 (ex Q.39yy.2) to Q.39_SI_BC_Net_TS_Part2 V.1 [3GPP Release 10] "IMS specific use of SIP and SDP. Conformance testing. Part 2: TSS and TP" Proposal for a baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_SI_BC_Net_TS_Part2 v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "IMS specific use of SIP and SDP. Conformance testing. Part 2: TSS and TP" Proposal to advance and consent the draft new Recommendation Q.39zz "Reference benchmarking and background traffic profiles" Proposal for a baseline text for draft Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q10/11 Q11/11 ] (Rev.1) 188 ] 188 ] AG [ C 187 ] (Rev.1) [C 187 ] [C 187 ] 2015-03-16 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 186 ] (Rev.1) [C 186 ] [C 186 ] 2015-03-16 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 185 ] (Rev.1) [C 185 ] [C 185 ] 2015-03-15 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 184 ] (Rev.1) [C 184 ] [C 184 ] 2015-03-13 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 183 ] (Rev.1) [C 183 ] [C 183 ] 2015-03-13 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 182 ] (Rev.1) [C 182 ] [C 182 ] 2015-03-12 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 181 ] (Rev.1) [C 181 ] [C 181 ] 2015-03-12 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 180 ] (Rev.1) [C 180 ] [C 180 ] 2015-03-12 A1 Telekom Austria AG [ C 179 ] (Rev.1) [C 179 ] [C 179 ] 2015-03-10 A1 Telekom Austria AG, Deutsche Telekom AG Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_SI_BC_Net_TS_Part1 V.1 [3GPP Release 10] "IMS specific use of SIP and SDP. Conformance testing. Part 1: PICS" Proposal to start a new work item: Q.39_SI_BC_Net_TS_Part1 V.1 [3GPP Release 10] "IMS specific use of SIP and SDP. Conformance testing. Part 1: PICS" Proposal for a baseline text for ITU-T work item Q.3932.4 "IMS/NGN Performance Benchmark - Part 4: Subsystem Reference Load network quality parameters" Proposal to consent draft new Q.3932.3 "IMS/NGN Performance Benchmark: Part 3: Traffic Sets and Traffic Profiles" Proposal to consent the draft new ITUT Q.3932.2 "IMS/NGN Performance Benchmark Part 2: Subsystem Configurations and Benchmarks" Proposal to consent the draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3932.1 "IMS/NGN Performance Benchmark Part 1: Core Concept" Proposal to consent draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3931.4 "Performance benchmark for the PSTN/ISDN emulation subsystem of an IP multimedia system - Part 4: Reference Load network quality parameters" Proposal to start a new work item: Q.39_SI_BC_Req v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "IP multimedia call control protocol based on the session initiation protocol and the session description protocol. Basic call. Requirements for user side and network side (V10.18.0)" Proposal for a baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_SI_BC_Req v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "IP multimedia call control protocol based on the session initiation protocol and the session description protocol. Basic call. Requirements for user side and network side (V10.18.0)" Proposal to update draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3944.2 v.1 [3GPP Release 10] Communication HOLD (HOLD) using IP multimedia core network subsystem; Conformance Q11/11 Q10/11 Q10/11 Q10/11 Q10/11 Q10/11 Q2/11, Q11/11 Q2/11, Q11/11 Q11/11 [ C 178 ] (Rev.12) [C 178 ] [C 178 ] 2015-03-09 A1 Telekom Austria AG, Deutsche Telekom AG [ C 177 ] (Rev.1) [ C 176 ] (Rev.1) [C 177 ] [C 176 ] [C 177 ] 2015-03-09 [C 176 ] 2015-03-09 A1 Telekom Austria AG, Deutsche Telekom AG A1 Telekom Austria AG, Deutsche Telekom AG Testing; Part 2: User side, TSS&TP" Conformance Testing; Part 2: User side, Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP)"(based on TS 124 610 (3GPP Release 10) Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3944.1: "Communication HOLD (HOLD) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Proposal to update draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3944.1 v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "Communication HOLD (HOLD) using IP multimedia core network subsystem; Conformance Testing. Part 1: Network side, User side, PICS" Proposal to consent draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3942.3 v.1 [3GPP Release 10] Proposal to consent draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3942.2 v.1 [3GPP Release 10] Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Collective Letters Web [ COL 8 ] +Corr.1 IFA [ COL 8] Local [ COL 8] Received 2015-02-10 Source SG11 Title Meeting of Study Group 11; Geneva, 22-29 April 2015 Note: The deadline for fellowship requests is 11 March 2015 (and not 2014) Reports Web [ R 26 ] IFA [R 26 ] Local [R 26 ] Received 2015-05-19 Source SG 11 Title Report of the meeting of Working Party 4/11 meeting (Geneva, 22-29 April 2015) [ R 25 ] [R 25 ] [R 25 ] 2015-05-18 SG 11 Report of the meeting of Working Party 3/11 meeting (Geneva, 22-29 April 2015) [ R 24 ] [R 24 ] [R 24 ] 2015-05-18 SG 11 Report of the meeting of Working Party 2/11 meeting (Geneva, 22-29 April 2015) [ R 23 ] [R 23 ] [R 23 ] 2015-05-18 SG 11 Report of the meeting of Working Party 1/11 meeting (Geneva, 22-29 April 2015) [ R 22 ] [R 22 ] [R 22 ] 2015-12-01 SG 11 Report of the meeting of Study Group 11 (Geneva, 22-29 April 2015) Questions Q15/11, Q14/11, Q13/11, Q12/11, Q11/11, Q10/11 Q9/11, Q8/11, Q7/11 Q6/11, Q5/11, Q4/11 Q3/11, Q2/11, Q1/11 QALL/11 Temporary Documents (GEN) Web [ TD IFA [ TD Local [ TD Received 2015-04-28 Source Acting Title LS/o on IPv6 related work items under study Questions Q6/11 811GEN ] [ TD 810GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 809GEN ] [ TD 808GEN ] [ TD 807GEN ] [ TD 806GEN ] [ TD 805GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 804GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 803GEN ] [ TD 802GEN ] [ TD 801GEN ] [ TD 800GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 799GEN ] [ TD 811GEN ] [ TD 810GEN ] [ TD 809GEN ] [ TD 808GEN ] 811GEN ] [ TD 810GEN ] [ TD 809GEN ] [ TD 808GEN ] [ TD 807GEN ] [ TD 806GEN ] [ TD 805GEN ] [ TD 804GEN ] [ TD 803GEN ] [ TD 802GEN ] [ TD 801GEN ] [ TD 800GEN ] [ TD 799GEN ] [ TD [ TD 807GEN ] [ TD 806GEN ] [ TD 805GEN ] [ TD 804GEN ] [ TD 803GEN ] [ TD 802GEN ] [ TD 801GEN ] [ TD 800GEN ] [ TD 799GEN ] [ TD Rapporteur Q6/11 by ITU-T Q6/11 [to ETSI ISG IP6] 2015-04-28 Chairman WP3/11 Updated Work Programme of WP 3/11 (April 2015) Q9/11, Q8/11, Q7/11 2015-04-28 Rapporteurs Report of SDN Joint meeting (Geneva, Switzerland, 13 November 2014) Q4/11, Q2/13, Q14/13 2015-04-28 Chairman WP4/11 Agenda for WP4/11 "Conformance and Interoperability (C&I) Testing" closing plenary meeting 2015-04-28 Chairman WP3/11 Draft Agenda for WP3/11 "Attachment and service networking, including IoT and M2M" closing meeting (28 April 2015) Q15/11, Q14/11, Q13/11, Q12/11, Q11/11, Q10/11 Q9/11, Q8/11, Q7/11 2015-04-28 Chairman WP1/11 Draft Agenda for WP1/11 " Signalling requirements and protocol for emerging networks" closing plenary meeting Q3/11, Q2/11, Q1/11 2015-04-28 CoChairman WP2/11 Initial thoughts about SG11 future work in view of possible restructuring QALL/11 2015-04-28 Cochairman WP2/11 LS/o/r on SDN standardization activity roadmap (reply to JCA-SDN - LS 4 -E) [from JCA-SDN] Q6/11, Q5/11, Q4/11 2015-04-28 Editors Q4/11 2015-04-28 Chairman of WP4/11 Output - draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.SBAN "Scenarios and signalling requirements for software-defined BAN (SBAN)" LS/o/r on C&I vocabulary (reply to ITU-D SG 2 - Document 2/111-E -E) [to ITU-D SG2, CCV & SCV] 2015-04-28 Chairman of WP4/11 Q11/11 2015-04-28 Chairman of WP4/11 LS/o on approval of SG11 Guidelines on "Testing Laboratories recognition procedure" (ex. Q.TL-rec-pro) and first meeting of ITUT CASC [to all ITU-T SGs and TSAG] LS/o on joint collaboration between WP4/11 and ETSI TC INT on SIP-IMS conformance testing activities [to ETSI TC INT and STQ] 2015-04-28 Chairman of WP4/11 Q11/11 2015-04-28 Chairman of LS/o/r on Mobile Number Portability conformity testing against ITU-T Q.suppl.4 (reply to SG2 LS87) [to ITU-T SG2 and JCA-CIT] LS/o/r on Universal catalogue of Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 798GEN ] [ TD 797GEN ] [ TD 796GEN ] [ TD 795GEN ] [ TD 794GEN ] [ TD 793GEN ] [ TD 792GEN ] [ TD 791GEN ] [ TD 790GEN ] [ TD 789GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 788GEN ] [ TD 787GEN ] [ TD 786GEN ] 798GEN ] [ TD 797GEN ] [ TD 796GEN ] 798GEN ] [ TD 797GEN ] [ TD 796GEN ] [ TD 795GEN ] [ TD 794GEN ] [ TD 793GEN ] [ TD 792GEN ] [ TD 791GEN ] [ TD 790GEN ] WP4/11 2015-04-28 Chairman of WP4/11 2015-04-28 Chairman of WP4/11 [ TD 795GEN ] [ TD 794GEN ] [ TD 793GEN ] [ TD 792GEN ] [ TD 791GEN ] [ TD 790GEN ] 2015-04-28 Chairman of WP4/11 2015-04-28 [ TD 789GEN ] [ TD 788GEN ] [ TD 787GEN ] [ TD 786GEN ] stakeholders involved in conformity assessment system (reply to ITU-D SG2 Document 2/110-E) [to ITU-D SG2] LS/o/r on Q4/2 work items for the 2014-2018 study period (reply to ITU-D SG2 Document 2/111-E) [to ITU-D SG2] Q11/11 LS/o/r on an Implementers' Guide for Recommendation ITU-T G.9801 (Conformance and interoperability tests for OMCI-EPON) (reply to SG15 LS185) [to ITU-T SG15] LS/o/r on living list of key technologies (reply to SG151-LS181) [to ITU-T SG15] Q11/11 Chairman of WP4/11 LS/o/r on collaboration between ITU-T and testing laboratories for ITU C&I programme (reply to SG16 LS94) [to ITU-T SG16] Q11/11 2015-04-28 Chairman of WP4/11 LS/o/r on pilot project on the Recommendation ITU-T P.381 (reply to COM 121 LS 68) [to ITU-T SG12] Q11/11 2015-04-28 Chairman of WP4/11 Q11/11 2015-04-28 Chairman of WP4/11 2015-04-28 Chairman of WP4/11 [ TD 789GEN ] 2015-04-27 Rapporteur Q8/11 [ TD 788GEN ] [ TD 787GEN ] [ TD 786GEN ] 2015-04-27 Rapporteur Q9/11 LS/o/r on request to all SGs to follow up on the Council 2013 C&I Action Items for implementation by ITU-T SGs (reply to SG9 - LS 90) [to ITU-T SG9] LS/o/r on conformity assessment of ICT equipment based on SIP-IMS profile against ITU-T Recommendations (reply to IMTC LS3) [to IMTC] LS/o/r on updated living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects (reply COM11-LS55) [to ITU-T SG16] LS/o on the progress on standardization work to combat Counterfeit ICT devices [to ITU-T SG2, ITU-T SG5, ITU-T SG17, ITU-D SG1&2, GSMA, CITEL, RCC, ATU, ASTAP] LS/o on collaboration with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 on managed P2P communications [to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6] 2015-04-27 Editor A.5 justification information for draft new Q.TIP/TIR Q2/11 2015-04-27 Editor Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.36_SI_SS_Req_ACR v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "ACR and CB using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Q2/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q8/11 Q9/11 [ TD 785GEN ] [ TD 785GEN ] [ TD 784GEN ] [ TD 783GEN ] [ TD 782GEN ] [ TD 781GEN ] [ TD 780GEN ] [ TD 779GEN ] [ TD 778GEN ] [ TD 785GEN ] [ TD 784GEN ] [ TD 783GEN ] [ TD 782GEN ] [ TD 781GEN ] [ TD 780GEN ] [ TD 779GEN ] [ TD 778GEN ] 2015-04-27 Editor 2015-04-27 Editor 2015-04-27 Editor 2015-04-27 Editor 2015-04-27 Editor 2015-04-27 Editor 2015-04-27 Editor 2015-04-27 Editor [ TD 777GEN ] [ TD 777GEN ] [ TD 777GEN ] 2015-04-27 Editor [ TD 776GEN ] [ TD 776GEN ] [ TD 776GEN ] 2015-04-27 Editor [ TD 775GEN ] [ TD 775GEN ] [ TD 775GEN ] 2015-04-27 Editor [ TD 774GEN ] [ TD 774GEN ] [ TD 774GEN ] 2015-04-27 Editor [ TD 784GEN ] [ TD 783GEN ] [ TD 782GEN ] [ TD 781GEN ] [ TD 780GEN ] [ TD 779GEN ] [ TD 778GEN ] Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.36_SI_SS_Req_CUG v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "CUG using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.36_SI_SS_Req_MWI v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "MWI using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.36_SI_SS_Req_CC v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "CCBS and CCNR using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.36_SI_SS_Req_MCID v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "MCID using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.36_SI_SS_Req_ECT v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "ECT using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.36_SI_SS_Req_CW v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "CW using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.36_SI_SS_Req_CONF v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "CONF using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Output - draft new Recommendation Q.36_SI_SS_Req_CDIV v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "Communication Diversion (CDIV) using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.36_SI_SS_Req_HOLD v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "Communication HOLD using IP multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.36_SI_SS_Req_OIP_OIR v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "OIP and OIR using IP Multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.34_SI_BC_Req v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "IP multimedia call control protocol based on the session initiation protocol and the session description protocol. Basic call. Requirements for user side and network side (V10.18.0)" A.5 justification information for draft new Q.CDIV Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 Q2/11 [ TD 773GEN ] [ TD 772GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 771GEN ] [ TD 770GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 769GEN ] [ TD 768GEN ] [ TD 767GEN ] [ TD 766GEN ] [ TD 765GEN ] [ TD 764GEN ] [ TD 763GEN ] [ TD 762GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 761GEN ] [ TD [ TD 773GEN ] [ TD 772GEN ] [ TD 773GEN ] [ TD 772GEN ] 2015-04-27 Editor Consent - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.CDIV "Communications Diversion (CDIV) protocol specification as NGN Supplementary Service" Consent - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3652 Q.36_SI_SS_Req_TIP_TIR v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "TIP and TIR using IP Multimedia core network subsystem. Protocol specification" Output - draft new Recommendation Q.CSO "Interface and Signalling Requirements and Specification for Cross Stratum Optimization" Consent - draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.626 (X.mp2p-arch) "Managed P2P communications: Functional architecture" Q2/11 2015-04-27 Editor [ TD 771GEN ] [ TD 770GEN ] [ TD 769GEN ] [ TD 768GEN ] [ TD 767GEN ] [ TD 766GEN ] [ TD 765GEN ] [ TD 764GEN ] [ TD 763GEN ] [ TD 762GEN ] [ TD 761GEN ] [ TD [ TD 771GEN ] [ TD 770GEN ] [ TD 769GEN ] [ TD 768GEN ] [ TD 767GEN ] [ TD 766GEN ] [ TD 765GEN ] [ TD 764GEN ] [ TD 763GEN ] [ TD 762GEN ] [ TD 761GEN ] [ TD 2015-04-27 Editor 2015-04-27 Editors 2015-04-27 Editors Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.mp2p-pamp "Managed P2P communications: Peer Activity Management Protocol (PAMP)" Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.mp2p-orcp "Managed P2P communications: Overlay Resource Control Protocol (ORCP)" Output - draft Recommendation Q.IPv6proMM: "Signalling requirements for NGN real-time multimedia services supporting IPv6 transition" Output - draft Recommendation Q.IPv6ProBB "IPv6 protocol procedures for broadband services" Q9/11 2015-04-27 Editors 2015-04-27 Editor 2015-04-27 Editor 2015-04-28 Editors Approval - Supplement 67 to ITU-T Q-series Recommendations (Q.Supplement-SDN) "Framework of signalling for Software Defined Networking" - for agreement A.5 justification information for draft new Q.39zz Q4/11 2015-04-27 Editor 2015-04-27 Acting Rapporteur Q15/11 LS/o on ITU-T SG-11 relevant activities of Q15 on Internet Speed Measurements [to OECD WP-CISP and JCA-CIT] Q15/11 2015-04-27 Working Party 1/11 LS/o/r on reply LS to ASTAP on APT report on E-health [to ASTAP] Q1/11 2015-04-27 Editor Q1/11 2015-04-27 Editor Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.Arc-IPSMS "Signalling architecture and requirements for IP based short message service over ITU-T defined NGN" Output - draft new Recommendation Q.SMO Q2/11 Q4/11 Q9/11 Q9/11 Q6/11 Q6/11 Q10/11 Q4/11 760GEN ] 760GEN ] [ TD 759GEN ] [ TD 758GEN ] [ TD 757GEN ] [ TD 756GEN ] [ TD 755GEN ] [ TD 754GEN ] [ TD 753GEN ] [ TD 752GEN ] 760GEN ] [ TD 759GEN ] [ TD 758GEN ] [ TD 757GEN ] [ TD 756GEN ] [ TD 755GEN ] [ TD 754GEN ] [ TD 753GEN ] [ TD 752GEN ] [ TD 751GEN ] [ TD 750GEN ] [ TD 749GEN ] [ TD 748GEN ] [ TD 759GEN ] [ TD 758GEN ] [ TD 757GEN ] [ TD 756GEN ] [ TD 755GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 754GEN ] [ TD 753GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 752GEN ] [ TD 751GEN ] [ TD 750GEN ] "Signalling requirements of Software-defined Metro Orchestration" 2015-04-27 Editor Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_IoT_MN_test "The architecture and facilities of Model network for IoT testing" Q12/11 2015-04-27 Editors Output - draft Q.infra-iop "Interoperability testing of infrastructure capabilities type" Q14/11 2015-04-27 Editors Q14/11 2015-04-27 Editor 2015-04-27 Q11/11 Rapporteur Output - draft Q.FW-Cloud-iop "The framework and overview of Cloud Computing interoperability testing" (Q14/11 Rapporteur meeting, 22-24 April 2015) Output - reference table of ITU-T Recommendations to be used for conformity/interoperability assessment (27 April 2015) Output - The list of pilot projects for conformity assessment against ITU-T Recommendations (27 April 2015) 2015-04-27 Q11/11 Rapporteur Q11/11 2015-04-27 Q11/11 Rapporteur Output - The living list of Recommendations and related specifications within key technologies suitable for C&I testing (27 April 2015) Output - SIP-IMS conformance testing standardization work plan 2015-04-27 Editor Q11/11 [ TD 751GEN ] [ TD 750GEN ] 2015-04-27 Editor 2015-04-27 Editor [ TD 749GEN ] [ TD 749GEN ] 2015-04-27 Editor [ TD 748GEN [ TD 748GEN 2015-04-27 Editor Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3941.1-rev [3GPP Release 10] "Network integration testing between SIP and ISDN/PSTN network signalling protocols Part 1: Test suite structure and test purposes for SIP-ISDN" Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.MNP_TS "Conformance test plan for Number Portability requirements defined by ITU-T Q.Suppl.4" Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_SI_BC_Net_TS_Part3 v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "IMS specific use of SIP and SDP. Conformance testing. Part 3: ATS and PIXIT" Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_SI_BC_Net_TS_Part2 v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "IMS specific use of SIP and SDP. Conformance testing. Part 2: TSS and TP" Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.39_SI_BC_Net_TS_Part1 V.1 [3GPP Release 10] "IMS specific use of SIP and Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 ] [ TD 747GEN ] ] [ TD 747GEN ] [ TD 746GEN ] [ TD 746GEN ] [ TD 745GEN ] [ TD 747GEN ] SDP. Conformance testing. Part 1: PICS" Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3944.2 v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "Communication HOLD (HOLD) using IP multimedia core network subsystem; Conformance Testing; Part 2: User side, TSS&TP" Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3944.1 v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "Communication HOLD (HOLD) using IP multimedia core network subsystem; Conformance Testing. Part 1: Network side, User side, PICS" Consent - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3942.3 v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "Conformance test specification for the terminating identification restriction using IP multimedia core network subsystem - Part 3: User side; Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP)" Consent - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3942.2 v.1 [3GPP Release 10] "Conformance test specification for the terminating identification restriction using IP multimedia core network subsystem - Part 2: Network side; Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP)" Output - draft new Recommendation Q.BNG-DBOD "Signalling requirements for dynamic bandwidth adjustment on broadband network gateway implemented by SDN technologies" Output - draft new Recommendation Q.BNG-Pool "Signalling requirements for BNG (Broadband Network Gateway) pool" 2015-04-27 Editor [ TD 746GEN ] 2015-04-27 Editor [ TD 745GEN ] [ TD 745GEN ] 2015-04-27 Editor [ TD 744GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 744GEN ] [ TD 744GEN ] 2015-04-27 Editor [ TD 743GEN ] [ TD 743GEN ] [ TD 743GEN ] 2015-04-27 Editors [ TD 742GEN ] [ TD 742GEN ] [ TD 741GEN ] [ TD 740GEN ] [ TD 739GEN ] [ TD 738GEN ] [ TD 737- [ TD 742GEN ] [ TD 741GEN ] [ TD 740GEN ] [ TD 739GEN ] [ TD 738GEN ] [ TD 737- 2015-04-27 Editors 2015-04-27 Editor A.5 justification information for draft new Q.IP-FAX-testing Q10/11 2015-04-27 Rapporteur Q10/11 A.5 justification information for draft new Q.3932.2 Q10/11 2015-04-27 Editor Q15/11 2015-04-27 Editor Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.Int_speed_test "Unified methodology of Internet speed quality measurement usable by end-users on the fixed and mobile networks" A.5 justification information for draft new Q.3931.4 2015-04-27 Editor A.5 justification information for draft new Q.3932.1 Q10/11 [ TD 741GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 740GEN ] [ TD 739GEN ] [ TD 738GEN ] [ TD 737- Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q5/11 Q5/11 Q10/11 GEN ] [ TD 736GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 735GEN ] [ TD 734GEN ] [ TD 733GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 732GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 731GEN ] [ TD 730GEN ] [ TD 729GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 728GEN ] [ TD 727GEN ] [ TD 726GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 725GEN ] [ TD GEN ] [ TD 736GEN ] [ TD 735GEN ] [ TD 734GEN ] [ TD 733GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 736GEN ] [ TD 735GEN ] [ TD 734GEN ] [ TD 733GEN ] [ TD 732GEN ] [ TD 731GEN ] [ TD 730GEN ] [ TD 729GEN ] [ TD 728GEN ] [ TD 727GEN ] [ TD 726GEN ] [ TD 725GEN ] [ TD 2015-04-26 Editors Output - draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.FW_CCF "Framework for solution to combat counterfeit ICT Devices" Q8/11 2015-04-26 Editor Output - draft Recommendation Q.nacp.Ne "Signalling Requirements and Protocol at the Ne interface between TLM-PE and NAC-PE" Q7/11 2015-04-26 Editor Output - draft Recommendation Q.nacp.M2 "Protocol at the M2 interface between TLMPE and HDC-PE" Q7/11 2015-04-26 Editor Q10/11 [ TD 732GEN ] 2015-04-26 Rapporteur Q10/11 [ TD 731GEN ] [ TD 730GEN ] [ TD 729GEN ] [ TD 728GEN ] [ TD 727GEN ] [ TD 726GEN ] [ TD 725GEN ] [ TD 2015-04-26 TSB Consent - draft ITU-T Q.3951 [Q.IP-FAXtesting] "Real-time Internet Protocol based on the T.38 supporting facsimile service testing framework at the user-to-network interface of next generation networks LS/o - to inform on Consent of ITU-T Q.IPFAX-testing "Real-time Internet Protocol based on the T.38 supporting facsimile service testing framework at the user-tonetwork interface of next generation networks" [to ITU-T SG16] Combating counterfeit ICT devices: a demo using Digital Object Architecture 2015-04-26 Rapporteur Q2/11 A.5 justification information for draft new Q.3615 (ex Q.ProGeoSMS) Q2/11 2015-04-26 Associate Rapporteur Q11/11 Approval - draft Guideline ITU-T Q.TL-recpro "Testing Laboratories recognition procedure" Q11/11 2015-04-24 TSAG management team LS/i on Candidate topics on working methods for ITU inter-Sector coordination [from TSAG management team] QALL/11 2015-04-24 Rapporteur Q10/11 Output - benchmarking standardization work plan Q10/11 2015-04-24 Editor Q10/11 2015-04-24 Editor 2015-04-24 Editor Consent - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.39zz: "Reference benchmarking, background traffic profiles and KPIs for VoIP and FoIP in fixed networks" Output - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3932.4 "IMS/NGN Performance Benchmark - Part 4: Subsystem Reference Load network quality parameters" Consent - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q10/11 Q8/11 Q10/11 Q10/11 724GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 723GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 722GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 721GEN ] (Rev.1) 724GEN ] [ TD 723GEN ] [ TD 722GEN ] [ TD 721GEN ] 724GEN ] [ TD 723GEN ] [ TD 722GEN ] [ TD 721GEN ] [ TD 720GEN ] [ TD 720GEN ] [ TD 719GEN ] [ TD 718GEN ] [ TD 717GEN ] [ TD 716GEN ] [ TD 715GEN ] [ TD 714GEN ] [ TD 713GEN ] [ TD 712GEN ] [ TD 719GEN ] [ TD 718GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 717GEN ] [ TD 716GEN ] [ TD 715GEN ] [ TD 714GEN ] [ TD 713GEN ] [ TD 712GEN ] 2015-04-24 Editor 2015-04-24 Editor 2015-04-24 Editor [ TD 720GEN ] [ TD 719GEN ] 2015-04-24 Editor 2015-04-24 [ TD 718GEN ] [ TD 717GEN ] [ TD 716GEN ] [ TD 715GEN ] [ TD 714GEN ] [ TD 713GEN ] [ TD 712GEN ] Q.3932.3 "IMS/NGN Performance Benchmark: Part 3: Traffic Sets and Traffic Profiles" Consent - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3932.2 "IMS/NGN Performance Benchmark Part 2: Subsystem Configurations and Benchmarks" Consent - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3932.1 "IMS/NGN Performance Benchmark Part 1: Core Concept" Q10/11 Q10/11 Consent - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.3931.4 "Performance benchmark for the PSTN/ISDN emulation subsystem of an IP multimedia system - Part 4: Reference Load network quality parameters" Output - Draft new Recommendation Q.QMS "The Framework of the QoS/QoE Monitoring System" Q10/11 Chairman WP4/11 Report for WP4/11 meeting "Conformance and Interoperability (C&I) testing" 2015-04-29 Chairman WP 3/11 Report for WP3/11 meeting "Attachment and service networking, including IoT and M2M" Q15/11, Q14/11, Q13/11, Q12/11, Q11/11, Q10/11 Q9/11, Q8/11, Q7/11 2015-04-28 Chairman WP2/11 Report for WP2/11 meeting "SoftwareDefined Networking (SDN) and resource control" Q6/11, Q5/11, Q4/11 2015-04-28 Chairman WP1/11 Report for WP1/11 meeting "Signalling requirements and protocol for emerging networks" Q3/11, Q2/11, Q1/11 2015-04-27 Rapporteur Q15/11 Report of Question 15/11 meeting "Testing as a service (TAAS)" Q15/11 2015-04-27 Rapporteur Q14/11 Report of Question 14/11 meeting "Cloud interoperability testing" Q14/11 2015-04-24 Rapporteur for Q6/13 & Q4/11 Q4/11 and Q6/13 joint meeting report Q6/13, Q4/11 2015-04-27 Rapporteur Q12/11 Report of Question 12/11 meeting "Internet of things test specifications" Q12/11 Q10/11 [ TD 711GEN ] [ TD 710GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 709GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 708GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 707GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 706GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 705GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 704GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 703GEN ] [ TD 702GEN ] [ TD 701GEN ] [ TD 700GEN ] [ TD 699GEN ] [ TD 711GEN ] [ TD 710GEN ] [ TD 709GEN ] [ TD 708GEN ] [ TD 711GEN ] [ TD 710GEN ] [ TD 709GEN ] [ TD 708GEN ] 2015-04-28 Rapporteur Q11/11 Report of Question 11/11 meeting "Protocols and networks test specifications; frameworks and methodologies" Q11/11 2015-04-27 Rapporteur Q10/11 Report of Question 10/11 meeting "Service and networks benchmarking measurements" Q10/11 2015-04-27 Rapporteur Report of Question 9/11 meeting "Protocols supporting distributed, smart service networking and end-to-end multicast" Q9/11 2015-04-28 Rapporteur Report of Question 8/11 meeting "Guidelines for implementations of signalling requirements and protocols" Q8/11 [ TD 707GEN ] [ TD 707GEN ] 2015-04-27 Rapporteur Q7/11 Report of Question 7/11 meeting "Signalling and control requirements and protocols for network attachment supporting multi-screen service, future networks, and M2M" Q7/11 [ TD 706GEN ] [ TD 705GEN ] [ TD 704GEN ] [ TD 703GEN ] [ TD 702GEN ] [ TD 701GEN ] [ TD 700GEN ] [ TD 699GEN ] [ TD 706GEN ] [ TD 705GEN ] [ TD 704GEN ] [ TD 703GEN ] [ TD 702GEN ] [ TD 701GEN ] [ TD 700GEN ] [ TD 699GEN ] 2015-04-27 Acting Rapporteur Q6/11 Report of Question 6/11 meeting "Protocol procedures relating to specific services over IPv6" Q6/11 2015-04-27 Rapporteur Q5/11 Report of Question 5/11 meeting "Protocol procedures relating to services provided by Broadband Network Gateways" Q5/11 2015-04-28 Rapporteur Q4/11 Q4/11 2015-04-24 Rapporteur Q3/11 Report of Question 4/11 meeting "Signalling requirements and protocols for Bearer and Resource control in emerging telecommunication environments" Report of Question 3/11 meeting "Signalling Requirements and Protocol for Emergency Telecommunications" 2015-04-27 Rapporteur Q2/11 Q2/11 2015-04-28 Rapporteur Q1/11 Report of Question 2/11 meeting "Signalling requirements and protocols for service and application in emerging telecommunication environments" Report of Question 1/11 meeting "Signalling and protocol architectures in emerging telecommunication environments" 2015-04-24 Rapporteur Q6/11 Agenda for Q6/11 "Protocol procedures relating to specific services over IPv6" Q6/11 2015-04-24 TSAG management team LS/i on material on ITU inter-Sector coordination of mutual interest [from TSAG] QALL/11 Q3/11 Q1/11 [ TD 698GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 697GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 696GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 695GEN ] [ TD 694GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 693GEN ] [ TD 692GEN ] [ TD 691GEN ] [ TD 690GEN ] [ TD 689GEN ] [ TD 688GEN ] [ TD 687GEN ] [ TD 686GEN ] [ TD [ TD 698GEN ] [ TD 698GEN ] 2015-04-24 Editor Output - Draft revised Technical Report TRCounterfeit "Counterfeit ICT equipment" Q8/11 [ TD 697GEN ] [ TD 696GEN ] [ TD 695GEN ] [ TD 694GEN ] [ TD 693GEN ] [ TD 692GEN ] [ TD 691GEN ] [ TD 690GEN ] [ TD 689GEN ] [ TD 688GEN ] [ TD 687GEN ] [ TD 686GEN ] [ TD [ TD 697GEN ] [ TD 696GEN ] [ TD 695GEN ] [ TD 694GEN ] [ TD 693GEN ] [ TD 692GEN ] [ TD 691GEN ] [ TD 690GEN ] [ TD 689GEN ] [ TD 688GEN ] [ TD 687GEN ] [ TD 686GEN ] [ TD 2015-04-26 Rapporteur Q1/11 A.5 justification information for draft new Q.DSNSA Q1/11 2015-04-24 Editor Q1/11 2015-04-24 Rapporteur Q10/11 Consent - Draft new Recommendation Q.3051 (ex Q.DSNSA) "Signalling Architecture for the Control Plane of Distributed Service Networking" LS/o/r on revision of G.1000 and move towards a QoE framework [to ITU-T SG12] 2015-04-24 Editor Output - Draft Q.M2M_pro_overview Q1/11 2015-04-23 Rapporteurs Q8/11 and Q12/11 Draft agenda of the joint session Q12/11 and Q8/11 Q8/11, Q12/11 2015-04-22 CoChairman WP2/11 LS/o/r on input to JCA-Res178 (reply to JCA-Res178 - LS 4 and JCA-Res178 - LS 8) [to JCA-Res178] QALL/11 2015-04-22 Rapporteur Q8/11 Q8/11 2015-04-21 Chairman WP3/11 Agenda for Q8/11 "Guidelines for implementations of signalling requirements and protocols and for addressing counterfeit ICT devices" Agenda for WP3/11 "Attachment and service networking, including IoT and M2M" Opening Plenary meeting 2015-04-21 Chairman WP2/11 Q6/11, Q5/11, Q4/11 2015-04-21 Rapporteurs Q9/11 Agenda for WP2/11 meeting "SoftwareDefined Networking (SDN) and resource control" Opening Plenary meeting (Geneva, 22 April 2015) Agenda for Q9/11 "Protocols supporting distributed, smart service networking and end-to-end multicast" 2015-04-21 Rapporteur Q7/11 Q7/11 2015-04-21 Rapporteur Q14/11 Agenda for Q7/11 "Signalling and control requirements and protocols for network attachment supporting multi-screen service, future networks, and M2M" Agenda for Q14/11 "Cloud interoperability testing" 2015-04-21 TSB Summary of RevCom results QALL/11 Q10/11 Q9/11, Q8/11, Q7/11 Q9/11 Q14/11 685GEN ] [ TD 684GEN ] [ TD 683GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 682GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 681GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 680GEN ] [ TD 679GEN ] [ TD 678GEN ] [ TD 677GEN ] [ TD 676GEN ] [ TD 675GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 674GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 673GEN ] [ TD 672GEN ] 685GEN ] [ TD 684GEN ] [ TD 683GEN ] [ TD 682GEN ] [ TD 681GEN ] [ TD 680GEN ] [ TD 679GEN ] [ TD 678GEN ] [ TD 677GEN ] [ TD 676GEN ] [ TD 675GEN ] [ TD 674GEN ] [ TD 673GEN ] [ TD 672GEN 685GEN ] [ TD 684GEN ] [ TD 683GEN ] [ TD 682GEN ] [ TD 681GEN ] [ TD 680GEN ] [ TD 679GEN ] [ TD 678GEN ] [ TD 677GEN ] [ TD 676GEN ] [ TD 675GEN ] [ TD 674GEN ] [ TD 673GEN ] [ TD 672GEN 2015-04-20 Rapporteur Q12/11 Agenda for Q12/11 "Internet of things test specifications" Q12/11 2015-04-20 Chairman WP1/11 Draft Agenda for WP1/11 Opening Plenary meeting Q3/11, Q2/11, Q1/11 2015-04-20 Rapporteur Q1/11 Agenda for Q1/11 "Signalling and protocol architectures in emerging telecommunication environments" Q1/11 2015-04-20 Rapporteur Q5/11 Agenda for Q5/11 "Protocol procedures relating to services provided by broadband network gateways" Q5/11 2015-04-20 Acting Rapporteur Q15/11 Agenda for Q15/11 "Testing as a service (TAAS)" Q15/11 2015-04-20 Chairman SG11 Contributions Summary QALL/11 2015-04-20 Rapporteur Q3/11 Agenda for Q3/11 "Signalling Requirements and Protocol for Emergency Telecommunications" Q3/11 2015-04-20 TSB Invitation to a WSC Workshop on Conformity Assessment (1-2 December 2015, Geneva) QALL/11 2015-04-17 Acting Rapporteur Q15/11 Invited presentation from UPV/EHU to advance in the draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.Int_speed_test Q15/11 2015-04-17 Rapporteur Q2/11 Agenda for Q2/11 "Signalling requirements and protocols for service and application in emerging telecommunication environments" Q2/11 2015-04-17 Rapporteurs Q4/11 Q4/11 2015-04-16 Acting rapporteur Q15/11 Agenda for Q4/11 meeting "Signalling requirements and protocols for Bearer and Resource control in emerging telecommunication environments" Invited presentation from OECD to foster collaboration with ITU-T on matters related to Q15/11 2015-04-16 Chairman WP4/11 Agenda for WP4/11 "Conformance and Interoperability (C&I) testing" opening plenary meeting Q15/11, Q14/11, Q13/11, Q15/11 (Rev.1) ] ] [ TD 671GEN ] [ TD 671GEN ] [ TD 670GEN ] [ TD 671GEN ] [ TD 670GEN ] 2015-04-16 Rapporteur Q11/11 Agenda for Q11/11 "Protocols and Networks Test Specifications" 2015-04-16 Rapporteur Q10/11 Agenda for Q10/11 "Service and networks benchmarking measurements" Q10/11 [ TD 669GEN ] [ TD 668GEN ] [ TD 669GEN ] [ TD 668GEN ] 2015-04-10 Editor Output - draft Technical Report TR-ETS-IL on "ETS Interoperability limitations Q3/11 2015-04-09 Draft report of joint Q6/13 and Q4/11 interim e-Meeting Q6/13, Q4/11 [ TD 667GEN ] [ TD 666GEN ] [ TD 667GEN ] [ TD 666GEN ] 2015-04-09 Rapporteur Q6/13 and Associate Rapporteur Q4/11 ITU-T SG2 LS/i on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan [from ITU-T SG2] QALL/11 2015-04-09 ITU-T SG3 Q11/11 [ TD 665GEN ] [ TD 664GEN ] [ TD 663GEN ] [ TD 662GEN ] [ TD 661GEN ] [ TD 660GEN ] [ TD 665GEN ] [ TD 664GEN ] [ TD 663GEN ] [ TD 662GEN ] [ TD 661GEN ] [ TD 660GEN ] 2015-04-09 ITU-T SG2 LS/i/r on updated living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects (reply to SG11 - LS 55) [from ITU-T SG3] LS/i/r on Mobile Number Portability conformity testing against ITU-T Q.Suppl.4 (reply to SG11-LS055) [from ITU-T SG2] 2015-04-09 ITU-T SG2 LS/i on progress status on the pilot project for ITU-T M.3170 series conformance testing [from ITU-T SG2] Q11/11 2015-04-09 ITU-T SG2 QALL/11 2015-03-26 Rapporteur Q9/11 LS/i on ITU-T study group responsibilities in WTSA Resolution 67 (Rev. Dubai, 2012) Terms and Definitions harmonization [from ITU-T SG2] Report of Question 9/11 e-meeting (25-27 February 2015) 2015-03-26 Editors Q9/11 2015-03-26 Associate Rapporteur Q11/11 Output - Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.mp2p-arch "Managed P2P communications: Functional architecture" (February 2015) Report from Q11/11 interim e-Meetings [17 December 2014 and 11 March 2015] [ TD 670GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 669GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 668GEN ] [ TD 667GEN ] [ TD 666GEN ] [ TD 665GEN ] [ TD 664GEN ] [ TD 663GEN ] [ TD 662GEN ] [ TD 661GEN ] [ TD 660GEN ] Q12/11, Q11/11, Q10/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q9/11 Q11/11 [ TD 659GEN ] [ TD 658GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 657GEN ] [ TD 656GEN ] [ TD 655GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 654GEN ] [ TD 653GEN ] [ TD 652GEN ] [ TD 651GEN ] [ TD 650GEN ] [ TD 649GEN ] [ TD 648GEN ] [ TD 647GEN ] [ TD 659GEN ] [ TD 658GEN ] [ TD 657GEN ] [ TD 656GEN ] [ TD 655GEN ] [ TD 659GEN ] [ TD 658GEN ] [ TD 657GEN ] [ TD 656GEN ] [ TD 655GEN ] 2015-03-26 Editor Output - draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.TL_rec_pro "Testing Laboratories recognition procedure" (11 March 2015) Q11/11 2015-03-19 APT ASTAP LS/i on the draft APT report on e-Health [from APT ASTAP] Q1/11 2015-03-13 FG-SSC LS/i on Activities of the Focus Group on Smart Sustainable Cities [from FG-SSC] QALL/11 2015-03-03 ITU-T SG16 LS/i on requirements and reference architecture of M2M service layer [from ITU-T SG16] Q12/11, Q1/11 2015-02-26 TSB Updated information on ITU 150th anniversary activities QALL/9 [ TD 654GEN ] [ TD 654GEN ] 2015-02-06 ITU-T Q13/16 Q11/11 [ TD 653GEN ] [ TD 652GEN ] [ TD 651GEN ] [ TD 650GEN ] [ TD 649GEN ] [ TD 648GEN ] [ TD 647GEN ] [ TD 653GEN ] [ TD 652GEN ] [ TD 651GEN ] [ TD 650GEN ] [ TD 649GEN ] [ TD 648GEN ] [ TD 647GEN ] 2015-02-05 ITU-T SG5 LS/i/r on updated living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations which are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects (COM11LS55) [from ITU-T SG16] LS/i/r on the progress on the Technical Report on Counterfeit ICT Equipment (reply to SG11-LS 62) [from ITU-T SG5] 2015-01-30 ITU-T Liaison Officer to JTC 1 IMTC Report of the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Plenary, 15-20 November 2014 QALL/11 LS/i/r on conformity assessment of ICT equipment based on SIP-IMS profile against ITU-T Recommendations (reply to JCA-CIT LS17) [from IMTC] LS/i on work related to counterfeit equipment Reference to Documents 1/15 (Rev.1), 1/16, 2/18, 2/19 [from ITU-D SG1 and ITU-D SG2] LS/i on SDN standardization activity roadmap [from JCA-SDN] Q11/11 2015-01-20 Q8/11 2015-01-08 ITU-D SG1 and ITU-D SG2 Q8/11 2015-01-08 JCA-SDN 2014-12-18 JCA-CIT LS/i on conformity assessment of ICT equipment based on SIP-IMS profile against ITU-T Recommendations [from JCA-CIT] Q11/11 2014-12-18 SG11 ViceChairman ITU PP14 relevant outcomes Q11/11 Q6/11, Q5/11, Q4/11 [ TD 646GEN ] [ TD 645GEN ] [ TD 644GEN ] [ TD 643GEN ] [ TD 642GEN ] [ TD 641GEN ] [ TD 640GEN ] [ TD 639GEN ] [ TD 638GEN ] [ TD 637GEN ] [ TD 636GEN ] [ TD 635GEN ] [ TD 634GEN ] [ TD 646GEN ] [ TD 645GEN ] [ TD 644GEN ] [ TD 643GEN ] [ TD 642GEN ] [ TD 646GEN ] [ TD 645GEN ] [ TD 644GEN ] [ TD 643GEN ] [ TD 642GEN ] 2014-12-18 ITU-T Q28/16 LS/i/r on FG M2M output and the progress of SG11 on M2M (SG11-LS-48) to ITU-T SG11 [from ITU-T Q28/16] Q1/11 2014-12-18 ITU-T SG12 LS/i on revision of G.1000 and move towards a QoE framework [from ITU-T SG12] Q10/11 2014-12-18 ITU-T SG13 LS/i/r on progress on e-health standardization and future work (reply to SG16-LS117R1) [from ITU-T SG13] Q1/11 2014-12-18 ITU-T SG9 Q11/11 2014-12-18 ITU-T SG17 [ TD 641GEN ] [ TD 640GEN ] [ TD 639GEN ] [ TD 638GEN ] [ TD 637GEN ] [ TD 636GEN ] [ TD 635GEN ] [ TD 634GEN ] [ TD 641GEN ] [ TD 640GEN ] [ TD 639GEN ] [ TD 638GEN ] [ TD 637GEN ] [ TD 636GEN ] [ TD 635GEN ] [ TD 634GEN ] 2014-12-18 ITU-T SG12 LS/i/r on request to all SGs to follow up on the Council 2013 C&I Action Items for implementation by ITU-T SGs (reply to SG11 - LS 56) [from ITU-T SG9] LS/i/r on request to all SGs to follow up on the Council 2013 C&I Action Items for implementation by ITU-T SGs (reply to COM 11 LS 44r1, LS 41 & LS 55 (COM 17 TDs 1200 Rev.1, 1201, 1261)) [from ITU-T SG17] LS/i/r on pilot project on the Recommendation ITU-T P.381 (reply to COM 11 LS 45) [from ITU-T SG12] 2014-12-18 ITU-T SG16 LS/i on collaboration between ITU-T and testing laboratories for ITU C&I programme [from ITU-T SG16] Q11/11 2014-12-18 JCARes178 LS/i on JCA-Res178 requests your further input [from JCA Res178] QALL/11 2014-12-18 JCARes178 LS/i on JCA-Res178 requests your input [from JCA-Res178] QALL/11 2014-12-16 JCA-CIT LS/i on living list of key technologies and reference table of ITU-T Recs which are suitable for C&I testing [from JCA-CIT] Q11/11 2014-12-16 JCA-CIT Q11/11 2014-12-12 ITU-T SG15 LS/i/r on Universal catalogue of stakeholders involved in conformity assessment system (reply to ITU-D SG 2 - Document 2/110-E) [from JCA-CIT] LS/i/r on living list of key technologies (reply to SG11-LS055) [from ITU-T SG15] 2014-12-12 ITU-T SG15 LS/i on an Implementers' Guide for Recommendation ITU-T G.9801 (Conformance and interoperability tests for OMCI-EPON) [from ITU-T SG15] Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 Q11/11 [ TD 633GEN ] [ TD 632GEN ] [ TD 631GEN ] [ TD 630GEN ] [ TD 629GEN ] [ TD 628GEN ] [ TD 627GEN ] [ TD 626GEN ] [ TD 625GEN ] [ TD 624GEN ] [ TD 623GEN ] [ TD 622GEN ] [ TD [ TD 633GEN ] [ TD 632GEN ] [ TD 631GEN ] [ TD 630GEN ] [ TD 629GEN ] [ TD 628GEN ] [ TD 627GEN ] [ TD 633GEN ] [ TD 632GEN ] [ TD 631GEN ] [ TD 630GEN ] [ TD 629GEN ] [ TD 628GEN ] [ TD 627GEN ] 2014-12-12 ITU-T SG15 LS/i on Certification and Interoperability Testing (CIT) activities for WP1/15 Recommendations [from ITU-T SG15] Q11/11 2014-12-11 Acting Rapporteur Q15/11 Report of Question Q15/11 interim meeting (Geneva, 13 November 2014) Q15/11 2014-12-11 Editor Q15/11 2014-12-09 Rapporteur Q3/11 Output - Draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.Int_speed_test "Unified methodology of Internet speed quality measurement usable by end-users on the fixed and mobile networks" Report of Question 3/11 Rapporteur meeting (Geneva, 13-14 November 2014) 2014-12-09 Editor Q3/11 2014-12-09 Rapporteur Q2/11 Output - Initial baseline text for the Technical Report on "ETS Interoperability limitations" (Q3/11 Interim Rapporteur meeting, Geneva, 13-14 November 2014) Report of Question 2/11 Rapporteur meeting (Geneva, 13-14 November 2014) 2014-12-09 Editors Q1/11 [ TD 626GEN ] [ TD 625GEN ] [ TD 624GEN ] [ TD 623GEN ] [ TD 622GEN ] [ TD [ TD 626GEN ] [ TD 625GEN ] [ TD 624GEN ] [ TD 623GEN ] [ TD 622GEN ] [ TD 2014-12-09 Acting Rapporteur Q1/11 Output - draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.DSNSA "Signalling Architecture for the Control Plane of Distributed Service Networking" (interim Output - draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.DSNSA "Signalling Architecture for the Control Plane of Distributed Service Networking" (interim Rapporteur meeting of Q1/11, Geneva, 10-21 November 2014) Report of Question 1/11 Rapporteurs meeting (Geneva, 12-18 November 2014) 2014-12-04 GSMA LS/i/r on GSMA IMEI/TAC Allocation, IMEI Database and IMEI Integrity Initiatives (reply to SG11-LS51) [from GSMA] Q8/11 2014-12-15 Associate Rapporteur Q11/11 Q11/11 2014-12-02 ITU-D SG2 Brazilian contribution regarding the practice of malicious suppliers selling low quality products to countries that lack an effective conformity assessment policy LS/i on Q4/2 work items for the 2014-2018 study period [from ITU-D SG2] 2014-12-02 ITU-D SG2 LS/i on Universal catalogue of stakeholders involved in conformity assessment system [from ITU-D SG2] Q11/11 2014-12-02 Rapporteur Report of Question 14/11 "Cloud Q14/11 Q3/11 Q2/11 Q1/11 Q11/11 621GEN ] [ TD 620GEN ] [ TD 619GEN ] [ TD 618GEN ] [ TD 617GEN ] [ TD 616GEN ] [ TD 615GEN ] [ TD 614GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 613GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 612GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 611GEN ] [ TD 610GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 609GEN ] [ TD 608- 621GEN ] [ TD 620GEN ] [ TD 619GEN ] [ TD 618GEN ] [ TD 617GEN ] [ TD 616GEN ] [ TD 615GEN ] [ TD 614GEN ] [ TD 613GEN ] 621GEN ] [ TD 620GEN ] [ TD 619GEN ] [ TD 618GEN ] [ TD 617GEN ] [ TD 616GEN ] [ TD 615GEN ] [ TD 614GEN ] [ TD 613GEN ] [ TD 612GEN ] [ TD 611GEN ] [ TD 610GEN ] [ TD 609GEN ] [ TD 608- [ TD 612GEN ] [ TD 611GEN ] [ TD 610GEN ] [ TD 609GEN ] [ TD 608- Q14/11 interoperability testing" (Geneva, 12-18 November 2014) 2014-12-02 Editors Q14/11 2014-12-02 JCA-Cloud Output - Draft Q.FW-Cloud-iop "The framework and overview of Cloud Computing interoperability testing" (Q14/11 Rapporteur meeting, 12-18 November 2014) LS/i on Invitation to update the information in the cloud computing roadmap [from JCACloud] 2014-12-02 Director TSB QALL/11 2014-12-02 FG-SSC Approval - Preliminary analysis for qualification of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) according to Recommendation ITU-T A.5 LS/i on Activities of the Focus Group on Smart Sustainable Cities [from FG-SSC] 2014-12-01 TSB Draft SG11 meeting plan (time schedule), including interim meetings QALL/11 2014-12-01 TSB List of draft Recommendations proposed for "consent" and other deliverables for approval QALL/11 2014-12-01 TSB List of SG11 Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs QALL/11 2014-12-01 TSB List of SG11 Liaison Officers QALL/11 2014-12-01 TSB Interim meetings plan QALL/11 2014-12-01 TSB List of outgoing Liaison Statements QALL/11 2014-12-01 TSB List of participants QALL/11 2014-12-01 TSB Newcomer welcome pack QALL/11 2014-12-01 TSB Orientation session for newcomers (PPT presentations) QALL/11 Q14/11 QALL/11 GEN ] [ TD 607GEN ] [ TD 606GEN ] [ TD 605GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 604GEN ] [ TD 603GEN ] (Rev.110) [ TD 602GEN ] (Rev.12) GEN ] [ TD 607GEN ] [ TD 606GEN ] [ TD 605GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 607GEN ] [ TD 606GEN ] [ TD 605GEN ] [ TD 604GEN ] [ TD 603GEN ] [ TD 602GEN ] 2014-12-01 TSB Summary results of action taken at and since SG11 meeting (9-16 July 2014) QALL/11 2014-12-01 TSB SG11 meeting facilities and useful information QALL/11 2014-12-01 TSB List of documents and proposed allocation QALL/11 [ TD 604GEN ] [ TD 603GEN ] 2014-12-01 TSB List of incoming liaison statements QALL/11 2014-12-01 TSB Draft SG11 meeting plan (time schedule), Geneva, 22-29 April 2015 QALL/11 [ TD 602GEN ] 2014-12-01 TSB Draft Agenda: SG11 Plenary meetings, Geneva, 22-29 April 2015 QALL/11