Collective Letters Web [ COL 1 ] IFA [ COL 1] Local [ COL 1] Received 2013-10-17 Source SG 9 Title Meeting of Study Group 9; Geneva, 3-11 December 2013 Reports of the previous meeting Web [R1] IFA [R 1] Local [R1 ] Received 2013-08-15 Source SG 9 Title Report of the first meeting of Study Group 9 (Geneva, 14 - 18 January 2013) Questions QALL/9 Reports of this meeting Web [R2] +Corr.1 IFA [R 2] Local [R2 ] Received 2014-08-08 Source SG 9 Title Report of the second meeting of Study Group 9 (Geneva, 3 - 11 December 2013) Corrigendum available online only Questions QALL/9 Source Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Japan Cable Laboratories Title Analysis of the related ARbroadcasting in MPEG-ARAF Questions Q10/9 Proposed modification of J.drm-req Q3/9 Contributions Web [ C 56 ] (Rev.1) IFA [C 56 ] Local [C 56 ] Received 2013-11-20 [ C 55 ] (Rev.1) [ C 54 ] (Rev.1) [ C 53 ] [C 55 ] [C 55 ] 2013-11-20 [C 54 ] [C 54 ] 2013-11-20 KDDI Corporation Proposed modification for Q4/9 [C 53 ] [C 53 ] 2013-11-19 Congo (Rep. of the) Integrated broadband cable networks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [ C 52 ] (Rev.1) [ C 51 ] (Rev.1) [C 52 ] [C 52 ] 2013-11-19 Korea (Rep. of) Proposed the draft new recommendation J.vodoc-trans QALL/9, Q7/9, Q1/9 Q7/9 [C 51 ] [C 51 ] 2013-11-19 Korea (Rep. of) Q7/9, Q1/9 [ C 50 ] (Rev.12) [ C 49 ] (Rev.1) [ C 48 ] (Rev.1) [ C 47 [C 50 ] [C 50 ] 2013-11-19 Korea (Rep. of) Proposed System Requirements in J.Cable3DTV-req "Requirement for Stereoscopic Three Dimensional Television Service over Hybrid Fiber and Coaxial based networks" Considerations of a Ultra-Broadband Cable Network Standardization in ITUT SG 9 [C 49 ] [C 49 ] 2013-11-19 Korea (Rep. of) Proposed RCAS network protocol security specification Q3/9 [C 48 ] [C 48 ] 2013-11-19 Korea (Rep. of) Analysis of Multi-DRM service types Q3/9 [C [C 2013-11-19 Korea (Rep. of) Perceptual 3D Video Comparison of Q2/9, QALL/9, Q1/9 ] (Rev.1) [ C 46 ] (Rev.1) [ C 45 ] (Rev.1) [ C 44 ] (Rev.1) [ C 43 ] 47 ] 47 ] Various 3D Display Monitors Q12/9 [C 46 ] [C 46 ] 2013-11-19 Korea (Rep. of) Video Quality Monitoring with Compressed Reference Signals Q12/9 [C 45 ] [C 45 ] 2013-11-19 Korea (Rep. of) Q2/9, Q12/9 [C 44 ] 2013-11-19 Korea (Rep. of) [C 43 ] [C 43 ] 2013-11-18 United States [ C 42 ] [ C 41 ] [C 42 ] [C 41 ] [C 42 ] [C 41 ] 2013-11-18 United States 2013-11-18 United States [ C 40 ] [ C 39 ] [C 40 ] [C 39 ] [C 40 ] [C 39 ] 2013-11-18 United States Perceptual 3D Video Quality of TB and SBS formats with Different 3D Displays Proposed updates of J.arstv-req "Requirements of Augmented Reality Smart Television System Proposed Edits for J.3D-fatigue, "Assessment methods of visual fatigue and safety guideline for 3D video" Proposed Draft New Recommendation on Immersive Subjective Testing Proposed Cross-References from J.3Dsam, "Subjective assessment methods for 3D video quality" to J.av-dist, "Methods for subjectively assessing audiovisual quality of internet video and distribution quality television, including separate assessment of video quality and audio quality" Editorial changes to J.3D-sam [C 44 ] 2013-11-18 United States Q12/9 [ C 38 ] [C 38 ] [C 38 ] 2013-11-18 United States [ C 37 ] [C 37 ] [C 37 ] 2013-11-18 United States [ C 36 ] (Rev.1) [C 36 ] [C 36 ] 2013-11-18 United States [ C 35 ] [C 35 ] [C 35 ] 2013-11-18 United States [ C 34 ] [C 34 ] [C 34 ] 2013-11-18 Germany [ C 33 ] [C 33 ] [C 33 ] 2013-11-05 European Broadcasting Union [ C 32 ] [C 32 ] [C 32 ] 2013-10-28 Republic of Chad Documentation of environment for J.3D-sam, "Subjective assessment methods for 3D video quality" Removing Text from Appendix II of J.3D-sam, "Subjective assessment methods for 3D video quality" Removing Text from Appendix I of J.3D-sam, "Subjective assessment methods for 3D video quality" Move text from J.3D-sam, "Subjective assessment methods for 3D video quality," to J.3D-fatigue, "Assessment methods of visual fatigue and safety guideline for 3D video" Proposed Edits for J.3D-fatigue, "Assessment methods of visual fatigue and safety guideline for 3D video" Proposed new text for Draft New Recommendation J.atrans-spec "Advanced digital downstream transmission systems for television, sound and data services for cable distribution" Proposal for the creation of an Intersector Rapporteur Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility Transmission of multichannel analogue and/or digital television signals over Q10/9 Q12/9 Q2/9 Q12/9 Q12/9 Q12/9 Q12/9 Q12/9 Q12/9 Q1/9 QALL/9 Q11/9 optical access networks Temporary Documents (GEN) Web [ TD 396GEN ] [ TD 395GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 394GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 393GEN ] [ TD 392GEN ] [ TD 391GEN ] [ TD 390GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 389GEN ] [ TD 388GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 387GEN ] [ TD 386GEN ] [ TD 385GEN ] IFA [ TD 396GEN ] [ TD 395GEN ] [ TD 394GEN ] [ TD 393GEN ] [ TD 392GEN ] [ TD 391GEN ] [ TD 390GEN ] [ TD 389GEN ] [ TD 388GEN ] [ TD 387GEN ] [ TD 386GEN ] Local [ TD 396GEN ] [ TD 395GEN ] [ TD 394GEN ] [ TD 393GEN ] [ TD 392GEN ] [ TD 391GEN ] [ TD 390GEN ] [ TD 389GEN ] [ TD 388GEN ] [ TD 387GEN ] [ TD 386GEN ] Received 2013-12-10 Source Co-chair of joint session Q2, Q12/9 and Q9, 10, 13 Title Initial draft guidelines for the IRGAVQA resulting from SG9 and SG12 discussion Questions Q2/9, Q12/9 2013-12-10 Rapporteur Q12/9 LS/o on Video Quality Monitoring with Compressed Reference and Resized PVS [to VQEG] Q12/9 2013-12-10 Rapporteur Q12/9 LS/o on P.av-dist [to ITU-R WP6C] Q12/9 2013-12-10 Rapporteur Q12/9 Q2/9, Q12/9 2013-12-10 Rapporteur Q12/9 LS/o on 3D video quality assessment activities in ITU-T SG9 [to ITU-T SG12, ITU-T SG16, ITU-R WP6C, VQEG, 3D@home] LS/o on P.av-dist [to ITU-T SG12, SG16] 2013-12-10 SG9 Chairman Results of discussions at SG9's December meeting on Resolution 80 Q13/9 2013-12-10 ITU-T Study Group 9 Q10/9 2013-12-10 Editor 2013-12-10 Rapporteur Q10/9 2013-12-10 Editor LS/o/r regarding J.arstv-req "Requirements of augmented reality smart television system" [to ITU-R WP 6C] Output - Draft new Recommendation J.arstv-req "Requirements of Augmented Reality Smart Television System" Consent - draft new Recommendation J.ascs-api "Automation System to Compression System Communications Applications Program Interface (API)" A.5 justification information for draft new J.ascs-api 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q7/9 Q7/9 [ TD 385GEN [ TD 385GEN 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q7/9 Draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.vodoc-trans "Transmission specification for IP-based switched digital video using Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications" (Geneva, 3-11 December, 2013) Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.Cable3DTV-req Q12/9 Q10/9 Q10/9 Q10/9 Q7/9 (Rev.1) [ TD 384GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 383GEN ] (Rev.1) ] [ TD 384GEN ] [ TD 383GEN ] ] [ TD 384GEN ] [ TD 383GEN ] [ TD 382GEN ] [ TD 382GEN ] [ TD 381GEN ] [ TD 380GEN ] [ TD 379GEN ] [ TD 378GEN ] [ TD 377GEN ] [ TD 376GEN ] [ TD 375GEN ] [ TD 374GEN ] [ TD 373GEN ] [ TD 372- 2013-12-09 Chairmen of WP 1/9 and WP 2/9 Draft agenda of WP 1/9 Plenary and WP 2/9 Plenary QALL/9 2013-12-09 Rapporteurs Q12 and Q13/9 and acting Rapporteur for Q2/9 Q2/9, Q13/9, Q12/9 [ TD 382GEN ] 2013-12-09 Rapporteur for Q13/9 [ TD 381GEN ] [ TD 380GEN ] [ TD 379GEN ] [ TD 378GEN ] [ TD 377GEN ] [ TD 376GEN ] [ TD 381GEN ] [ TD 380GEN ] [ TD 379GEN ] [ TD 378GEN ] [ TD 377GEN ] [ TD 376GEN ] 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q13/9 LS/o - Announcement: the intersector rapporteur group on audiovisual quality assessment (IRG-AVQA) has been established [to ITU-T all Study Groups, TSAG, ITU-R SG6, WP6C] LS/o/r to SG11 on living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects [to SG11, JCACIT] LS/o/r on list of official liaison officers of ITU-T SGs in JCA-CIT [to JCA-CIT] 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q13/9 LS/o/r on requests your input [to JCARes178] Q13/9 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q13/9 Q13/9 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q13/9 LS/o/r on new versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standardization Overview and Work Plan [to SG 15] LS/o/r on updates to the list of IoTrelated Questions for comments [to JCA-IoT] 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q13/9 LS/o/r on status of translation in ITU-T [to TSAG] Q13/9 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q13/9 Q13/9 [ TD 375GEN ] [ TD 374GEN ] [ TD 373GEN ] [ TD 372- [ TD 375GEN ] [ TD 374GEN ] [ TD 373GEN ] [ TD 372- 2013-12-09 2013-12-09 Rapporteurs Q12/9 and Q13/9 and acting Rapporteur Q2/9 Rapporteur Q13/9 LS/o/r on coexistence of wired telecommunications with radiocommunication systems [to ITU-T SG 5 and ITU-R WPs 1A, 5A, 5B and 5C] LS/o/r to SG16 on creation of an Intersector Rapporteur Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility (IRGAVA) [to ITU-T SG16, ITU-R SG 6] LS/o/r on nomination of JCA-AHF representatives [to JCA-AHF] 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q13/9 Q13/9 2013-12-09 Rapporteurs Q12/9 and Q13/9 LS/o/r on establishment of intersector rapporteur groups on audiovisual quality evaluation (IRG-AVQA) [to SG12, ITU-R SG6, WP6C] LS/o/r on Inter sector Rapporteur's Group (IRG) on the topic of audiovisual Q13/9 Q13/9 Q13/9 Q2/12, Q13/9, Q12/9 Q13/9 Q2/9, Q13/9, GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 371GEN ] [ TD 370GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 371GEN ] [ TD 370GEN ] [ TD 368GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 369GEN ] [ TD 368GEN ] [ TD 367GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 366GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 365GEN ] [ TD 371GEN ] [ TD 370GEN ] [ TD 369GEN ] [ TD 364GEN ] [ TD 363GEN ] [ TD 362GEN ] [ TD 361- quality assessment (IRG-AVQA) [to SG 12, SG16, ITU-R WP6C, JCA-AHF] A.5 - A.5 justification information for draft new J.atrans-spec Q12/9 2013-12-09 and acting Rapporteur Q2/9 Editor 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q1/9 Q1/9 [ TD 369GEN ] [ TD 368GEN ] 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q1/9 Consent - Draft new Recommendation J.atrans-spec "Advanced digital downstream transmission systems for television, sound and data services for cable distribution" Consent - Draft New recommendation ITU-T J.svc 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q1/9 Q7/9, Q1/9 [ TD 367GEN ] [ TD 367GEN ] 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q1/9 [ TD 366GEN ] [ TD 365GEN ] [ TD 364GEN ] [ TD 366GEN ] [ TD 365GEN ] [ TD 364GEN ] 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q1/9 LS/o/r on coexistence of wired telecommunications with radiocommunication systems Considerations with respect to work on Recommendation ITU-T J.195.1 (J.HINOC-REQ) [to ITU-R Working Parties 5A, 5B, 5C and 6A] LS/o on approval of new Recommendation J.atrans-spec "Advanced digital downstream transmission systems for television, sound and data services for cable distribution" [to ETSI TC-Cable, DVBTM, SCTE DVS, ARIB, JCTEA, CableLabs, RRA, JLabs] LS/o on AAP Consent of J.svc [to ITUR WP6C, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11(MPEG), SCTE] 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q7/9 LS/o/r regarding J.Cable3DTV-req [to ITU-R WP6C and SCTE] Q7/9 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q4/9 Q4/9 [ TD 363GEN ] [ TD 362GEN ] [ TD 363GEN ] [ TD 362GEN ] 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q4/9 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q4/9 [ TD 361- [ TD 361- 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q4/9 Output - Draft New Recommendation "Requirements for platform functionalities on the integration of cable STB and mobile second screen devices" Output - Draft New Recommendation J.acf-spec "Specification for Integrated Broadcast and Broadband DTV application control framework" Output - Draft revision of Recommendation J.201 "Harmonization of declarative content format for interactive television applications" for progressing LS/o on development of Recommendation on Integrated Q1/9 Q1/9 Q1/9 Q1/9 Q4/9 Q4/9 Q4/9 GEN ] (Rev.1) GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 360GEN ] [ TD 360GEN ] [ TD 360GEN ] 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q4/9 [ TD 359GEN ] [ TD 359GEN ] [ TD 358GEN ] [ TD 357GEN ] [ TD 356GEN ] [ TD 359GEN ] [ TD 358GEN ] [ TD 357GEN ] [ TD 356GEN ] 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q4/9 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q3/9 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q3/9 LS/o/r to DVB CM-SEG concerning Harmonised Security Framework specification [to DVB CM-SEG] Q3/9 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q1/9 Q3/9 [ TD 355GEN ] [ TD 355GEN ] [ TD 355GEN ] 2013-12-09 Editor J.drm-req [ TD 354GEN ] [ TD 354GEN ] [ TD 354GEN ] 2013-12-09 Editor J.rcas-net [ TD 353GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 352GEN ] [ TD 353GEN ] [ TD 353GEN ] 2013-12-09 Rapporteur Q1/9 and Q7/9 LS/o on progress of draft new Recommendation J.drm-req "Architecture and requirements of DRM for cable multiscreen (J.drm-req)" [to ITU-T SG17 (Q6/17), DVB CM-SEG] Output - draft new Recommendation J.drm-req "Architecture and requirements of DRM for cable television multiscreen" (Geneva, 3 - 11 Dec. 2013) Output - Draft New Recommendation J.rcas-net "Specifications of network protocol for renewable conditional access system" (Geneva, 3 - 11 Dec. 2013) Joint Report of Question 1/9 and 7/9 meeting (Geneva, 3-11 December 2013) [ TD 352GEN ] [ TD 351GEN ] [ TD 350GEN ] [ TD [ TD 352GEN ] [ TD 351GEN ] [ TD 350GEN ] [ TD 2013-12-09 Rapporteur for Q6/9 Q6/9 2013-12-09 Editor LS/o on revision of digital program insertion Recommendations [to ITU-T SG 16 (Q6/16), ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11] A.5 justification information for draft revised J.181-rev 2013-12-09 Rapporteur for Q6/9 Consent - draft revised Recommendation J.181 for AAP consent Q6/9 2013-12-09 Rapporteurs Q5/9, Joint Report of Q5/9, Q8/9 & Q9/9 Q9/9, [ TD 358GEN ] [ TD 357GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 356GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 351GEN ] [ TD 350GEN ] [ TD Broadcast-Broadband system and establishment of IRG-IBB [to ITU-R Working Party 6B] LS/o on recent progress on Draft New Recommendation "Specification for Integrated Broadcast and Broadband DTV application control framework" (J. acf-spec) for progressing [to ITU-T SG16] Output - Draft Terms of Reference of the ITU Intersector Rapporteur Group on Integrated Broadcast-Broadband systems (IRG-IBB) LS/o/r to SG17 (request to provide security contacts) Q4/9 Q4/9 Q3/9 Q3/9 Q3/9 Q7/9, Q1/9 Q6/9 349GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 348GEN ] [ TD 347GEN ] [ TD 346GEN ] [ TD 345GEN ] [ TD 344GEN ] [ TD 343GEN ] [ TD 342GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 341GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 340GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 339GEN ] [ TD 338GEN ] [ TD 349GEN ] [ TD 348GEN ] [ TD 347GEN ] [ TD 346GEN ] [ TD 345GEN ] [ TD 344GEN ] [ TD 343GEN ] [ TD 342GEN ] 349GEN ] [ TD 348GEN ] [ TD 347GEN ] [ TD 346GEN ] [ TD 345GEN ] [ TD 344GEN ] [ TD 343GEN ] [ TD 342GEN ] Q8/9 & Q9/9 meeting Q8/9, Q5/9 2013-12-06 TSB Information for SG9 participants Escalade Race in Geneva this week-end (6-7 December 2013) QALL/9 2013-12-06 Rapporteur Q9/9 Q9/9 2013-12-06 SG9 and SG12 Chairmen Draft agenda of Question 9/9 "Requirements for advanced service capabilities for broadband cable home networks" Report of joint SG 9 and SG 12 plenary session (5 December 2013, 0900 -1030 hours) 2013-12-06 Rapporteur 7/9 Draft agenda of Q7/9 Q7/9 2013-12-06 Rapporteurs Q5, 8 & 9/9 Draft agenda Joint Questions 5, 8 & 9/9 Q9/9, Q8/9, Q5/9 2013-12-06 Editors P.av-ims Q2/9 2013-12-06 Editors [ TD 341GEN ] [ TD 340GEN ] [ TD 339GEN ] [ TD 338GEN ] 2013-12-06 Editors P.3D-sam Output - Draft New Recommendation P.av-ims: "Immersive Subjective Testing Method for Audio, Video or Audiovisual Stimuli" Output - Draft New Recommendation P.av-dist "Methods for subjectively assessing audiovisual quality of internet video and distribution quality television, including separate assessment of video quality and audio quality, and including multiple environments" Draft New Recommendation J.3D-sam: "Subjective assessment methods for 3D video quality" [ TD 341GEN ] [ TD 340GEN ] [ TD 339GEN ] [ TD 338GEN ] 2013-12-06 Editors Q12/9 2013-12-06 Editors P.3D-dispreq Output - Draft New RecommendationP.3D-fatigue "Assessment methods of visual fatigue and safety guideline for 3D video" Output - Draft New Recommendation P.3D-disp-req "Display requirements for 3D video quality assessment" 2013-12-05 SG9 Chairman Activity Report of Question XX/9 in Study period 2013-2016 [ TD 2013-12-04 Rapporteur Q6/9 Draft agenda of Q6/9 sessions Q9/9, Q8/9, Q7/9, Q6/9, Q11/9, Q10/9, Q1/9 Q6/9 [ TD QALL/9 Q12/9 Q12/9 Q2/9 337GEN ] 337GEN ] [ TD 336GEN ] [ TD 335GEN ] 337GEN ] [ TD 336GEN ] [ TD 335GEN ] [ TD 334GEN ] [ TD 334GEN ] [ TD 333GEN ] [ TD 336GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 335GEN ] 2013-12-04 Rapporteur Q1/9 and Q7/9 Draft agenda of joint Question 1/9 and 7/9 Q7/9, Q1/9 2013-12-04 Rapporteur Q1/9 Q1/9 [ TD 334GEN ] 2013-12-04 ITU-R Working Party 5B [ TD 333GEN ] [ TD 332GEN ] [ TD 331GEN ] [ TD 333GEN ] [ TD 332GEN ] [ TD 331GEN ] 2013-12-04 Rapporteur Q5/9 Draft agenda of Question 1/9 "Transmission of television and sound programme signal for contribution, primary distribution and secondary distribution" LS/i on coexistence of wired telecommunications (including PLT) with radiocommunication systems Considerations with respect to work on recommendations ITU-T G.FAST and ITU-T J.195 (J.HINOC-REQ) Draft agenda Question 5/9 2013-12-04 Acting Rapporteur Q8/9 Draft agenda Question 8/9 Q8/9 2013-12-04 ITU-R - Working Parties 5A and 5C Q7/9, Q1/9 [ TD 330GEN ] [ TD 330GEN ] [ TD 330GEN ] 2013-12-04 Rapporteur Q10/9 [ TD 329GEN ] [ TD 329GEN ] [ TD 328GEN ] [ TD 327GEN ] [ TD 326- [ TD 329GEN ] [ TD 328GEN ] [ TD 327GEN ] [ TD 326- 2013-12-03 Acting Rapporteur Q2/9 LS/i on coexistence of Wired Telecommunications with Radiocommunication Systems Considerations with respect to work on recommendation ITU-T J.195.1 (J.HiNoC-Req) [from ITU-R - Working Parties 5A and 5C] Draft agenda Question 10/9 "Requirements, methods, and interfaces of the advanced service platforms to enhance the delivery of sound, television, and other multimedia interactive services over cable television network" Draft agenda for joint session to discuss intersector rapporteur's groups (IRGs) 2013-12-03 Associate Rapporteur Q12/9 Draft Agenda for Q12/9 Q5/9, Q4/9, Q2/9, Q12/9 Q12/9 2013-12-03 Acting Rapporteur Q2/9 Draft Agenda for Q2/9 Q2/9 2013-12-03 Rapporteur Q3/9 Meeting agenda Q3/9 Q3/9 [ TD 332GEN ] [ TD 331GEN ] [ TD 328GEN ] [ TD 327GEN ] [ TD 326- Q7/9, Q1/9 Q5/9 Q10/9 GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 325GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 324GEN ] (Rev.1) GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 325GEN ] [ TD 324GEN ] [ TD 325GEN ] [ TD 324GEN ] 2013-12-02 WP2 Chairman Report of WP2/9 N/A 2013-12-02 WP1 Chairman Report of WP 1/9 [ TD 323GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 322GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 321GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 320GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 319GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 318GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 317GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 316GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 315GEN ] [ TD 323GEN ] [ TD 322GEN ] [ TD 323GEN ] [ TD 322GEN ] 2013-12-02 Rapporteur Q13/9 Report of Question 13/9 meeting Q6/9, Q3/9, Q2/9, Q12/9, Q11/9, Q1/9 Q13/9 2013-12-02 Rapporteur Q12/9 Report of Question 12/9 meeting (Geneva, 3-11 December 2013) Q12/9 [ TD 321GEN ] [ TD 320GEN ] [ TD 319GEN ] [ TD 318GEN ] [ TD 317GEN ] [ TD 316GEN ] [ TD 315GEN ] [ TD 314GEN ] [ TD 321GEN ] [ TD 320GEN ] [ TD 319GEN ] [ TD 318GEN ] [ TD 317GEN ] [ TD 316GEN ] [ TD 315GEN ] [ TD 314GEN ] 2013-12-02 Rapporteur Q11/9 Report of Question 11/9 meeting Q11/9 2013-12-02 Rapporteur Q10/9 Report of Question 10/9 meeting Q10/9 2013-12-02 Rapporteur Q9/9 Report of Question 9/9 meeting Q9/9 2013-12-02 Acting Rapporteur Q8/9 Report of Question 8/9 meeting Q8/9 2013-12-02 Rapporteur Q7/9 Report of Question 7/9 meeting Q7/9 2013-12-02 Rapporteur Q6/9 Report of Question 6/9 meeting Q6/9 2013-12-02 Rapporteur Q5/9 Report of Question 5/9 meeting Q5/9 2013-12-02 Rapporteur Q4/9 Report of Question 4/9 meeting Q4/9 [ TD 314GEN ] [ TD 313GEN ] [ TD 312GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 311GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 310GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 309GEN ] [ TD 308GEN ] [ TD 307GEN ] [ TD 306GEN ] [ TD 305GEN ] [ TD 304GEN ] [ TD 303GEN ] [ TD 302GEN ] [ TD 301GEN ] [ TD 313GEN ] [ TD 312GEN ] [ TD 311GEN ] [ TD 313GEN ] [ TD 312GEN ] [ TD 311GEN ] 2013-12-02 Rapporteur Q3/9 Report of Question 3/9 meeting Q3/9 2013-12-02 Acting rapporteur Q2/9 Report of Question 2/9 meeting Q2/9 2013-12-02 Rapporteur Q1/9 Report of Question 1/9 meeting (Geneva, 3-11 December 2013) Q1/9 [ TD 310GEN ] [ TD 310GEN ] 2013-12-02 Rapporteur Q4/9 Q4/9 [ TD 309GEN ] [ TD 308GEN ] [ TD 307GEN ] [ TD 306GEN ] [ TD 305GEN ] [ TD 304GEN ] [ TD 303GEN ] [ TD 302GEN ] [ TD 301GEN [ TD 309GEN ] [ TD 308GEN ] [ TD 307GEN ] [ TD 306GEN ] [ TD 305GEN ] [ TD 304GEN ] [ TD 303GEN ] [ TD 302GEN ] [ TD 301GEN 2013-12-02 Rapporteur Q13/9 Draft agenda of Q4/9 "Software components application programming interfaces (APIs), frameworks and overall software architecture for advanced content distribution services within the scope of Study Group 9" Draft agenda of Q13/9 sessions 2013-11-29 Rapporteurs Q5/9, Q8/9 and Q9/9 Joint Report of Q5/9, Q8/9 and Q9/9 (Tokyo, 30 Sep-02 October 2013) Q9/9, Q8/9, Q5/9 2013-11-29 SG 9 and SG 12 Chairmen Draft agenda and information for joint SG 9 and SG 12 plenary session (5 December 2013, 0900 -1030 hours) QALL/9 2013-11-29 Rapporteurs Q2/9, Q12/9, Q9/12 Report of the JRG-MMQA meeting of 8-12 July 2013, Ghent Q2/9, Q12/9 2013-11-28 ITU-R Study Group 6 QALL/9, Q13/9 2013-11-27 ITU-R Study Group 6 LS/i on proposal for an intersector rapporteur group on audio visual media accessibility (IRG-AVA) [from ITU-R SG 6] LS/i on establishment of intersector rapporteur groups on audiovisual quality evaluation [from ITU-R WP6] 2013-11-27 ITU-R Working Party 6B Q4/9 2013-11-27 ITU-R Working Party 6C LS/i on recent progress of Recommendations and Report on Integrated Broadcast-Broadband systems [from ITU-R WP6B] LS/i/r regarding J.CableDTV-REQ [fromITU-R WP6 C] 2013-11-27 ITU-R Working Party 6C LS/i/r on new work item: J.arstv-req: "Requirements of augmented reality smart television system" (reply to Q10/9 Q13/9 QALL/9, Q13/9 Q7/9 ] ] [ TD 300GEN ] [ TD 299GEN ] [ TD 300GEN ] [ TD 299GEN ] 2013-11-27 ITU-T Study Group 11 2013-11-27 ITU-T Study Group 11 [ TD 298GEN ] [ TD 297GEN ] [ TD 298GEN ] [ TD 297GEN ] 2013-11-27 JCA-Cloud 2013-11-26 SG9 Chairman [ TD 296GEN ] [ TD 296GEN ] [ TD 296GEN ] 2013-11-25 ITU-R Working Party 6A [ TD 295GEN ] [ TD 295GEN ] [ TD 295GEN ] 2013-11-22 ITU-R WP6C [ TD 294GEN ] [ TD 294GEN ] [ TD 293GEN ] [ TD 292GEN ] [ TD 291GEN ] [ TD 294GEN ] [ TD 293GEN ] [ TD 292GEN ] [ TD 291GEN ] 2013-11-22 Rapporteur Q5/9 2013-11-21 [ TD 290GEN ] [ TD [ TD 290GEN ] [ TD [ TD 300GEN ] [ TD 299GEN ] [ TD 298GEN ] [ TD 297GEN ] [ TD 293GEN ] [ TD 292GEN ] [ TD 291GEN ] [ TD 290GEN ] [ TD COM9-LS30) [from ITU-R Working Party 6C] LS/i on Correspondence Group on collaboration between ITU-T and testing laboratories for ITU C&I programme [from ITU-T SG11] LS/i on living list of key technologies, reference table of ITU-T Recommendations are suitable for C&I and relevant pilot projects [from ITU-T SG11] LS/i on Invitation to contribute to the cloud computing roadmap population QALL/9, Q13/9 QALL/9, Q13/9 Q8/9 Draft - Preliminary analysis of WTSA12 Resolution 80 (Dubai, 2012) Acknowledging significant contributors to the development of ITU-T deliverables LS/i/r - Coexistence of wired telecommunications with radiocommunication systems Considerations with respect to work on Recommendation ITU T J.195.1 (J.HINOC-REQ) (reply to COM9 LS33) LS/i on the addition of higher frame rates to Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020 - Parameter values for ultrahigh definition television systems for production and international programme exchange [to ITU-T SG9, SG12] Current Status and Key Technologies on RGW Development QALL/9 ITU-R SG6 LS/i on Question ITU-R 136-2/6 "Worldwide broadcasting roaming" QALL/9 2013-11-08 ITU-D SG1 LS/i on Agreed Working Definition of the Term "ICT" [from ITU-D SG1] QALL/9 2013-11-08 ITU-T Study Group 16 LS/i on creation of an Intersector Rapporteur Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility (IRG-AVA) to [from ITU-T SG16] 2013-11-08 Co-convenors of JCA on PP-10 Resolution 178 LS/i -JCA-Res178 requests your input QALL/9, Q5/9, Q4/9, Q2/9, Q13/9 QALL/9, Q13/9 2013-11-08 FG Innovation LS/i on Inputs on ICT Innovation Panel Q7/9, Q1/9 Q2/9, Q12/9, Q1/9 Q5/9 QALL/9, 289GEN ] [ TD 288GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 287GEN ] [ TD 286GEN ] [ TD 285GEN ] [ TD 284GEN ] [ TD 283GEN ] [ TD 282GEN ] [ TD 281GEN ] [ TD 280GEN ] [ TD 279GEN ] [ TD 278GEN ] [ TD 277GEN ] 289GEN ] [ TD 288GEN ] 289GEN ] [ TD 288GEN ] [ TD 287GEN ] [ TD 286GEN ] [ TD 285GEN ] [ TD 284GEN ] [ TD 283GEN ] [ TD 282GEN ] [ TD 281GEN ] [ TD 280GEN ] [ TD 279GEN ] [ TD 278GEN ] [ TD 277GEN ] [from FG Innovation] Q13/9 2013-11-05 FG SmartCable Chairman FG SmartCable Deliverable QALL/9 [ TD 287GEN ] [ TD 286GEN ] [ TD 285GEN ] [ TD 284GEN ] [ TD 283GEN ] [ TD 282GEN ] [ TD 281GEN ] [ TD 280GEN ] [ TD 279GEN ] 2013-11-01 Editor Q10/9 2013-10-29 SG9 Chairman Output - Draft new Recommendation J.ascs-api "Automation System to Compression System Communications Applications Program Interface (API)" LS/o on WTSA Resolution 80 [to all ITU-T Study Groups and TSAG] 2013-10-29 DVB CM-SEG LS/i/r further information from DVB (SG9 LS28 and TD 256-GEN9) [from DVB CM-SEG] Q3/9 2013-10-29 Editor Output - draft new Recommendation J.HiNoC "MAC layer specification of high performance network over coax" Q7/9, Q1/9 2013-10-29 Editor Output - Draft new Recommendation J.HiNoC-phy "PHY layer specification of high performance network over coax" Q7/9, Q1/9 2013-10-23 Rapporteur Q1/9 and Q7/9 Joint Report of Question 1/9 and 7/9 meeting (Tokyo, 30 Sept.-2 Oct. 2013) Q7/9, Q1/9 2013-10-23 Editor Q7/9, Q1/9 2013-10-23 Rapporteur Q1/9 and Q7/9 Output - draft new recommendation ITU-T J.Cable3DTV-req "Requirement for Stereoscopic 3DTV Service over HFC based networks" LS/o/r - Reply Liaison to ITU-R WP6C regarding J.Cable3DTV-req 2013-10-23 ITU-T Study Group 9 Q7/9, Q1/9 [ TD 278GEN ] [ TD 277GEN ] 2013-10-22 Rapporteur Q1/9 LS/o/r on coexistence of wired telecommunications with radiocommunication systems Considerations with respect to work on Recommendation ITU-T J.195.1 (J.HINOC-REQ) Report of Question 1/9 meeting (Tokyo, 30 Sept. - 02 Oct. 2013) 2013-10-22 Rapporteur Q1/9 Output - Draft new Recommendation J.atrans-spec "Advanced digital downstream transmission systems for television, sound and data services for Q1/9 QALL/9 Q7/9, Q1/9 Q1/9 [ TD 276GEN ] [ TD 275GEN ] [ TD 274GEN ] [ TD 273GEN ] [ TD 272GEN ] [ TD 271GEN ] [ TD 270GEN ] [ TD 276GEN ] [ TD 275GEN ] [ TD 274GEN ] [ TD 273GEN ] [ TD 272GEN ] [ TD 271GEN ] [ TD 270GEN ] 2013-10-17 ITU-T Study Group 2 cable distribution" LS/i on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan [to all ITU-T SGs] 2013-10-11 ITU-T Study Group 13 LS/i on Mobile IPTV requirements [from ITU-T SG3] Q9/9, Q8/9, Q4/9 2013-10-11 Editor Q10/9 2013-10-11 Rapporteur Q10/9 Output - Draft new Recommendation J.arstv-req "Requirements of Augmented Reality Smart Television System" Report of Question 10/9 meeting (Tokyo, 30 September - 2 October 2013) 2013-10-02 Rapporteur Q3/9 Report of Question 3/9 meeting (Tokyo, 30 Sept -2 Oct 2013) Q3/9 2013-10-02 Editor Q3/9 2013-10-02 Editor [ TD 269GEN ] [ TD 268GEN ] [ TD 269GEN ] [ TD 268GEN ] 2013-10-02 Rapporteur Q4/9 Output (Tokyo, 30 Sep - 2 Oct 2013) Draft New Recommendation J.rcas-net "Specifications of network protocol for renewable conditional access system" Output (Tokyo, 30 Sep - 2 Oct 2013) Draft new Recommendation J.drm-req " Architecture and requirements of Cable DRM for cable television content delivery service including multiple device viewing experiences". Report of Question 4/9 meeting (Tokyo, 30 September - 1 October 2013) 2013-10-02 Rapporteur Q4/9 Q4/9 [ TD 267GEN ] [ TD 267GEN ] [ TD 267GEN ] 2013-10-02 Rapporteur Q4/9 [ TD 266GEN ] [ TD 266GEN ] [ TD 265GEN ] [ TD 266GEN ] [ TD 265GEN ] 2013-10-02 Rapporteur Q4/9 2013-10-02 Rapporteur Q4/9 Output - Draft New Recommendation "Requirements for platform functionalities on the integration of cable STB and mobile second screen devices" LS/o on consideration on the text of Recommendation J.206 and the latest development of the new Recommendation on requirements for integration of cable STB and mobile second screen devices LS/o on views about the work on harmonized specification of Integrated Broadcast and Broadband DTV application control framework Output - Draft new Recommendation "Specification for Integrated Broadcast and Broadband DTV application control framework" (J.acf-spec) [ TD 276GEN ] [ TD 275GEN ] [ TD 274GEN ] [ TD 273GEN ] [ TD 272GEN ] [ TD 271GEN ] [ TD 270GEN ] [ TD 269GEN ] [ TD 268GEN ] [ TD 265GEN ] Q13/9 Q10/9 Q3/9 Q4/9 Q4/9 Q4/9 Q4/9 [ TD 264GEN ] [ TD 263GEN ] [ TD 262GEN ] [ TD 261GEN ] [ TD 260GEN ] [ TD 259GEN ] [ TD 258GEN ] [ TD 257GEN ] [ TD 256GEN ] [ TD 255GEN ] [ TD 254GEN ] [ TD 253GEN ] [ TD 252- [ TD 264GEN ] [ TD 263GEN ] [ TD 262GEN ] [ TD 261GEN ] [ TD 260GEN ] [ TD 259GEN ] [ TD 264GEN ] [ TD 263GEN ] [ TD 262GEN ] [ TD 261GEN ] [ TD 260GEN ] [ TD 259GEN ] 2013-10-02 Rapporteur Q5/9 Report of Question 5/9 meeting Q5/9 2013-10-02 Rapporteur Q5/9 Output - Draft New Recommendation J.rg-spec "Specification for Residential Gateway" Q5/9 2013-10-02 Rapporteur Q5/9 Draft agenda for Q5/9 Rapporteur Meeting (30 Sep. - 2 Oct. 2013, Tokyo, Japan) Q5/9 2013-09-24 SCTE LS/I on SCTE published standards related to the work of ITU-T SG9 Question 7 [from SCTE] Q7/9 2013-09-24 ITU-T Study Group 17 LS/i/r on DRM for cable television (SG9 - LS 28) [from ITU-T SG17] Q3/9 2013-09-24 ITU-T Study Group 17 QALL/9 [ TD 258GEN ] [ TD 257GEN ] [ TD 256GEN ] [ TD 258GEN ] [ TD 257GEN ] [ TD 256GEN ] 2013-08-22 Editor LS/i on an informal guideline for correspondence group transparency and balance, including template for correspondence group reports [from ITU-T SG17] Output: Draft new Rec. ITU-T J.lasdpreq (10-12 Atlanta, June 2013) 2013-08-22 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 LS/i on AR [from ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11] Q10/9 2013-08-20 DVB CM-SEG Q3/9 [ TD 255GEN ] [ TD 254GEN ] [ TD 253GEN ] [ TD 252- [ TD 255GEN ] [ TD 254GEN ] [ TD 253GEN ] [ TD 252- 2013-08-20 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 LS/i/r on ITU's draft New Recommendation ITU-T J.drm-req "Requirements of DRM for cable television content delivery service including multiple device viewing experiences" (SG9 LS28) [from DVB CM-SEG] LS/i on HEVC Extensions Development [from ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11] 2013-08-20 TSB ITU-T Recommendations referencing withdrawn ISO/IEC standards QALL/9 2013-08-20 TSAG LS/i on providing necessary input on activity levels in Questions [from ITU-T TSAG] QALL/9 2013-08-20 ITU-T Study Group 15 LS/i on new versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Q13/9 Q9/9 QALL/9 GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 251GEN ] [ TD 250GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 251GEN ] [ TD 250GEN ] [ TD 249GEN ] [ TD 248GEN ] [ TD 247GEN ] [ TD 246GEN ] [ TD 245GEN ] [ TD 244GEN ] [ TD 243GEN ] [ TD 242GEN ] [ TD 241GEN ] [ TD 240- [ TD 251GEN ] [ TD 250GEN ] [ TD 249GEN ] [ TD 248GEN ] [ TD 247GEN ] [ TD 246GEN ] [ TD 245GEN ] [ TD 244GEN ] [ TD 243GEN ] [ TD 242GEN ] 2013-08-20 ITU-T Q13/16 2013-08-13 Editor [ TD 249GEN ] [ TD 248GEN ] [ TD 247GEN ] [ TD 246GEN ] [ TD 245GEN ] [ TD 244GEN ] [ TD 243GEN ] [ TD 242GEN ] 2013-08-13 Rapporteur Q9/9 2013-07-11 [ TD 241GEN ] [ TD 240- Standardization Overview and Work Plan [from ITU-T SG15] LS/i on multiple devices service in Q13/16 [from ITU-T SG16] Q4/9 Output - Draft New Recommendation J.av-dist "Methods for subjectively assessing audiovisual quality of internet video and distribution quality television, including separate assessment of video quality and audio quality" Report of Question 9/9 meeting (Atlanta, 10-12 June 2013) Q12/9 JCA-IoT LS/i on updates to the list of IoT-related Questions for comments [from JCAIoT] QALL/9 2013-07-11 JCA-Cloud LS/i on invitation to contribute to the cloud computing roadmap population [from JCA-Cloud] QALL/9 2013-07-11 TSAG LS/i on change of lower bound of frequency range allocated in the Radio Regulations by WRC-12 [from TSAG] QALL/9 2013-07-11 TSAG LS/i on status of translation in ITU-T [from TSAG] Q13/9 2013-07-11 TSAG LS/i on WTSA-12 Action Plan [from TSAG] Q13/9 2013-07-11 Rapporteur Q8/9 Report of Question 8/9 meeting (Atlanta, 10-12 June 2013) Q8/9 2013-07-11 ITU-R Working Party 1A Q7/9, Q13/9, Q1/9 [ TD 241GEN ] 2013-07-11 [ TD 240- 2013-07-02 ITU-R Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (CCV) ITU-R SG5 LS/I on coexistence of wired telecommunications (including PLT) with radiocommunication systems Considerations with respect to work on Recommendation ITU-T J.195 (J.HINOC-REQ) [from ITU-R Working Party 1A] LS/i on broadcasting terms and definitions [from ITU-R CCV] LS/I on coexistence of wired and wireless communications systems - Q13/9 Q9/9 QALL/9 GEN ] [ TD 239GEN ] [ TD 238GEN ] [ TD 237GEN ] [ TD 236GEN ] [ TD 235GEN ] [ TD 234GEN ] [ TD 233GEN ] [ TD 232GEN ] [ TD 231GEN ] [ TD 230GEN ] [ TD 229GEN ] [ TD 228GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 239GEN ] [ TD 238GEN ] [ TD 237GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 239GEN ] [ TD 238GEN ] [ TD 237GEN ] [ TD 236GEN ] [ TD 235GEN ] [ TD 234GEN ] [ TD 233GEN ] [ TD 232GEN ] [ TD 231GEN ] [ TD 230GEN ] [ TD 229GEN ] [ TD 228GEN ] 2013-07-02 ITU-R SG5 2013-07-02 ITU-T SG2 2013-07-02 JCA-CIT Convener [ TD 236GEN ] [ TD 235GEN ] [ TD 234GEN ] 2013-07-02 JCA-CIT Convener 2013-06-28 [ TD 233GEN ] [ TD 232GEN ] [ TD 231GEN ] [ TD 230GEN ] [ TD 229GEN ] [ TD 228GEN ] Revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.60 [from ITU-R SG5] LS/I on impact from wired telecommunication (including PLT) on radiocommunication systems [from ITU-R SG5] LS/i on continuation of JCA-AHF with revised ToR to TSAG [from ITU-T SG2] Q7/9, Q13/9, Q1/9 QALL/9 LS/i/r to the request to fill a) living list of technologies suitable for testing and b) list of possible pilot projects for conformity assessment against ITU-T Recommendations (reply to COM 11LS 10, LS12 R1 and LS 13) [from JCACIT] LS/i on list of official liaison officers of ITU-T SGs in JCA-CIT [from JCACIT] Q13/9 ITU-T Q13/16 LS/i/r on 3D video quality assessment activities in ITU-T SG9 (COM9-LS3) [from ITU-T SG16] Q2/9, Q12/9 2013-06-25 ITU-T Q13/16 Q4/9 2013-06-25 JCTEA LS/i/r on the latest development of draft ITU-T J.206 (ex J. acf-arch) on requirements for application control framework (COM9-LS1) [from ITU-T SG16] LS/i on comments on J.atrans-spec [from JCTEA] 2013-06-25 Standardization Committee for Vocabulary LS/i on ITU-T study group responsibilities in WTSA Resolution 67 (Rev. Dubai, 2012) [from SCV] QALL/9 2013-06-25 ITU-R Working Party 6B Q4/9 2013-06-25 ITU-R WP6A 2013-06-25 JCA on Accessibility and Human Factors LS/i on recent progress of Recommendations and Report on Integrated Broadcast-Broadband systems [from ITU-R WP6 B] LS/i on considerations on wired telecommunications systems being developed under and J.hinoc [from ITU-R WP6A to ITU-R WP1A] LS/i on nomination of JCA-AHF representatives [to ITU-T Study Groups, TSAG and ITU-R Study Groups] 2013-06-13 Rapporteur Q7/9 Report of 7/9 meeting (Atlanta, 10-12 June 2013) Q7/9 Q13/9 Q1/9 Q7/9, Q1/9 Q13/9 [ TD 227GEN ] [ TD 226GEN ] [ TD 225GEN ] [ TD 224GEN ] [ TD 223GEN ] [ TD 222GEN ] [ TD 221GEN ] [ TD 220GEN ] [ TD 219GEN ] [ TD 218GEN ] [ TD 217GEN ] [ TD 216GEN ] [ TD 215GEN ] [ TD 227GEN ] [ TD 226GEN ] [ TD 225GEN ] [ TD 224GEN ] [ TD 223GEN ] [ TD 222GEN ] [ TD 221GEN ] [ TD 227GEN ] [ TD 226GEN ] [ TD 225GEN ] [ TD 224GEN ] [ TD 223GEN ] [ TD 222GEN ] [ TD 221GEN ] 2013-06-13 Editor J.vodoctrans Output - Draft New Recommendation ITU-T J.vodoc-trans "Transmission Specifications for IP-based switched digital video using DOCSIS" Report of Question 6/9 meeting (Lawrenceville, 10 - 12 June 2013) Q7/9 2013-06-13 Rapporteur Q6/9 2013-06-13 Rapporteur Q6/9 Updated draft Recommendation J.181rev Q6/9 2013-06-13 Rapporteur Q10/9 Report of Question 10/9 meeting (Atlanta, 10-12 June 2013) Q10/9 2013-06-13 Rapporteur Q10/9 LS on new work item: J.arstv-req: "Requirements of Augmented Reality Smart Television System" Q10/9 2013-06-13 Editor Q10/9 2013-06-13 Editor J.Cable3DTV-req 2013-06-13 Editor Output - Draft new Recommendation J.arstv-req "Requirements of Augmented Reality Smart Television System" Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.Cable3DTV-req "Requirements for Stereoscopic Three Dimensional Television Service over Hybrid Fiber and Coaxial based networks" Output - Draft new Recommendation J.HiNoC-mac "MAC layer specification of high performance network over coax" [ TD 220GEN ] [ TD 219GEN ] [ TD 218GEN ] [ TD 217GEN ] [ TD 216GEN ] [ TD 215GEN ] [ TD 220GEN ] [ TD 219GEN ] [ TD 218GEN ] [ TD 217GEN ] [ TD 216GEN ] [ TD 215GEN ] 2013-06-13 Editor Output - draft new Recommendation J.HiNoC-phy "PHY layer specification of high performance network over coax" Q7/9, Q1/9 2013-06-13 Rapporteurs Q1/9 and Q7/9 Reply Liaison to SG15 regarding J.HiNoC Q7/9, Q1/9 2013-06-13 Rapporteurs Q1/9 and Q7/9 Joint Report of Question 1/9 and Q7/9 meeting (Atlanta, 10 - 12 June 2013) Q7/9, Q1/9 2013-06-13 Rapporteur Q1/9 Output draft ITU-T J.svc - Proposed modification to draft Recommendation J.svc Q1/9 2013-06-13 Rapporteur Q1/9 Output - Draft new Recommendation J.atrans-spec "Advanced digital downstream transmission systems for television, sound and data services for cable distribution" Q1/9 Q6/9 Q7/9, Q1/9 Q7/9, Q1/9 [ TD 214GEN ] [ TD 214GEN ] [ TD 213GEN ] [ TD 212GEN ] [ TD 214GEN ] [ TD 213GEN ] [ TD 212GEN ] 2013-06-13 Rapporteur Q1/9 Report of Question 1/9 meeting (Atlanta, 10 - 12 June 2013) Q1/9 2013-06-12 Rapporteur Q3/9 Report of Question 3/9 meeting (Atlanta, 10-12 June 2013) Q3/9 2013-06-12 ITU-T SG 9 Question 3 Q3/9 [ TD 211GEN ] [ TD 211GEN ] [ TD 211GEN ] 2013-06-12 Editor [ TD 210GEN ] [ TD 210GEN ] [ TD 209GEN ] [ TD 208GEN ] [ TD 207GEN ] [ TD 206GEN ] [ TD 205GEN ] [ TD 204GEN ] [ TD 203GEN ] [ TD 202GEN [ TD 210GEN ] [ TD 209GEN ] [ TD 208GEN ] [ TD 207GEN ] [ TD 206GEN ] [ TD 205GEN ] [ TD 204GEN ] [ TD 203GEN ] [ TD 202GEN 2013-06-12 Editor 2013-06-12 ITU-R Working Party 6C LS/o on initiation of the work of draft New Recommendation "Requirements of DRM for cable television content delivery service including multiple device viewing experiences (J.drm-req)" [ITU-T SG17 , DVB CM-SEG] Output - Draft New Recommendation J.drm-req " Requirements of DRM for cable television content delivery service including multiple device viewing experiences". Output - Draft New Recommendation J.rcas-net "Specifications of network protocol for renewable conditional access system" LS/i on new work item requirement for stereoscopic 3DTV service over HFC based network [from ITU-R WP6C] 2013-06-12 ITU-R Working Party 6C LS/i on the Terms of reference for the Proposed Intersectoral Rapporteur Group [from ITU-R WP6C] Q2/9, Q13/9, Q12/9 2013-06-12 ITU-R Working Party 6C LS/i on draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.av-dist [from ITU-R WP6C] Q12/9 2013-05-23 ITU-T Study Group 17 LS/i on request to provide security contacts [from ITU-T SG17] QALL/9, Q3/9 2013-05-23 ITU-T Study Group 17 LS/i on Continuation of JCA-COP with revised ToR to TSAG [from ITU-T SG17] QALL/9 2013-05-06 Rapporteur Q6/9 Report of Question 6/9 meeting (Geneva, 24 - 26 April 2013) Q6/9 2013-05-06 Editor Output - Draft revised ITU-T Recommendation J.181 (Q6/9 meeting, 24-26 April 2013, Geneva) Q6/9 2013-05-06 ITU-R SG6 LS/I on questions ITU-R 133-1/6 and 136-1/6 [from ITU-R SG6] QALL/9 [ TD 213GEN ] [ TD 212GEN ] [ TD 209GEN ] [ TD 208GEN ] [ TD 207GEN ] [ TD 206GEN ] [ TD 205GEN ] [ TD 204GEN ] [ TD 203GEN ] [ TD 202GEN ] Q3/9 Q3/9 Q7/9, Q1/9 ] [ TD 201GEN ] [ TD 200GEN ] [ TD 199GEN ] [ TD 198GEN ] [ TD 197GEN ] [ TD 196GEN ] [ TD 195GEN ] ] [ TD 201GEN ] [ TD 200GEN ] [ TD 199GEN ] [ TD 198GEN ] [ TD 197GEN ] [ TD 196GEN ] [ TD 195GEN ] [ TD 194GEN ] [ TD 193GEN ] [ TD 192GEN ] [ TD 191GEN ] [ TD 190GEN ] [ TD 201GEN ] [ TD 200GEN ] [ TD 199GEN ] [ TD 198GEN ] [ TD 197GEN ] [ TD 196GEN ] [ TD 195GEN ] [ TD 194GEN ] [ TD 193GEN ] [ TD 192GEN ] [ TD 189- 2013-05-06 ITU-T Study Group 17 LS/o on continuation of JCA-IdM with revised ToR to TSAG [from ITU SG17] QALL/9 2013-05-06 ITU-T Study Group 12 Q2/9, Q12/9 2013-05-06 ITU-T Study Group 12 2013-05-06 Rapporteur Q3/9 LS/i/r on new Recommendation P.MOS to ITU-R WP6C, ITU-T SG9, SG16 and VQEG (ITU-R WP6C LS 30, COM 9 LS 26) [from ITU-T SG12] LS/i/r on exchange of information on multimedia QoE assessment activities to ITU-T SG9 and VQEG (COM 9 - LS 3, VQEG - LS 8) [from ITU-T SG12] Report of Question 3/9 meeting (Geneva, 24-26 April 2013) 2013-05-06 Editor J.rcas-net Q3/9 2013-04-26 FG-DR&NRR 2013-04-26 ITU-T Study Group 2 [ TD 194GEN ] [ TD 193GEN ] [ TD 192GEN ] 2013-04-26 IETF IAB Output - Draft New Recommendation J.rcas-net "Specifications of network protocol for renewable conditional access system" LSI on Status report of the Focus Group on Disaster Relief Systems, Network Resilience and Recovery from FGDR&NRR LSIR to JCA-COP on its formation and invitation to nominate representatives from ITU-T study groups, to participate in the work of JCA-COP in the future (JCA-COP - LS 001 - E) LSI on appointment of a new IETF Liaison Manager to the ITU-T 2013-04-25 Rapporteurs Q1/9 and Q7/9 Report of Joint Question 1/9 & 7/9 meeting (Geneva, 24-26 April 2013) Q7/9, Q1/9 2013-04-25 Editor Q7/9, Q1/9 [ TD 191GEN ] [ TD 191GEN ] 2013-04-25 ITU-T Study Group 12 [ TD 190GEN ] [ TD 189- [ TD 190GEN ] [ TD 189- 2013-04-25 TTA PG803 Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.Cable3DTV-req "Requirements for Stereoscopic Three Dimensional Television Service over Hybrid Fiber and Coaxial based networks" LSIR on terms of reference for a proposed Intersectoral Rapporteur Group to ITU-R SG6, WP6C; ITU-T SG9 and VQEG from SG12 (COM 9 LS 8) LSIR on new work item for J.Cable3DTV-req from TTA PG803 (sp15-sg9-oLS-00014) 2013-04-25 ITU-T Study Group 15 LS/i/r on "Liaison on J.HiNoC-series: high performance network over coax" Q7/9, Q1/9 Q2/9, Q12/9 Q3/9 QALL/9 QALL/9 QALL/9 Q2/9, Q13/9, Q12/9 Q7/9, Q1/9 GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 188GEN ] [ TD 187GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 188GEN ] [ TD 187GEN ] [ TD 186GEN ] [ TD 186GEN ] [ TD 185GEN ] [ TD 188GEN ] [ TD 187GEN ] [ TD 184GEN ] [ TD 183GEN ] [ TD 182GEN ] [ TD 181GEN ] [ TD 180GEN ] [ TD 179GEN ] [ TD 178GEN ] [ TD 177GEN ] (COM 9-LS13) [from ITU-T SG15] 2013-04-23 ITU-T Study Group 13 LSI from SG13 on plans for implementation of Resolution 77 and recommendations to TSAG Q13/9 2013-04-23 ITU-T Study Group 11 Q13/9 [ TD 186GEN ] 2013-04-23 ITU-T Study Group 11 [ TD 185GEN ] [ TD 184GEN ] [ TD 185GEN ] [ TD 184GEN ] 2013-04-23 JCA-Cloud LSI on request to fill a) living list of technologies suitable for testing and b) list of possible pilot projects for conformity assessment against ITU-T Recommendations LSI from SG11 on request to all Study Groups to update the reference table of ITU-T Recommendations to be tested for conformity/interoperability, parameters and available test suites LSI from JCA-Cloud on invitation to contribute to the cloud computing roadmap population 2013-04-23 ITU-T Study Group 11 Q13/9 [ TD 183GEN ] [ TD 182GEN ] [ TD 181GEN ] [ TD 180GEN ] [ TD 183GEN ] [ TD 182GEN ] [ TD 181GEN ] [ TD 180GEN ] 2013-04-23 I3 Forum WS "Technical Aspects" LSIR from SG11 on request to fill a) living list table of technologies suitable for testing and b) list of possible pilot projects for conformity assessment against ITU-T Recommendations (COM 15 - LS 411) LSIR from I3 Forum to ETSI E2NA on "Location of Media Transcoders" (ETSI E2NA - LS 1) 2013-04-23 FG AVA LSI to ARIB, ATSC, DVB and SBTVD on signing service guideline 2013-04-23 FG AVA LSI from FG AVA to ARIB, ATSC, DVB, SARFT and SBTVD on subtitle/captioning system QALL/9, Q5/9, Q4/9, Q2/9 QALL/9, Q5/9, Q4/9 2013-04-23 FG AVA Q2/9, Q12/9 [ TD 179GEN ] [ TD 178GEN ] [ TD 177GEN [ TD 179GEN ] [ TD 178GEN ] [ TD 177GEN 2013-04-23 FG AVA LSIR from FG AVA on proposed intersector rapporteur group on audiovisual quality assessment among ITU-T SG 9, ITU-T SG12 and ITU-R SG6 (COM9-LS8) LSIR from FG AVA to FG SmartCable activities and meetings (FG SmartCableOLS1) 2013-04-23 JCA-AHF Q2/9, Q13/9, Q12/9 2013-04-23 ITU-T Study Group 5 LSIR from JCA-AHF to SG9 on Inter sector Rapporteur's Group (IRG) on the topic of audiovisual quality assessment (IRG-AVQA) LSI from SG5 on activities related to interference between radio signal and device or cable connected to wired Q13/9 Q8/9 Q5/9, Q2/9 Q13/9 Q13/9 [ TD 176GEN ] [ TD 175GEN ] [ TD 174GEN ] [ TD 173GEN ] [ TD 172GEN ] [ TD 171GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 170GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 169GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 168GEN ] [ TD 167GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 166GEN ] [ TD 165GEN ] ] ] [ TD 176GEN ] [ TD 175GEN ] [ TD 174GEN ] [ TD 173GEN ] [ TD 176GEN ] [ TD 175GEN ] [ TD 174GEN ] [ TD 173GEN ] 2013-04-23 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 broadband networks and cable television networks LSI from SC 29/WG 11 on MPEG HEVC Development 2013-04-23 ITU-T Study Group 2 LSI from SG2 on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan Q13/9 2013-04-23 ITU-T Study Group 16 Q2/9, Q12/9 2013-04-23 ITU-T Study Group 16 [ TD 172GEN ] [ TD 171GEN ] [ TD 172GEN ] [ TD 171GEN ] 2013-04-23 ITU-T Study Group 16 LSIR from SG16 to ITU-R WP 6C on Recommendations ITU-R BS.1387 (PEAQ) and ITU-R BS.1534 (MUSHRA) LSI from SG16 on revision of digital program insertion Recommendations ITU T J.181 and J.280 and on 3D video quality assessment activities in ITU-T SG9 LSIR on location of media transcoders from SG16 to ETSI E2NA (E2NA(12)04_016r1) 2013-04-12 SG9 Chairman Draft Recommendations to be presented for "Consent" using AAP (Rec. A.8) procedure at SG9 meeting Geneva, 3-11 December 2013 QALL/9 [ TD 170GEN ] [ TD 170GEN ] 2013-04-12 TSB List of SG9 Rapporteurs QALL/9 [ TD 169GEN ] [ TD 169GEN ] 2013-04-12 TSB List of SG9 Liaison Officers QALL/9 [ TD 168GEN ] [ TD 167GEN ] [ TD 168GEN ] [ TD 167GEN ] 2013-04-12 FG SmartCable Final report to SG9 on FG SmartCable Television activities QALL/9 2013-04-12 TSB Interim meetings plan QALL/9 [ TD 166GEN ] [ TD 165GEN [ TD 166GEN ] [ TD 165GEN 2013-04-12 TSB List of outgoing Liaison Statements QALL/9 2013-04-12 TSB Provisional list of participants QALL/9 Q2/9, Q12/9, Q1/9 Q2/9, Q12/9 Q5/9, Q2/9 (Rev.1) [ TD 164GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 162GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 161GEN ] [ TD 160GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 159GEN ] [ TD 158GEN ] (Rev.111) [ TD 157GEN ] (Rev.12) ] [ TD 164GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 162GEN ] [ TD 161GEN ] [ TD 160GEN ] [ TD 159GEN ] [ TD 158GEN ] ] [ TD 164GEN ] [ TD 163GEN ] [ TD 162GEN ] [ TD 161GEN ] [ TD 160GEN ] [ TD 159GEN ] [ TD 158GEN ] [ TD 157GEN ] [ TD 157GEN ] 2013-04-12 TSB Orientation session for newcomers (PPT presentations) QALL/9 2013-04-12 TSB Newcomer welcome pack QALL/9 2013-04-12 TSB Summary results of action taken at and since SG9 meeting (14-18 January 2013) QALL/9 2013-04-12 TSB SG9 meeting facilities and useful information QALL/9 2013-04-12 TSB List of documents and proposed allocation QALL/9 2013-04-12 TSB List of incoming liaison statements QALL/9 2013-04-12 TSB Draft meeting plan (time-schedule) QALL/9 2013-04-12 TSB Draft Agenda: SG9 Plenary meetings, Geneva, 3-11 December 2013 QALL/9