Contributions Web [ C 595 ] [ C 559 ] [ C 523 ] (Rev.12) [ C 576 ] (Rev.1) [ C 544 ] [ C 543 ] [ C 539 ] (Rev.12) [ C 538 ] (Rev.1) [ C 537 ] (Rev.1) [ C 535 ] (Rev.1) [ C 527 ] [ C 526 ] (Rev.1) [ C 525 ] (Rev.1) [ C 636 ] [ C 612 ] [ C 558 ] IFA [C 595 ] [C 559 ] [C 523 ] Local [C 595 ] Received 2015-09-28 [C 559 ] 2015-09-26 Source Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Bourns Limited Title The draft of Recommendation ITU-T K.appl2 Questions Q2/5 Supplement: ITU-T K.82 - Additional criteria to protect telecommunication cabling during a power cross event Interaction of switching surge protective components with Ethernet ports Q2/5 [C 523 ] 2015-08-10 Bourns Limited [C 576 ] [C 544 ] [C 543 ] [C 539 ] [C 576 ] 2015-09-28 Bourns Limited TC 108 Liaison on Remote Feeding Telecommunication Circuit Capacitance K.44 - Resolving the Remote Feeding Telecommunication circuit definition conflict with K.50 K.44 Generator updates Q2/5, Q4/5 [C 544 ] 2015-09-19 Bourns Limited [C 543 ] 2015-09-19 Bourns Limited [C 539 ] 2015-09-13 Bourns Limited Electrical parameter classifications of IEC safety standards Q2/5, Q4/5 [C 538 ] [C 537 ] [C 535 ] [C 527 ] [C 526 ] [C 525 ] [C 636 ] [C 612 ] [C 538 ] 2015-09-12 Bourns Limited In force K.50 (2000) reformatted to 2015 Recommendation template Q2/5, Q4/5 [C 537 ] 2015-09-12 Bourns Limited Q2/5, Q4/5 [C 535 ] 2015-09-07 Bourns Limited Review and comment on ATIS-STEP Liaisons received for October 2015 SG5 meeting K.50 Figure 4 Review: Part 4 of 4 [C 527 ] 2015-08-25 Bourns Limited K.50 Figure 4 Review: Part 3 Q2/5, Q4/5 [C 526 ] 2015-08-19 Bourns Limited K.50 Figure 4 Review: Part 2 Q2/5, Q4/5 [C 525 ] 2015-08-16 Bourns Limited K.50 Figure 4 Review: Part 1 Q2/5, Q4/5 [C 636 ] 2015-09-29 2015-09-29 Draft K.hvps2: Method for determining the impedance to earth of earthing systems Suggestion about the relationship of electromagnetic interference and DSL for Q3/5 [C 612 ] [C 558 ] 2015-09-26 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Fundacao CPqD Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento [C 558 ] Supporting document for Draft K.jup Q3/5 Q2/5 Q2/5, Q4/5 Q2/5, Q4/5 Q2/5, Q4/5 Q3/5 em Telecomunicacoes Fundacao CPqD Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Telecomunicacoes Fundacao CPqD Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Telecomunicacoes Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. [ C 536 ] (Rev.13) [C 536 ] [C 536 ] 2015-09-10 [ C 533 ] (Rev.1) [C 533 ] [C 533 ] 2015-09-05 [ C 596 ] [C 596 ] [C 596 ] 2015-09-28 [ C 611 ] +Corr.1 (Rev.12) [ C 610 ] +Corr.1 (Rev.12) [ C 609 ] +Corr.1 (Rev.12) [ C 541 ] (Rev.1) [ C 576 ] (Rev.1) [ C 544 ] [C 611 ] [C 611 ] 2015-09-29 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) [C 610 ] [C 610 ] 2015-09-29 [C 609 ] [C 609 ] [C 541 ] [C 576 ] [C 544 ] [C 543 ] [C 539 ] [C 538 ] [C 537 [ C 543 ] [ C 539 ] (Rev.12) [ C 538 ] (Rev.1) [ C 537 ] Draft K.jup: Joint use of poles by power and telecommunications lines: management of the power-cross Q3/5 Draft K.tup: Installation of telecommunication equipment on utility poles Q3/5 Proposal of a new work item on "Danger effects and protective measurement against electromagnetic disturbances when internet data centre being co-sited with high-voltage substation" Proposed study on safety of terminal equipment such as bridging by SPDs between the primary and external circuit Q3/5, Q5/5 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Proposed revisions for common mode lightning surge test on Ethernet port in K.44/20/21/45 Q4/5 2015-09-29 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Proposed revisions for differential mode lightning surge test on Ethernet port in K.20/21/45 Q4/5 [C 541 ] 2015-09-17 Littelfuse UK Ltd. K.50 Base Document Q4/5 [C 576 ] 2015-09-28 Bourns Limited Q4/5, Q2/5 [C 544 ] 2015-09-19 Bourns Limited [C 543 ] 2015-09-19 Bourns Limited TC 108 Liaison on Remote Feeding Telecommunication Circuit Capacitance K.44 - Resolving the Remote Feeding Telecommunication circuit definition conflict with K.50 K.44 Generator updates [C 539 ] 2015-09-13 Bourns Limited Electrical parameter classifications of IEC safety standards Q4/5, Q2/5 [C 538 ] 2015-09-12 Bourns Limited In force K.50 (2000) reformatted to 2015 Recommendation template Q4/5, Q2/5 [C 537 ] 2015-09-12 Bourns Limited Review and comment on ATIS-STEP Liaisons received for October 2015 Q4/5, Q2/5 Q4/5 Q4/5, Q2/5 Q4/5, Q2/5 (Rev.1) [ C 535 ] (Rev.1) [ C 527 ] [ C 566 ] (Rev.1) ] [C 535 ] [C 527 ] [C 526 ] [C 525 ] [C 615 ] [C 566 ] [ C 565 ] (Rev.1) [C 565 ] [C 565 ] 2015-09-28 China Unicom [ C 564 ] (Rev.13) [ C 563 ] (Rev.1) [C 564 ] [C 564 ] 2015-09-28 China Unicom [C 563 ] [C 563 ] 2015-09-28 China Telecommunications Corporation [ C 540 ] [C 540 ] [C 540 ] 2015-09-17 [ C 596 ] [C 596 ] [C 596 ] 2015-09-28 Fundacao CPqD Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Telecomunicacoes Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. [ C 598 ] [C 598 ] [C 631 ] [C 598 ] 2015-09-28 [C 631 ] 2015-09-29 [C [C 2015-09-29 [ C 526 ] (Rev.1) [ C 525 ] (Rev.1) [ C 615 ] [ C 631 ] [ C 608 [C 535 ] 2015-09-07 Bourns Limited SG5 meeting K.50 Figure 4 Review: Part 4 of 4 [C 527 ] 2015-08-25 Bourns Limited K.50 Figure 4 Review: Part 3 Q4/5, Q2/5 [C 526 ] 2015-08-19 Bourns Limited K.50 Figure 4 Review: Part 2 Q4/5, Q2/5 [C 525 ] 2015-08-16 Bourns Limited K.50 Figure 4 Review: Part 1 Q4/5, Q2/5 [C 615 ] 2015-09-29 The draft of Recommendation ITU-T K.tot Q5/5 [C 566 ] 2015-09-28 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. China Unicom The Research and Application on New Method of "Isolation & Floating Ground" for Lightening Protection of Broadband Access Unit in Customer Premises The second draft of K.acrb "Assessment of the conformance of Radio Base Station regarding lightning protection and earthing" The new draft of "Protection of surrounding structures of telecommunication towers against lightning" The second draft of the new Recommendation K.ldt"Lightning Protection of the Dedicated Transformer for Radio Base Station" Draft Revised ITU-T K.67: Expected surges on telecommunication networks due to lightning Q5/5 Proposal of a new work item on "Danger effects and protective measurement against electromagnetic disturbances when internet data centre being co-sited with high-voltage substation" First draft revision of K.59 Q5/5, Q3/5 Proposal how to inform about the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from electromagnetic fields (Directive 2013/35/EU) Comments on second draft of K.env Q7/5 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Narda Safety Test Solutions GmbH GSM Association Q4/5, Q2/5 Q5/5 Q5/5 Q5/5 Q5/5 Q6/5 Q7/5 ] 608 ] [C 607 ] [C 603 ] [C 602 ] 608 ] [ C 573 ] (Rev.1) [ C 569 ] (Rev.1) [ C 568 ] [ C 607 ] (Rev.1) [ C 603 ] [C 607 ] 2015-09-29 GSM Association Proposal to amend Summary and Introduction of draft K.maps Q7/5 [C 603 ] 2015-09-28 2015-09-28 [C 573 ] [C 573 ] 2015-09-28 ORANGE POLSKA S.A. [C 569 ] [C 568 ] [C 562 ] [C 561 ] [C 569 ] 2015-09-28 ORANGE POLSKA S.A. Draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.maps (for Consent) - (pre-edited by TSB Editing Team) Proposal of a new work item on Electromagnetic field (EMF) considerations in smart sustainable cities Second draft of the new ITU-T Recommendation K.emf "Exposure levels in the close proximity of the radiocommunication antennas" Comments to the 2nd Draft of the new ITU-T Recommendation K.env Q7/5 [C 602 ] Universidad Nacional de San Luis ORANGE POLSKA S.A., Telecom Italia S.p.A. [C 568 ] 2015-09-28 Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Suggested amendment Annex B.1 ITU-T K.52 Q7/5 [C 562 ] 2015-09-28 2015-09-28 [C 548 ] [C 546 ] [C 545 ] [C 548 ] 2015-09-25 Korea (Rep. of) Discuss on Massive MIMO antenna array in the 5G communication system EMF The 2nd Draft of the new Recommendation K.env - Guidance on the Environmental Management for Electromagnetic Radiation from Radiocommunication Base Stations Proposal for the new draft of K.env Q7/5 [C 561 ] China Mobile Communications Corporation China Telecommunications Corporation [C 546 ] 2015-09-24 ORANGE POLSKA S.A. Adjustment of the ICNIRP exposure limits Q7/5 [C 545 ] 2015-09-24 Inherently compliant from ICNIRP basic restriction issued as criteria for K. 52 and proposal of new category of "perfectly compliant". Q7/5 [ C 620 ] (Rev.12) [C 620 ] [C 620 ] 2015-09-29 National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, NTT DoCoMo, Inc. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q9/5 [ C 619 ] (Rev.12) [ C 618 ] (Rev.13) [C 619 ] [C 619 ] 2015-09-29 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) The rationale of decision for the new Recommendation "Immunity requirements for telecommunication equipment in close proximity (K.prox)" The 1st draft of K.prox "Immunity requirements for telecommunication equipment in close proximity" [C 618 ] [C 618 ] 2015-09-29 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Draft of Recommendation K.e_faci : EMC requirements for electrical systems in telecommunication facilities Q9/5 [ C 602 ] [ C 562 ] [ C 561 ] [ C 548 ] [ C 546 ] (Rev.1) [ C 545 ] (Rev.1) Q7/5 Q7/5 Q7/5 Q7/5 Q7/5 Q9/5 [ C 617 ] (Rev.12) [C 617 ] [C 617 ] 2015-09-29 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) [ C 600 ] (Rev.1) [ C 639 ] (Rev.1) [ C 542 ] [C 600 ] [C 639 ] [C 542 ] [C 600 ] 2015-09-28 [C 639 ] 2015-09-29 [C 542 ] 2015-09-18 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) [ C 658 ] [C 658 ] [C 658 ] 2015-09-30 Malaysia [ C 657 ] [C 657 ] [C 656 ] [C 635 ] [C 614 ] [C 657 ] 2015-09-30 Malaysia [C 656 ] 2015-09-30 Egypt [C 635 ] 2015-09-29 MCIT, Egypt [C 614 ] 2015-09-29 BlackBerry Limited, Motorola Mobility LLC [C 599 ] [C 583 ] [C 599 ] 2015-09-28 [C 583 ] 2015-09-28 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) [C 547 ] [C 591 ] [C 629 ] [C 547 ] 2015-09-25 Korea (Rep. of) [C 591 ] 2015-09-28 Telecom Italia S.p.A., CNIT [C 629 ] 2015-09-29 India, MCIT, Dept. of Telecommunications [C 560 ] [C 560 ] 2015-09-28 NEC Corporation [ C 656 ] [ C 635 ] [ C 614 ] [ C 599 ] [ C 583 ] (Rev.1) [ C 547 ] [ C 591 ] [ C 629 ] (Rev.1) [ C 560 ] A proposal to create a new Recommendation for EMC requirements of disturbances from lighting equipment located in the telecommunication equipment room Third draft Recommendation of kBTS-EMC Recommendation Q9/5 The draft of K.secmiti "Mitigation methods against electromagnetic security threats" Proposal for new work program on Recommendations regarding atmospheric radiation effects (soft errors) Proposal for new work item on Supplement on Assessment of Quantity of E-Waste in Developing Countries Questionnaire of the Supplement on Best Practices on e-waste management Q10/5 Proposal for a new work item on Supplement on "Green public ICT procurement" Suggestion for a new work item on Extended Producers' Responsibility for Sustainable E-waste management CFSI Concerns with C-0438 'Proposal for Initial Draft of "Implementing guidance for ICT supply chains" due diligence on conflict minerals Proposal modification to L.1002 Q13/5 Proposal for draft Supplement on "Implementation guidance for ICT SME supply chains' due diligence on conflict minerals" Draft of "Communication method of printing label to provide rare metals information in ICT goods" Networked standby energy saving opportunities Q13/5 Setting up a low-cost sustainable telecommunication infrastructure for rural communications in developing countries Proposal for the System Configuration to be considered in the draft new ITUT Recommendation on Requirements for Low cost Sustainable Telecommunications Infrastructure for Q14/5 Q9/5 Q10/5 Q13/5 Q13/5 Q13/5 Q13/5 Q13/5 Q13/5 Q13/5, Q17/5 Q14/5 [ C 638 ] Rural Communications in Developing Countries Supplement on Hybrid Satellite-based Communications Systems [C 638 ] [C 637 ] [C 634 ] [C 638 ] 2015-09-29 Climate Associates Ltd. [C 637 ] 2015-09-29 MCIT, Egypt Introduction on using High technology in Agriculture Q15/5 [C 634 ] 2015-09-30 Updated version of Draft Recommendation ITU-T L. Infrastructure Q15/5 [ C 630 ] (Rev.1) [ C 624 ] (Rev.1) [ C 623 ] (Rev.1) [ C 616 ] [C 630 ] [C 624 ] [C 623 ] [C 616 ] [C 630 ] 2015-09-29 Best practices in using ICTs for adaptation in the agriculture sector Q15/5 [C 624 ] 2015-09-29 MCIT, Egypt, Climate Associates Ltd., Communications Authority of Kenya (CA), Malaysia, Tanzania, Telecom Italia S.p.A. India, MCIT, Dept. of Telecommunications Fujitsu Limited Q15/5 [C 623 ] 2015-09-29 Fujitsu Limited [C 616 ] 2015-09-29 [ C 604 ] [C 604 ] [C 604 ] 2015-09-28 [ C 586 ] [C 586 ] [C 585 ] [C 556 ] [C 555 ] [C 586 ] 2015-09-28 Egypt, FiberHome Technologies Group, Telecom Italia S.p.A. FiberHome Technologies Group, Telecom Italia S.p.A. Telecom Italia S.p.A. Proposal to the draft Recommendation ITU-T L.ICT and adaptation of agriculture Q15 ID003 with members 'comments at rapporteurs meeting in Sophia Antipolice Contribution to the work item on Information and communication technologies for climate change adaptation in cities Proposal of a new work item on Smart water management in cities Q15/5 [C 585 ] 2015-09-28 Telecom Italia S.p.A. [C 556 ] 2015-09-25 Korea (Rep. of) [C 555 ] 2015-09-25 Korea (Rep. of) [ C 554 ] [C 554 ] [C 554 ] 2015-09-25 Korea (Rep. of) [ C 549 ] [C 549 ] [C 549 ] 2015-09-25 Korea (Rep. of) ID discussed at the Q15/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 9 September 2015 submitted by Telecom Italia ID discussed at the Q15/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 27 May 2015 submitted by Telecom Italia Proposal for updates of sub-clause 6.2 of ITU-T L.Infrastructure_adaptation on "Landslides" and "Temperature" Proposal for sub-clause 7.6, "Climate change effects by the thunder," of the draft Supplement to Recommendation ITU-T L.1500 Proposal for sub-clause 7.5, "Climate change effects by the sea temperature," of the draft Supplement to Recommendation ITU-T L.1500 Proposal for sub-clause 8.5, "Possible impacts on energy sector," of the draft Supplement to Recommendation ITUT L.1500 [ C 637 ] [ C 634 ] [ C 585 ] [ C 556 ] [ C 555 ] Q14/5, Q15/5 Q15/5 Q15/5 Q15/5 Q15/5 Q15/5 Q15/5 Q15/5 Q15/5 [ C 638 ] [C 638 ] [C 590 ] [C 638 ] 2015-09-29 Climate Associates Ltd. Supplement on Hybrid Satellite-based Communications Systems Q15/5, Q14/5 [C 590 ] 2015-09-28 Telecom Italia S.p.A. Q15/5, Q20/5 [C 587 ] [C 584 ] [C 524 ] [C 572 ] [C 587 ] 2015-09-28 Telecom Italia S.p.A. [C 584 ] 2015-09-28 Telecom Italia S.p.A. [C 524 ] 2015-08-11 [C 572 ] 2015-09-28 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. European Commission study on use of commercial mobile networks and equipment for "mission-critical" highspeed broadband communications in specific sectors ID discussed at the Q15/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on August 2015 submitted by Telecom Italia ID discussed at the Q15/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 22 April 2015 submitted by Telecom Italia Proposed text of new Q20/5 and Q15/5 Q16/5 [ C 567 ] (Rev.1) [ C 532 ] [C 567 ] [C 532 ] [C 567 ] 2015-09-28 Declaration of no consent to Q16 Recommendation (ID140 Version 19) on Eco-Rating due to several issues remaining Principal problems with current L.Ecorating [C 532 ] 2015-09-03 Q16/5 [ C 531 ] [C 531 ] [C 530 ] [C 531 ] 2015-09-03 [C 530 ] 2015-09-03 [ C 529 ] (Rev.1) [ C 528 ] (Rev.1) [ C 571 ] (Rev.13) [ C 655 ] [C 529 ] [C 528 ] [C 571 ] [C 529 ] 2015-09-03 [C 528 ] 2015-09-03 [C 571 ] 2015-09-28 Standardization to harmonize Ecorating of mobile phones - the way to sustainability measures for individual products Huawei on details for functionality moderator in Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.Eco-Rating Questions to be discussed on scope and list of missing criteria in Version 19 (ID140) of Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.Eco-Rating Do existing eco-rating schemes in reality penalize smartphone functionality? List of missing criteria in Version 19 (ID140) of Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.Eco-Rating Comments on L.Eco-rating [C 655 ] [C 655 ] 2015-09-30 Standard Landscape Survey Q17/5 [ C 654 ] [C 654 ] [C 654 ] 2015-09-30 Standard Landscape about Energy Efficiency in ICT - Examples of filling in the related questionnaire Q17/5 [ C 590 ] [ C 587 ] [ C 584 ] [ C 524 ] [ C 572 ] [ C 530 ] Nokia Solutions and Networks GmbH & Co. KG Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni CNIT Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario Q15/5, Q20/5 Q15/5, Q20/5 Q15/5, Q20/5 Q16/5 Q16/5 Q16/5 Q16/5 Q16/5 Q16/5, Q18/5 per le Telecomunicazioni CNIT Cisco Systems, Inc. [ C 640 ] (Rev.1) [ C 622 ] [C 640 ] [C 622 ] [C 640 ] 2015-09-29 [C 622 ] 2015-09-29 [ C 606 ] [C 606 ] [C 606 ] 2015-09-29 [ C 601 ] [C 601 ] [C 597 ] [C 594 ] [C 578 ] [C 557 ] [C 553 ] [C 551 ] [C 633 ] [C 601 ] 2015-09-28 [C 597 ] 2015-09-28 [C 594 ] 2015-09-28 [C 578 ] 2015-09-28 [C 557 ] 2015-09-25 [C 553 ] 2015-09-25 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Korea (Rep. of) [C 551 ] 2015-09-25 Korea (Rep. of) [C 633 ] 2015-09-29 Telefon AB - LM Ericsson [C 591 ] [C 652 ] [C 591 ] 2015-09-28 [C 652 ] [C 651 ] [C 651 ] [ C 597 ] [ C 594 ] [ C 578 ] [ C 557 ] [ C 553 ] [ C 551 ] (Rev.1) [ C 633 ] (Rev.12) [ C 591 ] [ C 652 ] [ C 651 ] Proposal for Recommendations Standardization terms and trends in energy efficiency Proposal for new WI on Energy Efficiency in NFV network Q17/5 Proposal on energy efficiency measurement methodologies of data centre/telecom centre level and system level in L. DC_assessment Proposal on ITU-T L.RBS_assesment Q17/5 The third draft Recommendation ITUT L.RBS_assesment Q17/5 The second draft Recommendation ITU-T L.NET_Infra_assessment Q17/5 Proposed input for Draft Rec. L.EEARCH "Energy efficient architecture of ICT systems" Comments for L.Ass_DC Q17/5 Requirement of energy management in companies involved with the smart factory/manufacturing Functional requirements for energy management systems in green data centres Comments on L.ene ICT serv Q17/5 Telecom Italia S.p.A., CNIT Networked standby energy saving opportunities Q17/5, Q13/5 2015-09-29 Orange Q18/5 2015-09-29 Orange Proposal for a new Supplement to L.1410 titled " Case study : A hybrid approach based comparative analysis of the environmental impact of a baseline datacenter and an energyefficient datacenter", version emeeting September 15, 2015 Outcome of Q18/5 Sophia-Antipolis June 2015 meeting Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni CNIT Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Orange Q17/5 Q17/5 Q17/5 Q17/5 Q17/5, Q18/5 Q18/5 [ C 649 ] [C 649 ] 2015-09-29 Orange [C 648 ] 2015-09-29 Orange [C 646 ] 2015-09-29 Orange [C 644 ] 2015-09-29 Orange [C 632 ] 2015-09-29 Telefon AB - LM Ericsson [C 626 ] 2015-09-29 Fujitsu Limited [ C 625 ] (Rev.1) [ C 613 ] (Rev.1) [C 649 ] [C 648 ] [C 646 ] [C 644 ] [C 632 ] [C 626 ] [C 625 ] [C 613 ] Document on "Roadmap for the Implementation of Connect 2020 Agenda" Agenda of the Rapporteur meeting held in Sophia-Antipolis in June 2015 Q18/5 Methodology for assessment of GHG emission reductions enabled by Satellite-based services Discussion on methodologies to assess the impact of ICT on water Q18/5 Enablement effects of ICT in a 2030 perspective - findings for studies on positive effects of ICT Input to Q18 regarding standardization activities related to positive impacts Q18/5 [C 625 ] 2015-09-29 Fujitsu Limited Q18 ID002 at rapporteurs meeting in Sophia Antipolice Q18/5 [C 613 ] 2015-09-29 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q18/5 [C 577 ] 2015-09-28 Japan, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications [C 575 ] [C 575 ] 2015-09-28 Climate Associates Ltd. [ C 574 ] (Rev.1) [C 574 ] [C 574 ] 2015-09-28 Climate Associates Ltd. [ C 534 ] [C 534 ] [C 534 ] 2015-09-07 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. [ C 633 ] (Rev.12) [ C 571 ] (Rev.13) [ C 650 ] [C 633 ] [C 633 ] 2015-09-29 Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Proposal for addition of an assessment case study of Energy Effective Data Center to ITU-T L.1410 - Case studies (resubmission) Proposal for a new Supplement to L.1410 titled " Case study : A hybrid approach based comparative analysis of the environmental impact of a baseline datacenter and an energyefficient datacenter" Comments on Supplement "Case Study: the assessment of GHG emissions of a hybrid satellite broadband system over its life cycle" ITU-T L.1410 (3/12) SupplementCase Study: the assessment of greenhouse gas emission of a hybrid satellite broadband system over its life cycle Input for CONNECT2020 Framework for estimating the global electricity usage and GHG emissions of ICT towards 2020 Comments on L.ene ICT serv [ C 577 ] (Rev.1) [C 577 ] [ C 575 ] (Rev.1) [C 571 ] [C 571 ] 2015-09-28 Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Comments on L.Eco-rating Q18/5, Q16/5 [C 650 [C 650 ] 2015-09-29 Orange Orange view on self consumption of DC renewable energy and green Q19/5 [ C 648 ] [ C 646 ] [ C 644 ] [ C 632 ] (Rev.1) [ C 626 ] Q18/5 Q18/5 Q18/5 Q18/5 Q18/5 Q18/5 Q18/5 Q18/5, Q17/5 (Rev.1) [ C 647 ] (Rev.1) ] [C 647 ] [ C 645 ] (Rev.1) [ C 643 ] (Rev.1) [ C 642 ] (Rev.1) [ C 641 ] (Rev.1) [ C 605 ] [C 647 ] 2015-09-29 Orange [C 645 ] [C 643 ] [C 642 ] [C 641 ] [C 605 ] [C 589 ] [C 588 ] [C 645 ] 2015-09-29 Orange [C 643 ] 2015-09-29 Orange [C 642 ] 2015-09-29 Orange [C 641 ] 2015-09-29 Orange [C 605 ] 2015-09-29 [C 589 ] 2015-09-28 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Telecom Italia S.p.A. [C 588 ] 2015-09-28 Telecom Italia S.p.A. [ C 552 ] (Rev.1) [ C 628 ] [C 552 ] [C 628 ] [C 552 ] 2015-09-25 Korea (Rep. of) [C 628 ] 2015-09-29 FiberHome Technologies Group, Telecom Italia S.p.A. [ C 627 ] [C 627 ] [C 627 ] 2015-09-29 [ C 621 ] (Rev.1) [ C 593 ] (Rev.1) [C 621 ] [C 593 ] [C 621 ] 2015-09-29 FiberHome Technologies Group, Telecom Italia S.p.A. Telefon AB - LM Ericsson [C 593 ] 2015-09-28 [ C 592 ] [C 592 ] [C 581 [C 592 ] 2015-09-28 [C 581 ] 2015-09-28 [ C 589 ] [ C 588 ] [ C 581 ] FiberHome Technologies Group, Italy, UNECE FiberHome Technologies Group FiberHome Technologies storage Standard activity extracts from joint Q19/5 and ETSI EE2 GTM meeting report relative to L.DCmarking and L.renewable Report of the Q19/5 Rapporteur meeting between Q19/5 and ETSI EE2 (8-12 June 2015) Q19/5 rapporteurLastest L.renewable draft from joint Q19/5 and ETSI EE/EE2 work latest draft L.DCmarking Q19/5 Q19/5 Q19/5 Q19/5 NWI proposal for New alternative energy storage evaluatation TR or handbook Proposal on AC and DC power feeding system solution in L.architecture Q19/5 Field of application for LVDC (380V) in Telecommunications sites Q19/5 New IEC "Systems Evaluation Group 4 (SEG 4): - Low voltage direct current applications, distribution and safety for use in developed and developing economies" and ITU-T SG5- IEC SEG4 cooperation opportunities Colour and marking of DC cable in Republic of Korea Q19/5 Proposal of a new work item on Key performance indicators related to the sustainability impacts of information and communication technology in smart sustainable cities Proposal of a new work item on Key performance indicators related to the use of information and communication technology in smart sustainable cities Citizen Field Engineer: Crowdsources Maintenance of Connected Water Infrastructure - lessons learned Proposal of a new work item on Key Performance Indicators for smart sustainable cities Q20/5 Proposal of standardization of Q20/SG5 on smart sustainable cities Q20/5 Proposal of a new work item on Smart sustainable cities: An analysis of Q20/5 Q19/5 Q19/5 Q20/5 Q20/5 Q20/5 ] [ C 580 ] (Rev.1) [C 580 ] [C 580 ] 2015-09-28 [ C 579 ] [C 579 ] [C 579 ] 2015-09-28 [ C 570 ] [C 570 ] [C 550 ] [C 590 ] [C 570 ] 2015-09-28 Group, Telecom Italia S.p.A. FiberHome Technologies Group, Telecom Italia S.p.A. FiberHome Technologies Group, Telecom Italia S.p.A. UNECE [C 550 ] 2015-09-25 [C 590 ] [C 587 ] [C 584 ] [C 524 ] [C 653 ] [ C 550 ] [ C 590 ] [ C 587 ] [ C 584 ] [ C 524 ] [ C 653 ] definitions Proposal of a new work item on the Overview of key performance indicators in smart sustainable cities Q20/5 Proposal of a new work item on Key performance indicators definitions for smart sustainable cities Q20/5 Proposed modification of the definition of a smart sustainable city Q20/5 Korea (Rep. of) Current standardization activities on smart cities Q20/5 2015-09-28 Telecom Italia S.p.A. Q20/5, Q15/5 [C 587 ] 2015-09-28 Telecom Italia S.p.A. [C 584 ] 2015-09-28 Telecom Italia S.p.A. [C 524 ] 2015-08-11 [C 653 ] 2015-09-30 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Argentina European Commission study on use of commercial mobile networks and equipment for "mission-critical" highspeed broadband communications in specific sectors ID discussed at the Q15/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on August 2015 submitted by Telecom Italia ID discussed at the Q15/5 Rapporteur e-meeting held on 22 April 2015 submitted by Telecom Italia Proposed text of new Q20/5 and Q15/5 Global ICT entrepreneurship initiative QALL/5 Q20/5, Q15/5 Q20/5, Q15/5 Q20/5, Q15/5 Collective Letters Web [ COL 7 ] [ COL 6 ] +Add.1 IFA [ COL 7] [ COL 6] Local [ COL 7] [ COL 6] Received 2016-02-10 Source TSB SG5 Title Meeting of ITU-T Study Group 5; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20-27 April 2016 2015-06-29 SG 5 Meeting of ITU-T Study Group 5; Geneva, 12-23 October 2015 Reports Web [R7] IFA [R 7] Local [R7 ] Received 2015-12-21 Source SG5 Title Report of the meeting of Study Group 5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) Questions QALL/5 Temporary Documents (GEN) Web [ TD IFA [ TD Local [ TD Received 2015-10-22 Source Rapporteur Title Supplement: ITU-T K.20, K.21, K.45 and Questions Q2/5 1274GEN ] [ TD 1228GEN ] [ TD 1088GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1069GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 960GEN ] [ TD 1283GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1279GEN ] [ TD 1161GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 1036GEN ] [ TD 957GEN ] [ TD 1246GEN ] [ TD 1243GEN ] [ TD 1242GEN ] [ TD 1198- 1274GEN ] [ TD 1228GEN ] [ TD 1088GEN ] [ TD 1069GEN ] [ TD 960GEN ] [ TD 1283GEN ] [ TD 1279GEN ] [ TD 1161GEN ] 1274GEN ] [ TD 1228GEN ] [ TD 1088GEN ] [ TD 1069GEN ] [ TD 960GEN ] [ TD 1283GEN ] [ TD 1279GEN ] [ TD 1161GEN ] [ TD 1036GEN ] [ TD 957GEN ] [ TD 1246GEN ] [ TD 1243GEN ] [ TD 1242GEN ] [ TD 1198- [ TD 1036GEN ] [ TD 957GEN ] [ TD 1246GEN ] [ TD 1243GEN ] [ TD 1242GEN ] [ TD 1198- Q2/5 K.82 - Additional criteria to protect telecommunication cabling during a power cross event Draft LS/o on Remote Feeding Telecommunication Circuit Capacitance Voltage Graph [to IEC TC 108] 2015-10-20 Rapporteur Q2/5 Q2/5 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q2/5 Draft Report of Question 2/5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) Q2/5 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q2/5 Draft Agenda for Question 2/5 Q2/5 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q2/5 Report of Q2/5 "Protective components and assemblies" - Face to face Rapporteurs' meeting (Geneva, 15-19 June 2015) Q2/5 2015-10-22 Chairman WP1/5 Draft Report of Working Party 1/5 (Geneva, 19-23 October 2015) 2015-10-22 Rapporteur Q4/5, Q2/5 K.44 2nd Amendment edits Q2/5, Q3/5, Q4/5, Q5/5 Q2/5, Q4/5 2015-10-13 Chairman WP1/5 Revision of work program (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) - (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) Q2/5, Q3/5, Q4/5, Q5/5 2015-07-16 IEEE 802.3 WG Q2/5, Q4/5 2015-06-24 Chairman WP1/5 LS/i on the new ITU-T SG5 Recommendations related to Ethernet port protection [from IEEE 802.3 Working Group] Draft agenda for Working Party 1/5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) 2015-10-21 Chairman WP1/5 Draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.hvps2: Method for determining the impedance to earth of earthing systems - For consent 2015-10-20 Editor Draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.tup: Installation of telecommunication equipment on utility poles - For consent Q3/5 2015-10-20 Editor Draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.jup: Joint use of poles by telecommunication and solidly earthed power lines - For consent Q3/5 2015-10-18 Chairman WP1/5 A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.jup Q3/5 Q2/5, Q3/5, Q4/5, Q5/5 Q3/5 GEN ] [ TD 1089GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1070GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 961GEN ] [ TD 1283GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1271GEN ] [ TD 1197GEN ] [ TD 1161GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 957GEN ] [ TD 1253GEN ] [ TD 1250GEN ] [ TD 1249GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1120GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 1089GEN ] [ TD 1070GEN ] [ TD 961GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 1089GEN ] [ TD 1070GEN ] [ TD 961GEN ] [ TD 1283GEN ] [ TD 1271GEN ] [ TD 1197GEN ] [ TD 1161GEN ] 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q3/5 Draft Report of Question 3/5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) Q3/5 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q3/5 Draft Agenda for Question 3/5 Q3/5 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q3/5 Q3/5 [ TD 1283GEN ] [ TD 1271GEN ] [ TD 1197GEN ] [ TD 1161GEN ] 2015-10-22 Chairman WP1/5 Report of Q3/5 "Interference to telecommunication networks due to power systems and electrified railway systems" Face to face Rapporteurs' meeting (Geneva, 15-19 June 2015) Draft Report of Working Party 1/5 (Geneva, 19-23 October 2015) 2015-10-21 Rapporteur Q5/5 Supplemental information for Contribution C0596 Q3/5, Q2/5, Q4/5, Q5/5 Q3/5, Q5/5 2015-10-18 Chairman WP1/5 A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.idc Q3/5, Q5/5 2015-10-13 Chairman WP1/5 Revision of work program (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) - (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) Q3/5, Q2/5, Q4/5, Q5/5 [ TD 957GEN ] [ TD 1253GEN ] [ TD 1250GEN ] [ TD 1249GEN ] [ TD 957GEN ] [ TD 1253GEN ] [ TD 1250GEN ] [ TD 1249GEN ] 2015-06-24 Chairman WP1/5 Draft agenda for Working Party 1/5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) 2015-10-21 Rapporteur Q4/5 Draft Proposed Ethernet test method in K.44 Q3/5, Q2/5, Q4/5, Q5/5 Q4/5 2015-10-21 Chairman WP1/5 Draft LS/o on Hyperlinks to new ITU Recommendations with Ethernet application testing [to IEEE 802.3] Q4/5 2015-10-21 Chairman WP1/5 Draft LS/o on Proposed study on safety of terminal equipment such as bridging by SPDs between the primary and external circuit [to IEC TC 108] Q4/5 [ TD 1120GEN ] [ TD 1120GEN ] 2015-09-21 Chairman WP1/5 Draft LS/o/r on ATIS standard on Requirements for Maximum Voltage, Current, and Power Levels in Telecommunications Systems - ATIS 0600337 (reply to ATIS STEP-LS 3) [to Q4/5 [ TD 1119GEN ] [ TD 1118GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1090GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1071GEN ] (Rev.16) [ TD 1053GEN ] [ TD 1037GEN ] [ TD 1034GEN ] [ TD 962GEN ] [ TD 1283GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1279GEN ] [ TD 1275GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1210GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1161- ATIS STEP] Draft LS/o/r on Recommendation ITU-T K.50 (reply to ATIS STEP-LS 2) [to ATIS STEP] [ TD 1119GEN ] [ TD 1118GEN ] [ TD 1090GEN ] [ TD 1119GEN ] [ TD 1118GEN ] [ TD 1090GEN ] 2015-09-21 Chairman WP1/5 Q4/5 2015-09-21 Chairman WP1/5 Draft LS/o/r on Definition of Remote Feeding Telecommunication (reply to ATIS STEP-LS 1) [to ATIS STEP] Q4/5 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q4/5 Draft Report of Question 4/5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) Q4/5 [ TD 1071GEN ] [ TD 1071GEN ] 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q4/5 Draft Agenda for Question 4/5 Q4/5 [ TD 1053GEN ] [ TD 1037GEN ] [ TD 1034GEN ] [ TD 962GEN ] [ TD 1283GEN ] [ TD 1279GEN ] [ TD 1275GEN ] [ TD 1210GEN ] [ TD 1053GEN ] [ TD 1037GEN ] [ TD 1034GEN ] [ TD 962GEN ] [ TD 1283GEN ] [ TD 1279GEN ] [ TD 1275GEN ] [ TD 1210GEN ] 2015-07-21 ATIS STEP Q4/5 2015-07-16 ATIS STEP LS/i on ATIS standard on Requirements for Maximum Voltage, Current, and Power Levels in Telecommunications Systems (ATIS-0600337) [from ATIS STEP] Ls/i on Recommendation ITU-T K.50 [from ATIS STEP] 2015-07-16 ATIS STEP LS/i on Definition of Remote Feeding Telecommunication [from ATIS STEP] Q4/5 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q4/5 Q4/5 2015-10-22 Chairman WP1/5 Report of Q4/5 "Resistibility and safety in telecommunications" - Face to face Rapporteurs' meeting (Geneva, 15-19 June 2015) Draft Report of Working Party 1/5 (Geneva, 19-23 October 2015) 2015-10-22 Rapporteur Q4/5, Q2/5 K.44 2nd Amendment edits 2015-10-22 Rapporteur Q5/5 A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.psp Q4/5, Q5/5 2015-10-19 Chairman SG5 Draft LS/o/r on the latest version of the Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Overview and Work Plan (reply to SG15LS280) [to ITU-T SG15] Q4/5, Q5/5, Q8/5 [ TD 1161- [ TD 1161- 2015-10-13 Chairman WP1/5 Revision of work program (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) - (TD posted after the SG5 Q4/5, Q2/5, Q4/5 Q4/5, Q2/5, Q3/5, Q5/5 Q4/5, Q2/5 GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 1036GEN ] [ TD 957GEN ] [ TD 1273GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1272GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1257GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1244GEN ] [ TD 1216GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1215GEN ] [ TD 1091GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1072GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 963GEN ] [ TD 1283GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1275- GEN ] GEN ] closing plenary) Q3/5, Q5/5 [ TD 1036GEN ] [ TD 957GEN ] [ TD 1273GEN ] [ TD 1272GEN ] [ TD 1257GEN ] [ TD 1244GEN ] [ TD 1216GEN ] [ TD 1215GEN ] [ TD 1091GEN ] [ TD 1072GEN ] [ TD 1036GEN ] [ TD 957GEN ] [ TD 1273GEN ] [ TD 1272GEN ] [ TD 1257GEN ] [ TD 1244GEN ] [ TD 1216GEN ] [ TD 1215GEN ] [ TD 1091GEN ] [ TD 1072GEN ] 2015-07-16 IEEE 802.3 WG LS/i on the new ITU-T SG5 Recommendations related to Ethernet port protection [from IEEE 802.3 Working Group] Draft agenda for Working Party 1/5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) Q4/5, Q2/5 2015-06-24 Chairman WP1/5 2015-10-21 Associate Rapporteur Q5/5 Draft Recommendation ITU-T K.ldt - For consent 2015-10-21 Rapporteur Q5/5 Draft Recommendation ITU-T K.tot - For consent Q5/5 2015-10-21 Rapporteur Q5/5 Q5/5 2015-10-20 Editor The revision of the new draft of "Protection of surrounding structures of telecommunication towers against lightning"For consent Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T K.67: Expected surges on telecommunication networks due to lightning - For consent 2015-10-19 Associate Rapporteur Q5/5 Proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.vss Q5/5 2015-10-19 Associate Rapporteur Q5/5 Proposal of a new work item on Lightning protection and Earthing of Visual Surveillance System Q5/5 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q5/5 Draft Report of Question 5/5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) Q5/5 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q5/5 Draft Agenda for Question 5/5 Q5/5 [ TD 963GEN ] [ TD 1283GEN ] [ TD 1275- [ TD 963GEN ] [ TD 1283GEN ] [ TD 1275- 2015-07-06 Associate rapporteur Q5/5 Q5/5 2015-10-22 Chairman WP1/5 Report of Q5/5 "Lightning protection and earthing of telecommunication systems" Face to face Rapporteurs' meeting (Geneva, 15-19 June 2015) Draft Report of Working Party 1/5 (Geneva, 19-23 October 2015) 2015-10-22 Rapporteur Q5/5 A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.psp Q4/5, Q2/5, Q3/5, Q5/5 Q5/5 Q5/5 Q5/5, Q2/5, Q3/5, Q4/5 Q5/5, Q4/5 GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1271GEN ] [ TD 1210GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1197GEN ] [ TD 1161GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 957GEN ] [ TD 1269GEN ] [ TD 1234GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1142GEN ] [ TD 1139GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1092GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1073GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 964- GEN ] [ TD 1271GEN ] [ TD 1210GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 1271GEN ] [ TD 1210GEN ] [ TD 1197GEN ] [ TD 1161GEN ] 2015-10-21 Rapporteur Q5/5 Supplemental information for Contribution C0596 Q5/5, Q3/5 2015-10-19 Chairman SG5 Draft LS/o/r on the latest version of the Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Overview and Work Plan (reply to SG15LS280) [to ITU-T SG15] Q5/5, Q4/5, Q8/5 [ TD 1197GEN ] [ TD 1161GEN ] 2015-10-18 Chairman WP1/5 A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.idc Q5/5, Q3/5 2015-10-13 Chairman WP1/5 Revision of work program (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) - (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) Q5/5, Q2/5, Q3/5, Q4/5 [ TD 957GEN ] [ TD 1269GEN ] [ TD 957GEN ] [ TD 1269GEN ] 2015-06-24 Chairman WP1/5 Draft agenda for Working Party 1/5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) 2015-10-21 Rapporteurs Q6/5 and Q8/5 [ TD 1234GEN ] [ TD 1142GEN ] [ TD 1139GEN ] [ TD 1234GEN ] [ TD 1142GEN ] [ TD 1139GEN ] 2015-10-20 Rapporteur Q6/5 LS/o/r evaluating the leakage and impact of radio frequency noise from telecommunication systems using metallic conductors (reply to ITU-R WP 5B 5B/TEMP/399-E) [to ITU-R WP1 AND AWP 5B] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.59 - For consent Q5/5, Q2/5, Q3/5, Q4/5 Q6/5 2015-10-09 Rapporteur Q6/5 Progress Report of Question 6/5 Q6/5 2015-10-08 Rapporteur Q6/5 Latest revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.60 - For consent Q6/5 [ TD 1092GEN ] [ TD 1092GEN ] 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q6/5 Draft Report of Question 6/5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) Q6/5 [ TD 1073GEN ] [ TD 964- [ TD 1073GEN ] [ TD 964- 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q6/5 Draft Agenda for Question 6/5 Q6/5 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q6/5 Report of Q6/5 "EMC issues arising from the convergence of IT and communication Q6/5 Q6/5 GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 1284GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 1284GEN ] 2015-10-22 Chairman WP2/5 equipment" - Face to face Rapporteurs' meeting (Geneva, 15-19 June 2015) Draft Report of Working Party 2/5 (Geneva, 19-23 October 2015) [ TD 1205GEN ] [ TD 1205GEN ] [ TD 1205GEN ] 2015-10-19 Chairman WP2/5 Report of last ACEC meeting in Wuhan, China [ TD 1199GEN ] [ TD 1199GEN ] [ TD 1199GEN ] 2015-10-18 Chairman WP2/5 Remarks at opening plenary of WP2/5 [ TD 1162GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 1162GEN ] [ TD 1162GEN ] 2015-10-13 Chairman WP2/5 Revision of work program (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) - (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) [ TD 1051GEN ] [ TD 1051GEN ] [ TD 1051GEN ] 2015-07-17 ITU-R WP5B [ TD 1050GEN ] [ TD 1050GEN ] [ TD 1050GEN ] 2015-07-17 ITU-T SG9 [ TD 1049GEN ] [ TD 1049GEN ] [ TD 1049GEN ] 2015-07-17 ITU-T SG9 [ TD 1048GEN ] [ TD 1048GEN ] [ TD 1047GEN ] [ TD 958GEN ] [ TD 1048GEN ] [ TD 1047GEN ] [ TD 958GEN ] 2015-07-17 ITU-R WP1A LS/i/r on evaluating the leakage and impact of radio frequency noise from telecommunication systems using metallic conductors (reply to SG5-LS101; SG5LS102; SG15-LS188) [from ITU-R WP5B] LS/i/r on radio frequency interference and co-existence between wired telecommunication and radiocommunication systems (reply to ITU-R WP 5B 5B/TEMP/372 -E) [from ITU-T SG9] LS/i/r on co-existence between radiocommunication systems and new wired telecommunication standards (reply to ITU-R WP 5B - 5B/TEMP/372 -E) [from ITU-T SG9] LS/i on ITU-R interest in K-series Recommendations [from ITU-R WP1A] 2015-07-17 ITU-R WP1A 2015-06-24 Chairman WP2/5 [ TD 1284GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1047GEN ] [ TD 958GEN ] LS/i on evaluating the leakage and impact of radio frequency noise from telecommunication systems using metallic conductors [from ITU-R WP1A] Draft agenda for Working Party 2/5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q10/5, Q11/5 Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q10/5, Q11/5 Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q10/5, Q11/5 Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q10/5, Q11/5 Q6/5, Q8/5 Q6/5, Q8/5 Q6/5, Q8/5 Q6/5, Q8/5 Q6/5, Q8/5 Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q10/5, [ TD 1276GEN ] [ TD 1267GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1266GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1256GEN ] [ TD 1254GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1223GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1175GEN ] [ TD 1144GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1124GEN ] [ TD 1115GEN ] [ TD 1114GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1093GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD Q11/5 Q7/5 [ TD 1276GEN ] [ TD 1267GEN ] [ TD 1276GEN ] [ TD 1267GEN ] 2015-10-22 Rapporteur Q7/5 NARDA presentation 2015-10-21 Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 [ TD 1266GEN ] [ TD 1256GEN ] [ TD 1254GEN ] [ TD 1223GEN ] [ TD 1175GEN ] [ TD 1144GEN ] [ TD 1124GEN ] [ TD 1115GEN ] [ TD 1114GEN ] [ TD 1266GEN ] [ TD 1256GEN ] [ TD 1254GEN ] [ TD 1223GEN ] [ TD 1175GEN ] [ TD 1144GEN ] [ TD 1124GEN ] [ TD 1115GEN ] [ TD 1114GEN ] 2015-10-21 Rapporteur Q7/5 Draft LS/o on comments to the WHO Monograph "Radio Frequency fields: Environmental Health Criteria, Chapter 2: "Sources, measurements and exposures" and Chapter 3: "Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Inside The Body" [to WHO] Draft LS/o on comments to the ICNIRP documents [to ICNIRP] 2015-10-21 Rapporteur Q7/5 Supplement 2 to ITU-T Recommendation K.91 - Electromagnetic field (EMF) considerations in smart sustainable cities Q7/5 2015-10-21 Rapporteur Q7/5 Draft LS/o on Information about work that is being carried out within Work under study in ITU-T Q7/5 [to ITU-R and ITU-D] Q7/5 2015-10-20 Rapporteur Q7/5 A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.emf Q7/5 2015-10-14 Chairman SG5 Presentation on the main outcomes of the European project LEXNET Q7/5 2015-10-12 Vicechairman WP2/5 ITU EMF Guide and Mobile App Q7/5 2015-10-02 Rapporteur Q7/5 Draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.env with inclusion of received comments Q7/5 2015-09-08 ITU-R WP6A Q7/5 2015-09-07 Rapporteur Q7/5 LS/i/r on Comments to WHO monograph Radio frequency fields - Environmental health Criteria (reply to SG5-LS112) [from ITU-R WP6A] Draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.maps - For consent [ TD 1093GEN ] [ TD 1093GEN ] 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q7/5 Draft Report of Question 7/5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) Q7/5 [ TD [ TD 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Draft Agenda for Question 7/5 Q7/5 Q7/5 Q7/5 1074GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 1038GEN ] 1074GEN ] 1074GEN ] [ TD 1038GEN ] [ TD 1018GEN ] [ TD 965GEN ] [ TD 1038GEN ] [ TD 1018GEN ] [ TD 965GEN ] 2015-07-16 ITU-R WP3L LS/i/r on comments on the WHO monograph (reply to SG5-LS112) [from ITU-R WP3L] Q7/5 2015-07-14 ITU-R WP6A LS/i on Human exposure to RF fields from broadcast transmitters [from ITU-R WP6A] Q7/5 2015-07-06 Acting rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 [ TD 1284GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1284GEN ] [ TD 1284GEN ] 2015-10-22 Chairman WP2/5 Report of Q7/5 "Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) due to radio systems and mobile equipment" - Face to face Rapporteurs' meeting (Geneva, 15-19 June 2015) Draft Report of Working Party 2/5 (Geneva, 19-23 October 2015) [ TD 1205GEN ] [ TD 1205GEN ] [ TD 1205GEN ] 2015-10-19 Chairman WP2/5 Report of last ACEC meeting in Wuhan, China [ TD 1199GEN ] [ TD 1199GEN ] [ TD 1199GEN ] 2015-10-18 Chairman WP2/5 Remarks at opening plenary of WP2/5 [ TD 1162GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 1162GEN ] [ TD 1162GEN ] 2015-10-13 Chairman WP2/5 Revision of work program (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) - (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) [ TD 958GEN ] [ TD 958GEN ] [ TD 958GEN ] 2015-06-24 Chairman WP2/5 Draft agenda for Working Party 2/5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) [ TD 1211GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1209GEN ] [ TD 1211GEN ] [ TD 1209GEN [ TD 1211GEN ] [ TD 1209GEN 2015-10-19 Rapporteur Q8/5 Rapporteur's presentation 2015-10-19 Rapporteur Q8/5 Status of the items to be discussed in Q8/5 and allocation of documents [ TD 1018GEN ] [ TD 965GEN ] Q7/5 Q7/5, Q6/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q10/5, Q11/5 Q7/5, Q6/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q10/5, Q11/5 Q7/5, Q6/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q10/5, Q11/5 Q7/5, Q6/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q10/5, Q11/5 Q7/5, Q6/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q10/5, Q11/5 Q8/5 Q8/5 ] [ TD 1094GEN ] [ TD 1075GEN ] [ TD 1065GEN ] ] [ TD 1094GEN ] [ TD 1075GEN ] [ TD 1065GEN ] [ TD 1017GEN ] [ TD 966GEN ] [ TD 1284GEN ] [ TD 1210GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1205GEN ] [ TD 1094GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1075GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1065GEN ] 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q8/5 Draft Report of Question 8/5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) Q8/5 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q8/5 Draft Agenda for Question 8/5 Q8/5 2015-07-23 TSB Q8/5 [ TD 1017GEN ] [ TD 966GEN ] [ TD 1284GEN ] 2015-07-14 ITU-T SG15 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q8/5 Responses following Circular 127 on "Questionnaire on electromagnetic interference (EMI) between radio devices and cable or equipment connected to broadband networks" LS/i on the new version of the Home Network Transport (HNT) Standardization Overview and Work Plan [from ITU-T SG15] Report of Q8/5 "EMC issues in home networks" - Face to face Rapporteurs' meeting (Geneva, 15-19 June 2015) 2015-10-22 Chairman WP2/5 Draft Report of Working Party 2/5 (Geneva, 19-23 October 2015) [ TD 1210GEN ] [ TD 1210GEN ] 2015-10-19 Chairman SG5 Draft LS/o/r on the latest version of the Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Overview and Work Plan (reply to SG15LS280) [to ITU-T SG15] Q8/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q9/5, Q10/5, Q11/5 Q8/5, Q4/5, Q5/5 [ TD 1205GEN ] [ TD 1205GEN ] 2015-10-19 Chairman WP2/5 Report of last ACEC meeting in Wuhan, China [ TD 1199GEN ] [ TD 1199GEN ] [ TD 1199GEN ] 2015-10-18 Chairman WP2/5 Remarks at opening plenary of WP2/5 [ TD 1162GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 1162GEN ] [ TD 1162GEN ] 2015-10-13 Chairman WP2/5 Revision of work program (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) - (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) [ TD 1051GEN ] [ TD 1051GEN [ TD 1051GEN 2015-07-17 ITU-R WP5B LS/i/r on evaluating the leakage and impact of radio frequency noise from telecommunication systems using metallic [ TD 1017GEN ] [ TD 966GEN ] [ TD 1284GEN ] (Rev.12) Q8/5 Q8/5 Q8/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q9/5, Q10/5, Q11/5 Q8/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q9/5, Q10/5, Q11/5 Q8/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q9/5, Q10/5, Q11/5 Q8/5, Q6/5 ] ] [ TD 1050GEN ] [ TD 1050GEN ] [ TD 1050GEN ] 2015-07-17 ITU-T SG9 [ TD 1049GEN ] [ TD 1049GEN ] [ TD 1049GEN ] 2015-07-17 ITU-T SG9 [ TD 1048GEN ] [ TD 1048GEN ] [ TD 1047GEN ] [ TD 958GEN ] [ TD 1048GEN ] [ TD 1047GEN ] [ TD 958GEN ] 2015-07-17 ITU-R WP1A 2015-07-17 ITU-R WP1A 2015-06-24 Chairman WP2/5 LS/i on evaluating the leakage and impact of radio frequency noise from telecommunication systems using metallic conductors [from ITU-R WP1A] Draft agenda for Working Party 2/5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) [ TD 1268GEN ] [ TD 1251GEN ] [ TD 1184GEN ] [ TD 1131GEN ] [ TD 1268GEN ] [ TD 1251GEN ] [ TD 1184GEN ] [ TD 1131GEN ] 2015-10-21 Rapporteur Q9/5 A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.light 2015-10-21 Rapporteur Q9/5 Q9/5 2015-10-16 Liaison Rapporteur IEC CISPR SC I Chairman WP2/5 Draft LS/o/r on EMC standards for telecommunication network equipment (reply to CISPR/I/495/INF) [to IEC/CISPR/SCI] Summary of 2015 IEC CISPR SC I meeting Draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.bts_emc - For consent Q9/5 [ TD 1095GEN ] [ TD 1095GEN ] 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q9/5 Draft Report of Question 9/5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) Q9/5 [ TD 1076GEN ] [ TD 1076GEN ] 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q9/5 Draft Agenda for Question 9/5 Q9/5 [ TD [ TD 2015-07-23 TSB Responses following Circular 128 on Q9/5 [ TD 1047GEN ] [ TD 958GEN ] [ TD 1268GEN ] [ TD 1251GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1184GEN ] [ TD 1131GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 1095GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1076GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 2015-10-02 conductors (reply to SG5-LS101; SG5LS102; SG15-LS188) [from ITU-R WP5B] LS/i/r on radio frequency interference and co-existence between wired telecommunication and radiocommunication systems (reply to ITU-R WP 5B 5B/TEMP/372 -E) [from ITU-T SG9] LS/i/r on co-existence between radiocommunication systems and new wired telecommunication standards (reply to ITU-R WP 5B - 5B/TEMP/372 -E) [from ITU-T SG9] LS/i on ITU-R interest in K-series Recommendations [from ITU-R WP1A] Q8/5, Q6/5 Q8/5, Q6/5 Q8/5, Q6/5 Q8/5, Q6/5 Q8/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q9/5, Q10/5, Q11/5 Q9/5 Q9/5 1066GEN ] 1066GEN ] [ TD 1052GEN ] [ TD 967GEN ] 1066GEN ] [ TD 1052GEN ] [ TD 967GEN ] [ TD 1284GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1284GEN ] [ TD 1205GEN ] [ TD 1052GEN ] "Questionnaire on EMI related to emission on AC mains below 150 kHz" 2015-07-17 IEC CISPR SC I LS/i/r on EMC standards for telecommunication network equipment (reply to SG5-LS77) [from IEC CISPR SC I] Q9/5 2015-07-06 Associate rapporteur Q9/5 Q9/5 [ TD 1284GEN ] 2015-10-22 Chairman WP2/5 Report of Q9/5 "Generic and product family EMC recommendations for telecommunication equipment" - Face to face Rapporteurs' meeting (Geneva, 15-19 June 2015) Draft Report of Working Party 2/5 (Geneva, 19-23 October 2015) [ TD 1205GEN ] [ TD 1205GEN ] 2015-10-19 Chairman WP2/5 Report of last ACEC meeting in Wuhan, China [ TD 1199GEN ] [ TD 1199GEN ] [ TD 1199GEN ] 2015-10-18 Chairman WP2/5 Remarks at opening plenary of WP2/5 [ TD 1162GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 1162GEN ] [ TD 1162GEN ] 2015-10-13 Chairman WP2/5 Revision of work program (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) - (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) [ TD 958GEN ] [ TD 958GEN ] [ TD 958GEN ] 2015-06-24 Chairman WP2/5 Draft agenda for Working Party 2/5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) [ TD 1222GEN ] [ TD 1222GEN ] [ TD 1213GEN ] [ TD 1169GEN ] [ TD 1222GEN ] [ TD 1213GEN ] [ TD 1169GEN ] 2015-10-20 Rapporteur 10/5 Example of shield effect measurement and the rational for the proposal of sentence for K.secmiti 2015-10-19 Rapporteur Q10/5 Draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.secmiti - Mitigation methods against electromagnetic security threats - For consent Q10/5 2015-10-14 Rapporteur Q10/5 A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation K.soft_mes Q10/5 [ TD 967GEN ] [ TD 1213GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1169GEN ] (Rev.1- Q9/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q10/5, Q11/5 Q9/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q10/5, Q11/5 Q9/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q10/5, Q11/5 Q9/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q10/5, Q11/5 Q9/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q10/5, Q11/5 Q10/5 2) [ TD 1168GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1167GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1166GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1165GEN ] [ TD 1168GEN ] [ TD 1168GEN ] 2015-10-14 Rapporteur Q10/5 A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation K.soft_test Q10/5 [ TD 1167GEN ] [ TD 1167GEN ] 2015-10-14 Rapporteur Q10/5 A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation K.soft_des Q10/5 [ TD 1166GEN ] [ TD 1166GEN ] 2015-10-14 Rapporteur Q10/5 A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation K.soft_ba Q10/5 [ TD 1165GEN ] [ TD 1135GEN ] [ TD 1096GEN ] [ TD 1165GEN ] [ TD 1135GEN ] [ TD 1096GEN ] 2015-10-14 Rapporteur Q10/5 Proposed revision of wording of Q10/5 Q10/5 2015-10-06 Rapporteur Q10/5 Progress Report of Q10/5 Q10/5 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q10/5 Draft Report of Question 10/5 (Geneva, 1223 October 2015) Q10/5 [ TD 1077GEN ] [ TD 968GEN ] [ TD 1077GEN ] [ TD 968GEN ] 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q10/5 Draft Agenda for Question 10/5 Q10/5 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q10/5 Q10/5 [ TD 1284GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1284GEN ] [ TD 1284GEN ] 2015-10-22 Chairman WP2/5 Report of Q10/5 "Security of telecommunication and information systems concerning the electromagnetic environment" - Face to face Rapporteurs' meeting (Geneva, 15-19 June 2015) Draft Report of Working Party 2/5 (Geneva, 19-23 October 2015) [ TD 1205GEN ] [ TD 1205GEN ] [ TD 1205GEN ] 2015-10-19 Chairman WP2/5 Report of last ACEC meeting in Wuhan, China [ TD 1199GEN ] [ TD 1199GEN ] [ TD 1199GEN ] 2015-10-18 Chairman WP2/5 Remarks at opening plenary of WP2/5 [ TD 1135GEN ] [ TD 1096GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1077GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 968GEN ] Q10/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q11/5 Q10/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q11/5 Q10/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q11/5 Q10/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q11/5 Q10/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q11/5 Q11/5 [ TD 1162GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 1162GEN ] [ TD 1162GEN ] 2015-10-13 Chairman WP2/5 Revision of work program (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) - (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) [ TD 958GEN ] [ TD 958GEN ] [ TD 958GEN ] 2015-06-24 Chairman WP2/5 Draft agenda for Working Party 2/5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) [ TD 1260GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1123GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1097GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1078GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 969GEN ] [ TD 1260GEN ] [ TD 1123GEN ] [ TD 1097GEN ] [ TD 1260GEN ] [ TD 1123GEN ] [ TD 1097GEN ] 2015-10-21 Rapporteur Q11/5 2015-10-01 Rapporteur Q11/5 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q11/5 The second draft of k.bwenv "Electromagnetic (EM) environment of body worn equipment in the 2.4 GHz and 13.56MHz ISM band" Draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.ter_emc - EMC requirements and test methods for radio telecommunication terminal equipment Draft Report of Question 11/5 (Geneva, 1223 October 2015) [ TD 1078GEN ] [ TD 1078GEN ] 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q11/5 Draft Agenda for Question 11/5 Q11/5 [ TD 969GEN ] [ TD 1284GEN ] [ TD 969GEN ] [ TD 1284GEN ] 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q11/5 Q11/5 2015-10-22 Chairman WP2/5 Report of Q11/5 "EMC requirements for the information society" - Face to face Rapporteurs' meeting (Geneva, 15-19 June 2015) Draft Report of Working Party 2/5 (Geneva, 19-23 October 2015) [ TD 1205GEN ] [ TD 1205GEN ] [ TD 1205GEN ] 2015-10-19 Chairman WP2/5 Report of last ACEC meeting in Wuhan, China [ TD 1199GEN ] [ TD 1199GEN ] [ TD 1199GEN ] 2015-10-18 Chairman WP2/5 Remarks at opening plenary of WP2/5 [ TD 1284GEN ] (Rev.12) Q11/5 Q11/5 Q11/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q10/5 Q11/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q10/5 Q11/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q10/5 [ TD 1162GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 1162GEN ] [ TD 1162GEN ] 2015-10-13 Chairman WP2/5 Revision of work program (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) - (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) [ TD 958GEN ] [ TD 958GEN ] [ TD 958GEN ] 2015-06-24 Chairman WP2/5 Draft agenda for Working Party 2/5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) [ TD 1248GEN ] [ TD 1248GEN ] [ TD 1248GEN ] 2015-10-21 Rapporteur Q12/5 [ TD 1200GEN ] [ TD 1200GEN ] [ TD 1200GEN ] 2015-10-18 Rapporteur Q12/5 [ TD 1098GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1079GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1045GEN ] [ TD 1098GEN ] [ TD 1079GEN ] [ TD 1045GEN ] [ TD 1023GEN ] [ TD 1288GEN ] [ TD 1286GEN ] [ TD 1278GEN ] [ TD 1277GEN ] [ TD 1098GEN ] [ TD 1079GEN ] [ TD 1045GEN ] [ TD 1023GEN ] [ TD 1288GEN ] [ TD 1286GEN ] [ TD 1278GEN ] [ TD 1277GEN ] 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q12/5 Draft LS/o/r on ITU-T study group responsibilities in WTSA Resolution 67 (Rev. Dubai, 2012) - Terms and Definitions harmonization (reply to SG2-LS98) [to ITUT SG2] Draft LS/o/r on draft Recommendation ITUT A.5 (revised), draft new Recommendation ITU-T A.25 (A.incorp), and draft Supplement A.collab (reply to TSAG-LS12) [to TSAG] Draft Report of Question 12/5 (Geneva, 1223 October 2015) 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q12/5 Draft Agenda for Question 12/5 Q12/5 2015-07-17 TSAG Q12/5 2015-07-14 ITU-T SG2 2015-10-23 Editor 2015-10-23 Rapporteur Q13/5 LS/i on draft Recommendation ITU-T A.5 (revised), draft new Recommendation ITU-T A.25 (A.incorp), and draft Supplement A.collab [from TSAG] LS/i on ITU-T study group responsibilities in WTSA Resolution 67 (Rev. Dubai, 2012) Terms and Definitions harmonization [from ITU-T SG2] Update draft of Supplement on Circular economy (Circular Economy in Information and Communication Technology; Definition of approaches, concepts and metrics) Draft Supplement on Green Public ICT Procurement - For agreement 2015-10-22 Rapporteur Q13/5 Proposal for a new work item on Supplement on "Green public ICT procurement" Q13/5 2015-10-22 Rapporteur Q13/5 Proposal for a new work item on Extended Producers' Responsibility for Sustainable Ewaste management Q13/5 [ TD 1023GEN ] [ TD 1288GEN ] [ TD 1286GEN ] [ TD 1278GEN ] [ TD 1277GEN ] Q11/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q10/5 Q11/5, Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q10/5 Q12/5 Q12/5 Q12/5 Q12/5 Q13/5 Q13/5 [ TD 1265GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1178GEN ] [ TD 1265GEN ] [ TD 1178GEN ] [ TD 1265GEN ] [ TD 1178GEN ] 2015-10-21 Chairman SG5 Draft LS/o/r on ITU-D Q8/2 work for the 2014-1017 Study Period [to ITU-D SG2] Q13/5 2015-10-15 Rapporteur Q13/5 Q13/5 [ TD 1173GEN ] [ TD 1173GEN ] [ TD 1172GEN ] [ TD 1164GEN ] [ TD 1173GEN ] [ TD 1172GEN ] [ TD 1164GEN ] 2015-10-14 Rapporteur Q13/5 General Comments on finalization of the work on Recommendation ITU-T L.1002 based on all comments between the face to face discussions in Sophia Antipolis and Geneva Time Plan and Agenda for the Joint Session between Q13/5 and IEC TC100 TA14 2015-10-14 Rapporteur Q13/5 Q13/5 2015-10-13 Rapporteur Q13/5 [ TD 1160GEN ] [ TD 1158GEN ] [ TD 1156GEN ] [ TD 1155GEN ] [ TD 1122GEN ] [ TD 1113GEN ] [ TD 1099GEN ] [ TD 1160GEN ] [ TD 1158GEN ] [ TD 1156GEN ] [ TD 1155GEN ] [ TD 1122GEN ] [ TD 1113GEN ] [ TD 1099GEN ] 2015-10-13 IEC TC100/TA14 Joint meeting of Study Group 5 Question 13 and IEC TC100 TA14 experts on the resolutions of issues on Recommendation ITU-T L.1002 Draft new Recommendation ITU-T L.1002 External universal power adapter solutions for portable information and communication technology devices (ex L.UPA portable) For consent LS/i on the latest draft of the CDV for IEC 63002 [from IEC TC100/TA14] 2015-10-12 Editors Q13/5 2015-10-12 ITU-D SG2 Meeting output for Recommendation ITU-T L.rareMetals-label "Communication method of printing label to provide rare metals information in ICT goods" LS/i on ITU-D Q8/2 work for the 2014-1017 Study Period [from ITU-D SG2] 2015-10-12 Rapporteur Q13/5 USB Type-C Power Source Proposal Q13/5 2015-09-23 IEC TC100/TA14 Q13/5 2015-09-03 Rapporteur Q13/5 LS/i on Contributions on Draft Recommendation L.1002 for aligning with IEC TS 62700 and IEC 63002 [from IEC TC100/TA14] Report of Q13/5 "Environmental impact reduction including e-waste" - IEC TC 100 Joint E-meeting (28 August 2015) 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q13/5 Draft Report of Question 13/5 (Geneva, 1223 October 2015) Q13/5 [ TD 1080GEN [ TD 1080GEN 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q13/5 Draft Agenda for Question 13/5 Q13/5 [ TD 1172GEN ] [ TD 1164GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 1160GEN ] [ TD 1158GEN ] [ TD 1156GEN ] [ TD 1155GEN ] [ TD 1122GEN ] [ TD 1113GEN ] [ TD 1099GEN ] (Rev.15) [ TD 1080GEN ] Q13/5 Q13/5 Q13/5 Q13/5 Q13/5 (Rev.1) [ TD 1043GEN ] ] [ TD 1043GEN ] [ TD 1027GEN ] [ TD 995GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] ] [ TD 1043GEN ] [ TD 1027GEN ] [ TD 995GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] [ TD 1177GEN ] [ TD 1163GEN ] 2015-07-17 IEC TC100/TA14 2015-07-14 ITU-T SG11 2015-07-10 Rapporteur Q13/5 2015-10-22 Chairman WP3/5 [ TD 1177GEN ] [ TD 1163GEN ] 2015-10-14 TSB, Rapporteur Q18/5 ITU Connect 2020 Agenda - Key issues to be discussed 2015-10-13 Chairman WP3/5 Revision of work programme (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) [ TD 1146GEN ] [ TD 959GEN ] [ TD 1146GEN ] [ TD 959GEN ] 2015-10-12 TSB, Rapporteur Q18/5 Connect 2020 - Environmental Sustainability 2015-06-24 Chairman WP3/5 Draft agenda for Working Party 3/5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) [ TD 1196GEN ] [ TD 1196GEN ] [ TD 1196GEN ] 2015-10-16 Associate Rapporteur Q14/5 [ TD 1180GEN ] [ TD 1180GEN ] [ TD 1180GEN ] 2015-10-15 Associate Rapporteur Q14/5 Baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T: Requirements and framework for low cost sustainable telecommunications infrastructure for rural communications in developing countries Baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T: Requirements and framework for low cost sustainable telecommunications infrastructure for rural communications in developing countries [ TD 1027GEN ] [ TD 995GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 1177GEN ] [ TD 1163GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 1146GEN ] [ TD 959GEN ] LS/i on Contributions on Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.1002 for aligning with IEC TS 62700 and IEC 63002 [from IEC TC100/TA14] LS/i on the progress on standardization work to combat Counterfeit ICT devices [from ITU-T SG11] Q13/5 Report of Q13/5 "Environmental impact reduction including e-waste" - Face to face Rapporteurs' meeting in conjunction with ETSI EE (Sophia Antipolis, 8-12 June 2015) Draft Report of Working Party 3/5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) Q13/5 Q13/5 Q13/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q19/5, Q20/5 Q13/5, Q17/5, Q18/5 Q13/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q19/5, Q20/5 Q13/5, Q17/5, Q18/5 Q13/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q19/5 Q14/5 Q14/5 [ TD 1176GEN ] [ TD 1176GEN ] [ TD 1176GEN ] 2015-10-14 Editor Q14/5 Proposed text for draft new Recommendation ITU-T on the requirements for Low cost sustainable telecommunications infrastructure for rural communications in developing countries Draft Report of Question 14/5 (Geneva, 1223 October 2015) Q14/5 [ TD 1100GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1081GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 998GEN ] [ TD 1100GEN ] [ TD 1100GEN ] 2015-07-29 Associate Rapporteur Q14/5 [ TD 1081GEN ] [ TD 1081GEN ] 2015-07-29 Associate Rapporteur Q14/5 Draft Agenda for Question 14/5 Q14/5 [ TD 998GEN ] [ TD 998GEN ] 2015-07-07 Associate Rapporteur Q14/5 Q14/5 [ TD 997GEN ] [ TD 996GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] 2015-07-10 Editor 2015-07-07 Associate Rapporteurs Q14/5 Report of Q14/5 "Setting up a low-cost sustainable telecommunication infrastructure for rural communications in developing countries" - Face to face Rapporteurs' meeting in conjunction with ETSI EE (Sophia Antipolis, 8-12 June 2015) Report of Q14/5 "Setting up a low-cost sustainable telecommunication infrastructure for rural communications in developing countries" - E-meeting (7 May 2015) Progress Report of Q14/5 [ TD 997GEN ] [ TD 997GEN ] [ TD 996GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] 2015-10-22 Chairman WP3/5 Draft Report of Working Party 3/5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) [ TD 1163GEN ] [ TD 1163GEN ] 2015-10-13 Chairman WP3/5 Revision of work programme (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) [ TD 1039GEN ] [ TD 1039GEN ] [ TD 1039GEN ] 2015-07-16 ITU-D SG2 Q6/2 LS/i on ITU-D SG2 Q6/2 work for the 20142017 study period [from ITU-D SG2 Q6/2] [ TD 959GEN ] [ TD 959GEN [ TD 959GEN 2015-06-24 Chairman WP3/5 Draft agenda for Working Party 3/5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) Q14/5, Q13/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q19/5, Q20/5 Q14/5, Q13/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q19/5, Q20/5 Q14/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q19/5 Q14/5, Q13/5, Q15/5, [ TD 1163GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 996GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] (Rev.14) Q14/5 Q14/5 Q14/5 ] ] [ TD 1270GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1262GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1270GEN ] [ TD 1262GEN ] [ TD 1270GEN ] [ TD 1262GEN ] 2015-10-21 Editors Baseline document for new draft Recommendation ITU-T L.ICT and adaptation of agriculture 2015-10-21 Rapporteur Q15/5 Q15/5 [ TD 1258GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1252GEN ] [ TD 1258GEN ] [ TD 1252GEN ] [ TD 1230GEN ] [ TD 1227GEN ] [ TD 1226GEN ] [ TD 1208GEN ] [ TD 1193GEN ] [ TD 1141GEN ] [ TD 1258GEN ] [ TD 1252GEN ] [ TD 1230GEN ] [ TD 1227GEN ] [ TD 1226GEN ] [ TD 1208GEN ] [ TD 1193GEN ] [ TD 1141GEN ] 2015-10-21 Associate Rapporteurs Q15/5 Draft LS/o on inviting FAO and World Bank to provide information to Question 15/5 "ICTs and adaptation to the effects of climate change" with respect to work item: Recommendation ITU-T L.ICT and adaptation of agriculture Proposal for new Work Item Supplement on Best practices for Infrastructure Adaptation 2015-10-21 Editors Updated draft Supplement to ITU-T L.1500: Overview of climate change effects and possible impacts Q15/5 2015-10-20 ISO TC207/SC7 ISO TC207/SC7 GHG Management and Related Activities Q15/5 2015-10-20 Rapporteur Q15/5 Draft Supplement to ITU-T L.1500 series: Smart water management in cities - For agreement Q15/5 2015-10-20 Rapporteur Q15/5 Draft Supplement to ITU-T L.1500 series on Requirements for water sensing and early warning systems - For agreement Q15/5 2015-10-19 Associate Rapporteur Q15/5 Draft Recommendation ITU-T "Information and communication technologies for climate change adaptation in cities" Q15/5 2015-10-16 Rapporteur Q15/5 Progress Report of Question 15/5 since last SG5 Meeting in Kochi Q15/5 2015-10-09 Associate Rapporteur Q15/5 Q15/5 [ TD 1140GEN ] [ TD 1132GEN [ TD 1140GEN ] [ TD 1132GEN 2015-10-09 Rapporteur Q15/5 Draft Recommendation ITU-T L. Infrastructure Adaptation - Adapting information and communication technology infrastructure to the effects of climate Change (for Consent) Report of Q15/5 "ICTs and adaptation to the effects of climate change" - E-meeting (7 October 2015) 2015-10-02 Rapporteur Q15/5 Report of Q15/5 "ICTs and adaptation to the effects of climate change" - E-meeting (5 August 2015) Q15/5 [ TD 1230GEN ] [ TD 1227GEN ] [ TD 1226GEN ] [ TD 1208GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1193GEN ] [ TD 1141GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1140GEN ] [ TD 1132GEN ] Q16/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q19/5 Q15/5 Q15/5 Q15/5 [ TD 1130GEN ] [ TD 1101GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1082GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 1021GEN ] [ TD 999GEN ] [ TD 989GEN ] [ TD 988GEN ] [ TD 987GEN ] [ TD 986GEN ] [ TD 985GEN ] [ TD 984GEN ] [ TD 983GEN ] [ TD 982- ] [ TD 1130GEN ] [ TD 1101GEN ] ] [ TD 1130GEN ] [ TD 1101GEN ] [ TD 1082GEN ] 2015-10-02 Associate Rapporteur Q15/5 Report of Q15/5 "ICTs and adaptation to the effects of climate change" - E-meeting (9 September 2015) Q15/5 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q15/5 Draft Report of Question 15/5 (Geneva, 1223 October 2015) Q15/5 [ TD 1082GEN ] 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q15/5 Draft Agenda for Question 15/5 Q15/5 [ TD 1021GEN ] [ TD 1021GEN ] 2015-07-14 ITU-T SG2 Q15/5 [ TD 999GEN ] [ TD 989GEN ] [ TD 988GEN ] [ TD 987GEN ] [ TD 986GEN ] [ TD 985GEN ] [ TD 984GEN ] [ TD 983GEN ] [ TD 982- [ TD 999GEN ] [ TD 989GEN ] [ TD 988GEN ] [ TD 987GEN ] [ TD 986GEN ] [ TD 985GEN ] [ TD 984GEN ] [ TD 983GEN ] [ TD 982- 2015-07-10 Rapporteur Q15/5 LS/i/r on transfer of "How submarine repeaters equipped with scientific sensors can be used for climate monitoring and disaster risk detection" (reply to SG5-LS105) [from ITU-T SG2] Report of Q15/5 "ICTs and adaptation to the effects of climate change" - E-meeting (8 July 2015) 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q15/5 Q15/5 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q15/5 Report of Q15/5 "ICTs and adaptation to the effects of climate change" - Face to face Rapporteurs' meeting in conjunction with ETSI EE (Sophia Antipolis, 8-12 June 2015) Report of Q15/5 "ICTs and adaptation to the effects of climate change" - E-meeting (27 May 2015) 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q15/5 Report of Q15/5 "ICTs and adaptation to the effects of climate change" - E-meeting (6 May 2015) Q15/5 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q15/5 Report of Q15/5 "ICTs and adaptation to the effects of climate change" - E-meeting (22 April 2015) Q15/5 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q15/5 Report of Q15/5 "ICTs and adaptation to the effects of climate change" - E-meeting (18 March 2015) Q15/5 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q15/5 Report of Q15/5 "ICTs and adaptation to the effects of climate change" - E-meeting (17 March 2015) Q15/5 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q15/5 Report of Q15/5 "ICTs and adaptation to the effects of climate change" - E-meeting (25 February 2015) Q15/5 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q15/5 Report of Q15/5 "ICTs and adaptation to the effects of climate change" - E-meeting (3 Q15/5 Q15/5 Q15/5 GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] (Rev.14) GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] [ TD 1255GEN ] [ TD 1163GEN ] February 2015) 2015-10-22 Chairman WP3/5 Draft Report of Working Party 3/5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) [ TD 1255GEN ] [ TD 1163GEN ] 2015-10-21 Rapporteur Q18/5 Draft Supplement to ITU-T L.1600 series on Standardization gap analysis for smart water management - For agreement 2015-10-13 Chairman WP3/5 Revision of work programme (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) [ TD 1116GEN ] [ TD 1039GEN ] [ TD 1116GEN ] [ TD 1039GEN ] 2015-09-14 Acting Rapporteur Q20/5 Proposed text of new Q20/5, Q15/5 2015-07-16 ITU-D SG2 Q6/2 LS/i on ITU-D SG2 Q6/2 work for the 20142017 study period [from ITU-D SG2 Q6/2] [ TD 959GEN ] [ TD 959GEN ] [ TD 959GEN ] 2015-06-24 Chairman WP3/5 Draft agenda for Working Party 3/5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) [ TD 1171GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1129GEN ] [ TD 1171GEN ] [ TD 1129GEN ] [ TD 1128GEN ] [ TD 1127GEN [ TD 1171GEN ] [ TD 1129GEN ] [ TD 1128GEN ] [ TD 1127GEN 2015-10-14 Rapporteur Q16/5 A.5 justification information for draft new Recommendation ITU-T 2015-10-02 Rapporteur Q16/5 Edited Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.EcoRating Q16/5 2015-10-02 Rapporteur Q16/5 Discontinuation of WI on Emission Factors' databases Q16/5 2015-10-02 Rapporteur Q16/5 Possible Terms of Reference for Q16/5 Q16/5 [ TD 1255GEN ] [ TD 1163GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 1116GEN ] [ TD 1039GEN ] [ TD 1128GEN ] [ TD 1127GEN ] Q15/5, Q13/5, Q14/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q19/5, Q20/5 Q15/5, Q18/5 Q15/5, Q13/5, Q14/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q19/5, Q20/5 Q15/5, Q20/5 Q15/5, Q14/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q19/5 Q15/5, Q13/5, Q14/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q19/5 Q16/5 [ TD 1126GEN ] [ TD 1125GEN ] [ TD 1110GEN ] [ TD 1102GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1083GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1055GEN ] [ TD 974GEN ] [ TD 973GEN ] [ TD 972GEN ] [ TD 971GEN ] [ TD 970GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] (Rev.14) ] [ TD 1126GEN ] [ TD 1125GEN ] [ TD 1110GEN ] [ TD 1102GEN ] ] [ TD 1126GEN ] [ TD 1125GEN ] [ TD 1110GEN ] [ TD 1102GEN ] [ TD 1083GEN ] 2015-10-02 Rapporteur Q16/5 Progress Report of Q16/5 Q16/5 2015-10-02 Rapporteur Q16/5 Report of Q16/5 "Leveraging and enhancing the ICT environmental sustainability" - Emeeting (22 September 2015) Q16/5 2015-09-02 Rapporteur Q16/5 Report of Q16/5 "Leveraging and enhancing the ICT environmental sustainability" - Emeeting (29 July 2015) Q16/5 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q16/5 Draft Report of Question 16/5 (Geneva, 1223 October 2015) Q16/5 [ TD 1083GEN ] 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q16/5 Draft Agenda for Question 16/5 Q16/5 [ TD 1055GEN ] [ TD 974GEN ] [ TD 1055GEN ] [ TD 974GEN ] 2015-07-21 Rapporteur Q16/5 Report of Q16/5 "Leveraging and enhancing the ICT environmental sustainability" - Emeeting (8 July 2015) Q16/5 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q16/5 Q16/5 [ TD 973GEN ] [ TD 972GEN ] [ TD 971GEN ] [ TD 970GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] [ TD 973GEN ] [ TD 972GEN ] [ TD 971GEN ] [ TD 970GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q16/5 Report of Q16/5 "Leveraging and enhancing the ICT environmental sustainability" - Face to face Rapporteurs' meeting in conjunction with ETSI EE (Sophia Antipolis, 8-12 June 2015) Report of Q16/5 "Leveraging and enhancing the ICT environmental sustainability" - Emeeting (5 May 2015) 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q16/5 Report of Q16/5 "Leveraging and enhancing the ICT environmental sustainability" - Emeeting (21 April 2015) Q16/5 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q16/5 Report of Q16/5 "Leveraging and enhancing the ICT environmental sustainability" - Emeeting (24 March 2015) Q16/5 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q16/5 Q16/5 2015-10-22 Chairman WP3/5 Report of Q16/5 "Leveraging and enhancing the ICT environmental sustainability" - Face to face Rapporteurs' meeting (London, 13-15 January 2015) Draft Report of Working Party 3/5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) Q16/5 Q16/5, Q13/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q19/5, Q20/5 Q16/5, Q13/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q19/5, Q20/5 Q16/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q19/5 Q16/5, Q13/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q19/5 Q17/5 [ TD 1163GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 1163GEN ] [ TD 1163GEN ] 2015-10-13 Chairman WP3/5 Revision of work programme (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) [ TD 1039GEN ] [ TD 1039GEN ] [ TD 1039GEN ] 2015-07-16 ITU-D SG2 Q6/2 LS/i on ITU-D SG2 Q6/2 work for the 20142017 study period [from ITU-D SG2 Q6/2] [ TD 959GEN ] [ TD 959GEN ] [ TD 959GEN ] 2015-06-24 Chairman WP3/5 Draft agenda for Working Party 3/5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) [ TD 1280GEN ] [ TD 1280GEN ] [ TD 1245GEN ] [ TD 1236GEN ] [ TD 1235GEN ] [ TD 1229GEN ] [ TD 1221GEN ] [ TD 1220GEN ] [ TD 1280GEN ] [ TD 1245GEN ] [ TD 1236GEN ] [ TD 1235GEN ] [ TD 1229GEN ] [ TD 1221GEN ] [ TD 1220GEN ] 2015-10-22 Rapporteur Q17/5 A.5 justification information for draft new L.assDC 2015-10-20 Associate Rapporteur Q17/5 Updated draft of L.std t&t in EE Q17/5 2015-10-20 Editors Updated draft of Recommendation ITU-T L.net_infra_assessment Q17/5 2015-10-20 Editors Updated draft of Recommendation ITU-T L.EE-ARCH Q17/5 2015-10-20 Rapporteur Q17/5 Proposed new ITU-T Recommendation in the work programme: ICT SLQ Q17/5 2015-10-19 Rapporteur Q17/5 Draft LS/o on green ICT standards landscape questionnaire [to ITU-T Study Groups; ISO; IEC; IEEE; ETSI; CCSA] Q17/5 2015-10-19 Rapporteur Q17/5 Draft LS/o/r on ITU-D SG2 Q6/2 work for the 2014-2017 study period (reply to ITU-D Q6/2-SG2RGQ/78-E) [to ITU-D SG2] Q17/5 [ TD 1219- [ TD 1219- 2015-10-19 Rapporteur Q17/5 Draft LS/o/r on cooperation on energy management (reply to SG2-LS85) [to ITU-T Q17/5 [ TD 1245GEN ] [ TD 1236GEN ] [ TD 1235GEN ] [ TD 1229GEN ] [ TD 1221GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1220GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1219- GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1218GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1217GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1191GEN ] [ TD 1187GEN ] [ TD 1179GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1174GEN ] [ TD 1170GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1157GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1154GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1151GEN ] (Rev.15) [ TD 1149GEN ] [ TD 1134GEN ] GEN ] GEN ] SG2] [ TD 1218GEN ] [ TD 1218GEN ] 2015-10-19 Rapporteur Q17/5 Draft LS/o/r on SDN standardization activity roadmap (reply to JCA-SDN - LS 4 -E) [to JCA-SDN] Q17/5 [ TD 1217GEN ] [ TD 1217GEN ] 2015-10-19 Rapporteur Q17/5 Draft LS/o on eco-environmental activities (reply to ETSI TC ATTM-ETSI ATTM (15) 000022) [to ETSI TC ATTM] Q17/5 [ TD 1191GEN ] [ TD 1187GEN ] [ TD 1179GEN ] [ TD 1174GEN ] [ TD 1170GEN ] [ TD 1157GEN ] [ TD 1154GEN ] [ TD 1151GEN ] [ TD 1191GEN ] [ TD 1187GEN ] [ TD 1179GEN ] [ TD 1174GEN ] [ TD 1170GEN ] [ TD 1157GEN ] [ TD 1154GEN ] [ TD 1151GEN ] 2015-10-16 Rapporteur Q17/5 The first draft new Recommendation ITU-T L.green_mgm_DC Q17/5 2015-10-16 Rapporteur Q17/5 Proposed questionnaire on Green ICT standards landscape Q17/5 2015-10-15 Editor The fourth draft Recommendation ITU-T L.RBS_assesment - For consent Q17/5 2015-10-14 Rapporteur Q17/5 Proposed new ITU-T Recommendation in the work programme: L.mmNFV Q17/5 2015-10-14 Rapporteur Q17/5 Proposed new ITU-T Recommendation in the work programme: L.GAL Q17/5 2015-10-12 Rapporteur Q17/5 Proposed new ITU-T Recommendation in the work programme: L.mnee Q17/5 2015-10-12 Rapporteur Q17/5 Q17/5 2015-10-12 Rapporteur Q17/5 Updated draft Recommendation ITU-T L.ene ICT serv - "Assessment of Energy Consumption of Telecommunication Services" Updated draft of Recommendation ITU-T L.Assessment_DC [ TD 1149GEN ] [ TD 1134GEN ] [ TD 1149GEN ] [ TD 1134GEN ] 2015-10-12 Rapporteur Q17/5 Progress Report of Question 17/5 Q17/5 2015-10-05 Rapporteur Q17/5 Report of Q17/5 "Energy efficiency for the ICT sector and harmonization of environmental standards" - E-meeting (15 september 2015) Q17/5 Q17/5 [ TD 1111GEN ] [ TD 1103GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 1084GEN ] (Rev.16) [ TD 1054GEN ] [ TD 1042GEN ] [ TD 1022GEN ] [ TD 978GEN ] [ TD 977GEN ] [ TD 976GEN ] [ TD 975GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 1212GEN ] [ TD 1111GEN ] [ TD 1103GEN ] [ TD 1111GEN ] [ TD 1103GEN ] 2015-09-02 Rapporteur Q17/5 Q17/5 Rapporteur Q17/5 Report of Q17/5 "Energy efficiency for the ICT sector and harmonization of environmental standards" - E-meeting (11 August 2015) Draft Report of Question 17/5 (Geneva, 1223 October 2015) 2015-07-29 [ TD 1084GEN ] [ TD 1084GEN ] 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q17/5 Draft Agenda and Timetable for Question 17/5 Q17/5 [ TD 1054GEN ] [ TD 1042GEN ] [ TD 1022GEN ] [ TD 978GEN ] [ TD 1054GEN ] [ TD 1042GEN ] [ TD 1022GEN ] [ TD 978GEN ] 2015-07-21 ITU-T SG15 Q17/5 2015-07-17 ETSI TC ATTM LS/i on the latest version of the Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Overview and Work Plan [from ITU-T SG15] LS/i on Eco-environmental activities [from ETSI TC ATTM] 2015-07-14 ITU-T SG2 LS/i/r on cooperation on energy management (reply to SG5-LS115) [from ITU-T SG2] Q17/5 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q17/5 Q17/5 [ TD 977GEN ] [ TD 976GEN ] [ TD 975GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] [ TD 977GEN ] [ TD 976GEN ] [ TD 975GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q17/5 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q17/5 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q17/5 2015-10-22 Chairman WP3/5 Report of Q17/5 "Energy efficiency for the ICT sector and harmonization of environmental standards" - Face to face Rapporteurs' meeting in conjunction with ETSI EE (Sophia Antipolis, 8-12 June 2015) Report of Q17/5 "Energy efficiency for the ICT sector and harmonization of environmental standards" - E-meeting (14 April 2015) Report of Q17/5 "Energy efficiency for the ICT sector and harmonization of environmental standards" - E-meeting (17 March 2015) Report of Q17/5 "Energy efficiency for the ICT sector and harmonization of environmental standards" - E-meeting (11 February 2015) Draft Report of Working Party 3/5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) [ TD 1212GEN [ TD 1212GEN 2015-10-19 Rapporteurs Q17/5, Q19/5 Draft LS/o/r on new open work item in ETSI TC EE for ITU-T SG5 consideration (reply to ETSI TC EE - EE(15)048008 -E) [to ETSI Q17/5 Q17/5 Q17/5 Q17/5 Q17/5 Q17/5, Q13/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q18/5, Q19/5, Q20/5 Q17/5, Q19/5 (Rev.1) [ TD 1177GEN ] ] [ TD 1177GEN ] [ TD 1163GEN ] ] [ TD 1177GEN ] [ TD 1163GEN ] [ TD 1146GEN ] [ TD 1143GEN ] [ TD 1039GEN ] [ TD 959GEN ] TC EE] ITU Connect 2020 Agenda - Key issues to be discussed 2015-10-14 TSB, Rapporteur Q18/5 2015-10-13 Chairman WP3/5 Revision of work programme (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) [ TD 1146GEN ] [ TD 1143GEN ] [ TD 1039GEN ] 2015-10-12 TSB, Rapporteur Q18/5 Connect 2020 - Environmental Sustainability 2015-10-09 ETSI TC EE LS/i on New open WI in ETSI TC EE for ITU-T SG5 consideration [from ETSI TC EE] Q17/5, Q19/5 2015-07-16 ITU-D SG2 Q6/2 LS/i on ITU-D SG2 Q6/2 work for the 20142017 study period [from ITU-D SG2 Q6/2] [ TD 959GEN ] [ TD 959GEN ] 2015-06-24 Chairman WP3/5 Draft agenda for Working Party 3/5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) [ TD 1282GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1225GEN ] [ TD 1282GEN ] [ TD 1225GEN ] [ TD 1282GEN ] [ TD 1225GEN ] 2015-10-22 Rapporteur Q18/5 Results of Connect 2020 Q18/5 Q17/5 Q13/5 session held on 15 October 2015 Q17/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q18/5, Q19/5 Q17/5, Q13/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q18/5, Q19/5 Q18/5 2015-10-20 Rapporteur Q18/5 Q18/5 [ TD 1224GEN ] [ TD 1224GEN ] [ TD 1214GEN ] [ TD 1206GEN [ TD 1224GEN ] [ TD 1214GEN ] [ TD 1206GEN 2015-10-20 Rapporteur Q18/5 2015-10-19 Rapporteur Q18/5 Supplement to ITU-T L.1410 (12/14) - Case Study: a hybrid approach based comparative analysis of the environmental impact of a baseline data centre and an energy-efficient data centre - For agreement Proposal of a new work item: Supplement to ITU-T L.1410 (12/14) - Case study: a hybrid approach based comparative analysis on data centres Draft Supplement to ITU-T L.1600 series: Smart sustainable cities: An analysis of definitions 2015-10-19 Rapporteur Q18/5 Draft Supplement to ITU-T L.1600 series: key performance indicators definitions for smart sustainable cities for agreement Q18/5 [ TD 1163GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 1146GEN ] [ TD 1143GEN ] [ TD 1039GEN ] [ TD 1214GEN ] [ TD 1206GEN ] Q17/5, Q13/5, Q18/5 Q17/5, Q13/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q18/5, Q19/5, Q20/5 Q17/5, Q13/5, Q18/5 Q18/5 Q18/5 [ TD 1192GEN ] (Rev.1) ] [ TD 1192GEN ] ] [ TD 1192GEN ] [ TD 1190GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1190GEN ] [ TD 1189GEN ] 2015-10-16 Rapporteur Q18/5 [ TD 1190GEN ] 2015-10-16 Rapporteur Q18/5 [ TD 1189GEN ] [ TD 1188GEN ] [ TD 1189GEN ] [ TD 1188GEN ] 2015-10-16 Rapporteur Q18/5 2015-10-16 [ TD 1186GEN ] [ TD 1186GEN ] [ TD 1186GEN ] 2015-10-16 [ TD 1185GEN ] [ TD 1185GEN ] [ TD 1185GEN ] 2015-10-16 [ TD 1183GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1183GEN ] [ TD 1183GEN ] 2015-10-15 [ TD 1182GEN ] [ TD 1182GEN ] [ TD 1182GEN ] 2015-10-15 [ TD 1181GEN ] [ TD 1181GEN ] [ TD 1181GEN ] 2015-10-15 [ TD 1150GEN ] [ TD 1150GEN ] [ TD 1121GEN ] [ TD [ TD 1150GEN ] [ TD 1121GEN ] [ TD 2015-10-12 Vicechairman ITU-T FGSSC and SG20 Vicechairman ITU-T FGSSC and SG20 Vicechairman ITU-T FGSSC and SG20 Vicechairman ITU-T FGSSC and SG20 Vicechairman ITU-T FGSSC and SG20 Vicechairman ITU-T FGSSC and SG20 Rapporteur Q18/5 [ TD 1188GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1121GEN ] [ TD Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.KPIs-SSCimpact - Key performance indicators related to the sustainability impacts of information and communication technology in smart sustainable cities - For consent Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.KPIs-SSCICT - Key performance indicators related to the use of information and communication technology in smart sustainable cities - For consent Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.KPIs-SSCoverview - Overview of key performance indicators in smart sustainable cities - For consent Draft Supplement to ITU-T L.1600 series: revised definition for smart sustainable city For agreement Q18/5 A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-UNECE KPIs Q18/5 Baseline text for draft Recommendation on Key performance indicators for smart sustainable cities Q18/5 A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T L.KPIs-overview Q18/5 A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T L.KPIs-impact Q18/5 A.1 justification for proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T L.KPIs-ICT Q18/5 Progress Report of Question 18/5 since last SG5 Meeting in Kochi Q18/5 Q18/5 Q18/5 Q18/5 2015-09-23 Rapporteur Q18/5 Report of Q18/5 "Methodologies for the assessment of environmental impact of ICT" - E-meeting (16 September 2015) Q18/5 2015-09-03 Editor Draft new Recommendation ITU-T L.1440 - Q18/5 1112GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1104GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1085GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 991GEN ] 1112GEN ] 1112GEN ] [ TD 1104GEN ] [ TD 1104GEN ] 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q18/5 Draft Report of Question 18/5 (Geneva, 1223 October 2015) Q18/5 [ TD 1085GEN ] [ TD 1085GEN ] 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q18/5 Draft Agenda and Timetable for Question 18/5 Q18/5 [ TD 991GEN ] [ TD 991GEN ] 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q18/5 Q18/5 [ TD 990GEN ] [ TD 990GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] [ TD 990GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q18/5 2015-10-22 Chairman WP3/5 Report of Q18/5 "Methodologies for the assessment of environmental impact of ICT" - Face to face Rapporteurs' meeting in conjunction with ETSI EE (Sophia Antipolis, 8-12 June 2015) Report of Q18/5 "Methodologies for the assessment of environmental impact of ICT" - Face to face Rapporteurs' meeting (Stockholm, 22-24 April 2015) Draft Report of Working Party 3/5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) [ TD 1255GEN ] [ TD 1177GEN ] [ TD 1163GEN ] [ TD 1255GEN ] [ TD 1177GEN ] [ TD 1163GEN ] 2015-10-21 Rapporteur Q18/5 Draft Supplement to ITU-T L.1600 series on Standardization gap analysis for smart water management - For agreement 2015-10-14 TSB, Rapporteur Q18/5 ITU Connect 2020 Agenda - Key issues to be discussed Q18/5, Q13/5, Q17/5 2015-10-13 Chairman WP3/5 Revision of work programme (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) [ TD 1146GEN ] [ TD 1039GEN [ TD 1146GEN ] [ TD 1039GEN 2015-10-12 TSB, Rapporteur Q18/5 Connect 2020 - Environmental Sustainability Q18/5, Q13/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q19/5, Q20/5 Q18/5, Q13/5, Q17/5 2015-07-16 ITU-D SG2 Q6/2 LS/i on ITU-D SG2 Q6/2 work for the 20142017 study period [from ITU-D SG2 Q6/2] [ TD 1281GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 1255GEN ] [ TD 1177GEN ] [ TD 1163GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 1146GEN ] [ TD 1039GEN ] For Approval Q18/5 Q18/5, Q13/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q19/5, Q20/5 Q18/5, Q15/5 Q18/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, ] ] [ TD 959GEN ] [ TD 959GEN ] [ TD 959GEN ] 2015-06-24 Chairman WP3/5 Draft agenda for Working Party 3/5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) [ TD 1264GEN ] [ TD 1264GEN ] [ TD 1247GEN ] [ TD 1264GEN ] [ TD 1247GEN ] 2015-10-21 Rapporteur Q19/5 Latest draft of L.renewable resulting of Q19/5 and ETSI EE2 joint work 2015-10-21 Rapporteur Q19/5 Draft LS/o on ITU-T SG5 Recommendation on up to 400VDC [to IEC SEG4] Q19/5 [ TD 1239GEN ] [ TD 1238GEN ] [ TD 1237GEN ] [ TD 1204GEN ] [ TD 1203GEN ] [ TD 1202GEN ] [ TD 1159GEN ] [ TD 1239GEN ] [ TD 1238GEN ] [ TD 1237GEN ] [ TD 1204GEN ] [ TD 1203GEN ] [ TD 1202GEN ] [ TD 1159GEN ] 2015-10-20 Rapporteur Q19/5 Proposed new ITU-T Recommendation in the work programme: L.ENST3supercap Q19/5 2015-10-20 Rapporteur Q19/5 Proposed new ITU-T Recommendation in the work programme: L.ENST2battery Q19/5 2015-10-20 Rapporteur Q19/5 Proposed new ITU-T Recommendation in the work programme: L.ENST1overview Q19/5 2015-10-19 Rapporteur Q19/5 Proposal for a new WI: New energy storage technology for stationary use - Part 3 Supercapacitor technology Q19/5 2015-10-19 Rapporteur Q19/5 Q19/5 2015-10-19 Rapporteur Q19/5 2015-10-13 Rapporteur Q19/5 [ TD 1148GEN ] [ TD [ TD 1148GEN ] [ TD 2015-10-12 Rapporteur Q19/5 Proposal for a new work item L.ENST2battery: Innovative energy storage technology for stationary use - Part 2 New battery technology Proposal for a new work item L.ENST1overview: Innovative energy storage systems technology for stationary use - Part 1 Overview of energy storage Latest draft of Recommendation ITU-T L.DCmarking resulting of Q19/5 and ETSI EE2 joint work Latest draft of Recommendation ITU-T L.DCmarking resulting of Q19/5 16-18 October 2015 edition work Progress report of Question 19/5 2015-10-02 Rapporteur Report of Q19/5 "Power feeding systems" - Q19/5 [ TD 1247GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1239GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1238GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1237GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1204GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1203GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1202GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1159GEN ] (Rev.15) [ TD 1148GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD Q16/5, Q17/5, Q19/5 Q18/5, Q13/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q19/5 Q19/5 Q19/5 Q19/5 Q19/5 1133GEN ] Q19/5 E-meeting (28 September 2015) 2015-09-16 Rapporteur Q19/5 Report of Q19/5 "Power feeding systems" E-meeting (24 August 2015) Q19/5 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q19/5 Draft Report of Question 19/5 (Geneva, 1223 October 2015) Q19/5 [ TD 1086GEN ] 2015-07-29 Rapporteur Q19/5 Draft Agenda for Question 19/5 Q19/5 [ TD 993GEN ] [ TD 981GEN ] [ TD 980GEN ] [ TD 979GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] [ TD 993GEN ] [ TD 981GEN ] [ TD 980GEN ] [ TD 979GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q19/5 Q19/5 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q19/5 Report of Q19/5 "Power feeding systems" Face to face Rapporteurs' meeting in conjunction with ETSI EE (Sophia Antipolis, 8-12 June 2015) Report of Q19/5 "Power feeding systems" E-meeting (15 May 2015) 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q19/5 Report of Q19/5 "Power feeding systems" E-meeting (16 April 2015) Q19/5 2015-07-06 Rapporteur Q19/5 Report of Q19/5 "Power feeding systems" E-meeting (13 February 2015) Q19/5 2015-10-22 Chairman WP3/5 Draft Report of Working Party 3/5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) [ TD 1212GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1163GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 1212GEN ] [ TD 1163GEN ] [ TD 1212GEN ] [ TD 1163GEN ] 2015-10-19 Rapporteurs Q17/5, Q19/5 2015-10-13 Chairman WP3/5 Draft LS/o/r on new open work item in ETSI TC EE for ITU-T SG5 consideration (reply to ETSI TC EE - EE(15)048008 -E) [to ETSI TC EE] Revision of work programme (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) Q19/5, Q13/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q20/5 Q19/5, Q17/5 [ TD [ TD [ TD 2015-10-09 ETSI TC EE [ TD 1117GEN ] [ TD 1105GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 1086GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 993GEN ] [ TD 981GEN ] [ TD 980GEN ] [ TD 979GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] (Rev.14) 1133GEN ] [ TD 1117GEN ] [ TD 1105GEN ] 1133GEN ] [ TD 1117GEN ] [ TD 1105GEN ] [ TD 1086GEN ] LS/i on New open WI in ETSI TC EE for Q19/5 Q19/5, Q13/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q20/5 Q19/5, 1143GEN ] 1143GEN ] [ TD 1039GEN ] 1143GEN ] [ TD 1039GEN ] [ TD 959GEN ] [ TD 959GEN ] [ TD 1233GEN ] [ TD 1039GEN ] ITU-T SG5 consideration [from ETSI TC EE] Q17/5 Q19/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q18/5 Q19/5, Q13/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q18/5 Q20/5 2015-07-16 ITU-D SG2 Q6/2 LS/i on ITU-D SG2 Q6/2 work for the 20142017 study period [from ITU-D SG2 Q6/2] [ TD 959GEN ] 2015-06-24 Chairman WP3/5 Draft agenda for Working Party 3/5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) [ TD 1233GEN ] [ TD 1232GEN ] 2015-10-20 Chairman SG5 Draft LS/o on deletion of Q20/5 and collaboration with ITU-T SG20 [to ITU-T SG20; TSAG] [ TD 1232GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1233GEN ] [ TD 1232GEN ] 2015-10-20 Chairman SG5 Q20/5 [ TD 1106GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1106GEN ] [ TD 1106GEN ] 2015-07-29 [ TD 1087GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1041GEN ] [ TD 1087GEN ] [ TD 1041GEN ] [ TD 1035GEN ] [ TD 1020GEN ] [ TD 1019GEN ] [ TD 992GEN ] [ TD 1087GEN ] [ TD 1041GEN ] [ TD 1035GEN ] [ TD 1020GEN ] [ TD 1019GEN ] [ TD 992GEN ] 2015-07-29 Chairman SG5 and Acting Rapporteur Q20/5 Acting Rapporteur Q20/5 Draft LS/o/r on the invitation for Joint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things (JCA-IoT) to participate in IoT-GSI as a core Question (reply to JCA-IOT-JCA-IoT-O-42) [to JCA-IOT] Draft Report of Question 20/5 (Geneva, 1223 October 2015) Draft Agenda for Question 20/5 Q20/5 [ TD 1035GEN ] [ TD 1020GEN ] [ TD 1019GEN ] [ TD 992GEN ] Q20/5 2015-07-17 OneM2M TP LS/i/r on security framework for Internet of Things [from oneM2M to ITU-T SG17] Q20/5 2015-07-17 JCA-IoT LS/i on request Question 20/5 to join IoTGSI to progress IoT standardization in ITU-T [from JCA-IoT] Q20/5 2015-07-14 ITU-T FGSSC LS/i/r on Activities of the Focus Group on Smart Sustainable Cities (reply to ITU-T SG5 - LS 116) [from ITU-T FG-SSC] Q20/5 2015-07-14 ITU-T FGSSC LS/i on Activities of the Focus Group on Smart Sustainable Cities [from ITU-T FGSSC] Q20/5 2015-07-06 Acting Rapporteur 20/5 Report of the first face to face Rapporteurs' meeting of Q20/5 "Smart Sustainable Cities and Communities (SSCC)" - (Abu Dhabi, 6-7 May 2015) Q20/5 [ TD 1281GEN ] (Rev.14) [ TD 1281GEN ] [ TD 1281GEN ] 2015-10-22 Chairman WP3/5 Draft Report of Working Party 3/5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) [ TD 1163GEN ] (Rev.13) [ TD 1163GEN ] [ TD 1163GEN ] 2015-10-13 Chairman WP3/5 Revision of work programme (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) (TD posted after the SG5 closing plenary) [ TD 1116GEN ] [ TD 1116GEN ] [ TD 1289GEN ] [ TD 1287GEN ] [ TD 1116GEN ] [ TD 1289GEN ] [ TD 1287GEN ] 2015-09-14 Acting Rapporteur Q20/5 Proposed text of new Q20/5, Q15/5 2015-10-23 SG5 RGAFR Report of SG5 RG-AFR meeting (Geneva, 21 October 2015) QALL/5 2015-10-23 Chairman SG5 QALL/5 [ TD 1285GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1263GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1285GEN ] [ TD 1285GEN ] 2015-10-23 TSB Draft LS/o/r on approval of SG11 Guidelines on "Testing Laboratories recognition procedure" (ex. Q.TL-rec-pro) and first meeting of ITU-T CASC (reply to SG11LS83R1) [to SG11] Results of the meeting of Study Group 5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) - Posted after SG5 Plenary [ TD 1263GEN ] [ TD 1263GEN ] 2015-10-21 Chairman SG5 QALL/5 [ TD 1261GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1259GEN ] [ TD 1261GEN ] [ TD 1259GEN ] [ TD 1241GEN ] [ TD 1261GEN ] [ TD 1259GEN ] [ TD 1241GEN ] 2015-10-21 Chairman SG5 2015-10-21 Chairman SG5 Draft LS/o/r on ITU-T SG5 comments and points of clarifications on Draft Recommendation L.1002 [reply to IEC TC 100 TA14 - 100/AGM(Secr.)/1248] (to IEC TC 100) Draft LS/o/r on Invitation to update the information in the cloud computing standards roadmap [reply to SG13-LS92] (to ITU-T SG13) Draft LS/o/r on material on ITU inter-Sector coordination of mutual interest (reply to TSAG-LS10) [to TSAG] 2015-10-20 Final Report on the activities of the JCA on ICT and Climate Change QALL/5 [ TD 1240- [ TD 1240- 2015-10-20 Chairman and CoChairman, JCAICT&CC Chairman SG5 Draft LS/o on Announcement of closure of JCA ICT&CC [to TSAG; All ITU-T Study QALL/5 [ TD 1289GEN ] [ TD 1287GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1241GEN ] [ TD 1240- Q20/5, Q13/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q19/5 Q20/5, Q13/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q19/5 Q20/5, Q15/5 QALL/5 QALL/5 QALL/5 GEN ] [ TD 1231GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1207GEN ] [ TD 1201GEN ] [ TD 1195GEN ] [ TD 1194GEN ] [ TD 1153GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1152GEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 1147GEN ] [ TD 1145GEN ] [ TD 1138GEN ] (Rev.12) [ TD 1137GEN ] [ TD 1136GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 1231GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 1231GEN ] [ TD 1207GEN ] [ TD 1201GEN ] Groups] 2015-10-20 Chairman SG5 Draft LS/o/r on ITU inter-sector coordination (reply to TSAG-LS13) [to TSAG] QALL/5 [ TD 1207GEN ] [ TD 1201GEN ] 2015-10-19 Chairman SG5 Introductory presentation and Chairman's remarks QALL/5 2015-10-18 Report onf the Seventeenth and Final Meeting of JCA on ICT and Climate Change QALL/5 [ TD 1195GEN ] [ TD 1194GEN ] [ TD 1153GEN ] [ TD 1195GEN ] [ TD 1194GEN ] [ TD 1153GEN ] 2015-10-16 Chairman and CoChairman, JCAICT&CC TSB List of participants - ITU-T Connect 2020 (15 October 2015) QALL/5 2015-10-16 TSB List of participants - Joint Coordination Activity on ICT & Climate Change (JCAICT&CC) - (14 October 2015) QALL/5 2015-10-12 TSB List of Representatives and other roles QALL/5 [ TD 1152GEN ] [ TD 1147GEN ] [ TD 1145GEN ] [ TD 1138GEN ] [ TD 1152GEN ] [ TD 1147GEN ] [ TD 1145GEN ] [ TD 1138GEN ] 2015-10-12 TSB List of Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs QALL/5 2015-10-12 Chairman SG5 RGAFR Report of SG5 RG-AFR meeting (Dakar, 2627 March 2015) QALL/5 2015-10-12 Chairmen JCAICT&CC Presentation on the review of the JCA on ICT and Climate Change QALL/5 2015-10-08 TSB List of participants: ITU-T SG5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) QALL/5 [ TD 1137GEN ] [ TD 1136GEN ] [ TD 1137GEN ] [ TD 1136GEN ] 2015-10-07 TSB List of Contributions to the Study Group 5 meeting (12-23 October 2015) QALL/5 2015-10-07 Chairmen JCAICT&CC Review of the JCA on ICT and climate change (JCA-ICT&CC) QALL/5 [ TD 1109GEN ] [ TD 1108GEN ] [ TD 1107GEN ] [ TD 1068GEN ] [ TD 1067GEN ] [ TD 1064GEN ] [ TD 1063GEN ] [ TD 1062GEN ] [ TD 1061GEN ] [ TD 1060GEN ] [ TD 1059GEN ] [ TD 1058GEN ] [ TD 1057GEN ] [ TD 1056- [ TD 1109GEN ] [ TD 1108GEN ] [ TD 1107GEN ] [ TD 1068GEN ] [ TD 1067GEN ] [ TD 1064GEN ] [ TD 1063GEN ] [ TD 1062GEN ] [ TD 1061GEN ] [ TD 1060GEN ] [ TD 1059GEN ] [ TD 1058GEN ] [ TD 1057GEN ] [ TD 1056- [ TD 1109GEN ] [ TD 1108GEN ] [ TD 1107GEN ] [ TD 1068GEN ] [ TD 1067GEN ] [ TD 1064GEN ] [ TD 1063GEN ] [ TD 1062GEN ] [ TD 1061GEN ] [ TD 1060GEN ] [ TD 1059GEN ] [ TD 1058GEN ] [ TD 1057GEN ] [ TD 1056- 2015-07-30 ITU-T SG13 LS/i to SG20 on the transfer of IoT related work from SG13 [from ITU-T SG13] QALL/5 2015-07-30 WP1/13 LS/i about ongoing ITU-T Q1/13 work on WPT (Wireless Power Transfer) Service [from WP1/13] QALL/5 2015-07-30 Chairman FG-SWM LS/i on Activities of the Focus Group on Smart Water Management [from FG-SWM] QALL/5 2015-07-23 TSB Newcomers' welcome pack for ITU-T SG5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) QALL/5 2015-07-23 TSB Responses following Circular 141 on "Questionnaire on Best practices on E-waste management" QALL/5 2015-07-23 TSB QALL/5 2015-07-23 TSB Responses following Circular 126 on "Questionnaire on policy, regulatory and standardization needs in the Asia Pacific region" ITU-T Contributions tutorial 2015-07-23 TSB Updated information on ITU 150th anniversary activities QALL/5 2015-07-23 TSB Director QALL/5 2015-07-22 Chairman FG-SWM Preliminary analysis for qualification of UL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.) according to Recommendations ITU-T A.4 and ITU-T A.5 Technical report on: "Smart water management - Global initiatives and key stakeholders" 2015-07-22 Chairman FG-SWM Technical report on: "Standardization gap analysis for smart water management" QALL/5 2015-07-22 Chairman FG-SWM Technical report on: "Requirements for water sensing and early warning systems" QALL/5 2015-07-22 Chairman FG-SWM Technical report on: "The role of ICTs in water resource management" QALL/5 2015-07-21 TSB New version of the Guidelines for Implementation of the Common Patent QALL/5 QALL/5 QALL/5 GEN ] [ TD 1046GEN ] [ TD 1044GEN ] [ TD 1040GEN ] [ TD 1033GEN ] [ TD 1032GEN ] [ TD 1031GEN ] [ TD 1030GEN ] [ TD 1029GEN ] [ TD 1028GEN ] [ TD 1026GEN ] [ TD 1025GEN ] [ TD 1024GEN ] [ TD 1016GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 1046GEN ] [ TD 1044GEN ] [ TD 1040GEN ] [ TD 1033GEN ] [ TD 1032GEN ] [ TD 1031GEN ] [ TD 1030GEN ] [ TD 1029GEN ] [ TD 1028GEN ] [ TD 1026GEN ] [ TD 1025GEN ] [ TD 1024GEN ] [ TD 1016GEN ] GEN ] [ TD 1046GEN ] [ TD 1044GEN ] [ TD 1040GEN ] [ TD 1033GEN ] [ TD 1032GEN ] [ TD 1031GEN ] [ TD 1030GEN ] [ TD 1029GEN ] [ TD 1028GEN ] [ TD 1026GEN ] [ TD 1025GEN ] [ TD 1024GEN ] [ TD 1016GEN ] Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC 2015-07-17 TSAG LS/i on ITU inter-sector coordination [from TSAG] QALL/5 2015-07-17 ITU-T RevCom LS/i on monitoring of study group activities [from ITU-T RevCom] QALL/5 2015-07-16 ITU-T SG9 LS/i on WTSA Resolution 80 pilot implementation in SG9 [from ITU-T SG9] QALL/5 2015-07-16 ITU-T FGSSC QALL/5 2015-07-16 ITU-T FGSSC LS/i on Final Deliverables of the Focus Group on Smart Sustainable Cities (FG-SSC) and Proposal of a New Study Group [from ITU-T FG-SSC] LS/i/r on information about the progress of IoT related activities by ITU-T IoT-GSI (reply to JCA-IoT-LS 24) [from FG-SSC] 2015-07-15 ITU-T SG13 LS/i on Establishment of a new Focus Group "IMT-2020" [from ITU-T SG13] QALL/5 2015-07-15 ITU-T SG13 LS/i on Invitation to update the information in the cloud computing standards roadmap [from ITU-T SG13] QALL/5 2015-07-15 ITU-T SG11 QALL/5 2015-07-14 ITU-T JCAIoT LS/i on approval of SG11 Guidelines on "Testing Laboratories recognition procedure" (ex. Q.TL-rec-pro) and first meeting of ITUT CASC [from ITU-T SG11] LS/i on Information about the progress of IoT related activities by ITU-T IoT-GSI [from ITU-T JCA-IoT] 2015-07-14 TSAG management team LS/i on Candidate topics on working methods for ITU inter-Sector coordination [from TSAG management team] QALL/5 2015-07-14 TSAG management team LS/i on material on ITU inter-Sector coordination of mutual interest [from TSAG management team] QALL/5 2015-07-14 ITU-T SG2 LS/i on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan [from ITU-T SG 2] QALL/5 2015-07-14 JCA-SDN LS/i on SDN standardization activity roadmap [from JCA-SDN] QALL/5 QALL/5 QALL/5 [ TD 1015GEN ] [ TD 1014GEN ] [ TD 1013GEN ] [ TD 1012GEN ] [ TD 1011GEN ] [ TD 1010GEN ] [ TD 1009GEN ] [ TD 1008GEN ] [ TD 1007GEN ] [ TD 1006GEN ] [ TD 1005GEN ] [ TD 1004GEN ] [ TD 1003GEN ] [ TD [ TD 1015GEN ] [ TD 1014GEN ] [ TD 1013GEN ] [ TD 1015GEN ] [ TD 1014GEN ] [ TD 1013GEN ] 2015-07-09 Chairman FG-SSC Technical report on: "Setting the stage for stakeholders' engagement in smart sustainable cities" QALL/5 2015-07-09 Chairman FG-SSC Technical report on: "Key performance indicators definitions for smart sustainable cities" QALL/5 2015-07-09 Chairman FG-SSC QALL/5 [ TD 1012GEN ] [ TD 1011GEN ] [ TD 1010GEN ] [ TD 1009GEN ] [ TD 1008GEN ] [ TD 1007GEN ] [ TD 1006GEN ] [ TD 1005GEN ] [ TD 1004GEN ] [ TD 1003GEN ] [ TD [ TD 1012GEN ] [ TD 1011GEN ] [ TD 1010GEN ] [ TD 1009GEN ] [ TD 1008GEN ] [ TD 1007GEN ] [ TD 1006GEN ] [ TD 1005GEN ] [ TD 1004GEN ] [ TD 1003GEN ] [ TD 2015-07-09 Chairman FG-SSC 2015-07-09 Chairman FG-SSC Technical specifications on: "Key performance indicators related to the sustainability impacts of information and communication technology in smart sustainable cities" Technical specifications on: "Key performance indicators related to the use of information and communication technology in smart sustainable cities" Technical report on: "Standardization activities for smart sustainable cities" 2015-07-09 Chairman FG-SSC Technical report on: "Standardization roadmap for smart sustainable cities" QALL/5 2015-07-09 Chairman FG-SSC Technical report on: "Anonymization infrastructure and open data in smart sustainable cities" QALL/5 2015-07-09 Chairman FG-SSC Technical report on: "Integrated management for smart sustainable cities" QALL/5 2015-07-09 Chairman FG-SSC Technical report on: "Information and communication technologies for climate change adaptation in cities" QALL/5 2015-07-09 Chairman FG-SSC Technical report on: "Intelligent sustainable buildings for smart sustainable cities" QALL/5 2015-07-09 Chairman FG-SSC Technical report on: "Cybersecurity, data protection and cyber resilience in smart sustainable cities" QALL/5 2015-07-09 Chairman FG-SSC Technical specifications on: " Multi-service infrastructure for smart sustainable cities in new-development areas " QALL/5 2015-07-09 Chairman FG-SSC Technical specifications on: "Setting the framework for an ICT architecture of a smart sustainable city" QALL/5 2015-07-09 Chairman Technical report on: "Overview of smart QALL/5 QALL/5 QALL/5 1002GEN ] [ TD 1001GEN ] [ TD 1000GEN ] [ TD 994GEN ] (Rev.16) [ TD 956GEN ] (Rev.15) [ TD 955GEN ] (Rev.123) 1002GEN ] [ TD 1001GEN ] [ TD 1000GEN ] [ TD 994GEN ] 1002GEN ] [ TD 1001GEN ] [ TD 1000GEN ] [ TD 994GEN ] FG-SSC sustainable cities infrastructure" 2015-07-09 Chairman FG-SSC Technical report on: "Master plan for smart sustainable cities" QALL/5 2015-07-09 Chairman FG-SSC Technical report on: "Smart sustainable cities: a guide for city leaders" QALL/5 2015-07-10 TSB ITU-T Study Group 5 Incoming/Outgoing Liaison Statements QALL/5 [ TD 956GEN ] [ TD 956GEN ] 2015-06-24 TSB Draft agenda for the meeting of Study Group 5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) QALL/5 [ TD 955GEN ] [ TD 955GEN ] 2015-06-24 TSB Draft timetable for the meetings of Study Group 5 QALL/5